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EDITORIAL, ?ART. DRAMA, MUSIC. Httu ijtttfi gfriutrng FINANCIAL. REAL ESTATE. AUTOMOBILES. I'VKl^ ni \m- n T\** 11 M PACKS SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1916. TART?? MI AMI IV. TWELVI PACK ALONG THE ADRIATIC?AUSTRIA'S DRIVE TO EASTERN CALAIS Italy'8 Failure and Self? ishness Have Had Serious Results for Her. By FRANK H. SIMONDS, \ I he ( ' ? ->t War." I m the ? - ' ' ' that ? ' ? The Southern Slavs. tl mat'. ' ? a. ?: St ??. ? a / farisa ? - i la sn?i Herze ? ? ? of to i thei fan ? -1 the . ? ? gly slight, i .? ? . ?'? t are s1 ? ? ? prloi - : ' 1 a ..' '?'? I . " ' ' . I to a ? it, ' Italia Irredenta. A whicl ed to a . 'y s' * ? ?' '?n perni!" , ' ? "' sad of I it s, t.. sa rn i hors of tho Adriatic Utla Urr ? where In Eu '"*' " I The ci1 : ? ? . wholly aandl from the J : . e Drln, I'r.rin un Italian p it was hatter to permit titeas pro*. to reir'alr. dlaesotanted pnssssailoni of THE PROBLF.M OF THE ADRIATIC Sw, ? r*-*?w' _ ^ ?l) < * < . t ?? i v'X z*-*^*** *x*3r ^ *A ? -|VfRONA?_l_fvf ?Oat A ??MeSVAR ?-?^ ^v^ 7 MILAN lOfNOA ?r I CtV/A*. FIUMEI OU kaR< ?>/?' ,?.*-" TA^/VaA ?ft )!'/ V/fu? -fir ?~? "??lA*1 -% ?l?CR \. \ <> v N? ?*?> &ARAJFVO J a* ?. *,'/v^>* ?. ?e<?e>Cf a p/trMUfi' PIA y^ N ^5? ./> k ? ~7 * ? \ r a./^ V y ?RI'** NOPt' r_ ~gxl ?>._. ^> :20 03 I ?As? y D M ) DRlN?a ^v SB Jjr_r^ivi T !? ??s / o aV / A A ^ n ^ _*?_ ? *, -? ^-b"^* rnA S J0 ? ((V ?f_ TUNIS F-* V ?' v >? ^V i? ^4 ?fV .Mill..?.?, a IS j u-l nuil? i the '?>" ?H ?la... ^ "ct?e^; S ? A ? them tha ? ! ? nd 1 Bide i which ha t II to hat ?ned t ? .-ilian col< ? ? ? 'he Adriati Trieste 1 ..I wa ? ?. \ Slav and Latin. I r such an - dwell m al in,: the 1 t, 1 i loyal Bub ? ? seta o the latest Komans. As for tho Slavs, such a plan wonU thorn of moro than ?. milliur of ?their own race and practically exclud? thr*m from the sea. I'almatia if traits ?' Serbian a*? the country back <?f Belgrade in names. It ia and Dab ??? u ? ? ? her unjust m advanci I ???,?. : ? If tl mi Slav..- completely real ,/".i tb<* dream which has l" en bora among the fri.? (Serbians and has ppread among the Croal i.:.'! the subject S'-rb.s, Au.?-tria snd Hui i-ary WOtlld both lie deprived of lows on th.* seaj Trh'5*te and . 'I.' t'.*.o gateways to tho Austro ??;.,? . Juge ? inland ci . w.u.M be ? he 1 'anube, \?.hich e*jip1i< - eading . be m the . Unfortunately tho m< re K?-"??7""aphlcal one have been greatly complicated by the political problem*-. Had Austria pern to follow the ai d rejoin their f, lie ? I the fr- e kingdom, and ha Hungary showed even ordin?r} O? the Croatian ? i?, ?i i have grown up a Souther Aus! r?an ir ? . natura ly sympathizing v. if Bul " anahip Bosnia. l?y annexing i; ?? and llereegovin and insisting upon the "retention of i und Ragusa Austria deprived the Serb of their natural outlet upon the "tea an their natural racial unity. I'. erbiana .pushed Bouthward in the First Balkan War they joined aritl Greeks and the B?lgara In conquerini .. .-.lui h, the Second, by ? Bulgaria, ra ? to a dan ild then dream o ? .. ardinia and liberatini ? ? a Bosnian i alone, b il the wholi ? Slav race I?y annexlnn* Bosnia In 1908, by re fusing the ?Serbs their window on the Bel In 1018, the Au.stnans ha<i actually mad? Serbia a deadly menace to their ov?-n in tegrltj, and Serbia, backe! by Rossis became a daily mounting peril to Raps burg existence. '1 hf- Archduke Ferdinand who wn-* murdered at Serajevo, had ? ?' \ .?:;. II ., .' n .i pai ate itate : thia was a ?? ed aith 1 im, nr,il thus there ended all chai ? compoalng the difficulty wHho il wai At the Outset. At the OUtset Of the war, then, there were the three wholly divergent Interests: The Serbs of Serbia and Montenegro and a fraction, small or larpe remains un? known, of the Serbs of Ilosnia, Hen*** ???ovina and Palmatia d.-slred to unite in ? Southern Slav ?tate and hoped to enlist ? i ,roat?" and the Slov? ? i - \ the Sla\ - the Southern Slav of Ausl - !... aa* e thoat of Ma bi.iiti? t.. Id not Bul the) wen . U read to ? n ? the Ita ? vho wen ??eking i ? to replace the Austrian und Hun? garian masters, but to annex Slav terri? tory and turn it Into a Latin colony. Finally there was the Autitro-Hungarlan necessity to make an end to tho whole Southern Slav agitation municated il elf to nil the ?Southern Slav and resaltad In the erect ? ? which should ??'.'. Austria?!. "ff tl . isive factor ii. producing I the Hapsburg < H. cau -*? she b< in pet ?i Au tria i en i ;.. an \? ut* ?rhen she ? n( her ult inris to Set '.a. v. hich v. e rapid descent to a i ? neral ? l _ When the general conflict can II wa- essential thai Austi i be Id carr; forward bar great ink of .- of th Southei n Sla* dm nace i.' . the conflict the pp'tlt tl. il i even in a e-mail degree c? mmei ? lt?ly'? Entmin e. When Italy entered a neu I ... . -1 Sis efor? common ??hould throw the Sla? and the Latin int. each other's arrnt and srl thi - rival i i?.?, still h?.'!.l them apart. With the aid of the Germans and thi the Austrian.? tiav?? noarlj completed this task. Serbia nn.l Monte are i ow actual] , . red trrri tory. The mountain i I -j the Austrian v I Cal taro, the ' fron. the natioi ; ? . v ... : ? ? I ','?.!. The Austria! tari, ' 01 quered bj the Mont ? i. w are and foi biddi n to th? Austria; they have flowed ? er that Albanian stat?: which represented the common Jc-a!uUf?y and selftshnOM of Aus? tria and Italy, Austria Inditing that fc> the Serbs should be denied a.vps-j to th? sea, Italy Insist rt|.i the Greeki should t<* denied Northern Epirus, Hei? by race en ? .thy. Only On* MoTU St?tp 'I,. da] there ?s lefl te coi ? ? ? ' - ard of Austria from Cattai tu i, and this Is the ? upation of Vs As the Anglo-French allies hold Sal?nica? th? Italian? hav? so far retained Valona; if these ports aro lost, then the work of the Central Powers between the- DanuLw and thi Tha valu t. it fac? ? in I ta ? . a little i in 1 i . hai . ? ?? and th?' Gulf of \ - |< *...- a Its '?-.'? : .i he hold t if she loaea , i I uly really us. ful bar ?; the Adi iatic, foi the I on tho Iuilia:i -tile of fin? ?et .. A New Drivr to a .Southern Calais. * I ?ermai i I ?? filled 1 ?li.ii the bul etii ol - tha fol If tin Austriana can carry their I 1. ? ? tie and can follow d y paci?cation; if they can expel the Allie:? from Ssionlea and the II from Valona, then the Eastern q tion of internal policj Is ; for un . ns he will make \ i nia, M ' ? ? ? needing much of the latt? I . , . ? enden! i ? d. If Au ? ? .i ica to-morr I Lustria will h i itroyed tabs Italian '?ream of reviving the Etome si : V in the Mear | i ? Italy's o\vn harbors on th? A will be at the mercy of s>n Austro-Germsn and her whole future will be im? perilled. It i- imp? s to feel 1 istice in 1 Italy. Her own ami trihuted to enlist I . ? ? . . ? igainat Italy haa r. ? German an.I Hungarian troops to li^ht ' the Slavs, to conquer Mo:.'. and .-'?-rbia. ? Jt is a matter of common belief in Eu thai en, she could hav . ? to the reac te of Sei ? - of the German nva it I ? certainly COUl hav>? : troops to save th.- M jnti er the re? ? ? ?i Frutare. to ill.l ! : willi .. and Moi teneg ated .?-i I Iriatic. What Italy rrectly irai the extenl which ths Slavs would Ik with ?I :.i get the mer ive th? - is in .: fail? ure 1' .? me. If 1 th? wai .... uad of a i Albania 11 lei t Slav barring the advance of Austria to ti.'1 south, she will faxe s Balkan Pen? insula and an Adriatic .?hoi*- completely under German and Austrian control. As for Italian dreama in the "?Jeai ? I - airain an ? ? ti I fusl ? as in the . : i War the . . ? a ? ' Vem tia are . I Hellenic aspiration Mear I ssl I crime I linst Austris the Trentiin?. Rhodes. The people of Etahodes and the Do?a canes i ; to join the Creek King did the i :' what the it! ? n All snia. By inter .'. .1 pifH ? ' ? . i arou '-'i t .. ? [tal] um rito i . .'? the Allied si ? . Greek people for the Italians, : on w rongB that were still recent, contributed materially to holding back the Greeks. It was a contributing element in the success of the German at? tack upon Serbia, because tho Gre<ks Valona and ?Sal?nica All That the Allies Have Left in the Balkans. Copyright 1916? THE TRIBUNE ASS'N. arere * I tu raasoi ably that bear th?- brunt of a MVagS German attack, only to And that the Ital? ian? had turned fii" tory to nc-w i , ... indi r pi By her policy towat Italy ra: ?ad up Th" S i far di fended Ausl frontiei from italien attack. tnd her inl legitin '-. f Constantino ?:'? it thi efforts of Vei I enlist the Greek natioi le in the it critical n snd Austrian? ? The Problem. The problem of the A /Egean is one of the i ? ** the ? ? ? H ? so far a-< Belgi im .1 aro concert both ?hese conquered ? : . But what of A If the Alii 3*ium, also .... tions and ra if I its are I be ririvon oui permit? Germans might . -? that *.:.? 1 . free ami Fre lid I Ueted again, l>y the sai srhy should the Italiai Hi'l .'t-nic inheritam-e an.J rule in R ( Argyrocastro and 3a - Quarante I i1 freedom which fur them means reunion with i i In point of fact, tl ?? Italia s iplral ,.\ -.?[?? :?. s mi ? ? of th? I ? to rega i Bosnia ..,? tin as snd both are ? ' ' ? nx the wh ils Adriatic coaot i from r rfu. trning to thi ? tai ?..-.' srhat 1 doing the 1914 shore of the Adrial she airead*/ If n take \'.. . H done, the wh ile eastern ist ? I I I r f red dreamed of t ft, at ? y. Valona and Sal?nica. If thi Quadruple A i -i ' ip.tral i they i ; i r the I .. esourei . and attrition prove I be the forces than thoy have ' 'mat'-,i to be. The ich ba la th? Balkan Peninsula a? (mat Britein held in C.'aiiia- and Lisbon in the Iberian Penin? sula a century airo. But if tin ? . i fall I East v. il! pa . Powei and thi fs baps no*. -.?. holly t of view of those who believe that rac-s and pu-oples red to follow their own as? piration.? that the Italians should replace tho Austrian?) and the Hungarians as the rs of the Slavs or should repeat H Greece the ? -rrt-n?.-*-* whmh Austrian rah la the Trenl satitetoe. Th?- only solution of the Eastera ques tii.n that a ' ' will I arily on I : i ! : i a polk) ... ' ti-.i' of both schemi ? ?.. ? . i be vsalnmi |b| thoto who believe in the A'.'.ied doc I trine that th? rightd of thy httlu peoplee '.;..j' be _. ..-red.