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SUFFRAGISTS WIN PROMISE OF BILL vlNiiy Committees Agree , Id on Witl.i iitietidmeni n um. Weeks. anjUEN ELATED n OVER OUTLOOK u?4laa and lk.igtt.oiio. v.. it Huir -Measure w Be Passed ? ? ? I a - ' ? ? *? vack, Nri John Eimmerman Mil ?nna Mrs i"1 il) Petlucl Ml?? a. Ml . . hllll. Ifai Hoop? .. M \l?i Riggs II '' ? . . ' \ w lia m < | Willcox, Mia J< Daley. M Borg M 1 ? iwaon. Mi i . d Mrs Edward Ogai MOROSINI HEIRESS SUES TO ANNUL MARRIAGI Never I egall) Wedded to Ex IVIioeman. She Sa\s i ? ?. ?, *.>,-,- .. ' - v ce her a? tempts t.. annul her marriage wil ? man, hega . ,i m I'latei I |y a ?-;. * f.'i ai I In i I ' and the evi denci ' ? h ' eai d el th , ' , f her .".?*.!i>*\?. Spoonei A ? ot . .' I . i II? ?. A' - ? roucV to ' ake ' h V, i rrer. 0 tl ut her niai i ; wife ?? (obtained i . "or i ? ? , v ? ? nr th? NO CONTESTS MAR PRIMARIES' PEACE Leaders and ?i Fevi Friends Mee, and 1 led State i ?inven? tion Delegates. i ?? | . - . ; v ? ? , t 1 rec? ?H of V c i ? ? - Is in g . ; ? . " ere ere were n? i . ? ed affair *? Kop'.iij ? ? i ? ? K ? ? ' ? ' ' ? TIERNEY ROBBERY ONE OF SEVEN Burglars Jaunt from House lo Mouse in Visit to Bronx. ALL CALLERS ENTER BY SECOND STORY Y Y. U. Professor Sates Dean from I OSS, but On It Home Is I 0-oted. : ? evening, ?.. - o . on. ? a cluster of bberii I mpli ihf d I. a\ ing no . ? ? ? ? Following Ihe home i ? ? -1 i ? i. ?...r*ni i the police the linivci ? ? ? hi ? . i. ' .? I Andrew ! I bad of 2211 Ai A- "? inj? ? . ? ? He Blue of $i \ I ' und. I'M-.. - ? .? ? i ? a fell I . : ?.I bj .,--.,? ; ? . r ?1 ?tulrev h ? ibbi d of $500 ? lory man ?1 ? - ?rthibali 1 Bi A i ? .i- **.?.' 'i ??? I ' i. \ i" -?* ; I I a vii ad air? ? was C? I deal if th '? ? I'he Is of tin - '.? "rV< ? ? of the X. Y. U. < he was i ? ? : \ I ? ? I I.i ?? ? I ' ' r ? ? ? ? ? ??-, 5 Unnecessary Attachments 77iaf Coat You Money and Hurt Your Service MANY of our subscribers have been approached by persons who wish to sell devices to be at? tached to our telephone instru? ment. It is usually claimed for these at? tachments that thev will improve the transmission, eliminate noise, supplant the telephone directory and in other ways add to the convenience or efficiency of the service. All of these attachments are unnec? essary. Many of ?hem Ret the lines and in s'ruments into ?rouble, cause a deterioration in the transmisi?n and leasen the convrnierue of using your telephone. They cost you money ana only degrade your service. The telephone instrument provided and mantained by this company is ?he result of nearly forty years of careful scientific experi? mentation. It is designed ?o produce the best results possible and it will give the highest quality of service If used just as it stands. la the inter??!? erf food ?er-eirej Tou ?re '?qudated to make ne attarknt-?**,t of mr kind ta yorar telephone. W? are pre? pared to furniaH ?taadard apparatu? la take ca/e ?. an** ?ousual conditieoa. NEW YORK TELEPHONE CO. f *& MISS FARRAR WED BUT AVOIDS OBEY BecomesMrSaLou Tolleren at Homelike Ceremony ?Publicity Barred. BRIDE'S FATHER ATTENDS AI OOT tdincs from H?Ospital Couple Keep Honeymoon Plans He hind ( losed Doors. \ i or the Cro* i i 'uns? n ' ? i ? ? i i ?ip H i* i r .d! Alas for thi i ! the liaron?. of the Ali ' ? ? h Bru! th.' 11 ? ' if Directors who ha?.e ? ' Ain ' 'or thf se bravea! noten n into her car! liera errai i ed In i.? i "*? n l ?" ??. al 18 Wei e. much adored . l.iiirin, \> i . -> A ih a small ?. . ?? ?? ratei i cir the implicati? a two i ? ? e fa : ne ? Mr-, I,nu Tellegen. Ve ?. . , . the asms 1 ?} ? lakei '-?? ? . id i" ? Lou iiiaiij* | ted notes i I > and ?' War ; our Lou 1 It v . ? and hoi ? run of a i their ? ? ? ?iir. ? r ? !.. have the cen prrfoi in an ... i opl in? ' ? Hi Park Bu' ? .ill fi l up c ; \ ? ? papei ? ? mid pho ogra] . t , ' ' ? ? ting ? ' ? ? ? ? of tt .? ? ' ' 1 '? - ? ? i i. ? Iped to ii ? R ". : ?? ml y bet ? ? M r He ? ? ? ? ' . . , ' ?? ?? ,'Hp!:.. ?o, 1 ? ' . . ? I cat ? i . ? I ? ? . . em ? ? ? ? GOLD TEETH STOLEN, STRANGER QUITS CITY Bears Loss of Roll and Watch, but S400 Molars. Never! nail H. Johni? **??r.'t Rrehtly ear . when a pickpocket anproprUted i pi ?. an I. ? vieil te "(oik thii -\e, k He didn't even n ji h "f h grudge af?ain*-t ?he c;tv ? ?.?:?? ra i*ei lifted hi i.'..! -'ii.! ."l h ..s die? ? . ? ? Bu? 44 oe to 1 wh i moutl ?nd re ? . !. . i n ge of John* - ?I les ' this was described ? . agi ? Johi ? ? Brad ,'. rverythins ol m AEOLIAN HALL ? ? | / ??? - i ?imwiii;.'? with Distinct! *?" Not only in loca? tion is Aeolian Hall distinctive, but also in character, in faultless service, in the atmosphere of quality, of refine? ment, so salutary to the business concern or professional man catering to the high? est class trad<?. ELLEN & JEFFERY ?" I "Off Duty" its Holwor thy Hall's mile-a-minute (and sometimes faster) love story with Bermuda at one end, Chicago at the other, and Sey? mour, Helen and her father all the way between. Look for this sprightly ro? mance in this week's Colli O ? cnpf lets TBS NAT I OK*.*. WFIlLf TEIPER JURYMEN REPORT TO-DAY Buffalo Prosecutor Mopes for Indictment in Auto Tragedy. Buffalo, Feb. I. all leip? ease ei Idei e? si the irand lui ? I hi -,?- rill probablj nnike a ip.-cia! ?rpoit on the cas? .Justice Louis W . Mai ? . . that their elienl will The ca?e then avili bo adjourned f? i i B ach or ten daj ? rha District \ irai -, - . ,: .??? pre : ? ral of II (irurr | spplirat >.? for ' reipcr, .Mr. I ? , ? ? lus? ? i com? i to mai affair ? ... h. i - ? up the law, and Mr. Let"* ? d the proce? . ? SEEKS TO ?03.CE SING SING TRIALS Counsel \\.un-? Action un Indict monts Pending Igainsl Convicts. , ? . the I ' n charges of ?v ?II bi \ . aivJT Karl He i p| - ? ? ** ?]r,<ry' ? ..... ? ? ta s ? ? 'Bibei ? ? ?p. In the cases of si paroi? ?tl . ?? ? . - r?ld Im oppe t. ,, .- . ? chara;? rheth? t Attoi would press the ? tr al in" Westchester County Researcl Iik,rfiiU. in a sunre) of the ir.nn,in-einent Sine Sing ? led > ? aten ? that the percentage ibi cas? In the pneon has diminished eaacl :ii proportion with the incn ??i :?? mu? laprot en enl ai eondll I the ?i-i.v ii ? ? WANDERING SUITCASE LEADS TO TWO ARRESTS Bag Reco^ni/ed. but Not Owner. So Policeman fakes Action. va hen Uerper Sandberg gol off the train at I ? nsyh ania ! itia he ?? .1- ! " look f..i h room Be ralked up Broad? ... mtil .pied Patrolman l ?? W ? i ii .eel "Stranger?" asked Dynan "Kr'itii Homei teadi Pe in.," Sandberg. "Where can I And ;. | ! rani ? goo ? .; rest, be? I'm goin}? *.i srork to-morrow n.'irn Dynan informe,! Sandberg, who is a rm' engineer, thai he murht And seven a West Port) .seventh Street I thai the stranger \ ? ; ? - teas? \ n ;?? ? lat? ? i1'. tnol man rntica tease he had a* .- ? ' he gol t, but I .e mar. ? lust th? ? case. ? ? . ited ' ? di iver of ?" Ninth a lock? do ? ? I |ai ? eei \ tlon. He sa i Ca? la gai <? blaa I it . ? ? ? e NEWCOMB BACK IN FOLD lormer Senator and K\Moo?e Ke eleiled bv Ilepubliran < lui). ah 1. Ne- ' ? State h Progrei ? Republican l ? . ... f th? -.e re? ?a il : I reelection I arprove of Mr. ! rue. H . . b a liber . ? . ? ;..,.., d? urn to the :old. Beginning today, an important sale of | Saks Overcoats for Men Reduced to $15 Former Prices $25, $23, $20 & $17.50 / tntall cherge will lir mmlf fur eltrretiont) First and foremost, you will notice that the higher figures head the list of former pries. That is Urans, they arc in the majority. They are nol a mere sprinkling for l?.?iks. Thcv dominate the assortments as a whole. Next, \<>u do n?>t want t?. overlook thai, m view of the pr?s? < nt unprecedented rise m the price of woolens, duplicates of these over? coats, which can be I ** ? 11 *_r lit- at such substantial reductions today, "ill next season cost more than thcv ever have cos? in your lifetime, or in ours. Hn! wc will cross that bridge when we ?come t<? it. The point now is this: In this sale you can save on former prices and on future prices, and you won't go wrong on the style, because they are mostly con? servative models, in staple fabrics, whose popularity is perennial. _ LEGISLATORS SEE BILLY BAT DEVIL All Jersey's Law-Makers Turn Out for Meeting In Trenton Tabernacle. : ? ? to and B re ? g cerei ' . pressing bu Ii . of I ? -, Count to the r? ' ? . - ? . ' ? : '?.....' I I ? ' . . ? ? : ' . I ? ' ' " He expia i . s the sole | kn| am from \Sood ro'.v \*> "I am Int? earn o? the ob? servai '????? Jene** Day at Mr . sbi . gratulal ? ople of Trenton upon the v nrk ? -n.i sign CO . n everj i. Ibla way. P to M ,; u VVOODROW '?'. Billy the h ... drean Rogei trated I . . ? ? rig the Ru v. inder si| ? rorldi ? olutr bus A ..- . ? ng stoni Whei I ?ollapaed in the ? ? . togetl :? | end Invited Legislature to co . ?it is NOT t. ?- tting ha aa? surad th< , and I -?me JUDGE STOPS CASE TO HOLD A BENEFIT Starts Collection, and Jury and Plaintiff's lawyer Chip In. was a ? for? - - cd a ? \ . ? - ? to ?he i 9 he loa I The a lick ? Putt ?i- seen i to i - . : ? ? || an or... POCkl : te a the court ? ? ? I not b ????? vi... proceed witu the trial ' VEILED TRACK TRAGEDY *-t)arf? Palace ? ar Sicht ? I lead WiirWmiin. \ ? rtv of * omen from tl a ">?? ea1 1..-. ?? r..,.m A*-' ? ? . - ? ?venu ? - ' -ad bee ec t th at - t up. It was a huma ? . ?? < "ain, wa a 1 in ohsrire of the part women .*re*.v ira . aid of a pay eh? % fo i id on the bo i i . A. Hugh? . ? n_ i')UT was con ? WIFE SAYS SHE GOT SIN0WANDTHE1* Declares Husband Offered Hei (60 '?'0!/ t.. Quit Him. but bhe Re i used. i ? a Jury 1? ? . ye? ? ? - ? . jr., >-. las ? ? Mr- thirl ? ' 1 . trill' ? . ' ' ? . ? ' ? r lom a? a tab ? V, Mrs. .Scott te't'.fied, her !.. itru? * her ' living there b. weeks. Mr-1. Scott d-.a-'aired thai her that he made | ? : ' mt of moi i I . - ? lump sum, | .. ?? eek fur Ufa ... | . . and never let him see her . araa not FIVE YANKEE BROTHERS FIGHTING FOR FRANCE Youngest of M i I wards (jets Lieu? tenant's Commission. Pire brot of Dr. Douglas A. II ? . 135th Sti ? ? : roungest, S1 .- ? I it? ? train foi .'. ? . ' ? ? . id.' " SAYS HUSKY BOYS NEED BEEF DIE! Priest Answers Doherty': Criticism of Menu at .Mount Loretto. ?a ta? title of ' ' i ; i . . .. i . a ' the Si - . : ! ?.. la one I corr.. | laineii Mr. Doherl . alt" ? corned bcc: . ? ? ,? ? ? teli pbaae ? - "Bui e ; Mi Ft .? r . ? ? - ' ' ? ? al worker? -, ? ,,-, -rood tai ? ?? a ..... treme!) light, eonais? r ; e mi.I There msy have been ?, ll erl l| Mount 1 .-.Mr ., there. I reari '?'??:?? ? ' ! . W ' i K Tl - ' ? the . ' the k brea I ', ? .' ige, ii il - tea a bread l il made < reporter a _ OUST CAPITOL HELLO' CLERK Neel? Declarea RepaMicaaa Ware Laaraiag Daaaaeratlc *?*?? ret?. ?, - ? Capil ? ' ' ' g reported I Mr' g other coi ? ? m pea eral j W. & J. SLOANE DINING ROOM FURNITURE ORIENTAL RUGS FIFTH AVENUE AND 47TH STREET