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?Kim nor!. Sribuiic l'irsf (o Ijist?'he Tnithi Ne?a?Editorials - teiMtiaeasaeta ?al M'\l I I Ol *.!?. <*. Ill?'? Oarr?a* - . ? S Usa Toril . - ?? ???Toa-i i . i a ? > *.- I ' 1 .. ? v ; ' ? s RAI ? Oaa BMI U ! ' ?. A K<at l-ai ' |>A1L, ? ?? "? -,., r a a - 4 | >4 4 ..... I ??? Mall Mm?? Von can purcha*?e men h ant-Mae advertised In Till' TKlBt'M ?Hh abaolate aafety?foi if ateeattafactloa reaalts lu o**,v ?-hsc Till TKIHI'V . .lite??, t.? BOX] M'ur men'? back L|ven -. ' e r? r! tape, BO QOib biinif. \\ ? . preaaptlj 'f the ad ?rrtlser dm?, i "t. Out of the Mills. By Its prompl i i Heat House of h before the Senate ? arly In tl There Is body to ' .'.. as it i. year, and <!'.: ? the ,1 The n r is of this measur? npparent. ? ? comes from a f< ?? cotto! t to ha? i dren ? eition from ? adver ? ? and all-night ... state *? and a dui ' Then Ireum ? ana r: snj ? ? f ha .... ? their y I quar ' The ? ? - ' ? - ? : ? ' is not materii rely to h.-1 ers. By i I i immon Eatablisliint? Building Zoni s. tentative | : ? J '.?. ? en, they i.-. . In fa ? ... ? ... ? as w. a neij mer.t 1. ???.. -. : , :, .,' , .. talc ? two exsi of ? ess buildings. Nou it is no1 Mich ?' ? ? ual pro] the o ty of v s to I nve eongli ? combinations of wholesale and retail bu?i nesa? establlahmenta and i*ssi(l*ntrttes in a given section. It i.? not good nthei on the sears of i of rath? tica and health. The out, DOt ' that ? ? und '? most of all, to ' certain d for reside ger of invasion by bu ? ; .? character to dss?oy : tion. The ent of thi oi wax mpanied bj the crcati'. erect ? ? ?guard ? through I.eight tiona aa to proportion of the plot which nay be eo*ver?*aj by the building Tho ar^auent doubtlwo will bo advanced that Htiy Kurh restrictions ami limitation: I n? nr<? pvopossd will be undue and un erarrantad interferenoe wiili an Individ ? | ? to um hi? property i ,. m foui hi ?? ?' '?. foi ; . i ? .. and was pretty well set t.'ed urhen the lawmakers gave to the Boar 1 timate the power t.i make and en? force such limitation* The princi] good one. and has been pul into effect In communities with great benefit. What remains is chiefly the working oui of the practical detail ' - ti the Board of Ei timate I rwhelmed with advice from all In? Labor's Part ?n Prcpnrt dncss. v. u< iher Samuel Gomper '.- addr. the mem1 its of the Amei ration of Labor be intet prated as a pli ? ti ? labor union be repn , f all pi ins for pri pan I? would be most unwise nol I Preparedm elopment cannot arj pn pan I roops ? be Tn..!>i, can be ? sful main? an army in the lie] ?ch on the men who run the railroads and thi ? - ability f the oil ?i the line. ... I England furnish it. ness in this country ran. hod.-. A? Mr. Gonip- rs i pi for nn? * icthc ? ? and ai - be I tary and del : ich u I ? ' on its militar; strenj , anor? ta - ? ? ? ? ' their ts pal point tli the w ? ... i ?f ? It i . ? ? Modern Ru I t iture. flood of t Ai 1 ? It is nol ' ? ? of th i 3 | ? ' - . ? ? ? ' * ? the famous Sla". temp? ? in the picture.) of the ???il by "My Chekhov sums i] ? ? tion of flctil I the pei transitioi g?the plored n "? hangii In hia . ? ? d the rit - ? bieves. An? other ?. i ! '-.. Sea . s West linavia and Ibsen. Put he. too, Is given to ? I dorn, of lack of will power It is perhaps unjusl I issla a predomlns .? in the t. I :, when aln . l-t) I this n. - c art, bj shall fully pn uf-ninst the r. land wir.ter, thi of the R ....... . ? v. , Wi'Hd n? H 1 as been in the Old. Withal we are not yet (bine with Rue? literature. '? ? ? ? i . . in read U 4- I ? ' ' ; was not ri[ie; a meritori allowed to pass ut:r llvion. Ms?.* lta gifted translator command the '?iiccoss t-lic deserves, now that a now edi? tion o( her book is ulnnit to come frog, the pi ? In tin* cullivalion of intsmstistisl pood relations (hero must be reciprocity. Un fortunately data are lacking roncernlng mi English literary propaganda in Hus-i is h one haa been undertaken. We have been informed that Russian children have ayed s profound interest In "King I l.ear," ?nid ha. inr re?d Got l?y'.? nceotiiit o1 his uncles' ways with his grandfather we m derstand why, lor the re t, we know that Conan Doyle i - popular in Russia?, and that Mr. Wells'g wonder stories of fifteen years ago hate been read avidly ? there. If i not likely that Oblomovdom will take kindly to hi- luti r ?zlontications of German organisation snd efficiency, ... trugglli " f" ? hake oil the pig ou . sv tematic German Influence. ?| . rum up the case of the later Russian ? 'ire. howev, r. that haa been published in translation here during ?he pas: geg on spprosches In cultural and ?? end strength, or In iry valuta, the best of what has re? come to US from other emit.trie?.. ? and l oui I "ouperu i loom head and shoulders above their '? temporal The Dutch author ? irthermore, s curl..:, studj In *?"or to the chaotic Oblomovdom of the Young Bus In "Small Souls/* h pendant In the orderly, placid, O lorn of uppf Holland. Hark, Hark, the Clark! W? are fur too i io le-t to believe th.'i* . k, of Florida, ribune'a 1 If ti i year with a i n ? n the H i bill appro for a g nment mu? ? Ocala, 1 la., and i bill appropri?t! ? ? ? |i m upon the ! eels of our ?, At lea it we wei in thii ? ? Ap -? a of Pork would with his p.. ? litt, nipt to tUl ' inb :"?? nt the troua eonvinci si ? -er that a i ?* does he ? i : with ? ? ? snd padde?! payroll 7 h '? oMurred I ... Mr. ? lark overlooked lities ol * of limitations? 1 i ? ? ? town' ' ? . ? ? ? ? ' ti of Mi n ne? ota ' - r? ? I ? marks and vi'h iHi patio*....- ill ' ' - >.*' I . .i- | | | or the ruth. Shirkers. ? I, ir: view ? ' for self-govi mnient ' public I ? ? ? public i itb i-.u ap| To crant free? dom to the ''tiiltppinea would be simply to renounce eui Di In that part of 'he world and surre ?a and ultimate -*or!',l Tyranny. ? ? looldy lan.i sge to ? ? ? leT'S boy .: . i,r(. .?.d, ? ra fair in India; but I undet.-tand, '1 hinkir.fa.' of her. why free-born nation-* I .'<*, Pluck up in ha v battle-gfage, : i[i ? t" the Rai I Of T] rai ny and 1 ng man ? ' ? '.'. ? ? v ? I ? ? : ... s Tyranl ' h a glimpse ol .EARL BMONMNat1 , "BELGIUM AGAIN" Ore*! Britain's Dutv In the Causo of Liberty and Htim.anity. 1? the Editor of The Tiihnrif Sir: Year sloejUeal eOBIBII ft on lh?a a|> seal ?t Hi" Belgtaa Meaeps to H.rir brethren ., <,. ratanj- I > ons af th? mo-ri Impreeelve uiiclas i bave sees la say paper on Gorssas utrocitltM ef this a ,i if CngUad does sol gather herself to petbry verv noon ?n<l a<?rrt l'?*r o,(1 Splitt of Indomitable will ta eonquer, tl ?? cas i? s he In?! f.?r Kranr? and Helr-ium. i |a ought te be able t? take care of In rself th.'ouKh the prependereaee of """ svailabls for soldiers: bet if all goes erell m the sad foi Rn il i slaae, the ?re itern armies may ?nffrr the meal drastic defeat !? ; t? i?. hoped now Engtaad ad'l vum, add tl res millions *o her lighting force i-nuil snd thi n ?'? ''h sn In p r'-'i ds with ths Allies finish the erarla b few -reeks from the time the great s??a'iit eoanaaaees Te think of th.- possibility af Germap vie sppalllag. I would rather ???? our nun peaceful pod pro porous America In reived than ta i U te h ?vet-tern defeat for r'rance and Belgium. We mu il kei p x.n our eneeoraaiag Influene ?rid eaaas of liberty ami democracy. It ?rill be s hi,'ken snd despond it tin? tyrai I liei man? ruta! sil aatioaa. Mas the t, ? Great Ruler bring th I bideou sat t? ? quick snd suecsssful snd, for VERI1 Kt . I ? I, 1916, Drunk and Disorderly. - Editor al ? be li ; me i s to kni there Is any Is - t trai ? rtatli . ' people in m Intoil.-nt' i coi I i seaess of s ei rtaln es - i ) z \ last Bunds*, after* train fr<>m Rye, when, ?? I ?i.tlon, a drunkf. r ? ?' . ? ? ' r u.- ' seats left In the ild have changad ft- i her thai an or.' " tiM<-,| 4?uth women I would have I -i-tal.l** thnn I ? ? was, 'lie drunken bursts af song and ? i i hs amuaed i time must I srs beei ileaeant f? i snd me s ? ? r ms It Is st sud s time that I re , ? ? ? rrhile ' carr ting the ? ? ? f aggri u one of last ' ? ? ? ; i a will do anj ? Il m to pre- ? this, at ? the i le In thla ? ? ' Americans Won't F< - ? le that - Il " ? ... lu d ! ' ? : . ? e to i ? ... ' ? sve crowded up ?ng of mli American peor . . '. '?. Light. the Edit ' I me. rely II ? man Tsleott's *"*Si?int cord" ?In ? the <?.?rk road of the brute svet thst hsvs been ??-'? slssl d I : - until i common ?Vnnminik'nr r* i ornan i By d i of t to geld cast >?.. tr voles on I I - f ths | ? - who ? ? ? ing candle?, burnir.f* well onl ? ime. As a matter refl. >our futurs konoi H a present sds .' ? when the world life Is stuinb?nj* forward **B th? i .' fui pi chaoa, you do well to .. ..-a.? ,, - i seen ? ? -? **ateaed p<?li I of en th? would . life 1 ? ?? . ?' ? ' <.<?;. Oregon's Woes. ? ? ? i-'on. Oa the 1 th s ?now storm ?truck Portland, the wind Mowing* a .-blc from the east. Thi- Columbia River i. \roittv. over from the Dalles te the * 200 mile ? . deep, but has drifted ?'er-. v some places deep. . ? ivy resterd turned i , : - ? ? t to ? with ' i '???iron tin!- - money ar.d wishes to go Into manufacl of some kind. J. ?;. WHITE. Ptfrtlaad, Ors, Jsn. 27, 1P11 ~~ EUROPE'S .FEELING TOWARD AMERICA .... , D I I -haaUliad ?1.n. An Il.-..,miii|{ Hi?? ?nd (.onl.-ii.|.lu?..??"*"h?r? A.,,-,..., 1',,^ fe " "' VVil.'. Diplomac, ,..d It? n.-l."-"'""" f-'1'"" . ! .|,',,r ?.f The Tribu' I I in The Tribune In s reeent ?hie ? t< rir.i han spoken "I'll some severity of "?-rowing contempt sad bitterness" of ! rope toward us I* <*',,"4 lastai i i ? nes and England failed us In our e I... t ...,ofgii ? foi li'" rty, snd Invlti i ?mi to explain Ametiea to the offei ? of ? i srepeaa sttituds of the i I'orteaally, a? on? whose ties -, I argel] European as Amei lean, ? .:,? oi '. ponden? e with three <>f l belligerent countries, I believe this i und bitteras is has I.n - ly i gerated; hut that II doe i exist Is i I denii di it Is laoi Itable thai II i bould etl and "i;t?iu:t,i.'!y"; in that adjective SM C< ? .1 both the explaaatioa and d? f? Bpropi '? feeliag? ui- r.u.rujt. explain America to Y. I termi af any European attitude "r ths ps ths res on 'hat as European attitude th? past eovers ths greuad wbeaee | ich of "eoatempt und bittu 1 tuny concede. 1 ..1 :? ws net "'''if slowness t> ..j,. mi war meai,t ?,, (ht up ' ? ' ling. ,,k bach s s : ball see that ohm" bul ' i .t there '-'..i ? 1 - gn t, ri i,r burl lacri du ty ??h. the ffreat neutral nation of tl ? . a-,I 'n r-.-p- ' Lurop-u 1 I tine and some few Americans ?? ? .,, t,, \,e her great m ?I i;> r . opportunity for ??..r!.l -.rvice But id l;.r,-e r, Q? | .nil CO '? poi '. with I g?rent it time, and i recall h? red for u u II wi quick! that our 1 ? n'eii fiom sur g ? n m? ? ? popul . trmt our Snd ?">:?'?! ? gladly embrace a neutral I ? ? sbled uu ?? ? sa we eould . ! In a bai 11 war. i nal . it was - fectly m pi ?pared fur any U ' wi'tit on 1! ? i?. I that - il llHV H*. ? ' ? ' ? I ' ? it tl was no mei ? ? ? rry ? ??hich 0 .i fop-' . 1, re found a land, snd pre? ently fought 1 ? ! red" as they m? .? ? ?? reel ... 1. ? . ?. sat 1. Il 1er of Ai Ittt I ' :. WS rn? ? ?? ? ? - ? ? ? ry tableau ? ? an Americs 2 ' ..i.? h? r ears, and yet pmenrlag ? - Is* ordei, a r< ivor to lim.. tha "i rotherkood of owe" to ten . |.t of ? nberkiag . n ?'-." b< I'- . | '1 "-!'i?n< i '," nv ? evideoeei of o? i ? iaj raaod, roaay-paaaio and bul ted people. 1 still '?" ? ? daya 1 I ropi not, indeed, " i ' i i iropean al paat,"* but I ?il B bar '.ev.ild?*r*-n?*nt. her heaeot purp. ? failure to ;? ra? p tha '. . i ' ? l !.. laid Ann.. did not Aie! our ? ratal . hy an eat*? l by meai sed I ira w i * lout o m* ii id.I we eai ? , |. . I ... i....,, ? ill along, a ? ? . ? r ' laluted h ' and r? ?. . r;.?w Incident a rap d ? ! '. mi a Pi r . ' 'i* ?? .1 ? | a h first kroug . . ? ?. . . ? - ??!, Europe I ? ? .... dead won!.1 ' ? ?'. ?el . ' ??? ma Kur ? ' ilted, "? I I ' ' momenl ? inglortou of the Pn g, as ? -? I to . ? ? *.i belle*? ' ? ! ? <!<-ma*.d all ?? ? . . bright hot. mee more ? t "plot i .. 0f *.,. ? so, -'? i :. -.? of eonsi um I ion of Just er onea an ? people o ? ft on cur rapture fel B of , ? llltasiofl I i witl .u.-'ii : It ?ara * t. til that ? - ? I r hei ? - others wer. thai \nierii-i thing to nan ? h on? ' l I . ? ? .i ? : ni ? '? ? - mi ?I ime an .. ??. i of a past , old ? \ find we . rtmanj - ?'. l<-?' old is | is t ' ? *? v . fin'.'. ' /**** l(; I i , . ? ? . ? / . Thii f'od ?' i ' - giutn ? world !' i< ' ? ' a ... ' ' a ' -a ' '-om-Desa, - ?' ? ?a a at all, fail *. . ' full n.' - *,'., their li ? -.,, . ?? .? i it wine? tki how oft?: "HI Oil "Uli ?Ma I ' ? ' i SSttam compr ?H ,?,,???. a deati ? , I ?;, " Xm ' I to brx( upon u?, as a j- -, 4Bd ??i But aa la? t? exceii e' - ? I mally, tl -.g Uffcn to con : ? ? BJ : pleilsltl* * to Germi ? to triad? ? ? ' . . .' I*. ? I. I ? - . -'I.. ,* rotostini ? ' i neutrali -? ? * ? - ? ? THE CARTOONISTS ART Mi. Cortissoz's Conception Criticised I lolils I hat the I 'urn Not Beauty \? !.. an Ingenious Practitioner, Who the Cartoon Is to L.x-iress ut I hnui-ht. f The Tribune. Sir : I ??? ? ' I fol ? rtooi I ro ? in art ?tie I r. - j. ?. I ? ? 0 t M r Of ?-.itjr-i-, I ...,? ... . t u '? rj| snd t :-, I can't. And be es rgs anil . ? and til becas in't ?raw and to hid? our si ad to pn ? ashamed and n san and bumble about oui .. it aid ???' ? owl Raving irot out ? ? : . .? Laudei h nu home ? . ? duly the | . ? :m to do a turn it eb? th there sre S many Mi'lan.-n.-ly Dane? amoni* ths curtuonUts tu that aa ? ? But, really, why should anybody w l - ? live -"-th a Bowspaper earteeal Might a? nan because ! ? i lid not : a? a policeman If W( ? or a lovely | . ? . lUtifll ? ? render il M ,. -i-.,-. function toon? He pi bis amateur of rart.ions in the u?ual way?he dragi I Turn Na-t out of thi.' remnants \ smateui s th? sre up in the .-uhject. ? : Mr. i ?? cartoon I, : I ftsmai for the ? ? Mr. Cortiaao Ion a work? ti ide. In r' repn ml I I lie pr* llmiaaiy sketch or ?tudy for a propo??-d piel are, and it? purpose ?Aaj primarily artistic. lia Its present-day uso in newspapers it !.i it ? . i u literal ' ti . . rerful ar?*umer.t ? si ???" a*l t do it bet'et ? ? ' tar pict ? it' i . ' ? ?? ?..,.n purely ., ai in arrange ? i ?; . ' ? . coi tradic lid, old arx'j ? -ainsi the mis . persist in making sub [act pictures, A good i irtoon Is the veri ten inherent ? ? ? ?>?.'h. al:' . ; - i '.:? . '. ? bis sub I ? -, or both. for both school? Kach has its work it for i . But keep 'em apart, bo your admit i, Mr. Corl will admire and enjoy them a? much oor paps eontiaae our rudi witbeot up To do i one doesn't .rtt?--o7. ?a-. Mr I .. ? to think. Ad ...... ... drawing g sail ble even if a Let'? leave poor old Tom Naet'e ? ii peace Let | i i . credit ?hat t out to d makimr political eartoatura? that moved men sad accomplished reform. That be d I ?i win'?.manlike job. He had n more powerful taflaeace on ?? than say carto?ni-4* ?u line? ,1 glory enough, lie : : ... '. i .: let's ? r . . talking ... a ?? ?' " L'-twe<-n the "ticklers" sad ths "pissera"?give n.e Briggs and Goldberg-. HERBERT JOHNSON, idelphla, renn., Jan. 31, IfM, ?GOOD OUT OF PATBBSOr It Ig New York T ' kt?vl ???? Imp" ; ; thol i ?? ? ? Of hlTa views that i "?? '' torial beaded pear ?? ? enviab i of Patetm a. If the i * '^"^ l' : osai W rtaii the happen? I .-ases the re? re evaded "" l*r "';'', ?he fa Paterai i'ii ? B .' about the : - M '' "[ il some t.n.e. B.-o.'-n the "groi ?? ' that New 1 I. \v. W. nu line,! last suggestive ">'? i .?4 ' - ' - ' . * self) bas I ' .?? ?ingle .?aitua* ' , th,t W* I \ U ? ?o* ?* If? . bava ? - ... klag; 1. S.? jure : ? , ,,..,, i Patereon. N. I.. *? O.