Newspaper Page Text
OUAI.ANTFE Your Monev Ha4k || Y.-aj Want It. - Catamm t I^ltorli .#*... ftxibunt WEATHER Probable ?now to-day; fair to-mn?a row, moderate Southeast winds. /?'?'I U'pvrX u* I'ttj? I ? First to Last ? the Truth : News - Editorials - Advertisements I.W> 'J.VJs:.. |< 4?t?rlstil IPIS? iii.- i rtbwM *.?? n I SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1916? I '! a*** ( IVF ? 'I'VT ,n N"' ?',,l * '.'I? ? la.*? I .?? H.I...U. >??? lurk III?. N??.-rla. Jar??-? I llf, frJ??-afi?r? T?o 4 ?at?. Jernstorff Fails to Meet Full Lusitania Demands DEFENCE GAINS HURT WILSON'S HOLD ON PARTY Converts to Plan Lose Confidence in His Leadership. DEMOCRATS TALK OF OPEN REVOLT Leaders Restive at 'Appeal to People'?Want Pres? sure on Insurgents. ITANLET FROST. f?l -. I Fro.'.dvr.t Wll? - ? ?-ton to-day stronger ? .- oa ary of the la ' - - rr.fy. Me prepared at proved that bs li ? '.hat that ? bas "gone to th? ? ?s now ? rropramme ? t will OS by ? - ral isbl? . ..-ness Pr0" I h-.A the .... . - ?'resident face? I ? frontsd bin. ?d or , .. ?any; a; the i railing Is* .. , ? ? slarly ; | u rt on the M ib litasl ? ? ? . ? ? . hr.d the Phil? i formal? : ? ' luv? their sue I | .. r, ' OOl Revolt Brewing Is < ? grsas 9? fad ilden. tha I a? I?emorrat on ' ? The n i? r.ot -.,-. ... .. , a-, ' lura s - .- ?' , . ' - th? -, , but ' ?? . iil nation *? . telegrams ? ? ? ; Borla , and . ? ? ? ? ? ?m " '? a petitioni i hers frankly The ' "??' v'-' : nion ' . ??SI . ? . ? ? . | ? ? ?neb r< thai , . ?: ??'? th? ? ?e ar 2?;,- th I.:mi ii, tha ms ?-ill '''???id-nt i-, I ontinue Appeal. ' '? ? ??lanninfl; - preset \ i sli -. of aj. '' ?' Ri ha? rome raged bj tbs result? ? ??ii condition '? .- planned to - r? are In have ; wagon too ? party as a re, as the ... '"' ?>* ? to the i rogn ?5->? it is ?in?.mor? ai n ire ? pHrty lsnue, ? to the dtssd*/an ? . campaign. vori '?' ' '? ? - even now ?' -, f, for he cannot , record . blicat. aid. . ?arty. iki n| ? tha one irgi j stand. . non . a ? thai . ? I ? i ? ? and t("'l'"""l ".. pmme ? mliuno 2 9 More German Raiders to Prey on Stray Ships a Louise Riley, f,<r whom the Appatn1 Gertnan rommander itt ; - i de no-milk rule, and her mother. The Gei - hoaa pr i a crew brought the Appam late ' is but one of a flei t <..?" alaren fast ? ?i equipped lo prey or, ing, according to pasf.e?igi*rr* from 11 . . il la.?t tha Old Dominion liner .tef Thtfe ihipi were i.tted out i;* Kiel ?? through tl ?? Brit -.h bkckade ? boats, Ta o of thes>e boa'.*? arc- already at '.arire vn the neas Mid have been lot king- foi ? .?.ew Year'!? Da?, the pasi*r.gers Mr?, v. ? Fallar, ad?e o? the Gtitr ernor of the Leeward I?'.and?. who was accompanying her husband on a ? ? ? v.i r.??!.?*. confirmed these at? rlai nformation i n ia .1 aha had re : ? ? a of the Ger? man sailor?. '1 apabla of from fifteen to twentj knots, ? ? and more of then may already have escaped ? ocean. Thee wero In .reality swif; Ctrnlaera built r ? . - merchant mei. ? . iat the c a i g > ships. All agreed, however, thai the . . ? the A ppa area well armed Weary of war, 101 diagruated trav e.ler-? arhe eace l.eiieveil they vere /.and or. the Appam found themielvei m New York lait Light. . |?t thi Appam'? original par-nnn - i-r? ar rj >?"*'?*? .? of six other ihips that fell vietimi <.f the ri ? - ? " re crew brought the Appam ir t.. Notrf? - '?'he -a*.-." !??? kept at the MeAlpin ?tul Endicott hot u til they f m.tinuail nn i>i?s? 4 iiiliimn I HE TASTES HIS WAY ON TRAIL OF HERRINGS Rubbed Dealer Hunt?, a Barrel 01 Pedigreed Fish. Eve? a hen g taatu ieithal Hai Lieutenant Brindle un ? .. . ntoB ?? ? ? i i tat ? door t night and ad ? a mi1..? ?' ben g at "?2 Hesti.? "My pi . bam ? ( ei rings," gasp? lealer. "Thej i - ai "H"? i h' v . policeman. "Ynu can't recovar them,, entlfli d." i: che? k diaagraed, ?' are pr i-o herring ?,' ' ? ta ned. "They are different Their head is * -? . blueflsh'i They nr. MTV ...ii! 1 ran tell them . . ? | ? -..a*.. Summer." , the belt ?aher ? squad laii utonant Brii reitl thi - -1 dealer. Ai u !at<- ' . ? ing th? fruil i: . " cl ,: ftj barrel? herring on tl f hi? com I th? i moky, pan? gan! ? if 1 tnpoi *i"i ? and. i -n.,1 ager ml "'*?'. ? id him, ?"'le f \ .at i worth a littli ?heck 'Ai'.? holding out ivhon aoma on?? i ? rhole'barrel. STOLE BACK THE RING HE GAVE HER, SAYS GIRL Engagement Hroken. Ex-Suitor, Is Arrested. After th? brenkirig of an engage , ment, can the young man take back the ring he gave the g.rl and be ar re-itfd for stealing ?ti He eaa, for ' that is what hai happened to William Hamann, of IBM Bliccker Street. I Ridgewood, Qaeana Boroogh Bat ! ivhethei he can be convicted of grand larc?jnv ii a questioa that .? eaoaing concern t? Magistrate Miller, before whom llfrrnar.n ^a? arraigned in ! Jamaica yeatei ?lay. 1 f..- prriaoner pleaded net guilt-?- t<> eharae mad? b> hi? former . Miai Louis? Klriu?-. of .'l*'.?. P-a! Stre? ? I ia',??'"0(i. aad the cut viii? ?ni foi 'i h-i.nng on Monday, Shs : -h\ ? l'i rmai n took 1 ring ? but eau ?ir. ? BKATAG iiXNTr.Rf??l-iirltj ?ml ri.tnr , 4 ? ? ? - ' atatl . I naturi ' I bias .?s **?" ?. ii sbail Ptton? Mad *-. ITII.?Aitvk I CARUSO DEFEATS SIGNORSNOOK?M? Court Decides in Favor o Canned Noise in Phono graph-Baby Contest. L'p th? itween the two ..or ..r'.-nent house fVatei the curdling well of eorlj headei Snookums Ii n r. ? -,. Running quick); thmu,- atlc leales kn iwi os, two-year old tots, he ?reliai for hi? mummy and <*?? da Then h. made h past for the DOS? of ihe eol elevator bay, ?ho had been lef ?n churl;.?. Snoi kui It , ped in open mouthed amazement, displaying hit ?oiie tooth hi from the house II is trai i "I. im te ta' Hun- te tal ' I don't i are . ? rom? t?no ed si ut. in cidenl ipper gum reci ng th? ?he lone tooth. Whereat h.? looterr-i .-. that ; ' ' ?-?.I? ?| CUI ? tO the owe. Kathleei Robii on, who teaches, Started another . ??. thi phono? graph In,. Snookumi rested > icrciaai for a minute, hut :n clostng hi? mouth that ??me tooth got in the way of the upper gum. Kor a minute Misa Kobmnon's attention was diverted bv an envelop? that was in? sorted itealthily under )? t r coo*. It was a summons to appeal in court. Snookuraa kepi up his activities through the tii^'h'., a? ne ha-- Leen do? ing for many, men) nights pa1-: Every tune 'int ?one tOOth l*"* in the way nf hia upper gum hi r ed Mrs, Robin? ?on and her daughtera aal up through ,-r. ? and ?? swered th? summons ; appearing, before Magristrat? Simm? ;r: the morning yesterday morning. "They've been playing a phonograph near t}ie nursery window." charged Mrs Hlnney. "and n-.y little baby got sick a.? a roes "I'm a nerVou? wreck from that baby'? erying," teatifed Mr White. "I'v, r.otined the Society for the Pr?? vention of Cruelty to l hiidre-- " "I always kepi thi maahin? cranki-d up ?n c??e of an outburel " ?a d Mr?. Robinaoi A- '? w% prefei the phonograph to ?.hat kid'? yt Is," ?aid a fa*a other ten? art-, er ho appeared ?r tb? West Side court The di?cord in 'wo Hats Wa? decided lia the phonograph's la'- ??! ? SHONTS TOOK $150,000 PLUP Inter-borough Hei Qot Bonus on Dual System Contract. FREEDMAN, DEAD PROPOSED I The Thompson Committi Seeks .Slush Fund Trai in Firms' Books. Theotior? P. R.irmt.?, the 1100,000 year prealdeal of the Interb.'ious-h, reived tl'O.t'OO frum hi? company : " .pedal and extraordinary Sa-rvlc? Performed in connection with the di System contract? with the citv, it * brought ?at at yesterday's hearing the Thompson coinmiriee. Tw< "th employe? of the Inferborough reeotv a total of |60,01 0 for ?he same ?art ?ervlacaa. it wa? in neajotlal ng these that Shonti Ii allayed to ha?.Id i of the Ii.terbon.ugh d rectora fhat incurred "certain commltmantl a Obllgationa** which would require $ 000,000 it |,?v aff. Mr. shor.t? il r ported to hat? made thi? ?tateme rhea lia tried to put through a eo I ' I ".ill have nett, d fa friend John 1 ? Stareai XXtjOOOfiOO. ?A bile testimony regarding this bom ?eii,g brought out Mile? Dawso actuary and eipert accountant, wl ? h? the right hand man ol Juati? . laiiei E Hughe?, ef th? ?? d Statu Supreme Court, In the Inauranca lave '.. tvas axamining the book? < ...n Armi in this eity In the sear, for I 'fund estimare'1, at fro: ? ( riminal I harge? Mat Be Made. If the hope? o." members <?' the con ? -i? are r-ealfiaa, many proniinet publia otficial?. an?l ex-public oAirlal some of -hem tna?-*er mindh i-i the a ..f Tammany Hall, ?rill lie fscin criminal charges. Ilia two o'her employe? of the Intei borough baeidea Mr. Shonta who r?* ceived bonuaea for their work m cor nertiop with ma W i tig these dual IJ contracta erltk th* eity were Ii. Rogara, aaaaei I, aho receive ?.-.,?.o?H'. an.i l.. 1". .i. Gaynor, tehe go |] i ii..- ?.-..- ? . $150,00 bonui that intareated the eommitt? derably irai that the first pay of thia bonoi ??? ii of a cheek tur 1125,000, which Mi ?he day lie received at the Guaranty Trust Company. Th; ? ..?? Jnne 6, 1018. He received the bal ... a eh eck for |26j000 on Apr: 22, I'JM. Fisher Tell? of llonu?. The teatimoay concerning the bonoi to Mr. Bhonta was given l>\ H. M Fishei ? atarj ('* the Interborongl Questioned about the meeting at |26,000 more ???.i?. auar.lec Shout arltaeai said there *n ?ome discussion that Mr. .-'hoi.'- bad ? ' BCn BUflicientlj recompensed. "As I recollect, tome one 1 think Mr. Freed' ? dead broaght up the subject, and laid ha thought Mr. Bbont? should ha'-e been voted 1200,000 or 1260,0 I I think the board then voted |25,0M additional."1 ." - Shonta hu- been luhpcanaed te appeal Mnndav. It is ?aid he will be Baked te liga ? waiver of immunity before testifying. A mbpeiBB server of the Thompson committee repotted t.. th.immittee yeaterday that h-> was unable to rind T. A. ijiileiapie, the contractor who re ? ? . .1 ball the i-ontract fur third trae? ing the "I." road? that Shoati tl ed to oblan. - U ?*ai said at Gil f| s that he was ia F lor da \- rlTorl : i gel thi bool i, |e pie coi ; an* mel ? Ith opj from Mr. Gil eaple'i repn Tl ??> object! ? espei iall - to the pro? duction ?it the cash and check bou'?.. Finally a lubposna dueei temim wa-< a.ied for all the ' liptl OOOks. OTTAWA HUNT FIRE PLOTTER Five Who Spoke Uci man and Carried Satchels Sought. BELGIAN HELD AS SUSPEC Bomb Theory Official! Denied, but Llaborate Quest Goes On. [prom it ?t?f* c??rr??r.on<1?r.t of 1 ha Trlhin Ottawa. Or.t. Feb. 4. Ottawa, wl the ruins of the ?eat of Canadian g' ernment ?till ?mouldering on Parii nient Hill, hear? the appearance of war zone city to-nlijht. Around the bill il itretchsd a cord. cf khaki-clad volunteer?, wuh rifl ?(.adeil and bayonet.? fixed. Behind t ccnlon a mue.l civilian army Is work. Part of thi? Inner army, fir r-en meetly, Il charged with the du 01 Stamping SOt the lingering ?par and combing the debris for the body It. H. Law. member of Parliament fro Vermouth, Nova Scotia, and those i fur others of thi ?even known vi tin?. The re-t of the civilian worke are Dominien leeret servies me i heir job ia to find out how the fil started. One arrest already hai btm mad Charle - Strong, IS, who describes bin self as a Belgian Biasiclon, i* lock? up a' U indsoi un suspicion of havin been implicated in itarting the blaue Officially, the theory 'hat th* d. F'ruction of the Parliament buildin - ?. the fruit of a (ierman plot : wonted, i'olonei Percy Sherwood, ( M I.., head of the ?err?t service, n. cnly ln?i?ts the tire was accidental, b'? expuiii- to all Questions n how ir. (lafisibls is the plot ? ? \et the quest l.oe? On. But, ? .-' ths Mme, the troops ar guardii.g; th? secret agents of a polie, s;, i-tem that work? ?s mysterious! v an implacably a? that of Russia ?re del? i"1?, and inn ran are tellinj; el serie? of IXploaioni ah I h punctuate ? ? ? ally -.weep o*' the flame?. The police, too, are known to be 01 the trail ai re mer. ?!-.<? were ?een il the r.ty Wednesday night The rive euch of whom carried what appeare. ?i he a ?mal!, conical satchel of metal ? rev? the sttentlon of an Ottawan a traversed a little :re,4uente. Be gat near enongb to them tl ' nguish fragments of a low pitche. ccnvereatioa in a Teutonic tongue, or his nearer approach the talk had my? tieally iwltshed into unaccented Y.:.? lish. The authorities are trying ?r. trac? a connection beiwe?--; thi? quintet an.; a party of four which foregathered earlier the a-ame day in the Canadian Pacific Railroad >-<Atio:i at Montreal Information concerning this second raitted to the Dominion police bj 1 ha New Yorii Tribur.?-. In the railroad itatioil these lour oto:i rented in ac.? ? . dly Hriti??l?. if them beugt t a til K.?t fur i ?? tawa. The other? i te Sew Torb aboard a Delaware & Hudson train. Th? rribune'i informant pa d little ?? ?entio.'i to 'he party ur.t:l he noticed that, orne ' i ?ay nehinil, the - I.ondoneae Engliah no nfer, but conversed an;mateil!y ,n Herman. -?even Are I lead. .???a'h list roiv contains the person?. Only two . have been recovered those of lime. Hour Bra* and Mme. Horin, of Quebec, guesta of th? ?vife of Sneaner .,.?. |i | ?? .. v. ere trapped ni the ,.,??? a House of ? ? ?, ? the five peri ins on the B ?*tf] ! u amber from Nova Seo? ?> tele ?. : It ia I .i.i'.iiiia.l "O ii*?? *? '"liiinn S Greenhut's Injunction. Samuel Hopkins Adamt'l Mtici? announced for publication in The- Sunday I ribune will not appear to? morrow I he* Greenhut ( o.. Inc. served an injunction on The ?Tribune late Friday evening, enjoining it from pub? lishing the promised article on Greenhut methods and merchandise. No notice of ?his was given; there is no opportunity (or appeal before Sunday llie order will be brought y\p for argument on I uesday next. The Tribune is confident of the outcome Another ?rticle by Mr. Adams will appear in the Btead of this postponed story. It i? a smashing continua? tion of work already begun Be sure to 4>rder your copy to-dny. Stye ?ttn?.ag ??nbxmf j F'irat to I ott the Truth: Seul F.Jttortal? Adierttrement* BRITAIN SENDS CURZON AND HA1G TO KING ALBERT. London, leb. 4.? An official communication, made public to-night, smy ? that I art Curzon, Lord Prh y Seal, and (ieneral Sir Douglas Haiti, commander of the British *lorces on the Continent, are to proceed on a special mission to the king of the Belgians, and that I. art Cur ion already has left l.ngl?nd for that purpose. Reports were current toward the end of last month that fiermany had approached Belgium with the offer of a separate peace. Berlin proposed to cede the occupied parts of Belgium to King \lhert on condition that he observe a strict neutral? ity, thus making any Allied invasion of fiermany through Belgian territory impossible. Larl Curzon, who is one of the most influential members of the British Cabinet, may ha\ e been deputed by his col? leagues to present the official British t /eu point on this pro? posal. Berlin Talks of Crisis; 'Lasf Word Sent Wilson Will Refute to Admit Lusitania Sinking Was Illegal ?"Do Not Try to Humble Germany," Zimmermann Warns U. S. r.i . ? - i ;* ? i -.-? roa ) Bel In, Feb. 4. 1,'nquestionably ther is de?;, s.. . ? (lermany concern in,* the status of the Lusltania r.egoti? The question asked of th A'ieriean people by the best ;.-i:'ornie< Gtrmans i?: "Are you sure you quite underetam our position? To our ?fier of materia reparation yo ? erleb O? to add 'he ,lec laration that our submarine ?arfare i illegal. But declaring thi? would sim ply mean that we ?urrender to the Al lies' policy of arming merchantmen, an. using neutral flag*. Tbia la no fancifu peril for (i?rm.r,y, becaua? only a fev day? ago a merchantman flying a neu tral flag fired on a lubtnerine, trhiel only escaped by ? iwift dive."* That is why official circle? hold thai ' one of the most ?eriou? crises of thi war ha-, srtsen in connection with thf and that it i*. to fore? see the outcome from any indications here. The result of the negotiation* app?ars to hinge ?ole'.y on the one word "illegal." All Indications are that under no circumstances will Germany adm.t that the linking of the Lusltania was an "illegal** act. (lei-many decidedly Ii sdverss to a .?re with th? I "ni ted States ai 1 feeli that her aci?r.ow!eilg ment of the justice of the Americans' claims for rna*?-rial damage' places the other poir.ti st :?-iie In the academic realm Honor SatUfled In Germany public opinion d? in ? that American honor and dignity have been satisfied and that the remaining academic questions should he consid? ered by the powers after the war. Germany*! preeent pe i Ii by no n.ean? arrogant, but ?-be dei line? '.. con? cede the pointa relativs to tl ? leg ? ty of the submarine warfare In via- of the fact that the development of sub? marine activity In this war w-a? so rapid that ari ethical code completely gov? erning it doe? not exist. Above all, Germany asks the Ameri? can people to consider that whatever concessions on the submarines which America might obtain at this Juncture from German*/ would establish prec? edents, which America herself would be compelled to follow !n the future by reason of her acceptance of thet-e concessions. In this connection, the American? must remember that any general and hasty eenee - - an the academic phase? of the submarine warfare might ultimately prove as detrimental to America in case of we,r as they un? doubtedly would prove to Ormin-r st the present time. 'I he prophecr la mad" that In forcing the academic i hasee of the isaue, now America may be forging a two-edged areapoa that v. Ill eut '.veil. /Immermann Sees Crisis. Iir. Alfred Zimmermann. Inder Bee retary for Foreign Affairs, expr?s-,..! the hope that the new formula forward? ed to Ambaeaedor ron Beinatartf would . rer a possible bans of settlement. However, he msde no ?fort to conceal the gravity of the situation and ?a? most explir.t in h.s r?tat.-ment.? that Germany had reached the extreme limit :.cessions and under no clreuni ??s ??Old concede the illegality of her lubmariae campaign in the ???r ?.rea. ?? I . g ?eminent ii willing 'o is ' ? g In iti power, and has done everything in its power, to meet Amen - he .-.aid. "but triere are f Kiiilnueil an pat? 2. i i.luma I BRYCE DENOUNCES REPRISAL POLK Declares Britain Must Not I part from Humane Ideals. London. Feb 4. Viacouni Bryee, i mer Ambassador to the United Stai *- at Bedford ' ollegs to-ni| condemned the policy o* repris against Germany, which ?-?nee the ! Zeppelin ra d I.?- K-a ned many ad cat? s "We stand In this war for justice a right," Viscount Bryes said. "' ?tan.I for humanity, end from that , m must BOt ???'par'. I doi V ?self bel i i for a moment I il I ?hall train anvthing l>\ depart! from it. "If It csrne to cruelty against crue' the enemy would alwayi vu- I see i reason to think that an) r? inhuman practice? that ?re ihockir to phllaeophy and mora'-, whil ? ? ??? has adopted, would ha-, e tl slightest ? '?. ? m er pros any way our military ?uceeoo. "We ?i uld net gain and ?re shoul eertainlj loae, because there is t-.othin that has won u? more approval an sympathy of a'.l that i? best in th neutral nations than that we hav championed the cause of justice am humanity. That is what has nerved ou arm and has created a unity never par alleied in any previous crisis of ou history.** KAISER AND TIRPITZ PLANNED AIR RAID Prince Henry, loo, Gave View*. on Attack on England. London, Feb I. A I up?- atren re? port from Berlin ?t?te? 'hat Emperor W IIHam has b*een on the e-estern front for some time, and was in the neigh? borhood of tne Belgian frontier when the ettaeki on loo? took place. Admiral von Tirpit.: and Pr r.r ? Henry accompanied hi?, aceordin? t.. ; ert, si : ? ?? ??.?.?? ? ir? - at a neadqrerteri ci'incil where th details of the Zeppal? raid on rngb_n| ?er? plsDr.?*-*, AUSTRIAN TREASURY ISSUES IRON COINS Decides to Follow German Ex? ample to Save Oold. Feb. 4. Ac.*ord:r.g ? i wireleai meaaafa from Vieaaa, I i rreasury office at Vienna Us decided low the precedent net by man] and laaua iron currency. SWISS MAY BE FORCED TO USE BREAD CARDS Pound Costs 1 ive Cents?Seek More Wheat Quickly. Tat : . - B '?, ?Vaahington, Feb. 4 Bread cardi i beroni?. a public neep?- | ? Switzer? land within -he next ?.?o months, . ! a a a * I" | ",-d State? a-..i otl er countr ? this lid? A- intic arri'.e more reg .' . ind mi menta are more pn. '.''? '..rental port?. BC g 1 pal tm? ; .??ra.-e to-day tron 11 i Am."-. at Berne ? '?' ag to ?. - ? ? i ? ? br.'.ii price? ?.? Berne were increased again t.ntly, and bow a pound I bread cunts (Iva cent? The Arr-.-r can add? that < brea,* . by r ?. fl IBI - ? ? ' - pi ..??? SUBMARINE PERIL ENDS YONKERS STRIKE Stevedores Admit Deckhands at Sea Should (jet Higher Waget. ?lernian submarine '?.irfaie ara? par ' ; reapoi for a ihort-lived itrik? of 2"" ? ? ? ?' ? .* Pederal | rig Company, m Yonki-r?, yeeter > Deekhandi of 'he transatlantic vea? dellvei raa * *?-''?r at the r. . -. receive 10 cent? a? w(r .. ptevedorei I.?rv I thai - ..?up. - -? ould be Inerea ?? d from 21 to 4) eeate. Bo they itrucfa I - - ? ucea ? theatre asaaagar ol ii sei acted e- laterpreter, convineiKi ? , thai hand, r g erg..?" ..-'.,re is safci taan st ?ea. ; ? . itrikera returaed to worl ?fff,' || to BupeHntendi at Spreckels to let er m in? whftr?a t?ay ro-e e titled :o ?*.*.? inerea a, GERMAN CRISIS TALK DOUBTED INWASHINGTON Situation Not Grave Is General Belief 111 Capital. SAY BERNSTORFF CAN OFFER MORE German Officials Mint fin voy Molds Back Trump (ard. ? ' - ? i .--a Wadtingtcm, i-v .4. v, ?- rr%T Instnietioi 1 ?'? ? Berl ?. . . ? BernstoriT railed on Secretary sing b?ts '.;.?,'. ?? ! Kf-sii ? meet tne demand?: of tl ?uie? for 1 titania east The Sta announced *na*. "the unchanged."' as a ? The amba?saior, howtVi confiden* of the ultimate ' hi? negotiations. The .statement In urell (jerman quartiers that th-- ? . dor's ir.strui'tion.-* ?".ere '? line with what he had rccon I to BerUa, and fulfill* tion-, completely," i.- believ? mean that 1 MU ?'??!'?- rff did not go to the limit 0 tO-dSf*. 1*. Il . hn government ha: authoriz*>d bin pra? tically ft) use p.- a-* that he Is withholding his ti card until he Var this gorernn*?ent intcn Is I to coerce him. In other wi r.l?, thi beaeedor now '. to tha eituation. Administr?t? 1 declarad recently that to Germany bad ? given her last chance to i fi r CM plete satisfaction, and It HI ly hinted that MWM B?W and itl method would be employed by the State Department it Berlin ed to temporiza further, I* I lumed that Com I n Ben tor_ \? curious ta - ? b ; - the? United States ; prepari d to I 1 make good its declara! I ? Bar* lin must hark d I rl?i? Is Kirtiti.iu? Renor' i from Bei 44 o-;'.: idge ? -' of thi : gardi I here s ? I pun - . . ;mption. 1 '?' that thi? governmi terdeu t iat Gen right to sink th? ?. i? i, bu itruction of ni The Imperial ? ha ? ;? mderstood thai itorff'i . ? ' ? .- 1 States than any pi ' * I * regard? Germai ?ni ?,, postpom for ?. week ar two 1 bs am .11--.. - .- ? . ,-ub ? ? ? ? . - I . bdmia? ... to hi thai .: ? ra? I .??-.. I I . 'a. . ? -. rds on ? that tnother itage of I 1 '?..?.. : , thai ? tion? will again he extend? g a? In any cas? ilmeot : eg very ? , - Eren A.l . . ia?e bee-i ? . ..f 'ho litual ' eua.** The danger ef 1 many or of the reis cou-ir. ? f the 1 rrbel eonti ?lloved n Language l .tuse? Hit. h Se r.-'a?- ;. Lansing that thi rd ? cur in 1 v .. tion? . ?c (ad by I he ? ?' ! tarv I .. ? ? ' m that ths ? ? ' ' v