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"^5 l/fT^\ CIETY'S EY Us*?" B-? ?'?y TT^N C""D or iaV? ;'ALL uimes to Represent Characters of ancient Mythology?Edith Wynne Matthison to Summon Gods and Goddesses to Revel. . '.' e -he Venetian I the r under the ., I rill go toe ? I sculptors ? ; Sev? ' for tickt: er of these v lot. i to ap men and ere will be an in? Ram ? ? ' ;vpt. Hindustan and ?? Horui he I i i ith of i eath. An g to 1 1- gen died to ? ? el re them will be ana. Then ' Aurora. ?dl fol.ov iogy. ' ' ' i ? ? - . ' ' ? a; or Aurora t S. Chanler, Mrs. h Howland ' ' i: and .???ill appear as Pal ompany of warriors, . dwin reesc. Lewis Stuyve e Robinson. U be Mrs. Rob '?". Oeir.chs and e.i, Miss Heien c 1. jr. Ml - Albertina Ra6ch ., Goddess of Night, and maiden, will be Miss '?d Cram, Mr McGuckin, Mies . ala Beyer, Miss i ne Manville, Miss Spalding and Miss Polly Platt. Among others in this part of the pageant will be Mrs. Hinman Bird (Ousha), lie.,; ILiiheci:. } Keller, Jasper Bayne, Mrs. .nuosch (tram? h, Mis? I' et La large, Miss mdon Thorne, Irving Skeffington Norton, C, Hollister, Ira I Albert Sterner, ?lerter, Elery James, .Murray : Civilise Alex .rever, Mi ihu Root, /on Rotten Kenneth M. . Whitney, nder the leadership .11 provide music for ?ong ? m the ca ?lis. Josef Str?n? de, it Weiler, Mar Carol I ad.), Edith Wynne man, C. Grant La ?c. John 1). : ic, Dunbar A Tailer Smith '. 1'redei. ? Frederick Still man, . 'elchanty. mette McPike, . Water? len L. .' ?'. s Barbara . Chailes Krech, Charlotte .is. Mour.tfort Mills, Mrs. .'? -'. iCdward Sperry und g taken in , ex? es of the Egyptian, Or? ill be kept on view at Me llerier 1 : Avenue ) .?id Seven.'rth Street, all weak. Ths colic? t on will be open to the j g f from ? m. to '? p m. and Mi i Inring Colson will he on hand every afternoon lrom 4 to 0 to ? ivc expei ? advice an ?na. Lie rd 1 the bsll mittcs, ?cieated in the production 1 I Oscar Wilde's "An Ideal Husband,"1 to be given in thi ballroom of the Waldorf-Astoria on ths afternoon su Msrch 4 by ' :. ? ? is in charge o! tl New York. Among the patroi C. A.u him " ? G ;. Mrs. Walter B. James, Mrs. Oliver G. Jenninga, Mrs. Walter B. Jen- Alvin W. Krech and Mrs. Moses Taylor. Alumna? of Vassar College, in an effort to do their part toward 1 - the \ - ? niglr vu. The performance will be Bern ly, The ? 1 Eighth Avenue, as ch ? littee. Al? ready she has tome large tiont, as well. Among the patronesses are Dr Katharine A. C. en, Mrs. ?shall. Mis. Cleveland H. Dodge, now, Mi yestr: lay ' ? i.nater, ?rick Love a Nor '. n 1 St. ??ton. ? . Mnnan Bush, Kstherine lerer, Ann 1 Jcan . atrice ie Howson, 1 , :.rown ; mer. * -. gcd thi for its f? ? --sday, . . Tuesday. y 15. The ge was mat >unt of Mme lientos, of the Metropolitan Onera House, ?s to make hi ? on the art ?'.age that evening, being unable to .te origina:.v set. Hugh Allen ."'ozart 1 of Walter ? t>SS will be the aci. v the concert, and t will be served in the Louis XVI Boom. Tables for supper may be reserved by applying to the chairman of arrangements, Mrs. Samuel Gardner Estabrook, 29O Sterl:-.. Brook lyn. Among the new member?, who recently have been received in the society George J. Hoffman, Miss Anne Hoffman, Mrs. K nnc A. Ma;tin, | resident of Athene; Mrs. I teler, Miss Clare Pi h a.Hey, Mrs. Danucl P. Kite hoe. Patlidgc and Mrs. M. Nau,. The New Yorkers will hold the next dance at the Hotel Aatoi on Friday evening. Mrs. M Wolly, the chairman, who is arranging the danc? .iy afternoon for the committee at her home. Among those- present were Mrs. George P. larke, Mrs. William Wheeler Brash, Mrs G. Cook. Mrs Cor.. Owen Earhart, Mrs. Edward Frittx, Mrs. K. G. Dickinson, Mrs. L. I). Post, Mrs. William E Wilkinson, Mrs. Henry H. ku.?-sell, Mrs. 1. K. Davis, .Miss Salue Crabtrce, Miss P. Lugar, Mrs. Rus- Mrs. ] atanor Walker, Miss C. G. Bansford, Mrs. Augl t Kost, jr., Mrs. Alexander Jackson. The Cercle d'Amis will give the second oi the new >t-*u . of dances Frida] ruary 11, in the Empire Koom of the Waldorf Mai. The Mis?es Semi.le announce sffail will .. Travestie." Fancy B . *. be obligatory. A concert and dance for the benefit l?ltling and endowment . . . the New York Med. ge and Hospital for Worn the Hotel M dpin on the evening of Febnisxy 17. Henry Stei^ner. who-- . Aiglon was spc rah Bernhardt during her last to this country, will read the play in a ?atcd form, and the Stanley Quartet will give the second part of the pro? gramme. The patronesses are Mrs. Walter Gray Crump. Mi j Hedg?ra Crowall, Mrs. John H. Humphreys, Mrs. . Grsnl Brown, Miss Florence Guern t-ey, Mrs C. O. Harrison ? Mrs. L. lira '. ley, Mrs A. K illiam Tod Robini on, Mrs a B. How? _.?au .ilcc.'., Above?Misa Orovllle Wooater* ??, / 'nd, rt. , ? i ! Studio) Below?M la* Prise i I la A ?den G riffln. (?'hoto, i cii;,/.'?, Il ,l ' Mrs. Lewis O'Brian, Mr?. Clayton Rockhill, Mrs. S. Olin Stephens, Mrs. Alfred Canfield Page, Mrs. Charles F. Lemhke, Mrs. Edwin n. lira. John Hudson Storer, Mis. John MUdeberger arid Dr. Lucy Osborne Wight. The annual ladies' night of the Canadian Club (John l.mery McLean, president) will be held at the Hotel Biltmore on Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock. The speaker of the evening will be Surgeon General G. Sterling Ryerson, president and founder of the Canadian Red Cross. Miss Kathleen Parlow, the noted Canadian violinist, will be the guest of honor, and a musical entertainment by well known Canadian artists will form the 6econd part of the pro? gramme. Dancing will follow. Thomai D Neelanda, chairman of the en tertainmei I tee, is m iharge of the arran] ent The New Yorkers (Mr.. Henry Russell, president) will give a Valentine luncheon and card party nt the Hotel Gregorian, 42 W< it Thirty-fifth Street, Monday. February 14. Luncheon will be served at 12:30, followed by card, at 1 p m. Tickets can be obtained from the follow - rs of the committee: Mrs. Henry Wheeler Brash, Mrs. H. D. Cook. Mrs. August Kost, jr., and Miss Eleanor Walker. The next of the midwinter dances, given by .*.'r Austin P, Hancock on Friday at the Hotel Ansonia, will be a Colonial dance. The patronesses will receive in Colonial costume on a C< l.mial porch designed for the evening. One of the features of the evening will be the minuet, danced by M:?.?-., s Mildred Baird, Charlotte Playford. Dorothy Scudder, Frances Foster, Margaret Mo,,, Evelyn Duke, Rosalyn Wilson, Julia May Hsncock and the Messrs. Lyle K iy, K : ert Harris, Henry Maure!, Har ley Nash, Delafield AlcOtt, Weseley Alcott Glove Knowlson and John Wilson. The second dinner dance of the Four Danc? ing Club v en on Saturday, February 19, in tl e gra: :i ol the Hotel Ma? jestic.t) irai - 4,ani/ed several years ago by Mrs. Duncan M; Martin, Mrs Adsle Barry Wright, Mr. and Mrs. James Kitchey. Mr. and Mrs Cecil Giaharn, Ashbrook Frank and Charles B. Kemp. At the forthcoming dance I -aies will include. Mr? Prank !'. t u tenter, Mrs Charles B. Flynn, Mia. Charles H. Hyde, Mrs. Parker D. Lawrence an i Mis. W H M i:shall. An entertainment for the benefit ol the Im? mediate Aid Society will be given at Castles in the Air on the afternoon of February 12 Ice skating, dSACing and carda will be the forms of smusement A feature ot the after? noon will be exhibition ice skating by the celebrated Ice Skating Ballet of the C istles in the Air. Mrs. Imogene King, of 117 West 115th Street, is the general manager of the society and Miss Qeorgis Lee Dozier, of 27 East Forty-fifth Street, la sr retsry ? I I treas? urer, from whom tickets can :ed. Some of the patronesses are 1 .liam Cumming Story, J. Hedges Crowcll, A. M. Falmer, Thoma? Slack, James A .Allen, Chirles Goldsborough, A. M. Dickson, E. S. Mertv, Charles D Hirst, Henry Russell, John O'Leary, Elizabeth Ashley, Roue de Boyer. Carl Cronmcycr, Henry Kennedy, Ge< rge F. B t-- 'i .. John Francis Yawger and ti.e Misses Florence Guernsey, Mary and Sara'*: Dolon and Nellie Evans. The College of New Rochelle will present at the I lass if Jtel on Saturday. February 12, "The 1 emptst." The Packet Institute, of Brooklyn, will produce the same ; lay later in the month, and the entire cast will .ittend the performance at the PI 1 Many of the cast from Va: sar College which is to produce "The Tempest" lau*, will also be present. The cast will be: Alonzo, Helen Zaremba; Sebastian. Ju!:a Smith; An? tonio, Gertrude Sullivan; Francisco, Helen Carey; Adrian, Geitruie Flemming; Gonzalo, Hester Mooney. Ferdinand, Clare Sheehan; master of ship, Mai y Clsrey; Caliban, Maria Cendoya; Ariel, Anne Hamilt ' .1.1:1 , Ann Hynes; Frospcro. Mi? randa. Helena Cuddihy; Ju:io. Charlotte Mulli? gan; Iris, Kathryn Codes, aiid Cere . Rosalie Donlin. ?:v reac^^A?^enandOtherSo??^ erra Resorte Approaching height o? Their Season?Wc ^?ng's and Engage?;ir . . Mr [ol n Ast ? M ry Hoyt Wiborg, Mrs. Sidney Pith, Mit I Whit Cushini [rene I ? ?i. Miss | Leroy Edgsr, Mrs. ,.', Mli s '/ King Will -.erican (. , at the Century Thca excep* Herbert is the head. Beton will -peak on "Chil ? at the Plass IP.?el, on ? ?I under the Mrs. W. D irriman and Gen r i Nel ?Cet ledrura for rcet, will be ? iry 14. u Sawyer. lire " el, vice ? retary; Mrs. {ham Law Mrs. G Her le'iry. Auxiliary No. -!' I ' Sanatorium, it the Rite rt farce, en will he c auxiliary, and ? ing. On ttee are Mrs. Harold Otis, ? , ? ? lice 1 ? Caroline A Men Weir and 1 r-rpont : Childe rliss Helen 1 I e Haven ? J. Al len Weir, ' Clcvc ' Tick' tained from ry, 142 East n Street. eek of the Iroville Wooster, daugh? ter, i 1er L. Rich, Oscar L. r i, s niece of Mrs. C. A ?ousin of M. .?/. Mr. Ri hard is ? ,;? i ate of I ton, cl a member of tiie Calumet, Princeton and other clubs. Another - ently innounced is that ? Alden Gritftn, daughter ? -, of ?.c . I Mrs. .? et, of 214 We-t Ninety-second Street, announce the engage? ment of their dai. [ele Grenet, to William Milis Stevenson. .Miss Grenet is a gran.!!,? I Honore Grenet, of Ban Antonio, Tex. Mr. Stevenson is a son of Mr. | iVilliam W. Stevenson, of 14 th Avenue. The wedding will take place at the St Regie in the e.-riy spring. Atlantic City Peb -.?Secretary of War Garrison and Mrs. Garrison returned to the Marlborough-Blenheim this week and were among the Boardv/alk patrons of rolling chairs. Charles M. Schwab and Mrs. Schwab came to the Traymore by automobile for a few days o? golt'.ng. Charle, P. Murphy and Mrs. Murphy made their .it visit of the vear and arc at the Marlborough-Blenheim. Wal? ter Camp, accompanied by Mrs. Camp and Mms Camp, ?pent the week end at the Dennis. Mr. and Mr?. W. P. Harding, of New York, entertained L. L. Alexander, of Berlin. Dancing may wane in popularity elsewhere, but it continues I , -, place in the van? guard of Atlant' ?ore Rather than being on the decrease, it is so popular as to overtax present The Tray? more, which reopened it 'marine Gr; while af -.? rig the rush to an extent that has made necessary alterations to the Peacock Room, adjoining ne, which, when completed, will ilditional dancing space. I among the guests at the Tray? more are Mme. Gadski and her daughter and Dr. Dorothy Smyley. of London, who has re? cently been doing work along the Western battle front and who expects soon to return to that work. Quebec, Canada, Peb. (.?Quebec', best win? ter sport mouth, February, came in glorious? ly with a soft, flaky snowstorm, which gave way to clear, warm sunshine and left the air keen and invigorating. The long Indian toboggan slide on Dufferin Terrace and the open air skating rink just outside the windows ot the Chateau Frontenac are gay with merry ers both afternoon and evening, and at night the Empire Room of th. Chateau is tilled with dan Lillian Martin and her 6on I t the .;0. tel Gotham. Among New Yorker, ,t r " Niemann I Pope, M James Wall Finn, Mr, and Ifrs, Henry H. ? Q . ? I.*, .-rey snd G' '?'?? ? -_Mr, a . mtenaJaad m '.. ' " ' ' : - ?-J'y" i ; . ? Mr. Chapman ? ?/,... scum of Natural History of New ? Henry Irons, of N , ru.^ Mea i ' A. I) ' ' Peten York, tax] Lsaj Bva arrive. Orn Ar ?;,_ ay st the Ormond era " ? ilf .Blis* *je/?_ den Warren, - y rVilliam J. 1 " ? - M.n Dana W. A. A - . - Mr. and Mrs. Henry L. Phillips, Mrs Kr Irons, Miss Helen . Mi ,.-..* yr, i A. Tyson. - i A. .en, S. C . Pel - w? ?-.. f opened I M the Pa,- - ? Ma a-* next a will be given every day Jty Celr* ted S8 hostess. Mrs ' Oliver Iselin vas ? ?stas and Mrs. SI entertain?. Thursday. irg, Mils E:.r, Lsdenl irg, Mrs. Joseph S. Steveas, Di ,? Mrs Alexander Bid die, ?Mr. and Mrs. Jotiah C. Thaw. Mr | Mrs Henry W. de Forrest Mrs Th Hitchcock, Wiliiam K. . ? Frei? O. Beach. Mr. snd Mr. snd Mrs. Lawrence ''--, lOsfCl ley, Mr. snd Mrs. Olivei Mallery, Garric M ' and Mrs Hi? Fi M intagne, "' ! rtrude ari lass de Coppet, Mr. and Mrs. Oakleigh 1) E W Jewett Reginald Brocks,* am Car*.' '.'.' ? - ['. |_j M Mid Mrs. Paul Foi I ' '. ham Pa' amon^ those st I tea. White Sulphtrr Springs. W. Va., M Mr. , I M. Bl ?vn, who z: last week from East Farm, Stony Broc-:. Lathrop ?'.*" . e Green.. a new C ? ? I M - Rufus L. Patterson snd her ?on. las land Patterson, of New York, <>re i" I Grec N A Is ... | | UN ' :.-. Btl >tt Lawrence a:: : thi* ?a. ter. Miss Katharine B. Lawrence, aft Si 1 Greenbriei ? Ms 5 -The char.? ? poudie given si the Laurel !lou?i ' I for t Mail SS* ? of the season . nable people. Lakewoc en acted as patro::r bers of the younger set aated as \ilsatSS The patrcncs??es were Mrs, Lewis I -' we::, chuman; M ? ; *f" Charles E. Brugler. .". IT Ljl Shepherd Knapp de ?Mrs. Charles L. 1 McCluxe, Mrs. F?ele:..-: A- i es Lathrop F H. O. V?'1-' Frank L. 1 '?'?' '?'? J. C. Ha? - :- H;'V P W D wnei Mrs. 1 C A. Bye. Ml Henry S. Kearnv. Mr C. B S hasta " Samuel T. Skidmore M ???? A* Cor''' M;ss Bainl ri Ige, '?' -? Dsstaa. _ Misses Ferris, M te ?lewer. a* Louise Hately M * *?"?'' " Ethel Walker. Ashcville, N. C, Feb ?v?Dai af *? ' the "place de resist? mes and A ociety for c*/eniagasaw ment. Every S jhtaeesai st Crovs are ?? to*m I . ifternooass coming more and more :?. ne Kii of New York, entertain prec? . r of I Kees, ot A Y and E. I. : guests Miaa Dorol ***t*\ ?' ? ?? Fark Inn in honor of 1 Masssachttsetts, who i ipencling '* " An Asl.e' ? * can Relief '"' . a week, with Mis Oc I .,e W- VaaiaW-" pr?sidant Aiken. s. C . Fe ? -Ths 9** i*JJ^ open on Sa- i tV*',rr?,"v. at the Last, comp I I : ?*???? _?* ot Pittaburgl ... ? eV?sst, ? \ t burgh. , ,-r..* e. of New .or* ^ , .tened hia boos* r ^ leorge von 1 Meye. ot Hsaultos arrive " ^"^,^1 ?? ! Howe. .'! -*** '^ hers and installed in ?BClS I??1