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?arney Dreyfuss Still on Trail of Home Run Cravath 3SX0N MAKES UFE MISERABLE FOR LEVINS5Y Mftlf?f One Displays ish, bul Jack Cains Chief ? aurels. .?h. aa ? ar l.f ig a caul - - tin ear , ? r Le -a tO - ever I aar In i _ JIANY STARS IN INDOOR TENNIS racks Will Meet m He tor Winter ?els. By JAMES 0*NTAt E. ? - ? ? ? ? ? * ? ? ' ? I ' ' ' ' ' - ' ' ' ' ' ' ?ICKEM KER Y. C. MEMBERS AT FEAST i ? ' [JNBIA FIVE WINS < WILLIAMS TEAM THREE NEW POLO CIRCUITS ADDED BY THE CONGRESS I ii*ht Winning Teams Will Engage in Tourney for Special Trophy. '?? tours of tl i "gallo?, h | g their nnniinl congl It night ? ? principal action takei to vote to ?.Id three more circuit the five al?! n eilst? rh the ?. foams r ? ^pe,??.?\; ? > nnnil-il be at the .?ilrv ?. lub. nt UbIb, r The ? eircuiti a ill bo tv,?> ' ?llich will i-nni ?ho New York 1 south r Ito 1 ? ' 11 ry 1 loyd Herbert ; chairman, and, ai ' c ? the of * - ' ? itai ? ? ????? Ayrav I ? "???. hi ? ; ' *al>tj ' ' ' '??? alphal order. ' S Tes? ] * a . ? : i - ' golfers' play indoors to-day Philadelphia Versus New York in Intercity Match at ?imbe.'s. l!> l RED BAWTHOR i 'most -, ern c! i ? ? up in e It; ? ? ? ; ? ? ? all rt ? ? I 1 try one o I ? ? - ? hort * ? '?:?' ?>P ? ' e in victory or ? SS na? tional ten. ' to show court ? ?v the est are ^eJpor?li?h? ?yGMTitJan?Ricv Hopo springs rfernni In ti o i,i . . But hop? hu .sprung highe. In fho baseball l ? ? Bftt? tnil a,.?,,,,, ?*,?,, h PVer sprang uv """'"' hy thla 1 i, ri,il,? i- trit .-.rttially t.e?leve tbey bava a chance to u ? ..... lif.v ,,,,r ,,nr,),,K, w*nter baa aval Not the Old Bunk. "ton knov* the ?Id apting hunk of the iranio *\a% team tbsT) heats ul out," etc Hi-re ,? none of thnt bunk thla -.ei.?..n. ?loafon, Philadelphia, UrooWly-,, N'ov- Jfork, ? liiraa-o and Pittabargh feel preHv ?ure, they have a good inside efaanee to win, while Cincinnati and Bi laoult air* io,.ving for flr?t division flniehes. -? ?ne, us usual u |olt Bui plektug ?h? aitlei of th? Ortolior parade ii another mfttt.r ' ' ' me i*, many campaigns diere t-hii ha no dletinc. t'avorit?? ' nlshe.l nndei the hiun last fall yet Olanl ind F I te dny look to be at atoutly constructed n? i ? The Philly Outlook. the pennant -Hnrier of one vmr la general plekl ? if.on the theory ?hnt It is the best looking eluh until Some rival provea difToreti?. Four this late winter are pifkintr the Vhll? to maintain their perrh on top They btari ' eli banc? with the t"?1!.! but It Isnl any better chanee ?inn Urave?, Hod-t-er- fir d other.? have form 1910 should prei a- 8emutble, wblch ?h. old ."?a', pyra mi'led Internet through the summer TTif* Ma.sterpirrr Heener soot ?i lucky bord, I- i to ii ith .\fr Ilury rould cope; /?>!? .in?*,? ?? ??? ' ?<p good rvi h,jv(\ With hi ? P ?? P ISM dopa. Shoki peor bote of pood*. Meat of which soars superfine? l/tno.*-' any thing of Iluod't Is a classic rn its hnc, ? sf l'if U?tt my etusaes with feme, i dimly let it With ? r'l.nicr tC write my nomt ? '-?/"<-?- ?'< ?,? en at Ihe B ?' " Danfs lil a -?' ?? ? ? ?5 did Dryden A? Shelley, Milton ?'?.?.>? orn? Poj,* Al! were n their day South,?;/ ; Colerinas tni?* a vinirnfi hard VirgH holds <? . endless t ' < >n thn buey .. ?*-.' 1 rrrjard; Yet i ? ' With "" r ?'?'?' I'nrln- "('/'try at t [y C ?bb'a Rival. have ona riva" Speaker oi Colllna or Jack ring 1 "Magoe," continued ! . there la In the Aral ibout the i ama bul'd. In not only wltb brel Like . obi bb I? i? of ?he . run rrakin*? t; | More About Magee " i t.. - . ' ? ?*.'. '' ted ? ? tot left-hai ??? | r'-rl.t-hand hitter ai to get scenstomed ' n.'.ri ?. bat better 1 880 or bet I niurh Ty the last tli I 1 sal rua; loi ? 'I am ritrhi." Among those ? ' ' arong are Col M.ixim.s o? the 19th Hole. ?M? son it i- betlea to bite thy naili <" lo tal i ?-?* ? fr patson than to be constantly abort apon everj no't. : , r flor?* ??. but ?.o? impoaaible ahol in ?he c-tnie?and ihai l? ta run down ?? putt that oever reaches I : the cap lid to 1 t com? 170,1)00 for u i" round i We Arc Willii 11 . ? Bast raves vs. 1 ? '' : ''V V-r ' I ?fire. If np,:'. ,-?-? art ? H ho don't get any money ouX ? The only \ surs I kn 1 f, ? ? rkoul '.' e hn\o DANA SURPRISES YALE VETERAN IN SQUASH PLAY Winston /Meets Strong Opponent in Irving, hut Wins Match. "uigustui J. CordiOT, the ha? rhampiori of ?.he Talc Club, met with one of the bii/C'.?' surprise of the chnmplon?hip ?.|i:n?n tourney da?- when he wr??? defeated b tddiaon Oana, the >ounf* Harvard Club player , I'ana c.-iught his opponent decided In* gam? ami .?n. BB BBSy ?-.inner by a ?core of 1" R, 16 in. Th? Win man tried ealaly to si tba ball ever the tell tal? powerful ilrivn? vero fithir too or too low. Tim? i : ,1 Bgal would s "nil the ball ? com I and .'?? pponenl off h : He kipt the hall sis- ling arou ? his attael .?ad I SI ' ? ? /" < i i ' ? r in the opening giime Cordier pi?v??.l ? after haadi out, with a cluster of i ace? [n his last .ei\ ee After Dana lato thi lead bj 8 to ? in ?h? second e.nni". Cordier rallied ami lilbnaK1 d to ma) ii a ? ?ar, th? ?pur s as a si ii Harvard pin; si ?ron out aril i f??e I ri? S Winston, of the Hareai title, eneounter : etch yet ia defa Fvelyn du Pont Irving) a elubmate und runner up for ? ? ?. after two ? were U 14, || , played bla assal aggressiv? game, eon rentnt?!?.-* hi? n" turner Of 'he ffOBl wall Hoth n'en play? top ..:' -lie;- form, man-, -ong ralliai i : atch. In both gaaaea Irving Jumped early li ?..!. out hi W li it? play? d I. hots off the bash wall m ?? manner, ?? h ?? r.ach player contributed an unusually Urire number of ilar "geti - an bothered h;s riva! hv h iilacenietit ?hot? hi ? ?lrr. In? < harle? M. Bull, Ir, of ? ' a ?l: . A . xit thu 1'r tub, n. re being IS non ? both haada In making kills to the front Being a loft Banded erielder of th? racquet, Rilar wa? often cau. Ills guard I Brooklyn pi H l? 1 ri?e pla er, ron sa .1 II. Williams, ii elubmate, by a icon : . . illed to ? ter hii ni h.ul ?aken n eomman i ar th? H ? i in q ? man-.' Ihn Hela and the Harvard i'luh ? presentstit ? ? Bui, ? ?rill oppoi i h ..iv ? - lavnra iiiiiii !? < - : i ? IV-a ! III.? t I ?MS i-. i ? ? i i ? -.:? 6 i 1 r I - ? . DO '?? asiiseseasaeiii s?n ?I '. . I 4 i I ' 11,1". I I .1 - I ? ' I ' I ar? ... ? ? I -? TPANCIS APPLEBY WINS BILLIARD TITLE i '? White, of Brooklyn, a vie tpph lent, m a - ? I ? titl ' . '? ? high runa ere 42, 81 and Crescent Seven Practises. out for pi ? -,n ot? ' ' 1 . | Cluh Official National League Baseball Schedule As Adopted for the Playing Season of 1916 ?? .... -. , . ? R, r, ia. ?e. Ma . . pad ' r _ - ?_ ? _ -ri ? -? I nt* ? ? it. ? ? ? ?_ i "" i Inbune - ? ? , ? ? . ? ar. i. ? . . ' ? e "II. tor ? 1 Fa.1 ? . < ..-'?-S ' :?. - . .. ? -, T. or - ? ? ? ... , - . i n - . ?... AH I ??All ? I f? Sports ... ... . . ? li Saturttara ? ?? Dar i * " ' - ta-. ? . :-?? - aa**?. ?- i-ajr. MS. KENNELLY EARNS A $20,000 FEE (iets B?? Commission from Sale of Site Occupied hy Dclmonico's. MAKES I AROE PROFIT ON SALE OK FLATS Henry l. Smith Sells Houses for $200,000, Bought 20 Years Ago for $20,500. Bryan I. Kei terdsy path , red one ? ? ? Bol le i than - turn which mo?* ' ? -h' m in fa . rema nd i i ? ? ' Thi' - . ? Deimoi : Fifth a' Ub< - 1 takes erty as s . , . and it ' urant. The ' ' ? ? ? ? o( the propel i foot it < lend- all Mr. mat? frm this I othei big commisslona In l - ' i, and |uit? . I Havemayer, and I name : ' any. Through n tran'ncfio.: com] " ' : r ??? . P ? n th?- hi r of 64th si r $17,1 Park av., ? houBoa celved over $200,000. In - that Mr. ! ? al! ai a tenant In 01 a nue became the promiaing ? and ? . ? r Hfro, he i? i -.'.I un <.rr'T of $i i.r>, iino fot tha corner hi for the Ina aaen I to be the si ? ? tame 1 ?tunds in , I'.eal ? ? I the northerly Smith house. The ieps . ?;?' foot PS im i!. Ea lesoi - l of the Park ? up of t? ? ... Charle ck Winan- ?sei9 . ikera. ? low: 19TH 81 Ity < Frederick Brown ? . loi 25x9 ?,' of Four? , comps ' -m 1 Benja 1 ? ? 3x100, - a. . ? ? ' ' k?i' at D ingles ? ilty Coi '. ha.? ;' . . . t o r j ? '? 1 tie i'i in 1 n - il ? ' 1 ' ' th.? Mont ' ' ' ? fold 4 Prag ? s loi - iTH ST.- -O'l ? 4 t 63d a? ? . 1 i- '?'? urnbu? 1?:: : ? Hl : ? -, ant f 1 isa tha aa Company 1655 Southeru REAL ESTATE. ?At ESTATE._ new taamset. ismm SaWsmm. $2,500 on Easy Terms ??.,, m ? ? ?. . "i- = "*ti hum New English Villa **?" . ?- r t I. ? - i ift-ii vu?; i?, iiv ion ii i i ? .Iff u Mi-? i ni i i i . i $34.04 Monthly . - . ? . a - . . - * ? All ? " ?* I nil Information niul ?i-ipiiliitmi-nt I? ??a* II.?-,?.? fr..m Telephone 1521 Cortiandt. RAYMOiND F. BARNES, 170 Broadway ' The prop eld a? $4.".... Business Places on Hast and West Sides Rented roh n st. I K. 1 -??r i I ? i"l (I. Martin haa ;?a?ed oil i. - ' ir of I ? . ? ? Soci?t? of '. ? B. II. I udlow & Co leased fhe ? ?rery, ror the Mai Enamelled Ware rnmpany for a term Tha mpany l ised to i',.?- r Hanuf ?? . ? - ? .sad Sixtl Tha ring my, Ju Piehr? ra .in SOB I ? it, at igl , (3,000 a year ? ' etoie st. and Seven! i sv. to L Ballington & -impanv ha? ..'.?' ? ? m? from M ly 1; also a rtoor i th? tie* an 1er & - SrIps in Auction Rooms ? i ? ? 7TH ?V i ' . . i ? . -' Mm ?a ja-i Mais I2I9T iT ? ? ? B? Ja ?b 11 i..ii ai iirtii is ? rait ? --.?r. ? ' . ?? Lit! ? V? ? -r a ?-? at? ? ? ? ? ? n?r bhyaut *v i, . ?. ill ,r attyi i r fer tl > ?a ?-? I A ?? . ?? . , || ? ? 'I ' HOSi OBEL - . t tl. M 1001! ! ? ' #* l ? . |1 fit ! - '? a ?. - i t a . ?, ? a . ? ? Vi.... , ?? < ' ? V Um i H-x-e ' a I I I V ?T ? ' ? ia.ll s II I*??? ? ?' Mill ' . ? - ? . .??la ? ? IB Irk.e*!a'| r ' 1 ? i < ' . CM SI - .'? ?'? ? i i l ? . ??>? n, .- ai ? I ? - *ps Leas?*d from Plan? ? i ? i ? ? ? l'iom .- ' - 1. ? ? ? t ? ; Uvera PROPOSALS. B m . - . - - ' ea.rata.tlt ? ? I ' ar? ? I il.n? ' 1 r ' . ; - A. . il ? . . , x 1 sf Water ,-, I a ? ??: ? i ' n I la ab? ? e ? , ni.t. : . ??? abo?. ? . I , ? ? ? ' - ' it the aber? ? i i . C mi-.'.?? - ?? ? '?( ?' * I ? ' ' '? ?t. ' . I GEORiK 1 EATHE!'3T'J.*-t. tomar) A DEFEiNCFLEa'.S HOME . |af ?, ? a I - I ???? North Jeney Title Insurance Co.. II \l M Ni \? h. v i ? m s rut I - . 'Mi' STANDARD OIL CO BITS l.efs I'ropeii*. ?long ?he lro*?i*Jii'? (anal. In Hrnokkn .io?4?ph F n?.7 ha.? sold to ?h? Ball I -ar.k H y ron < 'ompsny, rs ting I v ?ir? Fm* ? saaaer aad J BproB 'reamsr. tbe /?-ont proper w:*h l ? provement?. hating i ' anua Ceael aa I *" at in 2d at. ? lale p'.ves th? Standard (Ml Oen pany ron'rol of a proper'v ?x'.endir.g northward to tat s? . - ? ?? thera f a ?ral iabl ? uateffront block ax'*nr ing fro-n 1?' te Id ?'? on ?he Oosranus ig .-.. ? ' ikell represaetad Mr Day'?, office In the negotiations . ? ; and M ? pany tv ??-??-. lings H " i ?old ' nor ef Houlevard lind ??tt at to an ?u . ? . bulldi F.aat r $150.000 Estate Sold . . - IB ? ? bone la * ? ountry colonv. I ?-??*, ? I W Wool piai-i- affeete the "N ? :h ?**a? . ? "i. It com priaei a 1 Bine h .Mes, ? ? ure. Mr. Srhni"" .ro or I '. la now one. R'-n'^ Rock? way Property. Tho I."'t:s H . ba? I ?' MfKenna her property on Broadway a--1 <??'?. ?* Fa .. ? ?? ' . ? er, of Ne.? "i ?rk, for the Tire Profits Inr-rease I Tire Painpaa ! December . of j: S.O.. - rer the i 1 :?? ' n ? ft : ' I . ? _; , ? "_ St RR4IGA1 E ? SOTK l-> ? . . .' :< O*? .1 Mtl* . ? ?. . -, f - -aa?! to ? I Ii p?aos ' antaot ? I??' rislt 19 at Mil ?lay of ItB dar ?J? D*. aber, me JITH, II. al ? IMTTH. - .'-?ira 14! ?a ?? . . a 'H/ loses yon. of an ef II . i . ' ?- , ? * . , ? a to a s hs s ? .. ? . : ?-..-..?, .. , r ... i or* .i? ?a-?.i. le press ? ? ? ? t ? ?r?f.,r . . -. r ' ? ? ' .. . ? a ' a ? ? ? 1 r ? .. a.r ijul.jr* ll.? . nh day cf U? " Da" ? -- I 111! HANS Itrat a ii ??-1 ?-, ? it _?_ ?UERirrs ai ? nus sale? . . ill, ?t , alaea ? . ? . '??:? ?ski chaira r a'rara, - ? rr.ap?. ??-? . ' a ay aft?r I - ? -; . II*? - ... ra? ? ? 'a a ? a ' S. T ? M ? ?Is ite eutfli ? ? ? - lal . a? . ly afu- the as ? ! : ?, ity Sharlfj . a? ? ' . - I'll o at Ne ????r* . - . . a . '. ? ? ra\i?' b? ri 44?> | ? la.? AIJ- ?'". H aast'.? r*A.*.K ; toviv.cB. '-??pair