Newspaper Page Text
i"ia:i_a"^"ra:i_a:iEi'ii_!;__;jffl!iaii S DEITIES I 'The Utmost m Cigarettes -_fl | Thin end or Cork tip C_t__?? ??r\ ! ^"^?Si ,,,.. ( /?rp/c ?or nature, refinement?uui ?j|j|? >jij ? education mwtiMy prefer ? ; , A^-v ft <my tv/t?r etceurt?rr lllllll lili ?n-nr"-n-ai n n f__mu jl ju ?aaaaaa>?B_aaBBa?Be-*?'k??-a-?aBaa?ta*aaaBa*m ja-.?w ?v-aaiKii ?a?a. ??? jfcjwtaaaaaa?aBB_B--A ?a? iinccd u ? - v ? ? : ? ai r apart ??n i? ... ? res t - ? -?a ? JOHN A. HILL LEFT CASH TO EMPLOYES One Cuts 530.000 I und. An other $25,000. who worked .s or more Alex I. ? ? ? ? $2.000 1 - ? erved . in Hanlon. a ? I e ha? i ? ? ? - -?-?? the - - Fond Pnces Trend Lower. Relative i f f">od 1 p.'T nine months o* Bun ? ? 1 '.i 1 4 1913. SO. PACIFIC ANXIOU TO LOSE $200,00 Officers Beg Pi rmis? h Op< rate Morgan i ln< at I . Annual Deficit. ..... i ? ? hat will p< . > y lo fa i ? ? ? - - ? P ? ? ' ... . ... comn ? otbei But thi Soutl em ? ? ? i n t li - ? ? , ? . centri Panama ha? reduce :ch a 4 ' I ? i . ? ? made ro prove that ? - Num.-- ? I ' ? . POKES F??K AT PRESIDENT Norris Tell? Srn.-iie Wil-nn May Recade 111) fmrn Hlg Navy. ? ? rorld, ratioi ... . ? ? ?1 ? vy bigger than 1 me he ? . "Th.. I ? t i-." ? ? tai ? . . ... |llk? ' ? w'nn ph' ? ? ? "He will hear mere from then-, THE STORE FOR MEN BROADWAY AT NINTH, NEW YORK. Motoring Furs Reduced I/o! ! .' ? ' ' ? Bl?g.) Coats muakrat $135 graded?. Ponv. $100 grade I $85 ! 1 m dog, $100 grade.$60 K v ide i in ?alt. $75 grade. . $.so ?. | ' . adc $80 Wallaby lined, $70 grade $40 $70 Manchurian do?, S $60 Krade.$17.50 Robes Beaver, satin shell, $450 in seal, $175 grade ..$?00 . - ... ..$300 Opossum, $150 ??rade . $103 and vicuna, $150 * I I 50 erade.$90 $100 Raccoon, with tails. $13. ? Motoring Ulsters Now Half 15 uliten, $25 grade, me 34. 35, 36, 38 (each).$12 50 3 uliten, $28 grade, lizea 35 and 37 teach ). $14 14 uliten, $30 grade, 34. 35. 37. 33, 40 (each).$15 2 uliten, $32.50 gratle, ?i/?? 36 ?nd 37 (each).$16 25 7 uliter?, $40 grade, inn, 34, 36 and 38 (each'.$20 Men's ulsters, women ir.av wear, them. Some of them are British,1 ?tome Arncncan-made. Burlington Arcade floor, New Building. The New Derby of Beaver Fur at $5 If there is another $5 derby in the country that can hold a candle to this, we should like to see it. It is of beaver fur, which ranks next to seed. Each sepaiate hair interlocks with the other so closel) as to make the fur feel I .1 woven fabric durable, faahion We shall show it first on Saturday. In five jiropor tion sizes. ex< lusive, $5, Burlington Arcade fl.or, New B\. JOHN WANAMAKER 'WE BOYS' IN NEW DEFENCE SCHEME As Agents for Junior Naval Reserve Cause Break with League. SAYS PROMINENT MEN WERE USED AS BAH Strassburger Will Investigate Younger Club's Hooks -J. II. Dreiel, Jr., Quits Office. With the ?'. -er? ery !nut I "W ?thin the I ?> ' AI Blum, sn i ? ?? I th? ? . . ' >? e Bo) -? gs g thai . ; . ? . ? l 11 om it I hs Wal or?, .. d ? .. Ferrj . , ,? > i | bei for the United Statei .; : ? ? . ta parent i rai called ? i ' ? boot "f th? ? ? ,? ??.. m . Robert Bai s . A ? ' mee. v ? time, John R. T -*h only twent) rear? il ?? ? lunloi Naval Reserve, severed hi? - it I on. \. pment, Ralph 1 I arger, an i Id Navy imifhack. an . ?* , ? .' if the Navy League ami a lea.l er in th? to gel rid of the BtiitT cf solicitor! employed by the ] ? u Naval Reserve, ?va" made de . t hy Dabs .r- Helm, pub of the Navy I cague'i official n-.'i "The Seven .-"cits." !n 'he |2 ? -'i r. All tl ? ii the cu?n i f s which has besn brewing in the he trouble rati. into two (act ? i bj Perry I t, of the NhvhI Reserva, sn . atil the other represented I y Mr. Strassburger, ?ho fur ?,ix weebi ? e inquiry Will Investigate Boohs. lie" ? ? tarted by j ,.,! be? fure of I ,, if ter i ooi i?' .. ? . . O? tin ?' ? ... !.'?? BSrVe ..I .1 ?'f the ii; :u of the ? Herbert L. Satt, rlee, the late J I' Morgan ? ? ? i . League, .it ,?? t then ? ' .: it, bul Mr. per'? ? of the m r Naval Ke? nt' Dabo - Beim i?: Bgo I ?,. ..? : that the ' : ? n- a ' i for the uiii 'We Boys' Rang and othen i inee 1 marie ? ' IS.1 i that Al Blu ? ? in tl... nams of Ii fornr . ? am? if John I jr.. oi i. large ami'iint of BERLIN CIRCLES TALK OF CRISIS I BBllaaed from pace 1 . limit? beyond which every friendship ?[ riders tend Amerirn's ? ? V. .? 1 ad thought tn? sill;'. I and '.h.- Lusitania i :. ? |. way t.. arrangi i I greed to i and sll thai tea suddenly made .? demands, which u ? 11. pusl ? ? t-.o !?? . t not atl ,- ' i [)f, . II ri ilerline,', t.. d . . ; or the instr i nstorfl mi ? ? no doubl I : i ? ; i ' a i y 1 ? ? nd '.hat G< rmanj disavow the ng of thi Lui itania ss an ,! .aw 'i he ' ? lly ths Gey* man) II ,: .'. oi maks eonfei lie ni ? virtually would take the subma? ? ne 4M..;, h oui "f her hands. II? ai . ... Bin and sgain that \' the ? . to drive n tl ?':'?! ro no fur ? .i ntabl? const iui nci Nu Reason fur Hreai?.. ? most 'eg i is? of the Zimmermann asserted, re i d no t.'a?y impoi tant res for a bit ach, no c . . i, v? a - n reeip '"'Hi developi u \:. 11 .?? sftei the B..r rhese 1 lashed, "r, at any I wo lid !.. '? u ? ? r ?? to come ny would d Dr. Zimmermann ? ian> now has in the iui mai ii ? a reapon 1 ded ? h il bvi ? ? puiir. . i rep ???>i: ? ? vvuy, but my n "Ki Zeitung" Interpret "I'm lident V\ lon'i present itent by :? . thai h ? Eu ropean pr?s i led the President's l ? paisrn, but th? I such an Tn? n of hi? utterancei ;?? es* i ' frisndlj to bis . regarding it > be ei >??! assuming s re si Otts 1 se, the "Kr.".;/ Zi It un**" ?t 1 mon. ? ? . ? ? li ' ?- i '.t en which th ? re most reed ' ? nflict with t ? ,?. . t ths re an . to take u| ? lid? d sepeel an.i ? laying upon our?. Ive? idei oui freedom of itl igglc for our ex ? New Note Ker.er4.-d. . an.t lme ??. cnti regard t ?v ? teil ? mu 1 ? . ...? 411 j re-1 money had been eallaetad I ?-ven thai 1114 iiiMi.' ??n? an the Hal of ..?-i.? of the aolieltara My laejulry I on . til il the -lanlor Naval K.* erv? ha? u el ill" naaaea ef E. T. Btotei bury, ???' J I' Morg-aB I Co . and Ale? ,h ,i,.| \ ,,n I;, naselaer, of Philadelphia, ? on it? letterhead, aritaoat aathoi la? ti"ti "i'ii'ler tli*' elreomataneea I deelded tl .,( tl., 1.. t tl i | foi the Nnvy 1 n ,'ii" ? ? ? loa v 'i. the - .Junmr NhvbI Raff ? ?I '? ' Dreiel f'olag Want. "1 ttrmw tint 'U thifl the' It' MB i nn.i 'Ii ind ?? n.' Charley' Pen be,... : n,r fin .I. for the Janloi R? serve ii rir la 'he elaea of tat : are i" bi asaociated w Ith Ihe re ,,'..* an.i a .i ii Dabe A; Helm I think it 4,ill l,,. v ? . mattei to an ? ue bj h "ii t Buch *a*i linn beea iaititutea . Al Blum ' i ' m' la t ? ??hi n th- ? ". . art aim -if the 4mi r ir.iii Defen. ? ? ? 'y, another pre ?.in, dneai ?.r..-., ill il e i, arara aver '??? 'i.-" In,tier, al n i n alleged "We ?oyi d chara.-. .1 i loi ? had "? >" i ?"] loyed I ? I ? . i : '..''' ,, 1-, * i broker Ii Wall i ' ? 1"? nation, | Pei ? . v ? i - ? i ?'..? been i ' . . ; ., J ??I R . last night it 1 I - . . ? -. i , ' ?''' , ?h? Junior Naval ?'?? ?? ' ??' he decided to | I "?' ' < I tenve m a .i iy Ol I ... . ? . ' . tali ' Keserv? i statement las! ??\Ir Strai moptni ? ot The ,.,, |agi ? i ' moved, thai he rge of Ihe . ; ?? League ,?...??? " nneel d ,-, tn] ?ray attacked or dissp ? -. : nf the editors "i the maaazin? j ?? ...r Naval R< ierre." 'Iln Junior Naval Ke'erve ha? a? It* , or reput? George Dew? Daniela, Aa ,,' the Navy Frnnkll i ?i j' Oov? .? "r Whitman, ,i . r\i ,? er B ? ? and -'?' ral J P. 0*R?j Boal ' - .- ? n i..].?? ti. ir :?? ? -i ?vherc be. -> can . .a .-.,?.?. oi !?? H ai i sea, to t' ?? re ? . : iroin abroad and and treachery ?' home." ANCIENT GREEK COINS SOLD \ Pr.niim, ?if Tareataaa, Urine*? ."TT.r.O at \rii!?" nn I .alleric?. "i for tin Ir interesting 1 ypi terdaj t the Anderaoa Gal? ila, 1 ' | ?-. ? I. ? . "la* ' .";.' A ! ' ? h.sted ? s brand .? pri? a A. IV . . by Bal .Muh. und iii'ur r (?? ob "The deliverance of , ?. 1 he f? r a ?? lates | - ' ' Idams, If \ . ni m ?j from l ? . . | va? ?II. i and could not uanant any In n eo "Lokal ' ? t .'m i. . - by i in- W . ? ' ? ? . inking of t h, ? ? .a ' . - . - ?.- tl " neg I rail other -, lation there ? .r break." many, ri] aper, has . . Mi.' -' ? re iri th 1 I'nited Statf ? g from thai -" |? ? .?'v. ami I t go on a therto, in the ne? - .?!'.'. ? ' V. d? termini - "But, . : \ .-.?;? ",f l.e ,--..; ? ; . tion ?..' " . . ? | , . ? ,. all her pi .-lum liona. transe? - ol F or Ihe ?varn ? ran a Gern . . ment admit thai u ?.iii.iiii.nne eom ? ' did wrong in ainking m th.- war ? r laden ? ? ? - '?? h arma a...i amrna ? hat a?? i ,.-. intolerable notion rej? cted. ' 1 ' ;?? I fee'ly well i. I at th? IVhit? ii.. ; .- i', - ' " etary Lansing ha? put I ?och .- ..,. can onlj that he ? ? to r? ?i-i itand ng ???? ith I .? 11 CAR CONDUCTOR'S LIFE SAVED BY A JIT.NEY Bullet Fired at ( lo-ac Ratine Mit Nickel hi Pocket. ? ? '?' .r.-, eondllCl r on the De Kalb Avenue surfuce line, Ilr.n.k to a j"ne. in hi?? Vu Botta boarded 1 ind offered a '? r arl ich " . in laid tv?-. ro .' Botta. !r.' ... he pulled a p ito] ? Ai - r ihowed that the bal? ?n d the con tor ei ? i bruise B "H v.. . bel ! .r: 12.11 0 bail for as. sault and $l,?''u ? irrying -~??? PUT SEVERY IN MATTEAWAN Albany (iunmnn f i?t l'i?e in Reneeelaer. Alt.any. Peb 4 Harold F. Sevetry, ?\ I ton youth whi hot I ? . . Mai ? T ? ? ? action folio? - I fr..- ? rt of | tg thai Sf *V 4VB*. || ... - ? ?' . ly half ar. Knur telling 1 -' ' ? ? :??? had mude t I pu? an end to tl . I . I r pn g the ' . en the er ? ? tell, i.?no o? ni? intend? I viet mi waa Luit. SIX LIVES LOST IN HOTEL BLAZE Overbrook, at Atlantic City, Destroyed Ruins May Hide More Dead. CROWD SEES WOMAN BURNED TO DEATH Another Woman Jumps, but Life Net Hrraks ami She Is Killed ?'it Sidewalk. ... :. i i Ht lei ? ?, t here I ? B Hoi Over brook . . . , ? ther ? ? reel ? - ? ?a.\l' ' I -?;.'.. MUTT. 1 . ? . r el tee ? i. . ? ? ? '???-,. . ? '??!/ wa? a ' Hi M.ii. ' ?? ?a ? i "' - . . r ??'?" I . . -a ? r.ji hi D ?.MUM WS Mf ?' 'I Mr. s a,a ''t ? ? II i i '? V| . . r, . t. at Went iloni a Other gu ti lid i of th? hotel have been found ? COtt Igl ' ' r< whi.-h thej were hurried 4v;,li il i*ht In? juries. A bri k hree^e which fanned the tion to r hotel. ? ? . -..'?' t huich of the A end ? ? sale* i' K ther ne taw the loa . ? a ,-? - ral alai m exactly what ? iped i? still own. ! tu have i '? ui'e ! ; II ' : ?:' ?ator shaft and ts lys so q ? ? irindcwa wa? .? ,? .? ... le "Ut of ? : 1 ?? i cei ' fi ' sftei ? ? help from tn upper window. A? her body lay acrosi ths sill it v - huir.c I her. Thorn f the i -opri ? .? i ? Hospital sitar ekei "ut through a win : ime si ? -i. ? Mr? Kelly leaped into a 1 ' .... win k. tent od and brick. It was built tw< ftt, and was It then be? i ,,? i tl I ?unlop, and re eeived th? i.e Ovei by thi ? ... | City 1 D? partmcnl re j tectlon WHITMAN APPROVES INDUSTRIAL BOARD will Send Names to Senate, De? vpiti.* lire Scandal. reara a siaS Albai I live members of the Stats 1 n of any bis '?? fee i ? WOU I i their names to ! hey are John Mitchell of Moui I Vemon; " . William Ii. H. Rogei heater; E Iward I* - ooklyn, end I . . ? - - apPOln ?:. 1 hs '''i*' missi l ? '-ii se candy ? ?l the Governor a lied the I I industrial Council to investigate. The t the < omtnission? . ed, as it Mbe? ? ? of the by." BALKED LOVER KILLS GIRL AND HIMSELF Aged Man I nrajjed by Charges of Sweetheart's Mother. Doug Mass., 1 sb l. Miss Lena B. ehenei '- :>. N. V., wa? ?hot ? ! .v bj John H. !'? i.... . ? ' , V., whi i .! id ;?. t'.-w l oui i latei Pierce had been employed in ri . tructioi soi r. and :.?::?. .h.v from Schenectady, accompanied by Mise Keyser, and obtained a marriage iman's mother arrived ?nl toid her daughter that i ? n ? ? ed before an.l had nut ? . d a il: v oree. Pleree, who wa? sixty year* V ? ?hot through 'he head, killing her ? -,. a- i th< la own ikull, He 44,,- iai.. ; ? ? attempt was 1 sde 1 ?? let . - .irgeons mi ere a i - so ebance of g hi? life. EXPLAINS CANAL SLIDES Goethals Say? Sudden Slui.inut Did Not < suss Them. Wsshii Feb.?I Ge ernor ?loe'h l the Mou--- At 1 Coi ttee to? ? were not before tl ? ' It! * canal wou ned to ?? -ava ' ' 11 ted "in tl . ? 1, .'. ! Hill, and . ; 1 .it turned ii l - ... irdi a montl thai 'he work He wai I ? fi 1, m that ' res I there ? Summer Resort Hotel Burrs I, Ma?? , Feb 4 Th.- I:. . . ? ef tl leraTf-t hot? ? ?? Beach, wa |< nr? The lo? ? .?- 1 ' "I - "' ? h lild -- r me hotel , . , for the wu.ter. SEIZED AS GENTLEMAN THIEF ! Caller at M.lel Majestic Carried Away Jewelry, I'ollce Say. A fuiin giving hi? name Bi waiter p rloy, i ?.' Preal Tweaty Sr?t ? treel m ted laat night la ?pats and I . ? on the charge of being a "gea t!. man" bdrglai He had gone t>. the Hotel ataleetle to ?Hail ii (ictitiooi friend, the poll? I ,. i slipped i?-' itairi ?dille the elerh looking ni* the n im? As he ? I? ivinii the doorman ?topped him be? cause h** 'i "H h* he recogniai d the manager's overtsoal aVhei taken to the Wssi Sixty . nth Btreel itation thi p-.!ice ?ay they found in hii pockets J2W worth of jewelry, some of a h eh ara i entitled f,y Dr. Edward Powers and Mi i I.,' ?!, Plrth aa thair prop? rtj Tl . ; ? . | ,,. . ri?T'.' tf in.-. thai I rley I ? ? ? ?? apartmenta, ST. CYRS AVOID GANTLET OF TRAVEL Prefei Seclusloa of Pbiltdelphla Hotel to Atlantic City Trip. delphla, Feb. -t Jean or la It Jack 1 .... w..< -., Teiaal ai ?! hla wife ha?/e deel led not - <h?.-;,*. ned trip 1 fctlan? I the min .. ... . n ? i at i they will prolong their stay Indi l. The r.-anon fur their de? i? said to he rhe ii ir.tir-t they will have to run if they leave their . However, life Is reported to be more andorabla for Mr. .?-" u i r. t Cjrr, ainca two ti inki of cloth lag arrived at the hotel ?ifternoon. His exit from Florida wai 10 hurried that he was forced ro le,re practically all of hm wearing Hnparef for the servant*! to gather up ihip to him. tatemen! of any kind wat forth coinirr* from their apartments during th ' day, bo1 it was learned they had eonanlted attorneys in New York ?ev eral tme? by telephone. According to ?i , ?? da who liave been admitted to the apartmenta, the couple aro living in p. : feet harmony, and Mrs. Bainl ' I ?till ha? absolute <or ?-ider.ce that her ' i i. not Jack Thompson. Surrogat? Sawyer of Welt I - ly said ' ' i nferi nca bel reel lean Saint Cyr and John P, Bren? ipecial guarnan for Henry Al<-x ander Redflel i. grand ion ol the late Bainl i yr. of Konkei i, thai : hand down a decision next h r. day on the riuestion of re? i itC of the first Mr.". .^aint Cyr11 Hy the will of Urs. Balat Cyr her grandson received a legaey of, while in a codicil ihe .".it down the ? ? ! mud? her hu-? ii rj lean, the r?sidu irv le| itci Mr. Brennen told the court that there rioui doubt in hu mini a* to the Bi .re to the codicil, and urged that the Surrogate make a ! nveitigal ion Into the condit ion ? surrounding the ilgning of the eodieil. Melvills K. I r? ?.-al ! -a. jr., of the law firm of K'inisey, Shepard &. Ingal'.?, at Cedai - ed he repr? ?"?ntative of Jean ?? ?'yr. "I no? represent only the ? ? Cyr in their official eapaeity," he CORD DETECTIVE TRAPS BATTLESHIP ROBBER Paper Wad Signals Attempt to Stoal Brass. .\ new mi ef catching tra? laced into the Brooklyn Navy "fard | i ?? piece of cord .-. .1. Morgan, t ?? four, of i:.?4 Polas reet, in the act of taking i braaa Range 'mm the bat ? tin. Morgan waa held in 1500 bull. i bomas F.iv en engineer, removed a ?iane?. and tied black eord I ? I mg thn Bgh a piece of ho;: a I of ] wit. ittaehed |.:u>"r '.im mddenly jerked ? I Batchers caught " . ? ng th? Bi? Day for Republicans, Rej .i ' ri.ii Cl ib ha? a notable ikers at ita regular Satur ?i to day It Inci .ib'- I tates ei ator L. V. Sherman, of Illi? nois, who ha.s bee:: ? ? . as a "favorite it a" candidate for the Presi? ? ' Ralph . ' El). Repul I 1._T\MMtibmq & (fa,-l \\Zmf ?vi? '??.?o?? ififtb.At>ritur.?*??*?-? *?"?.-? 4/'Jsi-, STILL GRpATER.R?DUCnom on all WINTER STYLES /or FINAL CLEAR.IXCB Tin. BAI I 11 ??? 01 lit:- ' ?OK ?T AND VI HODBI I Of in:. MOST I ?QI tan : 'A : OfJl ' ' ; ? ' DRESSFaS?For Afternoon, Dinner ind Dam e We? -FonnerIy$95 to $145. ?50 WRAPS?Velvets tad brot ides; iur-tiimrned styles? Former!} M45 *75 to '143 SUITS?Cloth or velvet, with <>r without fur --Formerly $65 to $125.s25,l35 COATS?A ir'v i*<Ug"?nnents Formerly $4; to $75 lo < - . 515 HATS-Balance- ofF the Winter '?? Including imported nr-del?-. <JD, ?)1U WAISTS_A n\y\\*\\\ iroup o? odds snd ends ?a > *,?-?? crepe, formerly %\1 U $18??t. 1)7 Group? ore urtrxll; hut priret are ei.r0rdinr,i ,. -, ,? -, trt | er.k*^ but ii.')?' who '??>i taliabU ewUetion?, *. ? . ? ' * ?j th? ekarmettr of the garmtrt? tfan t. SUSPENDED RECTOR DEFIES HIS BISHOP Mr. Richmond Declares He Wi! Preach in Philadelphia. : i 1Mb? ? ; Philad ? phia, Peb. ?*? Bl ih >p Rl ins lander, of the dioceie of Pannsylvsn ?? formally ?'.impended to-day the l'.?--. Georgs Chalmers Richmond, rector ol S: John's Kpi ?copal Church, (mm th? "??inistry for one year. Mr. Richmoi vva-i riut present to hear the ?entere, read, and the bishop Bent him the for mal notice of suspension by me? The militant clergyman ref'.: receive the messenger, but d'.d act ? ' the letter of lUSpei - . and a short time lati-r Bishop Rhinelandei n it long letter from Mr. Richmond ? :i I, ngir.g lanc'-iatr.-- I I i wby he did no! i ar the ii ee. Mr. Richmond propose to permit hit ?ucee? Rev. II. M. <r. Hurf, to *ake charge St I jrch, and Intend? I to ?elf next Sunday mornin?* and i "You may "*eTr that I ?hall preach,** Mr Richmond ?aid later, "and could prevai I me from preaching would i I .ave * trunr I of sold 'v tal ried thi - I '? ave to ?hoot me down, too." ? o YOUTHS INHERIT GEM SHOP Manager In. ?laded in '.?ft of Pru?i'dMe Maiden I.?ne Plata. Thr?'? f i ii ? ?'?<?? ? rk ??? mmg that .? - on Maiden Lane and a ; ! on them in one lot Ths ? that of Jol n C N i Maiden Lane, ??? ! the manager ?hj ' . -. i ?rill of the Jeweller, who d'ed a few da) - ago, was read yesti Hoboki n. It named William, Paul end i'ar! ' ill ni ? ? i ths f iture owners ?jt the buslneea, with the provino that Manager Aekerman be retained m h ? ne es hs d . I wil i right to eant of the nel ean ngi anuall**. If ? ' ? me he will msid it of ( ne bu. me?? than ? i future ei ? DOPE SELLER GIVES UP TO SAVE BR0THE? Admits Quill to Pr-secutor am Welcomes Month Sentence. A ' ? (L.'.ti <:. Assist ii I ? A... r.ey Julian HaH ? day.} |f '? aad an f end a fn?-; 1200 and aenl ?-. r.? tarn ? ?"??..? pan ? . ? the ii< ? ? ? ? ?.* . - a ' ' 'ering i to ? ? - he said. "He II ? ? ibly trottl: ' ? ? "But he ? c?a?i 1 am," peraiati I the ea I . is. 11 th.. done ta Chi ? ' . i" : I I know what wa. . Bal t.-.i kid ha? refuted . aui- be a Now pi*. me away Ii thi itory ?"? ? Ria ? ? ? ? . 1.500 ATTEND EMERALD BAH Seventt .-.e4enth \ Datve Un for t liar - ball of the Kmerai.l 4 I ark wa? I '.. ildorf. Fil ? eeedi will to thi work el -.he Brooklyn 1 ' .m. / ??'? ? J : . m ? I? ... E Bell, VI ; A ? rl ? "'? ii oss^s Founded 182*3 Lord & Taylor ?Sih Street FIFTH AVENUE .Viih Street For Final Clearance Men's Hand Tailored SUITS AND OVERCOATS $17.50 Our Former Prices $22.50, $25.00 & $30.00 The Suits Smart 2, 3 and 4 button m dels in fancj mi tures, Oxford s cheviots. Hie range of lize? and quantities follows. Sizes.34 35 36 37 38 39 40 42 44 Quantify.54 39 17 IS 18 6 21 13 16 A few in stout sizes The Overcoats Single and double breasted models, in form litt fied Chesterfield styles S me finely silk lin< with t yoke and sleeves. A number of shower-proof knit Overcoats ncluded ' the a? u :t!i ent. No Charge for Alterations. ?o? *<)? ?o? ?toi? ai)? ? O? >()? ?I J)? ?O"