Newspaper Page Text
tha i HAeulty o\er the . ii anticipate*!. In , \ probahli them, none 1 ? mere than I p| irentl] soi nslsl merely of all ? ,'r, char ?> of a in* ag even the "> . whlah in ? - Geraaati ta Ea ? ?.rf.aif,? 01 aaaal l>e\elormer.-. .am? rapldlv to '?> House ?r. I the time eel t to dii loti n- a'v :e '?ved \\ ' lent. liern?torff See? I analng. i ',-r- tl ? afternoon Conn? von H the day had , -t. w-ri? calls Sacra two remained doa ? - more ( .' :'t the In, -? '. v all n ? to aubmi .. ested Ce ? bel'e' b? iate ? ;? ical ' Vcauee ' had ? ? The ( f . ? , ta 1 situa In G - ? ? German g . * ?i m.f. : ' h v\ h a.? ? it a s sfactoi i, ? : ot humili?t! f the '*tv- ' i ? H? repi legal 'a - - . ?, a? it declared m tl ? Il Many Officials l)iasatl?fi? d nderstood ?? eonea ? - i - of ?viral ??^"ks ago, whic ,1 I: i? b? ainta ? ,? I u?ltania victima wei ng of Intel . . ?d. howev? '. ? 1 'uat to It -, memorar. : H ana or to postpone th ahead . ? r delay, ?-1 Adi lea thi .?Ically ? ? many* ? . ? i 'hing' ru Colo ' il' ?e ; Il t* ;..= i e: ,.n :; te: .-.i hora . iiouae *er?? told Ifl plalr - thai ' : . F to face . matten le coup]. | with ti.? urge y her subi!. , ' ' OUld be fa - .. ? . ? ?n an ? tl em , ?? . ? ,. Ko mention Is made in ?"oor.t ? Bernstorff's -remora: tha ' ?nds that I -,.? . ? "taken the protection ? asaur? aneei Interpreted f ? ? k .r ' SUBWAY SLUICE HELD $1,025,45 FOR OUTSIDEI The Thompson Commit' Traces Flow of Inter borough's (iold. MORGAN'S $500,000 FEE FOR WAITir Dcl.ancey Nicoll Paid for P. Inquiry Thai Hadn't Reach*? tin* i ompan) .??r.n Committee <? i.-i! m ? ? rdaj of the the h* .??e the coffers o* rough and Ita outlets favored officials, outa ara, at? ? . ;.i M aetua ' ? ->-. and I the |. ??? ?. of ... ?..' K Thumps d nirman of the comrv ? ? ml lei ' .'ions y. a paid to out?! I u ter bi rough. Ra ia-c - ?el to the commit! fact! : Tha- . T. P Shop ... . |2,000,0 to pay ot? "certain eommitmenta a: ligatl it | rarded R bard R. Rogers, if counaal ta I Interbarough. bj th? of dire? ira, because tera in and about contra? t? for rr> ictloi of new aobwaya without employment of OUtalda ?"u ?? l list 'i- Interhoroagh bas a lari Fga] -i.'T of ita own. eof-ing fro ') a >cir ?ret soir ????on from : gb officia regardii . ? pancy. light Sought .m Morcan l'aiment. The Inveetlgal n to the employ ment of out?...e counael followad an to the records of th Interborough to throw light or. th I i 'he ?>n<licste heade |an ?i Co. for its read! ne*?s to ?tand by foi three yest? ? fumlsl - te finance the In terboi . i ' ? ? ? * nti-aata for th? dual subway ?ystem were made. H. ? Fis er, seen '?ry of the I-'er boiough. when reenlle* to the ^a:;; admitt? t tha I ' waa pah which l b i > -- e?. i be for? . ?i subway contracta vare e:gneil agreemei the Interborough and tha Mor ft?- etiti \f? April, 1>'?- from J P Morgan Shonta atip?jate ; thai ''? ' Bgreenenl was to be "de? pendent on th* legality and eonal tional ' f tha d tal ? aatraet being confirmed by the courts." It wa? foon after this that the A ir,:ral Rea I I y's Bait to teat i f the contracta wa? ?tart S also by Morgan ? Xjt IX.I ' ' " thdrawn for purposes dat" asked Mi. ' Fisher. BI -a le with the Ii t.-i boron? nds ?*. ? sold a? near tnn- : total issue of bone.? a? ? 10,000. Bond Proceeds on Uepo?lt Interborough bond? pay f> per ?t i of tha bonds are ? onlv 2?*a rer 6? cr. the ac \ tabla i repared bj ; SOP. e IB, WBS ng th* i,.,! ? sale ,, v puted to be thla at 2H SALON PAl?>TWfi.S From Recent Paris Salons A Sale p?-iintings in this collection were choten In -t three Salon ahibitiona I he ?i/.'i and aubjexts dr?' varied; Bttitable for libanes, living ti'i'ins, wide h.ilN and cluh.B. B are ?Attractively 1 ittl?rc?beginning at $30 \". Hile- ?vr chooee paintings with the eye of an artist, they ?re subject to the rules governing nil merchandise in the store. I heae paintings must go to make room ; ur? hases. Showing the nantie of Subject* Artiit Were Now hurchl ' ret autumn. Cartier M S 0.00 $300.00 Handera . .Ilkan Lcrsji I3S.00 75.00 .Frrder'a I eve 175.00 80.00 ?.Mme. Olivier 4SO 10 250.00 .Riviere US oo ?oo.oo leiS . . |] I.?J 150.00 Ci ion.on . .I 150.00 rdi I 300.00 150 00 Max Kali io 200.00 ?00 00 ihlh Gi * N ? ? '?? .Io h ?i Wan a ma ker Broadway, at Ninth, New York. FRANZ BOPP. GERMAN CONSUL GENERAL AT SAN ?FRANCISCO. ?BIB ? -.i <???? -.'..?..... .? - .^... With thirty-one othr-r persona, li<- haa been indicted by :i Federal I jury for violations of American neutra I.NTr.RBOROrc.H HAS PAID $1,025,454 IN FEES T! i Thompeon committer h,t? shown thai ihe Interhor oiif-h paid: T. TV Shont?. bonua $150.0(10.00 Hi I nue? Ni'dll'" lirni. fee? ISMMJ1 J P, Morgan ? Oo and associ?tes ..00,000.00 M I lowns, fee? ...000.00 ?a/lnthrep x Kim ?on, fees ' ...',00.00 R. K. Roger?, bonu* SO,000.00 E. K.J. Gayaor, bonaa F. I.. Stetson, bonu? .??O.rxiO.tKi Ha??. Herehfield 9. Wolf, faaa njsMM Guggenheim. I nter m>er & Marshall. fe,-? tMlfi.71 F. M. f'rout. lee? 17..',00.00 M. J. OUrien, fee >,Ht.N Mal ?': These itemi were revealed by .in examination of fi f f -*?-** 11 voucheri fo4ia>d in the Inter? borough'? files. 1!,eie arc more than 100,000 vouchers yet to hr examined. i i-r eenl for thre? years, Mr. Daw.on n d, wa?- $1,9 ?'-'. 107 - I he nami i more law firms were dug a rboi'-'* voucher?, ?? se na? . ? a? of Nici Lindsay & Fuller. It pi oved far er? i fared the richest. owed a pas ? I i ' 17? g ,. ?.. ,,:, ., .. . ?,. rn V 1910, to Aj : 1912 . ? . ?i i b ??' I ecu I 'egal ig suits ? i from the M non ?y. - - revealed a pav ? fiMiv-'n - for tl ? -? an i tha end-id ?? -?; ? I per rar 'e<l .lune 1, 1 tha "rm wa? sar'a aenrlc?* ? ;' ;: In this Is anea a found I? . irt ai . ? i on the F/atioi . t,> tha legislative comm t ? ted there? ? ?tor Thompei ? "that i ."'hy wa? ?? ? ' . rough I -ration of ? Bei are not " , ? L old tiie han Is . f JF0UI o*'i cer? and .oothe the r fear? hi 1er aril " lUgge ted Mr Colby to the Wit? no*? A' thi? po-.nt James L Quar'r;?>nt \i?h, ? nlnry is pif 000 a year, ? - -? ? i :"r.,m thi Inter? borough, wa? asked aboul ' ?? leg..l atari employed by tl [nl Hi ? i he could not ?:vh tha exact Iig ure*. but tha et i? froi ; .?. Winthrop ."4 Stlmson i.rt 1 .. Tha ? ? ' ' ? . the pa; - ? I to tl firm ol Winthr p '. .*-* r len, la wfc efe Henry I. Bl j artner. This fee was si r : : ,* i s dead of ttnal . . paner? m c- i m : the fid sal? i by tha ? firm. The last road er I rini reveal? f $j ' if.bcau L Towns foi ?, >h Towns's I ll wa i mod? "In full for ],r, fei ' II ii ? ?. - ? - th at i Mi : rne'i I ? a a? i ice? ol other a . V - t Ls wa? ' he wai ? ? li 'erDor- ' ough's dual subway ?>??? U. S. INDICTS GERMAN CONSUL ( itntlniieil fmm ptaee I the consul?'.* b*J BsiSfl Wilhelm von Bi Inch ? ? ap ?? bridge or a tun? nel of the ? ?'?adlnn Pacific Rsilrosd Von Brinehen m recently . :.? ! i. ? <? d ;.,, ;,. u'.t:. ( rov le; Bad Mr.? < arnell, i Twenty Indietments were found by .i;,. k-i?- ! ,i. the Bacramento eaaa aloni ? li believi . ' eneral Hall The ter! nical vlolstioni alleged ?r--. !. ?? Irina, "f falae c?cnHir ce papers In connection with the stennier ?.. i* ?a ?-?????el. arsa - port to supply Ortnan warshif'?* Bl ?? n ; onaul General Hopp i? declared by Federal InvMtlgstora the bead <>f the entire conspira? *o earn tha arar to . : 'u hempei ine - ? ply uf * < tr? >m the Hi '? i.".;.- i il '.i lie.vo ud und the . -, ? ? row live egsn? te i ..rr> eut 'ho the 1 u itrongi r than in tha re?ut Hamburg Unerican ? ?? I ? aw '. ar**, ... w?.?m ''.ret; ?-? *~e iine'a offlclali were con? vkted. ;'rll. gonna! ??(?? ,t here for ?i e North German I imahip Company, recently was connected With ise, i bunted l?verai week! before he surren? dered himaslf ? onaul General Hopp sxpressed aur priaa whei, informed of hla Indictment "I , ? ng nf thi- matter, and um naturally very much sur* i i mus* - i, iL.pp declared "Noth I i realli lurprissa me very much, i i am ejuits .?i 'he dain and must await the aswa ? i an thi grand . a ? ? " Prince Hatzfeldl Loses State Depariment Pavor i*rr.m T ? '1 ? 1' vTaahlngton? Feb. ? ' ?a llutr Peldt-Trachi rg 'the avor at 'he ? * is of his let? ter, found ::. th. ron Tupen corre? sponde:, r?, referring ?? ? - not had time to - ?ate Dopan ' que? ? . '* ra ls be nc com i ?i ed. Paion Zwledlnek, the auatrian charge d'AfT i - nmembeied ? i n ithor i f n letter ivjvii "purchase tl enable Austrian reeervlstl '? got homo, bul h ? case 1r held up pending ? f-eitlemeri? of the s : 1?r-iar'ni? Isa IB ?nth Bl.Bl ' ; ?? same Is true 0?? il General von Nuber, who was verge of re?r ring h na 1 r.. it a broke out. Otl ? ? G< A ual r?an coi have bi thi ' ? ' - ' .'a Depart??? I '. the 1 rustico, and it la expec?. ' ? a HI be aaked. Aeci rdlng I from *.? a? don, ? i 'a let brought ' iali ? ? ? ' formel .... i. a. ? rnbsi ly at ? ? ? .. attention of the Department, bul Secretary Garrison si, d to-aay there I be an inv? gal ud that if ' . p'tared thHt MaJ ?.- Langhoraa had improper*** acted m tha bearer of a beHlgeranri communicaaioa the ma'ter would 1'9 made the subject of a court martial. Major Lani/hnrne war, trnniferred from Flerlln early in the war. While no one here knows just what ?\??s |a the letter he is alleged to have carr?ej, ofleiala apparently ure Inclined only to question t!is Dl , not the . of the majors action SATAN'S KINGDOM SHUT BY WEIGHT OF TRAVEL Bridge rinsed. Then Miniature Venice Ooes "Dry." [Bt MbbbbB. to Th? "BBsaai 1 H lated, Conn., Feb. I -Are you ? iwsrd Batan j Kingdom? If ? ? . m?kln??' b ovar the Faisalagtoa R ver .vr.? , to traffic by tha state to-day. The, 'r ? lilt In II >.. worn ? mllei ea?t of Winatsd, In 'ne lawn of *-,'?? h. *. tord. Winsted. ? ?>? * . Feb. I. Otis, s to-i-n ? ? ' ?va -- north of V ;-?*.ed. a iture V ?-, the dry eolumn yeaterdaj ... one? te i Bving been wet for hi i vi II yea, I i Pha **eta BBV? <\rr .. . a g!i for go, ?ng town of .-"and!-?held, the sear? I heen?sd town. iSWINDLERS? NO, I REAL ESTATERS Made a Company Up <>" Fast ?Side to Buy Jersey Farm. STIMUS PARK NAMFD FON A GREAT MAN Cheat the Poor? \ nnlishness, Says Mrs. (ila/er Hut Letter Starts inquiry. "By cloaks and salta, y'oBderstand, I bualneaa i? aaachoolah, rotteo, woner than VOreol " Uraj halrod Mrs Oua il? Glaaor, of 109 Ka?t Hoaatoa Btn Mat ? once did ?he loo? up from the fi ???a? ironing. She had hern told of ths inveetigatlon, ?tartfd at tha requeet of Je??? I .-?trau?, by the Dlatrli I al tornea ? ?? terday, The Boat kjlde araa being swindled by a baad which la ?ming the name of the ?ate '??ran? to eiplolt an "industrial col? ony" in New .lersoy. 'he was told ?'Foolishness." she ?aid; "all foolleh noas. Ain't i on,? of them thinga what you cull '"iii' ?ac Incorpora? tors? By cloak? and suite. >' stand, buaiaoaa ????? bad, band aa) i- w? ah? i I bi eome i ? itora Be ?? a bought a loi I ths Btraui I'ark ? olony, which New Jersey." In answer to the charge thai the y si ? bei ^ ? , trial < ampany" Mrs Gls ? her iron an ik- up tui ned se ifs ail tha fau t of M the announced, returning from the i*?*> burner In a corner of tha kitchei "Man lelatein did I One day a lot of uM triai da all gets tog< tl ar, ai ?ay to each ether, we aay, 'Lat'a have ?' farm In Neu J?I " 'Stire,' ?uy? my huaband, ahould he live forever "'For why not?* ?a;" Mandeletein. I 'Only I BDOttld '"?f." - Job 'her" ' Made I p a ? ?mipaii). We all laughed, bocouaa we that ave? i a oh wa ; couldr't ? n-, Handelst? no money, Philip Welt, ??? ? ? i foi tl - | ind, lays h? So we i in. ? '??? irge Waahingl i soma man Bald ? 'it's too long,' ?aid another man. ?It'll co?t too much to ? i tell you what,' layi Wall colony will be all for Jews anlj Uidor Btraui iat got di ?tid is a vary gieut man. 1-et'a no him honor and ea ' raua Purk.' ?? *FineI ' said ait I aaband ?Ola -reaeeaent, CH' ? Mandalati Mrs. (llur.r can : waiai ai ?'? srms Of s ir.a l'a shirt. Sh ? laverai buns, on the farm near WoodU? llngton County, aboul ?? ifew York. A ? ra ? lie. erected, aa well an a re th? ' eta, moat of them i loa i opera? ra, wou I w? ? ? ??Th.- ' in l< ' ?? airs. Olaaer. "He ?ays ho wonts to be eoreie a<.r.'r<- fffld .?if and that w? t ? "?Ara 3 mi ihugah, eraaj '." I to him. '*A'e a-.'- got enough ? ;d more bungalows, and j a ?alary Beatdee, there ain't no atreets yet.' " 'Don't give me no pleci from your , -? ! me. 'You can't pare Trouble Threatened. Immediately, ?a.d Mra. i<.iter M*?n ?I? Ut? : thr '..'i ned I atari : ?muted that the anoi ter tha' th? * id r? ; mi<ht ha' i ? | '. -?trau Pal -. I Her faith Ii ? ? of t?io colony waa ?o ?,- - ? ? theie In '.-.? o moni t i |? a t Mr?. 01 axei ? state ? I to Jesse ? sent the snotjmous 1 , , ? . ... ??I understood fro ?? l r-, ?,,... ssserl | famil) ?a- b si i Jes a. . , the lettei bad b eireulara ari pai aira of tha dor Strau? - r in i li S '.'? loua it ter an d - el ? ? assistant D ? ? : the hope Mrs. tha' Mr. come down to tl I ma addreaa a1 la It at th ? 'a , y os e -"t. servea 1 . that the Bosalblll? of hi? , ? proaened the limit ol kfATOB MAT T.KT) STRIKE ??UaTgests I?re-,?maaer? und Knip' i unfcr with Coadllation Council May, r Mltehel yei th? reque?* of I. Gil of the Room Drees, ?'? Kimono Manufacturing \m that the matter? Involved m th? makers' ?tnke be submitted to .. partial tribunal appointed by the Mayoi Tha Mavot aggesta that Vr. ? i-rg and other Q te rested par? c<, fer with the eoui ' ?? siliatioi !.. adtid by Dr Pel t Adl? at, i latad last ce'?fully avert? l threat? aniung the cica'?- i r siso ? rot. ?? i jamin I invrer, -? t of th? In-, n ? La Mel' Garment Workers' Uni - I repi antatlv? The Mayor ?uggested thai -f the workers b? mbmitted to City Chamherlaia Bruere, ? ehalr? man of the c . DETROIT BANKER SLAIN Mvalery in Marder of Rlcl Man Found I>>ing BaCalad I ounter ?? was mystei ? :? afternoon. it a - .. ? ying I the count rhe banker d ? ? I bullet had | ? ? A re? car'.r: l| - j - tn the safe. Ther* was 'o evidence of robbery L?k cn?n tail Lamf MtnJ;, Wtdn?,J..r. and Satwr?af I Letters From America h v RUPERT PR O O K p: 'lii'?? \ -light!.' first impreasii n, ? rre writ"-n to an English a few yean the y i ing English --<>?-t nJu iliril in ?he war just ai the P'/.vr s:i?l bas?t*/ of liis work .?.? :? everywhere becoming irr'-??. r;i."-d The letter, de?cn!>e New V ,'K, B ?'in, Ni-tgsrs Palls, 'he R.H asea, etc., etc. With th-m i, i paper witten ?*) the first i.'-ws of tii- (-reit War readied him. $1 ;*J nat CIIAHI KS SCRIBNEK'? .SONS } ffth Avenue_New York j AERIAL SENTRIES TO LINK AMERICAS Conference at Santiago, Chili, Seeks to Form Aero Federation. To further the transformation of the Monroe D<Mtrina >n*o a l'an American I Ine by .rcrcasing and uniting the sfei feel I tlea of the Americas, ?i conference is to be held in Suntlago, the parp?se of forming the !.. rut.on of the Western Hemisphere. Albert iSsntoa Dumont ha? alrsady 1er a month in this city to n inference. He ?rill ho soon ?joined there by Cortlsndl I' Bishop, vloo leiat of the Aero Cljb of Amer.*? r ? ? i lent of the Federation nst rheee two, who have beer nominated president and secretary pet eral of tha ! . opoi ?? ? fedei il on, ? ai s selected as . egal IS to the conference. 1 he project wns established by l ii resolved from the Aero < lub, ' i h I, earls in thii month. It was ted bj ?'?? tero Club of America. me of th.j articles of 'he proposed ition are: t'nd? ma "aeronautic Federa itsrn Hemisphere is es ?t*l liahed B D in of 'ho clubs and fo ? trol aeronaut;?;? m their live COUntriea In all the sta'"s of ? u - itlnent ? .ub will'e .? aa, who shall b?j designated ? ortivo, scientific, jur?dico!. m!li iiuy and commercial, respectively. >'o'i"? ? be assigned to saeh coun B to the total number of It? : pilot*., this number de termlned on I'c-embei SI oi' the year a BSt Pot ?anetlons, rulot cer':!icate? and ? fi r competitions the federation, sd'.pt the r>:l."* and regulation* of the Pederatioi A?ronautique Inter ,a!e . Ihe the constitution 1? ?o provide f"-'*- eorai loto e. Bperatias be thi is of 1 'misphere, ...._ the .---i ...'.. be tha formation of Hermanen? eo??nlHaae? romn-ised of the ig experta of eaon eosatry, A si trophy has already been ? : asa first step toward rreatin ; ? In '.he pliiii. .John Barr.*'. d rector of the Fnn Aniericun Union, said of the plan: "The But must thread route? through rill bind the portion-. of America with such Intimate am! ibi i that < ire will be no possible riibruption of the nations included in America." i ?*"? sta*"d that "bv in possible to evolve pen I i serstton . ? b of the Mon? roe D As Boon as rharo are ? . i Ami ? i i the , tng no < : ? " %WMit?mq$:1ttr. V/ gfavsaa ?m asa jf xiHxjKoraux.^ ?va 9 m ?lia ?a osinq ??rices on^ un? __l r*V .'?""ABYrv'Aa.'i I v'"'$45l) ^fUT n? FtxriATo ' "$350 MOLE. .SAL I ' - . ?' {124, .LEOPARD, CMIAIIX '? SEAI. v;;., fi?!** (2j<i?V 'BEAtmFU SHVEP P ?. Il ''? $475 VWUKAL Rl.LT. FOX W/.j S325 ?rjv,/?- rAUPE dt CROSS FOX ? $17$ AW OF FOX ft SKUNK - ) $125 sjtf/j!- U.'.i'ANf?. BEAVER A " J53 ^^^ 1 i'.a. (Li. ?3EAR aiKOUNSI $75 BEAVER. RAI I ????.'. M..,, ? $43 ^y7?? represen/a fivr.v ofj/u&. establishment, nowxn tyat? ma/ufta bersonal Ox6ser\ v ??/tQselecluujsynode^r embody ?/?y <?v?f riew teat t( res forJpruia "?' ' ? . AJU ' - . l.i.l COLLIERY EXPLOSION KILLS SEVEN MEN Water in Plymouth. Penn.. Mine Hampers Resetting Party. I Wilkea-Barro, Pean., Fab. *-- A gr.? axploalon killed aovan tue!-, la the N t ,. eolll? ry i I I Wilkes-Hnrra? i oal Company a* outh lata te d ig. W \ orK ? ? ICI B. I .ADMIRAL LITTLE SWINDLED Sailor? Accused of Getting MafM) b| Check Fraud. Rear Admiral Wll I ' S v retli I), ? led tl ? !,jh*. of a man who said j Charle? St?rmt, ? ? a a former u Tlfl U'l-at charge pr?tai . .. | peaied i,- th? ion..- of Adl _.,?; Waal un i y . sailor. II? told the admira ?va Ri bort < , Dobblna itl .?hin lying i" Bo iton Na wa? out , The n .Mr.. iaj Sturrut t i ?h n a Boston ba t foi I I asserted tnat A>,. , u. .i?' eral da) - i:'-*.' :? the fon '. ? Graham I l i'l\eil, alnete? i on th - ? ? ing. ?a? ar ? ioncert with 81 in Rev Dr. Rolden Declines Call The Pkflv. Dr. John Stuart lined a call to tl ' I reet and Ma liao ? ?me. sage real Dr. Hoi i m, . . mer it St. Bai Cl '?' ? I inch ? ' ? ? ? ' JACOB H. SCHIFF HELD AS FIRE LAv; VIOLATOS Ra?ker A Nefkcfjaa ' ? ???? i - - ' ?i H Patl, ?? ? . e. i I ? laaaaai FAMILY ROW COSTS | Broke. - ? Mnit Pi i-r-ln-I.s***. Mrs. J i a-ril i h ver.; ? to be chr r. KAY, 07, X] Barllagtoa, v? J - Clrhna E hv e??. . Burl \ The Bankers Trust Company is assisting American Forei Wherever American merchants sell or bir i tphercs there must be banking facilil facilities, am; . ?renient and sah:, ?ver? world bv the Bankers Trust Company through its ; - ?-'??fore the war brought about the prese an I reig n traiic. These facilities ? the rapidly changing phases < ( trad?. i ?tl department is alwj;*?? - tion to fui importers anJ exporters in connection with their complica! roblems. LET U9 HELP YOr SOrVF. Yd: '. :\r, PROBLEMS. Bankers Trust Company ? Wall Street i' RF.kSOURv F.S OVER : : .:/ 3fe??&^ .. 'J?*?-:- h -??*?*a? ?** _"/ . . 'MmtU^W^^^'" *Y |le?B ?ef.Sei'* ' " *'~ ? l'a' '*?^i4 ^*'^W4r,i' ?' fu-7^**-***-'?ft if^'li 3 r^ _< [-?*?? ?..../**,>:?? -?y,' lifHJ tf Hudtan Rtur an.t Jtri,w Shert Jrem Tofl.ur fh.-< ?.?il', ;:is-MH .? i ???? ? : :,.i;.?i.,.,....:..? _."_L.