Newspaper Page Text
GUARANTKI M. may Bat h If You Want II IVieitj^trrJi *&&i Sri?wne WEATHER I.iijht rain probably to-day. cloudv to-morrow I ? First? to Last?the Truth: News - Editorials - Advertisements ft*. UON No. 25,287. i? .'i...igi.i isia The Irll.nnr \?.,n | WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1916 f ? ?-*. I ' i I'VT ln **'l* ' "rk ' "?' **'?*'*? ?aassp ntr ' I \ |'a " la > I ??,! H,?.?k<n Haanh^ri* T?n> Cuola Wilson Accepts Germany's Final Lusitania Offer; Holds New Terms Are Equivalent to Disavowal ?. S. INDICTS TEUTON CONSUL IN BOMB PLOT Turk Official and 31 Others \re Held in San Francisco. TRIED TO WRECK CANADA TUNNEL Accused o? Conspiracy Against Dominion and Supplying Warships. '??? ai ? the TV ad tiwlny ' ? ?- by a ??' - whal f the lona of ? Ht hHVe? iSpPl, , vv;tr ?? ?whom in- j g* to a attts" ? ral ; - ? |. ?: ack, V?!-??-C<' Hall, - - eral. ' ? , but are l - g ?aaatry ? ? aVraai I ?Ht^d by the laOF a- ' arc h i;/"T aeata \ - ? ? . howfver. aw Hut vM ' ? ?ineiit i ae*alnat any tor a ii takfii tornean ? 1er tho Adminia . wher - ? - : - i.. any of Mar t g ican neutrality. - an plot, which -va-i go, with .??red to : ui.der " ? r ?rays ? h*ad ftf - r,pe,1 to acrom ?tine tunnels i ? being pro ..??rman antl- ? their al t s ri? planta ' ? ?? at nul codo i un foot of mili- ! a frl? 11-* na? plana to blow irl lah Con? nection ? ? ? Sacra ' ; ' At ? ? at ha* : ?iplie?? he use ( a I t th? Thirty-one Others Indicted with Bopp -a ' . ? nopr?. ? r San Vrai. '? . tod here ?, In eonnec ll pa ami ? 0 mal ral Bop? harea ? ? - hack, lora, e Hall, '??a. a r '"' ? : Judge - V, ?ne rifw In? Karon von V eV Marga ' i .rnell in Jebaetl and . II i:?***d in ?rv of the? dieted. ? lonneo ? ca.?e, ? '"i v?ith the ? , i.arcsd a-*airi?t - ? ? tarj upad: '-?,?*, sfera to *>?,.,',' '? ?w. ' ''*?" ? ?d beeo h r. T- R/s Letter Booms Fund for Marjorie's Battleship Child Sends Out Invitation?] to Launching. Confident That Children and Congress Will Make Dread nought of Dreams a Reality. Marjor ?? ?-"?rrTett ve?trrdav Invita? Colonel Roosevelt -?nil all hi? grand ehlldrsn to a'tend the Isnnching of th? U, S. S. America, the listtloiihip whirl ?pea tu hu'ld with children'' ai Hai a hasn't eel the dat. I - ? fr yet, hut ?-he in deter - ? r later Colonel l"0Or.e ? ? tie children ?a-hi" I BSS contribute! to her bsttlsahlp fun<i ? ?' "-ojie* realired. Marjorle ?ab? a verj prmid and ex little Bjlrl when the smarted te ' ?reiter?la'? with b copy of Th? .? Theodore Tioone valt'i wonderful letter which he wrote ?o her u* Sunday The children owd ed ?round her to set it. The principal ht?k? d her to bring 'he real letter to ach?n-1 ?'> tv at he could ?hov it to all the children. Many other little friend? ? - the 1 el came running ,r. tell her the? they wanted to Jo n the Little Patriota, i *a ?sit had Indorse d ' - A'ter achool Marjor-ia settled I er self ? I ?e ur.d thank h.*r friend of the big ?tick and the big heart. "l'ear V.r. Roosevelt," she wi U ? ana re? fur your letter und the dol? lar 1 hope you will bring all four ?a-raiidehiiilren and the bulldog to the lauachina". We ?ra co" sr to I ave o\l battleshlp. Sincerelj y? urs, Marjone Stern I'.?? Halla --?morir?. Tha word battleship was ondei three time?., .iust to g va the Colonel au ? i? shout this ps1 riotii sel ei ? Bet dea anl ?tue ? olonel Rooeavell aa r*p'jii?er for the fcnaeries, Marjorie t.cruitea yesteiuay tha captain, one t-ailut and three -?hip poet?. The ?ilrst appliaant for the difficult ,'oL of captain Ii four-year-oid F.verett SfiX??, who already hold* the exaHed no ItioTi of "iiffi.-e" In bio r'B office, according to the neatly typewritten lettsr ho dictated. "I'oar sir," it read, "here la a dime. Please put it vith the other d.mri for I the Am?rica 1 hope if will he our big ge?? war?hlp and I will he !ta captain Youri tru!>. Fverett SeixBl, jr. . ofhci aesiatant ." The dslieste tasa of assigning *h? poet laureate of the Arncrii-a ? II prol) ahly h.' ||??? to *vi'* '' |?-? ?"....- ? I ' Pt< ll dent Wilson, but r<>r the present vator 1 ra ? i ! oldi the laureli Rli ii th.. ?"?rut toaat to the new ?hip H read?: n?-?ir? . ...a-?. <-, m a f-?ra' i '-? ' ... - ,-??-(?<.?'. Hal rjutek , ??, inn i ? mi?? *??? ? . i ' ? ?I.-' f. "That'? dandy,*1 Marjorl? ?aid, nod? ding her curly head. "I don't cara how much poetry peuple write, if they give tl quarter every tine'' Joaeph Veiehy is only flcvrn yearg old, but He is jlanning to h*'!p defend liicle Sam when he (?row ? up. "I am a member of tie Jui lor ' lean (?imrd, and ma\br when I grow up I micht he a ea'.or on the Amen.? I am Bending two dtmei for i ? sister France? end myself." The second Theodore Rnoapu ? ? been heard from. He is the SOB of Mr?. Anna H. Wileox, who named her lltl ?? boy fur the Rough Tinier hero soon after the Spaiut-h war. Hope*? to A**al?e Congre???. Mariorle ha? * ?-hip's artist, too. Harold P. Hutchison sends a letter with two dreadnoughts glowering on sheete. If MarJoiis'a battleship lookl a* -icrce, b? they do ?he country will ne? g more Is t1 e ?way of prepared ?-- in ounce of searing ? ??or?h b pound of fighting an;, day. Harold I the son of Dr. Miller Hutchison, Thomas I Ediaon'i ar. He enlimed under ? antain Marione lu?? week. "1 have been thlnl it _ tin battlefhip,' he writes, "and 1 think it would be nice to call it the M ne becBure there has never been ? named thst, and there ha? I named 'America, ' "We bo;.? and girl? WSnl to show l f nntlniieif "ii |Hi??- B, column I PUBLIC LIBRARY USED FOR A MOVIE "A Appeal to Police Wipes ( Publicity Flash. I P un the fa?ade of the Pu Library last night appeared in h letters un Bn aiure field the rmmc a motion picture concern, which a rled the lover? of literature ami pjblic buildings for the bolldinga' I Into entering a complaint to the hoe It looked like a threat to the feet that. give them time, the mov would run the libraries out of hi Boaa. The sign vrai projeeted from a li tern in an ofliee building aero?? I street, where a press agent was usi this means of putting out his pi licit?. No arrer-t was made, howev because the police have not yet plac reeponaibility. ELKUS MAY SUCCEED TO LACOMBES PLAC N. Y. Lawyer Said To Be Coasi ered for U. S. Circuit Judge. According to information rece;v< : yesterday from Washington, Abram ? tl eity, being eonalder ; by Preaiden? Wilaon for appointme j as jurige? of tha United State? Circa ! Court of Appeals to succeed JudKc I. i f>omhe, who recently resigned. It I understood that Attorney General l?rej ory recommended him. Mr Elkua, who la a member of tl* law firm of Elkus, vileaaon ?t Pro l?auer, refused to discuss the nuif.? yesterday. lie ?aid that he ha 'beard from newspaper dispatehe tht his name had been mentioned. INTEREST ON SAVINGS SAVES HATTERS' HOME! Court Rilling (ii\es S30.00, from Atlaclied Accounts. Hartford. Conn., F#h i.- Intoaoa hmoiititir.g to rRn.niiO on the attache lavings bank deposits of the 180 defend ants In the famous Panbury hatters boycot' litigation belong to the defend t?nt?, according to a decision to-day h, .Judge C.P ThiraaaB. of the Federal Coutt p aintitTs, I' E leOOWa * Co., ha< claimed fhey were entitled to all the II 'erefct that had accrued since th* attaehaaanta arara minie thirteen yeari ago. 'Ihia sum will p-ac ally romp?ate the aaaoant eeeded to aaee the battara* homes from bemc auctioned or? to ?-at the judgment of 1252,180 awarded I? K laOOWa ?ft ' "? frp-atiiiec? lhhor recently undertook to :?-.,- je sum by subscription a, bn? ? ? d that ! t.,e amount "?ea about j;''V'ft" ?hort. ?in>-?iti\ a \?i**?r imimn i'miiii? ? ? oaal i '? - I II ?,?;., ira - ?'?"?>?.- to O Blaal OUI ear- 1 - .. . -JldU WANTS MILWAUKEE AS CAPITAL OF U. ? Carey Tears Solons Will Suffi if Washington Goes Dry. ".Vash'.ng'on, Feh H Repr Carey, of Wiaeonain, Introduced, to-di. a resolution for th.- transi r United States capita, to Milwaukee, Mr. ? arny said he did it because j-ending legislation which miglit mal the District of Columbia dry. Prohib t on. he said, was "a menace to -.ocie1 and (rood government." MYSTERY IN FIRES IN ARMY BARRACK Extra Sentries Guard Artiller Post at Fort Grcble. N'ewport, R, I , Feb. B. - Two fres . unexplained Origin In the barracks ? the 14th Coast Artillery Company ? Port ("tebie have caused extra asntrl? lu he detailed for duty about th property. The fires were 'f'und lait weak i the cellar while l'J5 men were aslee lOSd Officr-. at *.h? fort decltn the occurrences POOR PENCIL PEDLER HAS LUXURIOUS HOMI Mp Must Live In It, Too. Cour Orders, or Go to Workhouse. Tender h (?arte.i men at.?i women wh? hsve contributed generouily ta th crippled pencil ?aleeman who hats ap pealed to them from the sidewalk a 143d ?Street and Third Avenue may b< relieved to learn that, the object oi their chanty has a fine home and mar.*. luxuries. I.ast Monday evening the fif ?lier was arre?ted bs a ?raSTaal BW ocked i.p at the Sd Branch DotedIvi Bureau. In the muht ssurl lid his name wua H - The ?, - ,? m a-., wife .f ? ? ? ss man. had report departure from be? I g h ?m for a week, Schaai will he compelled to occupy 'He home hin sister has offered him or go to the workhouse EARTHQUAKES SHAKE PANAMA CANAL ZONE Three Sharp Shocks Fall to Damage Locks or Dams. r.,nama, Feb. ft.? Three ??harp earth? quake ?hock* ociTirred I .'tween 11 and | 11:14 o'clock to-day. 1 be ? r ' : and the ? anal ten I I he rfc u et a a- : est "?? ? fslt in ' ' r Kit.I . ' ' eral of the dorai rui oing f thi Btru4. * ? .,? ' ?she SI ilams |g ,., t?rte<i 1 - ?-.-. ng Inslrua snl ihoa- ial 1 th? esrl .aa-? hsd I - ee I of IaOa ("antoB provis rhers mo.; of tt.e aarthquakM anginata. MARJORIE*S BATIIESHIP. MABJORIE STERRETT. 1 n the f.ditor of Tlie Tribune. Dear Ni I read in vour paper every morning i loi about preparrrliii-?v Mv graitdpa and great grandpa were ?oldiers. H I was a boy I v\ould he a ?r,Idler, too. Rut I am not, BO I want to do what I ran to help. Mania gives me a dune every week ? or helping, her. I am send? ing you this week's dime to firdp built) .? i'lttlrdup lor I nr le Sam. I kiicv a lot of other kid? who would give ?heir errand moitroy if you would ?I irt <i fund. I ?in thirteen years old anil go to Publu School 9, Brooklyn. I ruly \niii--. MARJ0R1E HfRRi.n. ' St. lohl'l Plaie. Brook? lyn. ruary .:, 1916. I am (rue blue American and I want to ?"?? I m ],? .S,,ni prepared to lick all creation Ilk?* |oim Pin! Jone? did. P.S. Pleaae call the bat? tleahip America. HOODOO TRAILS" PATROL; 4 HURT Fire Insurance Auto, with Sinister Past, Hits Streetcar. The modoo of Pire Inaoranea Patrol rode an the , i auto truck. I eraehed Into a Third Aven.. ?> , arobablj . ? and ? ' .? ? ? . ear. In the ,-ident will .?tand a- an ordin?r) accident, due on. To the tire inca men, i., i :ir, :>..- ntTair i? another evidence of th? hoodoo that has attached .. the lag auto true*. ??' of the proofs they point to is 'im fact thai Captain l'eter i ornwell, who for thirty >ear; has responded to lire a'.'. -? seel ?''tit of any *? . ??? in- II..' pita!. I h?- truck waa re pond ng to an alarm fol a ! re ihn wa? lenortcd as destroying the home of Dr. William i. ? ? r, 221 F.ast Nineteenth Street, at the av? oing. As it wa? being driven rapidlj east m Fourteenth Street, John Kemman, the .-.r-.-.i-r, sud? denly saw a Third Avenue car, crowded doora, i?. line, th? r'reet ahead ! of hun. It wa i apa a colHslon. ? ' erving ?..??? ? ? .. ?hock that threatened I I thi r. ? aed bel the truck a crushed. I were | in lift? g ? .. ? portion ? K.'inman was I I im h la sea*. the ate? g gear a 1 on *.o the pavement ahead of the ?treetcar. Met. ar.,1 women who were -'amn'.ed ? | ,ar Btruggled toward the doon Bat for one- the straphanger? proved to be a I ? .' BgaOCy. No? body wa? able to fach the fit ara, and by th*? ? - there ?a? ?? poaaibillty o* .' ? ? headway the dan-cei sraa past. Maai ' crowd had congre gated about the t the a ? n ?.,,- . ? ', ? necea? ? . . tional polir? to - rheck I ,-ar for ' 1 ?-.- - ..-.... ast 164? ., ?. : : . Street, were reportad bail ?j-jjlg .. ? s !n?urnr.i-r, Patrol -N'o- l'a heavy auto truck baa ?kidded Inte bcc lenta, - ' aa Bg? >.r?d In more narrow m an any I .. ? ? . re langei --.--vice of the regalar Mra Department 14??ta than i . ? -electric Ugh? pole, bat ?rithora? aar ry i '? ' ? ??-.?? .-?e ? the atreel with Deputy Fire CI I Urne, lita were Rol Ml l nf pin i ? ? ? -. Ii" had driven 'hrou,*h the treel i.ed onecatchad m often .. ,. j,.. , ,, ? -.- - . ? ?-o -, . thai hi - aa .,,- -del ? proof. T1 i- men he.1, roma ta be so ee-- . ? l that 1 pi r ?? .... the ss ? , - ?: . r, ?.a?-? ? - accident ta lha tl Ltck ? hooduo. TEUTON RAIDER BAGS ANOTHER BRITISH LINER Mail ShipOrissaTaken Soon After Leaving Rio de Janeiro. WAR RISKS UPi AGENTS ALARMED Rales Jumped 150 to 200 Per (eut? Commerce De stroyers Scour Atlantic. The h ?g B n ?: ? h ' i n e r . i r ? ? ? u , fror'i Cliilinn por*', to 1,: ??--? ,? eaptursd bj the i?crm?i? ? raider?, accord : ..- I '<>rnia resched marine inauranee a ritera yei I ?ntofi ? Chill on Dei ? trailed at Monte i ideo - ? r* th? inrj i"1 She ass a : r 1 tier and carried a flret ela?-s wirelesa, but shortlj after ?he left d? .laneiro her -v?rele?' became ? Insuraaee me:, admitted yeaterday hey r-ad received positlSS? id been eaptured. They immediately doubled insurance forma ? The Orlasa was a I ? m?:! . ?? - ton i to i'? Pseltle Steam ? ? ? i , i leal irancs i ' rt si ?a'd that tha Orlsaa been captured, but ?.?? fBerman ?er. ??..Vr?, ?hrou?i r* luddeni -?? af 1 Sit i.t'a.k, ha?-o raised havoc with Br1''?h shipping. Pi i.?? ad?iiees recalvad by war rlah m <!?? ? ritera hi 'hi? dty al is tel o the th'n the last fortnight of a number of large Rritish ?'earner? ply? etween the west arid aast coa?ts '? erica an? Ited Klncil<-?*ii I German commerce raidinjr era. As a eon -?-que ira for .?a with New Yo?k ? rates ? ' ? ted Kingdom through ?? ?? ubI North Atlantic routss. They hnve '.?i the i ..rime of ici epted. .Some of t i announced rai.;;.- from IV? to 200 p..r rent over the schedule ruling ? anaatlssl le roj agi i ?1 though bo public announcement has i"*-: made by the British author? " hai bsei estsblished ? i une large British mail and pa?1 ??en^er steamer ha, heen deetroyed . the In?*, ten daya by a Gorman raider, kno?\n to he at liberty through the Appam incident? Hon many pasasngsra were on board 'the Or -it ni I v hut ii.-?position was made of them have not been learned by I the insurance m'eresta. The cablea ' contained the statement that "a large rassenger ?teamer had met with a ter? rible accident In the .North Atlantic." WAR ONLY HALF OVER, PREMIER BORDEN SAYS Proposes Extension Of Life of Canada's Present Parliament. Ottsws. F? rhs X ansdisn Hou?.? . aaaad an i to the Kntisii Parliament asking that 'he. British North America ?c-, whieh constitution of Canada, b?> amended I ' ' the ?erm of the present Dominion Parliament f..r om year. In prop.'1 : ~ he reSSlut I :?. Premier Borden said 1< wat eviden' *he Cana d?a', people were oppossd to a genera! elec'lon dur'.!,,: the war, but unie?? ? ? term of Far. am.*r? extended, a* lie proposed, an election Would h ? rec ??firv this ?ear. While It was cer ?. thi srmaaa eventually would b? ben-en, he declared, :.o one could pre riic* .- ist when *k? WS* would end Fiom all th? information ha had been able to obtain, the Premier eaid^ he d .1 not believe "WO ara more than call -.??-?- .- t the pn t time.*1 HEARS KITCHENER WILL GO TO EGYPT London Paper Says Earl of Der hy Will Be War Secretary. Feb. ? "The World" re ports tha* It heari tha* Fiel,i Ma? sh?' Lord Kitchener ia likely te ta'?? o- e? command of the Britiell 'orc? tn Kgrp* and "-a' 'he Ear' ' er' ?he director of rocralting, wil be the r,- "h -?? M tata far ? ?-. w-l*1* a seat Is tha Csl "Th" ^>'or' I" | ??*? SO SUthoi "y f - the re: ' B III I ,. ?? ;. -?i ? ?! Umal ? - thsl r might traw from ? War Ministry to ??sume more ?-*? duties. .-i Deri ? returner! to Lo? rio-, fro-i .. sit 1 th. British ?"ore?? op. rating - "?" as --? ?r.iBo.iFin n.ocJiiA LTT -' <? r. y -a? e-? ato* trains? - - 1114 S ?I WHAT PRESIDENT ASKED AND WHAT BERLIN GIVES The I nited States. In Its note to dermany nf rfa* 1.1. said: " I he I nit cd States confidently e\pctts the fterman go\ eminent ?a ill disa\ow the act? ot which the got ernment nf the l ni ted Stufet complains (the sinking nf the I usitaniai. that they will make reparation, *?<! far as reparation Is possible, (or the injuries xchich arc without measure, and that they will take Immediate steps to pr?tent the recurrente of anything so oh\iously suhtcrsix e of the principles of war? fare." The phrases nl the Herman reply . which President U */**?? holds to he a substantial disatnwal, are the follow inn: "The German got ernment ac know ledges liability tn pay Indemnity for thr \merican fices destroyed on the I.u*itania. "In the conduct nf reprisals it is- admitted that neutral lites should not be imperilled, and the destru? tinn of the Lmsltanla, in BO far as it endangered neutral lites. ????? there? fore ttnlust I fiable." GEORGE V TOO ILL TO WAKE SPEECH Parliament To Be Opened by Royal Commission Instead. T si don T eh. ? Why Pai to h? opened nesl Tueadsj by .? commission Instead of b ?? King In person Is explained In *h? following of heal statement, issued to-n . "Hie majesty ?.?? qu.te pr?par?d to carry on th? practice whieh has ob tsinsd throughout h:? and *he prsced ?.- reign, bul ha? yielded to the opin? ion of his modloal adv.-ors that he t-hould not. p? Ulli s ta ice ?if hla o" valesci nee, after venture ?o r,i.i,i rtaka the een i Offie I 'K George araa Injured efter reviev * ' troops on the we??, front when his horse became frph* rear.ii! and fhr?\v him to the jrrour.d. Travellers who hav? returned from Fneland and France *nr* th?n, however, state tha' I - were the result of a well laid plot on thi par* of German elrra? i If was Bald that spies had repor-el the fast that hn maje-?*/ would n the troops and return upon a c. road The result a*aa that half a dozen the road an i dropper', BOI -very automobile ? la! m ght by ai y ? ai :i have carrte i the King. Th? raeult Aa?. accord I .: I these reports, tha* bomb fell be*'or the royal machine, killed the ohautfeu ai ii reaulted in aovara Injury to tha King._ DECLARES GERMANS YEARN FOR PEACE Realize. Says Dr. Kolit, They Cannot Crush Enemies. < op.nhagen, Feb. B, "lh* famoua Norwegtaa hlatoiiaa. Or, Halvdan Koht, who la pro-German in his sympathm-i after hla long stay tn Germany, la con? tributing a series of article? to tin Christiania newspaper "Social Demo? kraten." I)r. Koh? assert, in these arttelaa that the entire ?tem?an nation i? yearning for peace. Thla feeling, he says, arise.-, not from weskneaa for ?-rveryb.idy I convinced that Germany ii safe bul tecuuse the country l.a? arrived at the lonclusion that Germany'a enomiee, ?? penally Great Britain, cannot be i rushed. "The faot tha? Ore?' Britain Still re? tain, all her territory and cannot bo at? tacked by land, and that she t? lorn a' iected by the \? ar .han Germany," the writer add?, "la rapidly ifi-ow.njr upon * - at] ola people, who are bl r.'a'iie that, spl I oi her military strengl ill i ever be to anforea a da lei favor GERMANS'ASK JAPAN FOR SEPARATE PEACE Announcement by Premier Re? garded as Significant. [Sj Cabla la 1 ? Lai ?: Morning Poi a diapateh 1 ?? "Promis tl a' Gsrmsny ha? appro? i risa to se. . f ?posee ?'Th.? announcement, coming ?.> soon after Japan', public declaration of her inter,? .on ti" ? ri ? ido S B4 ?? BOjp ars*e fron* the ,411100, is r ismea it slg an! ' KAISER AND STRAUSS TO WRITE NEW HYMN Germany's Present National An them Is of English Origin. h i ,a. -,, t - r . loi Pah ).?A 'tern Geneva to "The Da tats that the Ksiae a - - ? of a nev Richard * ? . he mn ? ? ange the p? ??pear: U o? Lngiiah ongiQ. BERLIN RELIEVED AT SETTLEMENT (jets Dispatch Announcing 1 uxitania Crisis 'is as Good as Ended." vi?. Leondoni, Feri H V me tary thrill of relief a? here hv a ?] n-<-h t< tho "Frankfurt? - ? .? rreapond lys e haa hear* "on zor,.\ Washington authority" tha the l<uaitanla crisis "Is a? sy-ori ?? tied." Thi? dispatch, al-hongh not repob ; ?i?hod In Rcrlin. wa? ge^.r - - luted berc it ai this mon Ing, end It la und? ? [>ers rere ? ? ? abliah them. The Aaaoeiatad fre?? lejan?a tig haa he>.-n t be I'erinai? authorities from *m bassa-lor von ''<?rr?fcru* to i tffjf 1h;< ' awaiting a report on ? It? latf?? eofni unleatioa to 'He. -v a? ? "wnt. In ,y mean - me there la no ehangi In the ?ubmarn .? situation, on whi.-'-i ? -.. pmenta of th< powerful in? fluence. Aa to Armine Merchantmen. Th?? - expressed that mer ? i< permitted ? v armament, ? ? bee ubmitted ? ind Franc? ma). s patchs ? ace?. point, , ?.dopt ? Ier!1 '? . ? ? 11 a-n ? \ ? ! the t'n ted '-'?ate-, before nitel) on the lateat Germai nication regarding the Luaitanla W< Informed circle? here, however, con ?lile- ? Amhas-a'ir.r Morgen than, al'hongh he had conversai m Se rotary von Jagow and (Jada Zimmerman while here, did not. talk with the head' oi the Foreign Orflce m any official c?naci'y, and f<rnr* ? i. ? from ? ? itmoa " .1, and ? ha* at 1 iten -i ;? -? o' ori are - ? agreement on the i-ettlement Is now rea? I a ? ..lonel Hou?,e'a View Il al of the St**'- D? ..:?-. a' Washington. And sre would be no ? ????'.'r ?>. - Amb laador Morgen than Colonel Ho .?a an receive ape substance of which be ,'aided la r.-? of recommi ton. It is not doub-ed tha* tie 'i).,r. upon his departure from Berlin a ?e r .- riew of th? aituatioi rag ? ition effect ? ? .. reek in Ma i I ? . ?.'??..? r,' -he \v ? ata '- : , . - -,, ? mun:' ' - ?? Med. Meat ? -:,? the nation ? ? ?? ? 1 in a prim-., : thai' :? ,S . ?*.->; e >?? ,| p. any earlier ph.i?e of tha trove-? Germans Think Wilson's Neutrality One Sided , ' ,.? Feb. g ' " - .... ? ? ? no ? Lasita !S that . . ? ? . I sr Zeitung" igra - ( ?aUki'iexl ou p*4? ?? ? l-nui t CABINET GIVES ITS APPROVAL TO AGREMENT Only Issue Left Is the Wording of Reply to U. S. TEUTONS SEE NO HITCH NOW Brrnstorft Sends Neu Draft to Berlin for Approval. - . - Washington, Feb. -. - ? >? ?--* raw Been ?tor fT'-* n?**?ar T.u?-i'a".?? proposais "?oro apprivorl by th. >'??- d? *.t rnH "?????'-? Is?/, and thi? ?mriyi. ??tHor ?jtm told " afterncon *bn* a**, ?-r-.. ? i .-. ?a -"-y.nt han tonna ? ? ? i He im ni "din tel y caM?.) to Berlin for in Btructiona. All that rsrnalna to ho ? ifH'idei l~ *av(i4?ther Berlin will pri- - '?? ?-.?:..I a 1 .?-?'ly-.' O?BCS noto ai swerini-f th? \nieri.-an nota? ral 21, or ?.-. ?i [thorite Count vor B*-n Btortl1 tu ?ien die ?iocirr-fn?* n. a .??-.-??? m-?. Lansing/a .andn Just bcforo the amha.s?.ad?)r'? * ? the *"tate r'nT-mfrpr? thi? ?ft?. nonn. a member ?if ths ''anine ? ?? I'.. ?;??? snnotinc. *'-r4ia*. that the I nitcd ?tate? ha<, not f| . r.?n^e?1 the LusftsaJa dornnnds em !.. added 1 ? ???o'Tor,? thnt it ha? ? ? mintsh? ?i then Tha i>..?sii mn of thi" f/iiverrimeiit -?-n-? ?et fur-1 thf nota of Ma? rid has n.'t jed, "The '??i-?iiH through Ambassador ion Bar - ? tan th? ' nia'if-i ' taha? ttlemeat ia h pro ; Th.' ? in ' ? v. , ??? B< ' ? 4 1 ' . ? sad th.- '.m?a, in so tar as it enda red * <?u tral Uvas, ?ara ra mjua '.'''I! Minor < hange? In Tern \?ked. \\>.:1.? tl pro D?9sad a.iniittedly la ??? t.> i'lur i l'y the v. .onnectio'i with the form ".viiich the formal I .?' -'.'.I t" rtorff, th?* I .?-1 1! .1 '? Si'iMi tall > The deairea ,,;' the United a ? ? ?? made ? ? ? .. >t" aftai ". hmi dlscuaaad the t wit ?' . ;?mediatelv I -aw no reaso*. ?Uld not be made, but ? '? a", that, ?? I would b? I ' re mat int for fiaa prova!. Ha ? ipatch ien* to Her . ali?ii? ala ? rmal communica ? I, It la ?t?teo by h . that 11 mall be ??ie communica 'he Anu-n Phia and ehaagao certain ifair bo able ta a ? it ion si ?*? ? . '1C,i 11 a ' J.?.' th? eatisB ?a* \" ericas note, con ? ? lame end would b* ? it in the I .,?'.. a!? hold, how r , ??)*!'h record .??traifh', ?eaitor , rnen'ion thai -canon la a reply be made. . . . ? . - .- . ..... I I ?. \ ' ?. I ' a la thai 1 s > a I . ? I autonic |.