Newspaper Page Text
3FFE IS SO GOOD HE SPOILS FDR IN 18. Cass.gnol N<rf likely Take Any laurels from the American. THREE CUSHIONS HOLDS INTER?S Much of Bost Work In Balkli Game Seems Too Simple t< PleASC \\era?o Spectator. '. \? b o : ?. ,'.:--t, 1. com.' to trie I ? . \\ laun ? ? ? Vigns % decade P?r In '. | . | riiulati' lardift who ;.!. lean i . ?-? Hop ! I ? .. - tfc? It y 1 chai I that Hop: ? \ ? I ' ? gutl ochrai cap commi' i , ? ? . ; - ?o? ? i ? rithmetl opp? h? can i? , tained wit due tlon for tho prow? the ntly, i i L Louis, he made the nf - '-i for 1,?0 j t 18.2. f > I? hi } ? ?.< nc ' ent:: that poir. j S 1 \' 4 1 -. aver ape I ..'.a? in ? ham] . on bal team I Ml .ralizec 1 ?. " ora ?? -ineou! , ... i ? i ng h a n roan,I : it he i for? and t.o -. or Mutable oppo ? hi? earninc i owe in titl? matctie?, but hi? ?ndubitahi auper.onty ha? niiule him a greBt car, M, th? Us ? us an exhibitioi player, .\* Hoppe itemi tempera mentally lmperv.ou? to the soadition gadei ?rhieh hi- I? force,l to D?a\- li feme of the ?mailer cities, anil alway sa, he hft? b? come a very popular und widely fol lowed chat; , : rePnvnencp of *h vom .- Nan i*< rk?r In h;? chos? i* r it s . In? bill L'an-. ' c u ? :. ; ?nd I? , f his three ' much m ',:?t, i.nd m r? ' ? pan * Ion bill ' th? r Its snoetaeu sund? ? i? the van I? ? . ? ' ? ..n nn ' ? ..lar a-,.; t.? ' t It look? fai mon ! short ' ? i th? rs th? '' ? i.1R ? table, In 1' a. tat".- ; !, |n. ' .' : lay of ? .1 com? pet? ? ? ??cushion clasi that ?l of I i ? a 'Bost re angle - -*ht on a ' I ? 14.1, St! j Doyle Willing to Bet on Kauif Doyle has mi ?mlnentlj fair propoaltloa tu submit la the Na 11.mal i ?ague <-nihuslasts John's proposition has aothlag ta l?o with geometry, intrifral c?lcalas n,ir piatoa displacement, bat rathoi i? baaed ?h??ui the Bva Tangaaj i I baseball, who la, ?f coarse, the rele braird Honnie Knuff. Mr. IL.? !r m Nil? a lo *?aff.* that Beaai? hauff ??ill out hit aaj i?,. l'.-illcr?? in the National I TagSf lhat Is to say, John ??ill wagoi Beajamla ??ill aathll them sopar? stoly. li<- has no Idas <>f betting ?galaol Jake Daahorl and ( lareace ( ItsTord I ra?ath In a lonibincd soaso. l koOOQ ?our weapons'?or, rather, your ?aillo?? v?leiders. It ?mi Ihlnk I arry Doyle or llenr? Zimmerman ??r any other of the parasaoaat featares ?>f the Na? tional Leagae Is Koine la make a minor leaguer ool of KaasT, j-o to It. Mr. Doyle ?till snap I.? found uioni; Broadway. FIVE BELLS FOR THE MOTOR BOATS Big Show Ends and Miss Flo White Powders Her Nose. B) FEED HAWTHORNE. ? 'clock ? and I ? ' show. A; ?treats? t an-i wended its ws] with a positive roll end, - ,-H. . . at a motor t oat - ? qua'it? The closii riot of n tbrougl ? ? ? i'v. about Similar ?cone? ? place al charge ? ?heart -1 r a ? ? - ? .- ? ?, ar.d I 1?-*'? ? hicii key on the burea i ? Ever. "H" a dozun siich.-i of relief I exhaust pipes ol motor .he can ? You . . . mezza; ? * ' . ? . ', tak ?.., but diacour ..dus aro cold, green < ye? that -?learned from tl ? deck light? i r. either ?ide, and her thin, t.ronze nose seemed to ?niff the air contemDtuously. Even the ?tout, comfor-at.le, motherly I spent many u happy half hour durit.;- ? ? ognis? u? ar.d hept ?taring straight i, ? - . it I er boats thru were l>."ni? pushed the erowd were I ? ? - 11 ? . ? va? the marki on the mezzanine floor. Ho? ?',ie? A netrat | I ? : tract? 1 his lecture | f the I '? ppened. intern continued to bun, bi . and ? ?Set y su i ths hay continuel to ? ? .v Next, th? young man, g how wi house could he, ? mp on counter ar kept ' ' | ',-!.' It Is | in our eft remi rked I t the kind ? "V. t at 1 when - mrt the In- ? Thi-n 'here wa? un Ice box fi r use on ? hunk of Ice under a frit.?? covr. Th? ''ml i eon bolted with a padlock ? l of the >ho4?, to it was Im? r any other ?.???ce to have . i Its ?vn:, |n?l,!e We kept care ' that piece of :c? ?very <!av, and la?* niffht It act rhl luring th? - - knybi .wo bas qualn i ahn :? ght 1 ' iformed into a V h fan pectlng th? on the main flooi more than fort ' >.'-??, silvi r ar.d el rara leaks, mirror . . ' mlady'l boudoir wore con tl ;'. Its po , ? und ? It wa? a great fhow. A Lawrenceville Boy Breaks Swimming Record '?' '.. Feb. ? g meet here I ..- ., his ' . i ' '?a?, .... ' tors ' 1 . I t? as 4?i _:3? 1?5. Stars Who Will Meet in the N. Y. A. C. Track Games 1ANY FLAYERS SEEKING INDOOR JNIS HONORS Bassford and Waite \ an Exciting Practice Match. Bj J ' ? ? ? 'tiers i ?man. . . \ 1 i '. ' ? ? ' ? i I was a c ? - Thursday th.? a ? - t a?. ! Grant 'i ci fer*s r?- [ j I throu,? ? . txhib '? tack si ? many i to ?4ir-n 1 lacked .... . ? . ? ? t 1. I - ? I lay. vice gav? h came to ? chart;.? I to foi . u ? - ? Donovan Shows Way in Xavier Team's Victory ?lavier hatti.:. 6s l?o:.:?'.., , Xaviei vidual star, i the otare, th? foi D :. . < ?. -a I ran b? ? 3 ijji.Jer a ... . ?land. ' Fate of Eli Tank Team Hinges on Pennsy Meet Quaker City Swimmer! May Put Yale Out of Running. Th< Tala ling and water rf,.o team? may be sealed SB ?has ?he>- face Pen nay Ivan Is Basalts la the (:rt>. ?ertoll.-ytxie champlon ?hip ? ?:,,-.. -lieht s. pe ; ..rt of the (junker City ? 'hey ?uecee.t In down ??? !' : ran l il? th* latter all? be out of the runn n?;, ??aniH has already been ole sad Priaeetoi? Is In ?vater ? '.- i - been get their :.r. !-.- f r th i . ihow Im? prov, meal ther they can bet . to '?':'i 'HU'* u. TUe odda ara Al?o on Satur school ri i II bid ior national tie titlei to be one >f ? be Eastern . the r ro? ad? ... rprisina ior ,au,?-l?, ? ng the liki lie? tl int? are the : Handy, : Brookllns: W, J, Marl.r.g. et H . . -,'hno'., ,:' Mercers? Insti? ll Luks, sf Lawreneevlllei sn, of Ds Witt Ciin . "f Lansdowne School; ? ? : ; . of Brook r' Stuyveeaat, and -. ,.f Mereeraburg; the fsnev - ? ? Witt < lia* !S il .:g. and Ho ? -. K ?tier, .if Wi it lelphla, matrimony and bu?lres? te t g l. visit Honolulu and take part ir. the ;rer carnival, to i y m m 21 Lat? .*?? that oats Lud] I l?r, ol California Unlverafty, sod I Mis? Fra-ict-i Cowells, of San Frsnr;? ? make the trip. Barth ?nil ? ?n I i.i'-ilay. rera ef watei I why I . i.ever *.arte.! In nee ihei lh< ? anal on, and ? neellast advice to developing i iwitntneri in no doing. He ?ay? la an article junt publmhed: "Comuetition is I so ke?*. newatfara that unless a man ipeeialiaaa he will never reach the top McGillivrss ?tul I determinad .i? fur , b.?iajk aa lyOy to ?ach oap' are averv n.? I tionsl title, tha' are bsvs ? nea ?succeeded i? du.? chiefly to the fact that '?'?? agrtad to alternate in traininu: ?i 1 ! >? for t!'..- diff?rant svi - ? g ??iee.1 tha' 0 l t i had we en( Hi fill 'round v.a?." ATHERTON IS ALSO TALENTED iaUSICIAN Addenda Submitted to Rice's Story Of Remarkable Athlete. Orantland Rica recentlj arrota a story about tv..* I ItrSStlllty of t'har'?-". Atherton and awarded him the all around cbampionihip, but it ne. mi I ?* by no mean? complet?*.1 * ?'s accom* the fol loa "In your story about CI .t ? .".?'?. e.-'cri i*i this ?orala.r'a Tribuna you ?eft out what to me is the moat re niaikhbl? feature of tii.s very van 1 you know that <"harli?v Athei ? r : choinaaatsr ? at the preai Jar. Hoi Koighborhf Eait li irtl th I? a locial lattlamant iaii - u to th ? people of 'h?> uppc-r East and h?* directs all of their muin-ai Beth "Thi? comlr/ FrtiHy evening about i -, jrouDf people, "no have bren trained -.- illas Hn 1. ; i called 'An Evening Amor.,, e pro lira mm y v. and t ? * ""'?? I ' ? :'. r I hariey Ath?*: ten's genius 1 cim imagine no itt? ?liter???-lag sight thai th /? former athlete tooted .>?. an oil t>,uare piano in th? ba?iin"nt of th ? Neighborhood H -p dri Ina a deaes young p*?;la in Bohemian ton ii?noei," BRITISH CENSORS HOLD ?? ENTRIES FCK ECG SHOW United King lorn, How? ever, To B : V. ell Repre? sented at the Garden. Thi Bi ? - bold? lng up th? eatrii ? from snnual dog re a . veil rep? '-ion. The indicai ion - ire that more ?Jot's 4. ..r, Aiiioni; the cla?.?os which ? this bread i ? set i ?how ' , - ' ? Lincoln, Ma??, ?? Oth? rie? te bu . ? s t? . ? ? ?icelled - .. ? ? ? ri?, of I to judge. The i ? rn, of . i? ? I log? ' ? tel K .'???. . Pi H \\ land .'? In : Bar .' iccean ful first ? ?Alex? snder ?H. -'rince Ubert and I , New . '.??'? U r. '. ... or a< le ? ' i and < snada , i N'ivy Men Best op. Mat. ? I WnSt?Bg team ? ? Pel h Stats tram, ?rinning sis of th" seven i.out?. Navy * II bout? on ?o;rts and two on falla, Poaa Slate winning one bout OB points. N. Y. A.C. GAMES WILL ATTRACT STAR ATHLETES i Champions from Tar and Near to Compete in Tuesday's Meet. - - LOOMIS DETERMINED TO GET REVENGE Ray and Lett.? Will Cltth in IJaxter Mile Drew Faces Hard Test. Tra,-ai and fleld champ r't'? from mar ? ,d far ?/ill compete in the anr. . door game? of the <? >"rtt Athletie ? ab, which are to he held st the ttd Regiment Armory, Fort WaehingtOS is a.-.d ISSth Street, aext 1 .- i he sthleta 4 will i ime from , t , ? ??? ,. I.- Angele?, I I oron? ... held In t ' \ . ri.l ibtishing .? ?e in the N? ? ? ?? seiding M and th.- "''? ? rill be ? i ? f? tun . . ? renown ?rill t I atari boomis, \ ? :. ?4 ho badly m let ? ? ?. .. At- - samas, inga hi? efeati I table? i' It .. . i Bay, nal ss ?ri.l stai five ' ? i walking < gothi i m the Cast, iding. dith, '.?" - .. . ity ? I ii - ? from the Boston At:.. JacK Traosidor, from Tojo,. regarde I a? the fastest 44 ? ? . ilai. I the Baxter mile , the Long Islai Mike Devan ta th? Mill le tic ki . i; Jam? ? i Goi '.? tic Cub, the 'u:i:or : ehampion. i recant | irformanee cago armory, Ra) snd wit ? ? ? time. Bay 's showing rae? at the I i of ?-.? homn , ? 1:17 1 ? ? Yh,.' ' tatlon i - ? . Roy F. '?'? !. Engels, Drew l? feai slled to run in ?' I ? ? start" he the lone scratch I He holds ?he in made st th? i .' ^ : R? mer snd Joe Ces i ? ? ? ? the U - . . '?'? il'ace M ... touted ss the next Laoomia ? Barwise, of the Boston A. A runnitiK h!|;h jump. HIGGINSON HIGH GT'N AT N. Y. A. C. TRAPS One of the larges* fi.?',la of ?v.. ve-.r *->ok part in the w?ok ? if th? \?w York Athletic Club The condition.? were BOl good, and a? a r.-su' was won by s itra --1 scor? 'he A.-civ .i ? ,.?t of the sften In thus match both B M and R L. Spotts striags The former gum ll work He w?i th. nimrod, with a total of ? ? ? u targets. Tie? were registered in | :' the other event? 1 Monti. ? , |?g*j were ? r, N. Webb, W j It j. I. A i' B?na?tt, G i. M H Hul bi .:. D L Calv? The Accuma .. I sttrsaCted a numbe target men. Thev vera t. A. Bs M UeVov, fr. W li \ . :. '?? B. 1 ? : ' . '<? B . igden, T. H, l.a i J. H. Haadi n and E. R DoW ? Although there were 'he usai th.- match for the 1 rs , the ?h ...- . IT waa ? >i H. N.-ndnckion Th- .', ?. es < . sd t'y A. T. Bei i Higl Han licap onze ? - the ?hoet-Oal being taWen I Three guaaers tied for tl ? ? Raadieap ti ''? - . ? X linker, f. B loa a I ? NAVY NINE AGAIN TO MEET FOIDHAH Twen- r*tWO SjaSSOl ar" .... Uaiveraitj ba el ill sel int.. Seed yeeterds y. '-. I 1 ' . oBBi 1 ?ehre of the :?'.? e and foui After un inter\ . ? years the Navy will be ; on the Southern trip during the Last? ern reces?. \!ar?-?i .'. M y- 1 A-M .r? a - . I.?*?y?'i. al y ?.. . Dart"? its ?: >? 1 r' . 4'. ' ? 1J 1 . ? ' llar?-.. 1?, il , . . ? , .? ? ?, met ?' ?' . :?' ?a. ... I S T ?I ? - - 4 . , - ? . '?' M . ? SI ?.. ? .' N?.-y al ?mmam ?' ? . 1 . l.a_ M?\j t. xioerx I l'.i. tHaj- al T A C ?i H?> tl '.? ?? -?.?ilh i\* '. ? ,r u .. . ? ?? u .4 Bill?, r. a; S.? B \. . II .'? r I ?L - ..... I SI a- ,..??? r? li ? . e ? B | i nia? ?t \\ . . Milwaukee to Go South. Milwaukee, Keh. f> The Mllwaake? American Aaeeeiation ba?eball te?m will tram at I'.ne Blaff, Ark. accord? ing to i telegram received ta da) fl Owner A. f. Timm?, EBBETS POSEr as mm of TA&-ENBQ. Brooklyn Magnate R^. re 1$ Drift Coat \\t sub.' miffed in 1913. O?VES l.ov'i.v rn-Bs FIRST SHOT AT STAfc Since Brooklyn s R <,P i-, r*at,'ts 1, || ve?, He Ca? Safe, ly Rt'intro?ucp BOL Hy PRAJfl d'\i -| | -""-orfW| I m bin. ? ' ?ort fi, : ? i on elib, ' ?**n?fi - ' i 'i. bbbbbb __ ?ar? it ^ ? th? g, aaaa, bgt :?. m ? adai m u? II ha bIbbs* ? '.?"?* ?In*? ' :?' use;* tt ?rail -, mm the Air. i ' ? ?. BBS - ? . ' I ta th -???r-i-. r . ... j i j '?? ? - - ? i ? - ?fed ? ? ? it ben? . non clubi ? ? ? ? a the ? ' ? l ? ' ' - rsa raasBB . . |. Of couru. ' ? j*Lr<1 !__*? the coin of 1 '? ' ?a . ??..if t? .... | ' 'f ' ' .. . - - ' ! ?, ' ' . * lia _______ Complete l ist of c, _, Coming Dog $#* - ' ? ?<! aa. V-* . a k m\ ?a a aia -*-<->- N- ' ? a?