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SPORTING SECTION BOXING- BILLIARDS GOl I" ;Dto ?)*t?i ftriiwitt SPORTING SECTION F? OTBALL ? RACING ? AQUA IK S ,'V m n 1 01 R PAtil SUNDAY, FEBRUAR! 6, 191?. * * PAIT II. lot it PAGES. SQUASH PLAYERS HAVE BUSY DAY ON THE COURTS fwenty-five Watches Oo , Decision ?n rourney for National 1 ?tie. njTNAM } Alls P-*EY PO P, W. MORRISON -???ton. Present Champion, win*, t a$} > Ictor) Over D. x lubmate. . lecislon ? ' tla**vard ? vould Fast Pace. S pace ? would His at I ? ?<-'- COn? ' ? to the : I b fine ] - ' nent'i tan I : rt ? - a ? ate. T . f.rac ?? did ? ' ? ' ? ' ? ?' rare ' ' ? Hot: n Mettle-. ' ? ? ' I ' ' ' g I at 10 ?fivinj: ? ? . ?? ? . r-r recruit ' ? ' ? ? ' ? i . ? ? ? I ' ? ' ? ' * ' rleredl 1 ' ' ?j title, did The Answer. 1.4 .1 ?Ml '*. IIM M I I aaked old r*>rua hon it . II?' made ?... man? bloomln' ??t?'al-, The tricks .m.I -. i?-iii?' ,.t ill,- ll?' ought I" ?I'm in i?'.-!?." I thought si l lin- q neat loa pat, Bat I ? ? repl* ?as faal sad cart: "I hitch m? Iroaaera, ?ratrh l- foot, l.'im III,?- 'c!l an' lull.? tlirl !" Hit?h Miiir trousers, nates] ?mir ? linn. r. Run like '?ell aad buck ihr earth; N.. lit lit tn ail? ,?ii, , Wa? rvei tendered lion?**?! Worth. N.. matter what the lane ?>f fraj In li If. r>'? ?? "t.!- ? an l>r a rrecH, I nr He Who*? In rhere ever) ?I..? Must have the ?miras:?? ami i he Spired. H to him ? \ ? u ? ? ' ? ?? : , M - I, ? M i a f 4 \\ ? ? ? ' ? ? ? i : v ? Ml ? ? ' a CHICAGO CUBS TO GO SOUTH MAHCH 5 St**, of ? ? ? on March 1' March 20 ai d ! - ??izo bur'.: tc Si Peters irg I I ? ' ' .... -, ? rst I ? ? g ' COMMISSION* WILL NOT OPPOSE BOUT ? ? ? ? ?? ? - i ?'. a ? ? h? . . " back? a sate ? ? - I ? g clubs, I- rer'. ric'n I ? . I ? Tues w IKR1SON, S? tb? lUivard l iub. The Days of Real Sport By BRIGGS CARTER WINS CUP IN GOLF BATTLE Beats Whittemore in final Round at Pinehurst? Eighth Mole in One. ... t, X i ., Pah. 6. Philip ? ar * v York'? young i?o t r (pert, and ' ore for Augusts this g, and the ju..ior I after took the prise for a riing the St. irnsm? P. W. ? g t f the N'a sa player. - ,...1 rivsl Ion b] ' ur ? play b? for? i i ? bigg? it gallery rst :hs turned our thin season, nin? - ? 4verr keei ? from th? ; on it 44a?; ???I ? ieger whieh t-quared' for him sad made the p.. gasp, th? ? rhecr. ? Tame 1 up hy 44-inning .. cap:-al -,\4 0. Il- m ? - on the edge of the green from the . ' ? rhere ? up th-' ? 1 forwai d aersi '.t., coax It right i- ?aun te red up leisurely to the rim of the the collective eye of the gallery bulged Ovar the brink it went, and mnk to rest at th? bottom of tho cup. Carter's Ko'.f improved hi! the re?t of the waj He won the next three Hi? driving way lonstvr coming in and hi? approaching- and putting aere, ai usual, effective. He srai si th? fifteenth and a on the match ..? the sixteenth 11" did the rards, in 2 under the picto n- earners BOYS' HIGH WINS AND CLIMBS TOWARD TITLE Only Bushwick Between It and Borough Championship. Boj i' High School practically clinched ?l.o Brooklyn basketball ?-hampion?hip fur the second 1 1? esi 1 ear by ng Easter D ti t High it tl 17th Ri g mi nt Armory. ?rsterday. 1 ne .?core ?si 80 to 16. Kaatei the eourl minu? ? he ?? ? ? Zasulsk* . - ... : ? ? -ween I.' ' ? . . see next i oon. p foll?os: Ht.,11 BAST? KN I'l-THI. ! a Ptl I'll I" I 1 ? ? I ? .' ' . . rf j ; li-. a- rt i ? ?j a . , . 2 ? at , j ,..-.. 1 1 0 ? i . r? I ?i " ???* . Ill S ?a ?a,? Tin.? o' ? ?_- a? CRESCENT A. C. FIVE BEATS PENNSYLVANIA 'I he I ' ese? nt Uhletie ? lus basket ball team defeated the University of ... a at bsikethall on the for? ?? Brooklyn last night by 1 1 ?' . ? ?.. 22 Pennsylvania In the ?eeond half af- ' ter the Crescent? I sd gall ed a lead of ? -? per ,,.l Nickla? .;.? left forward, 4?a? th< ?tar, ?coring >? total of l? M .: Halatead played a ?trong . . foi the Cre eent team, g I ? goals. McNichol shot for I lie colleg? ?11 up follows! . r., -? 1 \ r rCNKSTLVAMa IM t Y al a, , ' 1 . M? tl r' 1 ? 11 I ? ?'KM. n P ? 1 ; n?- ... || 4 lla'i?-!.. if ? i) I , -, ? ? ?,. -, rg ??i? n t e > m -.. ? ? q 1 ? ul tmi 1 n n ,, a - ..e ? '? JIM I T*E SPORTLIGHT y\J by Grantl<md Rice liic Fan .Arises tn .1 Point ol Order. Baseball J deadl Then please explain i ? ? ?? , ? rusai fs ms* braJa; '/'/?? ?/??a?? mn thai n?!tnuU? my breast y., sit sit! wht i "? i''/ eau (loan It ?jM promit husks from off my vent 1 "rail Hill Klem n Je*?e Jniprf. Baseball is deadl Then tell ma uhy I y .int the blue bath tit Ihr .?/.-J/. Where Crawford's wallop tie? 'Se ?'?or-, n nr raving thousand? i? thrxr pridi Emit the good old-fashioned ronr '?"nut echoe? "SLIDE, i/o? bone head, S-l.-l-l'-F.'.' ' Baseball i? deadl If the? it ?<? We've loft thr world we nurd to knov . \ ? ' all the color that ?/?a? spring, Tl r blue and gold, th.- green and pini 1 ?? Tinu a drab and dreary thing Por many more faan yon might think. '??' lack Dillon i? ever lent against .'es? Willard, ?rhy not permit Jack to use a slingl H? s as a precedent the esa? of Ds d vs. (...liath. Wlllard and Moran may be ibis to draw a*. ' i gatS J'.'O.i.OO from the public. Hut how much, with their lnck if ipeed and their not unusual!, will they ci4e the public in return? Ol that matter any mor,? The Noes have it by acclamation. took hetrer rare of himself; no man ever used bli brain better, or nursed hi? arm ?? every chance. Vat Matty a" 16 ha? only an outside chance of lernainintr under the Big Tent four year? longer Al for being prepared to ?tart trouble, don't you re member ho-** ann'on? other ball clubs Ufre to piel on the '.l?l Culi machias oi the Mackmrn through the year ? ?i ne, I the 4? a!lop ' i orne;', e?pe. ?? to have a re'.ler trac-? team and a better this spring than she had last year. The rhree Musketeer? of l'u'na? had nothing on Sharpr-, Courtnej and M oak ley in the a-' r-.f delivering ' I needed amount at the proper place. H Fogel and C. Murphy can see no mer.t at ail in ?tirring ballad, entitled, "It is better to be on the OUtS ?? iodkin' in than on the inside looktn' out." I exaa l ?eaguei s. ! ,ri> tn l.ed and earl? to r!-o pul? SOS s'.iff the batting eyes. It i? hard !.. make a pickpocket oi I reggman believe that an> ?pi.rt i? on th?- level For to the crooked at heart all ginics are i rooked. Up Guards and at Em. When the South attempted to ?ecede from the t'nion two million troops wire called to the field to bring the ?e.-edir.g (in the other hand, or alternat? paw, there i? thi? in fa.'or gtates hack of the battle it loo?? to he a had fight Theref-re, as Supposo now California attempt? to ?ecede from the '.he dope operates, it is likely to be a whirlwind. The I.awn Tennis Association? In rase peaceful means fail to opposite to what you looked for is always the ?un-st he'. prevail, w:il the regular army or merely the Ktate milit.a tie called out to quell the insurrection? As a precautionary measure, President Wilson might ?*, Hi? o: e hie thing in favor of thi? March m?l?e is Te? P.ickard He has acquired the habit of cracking nothing until he is sure of his terminal facilities. Wbate/er he i ?tart? T? x generally finishes in the right \x?-. patch a l.rac? of warship? around In the general direction of San Francisco. Hie Games Greatest. In holding back foi the Rickard bid and control, Ike Sir Mike Kelly or Ty ( obb the greatest player that Porgan showed his perspicacity, ?? you might say. Mr. aver llvedt I'leaie let me nominate Puck Kwing for I ? Dorgan US? arise enough I the value Of a standard trade- honor, for Ewing was beyond them ail. lie wa? the game'? ? ark. *rreate?t catcher; a good first baseman, a r^ne outfielder, ? nd in the flag race of V.i that vent to the end of the -?retch Puck e\en pitched and won t-evi-ral game?. Such i eminent judges as Charley Comiskey and Clark Griflth -orne three or four year, ago Mike Doulin'c theatrical who have s?n them ,., plJt Fv[rg ^ H- was ^ on,y journeying took him to Kaaarille, Teaa. Mike arrived in a flne b?t(,-an and hMe runner, but could pta, ?, plac, town the ?am? day Michigan played Vanderbilt early in ' wUh aJ much gne% gnd Am M ,h(? rejfu?ar on tha job the ?Pn"K P. T. 3. .Boston.. That morning Sir Michael was invited out by Fielding_ Yost to "see the best college ball player in the world " The Sir Michael as a Prophet. Puck Mike Har.s and Ty. Only a great game could produce this quartet. The fir?t three could work at a greater variety of Jobs than Ty, but a? an attacking furce a lead'r for cons?cutive year? at bat no one else has e- er I ern in the latter'? class. If He's Lucky. The Je?? Willard Syndicate i? to get $40,000 for a ex-l,iant went out with Yost, feeling as all big leaguers do ahout the average college phenotn. Mike receive,] ?he ?hock of bil life. Alter the game he turned to Yost ?:-h thi? rerr.ark ; "IK.' fellow right now comes r!,'?er to being another (obb than any player I ?ver saw If they'll play him in the outfield he will ?oon he Ty'? dooost riva!." The young collegian's name ?as Sisler. If Fielder Jon.-? ?.ir.? him in the outrield, where he belongs, Mike's prediction may come true before the odor of burning leave? heralds 10-round bout in New York. This sound? like a pile of kale for the champion until one consider? this that after looking over the long list of Willard's managers the big Kansar. probably had to have the $40.000 to break even on ...i i '?he match. There are now (00 hall p!a\er? Signed up or under re serve to the two major league?. Of these only four are 40 > ?? ?? -?? a?-? *',h enou?h t0 "?r* " sh?v' <** ?hine yasrs old, or over. They aro Wagner, 42; Lajoie aad Plaak. WlllaH should have no squawk earning on the day of Brawn, 40 j"11*'" At 30 mo*', of them :<-.- ?low up and fade. At Only a few are Iff* A' ?,! less than 1 per cent rOBBS I ?S ^v '?' Mor?-, he ?* SI ?Ira? S <??"?' | itC The vender ?s tha' he *a? willing to ? eept a ? . another autumn. The .Age Limit. active service. Tough Assignment. Wearing a big league uniform at 10 or beyoi i - a tough assignment. 1?ke the case of Mathewjon. No man e?er * $6i>.0?iO for a 30-minute boxing match! Uno wa? ?t said the European war v.?? smashing all records for cost! Will Soothe Zim with Muff3 iiiiring ihe toa rae al ? ioai lleinie Zimmerman, of the I ub?, ?? the target of much aliute from ihe players al tas oppaaiag team? beach. Hiini?- i? of a slaeltlvs natiir?-, .mil it i? iu*t the 4erlial sbuse, accorilag la Joe Tinkrr. that upii'l? lleinie'? ner?eH and lead? to ho man? of hi? ??rangle? ?ilh the umpires. To remed) thi? Tinker plan? to ha??- Heime ?tuff ??ad? of cotton in his ear? (luring the mining leassa and thai make him Immune to the malicious orator] af the agpoaiag athletes. ELIOT IS VICTOR IN PENTATHLON Hamilton Institute Boy Gathers Chief Laurels at Erasmus Meet. V*ai Cortlsndt ( E ta s ?teer ycar?old stl etc from Hamilton Instl sll sround ?ch,ila?tic cham? pion of New V..rk and ?. icin B int margin of one-half t ? ight in the flrusmui Hal ehool me. ? the 23d Regl? i ...... \ . r or : ( . Buel of Died High School, Eliot '.?? i: - sdm ? ? ?? Pen . s tie foi Hughe? | High ' :. -: . d " ? ' ? si honors. ['..r- i. itumbled in snd th? ? put or he i champion. the hurdli ind i . ? put a:- i M ip well '?'.oui;i in the other evei -ow margin t'a win? tathlon 440? *h? per? ' l b<>>. in the i i He Public Schoo ? A' League record nt when he ird track three ,. - - ? , the mark he made at the 23d Reg men'. Armory la?* ?reek in a dual ? : within himself, and had he been pushed to the I mit he have endangered the world'? * ? rae, he ran . d be fore t three-quarter? done ai.-l st th? finish _? ? (?eorge Hug ? High . ?. teemed to run himself out in the 220-j ird I irdle race i rather a needless cx< f..r he hJid th? ? ? iken a half ave a iet A? ? s hurt himeelf m th.. 4?n so ? run - s tie jump. ? . - . ? ? . ? . a ? . MURRAY PLAYS WELL ON COURTS Paired with McNeal, Me Defeats Behr and Fell in Lour Sets. R. Liadley Marra?;, th.- r-ensational lian, ; ? ?formed brilliantly be fore two hun,ir...i ipectaton on the Height! ' . courte, Brooklyn, yes rnooa. Murray and Harry , , the elub professional, defi Karl H. and Theodore Re 8 1 and 0 : M irray'a ?en .? ?h ng w?re trokoa con? siderably improvea Not once did Pell ?rid break through the I man's snd i sly ones d d He ? . ? ?! Behr a- I .-ne,| in old-time fashion, but they wer? erra' C before the ?p?-e,l nt* Mur? ray, who epnears destined to 44: national indoor singles in m> mann? r. The order of service was Fell, Mur? ray, Hehr and McNeal. Speedy tennis brought the score to 6 all. Then Mur raj and bis partner broke through on Behr*? delivery, won on McNeal'? sad st, Th<- winning pa r kept ei a? the match progressed KKOad ?od third set? - '.on. After the three ?ots areru over an practice iet was pis sd This I McNeal let down In th? - ?(Torts, but -?till retained their grasp lufl to win PREP BOYS SMASH THREE TANK MARKS Haven, Fob .'. Three later? rec ird - were bi .ken at the terse istic sa. ?t the Yule tank to night Leo Hai ly, ol Mas? I High School, won 220 yard s? hang? ing up new figures in each. I ar I? I - made a ?71 ??'> see* ? . former mark of 59, ai 20 h? ?rant th? listan? ! <-i ... s? sgainst ths former ties? .. indi T H. Md snn, of Hamilton School, i-jard .ix\<m in II1 ?"' seconds, .. previous record by three? if ? second. It. Bird ol Brookliao High Ser.ool. the plunge for distance. He CO? ?red W feet, the longe?t distance yet 1 - .n the Vale tank. GfOOB, of Worcester Academy, woo th? fanc> diving event. Tue t?a_ rsOS *a? ?<uI tu Ht* ,'?---*. NEW YORK MEN SHINE AT MEET OF BOSTON A. A. Jack filler and Willie Kyronen Among Victors from Metropolis. O'l.ARA TRIUMPHS OVER JO. LOOMIS Caldwell Sprint's a Surprise by Capturing Hunter Mile Di'.anni'v Si-cond. ? - Boston, ! ? -? si lletas lu t h o ???ir.ual car 4 ... which * a? Mecha svealng i h.- m?tro| ? . |uad ' T.e pick of the a etos of Um ices, and ?uc ? rum I sr sf t Jo. C. I champion. ..;???' get b? " I . ??.a. P O'Hare, i -? ? place. _ and ' rhe trie . irt. Dave the 1 * \ idded to hi? ea he led , . . , ? <? t ? t o tape ii 4 ahich, s ? g...,.! pei ? r for ? tthie tie A Y > r k. ' ? V The I 'tart wa? S I one, -. ? leaping I is the i turm . ? ? - ? ? ? vain to sprint ?way. Just bef? i the Ik I t ?.cam tried to cal ils i ? -he effort ii. . '.'? first turn for home < ? ij ? ten? itl? nal ?prl -1 I he?.?.'. i wly, but surely, he i ? a? m pos i i reari n| yards st Breakaecl itch 1 . ? ? i th? < ? 10-yard high I Jack J, '. . ? 1 10, of 81-5 ? o i -. > in thii the 1 v ? ? . tet, and -. a ? - . tt slwavi : -? srgin, A. I1 ? ? ? ? ? Boston A?? relation, I M t a ?hurt distance in ad Tom Hard. of ' i Irish-Am? A-1 I? ? '< 'he measure af Colbl S Selal relay race ?do in ited Bates, sad Holj Cross ?in over a Boston Athletic As?e si learn, at l.S-'O yard?, In .1:1-4 i Par ; month started toe fa?t a quarti itch relay i i sachusi tts Institut - . The summary follows: ? . - r o-Oari Kara ? To * o, ). O I S r ... - a ? : If ?f, U a.? f. II . ??? . i ? - .-? ? Sal? ' ?? 1 lut? al i ' i ? . ? ? ; J I .-a tr-a' ? . . . I - ? ? ! II Huir, i Ml ??.??? a ? ,. - . | ?, -.4 . . 1. i Mil ? - " ? . ? ? . II'.. ? i York: A II. < I A i . ? , ? >, .... l' ??: i - i -. . Ma I ?? . >er' W, '. IV *}p??n. ? ? ? ? n ' tt : I ; . a ? V! KM 4 \ ? .. 1 - ? ?? It fa ?>?.-.? . raft, S . ? Oil"?*. I ?" ? - ? ? r Tiimwii i . r?ri B ??-- l . - ? - ?? iOi ?.-- . / Tt ? ?:''? - a. , a .- . . .._ .. ?? ? I 11)1-1 l| '. , . i ' M* l l!a ? . , .--.?> -a . . . ? H ?' -... ? 4 ? , 4 I - a ? ? - . - r ii?? ? .-?. i Ar.-- -a- ,|l| -. ? ' ? . t ? l - ???? Marrr ? A a ! 4 W : . . ' r ?>? . . I t*e\ 1 ?(?? . ? - :? " ?--- A a 1a"V? >.e'e* a . ? ? 4 II I * a 4. a.:. ?? .? 1 . ff ?' ?'a J iu- ?; ' '? m* . : \!a' -.? -a- . -. - I .'ar -.? : ? I t-'-.-. | ?.-... - ? 4 4 . - ' .A A "-'??-?.1 II. - ?' ? A tlm* , ?4 ,- I , -. .. a i ... - Rosi 4 4 .-a y 4f k . |< - 4 4 . . , I? r ? . ? a. a ? 4 ? i ? ? ' : ? . .- . i liar.?.- '.. ........ i ? l? H . '? ? Baker i i _L ? -. Navy Men Best in Water Annapolis, Feh | \? u,... ? Pittsburgh I trail In a ?win match to-day by a -core of ?*" I * lie ?-?