YORK TRIBUNE FRRRL'ARY 6, 1916. A ??' c ' - I.. t>( in Relainm Ma 1 nt] H' BltMBB, l"f ?.'llll 1 ??ft tu Ill-lit II aaatl Wai MeKe i , i- Pi II.I Phillip K ? |i .. ,,. ,,| Ri, hi-. .M.l. Va P?tlrl N .,.,.1 I ...!.? v r, .i i;.i..ii r nk l. ? Mi of N II.mult.m. Amhei it, A group fr.iin New fork's Cicch community of the upper Easi Side, connected with the hn Hus Choral Union of the (.in Hus NeighavWhotMl House, rhey gave a Slavonic entertainment in Aeolian Hall hist Friday evening, .. I i f |il] I '-> '-*->.: r The Universal 1 ilffl photographer sa?, s this pictures the tirst s no?* in Cali? fornia m twenty \ejrs it's between bim .nid the Weither Man. * i.