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( ?? \kantvm: ?, i Mona? ?*?<*? *< H Wani tt. .taMfe O Je+Oe\ mm P-*?' t i W$MeWiim^?& First to Last ?the Truth : News - Editorials - Advertisements ?Q| aCribttnc V/KATMF.R Cloudy. probably snow to day: Uta to morrow. 1,1 Voi I \\\ .No. 25,285. I? '.|i?rl?lil cha I he Irlhniip \.. n | MONDAY. FEBRUARY 1016 ? a V I ' ? 'l'A''!' '" N"' "'"** ' "' v-**r?-?' tern-y fl?) ? H.lli V I..1 I m?,, Holink.n l-.|.-??li--ra. Two fa-nt lusitania Settlement Believed a Matter of Hours JOKE ON POLICE IN BOMB HUNT Woods's Rookies Not Detected During Subwa} Test. RIDE FOR MILES WITH BUNDLES In Rough Garb They Pass j Repass Searching rou nil. ? ? el ? - ar.rl ... ?y uf ' ? i-irra > v ere ? ? - a|> ? ? ? ? '? ? ? I ? ' ? I KounH and Hound They Go. ? ? ? ? -- B ? H? ,.i p '' ' - \m\\\\\\ ? ' '?mmmmmmmn????????????????????????????????mm ? sptairiN strip Stations. I ?.-:. . per? ? : : ' re rx:^amft\^amft\^aA\^aMfMtm ? ? ? ? ? ? h ? .i to i?.- : ? ?'or... ??wen Sothern-Marlowe Trappings Go on Auction Block To-day "I Would Nol IV 1 here for a Million.' Says Actor ol Sale W Iml. Will Disperse Costumes and Jewels \\ it? and I le V? me m Seventy-five PI IJ ' ' I ' t il ? ' ? ?re the a Th? bo .? '. not . . i be ' .-i - 1 m i ? Th? ? ? w or . ? ? . armor '?? mlet killed ? ?? .-hie ? ' BRIDGE POLICE PROTECT CRUISEI Squads on Brooklyn an Manhattan Spans (juard Against Bombs. ... . , . ? ?-urn t ' ? ictun ? "uld nr ? i ? r i 1 y i liTP?*. : '? Ulit ? ' 'ce ha ' ...vp th ?!. I 1 ' t the | bridge ? ? SUBWAY THOUSANDS IN GLOOM 18 MINUTES I raiii*- (jo Dead Throughout tin System. Due to Short Circuit. ? re k. . ? ' ? ' ? ? bomb explo ace oi iddenly . torn, trains sto] ? itically ,- I. ? and, i n. ? ? flashed Hut ? even ? b at the 1 ;ul i'.Ul"?'?l i il. ' ? ami i . ? to ' '"' 1" SAYS PRINCE LEOPOLD WILL HEAD SUEZ DRIVE Munich Hears Attack Will Be Begun in Spring. , Feb. 6.? 1 ? - Egypt thor? ' oughlj. arms in an attack on g to thi "Bay? ' - taking i ?pie. ' ' ? ? Benedick Weak-kaeed m of ? mad i.r ? ? ? ' ' ' - ? ? hour.? togetl wooden ki ?' c up '-' hen 'i see Viola' ? i ml hat shoulders .-??? :? humorous alone ?a u ? ? Here and ? ? and erecl ..... ? . ? Lady M in the ? turn* the wear? in the I I outinnril on imic ?. rnlnnm 3 DR. EATON QUITS BAPTIST PULPI Will Try to Stir Nation Its Part in Reconstruc? tion After Conflict. ? of the Ma \ te Baptist i ? ubm itted r? gnat ? lained * ? help awaki opinion inti ??'? responsibilit ? ? war. I ?i. Baton' r< ? ? ' pai M a n ? . ? ? I ' ? ? of a I . - : I "I ' ? 111 ?I ?. ? fian worlil brot ' "At ; ? ? ? ? : night, rom t ! ran n at I hope to work. ? ? : ?' ... picad - ? America ? ? ? i ' ' Dr. Eaton' "On torate seven - on i ? and of readjust ? and re i that it ? city. " l ?. ? whir h i? ? ? ''? ? ' to ? pulpit ami proper care and " l'he ? to ? try, ? ? "In ew of , asl i .u rj ing and ! resignation a: ? ? . 29, 1911 "If i red it ? . ? lal .n il mad'* I present . nd in uur beloved cou part. "hi 'on m< i' with Ihe ? I f the duty foiming i1 .-? ? ? ont \ I I IMI HIKMIM.II \ ?I ? M h M I'll I? ? M \\ ?If.l I IN?. ? ? . ? ?. lieu Nr? Tort OOta ? IU Ii \ G? 0. P. SHUNS HYPHEN VOTE Leaders Sec Danger in Support of (icr man Americans. SAN IT WOULD SPELL DEFEAT Believe "America First" issue Would Override i verything Else. Bj STANLEY PROS l ' ? ? . liran i in tl If the ? uli-a thai ? thing by ? ' ? ' ?.i win ? . eh? tor, one . ? ? in I M voices ?i . ;imnn(t ? ?. polit .--.. ail - .: in public ? by t 1 rVhile < Kmt ricans ? . ? the; should carrj th? Father? unanimous ? ? . ? ? , . h? i ? ? i . ? I munitions, and the on dii 'i ige to (J i ? \ .... ? the German vot? treni a who ae? ntly, is the rcent ? .?i vote thdi awal of ' ? ? I ? But \|?.iui t the ?.nu-ru .in >|iint. ' L.. i i| mi | quoted "A of any m. m ? ? ? ' ? ?'-. nr oppo ? ? ' ' ? i i owd a ith I. i ing from those ? ite. So the ? ?? .? the Rep - r ? the i Amer .?'i and found ? ? . if any ? are ;*' '? ADMIRER KILLS RIVAL, GIRL AND HIMSELF Jealous Brooklynite Makes Good Alleged Death Threat. \ ? -. ? ? . :.ns ?C ? McNeil in? . ? . thi . and :i The girl fe! I ui Her adtn rei with i? bull? t through t, then ? form in the halla and lived 11\ ed. ? ? Shii | itt? '.? told 1 . ? ' i i ? Dg a' 2 '" W ? ?! - . AUSTRIAN HELD IN CANADA PLOT Believed Implicated in Burning of Factory, BRIDGE GUARD FIRES AT BOAT Calling Out of Home Troop*- I hrows Ontario I owns Into Panic. i' ? i i ? ?troyed th< \ Jardine foundry ;-? ins to .;: t by . ' ' i A man, believed to be ''' B i-.? a ti ame of .lohn Schmidt i? ? arraat ? i ipieion <>f havin-r l'..eri Implicated m ?tai ting the I re The p. ,. arned that B ha. ? r-.ijni plants in (?alt, Bcrl n and Hamil? ton, v . ? ?? plaeei h? porte.! t.. have srii an name. w'ingham, Ontario, Feb ?>. By or ? ' .....I. head "ii police, Adolphe ?Schatte, Bfa ' . ? '.. r o?" the Winghara Band, was ai ? night. rttd he -..(I of Drairinfs of buildinga and bridge? 'i <i;!T. t'ritiu ?o are t-a:.l f.. ? r.tiior.t ll oil An tigatioa has hren ordered ?i com ? ctlon with the f? ding .?;' s bos r.f cordita in a car of goods which ? ? here yesterday ovar ihn ?jran.l Trunk Railsra Brldgebarg, Ont., Feb ?" ["he Home Guarda Were .callad out here early t.. .'it*.. | thai ; ?? .i -.''m . i owboat upar the abul ? si 1:30 ,1 ,? tin? militia officers refused to confira or di epi 11 .i L'unril? h -r.? placed on the praui elexator.? Si Por! i'olborne to .' i? guarded ?lay and _ Guclph, Ont., I-- !>. ?'? ! " on r.c? the! ;..- m miliona plant at He peler yesterday ?earn ngs were re ?ef of pol ice that an ??.-,- the wintei ? ? .I by the military, and tha ar iiiori. Spei i tha i '?- H arai 'unoisible to ?'ur th.? ..r whether they . arel I fou? ded, bul ? hit ( of Police military out ritii . led ?..'..-? no chant 11 uards trill r. main on i! itj h det.1 ???.!?.. il. .?--overal thrown ? .. panic lata laal night by a hur | ? uni.s "f the honi?.* ded rumor* thai i tha bridgaa here had hen blown up I to tha excitement. At 81 Catharini were dismissed when the men bei ? ? ' the hu?a'!?' Guards wsra doubled at a munil ..... ridgei along the i frontil ? n guard alnca Si ptember, I'll. ... , points ed tha* happened during tha ? ii .. pi it.i itionai v ? ' would nol ,..?i',r h?, ? .- eared Gi 1 i:, m?a. Sinci ' ? I'-.i ? I r and a lory in Ottawa i ? lory in then h rtnml of applies -i all parts of the . ...h of ?: and -a'l ? . ltd - - i r? ich applies Geni i thai si au - ? "As for th? t? ? ? . i m:.I public ai il private places generally, if people be ii."i e carefu I si thpir cigar ai.ii i garette . , ihad before 1 - them Bwaj M P DEAD IN*OTTAWA FIRE B, Telc ,f B. B. la? Found plume Bimtli. On) ; .; 9, ["he ht B, B. Law, M P for "fan long d -*an?e .' ? i i . . of 1 I I I1RID-. -I I? UI"K I ? . ... r ? Ltd Tr? BB Da A . I IK? II I ' _ TEUTON ALLIES SEND SHARP I NOTE TO RUMANIA London. I eh. 7.? Ad\ ?cet from tillan quote a lltuharest dispatch to "Il SeCOle/* that a grace situation has stiddenh arisen hatwaaa Ruataala and the Central Powers. I he dis lotion s: "Vienna and the Berlin government turre formait) aatl* tied the Rumanian -pot eminent that they regard the eventual election of two Tratas)Iranian Irritlcntisni Parliamentary can dldates at tialatr and Caracul, and the sale at more than MO.flOO carloads oi grain to I:notant!, as acts hostile to the Central Powers, which will take measures accordingly. 'the kumanian government ha", replied that the consti? tution does not permit the got ernment to thwart the election Oi Irrldemist candidates. Concerning the sales of grain, the k'timaniiiii government has answered that this was necessary to tatoguard the economic Interest? ?f the country.' there /m?. hccii a sudden concentration of men and gtni> mi the Holt,'.tr?an side ot the western frontier within tiiiy yards <>f the iustroeftungarlan lines. It is also stated that the Central /'ou ers hax e demanded "a neutrality favorable to the Central Powers'' as well as the demobilisation of the Rumanian army. ! _ i Teutons' Fokker 'Plane j Fails to Scare British Allied Aviator? f' ind Nothing Novel in the Latest Machine and Declare They Soon Will Regain Supremacy in Overhead Warfare. Il? I.IIKIMIN BRI I I Londi -.. Feb. 6. The sharp--?- con lineer ng ak?tl lince the na began la on. H has to ?lo with the ai ?on ice. and the rute?me will determin? i which nation i? master of the skies. Gradually the governments of th hat a awakened ti - ?.? ei ??ar.- '.. air If th? v hop?- ?o 01 land and 'ea The seroplane ha? proved rigrl I to the term "the ? - of the force? " Thai the ^'meelo '? increase the efficiency of air <*raf- ba ! exceedingly hitter. Ueci-n' t ads on 'he Kentish coas hy hostile leaptane?, the reeumptioi of activities by Z.'ppe'ln? and th? ?ppoirarii-e >f better dor-man machine? in France have aroused Interne public ' nitere-tt ?n England and spurr"d th? su! cal engineer! to greater ef? few months will de n any important 0,110?: L'p to a ?'? ?I ? airo the German ? aa looked on a? more r.r lesa of a ?oka bj the Brit ih and French fliers. The German ma? i.lthouii-h a*ell built and reliable, were nop. lessly outclass? d bv the sp? the A rwo lierniai, a. r.i I \. ,-r.- brougl * down to each one lost "n the othei Fro ? s came lei it n port - from Germai ? ? elloui n-'.? 'plane ? the ?" 1 ? Hi ? -. The only craft S anywhere near to ful | filling the prophecies made concer - the Fokker monoplane, built by ? snufacturera of the old 1 biplane, a 1 ?m-.ed to (?anu?! ?ad?. antas*i, Nut hing New in fokker Drsi**n. Ai-.-'.';: . '" the eon 'ruction and performance- of th ? craft given to me I by Britiah eaginttn, a?- ??.. ? On who have been pitted again? it, agree in onf respect. They indica'. , that there is nothing new in tho gesig : or armament. The Fokker Is fitted with a Merrede rmtor. lone known to be one of the be? aeronautical engines in the world. Th , method of firing a machin? gun throug' ' tiio circle described by the propellei i which ?as made much of in the re ports, ?Aas employed by the French an' British more than a year ago. A singla machine gun is carried b; ?the Fokker, snd the pilot depend? oi : hi.?* climbing capacity and f-peed fa plice him on equal terms with hi? ad virsar.' The speed, w judged by thi tren who have seen the machine in ac f.on, is about 100 miles an hour, b1 though report? which are accredited to in r'tian sources place it at ISO miles. The nios' concise manner in which to ? ii icrib? 'he craft la to tall it a Mor?ne monoplane (French), built so light as to '"* dangerous, and equipped with a Mareadlos motor. The advantage in ?.peed over the Allies' 'planes is? not M . snd when machines now being ?na-oii are put into the field this point I will be eliminated. Factor of Safety -?.mall. Statements coming to me fron *?* uro that the factor of ? in the Fokker monoplane is 2. ba? e slwaya in ?, To equal or ex? ceed the ipeed of tha Fokker it i-i only iry * .?own the safety factor or to install greater power in the , heavier machines. The Kokker is so *'ra 1 thai venturing over the enemy's lines is prac'ically , out of the question, In all the fights in which these craft have taken part their I pilots have been careful not to get out I Confined on pase 6. column I BRITISH FIND BOMB ON SHIP FROM N. Y Tube in Flour Sacks Traiii Board Warns Merchants. 1 ?. A imall meta ? -..,1 to be a bon b, I i found on the British steamship Han arrived a- B< rdeaui from New Vork. Th? tube waa concealed an ?ng lacka o< flour, where it Is thought t" hai | after < "earner left Htm Vork. I .?:?? Board of Trade ' i ? 0 ' ' mu? the pos? ' "foul play on British and neutral -.hip? through the machinations of n numerou are dei tared to tsed fin and hat great : . ity ha? bee id in endeavoring sel . In one ease at the wood used for packing put id been ?o ? ? ? ? ild i| *fht frict ARMS PLANT BLAST KILLS 200 AUSTRIANS Melinite Explosion at Skoda Destroys Cannon Works By C? V . ? l?a:ly '?? "Hi l'orne .?at.-s that the fa ?... faetory . - Three g that in v. h.. . 'in ..ic 12-inch guns were manufactured, ??? ? n up. 200 ? .' ? ' - ' ? t h a *. ed here r'rom Kucha:. 1 ? . tuallj ? le Berlin, a to pri? 3tutl ed a- Base to daj ? . .i"i oplajll ? are re ported to have bee destroyed in Um ! bla e, ? '? ich - said to have been the work of spie*.. No h\e? were lust. GERMAN WARSHIP SUNK OFF SWEDEN B?k Ship Hit Mine, Says Copen nagen Report. < openhagei . t eb ? A ? *'. ?^ l.? mi.ii warship has been ??unk in th? Cattegat, bel ind o' Anhoi' and ' i I to ? - hagen dispatch quoting th? newapaper "Heleingpi '? The dispatch laya ?truck a mine. Wireless call? for help were heard, bul theai teased after a I a 15,000 GERMANS FLEE FROM KAMERUN COLONY Cross Border Into Spanish Guinea and Are Interned. '.?a.?: .i. Feb. ?' S ne :. . . ! ?oiiri colonial * : German colony of Ka' ? ' B tO official announci made here to?daj . ? ? ernment ?s taking nieasut. . ' ? here to .? . -.' g a cone 1 u? The Franco-British campaign ;>?:. the Ki ? ? a*. 115. French and Hi report.?! have told of the occupation of Ngaundere, one of th?- chief interioi trading stations, which n. the eentre "f dermal, resistance; of the taking ??' Tibati, 187 mil?*? from th.- ? :^?i a border, and the more recent capture o' I if Lair g. "a and the retireasenl af larga t i Spanish Guinea. ? German? in Afi th.* Allie - the protectoi a ?man Ka-t Africa, arhieh ha? a irea | ?"-1. aijuare mile*-' an.t a populal iiuii.i ?e S. CANNOT REJECT OFFER, TEUTON BOAST Safety for Americans and Cash for Dead All Wilson Hains. PRESIDENT S?S LANSING TO-DAY Loss of Neutrals Failli of Neutrals, Bernstorff Note Implies. T ? -? ?Bur Washing? ?. I.ii'h th< sailor : months I "i ttle the I. . .? \;ma'el, in hi?i latest ma*?morandum, It wan learned to-night, ami the ? is believed to be ? n Administrai that the lituati? ? i. and from Germ?n came the .. ? that tin- ! . | off? "could not lie rejected." President Wil ind Lansinf are exp?6cted to e - I morrow ?ver the G. ??? an RM ? dura. After tl Count von '?'? ,: ? ? tte Depart? ? tit. In cnticipatio of such a luramoi . ? of town, Th'- German offer ?i so fran t" la ?t on s unsal I ac? ceptable. I* '!".?- ? ? point) which has been the subject of cuutauverey Bear since the dm mona? dum was giren in (ho Arabic whether G< hada rieht to kill -.'. ani mc. It does, ?? the Arabic pledge and ca h pay? ment, bul the ' warnings is a\ ment with the f als should ii"t bear on : i til it contain* cari be, a' ! ' . by Germany to ail iw i this respect, Btsadi W here If W Th . I ' ' ' ? ?i? nt what he : purely American ?nl set the d ? prim- : ? lied. <?rr'. i r i [aimed the right to kill n< ?' ? - cept sehen th? war:, in p. She d \ii'l the I. sador has can 11 times thai if eond again she w ? .''i feel iied in lasu newing her ht fore. iwn memora ?r, the . i this ?AOUH en particu? lar phi ility of lan ted ? ?..'? 1 to . eeald be brought ( made., . .... .... ? that A * law. ? ? . ?. that | -.?? can get to show oi Caafeeaed it IVaa i siatcattossai." .rase? read* Gerasaa note? of ,- - . It ii more rike a justi . Lusita n attack than an (.erniHiiy set? forth in I plausible tersea the roaaona -.'.ruction of the I g it, tin ? gtvea that the loi ?,, - tion of t.iu-.ral tional " Thii ha? ? ? . of ?a '' ? . -i * d. avowal v?a- given foi th? rdnttna al