Newspaper Page Text
Johnston an Enigma to Tennis Followers \ot R-Pg?rdc<- a> nivil1 Class Player, but Yet He Won Championship. llRlT AND STAMINA UPSET ALL DOPE ...?....?r, Nos Is? Hod Will the OUfet-alan Fare hi Campaign ,-f the ? ' *- S*?1 i B. j V*' - 0 SI M K ' - i .' H ' ? ' : . over ? ' ' ? ? -- folk -. i ' ' _ ? ' ??>' the ' " - ? ' ' '? '. . - ;-. ' ' ?,:?' may ?i ae weiK - ?. re an . ? the now well ' ?" ? - . . ? ? ' - 1 - ? it In an ' ' rniani, ' ? ? ' ? ? ? - ? ? ? ? '? 1 ? -? '<-i ? ;. . '?-... 1 the at he ? , but the l ' ? ? o wan I :-....' - 1914. ' rat day of the ??isar ? ' wi rr ' However, ?ir..< _w* ?X ? ** a rash when th? ?-'age Is Stars of Courts in This Serie* TM? I? the I.. ?I of a ?cric? of ?torla-N In Jame-? O'NOOlo about ?he loading tennis playees tn Ihla roan? i'? O'Noale ?ill tell something <?f ib? prreoasllt.i ?ad methods ?,i the ?irions players "hum he deer ri be? a? ??ol? a? ro?ate t!nii schicvemetate daring tin? eeaaoa ??ln.ii has laal paasod rrritef .?f the Trie?? h-is met ..ii.l beor? defeated >>> sosas 4>\^?-l |**a| playera, and i?. in, a paaitloa to ?': l. !.. 1,114;'? i,I their piWWCOa. FIVE PLAYERS IN THE DEQDING CHESS BATTLES Chajes Added to Lis1 as Result of Meeting at Manhattan Club. five playera, Instead of four, will .; stage of the R ee - Master?' tournament . :".i , : . referee, m the chair, . aftu r? ' ? ? . -12 points, sn i i1. Jar. wski, B K li \ : - had qu , ? ?*?'?'; ? iving a ? n thai by so g - I eonsiden ? . .. ted to ? him a chance for th. ?' , ? led a*. 11 o'clock. ilevard. ? ? 1 all! Sl the same place to-n. Turruay, : ? ?? ved t ?r tue aa - t ? ??:?; ???,.- Ja-, ?irskl et. ? - - a? ? ? a ??M rt I ... .? ?. ? ... ? r? a tot S the tnem- ! .a Brooklyn i aces in tVie ' I ? Brooklyn Academy of, ?rest? ... Hi rinann i managers ? t' th? . ? ' an anal; I ? . that tourna- j gur? the queen'? ? tatly favored, I i ? . gambit -.'- ,,..:..'.,.t were I . 4. 4vh!ct. were defended Irregularly, to '. that i. 'o'.a! o:' n ? ?? so-ealled ? the best : lits for ?? won 121, lost 11 ar.d dr' i ? i I I . I 1 to I ; ill I 1 t C I 0 0 . . I ? ? 1 .111 14 Bits of Baseball Chatter Heard on Winter Diamond By l RANK O'NEILL. n and th? Cir?ar in are suffering from a ba shell ? rain, lie It .- Walter Maranville, the B ton Braves, was an In both traje? when h? the diamond calling him and an '?-. Walt? r's ?lad, WTU H 11 Ion of the law about th .t Howard Draw, the i : uatled r0?"l'n?.' I luilroad ... Maranville, t-r , reported for I ? east ."ace. Draw asked , :! Is nal, and Matai, . 1. "It's all the r,uitter, Howard. | as to the dogs. Here I have li m loara bricklaying and ?'? tfono to New to be a bail playas.11 Hut lu lui4 the whole Maranville family saw the whole world's ?erte? and cheered madly for th? boy who . : ?.';.'? 1 o\v wow?. . - ?lay a bunch of baseball ling up In the Federal , aii im] rob ?no. 'Sura, l?--.'.? ?*?, Kau'T kept huh' tu i ther. ..... .. -i., . 'r,?a-iI*.g ? which de- . JcGraw wa? ' ? the train- j ? in Mar: ? ? *s 4vh"n . . S * ... ; . , CPUrf,0 ? m? of a I McGrau saldi "lie | v.-as a really remarkable ball player a- ?! ?n addition to hi? many ijuii???ch- | ? e wa? ambidextrous, wasn't he I Bngal" r?." said Raymond, quit? undis .i minutai " ers re] r'?.l to eamp carrying about twei i of suporaaous weight. Ons ef jut en five ?Mat anket? and started to ? the park. "That Indian Is itigable.*" ?aid McGrau I "L'on't worry,- ?aid Ravnionii, "abuut a week of i aid wort arlll brli ? ' ?. \ certain manager was talk:-. the corea and worries of gal learn to the ? ?? i I ant, or ala? ad r" "v, r-j," he aaid, "well, I ahonld bsj I ream ml er one - that even ? ?>-" i, ? fer tells thii one i - ? . ?, : l v. M with Deti ?'!' Tv Cobh and I were out aatomoblling We drove r.uii, whf :? .?rr-at, big, rav. boned fan e? . . h hi? ?vairon iir..i i ? pi :i chanca t i h banco to . ?ma ud .. .ti him, an I I rolled: 'Y< -ret over bi fora 1 knock Juat then o'ir . : h ",- i itai ted U c pardner, 1 relied, 'thai r don't go; jrouTi i ' and a pal of mine,' and bOBtay? 1 in his leat" When travelling from city to c.'v h 1 n , . ir'l life is often one fame after another, and to Little J.>?"h levotre that was the 1 fo. One i ghl Josh .?t?'. In a gams mid luck wa- ; bad fa.r him At last be decufed to I, nr..i ti.ri'W in a Chip, und Started ta Ct his change "He; I" ii .1 Rabe llarquard, "you ca?. 11 ge tl at v?.... ? '..???" ? change : Sav, how do yu guyi p.,..--. ma to boot gai . l'unn announces thii* I? I n tared an option on all th< lurpl - tern?! . ? . - He soya that he will receive the | Invis who fj m.-ike good with the laakoea. And itilj he han the to is| he will win the International Leogoe pennant Walter Gerber, tho poaag ?hortatop. who Ii only i i.e of the man siated to . \\ ??crsa'-r. and Larry .Mur steh? r of ? ?? Pintea, hove l?eos Bold to the i ? i team of the Amor \ ??- her lived op to his promise of the ?-. i .? u s, sad thej were ea] ?.aa in hit! The Gianl have released Wona maker, . i aatchor, to J.ochesior, of th? lat?n itloaal laaagao, Wana maker was with the hustlers last ve?r an i while he hit only .219, waj highly rocommaadod. William M. Johnston Come-Back by F. Gotch Mere Matter of Finance Lure of Profitable Return Stirs the Retired Cham? pion Into Action. ir .-g nut of retirement a chon. r i any 1 as of ?-port who has hel< the titular honors for soms yeara, it - that he may test hi? stren?th an? iV against a younger and really tor. il le opoonent, is an expens. i ;? R. A champion with the last ;?? of Com; tItiOC p.- rei btful of his ability to ? tb a moro yi ? challenger considers such a match ? ? his hard earned lav ? : ? ; Th. -.4 h'. are ; ling t< 1 itch?Stecher wrasl r thl? fact for the i steh. While the Iowa ? r.r <? fur f .? [ mil hed st '-f.'.s time, there . ? ... itlon that the a i for the world'.-,, catch i ?! . impionshlp with r.' xt -. G '?'. ha? already begun ? ? ir, me? romera I lule pi i It cost rei Richard Jioi.doo, in ad - Jim Jeffries | and Jack Johnson together at !.. I S'.il , aad while wroatleri ha. received r.? much as pngilli i general run of thorn] it :i aorta n that i record wrestling purr? Gotch Roi gna for his - . >r thi i as disap] . . ? . . ? .. . til? ipecti lidi time eu belt, A a gcneril rule, wreatleri hold tl-.eir , ? 1 egia to al.p 1 aek. Jaffrii five whea Johnson, at tho a ' * rl two, v ? * ? ' ' 1? '. h : . : three, and ' ? ' ? ? t" date, ma ?>? think ? tling . ?per in :e will ? idvan? i youtl wr?-- tling < i figura that I ? a* to taekla Gotch. Certain lie latter'.-, mat r<.cor?l impresses one with the ? performa - '.ho man when taken in connection with th? well known fact that he hai alwoyi i ? ? n o ?derate ? l met I il in 1.' ? aid training. (,otch. who ?OOt i lovon '?? 1 one-half inches toll and -nds in con.I tion, baa ?*? o? mora tl an li ' handicap or >n to ? rowing mora thon 2 ponant '? sinute exhibition o? ? ' about half that number I I rea ris fi et i ne In. i in ' "?Kb*, ami .-*,iip? at abou* 200 pound?, g?. has wrestled more than fifty matches and has never le t o decii although bold to a no-fall muten by Strongler Lewii i.nd Gcor?u Turner. DAVE CALDWELL TO RACK HOMER BAKE Dave Caldwell ?nd Homer Ilaker a amor.t* the eraehi ??i... ?|1| meaau - ? ' il !,c.-.p ; the annual Indoor ,? il i? ? Naval Batl illoi thi i nory, Fift; : ? . ? ' Bal ? : ?iay rllgl ' I ? ?? big, rangy middle diel ?? i the Doston A. A. rece tly defeat? linker, Meredith and Higgina in tl Millrose , but the dlsts Baturdaj night Is mor? t.. Bakei liking, uil the inter- . half m I tun ? un th I Al U-e. E Idls Goodwin, AI K. and all the rest of the crack : rldei . biha race, i? looked fit. Goodwin and Krucht s whs? ngth b 1 ike h- ' ? in ll ra't st the 2d Nival Bat talli u noviee, th ? ? noviee evei ? . ? yea' Entriei i ?rltl Lie itenanl Charle lu Crissey at the armory te : night >. Allie Nack Proves a Generous Fot Although Allie Nack received thl majority of newspaper decision* ?gainst i ?rey rhelan. he stand? rm !?, i.? si y time to give Phelan a return Numerous mstchmakers are after the hs Phelan 4va.. Mack'-- eleventh em oe profesa ional, four months ai S'acb i be iked to meet some good bos at the Breadura) i :,i tl .?- I '. '? on Februa ry 2J. FIFTEEN GAMES FOR N. Y. U. BASEBALL TEAM The ba?ehn!l management at Now Y. tk University aun ? .1 eed the nie for the e iming sas Heights yesterday. Manager Freo? ??iicK-4 has arrangea f,.r fifteen gs fourteen ,.f which uiu e ?.-..? '., while one date ??? still | Mai ? .'.'.vs appear on thl I year's ?chedule, Arm>, Middlebury. Trinit ? . dropped. However, thvir places bi l?;, Dartmouth, Ai I nion .. lows: a, - , 1 - ? Datare?!.. ? ? ' lit a - 'lar I. St I: .'< a St* 1 . " I . ? I - ? !? I " 44 ,, ,.,; . ? S i :? .1, ; a-.? 1 IU ?ara. I maWt? ax. _? ??. a... . -.a? i ' Watchful Waiting' Is Yale Alumni Slogan Bitter experiences of Past1 Put Damper on Marly 1916 Optimism. _ JONtaS AND SWE.ENEY HAVfc DIFFICULT JOB Princeton an Added Menace and Harvard Is Expected to Have (treat Team. By (.KAMI.AND HICK. Yale graduatoa, In a footba'l way, hav? adopte.I the policy of PfOOidOBt Wilson "Watchful waiting" v. 11 re stais is vogue ur.'i! Tad Joan sad Mue Bweeae*/, tha new regime, have I their forci P and Harvard ncx! November especial 1> agoiaol Harvard. I ?>? Bjorooe . . ' ? - I.a? ?? long ?Ince c seed i I ? ering, whatever the ad ' ? . r Yi tan la I'M", when Ted '?oy proved that i- I ead toock ha wai ana of the gi ? i a)?*! - of all timo. Tin.. : i ? . .ho Lad n foilou Coy and st.ll fail to lift I.ii from the doo| ? ? ? ? . -u ?. * ha .." om| i I ej Hinkey the Nonpareil .. 1 the while "i ale m art dee* ? it 1 ala tho year before had hid one of the great? freshman in her history ["he re] thai Ell al 11 ' wai to be avenged. Thi? answer wa? t! *o n. with V the brief end ? ; l Bo, a? strong is 'he Jonel Sweeney' rombi ? ? '. iu can't ?? ei ? Kl.une Yul'' gradi from Maine to Ore gon and thereabouts for a .?alvo of r'r eon 1 "' till hop king for 1 ? they nothing bu* ; raiae to offer for the now Mine directorate but hup- has sprang oten - ? . i roeultant ?hud that came near i ? J net anil Sure." B| have behilt ! ?hem . -i...' ? ,,?? dl-..iter. In the Tale hns loot almost ?? r my football games s? ?he had i ?' - four pears Harvard bss hiinu up li pointS t*. 6 ?! margin of over '-'- to 1 Thai m Itaolf Is i ir ig< nnr early cheering, ". al.? now Is eon ' ? watch ar I Wait Ul roaulti ?m obtained neat November. ? ? ari l ha t mo enough f - Ing then, if the i t? bo of I However good Jones an I 8w? u ill ; rot '? ? ? no part of a i I have loader, more ? ? - ' boat to tl . ' 'hr- <i?..l?e. Is i tod In i eno'. ? t to 1 ?"?? g about a big Improvement But then thia to ba remem bered; John Harlan Ruah will have at I' ? 11 team of a decadi ?' tatistles are car ri'd out He w.ll !.a\e good materia', botter coached than any Princeton i th n mentor, Ru?h needed a ?, ?r *. gel irlngs to gv ?? d with that year'i i i poriei ? I hi-ri hfl will !e in much bettef shnpe for ti> 1 il th?n h? wa? last fall Then? will be no MrieWley or Mahai at Harvard neat fill, bat the materia ???liable Will !??? of hijfh order Raaghton will ?t least gtv? a koo I part of this tun,- to 1, ? r ? another well coached C'rimsou SSJUad, Harvard expect? to have abon? as StrOBg a macbiaO ready for Tel? next Novemboi a? she ?ent againxt th ? Hlue m 111 sad H'l'i The backfMd mat.rial m of such hi??h order tha' many on the |n?ld? do not believe tha either Bnwright or <'a?<*y will be rejru lar? ye' as pr?p star? the?,, two wer supposed !.. be only a shad? back sf Mnhan. CPUddsring these matter?, the he?* that many Tale men now look for i? a ?lart uphill a Start back to ?he ol? days. They hope at least that Jone? m ' Bo.-? ess and the winning in vaslon "f ?mailer eleven? and can a lea?', give Harvard ?OIBOthtag 'hat re sembles a battle anything widely re mote from the M 0 and 41-0 affair of the la ' tWO yars. Th ? ( nach Jones should be ah!? t. do. lie ?rill hive invaluable aUI from Mike Bweeaey and he will have better material than most outsider? know ? Mu- in the ?pring and ?'immer In? terim Yalo graduates, ss heretofore re marked, will ?ave op their cnthu lasm until the llnal score warrant? an ou' bunt, They have had their dream ? before only to have ? nightmsre I i lah, They era no longer tal ??:: any? thing on faith. COMMERCE HAS THE WINNING BEE BUG liaskctball leant Oains Second Victory in 24 Hours. Th? Hig-h School of Commerce ? , ? in defeat ing Ps ? ? ? .-? .? ; N. Y ? .. -'? ? 18, it also ?ma the seeond time in two yem? that th? Manhattan boy? had r.. : . , isr.ere? gained Its ???.? nlng lead in the < ? od, v.her. it ] ' ? ' Pawling players off their f. leading) a* half trr," by Id to 8 I? . it, 'hi" advantagi was needed, for I strongly, si ag Its opi lien the r, Nat Rol man, the ? re.? caprin and centre, wu? the bright individual ?tar, a? hs recorded , t? ..; of 18 points. Sheldon, at. loft ' I, caged four ef tl.-* seven field baskets credited ta Pawliag. The Has up foUowsi 1*0*4*41 ra'vr .rs'c, . p ? i- u n?r-. i -'? ? ' : i u t 1 '; --1 r' t ?' ? A AI -'nit. rf ) : :?' .?.-.' 1 1 ? II ' ? . < ' * ? r| -i 'I >> I r--? . -- l ??.. ? ? ' . a..**. :o sal I! Cochran Gives Beating to French B?liardist kor Cochran, the I blcago bey r, turned the to les en i-irnmn gi ni, the Praneh billiar li?-. night at Maurice Haly's. Cochran'? eluded a hiifh run of 102. Hil ? was II2 l. Caaslgaol tallied 172, with sn average of '.','. 2-5 and a high run of In the af-ernoon the Frenchman Coehrai ?, and s ' .? nina t 18 au I 89, for the ig? as Cochran'a night [>'-r fortnh' Shipping Information and Marine News of the World MIMATI'UF ALMANAC (By t nlinl luUi i ???-' n..1 ?.?- la-le l-jr??*? 1 ' Il M ?. i ri?-, '?m ! ? 4? Si jal a . .. 4 4 BIOH '?'? M . I. AM P M Baal . 'ii . 1. SB ! lu |" .? INCOMIM; STKAMKH.S. 1" IM Y l lallafd ilia ". ? ? ? ? i . ? -i"?r jaa ?3 Manat? ?a . Jaa la ? . . ? i . ? |sa '. ' il 1 a I a ? I ? -} Ri '?r 'ara J? i 19 I . ; g"-r.l?iri . . [sa ! I ?rn.w . Jan t? M ri ?r .?.j ,, I ,' ri . . Jaa : ? Il a '. .. ... * . ' ? t !'? '?-.'..u " ' 1 .- !'??r? . . Un 11 Va i . . . J .a ' i i ?? -' ? ' i-??Ul?s .Jan 14 ?? t ...Isa II - a ., t? i ', ? ? .r Su patta .s?. . Jai. !4 M HA? i ? LBT 1. . ?? a. . . '.. :?:.?? ? III i ?r- ! J . a ? Hill ' intlai I - . vi ira u . H ir "i a.' ?ri . ? ,'i . iSti Bai tard ara ' ' ' ... ... F h : ?.. ** OUI , lin 11 1 ai.r ... 1 -0 . Ma - ? ! I . ?a:?, ?j? ' . . a fat* _ "l ai - !? .i . .Jan 3" -.'. .. . OtJTGODtG MllAMtlK.S. N DA1 ?*,. . a ? al.a ?.?'"? ai M -, | . Knerilv.' < I M IM 11 i*0 lin j (IU lyaf v; I I ... U "..??? I I . - 1 AI 4*11 TKANSI'A? IP1C MAILS. ! laaaa < ? ? China .'.;'<? Ii.i ? . r- i - . | m V?t> !?. ? ? I . ? ?. 11 JO -a ? , | ? Biwall ..'.? s. . rrai , ? ? . !'?* lo I!,. j ", I '. 1? ? \- Na-a ?,-\ . : . A .. ? la, B l') ? i - " I <-C I l Ja;. i ful U Ja lu. I r?a Peal ? r. I - | la.l . a . ? ? ? l a .?'-. ' ? la ! .... i | ;. il 'al l-'et) U ?., . ? a . . ... - ?. a OiCVl lalli?? al U M B t,.. r a .-i--.-*. Mai 1 aJUUVKO. i Hint'.' Sf?pM I" -> Md N -r' ? S? i a- ait*- a Isa yiai* - I P ' | \ ...? |. v ... asa Isa - ' '?? <?? Hfill*' ?ci. Va- ? ? l - ; ? IS. to '.ha Mur.???? Hi !.. ? ? .'.. a ...? I-?. ? -? ? .1 , i !.r I? Jaa M ' '-.' Al.a. U? - lj . ?? ' i lia? II." 4 ? .?a Ma i- ? ? ? - Hal 1 >? . ? U.a.- T II . , It *???.'-. Pjaar, a ii, I? t.:ir-j>.?i4 J-J. ! . ? ? ? '.- ! n - . . ? Manila < ? . Im Sar, ?' i .a ., ?. m* 1 ii. ..-'.?? ' a 1 ? 1 '. a . I ? ? r ? ... i Bal ?: 4 ? ni I a s- I T-n'-T Jin :* le Man-iell 11, - -'. f. i ? '.'?'. ? '? l'a- ?' ! a ? itf ... . , -.- ? , - ? s ? T'ai a 4 111 a ?lui Si ' -?1'.' ? 1*1 f??r a* . ..' I M.:a . 1'. 1 tu ? - m la. r a. . ? ?If?- ,U IS. I ' * Ills a a ll_ . a m . . - ? ... .... I , . . A ' ' ? '?' . - ? ? : - M . i t tn ? ... ? . i. lo 1 U Bull I I B..lw li-ir. ? Uli SO luaaaan ' ? B?lOI ? ? ? ? ?1? N ?: ? . ' i hurl? l.--, '. ? I'- a nan I' ? ? ii ? '.. Hollar : . i .* - ? S -..'s ?poft SV?, l laturta Phi ? ' rouancha, , n?rtattaa ta' ' ? i e i ,i HalUa " ?? 11'au ? | ? ? ?..'? I . . ... ' ? si ? '??.?? ? ? , ?i a I . ? Ut - to ? . . ???? La t-.--?iin I- . . . ? ? irai ? Ilaav.? . ? . ? i Raa ; ?. i. Oro? x ?? , . ?i ? ? \: . -,?.-..? U .-*..? i , Bl BAMERS M FOREIGN POUTS. i ? ? ?. i i ??-. Tort f ? ? ? ?- Br) N? ? T :'< '. f ? ? t.' . j y 4 ... ? S i ? Tl? St I P.i1 Ua'dl f ir VU.? p , . . - ? \ ? 4 . , ? V ??. ? -?. . ma ?r.?1 ? ? V .rk ! ? - -a ? I ?< ! ?- V r?. A-.- ? , rl - w 4. ,rta i ? a . i ? ? - a I .*?-? i ? a tarn Tort far V a -4 r If I .... S . 1 .ra ? THE WEATHEB REPORT (iflirlal Ke?-ur?l? nnd i'or??rasta for the Laal Twenty-four Hour?. ? -? ? ?? hms ?" ; ' ? rrldai i ISM tr-y ' -. '. I ! . ' .... ? ' ? . ? ?.?-.. tad I ???;??, i I t I . .... a. ; ? sir. - i | v 1 ;- i? ? ? u .????. . . I -. - a - ? ? ? - , ?? - > . , . . . ? ? . ? \ 4. j lit ? , ? . 4' '4 ' ' >?M .- ? ? ? ' ? ' ? , ? ..?.''..- . and M Mb ...? ?. ? uiU . ?>? :. la? the ~*\: ? . m Win,U fot ?... 4- ? ? -a.. a - ? I ? >???.?.- ' ? . a ? . II ?-.'... ? - :, war?: 1-. / F?f?Ma*a 1er PrK-l?l Lo. ?Iltla,.?Eutari Hen Vert, flond? ?n th? caul, oretwb y anow flunrtaa, I? tn? l?t?rlar, Sunday: ?i?!??, gverrut. ? ?? ' . . .... ..' ? lira ? . :*j ?...1 ; ? r- . -. ? ' . ..-r 4' .. . i?> , . . '. .. I ?I a. '? a? . .. ?'. laath. ?'tu' I l '.. . ?I '4 v . . 1 ?. . j?..av-U. 44 ?an yem T-"rk ?w.t ' Through servie?* to California every Tuesday via Apache Trail. Every \VY.lm .?-day via Grand Canyon. Stof> permitted a/iywher?'. H Departures every week, including Nassau, ght journey en the Ovirsea Railroad to Key West, and the famous winter re? sorts ?>f the Florida East Coast. Optional e?xten sion to Jamaica and Panama. WINTER CRUISES To Cutea, Jamaica, Panama and Co?ta Rica The oniv arelaos under spatial charter with apoi aavaS i-'bnary 1.' and March 11. - -..^., ...__.?. SOUTH AMERICA i-ra-jprii prtTa"* parties fof'Oetisiva -...,-? .,! three B r-dATj JCanl .'.tar h IS, JAPAN CHIMA, PHILIPPINES Small parties un it . ?r.irt, Marco 2 and 'J8. Send l'or BtttUtt l>**\rtd WHITCOMB RAYMOND & 225 FIFTH AVENUE a-Mas-aa-aa-o^^ "T^r-T"". ;. :v>gjzjt COMPANY NEW YORK '40liA?iS fit?F?i?ST to FlOWiBS Glorious isles of Perpetual Spring Time Round Trip on Sieamer $25 and Up. H ... . . ??. :, ro f: It, .sr.o'V. er ??!'.!.1 ? ? .... ? .-? ' . ? . ? . . . I otad waters eSer Ideal i a | -' | ? a a- . ?> S^S ? < * . ? i . ?zl/j#L- :s' ?: ? - t - the ??. ? I - S. S. "EVANGELINE" .? .1' ?? ?r ?-.-.. 1 an alternat? t ?? * Than and Bats S. S. "BERMUDIAN" Ml?r.s rro"i .\- . lA/?Cl InH??C' l-?''?"li"?"! crslssi o licol illUICO. 5. S. -Warlma," Fob. JS, a it a Sara. ana S. i, "(iulana." Ma-. 21st. f - | trstld tw*.'?*? apt: la Qai**>i' S S. C?.. ?? Br??4a.?, N. Y.: ! -. ' - v I III -v . . ? a a? H?-ni-,n 1 .?? Wli.t.. a ? ? . . .-. Aa?**ja-ga?-a^^-?a?' i -. 'irtat Ci, ' ?> M" ai ? i. .... ?a ! DELIGHTFUL WINTER TRIPS With Completa Railroad, Staamihip and Hotel Arrangamentt, but not Peraonally Escorted. ATLANTIC CITY LAKEWCOD $1052 AND UP SQ35 ANO UP The mos".' famous resorts of wealth and fashion near New York City. Ideal spots for weoK-em! trips a I short vacation tours. FLORIDA, BERMUDA, NASSAU, PINEKURST, CUBA, JAMAICA, PAN.MY.A Sen i today for o'ir new book et.?-. ""r<'-?pe*,.!er,t Travel" anrl "We.-t H'lics, ' sh ywing tho moat com* lote srrai g.- ? - r>ia?Je for pleasure travel m the) United "-"rates S?d the An ??-: n- .'*-? RAYMOND & WHITCOMB COMPANY PHONE MADISON SQ. 0270 225 FIFTH AVENUE, NEW YORK *a ncAO ) ... ?LA TOURAINE ??ESPAGNE .... Ca>*np*x*_.nie Genera!-; T. ans^Uurtiq?? rosi m.5ERVME NEW YORK ro? BORDEAUX ?All. , it Al i '?? M ...FEB. 8 tUFAYETIE .... FEB. 26 ...FEB. VI ?CHICAGO .MA... 4 ...TLB. |Q tROCHaAMBaEAL) MAR II ? Tar'-. ? -r- a ?a?a. ?I* "?.?'v.; U ??r ft. uf a law ?"t- *-??*??? ?. .????s. FALL RIVE* LINE TO BOSTON $3.00 Kir? I? I''*r 11. N lt.. ft. Kuli n Fr . ,: ?> |? f M Mir .Ne?? lnu.lou (.Norm. Ill line. ?T I? i r IS, N r. . ft. H .uaiun st, w??a i?v? i) i* M , iu-r 7;. ??:. i:., ti B. :.J SI, S-M ?' M Na? l.h.e. ?tr lv Ft-r IS, H II. . i , - : ?-..'. L' M ?Irlil|f.-; l in??. ? IO| ? . i . . ??- ? 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