Newspaper Page Text
??gs* Conducted by Samuel Hopkins Adams. Thla department baa entered the arrond of ??r*?ic?i to Tribune reader?. Primarily it was intended merely to ?eparata ?be ?heep of advert.ling from the go?ta- and h?ng a bell on tho goat?. But bow It gi?e? beyond mere identili, ation. It emhracee a human nature? atudy of both aheep a-?d go.ta. Yotl are invited to aaaiet. For artery letter printed in thia department deatrib? Ing experience? or ?nploaasnt ? with advertiaer? of tner? handiae, excepting only patent medicine., The? Tribune will eend $2 00, payable In any fnerchandi.e of any Tribune adver? tiser. For the mo.t important letter each month a special prisa of $50 00, payable similarly, will be award, d Name printed or wit h be Id???a you prefer, bul mutt be ?igned i>r we will not know where to ?end the prise order. Addreaai I he Ad-Visor, Tbe Tribune?, New York. TVrher? a le*ter to your reader? that would Illustrate why the thi gar I sses a not go amiai - ? ?f-o I purrha.ed at th? ' I Frhu'.te After sn-A - .? ? pipe for a time II .'.arted to I the break. ild" l wi' , r of the article. I I, ai d as importa , ilty waa ei the cracked g of the atoek of several riean agi I . to procure for ? ? rrohnhly lost far more time is they ga ned my per? il.:. . ga "M? I (? TEEN." loss on any t*-nnsartl?->n are rr-ckonnh.e mattr-rn. but the ***hi* of s convinced and ? ; utron if beyond computation on any , : D ?? of your eolr-TTin, The Ad-Vlser and "-ri?hir.g to advice on a con st, ! ?-rite these to civ? Crystolis,' made Is a treatment ? - | to ?top failing hair . , costa r? I l HI NCI ? Th? 1 i ehemica] experts doe** not Indicate anything perform the wonders claimed ? I e-o?d *"?* ' thla ' - the housetop?," hut I ? II It thn - ? ? ta tha ee rtoaj of th? my time I to their : know thod she yea ' kod si nd for an In I ai ad. In your piper ' eana ' - "I, It ?Id he any time I . m I they ? ? ? a moms ' t ry. ) I | SB Sll er?:? to I h- i drivers . ala ? men that other me out on my ear, 1 hsve ? ? erlj irterest and on tho road. ? ret ? re many are In ilfferent, If ? ?' I do not go hack to tr > ? -??where. I found all I - g an to a> ? ;itzer HT : ?When a res kes to do anything, she? turas'.] y dries It with I The Saxon ? ontpany Is to on bavins -i* are "daily -aatinOOB, 28 re h tho i - : S S ? I -i" and ' - it is ? M. B, J. mid, havinf* p the extra quartsi f a do' away again. On no other I ' '"r *-*?*' prevalent theatrical ens . o? "daily." erage Intel.if-ener, I ?m never very ? -? hop that ' ?T'pegred In ?d that an : ?? ' ? * ? ? -, of that ad I 1 made rlear to th? a- bran, h. ? I feel tha; I got re appearance are cone ? Im . /or, to put It '-?1 that 1 ' ?ee ! B A ? m find a * for him at this - of your column, both la! * and :: u lay, elnea - a | ' ' ' ' . aa -iirii* I had ? ? : Po- He-rrick's frlei being a Tribune r+vre- reformed. Of th? .. ????'.' at) - I -e ? ? - ' and that ? Ved me to , and ?i? I had be a ? ? ? i ? ? . ? dc .-?- of ad pstronaara Is tha rness with fairm ARTIST, 59, OOES TO PRISON l.l?:ird MrIV???ell. Ar4T?u?eal of Inaull Ing Miwlel. ?,et? Bll Month?. I .hiard McDowell, rlt'ty-nine, an ar? tist, was aentenrod to sit month? In ?he workhouse yeMerdny for attempting to ? e hi? methods of measuring a model upon Mn Nelli. Tl Magistrate House, in 1 rkville ?'ourt, refused to consider | ? mency mudo by the srtlal i ",-r be had hoard the teatlmoi of Pollee Captain William Day, uho -aid the ar * fore. Mrs. Thorns- ?aid ?hat ?ha and her iad were try'"1?-' '" r** fOf their at 117 jotTt'r- ob Avenue, I 1 lyn, and she had i red "*'? Dowell'e for a I .-? Twenty- | treat, ? ' McDowell , : had locked the door and addreaaed her ?. ? ? i ..- .,? 'i r ah ich ried to lake I ? r upon hi? k ? "Mv !.u?hand Ii outside and he will break tho . . f," sin? said she told McDowell, ? ? .ipon he released ! ef and ui. the door I ?le, a ln-vyer, who reprt ? , .. . ! th?t !B be surp? * tc GREENHUT'S CASE ADJOURNED A WEEK Tribune Agrees to Postponement in Store's Suit Samuel Hop? kins Adams's Comment. The injunction application In tv * salt of Greenhut Company, Inc., j a*,??a?T'.*?t the Tr h ? ? \ ..'iori, which ??as on the ealendar of Mr J - I halan 1n the Special Term of th.- ."-u prenie Court yeaterdaj * adlo-^rned l>y eonaenl ?f the nttor- ' Mesara. Roa? ? ? r. and Mo isrs. Sach? an <**? Stevens, re] The Tribun?. week. The I injunctio i forbade the pub. ?ration of the article ' : 1 iy Samuel ; ? ..ear in last ft , ?.vas continua I grew out . ' publication In The Tribune on Friday 1 of !a?t week of annoir article by Mr. " a . :d b? pub ' iy*a Tribu* ? - g the I ' this t. 11 ' I a sum? . n:.d various em; ? t. ? s 1 i hod in The . i. ' at ?.'ii- promit . . be ?? finrary , ? iday even i morn:' . innounced the beca of it th. would not be publish? . . :' Mr. ' - ? : pub ? Samuel Hopkim or un y otr ? ? . *ii false or frau I ? ? y be nging to / M ?, Inc., ! or containing ai'1 .-t o 1 the part of 'ha : ? went on to pro-. cause at S ? nlng an order should g 1 tem po rary i i i : i . el Hopl ?.t yesterdi ? order of the CO? BOma rlffhts of ? .*-ooncr 1-hve t - in of ?'? r which standing, 1 do nol tl it th-i delay i of any particular ben ? ? ? HE'S "PICKED" OF $3,100 IN CROWD OF LAWYERS Bear Wrestler I oses Big Roll In Municipal Court Buildint,. ? a ' ? - nal number of lawye along theii t the i . ' ? ? m coin - g ? \ I ? ? ighl ? ? I - Of 1 ' ? ? ? ?. . - ? Cucfceav 14tb Street, near Fourth Avent STRAND ROOF GARDEN. ? is. . EVENTS?) ' , i ? MAYOR PREDICTS EDUCATION GAIN aSpirii of Cooperation Will Bring Many Benefits, iMitchel Declares. SWS (AT AND D()(i BICKERINGS'1 ENDED Churchill Opposition to Board of I ( Otltrol Regarded as Stumbling Block. Mayor Mitehel Ii hopeful of the new .ont in the Board of Education accomplishing much 111 the direction of the control of It? ??' the city government, ut l< ?!*.?, through a better spirit of cooperation. That bai beei I "..?nt in the May or'a contention m rr.-Hr.l To Wal edu il of Thom? as V fot i re Ident of tha board olearod the wav. ?r hn? ton .intently uvp-od, mo?t recently in his tostimonv before the Breen Leg! laUve Committee, that the Hoard of Eatima! hare of the flnam ? of the Board off- ng the sal - rs and employe?, a? In Mr. ("hurehill had ?? iroualy oppeeed such a suggestion. ition la no**? a state "i-'.r's suggeation could brought about withoul an amendi I the eonstttntion. H" a plea for ?uch legislation 'o th?? Brown Committee. Ihr summary ?! ? I -? ? ?.f *ho Hrnwn C-OBBB It I ' "t Include any reeommendatii ni With tha ' a nn'-nbers of the Hoard of } !'j Mh*7 ?? ich can be ' ? ' ' -agil v -.lia* he thought he accormp'. -' <?.', - *h tha new ' in regard tti ?he policies he ha? the M?>' r ?Kid: Bra tr? legl?lativr ro?-irlotions ? ' ? 'a., . ? 1 now j be done thai re Pebllc to ?'onlrol School?. Tl s Mayor mad? it clear that the eome undt-r Of th? R pecia ? ?' bad 11 voice in the : . member of -f-ar? . ? ?non?! ? Inter? I Bia .? s : ? 1 leaner was appointed by my predeci eeause , .. ad by ; a? Commissioner of Aceounta. Hot:, intlc men, and have relu m the I oard. "I ?< far their If *ou ha ? 1 ? . ' Bvesl " of 1 n have n major con if men and ? ? "Von mu me un ? - . - e In the n ?al nor or? ' r ? ? ?, but the f-enorai public Interest.*1 I h?. Ma', or elei I ?' ?oma . g overthrow of Mr ?hn r Mr. ChUI ?o resign ?? tl 1 Maj 'preaa Bnd tl had 1 ? ? cause he had I ? Mi-nmlerafan-ling 0?*er It?.aril. aaked if It we? ' "ia prei dent hud broken after proml Maj r*i ingges ?ion for s "Whhi did harpon," ??? wad er 1 ation ' * Mi ? ? did not fli thai ii? would -'..pport S gavi.- I on *hat he t 1 le a smallor board. At ' ? that a smallei ? r.y hefor- the ft-owr, ? ? 1 M1 . hurchlll op. ? th i r aaid he eo I enura ? of playing , ? la so at me, a s incld? ? thai ? regard 1 . 'Ve want to got som nd not eoni going itioi 1 exa 1 for 1 dat?t, o... m ,...., said ha had ? such pi? dga in writing. '?I talked with my appoint'""' sDou Mr. Willen and it vrss my aa*larstsn-l Ing ?hat ?hey ?FOUld vote for him. Ml ?favor, "it ? did ?ata for aim, didn't theyT** , Uta Mayor ama a?Ved wha? poiney he i apected would be followed, gsa? erallv, hy the board ?Well,*' he replied, "I ?aa I tx\ ? ' .. .. |t|? ? Sf irtificlsl dnflel?? ' by tha new adaalalatrstloa, and made with a rlaw of directing ? againal the Be ird of E timata " DENIES CAT FURS SPREAD ANTHRAX I Health Commissioner Says lads Do Not Support Theory of Dr. Rogers. Waarlng cheap fur? doc not spread i the dlsfBie known hi aathras, : Health Commlasloner Emersoi I ha theory '.en', broadcaat bj ?in- report ( , Dr. Graham Rogers, of the . tat? Labor i Deportment, Is untru !n??ces?arv alarm, Dr. Emerson ?ay?. Dr. Rogi ' ? report of fourteen Sfltl rax In >'??-*/ Tort i incorrect, according to Dr, Emet : of Indu -ti. ,l Hygiene of the Hi sll : Departn tit, ??- - i ireful recoi ?! 'of all ea ?es, lin? foui 1 hat , rut fui i len with unthiax gern "If cal fui ? roui M area ? ... it i ' ?i filiarle that the rate from anthrai among those employed si Barren Island in preparing the large conaig t cat fur ia ? ? greater than the total num? ber ol illeged to bai a been disco tie reprc entatives of the State Labor Depai i Dr E mereon. "The i fnrrv ?? cat ?kins before they are ready to weai al rat . B "r'n ?;.. : ? ras in? fectioi for ? mental pur ?? s matter i ( fact, ar-?oi .- i I at m i eat fui no c?sea have ped.M Here nre the Health Department's re a< na of the nine ? sntl raa In thi? city last yean Lawyer malt , .ty-one? can 1 dymaker I frmai? I ment welghei i latom Hou i ri two ai hoeraaker, fifty; tion ? so ca? ? ? Plays and Players of the Film World - ?ad dav?, the saddest of 1 th? year. In fait, for th? doorkeeper at Theatre, for h? near!) , mind yo-i r is prince, then nre giooin-. SI r ?S*h1 Bl d - young . ? Strand. *:?M doorkeeper, , the 1 ties of shak nial doctor ?vi.? out whereupon mg aatd ear ia things in a -.? tongue, only to be Inten a-.1 along at - . logical 'lejapn a convei ? . ? ? ?? ilted ' Prii i Erik of Denmark passing the door? keeper. Pamoaa ' ...? for aext ? Little Pepii Lost Hlm Harel Dawn, In "The rcl in "Audrey," Marci. _ - ' kott has b? se Rimad ? pictur? "Th" Lord? of H:r*h Dee I ? ? -i Un?* ; ?.er??',. I rederleh Warde, in "Huns Ma- - filmed bv I hanhoiiser, will be ?h I the public on February 18 1 Bl is about to release "The Fool's ? made famous by Booth and aith Maud Gilbert *? d William il I ooker In the le ? M-'ro announces "Th? * -. ' ?rith Hamilton Revelle and Herbara lennant. in the principal par". The f.rat showing In thla eitf of the ? Im version of "The, Ne'er-Do will be given to-morrow forenoon at indler Theatre, P.ex Hearh, who ?rn-.- the novel, will act a? cha to the trade, for w-".^ tha al ? wing ia gives. _ Jame? ''ooley has ropla I Cumminga In tha Ivan p* "The Immortal Flame." ? Palrbanks's nest rtle ,nr ? il be that of an ? detective and rnment from eoi it, or some thinir. ten 8* osing more or lei n-and, I g into n of Marl William B, Hart, playing ta ? rs? !n "Hell's Hing: i?. aaaay s i r. - - r^-.r s blessed, leed, for in thai befogg trejjoera can ? Lady Win dermere's Fan," ? - AMERICAS ?INGRESTAlRA?Yr 1 -?' of all -Orlar! ,t,|- f . .1 . ?CabeataMe heult ? \n.| thrn ? Mu?lr --Ham lot ? Vnt?rialnment. ... tnt to break the weai a ' < . a .-? .. ?? - . BRO'-DWAY AT 48TH STREET Hart Schaffner & Marx Winter Overcoats Reduced to $25, $19.50, $13 DLENTY of mid weather roming! The last day or two * only goes tt) show whal Februar) and March can do when they get going. Generally, it is not until the mercurj goes up thai overcoats Co down. Hut Imtc? Right in tlir middle of Winter, with the mercury cubing down into tin* bulb overcoat prices h?-i\?? tumbled. It's ii great chancel Rich, nlk-lined overcoats regularly solrl at |45, $40, $35, ?$32.50 and 930 including some of the finest imported Fabrics $25 $35, $30, ?$28 and ?$25 overcoats considered ^ big vnlue ?it their prices. Most of jsl fj Si) them silk lined. Also our heavy greatcoats jLy* and ulsterettes mighty snug these chi\s $25, -$22.150, ?$20 f-nr, ?IS overcoats an*-. ?Tlsterettes even* one worth mor^ than their regular price $15 Verb. Sap. Next Winter ovr,vo?its like Wxcso will 1m- very scarce, ?ind very, ?very iii^li Wallach Bros. BroadwaT. corner 2**lri 7hlr?i \r, corner 1'J'J.l Open RroHdway, below Ctambera IM MS u--? litrth B IT Im 3 < y- **/ MATINEE DAILY. , , $1.00 f%A as, '?V HIP-HIP HOORAY Igf Sousa'sBand Btaaad bi H H. ?. ? NEXT WEEK ? ' ! ?' - - . "?< i p r> o o r o m r ? BUNO?V * DILLINGHAM STARS m m ninaNTic nrHrrir bill ?" - ?, - - 4 ..?.hy I I N*D. -?r Dir. ?: m t. H Bl ".s-HiK SEAT HALE TO MORROW, 8 A. M. -k 9i> AU, vt?r 90 ?j af,?*! eSCJ Steal I> a ' ? . , -?t 1 ?gab? ?.nur ?i rllARI.ES ?' k, ? -a , ? .< . ? -. . ? ? M \. : It'R DEA? un m ai; mi im ; ? HT-STIIV. ?Ar. soi n pro: "^ AMAK4 I.ANN? nti . MAI.I.IA , ? v ?.M I? IOSKPH ?g PAR? HIP ' k, H ... *S ? "4 * rna ban r ?s i i "t? ?',. ..- .ta rani N ' METROPOLITAN MSutI Ta-nlaht a I Manci Leaeait. v . ? . --4 , , Tt-ur?. Mat. ?? 1 fi Wa!?.uer.. ,..-!. Braun. 1 - Bod relia?, a ? H?ar..| u ,,..-.. ?. f | -t Q( ?. 4, ?I . I , . Frl. ?'. ? Rlgal'tla ? r-arlal; x'arxtao. I 6?t. al ' Prlnc? l|or A la !'??: A ?Dato. H fav . ' . a 0 ? 'an u l.olde, Gutirl, B . , Ne?t Me? a II 1 ? . - ? ? ?.. - -a I. 1 ? ? Wad. a'. ? Il Lud? . H AH? WAN . BILTMORE I RIDAI MliliMM, Ml ?-K Ml II" I I IHM M"l(l . I a-.. 1 I, Ml 11 ALDA PADEREWSKI SPALDING Fia? ?-.> Il M in 131.11 N'en 1? i-i -- '. R E IOHN?m?. SYMPHONY t? n t New York I? \MRflM II t nn.ln. ter, HQFM?NN -. - 4' Bel - - ?- ?-. I', 1 ni,.,?,. Hall 1 ne? in . geb. IV ?t * Frieda Hempel < m 'ir,.,?.i t Bu? ? ? .v t at Wolf ?' 3?'h st., a? ?u'mi.ik n\ii. Sas, \rt . i?, i !th ? Bill - M I ?. I M \ ELMAN B CI ITS TkM ta, La Argentina Hoel ?t y n t New 1 nrli ?" \l III. I> \?in?l?.l II ? Il I \fl . I ? ' I ? liad .? \'l la ?? .10?. F. P ?????? ho 1 m c? . r?.iMtee r-,-? ?~ ? ?P?l?? s BBgATCST nasri? ? 1 ? ... ?. , ?"*?'? ?' ? 1 ' - - ' .. - A > M ni I W Mill I III?. \l | | ii\?i?in ?1 | I? Mill II N M ll(\|?l PARLOW HUTCHESON " ioK m 11 ill, 1 11e. \fi , 1 eh 1-, ,1 YOLANDA MERO M- ?V lOllK? I ?.\I.IM, rHKATKE*? \m> -i ' ? --"? EMPIRE -'? ? ??-...? NEW AMSTERDAM u i ? I ?? '.-??? UATiatl " ?' ? i. Maude Adams -a,;?vr;??? elsie fergusm LYCEUM ? - -.??*" / MARGARET SCHILD] ETHEL BARRYMORE : " arnsmi^ ^^vesaa* ?OUB MRS. MrCHtSNlY' Lll WJ J IB U '?(t'<?_4*l] SANDERSON BP'SN CAWTHOHN ,.? ... IIM BCB SYBIL # GAIETY ?tf* COHAN'S :-.:?: ' f MRS. rISKE ' OTIS SKINNER I "Cock o' the Walk1' X Lrstwltih* Susan BELASCO V ' CRITERION THE bOOMERANG rvTB1 MATIN? t HI <T TLi-?aO?Y A. Y'?i?t. Lai . - .* _ _.'- **! republic : " ' ?: : A a .. lAMCS K. LLEN HaCKETT ? ?'?S ? s ,---.' ? *?' i CANDLER . .->-?*?< - ? M?r> R,*n t_ ?"?<-,' ? A ? ?. BSi FULTON ' r" 4? ?? i '* THE COHAN REVUE:. ?ROSE' STAHI V?rvd H^DSON -.?-, r-r-a?-? ?MOONLIOHr MARY'' ,_,. J. M XT TUESDAY *. : - n> '?"KUf.Vi*. The Cinderella Mai THE MELODY OF YOUTH c ? ? ? ? BraatjM ryaas rt TIMTF ortet ? b ?f ?-?. ? (? ? rV., -.,. .n,.'.,', , ? in-BT.r? V.*ll:T.i;i'A./:Vli,l-l:l arm 4i. Bf r?? ? i< ? - HARI GLOBE .: ;? ' ! ; /" ? . GABY D E S L Y S ,a Vtsr?nf?* ii?.| i > l i: \ n-K\ , I iimiIii. tor. T.-m xa T"Lir? I E?" 8 15 A Halt FH A?.. I-M JULIA CULP "PATHETIQUE" ? aiisf.i.if: BAI r. r ???? it Ban Baa booth ,.? j, a ? ?',.-?? I ' I THE FEAR MARKET 48TH .ST. - ? ? . JUST A WOMAN ALONE AT LAST M?XINE ELLIOTTS .'. ?? ROBERT ?MILLIARD V ? ??" n .i i THE UNCHASTEN?b WOMAN PRINCES ; ? i' i" LAB MATINI II ? I VERY GOOD EDDIE ? ? CI ?.?AN UTH SI A-t .' I? ,-r rrar?taii KATINKA PLAYHOUSE MATISl t ro-OAi Bl GRACE GEORGE MAJOR BARBARA ti i s i t B V M... -9? ?III add THE EARTH ?. <er ??? ,' l*J? te '"""? B HOBSON'S CHOICE LYRIC * ' POTASH & PERLMUTTER IN SOCIETY C0RT Prince?! "AMY H8DSE I a, , ? '. ' STANDARD - ... ? . t i:??. , mphoB.' ?** v ?ait **"' la??**?* ii ar RUSSIAN_ UNA CAVALIERI and | ?J LUCIEN MURAT?RE S -"'-'-?, ... ? . x .--.?? ? ' Palace * ., je (m?-nui. Punch & Judy ?? -.i?" TREASURE bLA>_-. GARDEN THE WEAVERS Loew's American Roof BATTLE C*M IRVING Pi- THEATRE \.''*'' Cm? ?'?*' -.?? aata ?? :.'-?**.?-*-? . * ? a?? . -. *a?nn**a~ Strand