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GASOLENE GOSSIP By HANK CALDWELL. .___ -.-= Study in Gasoeconomics. olene 1 i atorai a few | i will bring them mei ri f we have 1 'be a i .1 up for tha he i The ? rent gas haa ?a ara it i ? ?? r w( roa) he ? i > . nua to maintain thai , r earbu Many of i A ? pre aa a lasting bi a? t?' We mi rive, how to gat th? or even ? bette! } rot* ?OU I ' . faet that one man ca > I ai 'hrr eai . ' a a u gc or Ralju^tmen ? ? ? ?irai cus show yoi ' I ?an ? i ? '-. on thli ? ? fa? r .. :' i their carl ?? ? rs in ai of pa? pplii .it?on ol r Tracy ha is and manu lie ha? ? - - ?. ?. O f O I ' r ? . r Iti It - ? amount of I fuel to thi :? 1 ho has tried one i thi . ' I cr S v ? V.'hei puta it on, or ? man i I La? the i He may i ? i his keepi trsck of ? e erTort to Id have ?-avrd : j to study his carbol ? t of ? i u goes ' ' I i : -'or and : 1 the as ? ? for a j rar, but she 4? a? n i ? 0 .?-.h to chai. ? t ?.,-". for 1 he adi Ice, If it is n? to pay $6 for to] to how him the value <,f i>, ?1 . :l en it ma * 1 1 ?tment, bul iry. The Kerosene Carburetor. her. ene carburetoi r hope whii ? ; who ? 1 over the coat of 1 ne man? are extremely anxioi 1 to hare the cam th? It? rosei c r rburetor advanced. I 1 ? siting the h r of the ' ? ? which woul :> oil. I 1 , ?ors nre working on ? m end thei ere nui the marke 1 t expert .ne of them ; uitab ? for t;. ? fine. A mixturi of keros?n? and elr la not r?Tective I i.n Int? rnal eon bt- tion 11 I can b ., mperatur? ? : h h ai not omplisl ?1 ths ant tor. ? bei ia it p< - ? '. to a< r*l type of I carbni. to start the en| on ga 1 to the h? ??? ? 1 ... . . bjectioi i M il t! throws off an 1 ? :.!lK' th? : ? ? ' ' the his and . \ ? - up ?earch foi ... rise to ? . r< ... ? . Use the Btsi Carburetor. ? ' ? : ' ? grii any mol ? well have the val twice 1 ? . ? ? . ? ? a compara'ivi'ly ....... .-. . ihow K'-'^d economy. momj ? r There 1 el s of 1 rdinary. ." ? - th carburet an ? ed to the < of th< : ' Ihe m.. ; popalar nr. should sol be S4?elpped wl iretors costing tha manafaetnrera bal ? allg advance, and which would prove decidedly more aa lafactory to tba aaera, ??Then there ara eara eqaipped with well mai rarburetori which ara not properly titt?'.l te tl particular motor, Pew motor! ta nnderatand tin ?.tl, the better automobiles tha earburetoi la i carefully designed to it tha motor aa any "th. ; ? of the machine, and is la imall bat importai fei ? from tha aaoaa maka sf rarturet? u ed on other mr?. When a motori I pun . u of this kind ha ?"im ba fun? of th.* very 1"' 1' 4. "l'.r n motortat wheaa cat l? equipped with ? ? or earboretor there ia nothing that ??'ill gii more pleasure, ia the Improved running of tha eai than the purchase of n lirnt elaSB dirim?. not only reaalt In economy, which ?ill ?-'> long way toward >,,r Increase in th . ' gasolene, bat It will make tha m.r moi Factory In every reape I Man) thou andi o ' see ha 1 thi ? expel lenca, and tl . s not yet ? It will fl nd a >-i pi lac awaltin?, ?in get s new h?Kh earbu Tips to Car Buyers, liara la a good role to foil tart 1 truilii In your i . : . . u : ? I Before *..".! look aw rar maka the need mr ..,.., ? ? ' -i can si : ? '. ? torei ?<f tha dealei ? in ? n of the lame make ai I . v.':*-h tu trade a popu ? car and 11 nil t\' o na iiio'lei in thi i ? ? ? ? condition with tie . .? i get tha di alei doe And three or foui i ..rk.'t ;i* '. divide * *nl by the number of <? ir. you I ige a h Ich - ent a fair i . t trom reasons for the sell i| rrived at tl . ? ear you havi letl . - ? ? foi gent must ring yon In a !.? - al reasoning yon know hi.? car cannot bi . ? h e coul d i ? - gent wl the ear of your r.r.-t : ?. to do an agi - mar ? ? ? g bim youi i worth in th? ?? <i'i are bucking a natural law of hi going to be tha I ir will sol .' at, althoagfa you may ? n wise pi in to 1 how i rar in worth lri the old car r- , ll ,t ll In? riably a i more than i* f ???. on ?. trade deal Involving a new rar. Ownara *'ho wiah to trude In an old eai get at driving or f>er.<li' ? , ?hand car deal? r fur I - bf a? ci?.?h price With ths seeoad haad dealer this i'< one ?f tl old? I Jokes in ih" In ilni i 11 ey havs eallei ? < that kind of a mi lion man} times ? day. They ei tell ih,. ir,,,:, who i for Information i ?non i, ? thi j , ?? him top a.' the euro. If they gai up their um" t.. tin, v..irk they would staad m tl ?tree) sppi ears, Ar,.i hi i' another mall I p. If yr"i ?re dicke im: with mi agent for ? row ear, particularly n m-, nt li '. .,il elty, and he tells rou to v>-> I soother agent who bandies ? dlnTereat car sad wh ??ill bIIo? -."li more for poor ear, doBl go. ire all trying to keep sllowanees daw to h standard by \4h?,-h they ran raako u Hein profit When the] hear of s man arhe Is makin ? H. ? x. sllowanees Just to sell his new car?, thi send in m all the I 1 n? they eaa so he will brea quickly a? ?". libl? and eloae up ?hop. Ten t" one he 1? sell ng h ear aa whieh the fee sllow? him s cut rata discouol and whicl ,. in-! wort h the mom ?? Befogging the Traveller. There ha nevei In the hi 'ory e .,? need"' . trong Rational b? t pr? l ?? ; of the motoi il i body of : late 1 has its own pel id? 1 ; enact laa 1 . : Boards of aid? rmi ? and eltj ??oui,, i re flgorii new trail ? eloping ' ? ' ' 1 au nil law? designed to a steel the p? le trian and ? ? ' ire are quite . . . . 1 ., ?-how si be com? ? .? ? ? , , 4'-: ' d ? ?'? I ? ' ?-?'. p. local ever a stai ? . ? ? - a national ? ? ? . and Coal : ? ..- to fui ni ih ?. :..r,-' r ' ?? ? . tained by a meagre c!ui. .. luppoi???,! by . course, for 1? local club to ?pend pproprl .'Ion . I illy natural for ? ? its opera'' within 1 tata, leavini* little ral body. not realize how much ' ' -.. - ? ? - ne to travel oui h?. that many things which might have be dons for his comfort aad eoavaaloacs have bo neglected. A? time goes on he will doubtless see much mo li t'i undone than formerly, unless !.< i i stronger to the support of his elub aad state ? i -, and sec ' that ? fair amount of hi? i t on goes on higher up for i.?',-, i ? i i ional ?or The Used Car 400. In the lame SeBSS that a wealthy man can ?ffoi to war chat.l.v clothe?, u '-.ornan of fashion ca 1 car. It would aiBBSa foa to know how many wealth people, men and women of lnich social positioi ride In "exchange curs." tt/c lav- ir. -',e i-. '..I States b large da?? o automobile buyers who wre forced to purchase r.i"?.' rar every year. 'I I '? eyes of their busine? an,; social competitors are riveted upon them, so? . do not appear in the latest rr....?.. at th earlie t possible moment it is immediately sen ast that they ere about to fail la bu Ths i rhich are annually turned ii ? .... of "first model" buyers could not o< taken over by the buy?r; who si ?ng foi g cheap ii " Thej : to maintain car.? of that I | , require one or mor, ? , an cnor mou? ? ? avl garaging. .- the "independently wealthy" can aford t< i ,.v the hii'h els ' r t They ma ? -.i) I, 1 hey mum -, so that th? ? her ear to their coll ..?. They must move among pe< . people who - ' ? ? y have -{TO? '. : now employ * '? ?? IBOl of trans? - . ? who handle noa ere to plac? them at a fair ... - ?uch fc car is ? i generallj perl I ehanical ? ' ! ? r woman - a machine . receiv? no | ty and the are always ii I ? siehaagd car? mers with secrecy. t to the owner, but t I ehauffear or parchssing ? . mi n of Boston, Phtlsd? Iph * and other Bestem cities buy used cars m th? I market Bab and th? ? Love a ; tl ears wr, tun. the New VorM-r, who must, by reason ; a new, expeaslva ma? ? . 'i y yi ar. Uncomfortable Driving Seats. ' rial.uncomfortablenessM of trlving seat in the a .r of Uid model 'The Automobile" of February 1 ?uys: "There i? loom for improvement In a great many car?, particularly, a? regai la tl .- ?eat. No ?m can h- ide ? ?' the mom In the tonneau of the 1916 car, it It ... leetioB if some of this room ;< not being obtaii : o- the expenoe of the driving compartment., thus providing a superabun ipaee In the rear while lbs oeeupaati of II ? specially the driver, suffer, "llera ar- bmi ?, ;, ^^ mi/n ' f the di ??? ? ' *? - atr. et the ' "' renieaca ..f control. "The haadllag of tha iteeriag wh?*i, tHT ?.^ '"'"?? ''??''?''?' "'?rtUk! clutrh and a< Cell rater ;."i.i'. ? ** "???'"' ' ??-..' us the autoi .' movementa of di ring to a a i ft. r tba and Bf a day's r . ? ./'k study an the part be thankfully r? elved by I drtver*a seat. * "Probably tha Ii - - - ? -,, to tell why h<- left thi - - ?*J h-.d Ht to eont ? ? ..-.-.. eai wei. ii at, reach for 1 arm?, all have thai! natter to have ? teat earn I "The mar. wl ? - faet?n r and designer i go tha Cutting Out the Cut Rater. ?' "' ' laslaa, -?i.? wrecker snd will looa ?f ;.. n.< .?;?? argai may In time The National t* ?lory Jobbers 300 legitima! sn ? - ' ' next n ? ?Id. it E '?->.?' und >ubl ?? ark. mo?ii - the man ifa turen to . ??' v?n leei nt a ?1 retail, ii . It i? a ,- ?? ".-id, t luroir af \*a\\ In the long i areckei it ii ?hi*. ? itarta out ti and ? I . ?? ly or a ? ; ? ? ripe. Ha ..'? :*Il. jobber ?r. : manufacturers a- ' ' i k. cash, a*, ima ' ? ? baiisir. ;. ta i fmrn the,- * e eaiBBM a.? often a? he een I cha?ed from the M ' '?" ?? '??'? basinesa. He la a deal '?? thresl entier first * I ite retailer asas", 11 down rai-cal who thrives ' ,* frea : I ends sad the m. : " '?' Is one of the harJI * ' The law never roaches him ? Ii toe cr ly era) to dri* ? ? ' port a legitimate tra I BtiOB atd? a the power ' and window display wl ' " ??"' ? ONLY CITIZENS PROMOTED" ?TIm i - SotlRes Its I Kar , ? work I .lid be mad? plain that t charg. ? . ? :,en to take out 1 ? ' 1 ii la: ? ' ' buildii ? its in num I ? re hun ri ? > was ' ' Hume in Chicago. ???a? n rec? ial of t:.i .-i r and ? Hup ' arket, was ea n 4? Uli the ?. A ' -l?tant - ' ' ' ? Tires Go Up. ire compa .,- tire pro? i tn? r Lei puncture-pi I aaingi . from 10 to ral ad ? A ' Li {"illation. ri ? small? ? ' the v?--t r a ? - bill to ti?:< tl ?? -?: al 1 machines with more than lb horse-i power, fit a year. ? MEN AND MOVES IN THE MOTOR TRADE The Brady-Murray Motora (.' r al ? . . : - ? pied two ei ? i 1 ? ? n when ' . ssroom, 1 gem i? hol. nient- hi . whif h a?v . i for ei bu ilar ' I ' M itchi ?donia of Au< ? to refill!, the 1 i tit ' ? ? - od and clil F. W. Wright, New "i " rk Auburn - and ?.. way, near Sixty-third hura wholeai ! at 60 v., ? ? ? ?? In com ection with thi R, h Wallace, ? ho f< IVest 1 ? ' irl . f : Ir. M irl f 1 are constantlj I care. Theodore Schu'' Sidney J. Bowman. Overland Sew "fork distributer, hu- ?? ? sri 111? ? ** and returned to oui ?huit/, ia In yea i I ? - ' .. ? ? Bl idway. He ... . \ I C. ii -?? .? ' awai than when hi .. in l La tiads the more time be apeada i cha.?;',.- : ; . greater the hia I - - ? v. v.r. ha? been hand ce and S U \ ? i ? ? ? g ' fin.'? . treat i I l.i. .. March 1. ' i i ' aiiadiun ... ... lliggini rmei ' ? . vith 1 branch in Latel; been con ,?? , ton factor) Krim, who \rr.s recently ap ? for the ? . I ranch laal '?'. i K Phil? ielphia ere he v ..- man? ? ? ? 1 ;?? r, Bowen, mai. etire* I \ i '. fork manag \ ? iter? on nil the ? : heat ' a ?xpene? Ivan, for l?verai year? ulon .. ? ? ? ? ? .? I reel ... di f the : I. I., manager of 1 ? ? .... i ? | been made chairman of the standards committee of the Society of / I ? ? factory manager ? , dard Weldii g >" ????r in the N.w York i ate H ry 24 Mr ; ? i . '. authority on th? ' ,? ? how in the year ai Mr. Di ? : III a vi< ' rea 3 r obl t and i i', rey * ? ? n, a bo 1 * ? ! Itfot ompany, to . light i 11 C H. i Bourq 1. : il M ? ? ?i th'? ? ? Mr. 1 ? . i ..-i . ; - I ' e PREDICTS RISE IN CAR PRICES Hugh Chalmers Says the War Is Responsible for Advance. In explaining hi? reason for a<l?anc f the to I Hugh to all mol "Kn ? ? i have adva . ' ? OUI 'indar,i? o? ' ; |1 | .'. . : ? , advance . "I pr. diet .. general upward r< tor car price? all ?along th? mmiy months i aere ther way out fur the automobil? irer. -, ipon? ? . i ? . inadium ?1 ? , : -- . i m h a ? ind ? ?? ? : sen? il i'rr.m ft 10 I I to ?- a bun ,? ? ,c : pound to eeati ai tad eoppor, from 14 cent? a pound tu le cents a pound." GRANT A BIG HILL COMER Latest Arrival in New York Mas Topped the Western Peaks. K. ll Hollander, of Ri iti-r-J Of the ?f Bl ' latisl - ipoi ' ' - ' .... 1* the nal efl . ; i. : 1 . ? ' With Mil.? Bekins, or the B? i ni I W. M. Jenkins ? ? Cai ? ? tor I IB car ?rent ta Ana trati \ ? i ? ? . ? ir was given aevei :" lonp, har ! tripa, having made thr?.?* trips from L.ia Ana-fits tu San I'ranciico and return. i ' operative, and moat of the dealer? who ; . I are to v ? \ portion of i b? >1 itock Mr. Jordai I ? ? ? r the car have b< ? a for ? mpany h a a m o v i I i ? l th, of St. I . . :.. . ek, and pro The rum ? t.i . . !.. ... 1 129 The Harding Motor far I P. I. Hard ? ? ; al i '?'? I g a r...' : W. O. R?ther . . : ? i Com pa H '? - - i ? I a ".'. Hill. ,*. K mdall ('.?mpany, tribu? 11 A L., which I being manu? factured by Harr*. Loatler. Mr. Murray, of tha Brady, Murray Com] '?? ? I - Chandler at ? andler facti ry i * pr' ; ?'".? cara a day and will deliver 20,000 this year, ai isa over 1915 , ? too pe? ? ? ? Still, th? New Yoi ? get jui?h cars to All ? i he Nil I ? i - * I hen 1 ? . ? ? ? ? I a ne-electric,' The opera! ? gaaolene ; - ? Below a apead .les un hour the I ir is pro ? l.v by the electric motor. be a ' ; >'? ll Ti.mpany. one of . Idara, haa : I ear ;-.r several years and i ? - produce it ? : b y H.. r i v track i : I - ? public v? a::- I fai Bacea fT amateur ??rivers snd own? ers -a ;1 b? held on the ( bicam Bpeed way May 20 and at Sioux City later in tabo season. The new Premier Motor Corporation :? building tWO BOW nicirii? cai . Carl Fiaher or. i James Allison tor ass on the Indiunap, ? a 1 other wajra next summer. The Premier Cor -, rebu ling the Pe i ?-. rtre to be driven next summer 1 y "Howdy" WIICOX an i \ M-n. of " \ it year, : ? I re sumed work -utz factory. If Harry StUtl sa Anderson will be one of Is rubber prices dropped si I I ? last -, but tiro ? Axrxi no disposition to bu> I< G Work ha? been reelec'ed rre?; .lent of the B. F. Good rich i ompany. it | -. ? in 1911 H E. Raymond, A H aid ]. . ? ire now ?.ic? v. K Coli ?vith Percy O . ? l ? ' ..i ? i<,nth. In January, li'l I, oi 300 carloads war ng an res ? ?- b u ? i ? ? month of '. ks a doable record for ? rj - Tho Maxwell Company snnounces that it will produce al sty-five thousand cur* before Julj I, The Chalmer? Co ? ? KM), frank B. V in i by Pau . ? ? ? -? \ i I ?ie Trade A ? ? ? a. Wilson a ? the new a , which r dealers, i ? rs, r, pa r ?.hop owners an i ?uppl> re k< ? ? It is the purpose of the association ? ? p?rate with sxisting eity d? ass? dations. R M. Oui n has returned from a tri| gh the West v- l ? . on the eading I . ? - ? . Pa ilo?? n md White, but . ? .? ias .??,?' ? ? - . ? ' rhe officers of tho new Ents Motor Patenta Corporation are K. M. Owen Roy A Rataey, D. C I'urland, Robert H. Montgomery and Richard II. t-v>art-' gast, LESS PLEASURE DRIVI5C* ? ar of Te-da i- i -? ? ''> ?*,rt *' *.?. sat v.i al i oe "Th ' i smaller e?r? ? ? | "Mol i ? i ta ? . "Va . ?rame I ? ? ? ... "When we ii ? I -' ? ? - and aou tn.? city mon ' 1 ? ? Gart o?d Truck B : ' t a' -?'.. . - the la ? c , ? i Mia-" . ? ? ? Mitchell Out ? ??-?:': lean from n ?r ?i Reo I B I ? .t I ' - ?f__3 ?* I A like 1 , thai -_? crum l* Placed m ?*? ?*? ??autre ol BBSs fi-*-"