Newspaper Page Text
TiiT?rnaf?onal Mercantile Marine Company To Holders of Certificate! of Deposit for Preferred Stock issued under Agreement dated September 21, 1915: At the tima et the tori-nation ot the Committee the holders e \i.e,e\ stock of the Marine Company were ret informe?' **** r ,v. vales x' Ibell holdings, and were threatened with t!i< 0 ?Lai estltlCtlOfl of their Interest throiiRh the COBSumuiatlOl r?,s. reorfantesttoo r'-?-1 *???*??? hl-* -???? proma1|Sted '" "" ? ...ol the holders of the oatstsndln| bonds, The danger ? ,? ?nsummatlon of that plan has passed, a? the preferred ?* WBoidera hive united for the protection of their Interest? b) ' .it?na with th? CommtttM over 8?% !n amount of the oat? ^?ne preferred stock, and ss the investipation made hv the Btsnts for the CommMtOi demonstrates that the properties ?*'*v . rgc ? In ea?*e?s of the amount of the outstanding J*" . ?tee Is in a position effectively to protect the ?>?? the preferred stockholders. [ the earlj maturity of the outstanding bondi, the m heen questioned, the Committee deemed Y-\e ' prirsenl flntndsl conditions, to formulate l Involving the retirement of the existing Such a plan of reorcanizatiori your Com th demands for recognition on tvhaif of :-e based o:i sn\ valuation of prop I ;:ukie that In lastice to the holden of the accumulated dividends thereon amounting ,, i9ld) it was Impossible to acred* thereto, Committee ?a? d'siro.:? of recot-nlalng . mv potential o? prospectiva value In the ? ? ? of the ? iterests may be Ittei -in eadeavoi to have lbs legal ? ireclosure si K speedily HI ,. proceedings resull in a determina ? .Lie avd a restoration of the prop . ? x.-c Marine Company, the prient large . ve to the holders of preferred stock reason. ment on account of the ICCnmu? Stock. If a s.ilc of the property . ? ? ncial situation warrants Sl it ?arill he able to acquire la In tiie interests of the preferred stock for the benefit of the preferred ? 1 IMES N. WeVIOACB. ?Th?lrmi.r, H KM! Y F.*? ANS, li.VBKV liKONNKR, I 'I.Vlit'.Kll K IV ?COTT, i II \KI.KS II. 9AIVS, Commit lee ; tfed K Vork, Frbruar> : C E f * * 'rtarr |4 v : ?-re-t. rUm Terri CltJ .'.?. ? P. ?.'.-"!? i p^-vD SAmLES ON THE STOCK EXCHANGE I FEBRUARY 9, 151?. Tndin** if loada aa the Ne*** York Stock Exchange Tuesiinr amounted to ?iSr|jatl s-raln?? SS.794.0OO Monday. S.i.074.000 a we?ei. ngo ami ?L'. 171.000 a Iraaraia Piaaa January 1 to date, $1 l?.".!--.!)?.*), s-raiiuH $72.961,000 In 1915. C0VER>! .??M? B? ? -.. ? 3 ? ? - ? do -*?? ??*.? 51 11} ? ' ? -4 C -t.uj: BO.xr asas Ml ??' ,i tl Bi afSBBBBBBBBSBBBSBTi ?* ?_ ? ? - ?b Is '? ? ? - i ? ? I "?"?"?"?"?"?"?"?"B^BSBBBBBBSBBl. ? ? at i a a a* a ? ? ? *? i< t?o ? - lint la ?a f 0 ?ail '. ? ' ? gassj__ ? rfs u ^^^^BSBBBSSr^^^ HAIL.?' ?' "' S? . i- m . a. ? - a. ... ' ?? yen *>? ' ? a , i ? IV , - 1 ' <? . '? ^BBBBSS I -, ? lassa_ . .Sj1SSSSSSBL_ ? 1 I ****************fsbsbb ~i:?, ? - ? ? IkH ' ' ' I ' ? ? x ,? ' T-e 1'e.e ? B'.feal I ? - ?- ?a ' BSBBBSBaaSBSfl^ ' mmw^^^^^^L?ra A ?'?1 J?t I; ." ? Or* K,. - ? ? ? 11-1 ' fe. . - ? ? SfjBJ - - ? ? ? ?bbbbbbbSBbV _?>. n T rfg &? ... r s t ? ?S^^BSSl .1 - ? I ?? ?gjjjjjjjjjj/ , lfr...?.l,ai,la ten ??*, ^^^^^ ^-aasasl ^^Ba*BSJ_^ - : < - ^aaSBSBS^^ .10* 10? is ire a. '?** -. ? ? ..4.., .. ? _sjsjga ? "?-? s? gglBJB^^^ < II li ? ? ' . Ho 5i ' ' . ? T-|l| gggggfl do iHa - f , ?? _ i li ??s| l -: iis:,? st I. Ir M- S s -a ? ,. ? . IMS 1*4 "?1 paM . iaiK a : i a ? '*?". 'a ? ?- ?. ? ?l a 1 I? u . in* a? ' ? ? ? ?? '.'. . ? 4. : .. tv, t\'. , ? "i . ? ' . IT?A ? ? 'a. !?V? klBBBBSBSl ?? 2s re? ItrSO. 2s court 1930. .. N pejpejTjejeajjejeje? ^^^ ??:*- '? 4?. rag lt-1 ? un. *-*? fur IM6... i :?''-.? ???- ' . L? Fsn "M rrK. P? R7??---- ??*? ? -?'sai (,.IM%, la Pan-M rat. M ?j,**?-'- ir>i'3s Pan *81 rerlOlH Is Tan '61 coup.lOlH COM?RN.MENT BOND-. Yesterday Monday Bid. A;k. ?Hl ' ?H. 1 '? ? ? ?? ?? ? i. I I > ?Hi Ids *' ! I? Bid. 99 101-4 101 'i 109*4 ilrt'i 98 t?3 101H iom Ask PUBLIC UTILITY NOTES ? < .. a- - -.. "i ?? ? ? ' ??gSBBBBBBSSll II .i gfBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSTa'g^ll ' i. ... BSBSBSfB-BBSBSB la?.. ?Ml * t \ J I? r?, ,. H? .*" ?Bj tl ? ' ? I'enrral \t-w-i ?nd Earniiu-? ol VarloOB Corporal IsSaB SBJ*gsaa ft^ Fuh?idiary pn : -r?, .k a: '1 Eli eti ?e i '"'? panjp ? e, .aro.? earn i i ,-: of 11,287,1 ind ne? rovenur? arnountirig to $4(>4.U*?*-:. Income from .ri?". for tha als rn totalled 1187,649. Interen an,! chargea for the period were * ? .( i, g i ' on the prefei red etack. v In, tota ? DO, and tha l'ala*.?--- of 188,789 plieable to tl eoini ral ''He ?' Company he?, ?.tune Telephone. Tlr? Kryutone Ttlri * started 'he nan veer wrh mi Inai I if- m pros? re\ an K I -?i-, ?amounted to 1117,109 for January, and ? - ?? ^?SM ? ?lu i la ^^^^BBBBSl. ?1VJI i A - >? ?.' . - , < r Ml ?, ??? si_ BBSBSJ ? ? - . ? i ? ? li ? M . ? i ? ? .' I "-. II .a . a- .. net earn i nps after expei er? c mparcd with $51 ' '? " month of 1916, Surpla ?09V. , ? . |2,700 ( nlumhu*. Kail*?a\, Power and Light. Earaiasja af the Colnmbaa Railway. , Power Lisjhl Companj nada ??-. ',?" 121,764 in are ? r, 1918 i ae? incoase after op. itin, ; penses sn-1 taxes ?.-.a |8,8| i Big er ihaii in December, H'!4 Grosi l s S . | ? ..-' foi tha month totalled %'it net after taxes ?mi.. ar.,1 after al'r.. eharg-ea, ate . i i.. - . W*-'- bbbssbsbsbssbI ?" ? ?? , ' preeedina ai TOPICS OF DAY IN WALL STREET .Seit" - Constituted Mitrket Leaders Evoke Little Enthusiasm. FEBRUARY OFTEN A SEASON OF DULNESS Sharp Advance of Mark Ex? change as Banking House Withdraw! from Market. A stock market that depend? on Bach 1.lera as Colorado Fuel, Allls-Chal mers und the like may have enthuatBS tia admiration from the holders of Col? orado Fuel, Allis-Chaliners et al., but to the ordinary speculator in the street t en'.:?.?-* no excitement that he could ' ? ly forego. There is i? timo and a ph ??? for a, Baapicion m?..! i laae-n for some of 1 ; to gyrate la not provocativa of high hopea with i, gar i t.. the real of the II many i ? ! have Been the mark?'! in particular for old tin.?? Wall Bti i to aspect much month runninc it? couiBe. .? anything ahout ra and ano*a thai I ' or the iuhr . ; bul 1 abroan ? :i ?en?..?ns. IIol? .1 activity lii trade baa cone by and spring revival baa ret ;o cumn. It i? no time foi agriculture. Railroads ave to con-end *.**.th had weather and congestion, investment, no matter ?v Rood, has loat some of the Janu? ary reinvestment impetus. Far-ilgh'ed Inventora and ipecnlaters, it i? true, liave often us"d dreary Februarys Vo accum-ulatt? irookii but little of what th?*,* do appears on the surface, and superficially t'na situation ia uiire ; lloved. There Is one thing this ??par, ?? hopeful are conntlng i upon rket enn get lid .? of the Lnaitanla "? I it is ?. ties that I will coi ' deatrnetlon of preee? ?hat l:ns charaet I whole peri. ?? ! 1er entl of 1 I bettci than tho I . No TrirsBure to Sell. Spei - ? rk mar there ?.s preaaur? ? were ? ? ? ? ce on a ?xhole, ? . iTTcat I ' t thai ' ? ? i ? ' the Controlling i ?? tor. r: '0 lo?e ' ' ? pow? ommls be 01 -. ? i i .? onday. ? ? . ?:inre favor ? -, ? : ? gold had ; ' to Hoi land from ! tter the 1 -rman inge then gold had ? ? on Cxi 'in the as though re rks derived their ?, from short covering .' . ' '.,' ? ? ? , i ? the bai -.-r.? In not ? Heifer for All Concerned. - . lai -? tnoblllxa ? on plan an* ?aid in dispatches from ? ? to liBvo been nade in three . ected. ? 1 as a I bear ai '-. mar ,, s that are mo ;ed are . in much I as the cn Bt the i inda of in? 'itutions ia l.c thpni ?*?-i-isur\ ght ol fini a Wali I rouble I re**1' Municipal?. * :n the .11, as "Tlie ? ? n gen e n 11 ia n? fol i * .???" ei elude? : ? ? i ? i * s interest from m u n i .?, i partnei ? ?"elude ... ? ? ? ining dis ? .- ? ? j rtnerships in I or.iii | ? ? v n; .?, il cm t thai i .nul bon Is are 'ti \ freo \ lau." Soui h and Weal Improving, ' and v. - Par? b vice-] of the t'ompai ' ? a gradually . n ? it intended foi n the long i - have ? their ? i ? i STOCKS IN OTHER CITIES. ROSTON HTOCK.-4. MPTIM) as? -? 4fi Masa*. .. . ?? Il ' a:? nu*t\ ! * (M, t.l.i? Arl? l o? mafT-Ul IM H?.fa ? lij lt.- ' ?. A Arl.? . 71 " io?*?i a Kamt "N i >"i!ai,lila?! I* l? Bat? i f?ar llano- . M?V, ?"!'?, Wait .... '.C mu tu? y .?!* \sC 101 lra.,t4lUi . I* H 44raiib? .?4 IM lia. - k I 11*4*11-7 l|?!4<| )l???a-Ja f. lurilaa? I? M'a ! CrtfM ?/ U*; lila tkna ? ilO Uk? MU Salla 9 ?llan.1 a*!* M!-f-!,? in IM loo f.; i ? ? i o? :? SOn Jit mart?. nu ?a. n ? .*?: S in*? ?<v Itkj ?"V AM 3 15*? "*'". H til. (?; n --iri Initia ? ? I.??? I? i'f*'?a. e.V., n'l Ii-axliil?-?-,. I, l-?,-aol* . ?.?.5 I'oi.rl I.*)*.!. . ?'i Qui-ir, . . 0 Batnu IV... M?* H!iarri???i . Hi". ?-?uttUa'H , , . ??0 Bo,"i VuH :?? I" Mar?, - illl HUP i Ha? . Id Puia-rlor I (in I ?V. 10 MM a? IS IV. li '", B ! *. M If) ?3 ?a?? U l.'r.i ?. C?**p t^r.ti I.IO: 0 r- Si ?It? M lia ft ! i! ? I la'. Ara ru it?!, fun ? ' ' a a ? sit SMI (i"i4 ..?at tuv, [8 Til? ???.? !? 4 ?4 v? ? IM i* 134? ll? 5 10 21 IS"/, a*i-M;h!??n ... l-, it? ??-, t-a liOMr.Ma.?li ....... BJ aiil a?M ,]ii }10K?- AtWlru- ?la ?J .a ??! ?40 Ka* Idrti l*?2 alt. ?1-3 3*1. ZV m i I? H V ?? S H : ??*?. ?"-I V r: 10 3 ?Hi ? 11-11 4 lift II? ? . i -. * i?-??.: . ' I i 4 \!a. ? ? 10 ?J?, * H T l?M 10,'. ? ' 1 II |P< 2? ?Uli.? ? lOlW r M IM Jo UM ??', i?4 114 al?, Mil IM ? i ???? : ' -''?a I 11 ? MIS? FU.?* I M ??< i'. ..IM IM I t'i i ', i.'% 44 . 4-, ..a 11' .1 I -fil ? , ??-*, Il Ma- i.i- ?41, I , - !?'! lu M?-|f i) alar . 113 1?. MlM Il'.ra- Few. 1*) I?4 Mpa Da,.?30 Ji Hm ? llirtton. 3 Bai?. . u il' H 414. ?So Bfd ... 2?** ?Ai V.i.tur? OU. li? BaWljS M', 1? i?;h I". l*M*!?riJ*r^w'a. i . 1 IM G . ? I : i 11 lOtl? : ' ?S ?I*, Hfl 4 Mi. ?a I?-. I',' II ? ?a MI I . M 1' 3 1*1 li? ana, w^ji e$ H. R ?"AeevNeBaa i>i BOf-aTO.*? aim? OaOBINO. Slav*. Baa. Su i?*.?'? Ota.,., Il Iiohamla. 2 h ?? i r ? .i? I hl**f Coi inlMala?ll . 1 l-tl Vf' ...,.i. 1!? 4 .N^it.t? l'ivi, m ?1?. , l'ai r '1 1? run. \i>i::.nn\ stocks ? ? ? a a 1 ' " "? t| - ' ' .'ricfioii ? la * i '. , i T'-. . In? Il - l?i-i Le? i ? ? . ? I I '. - Il? 4 ? ? ? ' % i ? r?'?e 1 ( RICAGO 8TO( KS. ? 141', - > ' ; . . 4Ji|,l4 ? ' : * . r?7 s* . Il i? ii -. ' 11? , ! ?? ? 144H ? I a a ' a BAI riMORl BTO< K<. - ? - ' a ' ? ' ? ? .- I i : - - I . I t ? . ? ' ' ' - ' I M Tri A V . ... I | O".'? ? ? 1 (a Vil! A ? ' 11 a : . a ? : ' a 1 . - '? PITT8B1 RGH STOCKS. Iliad i ? '. i ?. *?. ? ! 44 - .? v. a - HlTfl 0, t- i Cl 4' !? - . I'M ? . II. -I*r ' '-? LlaiM A 11. f?. ? "! ! I ? ? . " . Pitts 1 ? ? G I.M.- Pura OU I4S1 loi - * S 101 a ,. ,M 70 V.'a-l.'?" 'lia? V ' %OKOS t? Ml rtr*a I?r-a #? Il t i ??. : IfVa . ? III M? 50*-, III f S I] : . ' ?? - *. *-v? I ' ! '4 ? . Ill 121 BUSINESS TROUBLES B??kru|tt?JV Petlttan. WAirn*"*lGTi'\ rtKNITtRI t'^?'AJ'Y U*' " , .. ,.. L U... \\ ! ? 1 ? . ? -. -? "i ? ? | . r ji . J :?. I Itavf - .-, ? . . ? ? a a - tr. m ,1 - . - Il . ? * ? ' To Caritfnu? Builra? I.ITT1.V. I ' ..AI'.V Re? .1:.. ?, * IB ? i - ? fi-a I ' - 1 ?? ?? ? .' ' '? ? r " - '. - .... <?-??. at ?. ? - -. ? a. ?> ? ? m: . I Uli 1-1 rlf ,, - - a ' ? I ' ? -, r .' :- a a I ? 1 * ? ..a Petition ni?tili?ar). , ' \ I .- I ?- ' T 1 ? la ? ' ? ?a ? BMlllS, A?cnint'l Mirm ' ?? Bi n?Ji '?* i -- !'?-' i ?? n !. l;-a- r.-lu: loi illsrio. i er tl ? ? ?' ' | . -. t A?pllti.l?s lor DlirMa-l? OmlnJ ! -ll'io; ORO* -?..?v J 't' o'? 1 . ? III? a '' ' Il for fallu!* | -? Bankrupt,, S'*i??lul?-,. ?uil\ i\.> .?'r t on-, a' . lt., lia? I ? . \ , ? 1 :.?*??! i ' ','.:'.<-.' ? a' 1 al Mb la I ? ? | -. ? : <?! - I- ?' u i for II U. S. Tr;asury Finances. **,.h c , ? ? ? ' a- I ? - . ? ntf N.' ! , . ( ? 111X1 ? - ,1 i ? i ? , ? . J ? . ! . ? ... , , ...... 1 . ? .. 1 I ON THE CONSOLIDATED. Klrmne?? win in evidence on th?? ? Consolidated Eichsn-fe so far as the general H?t whs concerned, though I certain of tho industrial favorites do atlaai. Tin? largest ?-ola/De of dealint"? w?? in Unheil) Stute? .Steel, amounting ; to 9,2<?0 ?hare?. It opened at 8-lW, it? highest CradMa steel, of arhleh nenrly 7.001) ?hare-i changed hand'. opened at -?:"??, down IhlSS atghtB of at point from Munday, went as high ?< , Uli snd s? low as 80*?. Allis-C'hal : mers touched a high of 83 and Asssri? ran Hcet Sufrir rose to TO*?. Mexican Petroleum d<"?mei. to 107???. Baldwin Ieooomotivn got down to 114?-?. STOCKS. Bale*?. Op?,. High, t/?. I..? I.M4 AlUa ?ria.iT.a. ? F3 t'<~t ?eO Am Ilia*. i?i?ar .. |IS T??? i. ' I ! ?' ?'?? B StfJ 11% . , iflAss c a raj ? ?H i -, ? , ' -, 104 Acs I.i ,?? i , ?, .i i !" ) Aro I. ?.. . ? ? -. "UM Am Bou Uu 101*4 I -, : ? ? Am "r-, ,v Te! i*;>, , , '-, : i ." Ai., W. ? - ?, - ,?, * ?', ? '? Lira A-.a'.-ii? i ofper. ?rv, -; 4 m H i at To? a 11 i< ?, isas ? ;-j i" .i? !.??? ii?'..IhI-, I-.? i;:. UTTtj I!?., Hi*? 10 Ban 4 Ohio k'i ?.? , , .0 lial.n Hap T: .. -,,<? ??*-, a,.-? ??-', 4'' H'iile * Muperlo? ? ', ISM ft , "???. ? all/on u I'* nil 1<V? ? ml ? , ' . , .'la a '? ' '. '- j 340. h K I I I1?. ? . . ! ' . < . . . 4 ,:" ' ..- 4 *? .".?.?. 4,4.1.*. - ' ?' I . ?". ? . . , ? < ' . , . , . , 1 -, *'-.', "?.I. -, ? ?? efaZ |.-. i < ? .. ' ?. I .; , ? -, ? I I , ? . ir*. l"". ?i ;a ;i ? 1 . ? '. 4 ' ' ' '??'? '. I' . I - a ' tl** ? . i s ? *. lit TI ' . 4 . l'J' " ? ? ' . ' ? ?' '' ?"? 1 ' -, i '?'?? i- ' ? : l?? |S?t 19 . r . J ?? ? ?> ? . . , pi tiene i? il- ..111? in , ii*S :, -.. ?I ?Vitarlo Mi.-.L-.f. " >? [tl ; I ? ', lOr-a ". .. '.a U -, M<*4 -i ', 5-4, ISO llar i ?M * Uli U . 54H < , sion.p i"4* Matai 38 [aft ?4?, ?? ?fBouthnra l'a.-Hle.l?-? l'A ?00 ICO"? III Siuilabt-kker c? . ia% Im-?? [ii [ii |0 f mjn Copt??' " H V P7 2fo f-ti-aii r?-i|o. Ir? 111 !. 4, I 4 P.t* 8 Ind A.'r?,:,ai in?4 ?5-SA l<4?6 lfi B.lsor ? ?t??! . ... H ?a ??S? ?<H ?4 ,1 Va Tar Civ? . 4?. 4.? i? a, KaWaaaah ... l??, D? l ?4 I?H 40 19 met ?I. . a r--, 'ti? il-; l?l Wit-V-j.? El V"a ? U . e* i;?* 1! " a) i'ia?ai ?a:-* MINING. a . a ,. fi "3 12 II ;> ?a M :; ? - .Il .Il -r i -, , , a L ?S LSS 1.1 .5 a :i'?j i?v> ?,?', .. 4 4 ' ? , 4 ? J 4 ? I COTTON ADVANCES ON CABLE STRENGTH Improved Lt*?itania Outlook and ! asiei i relghl Situation sur? Bti)log Move. re "i. a sharp advance in the marViet ? i ?> May ??ts selling up to l?.28c, or 22 above reaterdsjr'a eloaing prices, ng vei Pfrmaaaa In Liverpool bu i ra ports that inure oi-ean tonr,-. fer'.r.L' for eottan out <>f >.-?w Ycri? r-tarted a considerable covering move ? there wn? n ? BCl I I -.-r a'.'h Ltverpiol esa? a rhe mark naa ta thi a f i., p ?sad ' ?> ? ? ? . refer? v. ur i ? ih were ad sharplr from (l-ilf riort?. As this wh ? port movement, I ? Ing , ?- ? ? . position to rr.eel any trans] ? to a ton. Th?.? differeneei tmerican sa i hrought i-: I ? ? li ? . ).oits from " ol the \ i ? ? ; ool bo; ? : I . i ni from W? .. esa, tha d< ? ?; v Ib tha way af tnl lier?. Reporta that tha li r t i>h g-overnmen had placed ? i aa Importa of and tha? soi i ol the steamers ? g 'i. tho Pa? ogai tr.i.'.r. arar** fi lie tr..' the At!.". tiC I' . ' Dt*! l!.U-k?'.l :> more feeling toward the proapacti foi tonnaa-a available SI ! , ,T r-t the lo>s iavorable btbi risk situation. Southern spot market?, a? ofleially .,l, ware nachaagsa to 20 points r. with Houston ihowing thi maximum Ruin. Augusta -hewed SB ail?anr.' of 19 points, witli sale? af 1,288 balea i aporta for the day werf 23,501 balea, making 2.987,864 ?o fai . wi '. ? withitanding th.' . .? of I'ir.r.afre, the export tno-. e , ? sa improvemon? sine -? ?'? s latter part ? f i?" month, a: d thli . ha? helped to promote the more reac? tionary average of sentiment. Hang? of BtieSS : Y?.'er Oien. Hlglv, Low. C. ,.e il?> Ie^ruary. 11.M Bid I ? : - 11.1 April ?s.ia nn ..12.10 12.2B 12 OS . 12.10 ? . 4? 12.23 11 l _? : ? ? ?r 41 12.38 12.4 ? 1- " . . ,.y.. St 12.3S ??a? ?ttady ?i.l 18 ?. lot? hu-her, ut 12.1Q f,?r mi?l : ' '.- -a points with ,'fimi ?: i- i .? T'-e.. r saj <? .. n - ?.. .. ? .' ? ?! 1,81-1 W, ? .-? a - Norfolk _ . ' 124 1-4 ; 4 Nan? V ' 4-0 i.aii .:??. 16 r ? 4 Totola I 1 o..:.4 Inta ? ? ? ? ? ? H '.4 18.344 . ? - -, ? '?ti"?, snd exp.,rt. v ? , - r upli ? > '- ? ' 4? Uanel ' . '._...? PRODUCE AND I GRAIN PRICES Heavy Export Buying Ad? vances Wheat ? Corn Firm and Higher. Sam York, "??brianr *. 19H WHEAT. TTv? r*?i-?nt iesliae I" whast, whleh ar?.riiii ta.| u, P'diOc a hu?ha! during; the last !?'.. t'.aali?. apparently looked i"rr' ? ' export bujer?. At sny ra'a. expon -a ? fof the .lay ?are ?*<*imat?*d ?. folly l,?K it, at the ?eatioar.! ar>4 ? ? of In tha IV-.* ? ? ? : ??port buylnr eaujad a ganen?! <-.-? (ring ii.uement. nid su a re-ult pri--?-? r*-. t v'o it half of Monday'? lose, closing ?.?'.*!. net (tains of :.ft?%z. Ilect-lpt? ?t prlrrnry points ?rarn ?ma!:ar than either Iran waak M 1??' ;?ar. hi'. ' era ha? h??n ?ome Intimation reeen! that the fulllne ofT in tha rno?-.*rr.ant Is ?!?!? to ths axtrarne t-n|d WeatbBf in 'ha W? | a-.l 'o n ?htiTl?if? of r?tli"r than to any a-' a tion on ?ha farm?, ?rvl It ira, though? ?vith lmrro"?i| <-on?lit:.iri? a l.irgfr mova?ient tray be expect??,!. l?-sibifr?'fi -rtofltle ihesred a ?|a-:esee In i-rr'.l'. ito.-l.? of 2,547,00? - .. u'i.i. an iaerease ef 1.1 '?' ' In tha r??ii rnur!. ?? ' ted at S1.4*>' . , S*,, i I No 1 .V.i-.-flie:-n " ,, f o O i Kt m York. CO Vf. Corn ??a? firm n.. . ? lit: -vith net ?aim "t : ', '? ' . s I a heal Started ?n Battiva BOM liara'rn??nt. aril ?aritimar.t was ir.fl .??? - . I"< p*r**Msr*arta rram Um eountn Race ?seta nuita liberal, am ? - auf b ii thai Iba i ran eat ? ? ,..'?'.. ' ? a - ? ? . . ere ex? . . rept-trted at II 0,1 00 i. - rwed an ..?mpara.* wit?- an Increase < yar. In thai Irva! CS ?'??" eoTti was quoted, at ??7',?-, e I f Ns OATS. Th?* oats markst was firm an.l hln', with aetit? b'irln?- prompt*! by ??-..-? -ralas A ?OO.OOO b'iat-els and In aympa>. .?* >rtl the advance In wheat and rorr.. 'l\? Xoaoi ea?h Batket was naaAj ; No % ???H-? quoted n* 6JH(i,64".ei No 4 white. 8?V4? ??***,I t,c ; fancy cllppa-d watt?**, J?-Jt", 7 ? : ?bita. 'A'?*?*'So, all eleratoT. ?YE. Mark? ?te?vty i No 2 Westarrn 11.03'.. ? \ t New York. NEW TORK PR: Tatster? """"heati Optra. Hlah. Le*?-. '?'ay. , ? July. ? CHICACK) PRICFH. "Vhes*: O; a,-,. Hla-h. loi?, r .<? May. I J'J.T. 1 ' ' I , (ram: ? ? Mta a ? ? ?'?'"s July.I ! . , Max. 4% ?.?l? 47U 4'? 474. . , ???*, IS D '; ? irkct liad a ? ' ' I ' ' u i I3? ; . ? <?.'. IBION8. ? ? i i . ... ? i< 4 . ? ' | ' ' ' ' ' i HI? ?GO ' ROI ! N I ardl Open. I ' ? ? ? ' in Jan i l 1 ? :. ? '. ? , ? restrict? I by ? ? . ., f. ....... - i . t demand ? ? ! . I ' The Local Ith Rio . ? - , : . . , v ? Open. Rich. L??w C ?try . ... 7.61 T.67 7.4 April. ? ? ... ; * a .... - ) - MM ?? .-. . . ?r - ? 7.78 --... - ? ? i ? ' January.. BUGA1 P?TUV1 Altai bi sail -? ; *ae*l I *? 1 pulnts lewer, I i* ? on a II'* - ' 1. it m the ei.-:/ afteri - laylna 1 ? Ore?? B .... .. . . -, I ' ? ? figures ? i Kann ol i ' Opa. II??-*'. laOW I r - .. . ?pril May. " I June..., ? a ber 4 10 i i ? ir. ? - 4 . bar, 4.tV roiT?.N.'.i.nri Oil \ ? ? ? - March h?-', a - ? .... ' 0 ? ? Marrli . . 0 - ' I ?p-ril May. 1.14 ' I ' ' a un ?i i - ? ? - ? ????-? ? - -? . . . ? II','!. R? fa>- future?, with ??le? of ?O t"*i? ?a | sa?? id ton? t ri ma ' ? -- h il a:toi 10? fair itoi I M fu'ure?, with 'le,-?r',|y'i< -jOBtsJ ?' alii foe ? ? I - ' ' Tort speS ?ltd Baal SI I -ois ? , m ?? ? t? ? Ith "N I ? i ? ? ? laa lead I at ? for spot sad SSI i for I |j . ?..- . .? ..-,..-' ? - i Th? Amerlfi?' 11? and 1 ? "mr ? ? - N"??? "? srt -/ and st 6.0J'*.c gs I I t, leS ... Is Ir.ery. COUNTRY PRODia: MARKETS. For th. week er,?4?.l [ .hr-jary *., ISIS. Bl.TTKlt. r.e.-eiritj, f-,r wr.?, 83,"?.S package?; laet w-ek. SS?8I lib'-'i m*-.?. "?..?porte* tor we-k. M package?? to Europe; to other ro-intrle?. SSI par'nag??. Itoeeipta ur? ?till r\.r.rung he'., v ,u?t yenr tad ,, r; < in.iti ? ri'Tnarnl I? hetter. While tl s laaprewiaeirt t? aaore marl BSp gl**?SSB. the n:e.!l .ii to prime , . have ?har-??, to a mo? rate? '? Creamer-, ???-a* 192 ?<-orei. 12 Igher ?,-ormi{. Ici 1 ,81*>je; eernri... le; c earnery. held, i ' '" aocrei. 28 _, . . . . ? ???? ? : 18?Ac; ?tote dairy, fineat, rood to prima, 27''!20-, common to fat-, Soi rerovatH. ???:??? :i ?:'-.?: fir?'?, ?^a ; lower grade?, 201j22e ; ImHatloti Teumory. fir.'?. :" / i;vi ladite, current make, first?, 21 '?. 22c; ?en,::.!,. 20?92 lower gn?de?, - : , , ? ? ? ?trek. Jen. n.(.'<?.. tin?, tl -it, fine, 200; No .. ir g ?des, 11 ( -IIKESK. ?toe-dpt) for we. ? cunt- ? .-?-?. State. 4 ..? av?rai"-, lue ; curn -.. -, . .- 4 . held, 4 IBTBO-a.. . : ehed I . ? I 1>. r tor wee'. ,1.600 fin?;, ?: ? ? ? ... . - re.rig?- i.*..r, firsts, 1*4; thlrda or poor? ?tat?, Penn ami r g as to far,-?. ?? ; ordinary t., g." gather-ad Unary to tin?, .-..QMc; ?ma.l l,r,, - HAY AND HTRAVV. ha? a '.lit!, firmer ton. at th. T l-ty-thln. - ? -' B?t trade qui?* at .: o: th? Krt.. ?he-. otTer Ry? straw eontlnoo? HAY, large balad, timothy, y'o '.. to -' '... , :. -: - - ? ' I, IIS. Baaall airuut $ ;..rga?. ii i aurra. AP!'* ' erg bbl. K I I I . r . ' ' ' ? '. '. " kAi.k, ? ? ?a" ? ? ONION i ' ? ' ? V SI ' ? l'I PPKRS, ? I '? ? A? n ? ? ? 11.25; old. whit? whit?. I ' " ' ' iniilln' -I. PRODI - rs Kill - \ ? ? LtTESTOf h M IRKET. Ml . - - ' ' ' ? \I \ ? | a? | SHIM' WI? I. Will?.. s sd ! ' 1 ? OPPOSE B. & M. BILLS Min.irily Sfnikholdera Hold Need ut .-?t?te Aid I? Pa?l. Beaton, Pel I A threatened crisi? in the financial niTmn af *h?? Bosta-a k Main? - Canead P. ? |ai OCtatSet., d?-*elared to? day a*, a i ? | * heariaf on bill? : the hilla ict paaaed ir for i ? ?l'rough the failare r' ".fj. Ilarr.p- I I ' Uj BS -? id bill pro l aid to the eomasaajr. [loth billa were opposed by attortte;. ? Bf the nar.y. Mr. Crooai r ial ! the Mlnerlty Bt holdere' Aeaeeiation favored tie r of th?? reo rajan i satton ?et on th.? ground 1 that the lioiton & Mair.e BTM net hanh rupt now, tl -.:r!jfs have ?hoe ? a Inriio !r*.crea?e and tha* it ?va ' pop;'- ' ' ? fro-i f pra. "If the N'-w Hampabira Leg*is!?i*u: ever Rive. ?'? ?- r<or(raniz? t'on," he said, **it ?rill .s'rike a blow at the general eredil Eng ?ad r? ? ? y would r.' I ' cover in BMI BRIEF WALL STREET ?YEWS The jCtna Explnat?rta Compaaie a* ? ? i -i rri -i 112,501 00 * ? 118,1 al -o an in?*r rier of : ronunon i?**? ire.? of no par tora anl I of the co- ? -resent conn-. the 1 main . 1 and ' IBB time to tine a?*, de'.ern-.ined by t'ie board. An extra d vidend of 1 per eent pany, i bru? to holdtrs of record February 15. The Scorlll Manufacturing Company reporta for the fear en<iii II, 1915. net earninia's of I i equivalent to more than 119 per Beat on the capital stcc?<.. Its balance sheet as of December 11, 19.6, fhowed cash on hand amounting to $3,438?12, egalmt *'?43,.V' ? vear. .-: PUBLIC NOTICE?". FRANCHISE HEARING MODIFICATION* OP RAILWAY FRANCHISE -BOROUGH OP MANHATTAN. Hoard of ff'.-Mr.i.if? anil Apportlnfinrtrel 4 41 y ..f .**???? . rla. ha??:.g ?x**a ?v/?t?>fur? ma-fe Ly UNION RAILWAY (O.MPANY OF NEW YORK CITY r - ? r ? - I25TH STREET tor a ? ,? ' . ? ,'a.r i!i- ! lying s'l I a ' PROPOSED CONTRACT i BUREAU OF FTANr fffSF-*** ttoeea M -i ?< ii.iing -M? I II 1 Mill ll> af? . Ml ?It -, * N Jame*. D. '?: .. ? - * - - - . - ? . ? ? ... >ed). .. I ? ? ? t - . a ' (S) ? . n t if? - ..?.!' ? ? . ' ? i a ? I y. , at tp'rtatfUaUnt ' I . -. a.i lil-.lKlOI. al lbs ?ana? ? ' . ? aw Inge may ' Stats t UkS ' I ; r ,iiictri.? it , be |a 1 of nlnat/ ? - *0.-' ? ?' t .- ? r pa i a ' . ' ? - ... ? IS ? ' flve Bf . p, r f ? '. .? shall la .is a v. mu, tea * award ? ' . Irasu given in ft. i . . I ap pi ?at - . ' ' ? ?? ? ' ' uf tli? ' - *? ?1 ' ? ' I* a , ?? ' - ... 'i f ' - ?