Newspaper Page Text
VAUDEVILLE, FILMS AND THEATRICAL NEWS IN GENERAL Kuth St. Denis Stays at Palace; I lilda Spong Goes Into Vaudeville v ? ? ? Ire f o? ? ? ? 1 ? ? ? - ? r a leeond .?n, and Ka!'' i ? ? 11 ? ? ? ) le fre ? ? Avrin, wl?r, rap ?.r ai \ Anna l ? Bert Meir ? of tl.i? ' ;or:ial !?? ? ! ? . Bell? . Will? - ?y ai I ? ? Uinf- "A Comic ?'?? ? .. I runces sad Mar? Csrrt? De Mar will return to vaude imbra. Others ??ill he Jos Keno :: and Ha Brltt, ' The Royal v. .11 havs rinnde nndFan l.y.lia illefl an.I .. William Lampe and company, I>a!e and Boyle, Burton Holme? 7r?iV(:]oj*Tje. i -.non" | ? Bort?n Holmea's . . 'il? ?,t-a?or,. II>?',1 morrow : I sad? : iti Pari sr atl le-'n pa d I,y Mr. ]!'? | sin ng . rful color and displayed ?t thi St. Nicholas Rink. Bnslnass men I ivs formed earl] ? club? at St .'-.? . si tr'i exerclsi befo] irk euch morr.inj-. Th? ..nit.. . ? three sesi is renewed ? What Metropolitan Opera Offers ? ? ? - e ?nd " M' , | . Othet I i ? i 1 the sftrrr 1 * : , ] 4? arse) ?-atm ? ?ai an I Mm ? Weil. Bra m Block and ? Mr. B?adaiuk> v. ill tonducu 11 i'.?i w Wants an Open, for .$1.000 ' ?rnr> | n"crt a $1 ' ? i rin , ' - ? ,r from tiel ? I l.PI?|llll|a' ' ii<> be? ba BC ? . rlioru?-, thu? ts'rt ? i a urn;?? or !' 1? a ? . bocaaie it n ruinous ? ? tha artiatie - the individualil. to fro** | He < . .?? . ira v and di vi It voice un.I hh'-f ? \\i . ? r in all, t." ? ' e i ? nperB ? brli g ot a anil op? raa to make up b ? 'ition ' b? an Ami'rlcftn . ? era to be eft rette i ? bsinjj. ? '. . ra, In ? i for a not aal ?ri are Bfflber ? f/iven on Hi". . K oi e\tta. i dil r?i . B? .?liaiii ?.ui Oil. .a . 1 MERCYI BUT THESE CHORUS GIRLS ARE GENTEEL! r? ara ?ix minister'? daught? Very i Ed - : nd ev< laugh? eta Is in 1 '?he presence then ? r*r?on ? eilt effort Eli ?betn ' ? ? : . i. i Gal? ? ' ' atre In I ondoa, | that G. ,'?? Edwar les re ? ?,? ?! \ icarage? of Eng? land. When somebody sxprassed as? ? *hut clerirymer'V danghters : , emplo* i I, si ii tied ? .,-i?, i .,?,!. ''Why ',.-?. I.' .... ecenl mu i. al ;,: '.' Minister? ... ? ; . i man, ? .- i their 1 r, membi i I he I ne when ? ? ily i ? ? ment gente? ? eh for ? | daughter. I believe every a oman teach? r I ever hs i dominie ? romination or other. Most of them, I ?.,..., ?rere ; . squ ; ? ed tempera mentally and Other? their ? "Dressmaking and millinery! P? ?' ' ? nly in i ..i:,I making of i.'Ter.'.l any ? eonomi. well I,urn ,.:.,! genU) . . i : \ ' ? a , ? i : ?? Els!? other] ne? Sor? ? I en have ? | t.. fa!! I.?uk upon, for tr<- good :? . ? ? . ? eh? past 1 ' ? or thirty year?, "IVhe:, it ?lui ' er, the jrirN who hat>\| th? ?choc! room resigned - fcr.n t.,..'?: to the keyboard. Two of t!:.. i .i ion's ? ?? "Very Go ?' ? ere i inning tj ; iwi In Ws I Street ? pito! ' Uban; I en gagad theas." "What constitutes the loperiorlty of .i pai in*j daughter over the com or Winter Garden variety of i choru? K'Tl '"' "I don't say that bs the mers chance ; r h.-intt a clergyman'? d-. . ;? more than s I ? ority over nay other man'? daughter. On? of the most eharmm?* ? and well hred pirN in this I pany i., th.- daughter of a humble me ehanir In n S? butl fact But thla g il represent? the great and brilllnnt exception to the rule. "A!jo, I bave rejected mor? than one1 choru? applicant because of ths Im? pression ine eonveyed of sn over-ei quisitenes? ?ment or a 1 .??:??' eaut* i girl of -ort ?a ml ? of balance the a' ? \ >g< ? auty mi.I refinement to achiev? which the manager ba? possibly la? hot^.l foi months." "il., about legs? Iion't they count any m? for which ; they were anntin \r legs went out Neighborhood F'Liyers. ? . Kboihood , l r ? house, 466 Grand Stre?-t, the fourth performai ..t Mr- Haveloek Ellis'? ore a.-t a ? of Keila," .. .1 liRmlcn'a three a I com? I.-. "The to-n:(fht. ! . ,. i trs par? fonnancei lave been urrunifed for ?? ? 2011 of !'. bruar* On ng, t> bruary 12, th? I ? will ci lebrate the fli l sni vi I iry of I opening with a revi - tlval piv-n !??? . ?i ths dances ? ? pro Th? estival will b? lu.? ing ? .< sing, Feb? ruary Loew's Amrriran Theatre i ? - \ Itagraph Bin MT1 s Battli Ci ? ' ? ng ths first half r the ? Re pie, pei i ten " ? Four days of th? raes C H. I ' Crsgin"; Han . Mrs. Harry D? War? Circu? . Ml'Sir-VI. INSTKl'tTKlN. MAUD MORGAN 80L0 MAHPI-T AN!' IS6THUCTOR .11 The Leading School of Music in New York. ? |1? -Ml ? ?? . ? ? Htm. ,: . nr bttfia I ' " New York German Conservatory of Music ; ? . ? Ml !'??. Aaaj? frt ? <? Ml o,,i Ma-Maaa AS.. Nrar tto r?t . n i ii -t ?.i raoDfl Niedzielski Tino VAN YORX TESOB. v.,, ?r r>n I'M ? aran ">ini rt VnCAL CLlTU III? - ? . . s ' ?' a , **Lpllt Pr?*?r,4l far Pub'k ???aaaj-aa,, a. aaaa. MAVCI I I Tl ACM ? ? Of SINOI NG. ?<*" Mnr.l.l.l i. w -.,1 ?r r- n ? i I.ii.-'. , i LT1 l_ ?.' cast sun ST. : UMBSM A ni FD 1'?? Li. 1 atrur?,??. /*?La"__i\ emana, IM? .Mat.' That Night in Ford's Theatre, As Recalled by W. J. Ferguson ?i '.,. pi ? . the birth, ?ml ' pati otic tide I of W. J. Pi ? - ' Lincoln at Ford 1 heatl?, '?'? on the aifht of "ipril i ?. II Capaclt** he empl .. ith D '.V. Griffith, producer . Birth ' ' on " ?!??? ntf-unifr:* Mr. that 1 , exact and accurate 1 "A l ? S Ferguson, no? one of 1 ? ? - i ? . tioi - John . n "Dur American ? ? K II Si 1 ? ' ' ! ? President I tra seal The \ ? " i ; g th Miss Keei it the Presid? "Hang It!" cried But just at 1 I. ? ? ? ? ? ? . hoot caught ? position, frac! Ele half run, half : ? ' . ??...-. BWBStl mg fur him, . ? said 1* ? ' ib i derer landed on the him as Bool ?ill of the 1 ? ? ? ? "VYiii-'a thi from ? ? ? Mr. 1 ?ras ? . .... With regai ? ? - ' r the time ? ? : . p 11? i ri HE SAW LINCOLN SHOT. ***'+* -** ^7, ? land' I' '? - SIR ROB MILLIARD AND THE COSMIC CRAVING. . * ! Hai of Race" ? ? t!" cries Bol Pride thins irl ?ant 1 ? i ? m. ana real? ity in the humai ? eon ? I "!.'. ' .*? an Ol ? I The i ly. ? ' ? ? : ? ? t to thai ? ! '.? ' ' ' : real good in al " BRO ?KLYN I, -VMA ? a 1 ' ? - ' ' Henr* 1 I i ! : ; Mann, in i ? D. ?? - ? Anna I [eld Hursts Into Pictures: Women Star in Week's Films Wh? .? . arher a . J I rtunitii : ' - ? ? ? . ? - ia ? ? .1 v - ? ? Salt Laki L'i "He l's Hing) . ? K ? . ? is Far "A eat, . law i dance bituei i ? 'i?..' u .. ? i srith Fail It ? '? ? I ' ? ? I ..r t - ? ? ' ' ? : ? - ' Ml SU AI. INSTRUCTION. WlLlIAM M * I Bar?tono Concerts. Recitals, Opera. Oratorio. MOTIL ??.TOR 3 Free Singing lessons TO DEMONSTRATI mithud ???*"*"** PEB?IA STEPHAN von LORTilY ??ELLO VIHTUO-.O. V . , 1 ' t l 10 TI ITIOS. f. ? l'.i.l'l.i A, - C. DYAS STAUDISH I I \< il i i; Ol ?l?i.i?.. m i un, ??s h \i i R?M ' ,. \\ ISIb M. N X l'ttj. Pta-Mf -. Im? l.r ,. M HENRY PARSONS . i -?il HTs pEcii s - ?. . mur?. ? l ASI M ? ? i ' BLITZ SCHOOL SIGHT SINGING. I . ., | ? | - ,, ..-??<? Ban W? i ? ? ELLMER ZOLLER Ear i'i iin-i x, i nmpitaitl ?? <??? ii ?.m.lo, '? xx ?-i Md M i-i. ^33S Col. ?rlde marchant TlAcMIB OF VOCAL A?T. .,l * 5TM sT i MEHAN In II fi IS Can |M ,. , TM?MFHANSTL?I???*?'. ? ? . ..- ? - I.. - ? Ii .4. '. 1'Jf .-? .1 Item MIHA?. STI mil Carn-,1? Mail N Y I" '? -.. , f MALL. S-- ? ?'? ' piANorosTi i mi ? r riot Russell Studios o h pa m i rial ? liS. WOOD ^"?SAMMACAULAY . ... ." -,\ n"r MrlMM 1 AN ******> lerMipaalal, r?,r. mcni.__/\.? ( ,KI, |, nM ,4, ? | ,, ivtLTN SYMONI atrita soprami Ml ICAI INSTI M. E. FLOftlO III '....' a TEACHER OF SINGING ? FCIALI8T 01 I ''* ' ' Ti AI Iff It 01 M*' I S ? ARTIST I ? 4/1 KLV. ? OVIDE MU5?N II a, . . DOL, ? .ALEXANDER 3.17 '.v ? - ALICE GARRIGUE i-SOTT M.I ni KI.MaI.NG, 171 *4T1 .1-1 s, \*. | iiiM.i r? r' t ? r f. ' '??? ri uvi\<? y-IUkPl m ?.-... i, mou M KM \ ?PMMI.T1 - l l '.in I lit'l III i I l u.i l i i , -i.i -i I. ! ..Il _) I ? ? """* M.| .'.??ai ? I H M OSCAR SEAGLE ? ra?a BTUOIl I CABNECII HAI N. Y. uLiiAN HEYWARD * ? "?, is , . Malts: W W. ? -?"t de STEFANO ???-ist . M IStl DR. CARL t. D?FFT > al I i' ' ? ? 4 ! M H. T. Ml. ?.rr.ior. W. .1. KITCHENER Basis. M LUT A GRIMM a v.; fink . KITTY BLRGLR /?'i!';,,, ?a "a " V ! ANIlkh'VVs ? I W. 7M?4 (M MRS [NID I AVANT ' ' ' I II W M I Lftl'lUl*! I , . H 1 \nj Lrasani ,.' ? . a rue * ? < \'l -i. \! IXSTRI < HON. WILDERMANN CONCERT PIANIST (IF III 111 I". .?. \ Il NN \. rl mi iumtati i" ? r ?f UlsaM pupil? M t. ? -, ' t" ant 144.) An lu Dun. ! KRONOLD iii :* ni' 'CELLO .hu? i I IIKII \l"<. \"i . I i.rn. r , RHALDQ CilNTI i i ? ^* ' _?( S\ Dal ' ' im i i i aod Uarmoaj i i m ii i " of 'CELLO m,; i \-i ?mi B. 5?SI It'll! \l"\ \*1 . I i.rn. r Slllh SI, till H V -m HOOL l fipers < I E. 34TH ST.?I III I nf J'l.4.1' \Mlil? Mi sic* L BEADINGB. PUBLIC RiCiTALB. i NEWCOMB i im i .\?.V?"H?1V11> i i\m-i i mm 4?.?'?" 9| LE8CHETI2KY. MOW rEACHINQ 1*4 *,ti*r rUHn. ?. . II "?as i? Farraiut J8*'. ? IMERBIUNI. IBNEGII MALL. N 1 ? I ? ? (? r J ? . . X 1 Philip .?illell A | , | , j ;-. A.? "-ir HtB. ? AS 1 ' I .,, ran ? coar-LETE vocal training. 'Hi .1 . . I - I - I ! ? F?ROXAS <?? ? ?.'Li Tl VOCAL .*. . .1-1 - I I HA.1.V, S11?HST ACC' M PAN 1ST 60 WEff l#' JANET BULLUCa WILLIAMS i or ainciHfl - ? ? - 4 ? HENMETTA SPEKE-SEELEY ? ft. RAYVLIiNS BAKER i inofurli loan n. i.. n im I'aroaaie Hall. Hill C T* T* I'la"-? Schceli ? ? ULC I I IM W. Ill at UFklMr ID "?-" 'ATOBl ?. Bra rifiniiMLiiU -"**i n a ?? a v i m u T,n i . L'AinOlTiAal", RFTTY IFF A ' '' DC I I 1 L.C.?. A1 __ RAr.TIIVF' ? '" PI-vtix? i? i.i rVrtUII.I.L U W. 1? lU ?**?* II?* a*f*aa Ml <|( VI. INSIi'l < TIOIN. ANGIER TEACHER OF SINGING re ?1 TmI l?uNOATiON OF TmE VUlCE TO TMt Ml, "?.?T FINISH IN ALL FJrlANCHES OF iHf I a IOOW.88THS1 . LILLIAN UCUfk/l'-^tf SUPKANO. SE, M ? Opm B 'u>. I AN AVE. Nonttlk. DIT?LE8 VIOL1NISf I "4 ?????. ulli \xe a' IM H. 'I'llliM' 'I ill ? IK! I l?. SNERWi sar_ 11 i\miii concerts. VOICE CLLTl. Rt .?:,-, i M, I 111 ?-, ?\, ?. ??II C?n?. i" BURRITT V:; ? 1 .4 1 . ?. r I - '? 128-A I A^T ||a ST N ? I ,. _ci v?l PEAVEY"? I-' EAST 10TH STREET N V. BROOKLYN STIUIO: ?I LUC1I!) AVENUE. ?K? M.HR-HAROY INSTSUCTIOa. ft? (4M Mai 1 tt?U ?tiurca ? .? ii I; DC PtKKM .?I blM er D.CIl. HOWELL, soprano Si l HT -ORATORIO ? RECITAL. CINTRAI ''ARK WEST. I .v .' UBMMS Theodora Ursula Irvine Mu M II m. I I - l)KX?l?ll( K. MUM.? I .: ? XX - I CLALU.E w AR_ ORI) , 1. .-, , I.. .' .. LUSllH V A N N O Z S5U Frtn.l, l.ctlj, R???lolr-. _?) WIST 7,.I .1. ?KtVn hodkinson m?;;:5? Saa** ? ? ? i - a ? Mual, r. a ,.1, A WILLIAM C. CARL i.LILMANT M .AN SCHOOL 44 W-?t IM? M. ZIEGLF.R " ^" NORMAL SINGING ?' * ? ? l me Si?e t Bf ? i - ?? ?'"'" Will i n L L, i CONSERVATORY PARSON PRICE H.W.MAURKR, ; sV rriAftY STU?.x? ??, . -., ? i,i. XX RflfiPRT I. ., I . r . f ?in*-,??-. u ouutnl naiv, usa m. ?USUAL I.' 5ahko STEINBERG BARITON! 1 I XI III K ?'I II i4r' of Sinking XX XII XIII i I UM I HI. ?HI ? I KI I II XI ??f. Hl?T?l,la un?. H V.RCIL o.'iservalo' ? t9U WATERHOUSE Piano Conservator? -*",:t i w car i -i ? v -? VOCAL INSTH ",:' WOO?RtFf \?,l< I II X. iv. if"' ?T? '"V, wV*1 ... -. MANOOlh ," B*" i i ???;' GOTTLIEB . . a' 3 IN-.TIT.'-F Of ? HI.nul? I X a. IUDS0N HOUSE rtra LAHHou >' _? ? ? ?FRECKELICNJr. - ; . BOUDREAU .?" - y,'.' .y ,;'^;r??^.?^, pgOP-WIOM M is:? sct?r _ ' HEW AMSTERDAM , ?I LIN ? AVl? I ? RAM IAS - * - V." MARSHALLKERNOCH^ -ir i m - PHILIP SPOONEB I I >?"? ,. ,.? k,?.??-,il* i?a ,, ?.ia !*?? ie- **