Newspaper Page Text
MF ANDE KINGS OF MUCHETTE AT THE "MIDNIGHT FROLIC." .' ira -ar-en it rains. The Newspaper Girl ? tSe truth to the front. Will o' the Wir.p" Girl?. Anna ll?iward, in "Luana Lou, ' iinportrd from Howareyer. THE PLAYGROUND OF THE PLAYERS IN THE WEE SMALL HOIKS Sybil Cnrman putting the Sp in the /rp. il 7_? Kiihio.i > ?.. .? -Ulive 1 liornas, of Central Park. ai? rc m iv, n 0,1 for FI oren i ZI ai d N' i Wayburn t. ' . ? ? -a ? .! rk, perhaps Frolic ' It, hftbiti,- roof of th.* Ne** Am , ? . - ? where, ton i very The harder ar frequi ? better pleased ... rfi iniers. imored i- Mr. ?hat hr furnish?'-, hil as ?a -a Tho playground of the players and ? ta? "i play li tas ijfht Fr..lie." Hito, after il i ? ' . Bros '.'.4 fix theatre! havp i-luit ' down on empty au?li i will ftnd th* players tak . mu? with them thone for wl i boon pn i had donne ? and grease ; - I -end it Tori midnight until the small ho If? :.?. k!i Btidi , an e of a night I I ;,Vu ??? hi ! Barrymore, 11rt w, Ril g, Mar-rurr* .?nil Wilton La Von will ?re Mr. und Mr?. Ja.-k Jturrv mon* fox-trotting Hr d "Ein!" H and his wife one-stepping. Yoi ran' miatakc George M Cohan or I'nnald 1! ..' Ymi iiimv BOB Mary Pickford ear.tering with Itanlcl Prohman, though ? irta fa ? '? It ! Hartley Manners is In inrri'?-' conversation with Laorette mean that 1 i4 ; . ' I her. Bi I I B .rl-.r. Mur . ? in : lulia .Sanderson itnili and . i . are convinced professional jeal.. . do mon Then your glance seeks f'.r 'l ' ? I ? ? . , , 1rs. Iles ? ' t - ? . . i . !'i .-!??' ? McAn? . ? ? ' i I ed carried ? and C. K. G. 1 . ? - - . ? - ? ? Here ?*??< ?. . i ? I "? ..? . ..... next I ? It r- - .i' mo?t typ -'? ? ? to be f? ?' v -. rt-pects in whi? ? inds slone, mid i a', p ? ir ? ? .. . ? ? ? . ? ? ? .'. ? ths Ned Wa> burn once said: "Ti - turn?' to put on i ? Olive Thomas ''R.i::t : eviied -avitriout rliangr* from ,rit c.ljmn, Strength and Weakness of the Russian Ballet h \\- Forms of Beauty to the Imagination aid Not be Taken Too Seriously Art of the Future. ?RENVILLE VERNON. allet 1 n wil *.... ? ; ... I of wordj . ? n, as '?: real pleasure, and not a littli t gets 1 ' * the .Met crysl ? ? ? lion and power? !???? itni ed til? ? ? ' ? ally j el , ...v ?ni? ?t th< "new bea . n shorl row ? for two weeks tin . f had rt, that opera had . ner failed i icceed, I ted 1 th ;i new heaven ami a new hell "L'Apre? midi d'un 1 ti ... silenl and ab ired the led, and ? of mu ? ???uno ?ir in a? .,>?.? Re ? ? - ? . But no, 11 art that ??? rep - ? re, a ? ? i .its of . * nome b it it noi ? ? --ftatioti . the art of H..'?.?-* fil Iha * K rest ? removad Pauno" Mr. .,'*? r ? wing C of ' on .-? Grecian! - is un ? - i ? . lil lin h H ? ? ?rifoniime of, wodloch ? , < .. ? ? .-. , , |C, ?P, eau do 1? .., ?? interest Peti 10 had h ilaneer : . ' rrled to a ;..i i \vr those .. ! Of ?a ,"' wl'"'-" dran a, then In these two ?7* of ? Mr. LiiarjehiletT ? the i ? 11? to brins; th. ' ? ? i ? - . ? fi .? , "l'i nc? Ig , ? '.???. tan; "I Pax ilion d'Armide," ?? ! . ?1 lets bet appeared ? : or Loi I . for? ??ii ? r M ..... . bel ?' - r a Pavlowa, '? y .ir a Mor I -.;?? ? .... ... . i , than it the Ku?? Bs .. rough -? ' ? ? | our iriiaeii ' ??, ii? r.' : ed our ?enees and . our visic temple ol art. But until elf so far a r thai - ? be absurd l ? ? . ? . ... ? - ? the super-civilized bii Ods It ? 4v; ? ? ? heart? of the sophisticated. To under stand II '??< ssust he not a?, little chil dren, but a? th? I the \irtu. : 4 r. ? I bImi the vice? of all th?? sgee. 1 the antith? i of the fol perhapi th?- day ii swiftly spproaehini ?vhen. to us? a recant phrase of B? min de ? assores, the ??? orld is I :,e . ' . reVen*{S of 'he ur.conscinui upon the too conaciou?. On that da] ??let h? coaealved by ?*x-'y- d? Diaghileff, \\'a??ily NIJ nsky snd '? i Hhk?' will sorely be obliterated th?? v?rnth of the world'? prisa "ve em'? tion. Until thai ?Jav conn- let Joy, hut let u? not In- ..f the ra? ua"l M?SK 'NOTES. The r.?-.?- private concert ai the Man? uacript Boelety of New YoHr will take the form af a tribute to the memory of ?he late I harlf? B Hawley, one of th< lent known of American romp,,-'-. ?onik"<. cantata?, etc. It xvill be held at ll - MacDowell Gallery, |0R West Fifty? fifth stre, t, ?.n Friday evening-, at 8:30 o'clock All of the composition*, of th? programme -?-*.i?I be v,;? works, inter i.r?'i?.,l i>v the fallowing arti te: 1. Isa? '?'? '? la van o -contralto; Mari i . Reed Mili? i ai : '?'. ! . ? 1er, tenor -, il. and \vilfred (>l< i ii. hm tonos: 01? ?The Pi-ospeol Height? ? ! Society of Brooklyn, Frank Von Neer, conductor. Charlas (??ben Spro-e at the piano. I he Week's Performers In Concert.s* World . ;. : ? trs .. ill be Hageman. i. l'a three most populai ; ' "all.," "1.1' ' i. . ? Macab? the pro lira n, m.- u*. I I egte Hal! ? ? ?I a ; ? f t he A . e Harri the ?ppeared with . <?n . ? .* ..I by ? ? ' ? ? Bei ? Path?t Ai [ir.* ? ? * . - . : imbei - . irville I a? ' , ' bOl making 1 An in? ." e of a represen al on. ? ? ? ?ni .it the eatn S inday i ? eni ng, f eh . ? - 11. r progi ? ? ? ? ; . r : -, 1 I . . ' las Rager, Zen I and Strs iss, a group of i ? . hs ii--?.n and . and a group '?? h by ?Sii d n*j Q lilter, Mac !.. n Kurt Schil ? lien and '?' ...? ?.-. i ai ] | be associate ; 1 - for the first ? me, in r.''*ital at . ? : ing, 1 eb ruary 7 ? ? theae two di ... ... . end piano by i ...... ...... ? : an i ni iable position a.? an . ? ?. . . f hil . a III ' ' heard in thii eountry. The i ext moating of - .iy of the ; et? I be ni Id at tl mopolit "ten ? ? ? . ? ? Both oi ..'ty's pro; . 'A h< II Ju ' . A recital of Ru an mo r, of Brookl; 1 ! ? H ? ? ? . ' ' ? : ? klyn. Dr. Muck, eon du toi Symphony Dreh itra, t. ? : i first sympl ... "Ce qu'on . ? ??." which. : ? ' . ?mei * ii l'r.ilhar ' '.Il S ("A' Voi ' ? i ? i remarks ...' I I?r. Much I a I ? ?? programms of his fourth matinee in Carnegie Hall, Sat Urda) aftern.'on. IVhruary 19 Opening -A:?h the (?luck Sfzanibati "Melod?a, and running through n Pst of works of Sea i ' . in, Chopin, Schumann, i and Liait, Lou . no ri ?: Aeolian Hal'. Thursday \ ? i . M. ethoi ? ? - ? ata i B-fl '?. . ntina, the Spanish dancer, v if first New York a anee on Thursday afternoon, "Tol ID, at Mailne Elliott's Thtatre. She ROSINA GALl.l, Ii Prince Ifor," st I ? Wanted?A Dictionary. To the l'ramati.- Editor of The Tnl.unr. The Ballet Russe, now appcar ing m ) our city, is tu riait u? i - , ? |? ? bl iiiry 10, I am keenly in? terested . inning produe . Mil.I have devoured everything I have i to find in The Tribune about the production In New York. However, I have bean surprised that, at. .? i ? n your S inda) edit ions, j c i have given no i.ikling ai I I i pronunciation ?? name? x? Ished en ? ? I . . : ? . performeri l airead) hi?'-, my little tickets for the Februar] 10 sppearai ?? . ! know the ?turie? ..;' ail the pantomimes an.l dances enacted hi ganisatioa; I kri,,.?- that Diaghilefl d ? be sg In? terviewed; that Fokine wear? heavier underwear In winter than i lummer; ? takei ; eai i to becoi ? s - ? i? - .:n wsa pa ,i i" i:? ' ' ere : ovei heie; i.,.' 1 cuiiii. t pi e connected with any pi I orgai ceptinu*, pel it, and I bth no 'that Also, 1 ha? s notieed In Th? Ti ibun? 11 st ? eerl ,.-i man * ? I of Balm. Hohn, Hahm, l!,,',in, and even H,,n, is of the dancers However, ?>.u always have hr? . - t I am? SI Adolph, ?o I Lave an idea you lire speaking ..f the ?ame person, even if your linotyper liki i variation1-. But tin? is ail OUt of th.' xvay. What I wanted f.. kr ,?w was this: Would it not make an interesting news rein In ji'ur column ,f you should publish th? name? a:;,I opposite ?he? the pronur. - of th? varloo? persona of later? rat :?, connection with this truly r>' markabl? troop of pantomimlate? lam .!,? th?-re are an? 01 two per?,in? in Vurk a? much at see SS I 00 1 ? A M ( A-8AN. Aibaay, X. Y., .Jan. SI, 191ft, is an tnterpr<*ter of the Spani-h rlai-sic?; on Thursdav she will give two dances, the music? of which has been especially wr tten by Hnn-jue (?rana do?. L? Arg-entir.s is the only dan<*?-r *' elally appointed to the Court of Spam. George Ba?ara and hli little Symphony I irchi itra isaiat 1 ? r, the Amei t A? ? ? . | 14. M Whist ins of-?tu and a Ma ? agn - ? American producl ras lelected by the compu^tr to sing the principal "LA ARGENTINA." v. e at 1 itre. ENRICO CARUSO, M L-?ft_Marguerite Volavy, piano recital .?t Aeolian Hall, Ruin day evening. Righl?Minnie t ugener, in "Rigoletto," at th.- Metropolitan Opera House. contralto role. She i- well l ri * the r wilI Cf I "i 1 - i songs. " I rosin ... i - ' ? ' . . . ... Hall of. ttie al'.. RkOOB if i - rttarj Miss I mad? .'h the Bl and ?ti the Berlin P rn, a cor . liar ? ? ? . . ? . ad a tour it? L Concert Programmes for the Coming Week DAY. ' ? - a ? i ..'?.. . 1 the P Ian t, . . MONDAY. ; i i ? A c:i\ii lia com i ' It r i : - . ? ? I ? UM ItSU.VY. ? ? . i ? 4 i , LM i 1 : UAR OF THE CURRENT WEEK. ? ? '. . ? ? T ! !.. i ? v. :.;? , -i. x'. ra H ?, ? | in Hall, 3 p. m., jou t n T,'!: pera House, ? ad of tl !.. Hall, S p. m., pis Marguerite Vola . . " . FRIDAY- Mel tin < i I ' . , ? . BATVRDAY?Mel tan and 1 . . .. o M ?Lhii Elssaa.