Newspaper Page Text
PRODUCE AND GRAIN PRICES Wheat (loses Weak, with Net Losses of %C. to l*VijC. -?Corn Declines UgC. Nra 1 | <?' ?rr . ll?*??. WM M On* ' - ' ? -rtaMI*?af M ?alue? In the ??heat mariact seemed t ? have baaa ataoef ?.lined <l irtr.a fhr la?t ?peV. ?? It) I ?'-?' ?- a. a Per" the ? ?r ?? ? ? . ?htlen? - - f wheat foi '*?? i ? rt Italy are i burins ' and It iwrn? non at for sisa i also ta atrol of ? -ar n? the I ' , Shii ere Inei-easinS I both A I the estent ot thr?e artl barer? In Asm wheel No 1 North? ? No. 1 Northern 2 1 l UKV . . eels and tlv \?a? fa ' ' ' I Ke.-rr-t es from A l>*en more - - S .. vi ? ? * ? RYI S'En VOBK PBI? l - ?i sat? Ms '-'2 . . ? HI? *?G0 PE?? I - ?? - - ? . 1 ? 'a a ? i i ni i; INO Ml ? - ? I 1.01'K Markt - ... ' M KAI. ? - . ? ? ??'. quiet . I a' - pi:..\ UIONl ..... it? ? - ? 0 - ? - I ?LLOV* ? ? ? t lilt ?GO PROVISIONS, - . . .'I 1 M ' let, ? I ? f avail . la the spot Open. I ie. ?lay. ? ? Jill) ? ? ! - ept. M GAR l i ii in - ? - - 1 "i rossi i.i ? ..... i I "i Ml". PRODI t il MARK1 ra ni mi i: aamery, ? ? - ? ? ? ? . . - ? - . m i -I - - . - ?? ? la ', -. ' ' spec . I . I ....? ""*? e*l ' ??.-.!?>. 4,1 ? , ,-h. , , I ... _.U..r. a-.u. 41 .....?.-. Brats. .j ....... . s?***. BOND SALES OS TUF STOCK EXCHANGE - HI RDAY, I I '??'?111 *,!- ?'?? ?'?'?? Tradiai la bead? aa ihe See York Bt?ecli Excbaage Balar?aj aasoaatN I? t7.mU.9H aaaiaal IS.12l.Ni I r..ia4. |2.Ma,fN s meen ago aad ll.37l.NI n >?*?r i,?,, i .?m Janear) I to date, IISMSMN, aaaiaal NMN.M(Hii Itll. GOVERNMENT RONDS. ? , ' i ? ' 4 a ? l - ?i ? .- ' ' H ^ ? ; ,4- ' 4? II 'i * *? ?? ... ? ? .. . alt? , IS :?'> I i ... ? inviiinii inivim a an i ., Ml Ml II \I. HUMIM. 4 ,. Ni. iHtissi i ? ? - ' * ?' r "' ?'Y.'1 o?. i? s ?" 4> ,m ?? *? I ? ? . I. I??? RAILVNA. USD MISCELLANEOUS ,. ,.. . .... .-... Sab M - ' * ?" '? ITS ? it ?;<a , . | :.. i. ...'?? i ? . ' , ?*? '? I.I', * , .,. a, p -. ?Sa * -, .t 4a ' ' ' *' ,?, :? 1.4 4? , , . ; I? ?> M I??., An * A P 4* .\? I. *.. " I 4. ? ' . ... I " 4. ' / ? i mm ...... S? ? v . . . ? 13 ... ... -. .'..I ? .?? * ... I m Ton? n II i ? .? ; ? . .? - .-?;?. ' ? . ? _H ^ka^ka^ka^ka^ka^ka^ka^ka^ka^ka^ea^ea^ea^M _ ? e???????????????mm 4 ?? .? ? ? . . mmmmnnmmmmnnmmmmanmmmmm'' l ' - '. ? _^_^_^_^_H ^^^^^_^_^_l _^_^-^^^--*-*--------l-B ?? - , __B_H_^_^_^H_b' ******~ - ?__^_^_^_i _^H ?^?^?HL__^_^_H _?? __? -????????????-^?i ^_ GOVERNMENT RONDS ^^^^^?____ ^^^^^^^^?^^^^^^^^__^__^_^_^_^_^_^-H - ? __^_^_^_H _^_H_^H Did. A?k. Bill. A?t. -. V.i ? . ,. 1918 I01H '? ? ?. ;? . ? ? 110 - re| M N ? - ret '.-8 ? 101* - I? l'an'61 coup.lUl-i lOlVfc^^H 11 W \M> BTRAf* r * ' , timotl l Kl.-H I B?ITS AIT] . a a-U;. ' ? . -, : B ! I I ' ? ? ' ' ' - : I H U * - . N I M \M.M(|Sr . i l'INK lui \1(.| - \Mi \ 1 t.I.I IB1 l - ' - : ? ? - ' I ??'. ? ? ? - ' . '? and ? ' ? ? | ? ? Si - - -, . < I ?a. ? . t red. I. ? \, ' ?,..! . r ! 1- RY, 1 .... I - .. ? I ? ? ' , i NOl I 1 - ?ROI >?...>;? - HOR ;l t: ?III .,,!. i . . . ' I - I , ? ? ? ! - ? MINT, ? . . ,i - ?? a ? ' - : 1 '? i Kl Ni muala, ? ????? ; . 1' "iRSNIPS I I ? ? . PINACH. \ . ??HAI ' a ? ' A" A : ? I l ? . ?? italks. 4 Mil ? COTTON NERVOUS ; CLOSES STEADY I eon! . ' ? ntracl for ii sold up from 12.01 1 broke si, with idy, net un i wer, . ? . ? ' tur'., ho* ? ?? '. eral - the rally, ' - i ??' rid was far fi - erings, emed to partly from Wall Stn much . u f the ? I ? ? ' ? ? ? ? ? ? ??bowing, i . it ma ? r 11.. an . ? irs are si I to b< I for cot ? ? 1 ... ? ; I; ss ' t'r**n H a ers B ; lias ii.i I V?v 1 F i ? ? '? : ? PRINTING BILL LIKED BY BOARD Boylan Measure Tends to .Secure (ireater Economy, Says Committee. AHERN AMENDMENT ALSO WINS APPROVAL ReRlty Body Believes 7ith*s May Become Questionable Unless i au is Passed. 1 ' ' ,:,?1 ' ?' ,'?? Bo ird'? ui.m? ' ' itlon h' ? bj took up n r h of ImporUnt bill? ai d referred several ?thei J to i. ci ,1 rom mitt? i i , oaaider Ai , ?? .. latter era? Senator Bojr? ? ne the l orrens set ihi? I? the ?ame lull which ?ra? In ? .1 i.y Senator Boylan last ? ? n ?led In th? nal Th? b !! I th? \ . nbl) ..... late to ?*? I out .,f the Committee on R A i amber of concui ? ''ifjnn? ken on ?i ?nt? to 1 . titutioi I ?? * r< refei red to 1 on constitution? Billa l Sei at? !? ? -, ? i odueed I . i a ? : by Mr. Mm late printing creati ,: ' lent >,f I . to b? appointed bj I he Coi i i ? end nil pi ?? : ?? undei ? i for ai . He ?' ; l y? i? r ? lei remad ? ... ' ' ? , ? ? ? lore fr? ster ? ? ? ' ? ? - ? - ? ; ? ' ? ARRANGE TOR CONVENTION National \?-->.< n.n Will Hold Fnur llall* Heealon n> N4-v? Orleaaa ? ? inge?, ' ? he the bn ? ? ' portan! ? ? ..nul reput ? ? ? ? . ? ? ? ' res ai I i STATE ASSOCIATION MEETING I lecutl* i < oBimltta. W i'i Re Guest ? ?>f Buffalo Chamber. ?"??ir,n. ? ion of broke rag? ' ?'? and Othei ? . fork .-, ? ; be hi Id ai . ! . ',: ...i , L'l. Bevei ' "ill pre. . ? ? I upon. It ' eral ?.??'. .... ? 1 D. Wood ? ? ' , thi rd rie? .: of i. '.'. Van ? ? \ ? ., , , ? ? ? li ?peak o? "The 1 ' ' ?? .1 by ' ' ented bj ? - -' ? . BUSINESS TROUBLES Binliru?try P>- ? ' . ?? I ... - -, ? .? ' ' ? ? . 1 I I ? - Pf'lt I? I 4 Il ? ' ' ? -??Jul.i .f ! ? . : . 1 ' ? ? \ ? ? ?? I ?I I- , I . . . ' **-? W? ~ . 1L..4'?-. \? L?.a? vr???iirer L 1 WATERWAY BUL l'! f..r Payment <>f I a ml In l"?* ?eloping iti.? Roete, in'r ..Im. tli ' the Assam hl) appropi icqulat ti..i. ..f lands for tht a "f ? deep watei I outl hon ? f Long Island Is enco iragtng to i ? i , |. ? ? . ,. ' ? Lead to ? . eocB ' m."' an hoping the bill will be? i I I ? '"'' ipproprlated monej one year ago for ? ? i of tha pro| oaed i ? Ha? boofl made I edi ral i ri| neeri have al ?> eomplati d th< Ir lurvt . redi g, which I . Il .?mi ranged ' hat the itata hall furnish th ? rigl I ol way and I ? . . ? Very ft o I ride* .?. '.' be re r-uircd, end compai tivi ' ? ... ? ties to the main channel i II at ?? to be Ii i I by th. I . .'? ' . ,- ??? ? non nt, i pi ,? already dri trail htem .1 and di epei i d tably the 1 f Long Bead ; 1 itei ray at I at East 1 ? un..-! b< B ? and . nal and tw i i ers al Baldwin Ifarbor, tha latter of which have s r nine feet si I Igh water. Th*? ? |p of Hempstt sd has also ? Milhurti River u! Baldwin. Compli lion of tbi * work means cheap? i shipment of huildinK* matt i ? greatei use of the south ? ide lii.y * for ? . ire boats and a un.'" Inaida route fur small merchant v< ? h are cet to thi gel ' L. ag ? ? ? NKW HOMES AT NEPONSIT Bayera of Plots Greeting II.?ii?e?4? * Dwalliraa f?ae Dr. Mearria. ? ' g sales have been St N'ept ?'??'*: 1 . i Hm ! '.a ? ? . "i. on Ontario nt., or. v hlch ting | .. ?, Oldl ? n plot OOxlOfl , near Washington ? rill ?? Improved ? - ? i gei ["o Jay la, : the corner of Boulevard and N'ewport av., ? .. ho IBB ? ..;? '?? cost .?' ght a i ?? '.'-,.' wl '. ttor Kutdo ? - ? : , at thi cornei of Boulevard fur || I'r. '?' inrla If improving *he ? l . ' Ontai it., with a i ? ! E Gurnee plot 60x1 ? NKW QUARTERS FOR SOCIETY I ..Huh. Protective Orgaaiaatioa )"int liw rlllag in u avertie) rime. ? ' -.puny I?*?' sd for J the f tory I ? iti : d for Jol ' in 'he ? ?:??".? Place I Protect * ? i ? ? ? t the dwelling .104 ? i i on ? ? ? ? I ?in. I - ' More and ofti.e building planned for ? corner of Third end Brook Avenues, The Brnns. N*. Sfrruoin?. ArehltOCt. MANY BUSINESS PLACES LEASED Rentals Show Demand for Stores and Lofts in Various Zones. I. .. ins-, Bacon * Ilenry. witl II .'?? rtl - lluberth ? the Ameri? ? I- ire engine < '.; pan) th? ton , Wet I 54th - * . i,- ? ' " igl HuhTth A- Mul" ... to Willard Day in 186 We it Mi it. 1 ii>- l'hurla?? I". S'oyes Company has lesio.\ tin? building 211 Duane ?t. to ? :.,? Worcester Salt Company, ?n.i th? --or" il-? Maiden Laos to the Falrley 1 ;i ?dsi I teel Cl .. rame? I Etehingham has i. n?cl to the Economical Tir" hii,I Supply Com? pan y the -.tor? at 19.12 Broadway Shaw .1 Co. leased tor* ? at ?'??*" Loaos av. i' a ? ... Ifa???d the * ral ? Broadway ?? 1 M West 29tfa Wagner ?v Blaufarb, furrier? I ? eased to the Krees lilding ?? 1 in.:.!? to Pierce 1 i ha?<> and to I' ibert . ng 102 West ?3d st ?.?-.'.' -?.:tp :. ' ?'. ith av, f,.r a t? rm el Da 1er, and the it th? corner of Seventl ? 19th st. to . . deal? bile? The Croea & Brown Company ?eased t, the ?tore to th? Steel ' 'ompany for ? ' years, and st I he ?outheast sv. and ..' ? ' -: see t>. i ?liv-ir .1. All mbaugh. ; s ft < eased a flooi ' t. to the A ik Com? I Fifth si te B. '>. '?> rigl ? i i ... .leu srles V Van Valen l< seed loft i at ? ? ' 1 ' ele, Hai 1 . ? Dl ;;?? ? i ?.,,'.k i-.; i? ?' I a II Herman Fennel A f'o. in ?9 BSSt Hat ? Roy Seheriek leased floor? in 12Eai 40th at. to S. Imandt and ?ieorge ! Inglil, merrhRri* tailors, for tel AISO If I id to r. If r BR Bl of uphnli tery fahr:--?, the fth Ito i ?:? and 36 Weat a'-*1- it ' ros? . Brows were Mediated In tba latt? . . ,i '? APARTMENTS FOR BROOKLYN BLOCf Planned by Builders Who Pur chase Property in Flatbush Section Other Sales. Tha Delaeh Levey Company hea "''1 the rr.t.r"* block in the Flatbush sec tiOH of Brooklyn, bounded by Fla-b,? i Glenwood rd a*. 1 Nostrand at ; Thi? property has a frontage of SO feet on Flatbush so. and 21-. feet Bl IVoatrand av, This is a' the junctioi ; of the Platbuah av. Bad No?trand av car lines and the tonainui of the No? trend av. lubwey, "The plot will 1" improved by tha nee ?wner-i **it! ? and apartments. Meyer Lovenaon Hold for the Ne? "fork Title ? ompar.y to an investor *.hi ? rot itory tonomeati at iphar a"., on a plot IfiOxlOO Tutu.o & i 4?rny sold for Levy Broth ers Ii,- , the three i-tory bru-'?. s*or< ami dwelling, in eour?e of con??ri tion, 20x102, on the west side of a-. . 135 feet loath of Ovington a'.., tu eher for In? estmea * '? it 1 Realty Compeny ?"11 a plot, b the en**, aida '.:' Ka-t 28d st., botweoR A*/enuea F and ?;, foi rhomai F. (ri'in; a pi"*. 15-0x1 the seat ilde of Bedford sv, between \ i ;? ? 1 n- : (,, for ( 11 Pi ek, ?? E. R. S-ropur i ompany, will Improve e-ith bungalows: - '?'? r ? , a ' . : 22x122, for L. !!. Sattoi 5?4'* Amersfort pi., con;?r of Av. a one-family detached cottage, for C. A . Mei?*er Builders 10 ?- . th at., 1 from end 88.1 on Tl at at?, 164 eet from av. Ten .? ... -? T. A. HiiiTa A l it 107 a Ii ii i Hill i .i mi ifacturei, ? -.?.' ? , . plot. 10x100, on the louth side >?: ?-"? ??? 24? fee? teat of f to i ? ? itor. SALE OF HOUSE IN FIFTH AVE, James B. Layng iw Disposes of Dwenj Near 71th Street. STERLING court in A S27?5,000 DEAL Apartment at Audubon A?, Corner figures h Trade f-.' Other Property. ?'? ra R. May I > ,. ? tout tory a r. d I .... r : ? --..,.. - ' ? " ' ?" ' -?" .*? ;-.,'. is Just r.orth ,,i 74th st, ?r, ? a?ti?jw the r. .' ?:? .. hi -.' ? ?. . Chapia. Irr.rr e . ,?,,, "" '? v.. ' ' ? r ' ' I I? ? '. L.aS -, a. ?he ot-i'T ' ' ? . - t . v Hartases, A R --? I : ?i 12 Lai ng .* -? ; ,.?,-? -?i .lh.".e? W. .'a- - ?.-.;-,, eold the .-?? - - ?? Court ?farta? house, lorata-il at tv? BOIthoM m rer r.f ISIst -'. Bad Aodthsa ?T a Sis ?tory t lei It ? ?.-?_ ^L, ?tor??, an flot iwftssi ?S ThoBSas Ward, aha ?riav?. jg pa? payrr,. i tear t plot ' the sootheasl cornel f Ssesass.s_ 1 Tilth .it. the te.e of whic*. ?i, r re,.' rted. Gei r.*e I F'.?j. negot:?-fd the d?al, ??. -, ch .-,*-,-?? .' it t ? Bterl ng Building ?* I | ;*r*?:. Company bought the Aodsboa i* *fc in lL?0i-, -> ??? spsitM . ' core? *-..: > -,'. I to a bu ' - 11 t? waa rij an apartme: | ?es tlbert ker ha? ?old. '?.r-? ' -. A '.?..-??-?,. the plot, I f rain ?. - ?arm ", lite wit ? * ises. ? apartan rit UilII Bryant st?. .- dney P ? '?*- * 118th ??-... i? ' ? ,-r 7th st ? - I the prop-r-r 1 Lease in Loft Building. .. . ?? -p?nf. - I ? ? r i - J%ore ihe Hunda ion fy ARTHUR NlCHOLS? ?t.... ..*-. certain things jn : can't do with impunity in realty and btill I manager or holder of real property in thia city. You very things on a large acal? in the newer Alaskan also break <? urn rule, regulation or custom that '. the past, and yet your etting h< Bui you can't neglect your busine ? 01 residential prop? polis year aft-r year for a long period an.l think that - ? . be a ?lay of reckoning for you, that you ????'ill the property, and that when you come t.. offer it for Bale buyi ck t.. you and you will receive a much larger -urn for \"..r premiaes, owing t.. the competitiva bidding, than you expected. 1' ia just thia attitmi?* that many persona sssuined for , and now they are asking one another: What itter with realty? . . old business tectiona of New York, and you will ? block fronts of buildingi that long ego ahould have ? put on the scrap heap. Yeara ago these propertiea were splendid in? d wen coi demand in investing circli . 1 rom tbt? lool luildings, little if anything was ever ?i.->n?> to rn. The former owners took nearly every dollar of profit ami put it int.? their "?An pockets. Maybs some of those own** . ?.." eys tu create a sufficient sinking I with which to improve the ? i when the originad usefulness of or nearing that period. However, the namea of '. I property an* not generally rn to the 1 ty of Brokers end others who sre entitled with the Ii irket. Most of the present owners of the propertiea are I ewailing thi fact 1 hat the old m the sites ? il and .i ? Rn . " .? the market value ol premises. Th? - moaninga are ow and high pla market, and naturally re iii more i srd future of the gr? I of v .?. York It i- true that the of these former ? ?> ging their I rade pa I < ? I ps thi'ir but 1 resent heii - i r ov - ? ft pi .- dearly for what ahould have been done in the t'a*- distant f all the ? lings and ail in the ?*a:" of ; . en til mans realty. Indeed the i sit. of the ire a Mi.-: lectioi f the greats city. tearing awaj of old there would be lay if sen made years sgo for s gradual redu f all rtgagi . What s boom b present .lay trade : ?* if a decade or two sgo son e steps s 'y the pa ind I ?. ? et pi ition of values. Build rear everything else, and th i rig charma bit-come .- by the stalwart forma of the ovi ring new build . with apa .. : well lighted rooms, and with ?? ' rhe life of I ? ling is about thirty years; that f thirty yes ineome power ia bo low that it ia e\ ii. that form. Should the building thei be left to which ? usually done, it bee me a ? I prog ? . ity like thi . '?. snd hard . .?? it an i..- inpre] ? ng linea sn sc tuated by those ing nee by. ?Son.f the old business landmarks in I Manhattan aro over a hundred years old, g maybe a hundred yeara hence and maybe l"ii?.''.' Bui more than fifty yeara ago the from thess propertiea In the early days of old New York the atu? ? Mai hattan brought shout s prodigious rise in laud and outgrowth of former pertii ? I owner wai sble to hold hi * mi prod u? ?? - ? ' . the aying and doings "f the big realty men of the .?.?? get the impression that the majority of then -vein to he firmly inion that New York values were hound to po up and up, with pert..i ,i ssional sharp decline to be followed by another rapid soar-i ing. They Beamed to be sure thut this buoyant period would continue : , ih a long tun? it it wai s bother their heads ah? it, when I .... never pictured that there could be a long -<? they themtaelvea or their predect ' coldness and the par.-,--? of depressing realty si reminds one of the saying of Bill Nye, "What's the i e sehe when you are eating a - ? dt?M Now ?i a strong foundation on which to base scientific '? * * pity of u a!! is that are have to :.-.;- it - i should have been laid. This explains rail the of mortgages, what form they shall take and to be first tried. Most of the members of the Fraternity of R? agreed that BOt*Mthing mu.-t be dotM to Btrength? ' I Si P snd thut a mortgage which grows lesi ss one of the ways that will help i". the rig our present methods of watchfu ness as a is of propertiea covered by mort tges, ?? were not going through r long period ol sudden a *.alues. with just as quick and as sharp upwai ' ? r jer most mortgages an 'or tarn of most mortgages ia therefore l" short hat the i slwaya on thi alert, runs no risk of 1 tent more that 60 per cent of the rahie oft ?' ? ihat the si ? ?? n plan a extended two or thr..' years. However, there ar wart all loans I r ?? the p'.an m> that :. ? ? '' newed vea'- 'ter yea I ? . ire 'thi ' pl-acf lion that ? made add i owner airea "-. mor '.- ? 'A hear th? I the key I it is the ? ? that i ? ' itter whal ; RS if it a I not he ? ? on the irgi , ? been commitl ' ' '?' ... rr ntrscts have beei he oi.i ' ? the *'?-??. - Is , a'!l him. Then plain the contract did, and leller ? pelled to retu law would put a stop to thi of wl ? ? lud Tl ? si Justare to detei*mine the m? si f a certain loa ?Soph ? outd not n ska has r ta the money |? tig I protecl that i- natura! si d c ii i ?dentally I York realty In investing circles thro igl ?o- the In liffi rei ? an era i f thi pa ta all ? i in*- M where to th.? professional lenders on real estate, ?? ? to the conclusion that noa ia the time to res l)on't let any on.* try t.. persuade you that that luggestsd this agitation for the amort ' u , ? City real est?t?, although it Is s stop In th.? right our problema sa to how we ahould perform oui office and mercantile buildings, our problei ? ? beautiful city with sharp lines of separati ? * ing and resirdential leetiona, our problems ab? it locsl a menta and many other matter.., including thai ? broker-, wo ha\e some v?-ry big subjo.-s to think - 1 th? ^aj time. How shall we fare? Don't worry. Ws art* wt.l ?? a more stable realty market __*"