Newspaper Page Text
?'?RTY,HE'S SORE ON BRITISH W'y Wouldn't He Be, ?ttin' Round :. Year? a p^'fler on Their Ships? brWHATLL THEM U.S. CONSULS DO? NOTHIN' Hadn't Bof* for IlMt ' ,ly" -, >d Ueutenaii, He'd Be No? roo. . ? n- *? tO . ; ? Jim. Mreet, .-.-rent ' ' I ? . I ? I - ? I . - , and if ? ,1 rd as I l begun , I uldn't I -- . . i ?.er the ? . -, SS : ve '. a signed . ,? - ? ? ? ?.'?;- ' ' Xrch ,-?. a- - By and . e ? ? We ? prize - ? ? American me of one, I. Held, a ??--? - from Hull ? ? ? . ? er 1 m ? ??a serai fraud fea ? a mind to ? gun to and 1 B 1 : - ? W i nu - ? Qd lleu "?" tha fo'c'atle .?*.!? beg ., . ? al - in and *? ?0,u'? ?"-' -i,en 1 ? \ i Ken ' leul n the Don't tall ? 'The - ? - ed,' I hi says ck of I lieutei ' - ? ??? on.? ?v. __ bound ft?*- ?n American port, as a? they found 1 wat? an American. refused me. even though ni\ iirl was a.toady algaved up, hseaUBO w a? afraid I wculd de?ert a- lOOn gol ho'ii.? So the) ?vas nothin' f.> hut r-hip on Bl ' h Britlah port*. "Once 1 loined the Krynianthu 1 va**poal for th? west rosal of S? em Africa. I ,*n a prstty hard but when 1 sean bow the Bl 'govYnent trstati? It? o? * rnti\e- t1 1 v a? touched The Belgium? n I was crueller in the Csngo il-.? > them native?., who was prisoners ? thcv gi\i then .ai? month? get tin1 drunk and '.hen thcv hn.. 1 out f*or hard labor to the Eai <*. ?? Paiiroad for niaspenes a ??? ""hoy UH? pool, ?tarvod, \ ?? Itl ii' bin' much on, wo' i i ? hot BUn or the pom in' re n h headed) with iklm > ai ? and leg* bei.: undrr the loads they had te CI hey a as a man behind th. m ' a rattan cane, and every time w ml il? ? '.<? best tl and every drswed blood 1 apohe up and ma. !?? .-;. but the Britisher? told m? p T wm onl) u damned Van I gel pul tu the same woi a ? look ..ut "I want to aay to the Congresi ai to the Preeid too, thai American sailors und cltli art *??'..*. d lik? gov'tnenl the G? Belgiums thai th< ? >f it,"* he said, sh *.:*g a ? ? t the Lusltai ?mei ritisi ?> I haven't .. ? ti ack to help me ? the] ' .1" nothin' l aigned under a foreign f ? ink? away your ?n ? r| -hip that's wot 1 wi.nt ? MOVE TO EXTEND AMERICJVNIZATIO National and Local Agencies i I ducatinp Immigrant Plan to Unite. A(-er-c1es, public and private, C? In tie work of Americsnizati Will soon be formed Into a nstioi ):? preaental of natloi i renciea at the third of t loriei eona given by Mra. Vi cent Ast mo j eaterday, i cided to go ahead with t! is wort. eeting was called in accor anee with the resolution pas-ed at t national conference on i' grati ;ation held ir. Philad? phta recently. The topic of the di wa? the dlaeuai ? ? agencies ai public schools which 8re conductii foi *'? education and * n of , ' d the best m el hi , I ng tl en mto ?a great nation tier, of the Rhoi isla: : . mmisi geste.l that the national nrpar.izatio In Itself fundamentally a clearing hou ?mei must rep- .??ei I state in th? country, a*ic. lid have the coop?r?t1, of th.? var - '.ths. Whei .. repr' F< r.tai- ? - . ben of eommen and en mental bodi? should assist in every way the nation! sanitation ? Pre* ' cal ikeri emphi I K* Witl and not for, the Immigrant The pointed out that son.e natlvea are s much in ne?-ii of Amer canizing as th immigration pu; uuntn g the ap. Jan Kobbins, who asserted thai t1 i bureaui ol a goo the an, o the Consumers' I ... ..It dera'i bureau fo . anta g 1 ? present were N mma ? Low, Herma Bernstein, Misa Helei V" nkler, l?r. J T. Magnes, Mrs Predei ck Schaff, Mr? Mar:. rk, l>r. U'.'.id?. liutchm son, I>r Albert Shiele. > ria , Wald Frai ? A Kellor, Sophii Iren. Loeb, '?'. ? ?- ' Borg, A it a m I Elkus Pi .-? I gg and Miss Mar: ira. WINE-COLORED COATS DESIGNED FOR MALES lavender Ye?*ts Also Shown at St. Louis Exhibit. Lenia, Peb H "-inc.? breasted two-butt? isck coal nth draper) ? [oi prinj eaigns at thi i ' M ion of Merchant I ailoi -' c? which lay. ire to have apels, ar d both - ? . double ? ? I - ' ? ? ?,*. ithOUt tight'.? \i extrema nude! in evening ? it with a la ? ' grei was also ilispi i- ? Patten - ol lai gre. n prom ' . ' ? k- or .? to be bo? coal _ Chauffeurs' Outfits ? Special AT $4.1.50 ' Oi en-oaf. Suit and Cup to Match t ? eat, r?1'1^' . d durable; the ? value In Mol i lothes for Cha A ? ?', - ; ? . ? ' ? h?ufte . ?.,.? ?ed whipcord of l ? ?< ? and i ai -tin outfit comr. ? $43.50, or, .?.?? lollows Dvercoal $25.00 $15.50 $2.00 , ? $2.150 $57.50, $75 00 ?'. ? lei proof? OS A A $125.0(? -$20 .i d $22 : |-*R().\I)\VAV AT 49th ST. f "^-'---??-?iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-iii.iim^ .lIHlliii? WHITMAN VICTIM OF SENATE SNUB I iname Committee Sends Budget Bill to Control 1er tor Revision. FRICTION REACHES THE DANGER POINT Senator Brown Suddenly (iocs Hunting and Confirmations Are Held Up. [froir a S'a!? r<--T?r?v *..-? -rf 11 ? Tft .?- ? . Albany, Feh S. Friction between Governor Whitman mid the Republican membera of the Senate reached the dHni/er point to-night, when I? became known that the member? of the Senate Finan?a CommittH? had deliberate.'. snubbed the Governor by ?ending 1 ils budget bill to the State Controller with Instructions te revis? the measure and put ?t In a form thai the* could un ?lerstand. Thi? committee, of which Senator Sage i* ihmrmnn. also lit it h? known that the Cforernor's appointmeata of Messrs. Whitney atnl Hervey to ft e Public Service Commiaaion mid bis ap pointmenta to the Industrial Commis? sion would be tho subjects of public hearing?, and that tlie quoetton of re? porting to the Seriate fur confirmation would no? be taken up unt'.; these ' SI Inp? had Keen ended. On top of these h.-ippening? can i tl a ? - to uiR-r.i thai Sonetea Elon '? Brown, major it) if-ader of the Senate, il a quail hunting trip with Senatoi M lia, tt the latter'? shootmc bos in Burlington, N. <".. and -??ould not return before Wednesday Ordinarily Senator Brown's vacatioi would nol have excited much comment, but, com ing lit a tim? ?ter. the Legislatur? believed to be getting down to leni hard work, there whs much speculation a? t. ? added interact felt when it was learned the? Si Hrov.i ? ,.? ii Wan: .-r, ti i minor? j ity lend"!, juB? before he ?eft. that it I ? be i ec? ??ary for him to be on hand next week, ** nothing i fme bei ore I ' e l.egi? ature. Rumora "t ran? < mm? It, When news of the mojoi hunting expedition go? oui il soon be came (ro?sippd aboul thai some! re thai mere hunting ol B Senate Mills's I | box. h wai aaid that hr ???? only 01 Repu - w h,. the par'.;, Senator : irted, wou irtj ' '?'? ngl , and - ? ai Bai liagton would ' ? ' ? l ? ivei nor and thi ? ft wi ipered ... oming on of! I be d ? I, a them ' . iarj?'! !'?. m, .-. ig Senator Brown . ,i ol the "big four." I here ? rmation ol 1 althougl ion tha- I he at-1 ?enal or Hi ov i tim? Iced might loci The *?!ap which the Finance Co ???.. Governor b) tending his budget I the < ..... ? ailed thai m prr paring piogiamn ? Goven I . . ?:.? n D? put) rk i ? i ' ? l r? en ?? d Mr, Herv?; Public b idm I bill was ? roller's oil i< ' ? rita bi ? ? anted. Jui I 1- Inanee i on n ittee did n< I - nor, ??? ho . ? rei ? i Cue bill, to , ? these a? gregs I is nol , ? A.|| I ' ' '., ' . ' l ni. foi tl c single put po - m.j; ?ii,\ ernoi w hitman. I he bi not yet con ? from I and the mi the 1 mitte? tccuee Governor i?f Politico ? . Finance i , 11. op? nlj iCCUl , ? ? ? ? ? r W hitman uf u?ing his budget d '.;. ;. ersonal i t thai gives him the ] Hi .-hif* ap] .- i . gislal are ? " That pt o B| ,-, "would give the < r con trol o\ er every employe ? ? o stand foi it." ? ? I ? here :? ? ? i ? appointment . ? -.- So far ai arned. thii ? i< an '..i'.will mean? . e great? te go by without rea ' ;i ! , ' on March I. o ron ' ? pi es? ?- outlook there ftor 1 So tim? " ' ? i mee Committee f n or'a aopo That thi ppan i ? i, .-., ib? *"i .?? g? stor Ls ?- The latl : :p?on commitlee. tin chairman of which i? makinc den n ? ? ? appoint menta in wh . I nosl if his < olleague? ? co m m ? ? It li proba tha date.? - fixed whs icatioi season for leir * ttee George V ?,. i.f i uprei ? Court ?? Maj ' tchel's la* partnc DAVID ADMITS MAIL SWINDLE charge of Blackmailing Wealtaj Mea \K.. Will He laveetigated. tu ii i i'a'id yesterday admitted toi ' ? ? adera ad ? ?? .-???' the mail. I fraud il east one ol ? h< con fessed wa Ke hi autl ad -?? ? ? ., ? ;. ? - . David ed thi p ?? ecutoi K . an ' Vi an ? getting I men ol 1 g to white Slav? urns for | i m m u ? * I MI.1.1. DAZIE AM) HE? IIAI I ,ET SKATES. lilil?.-.'!- and tinj ??realsdi on which ib? appeared at private skntfng ?urty rfBcentij given by ?'?.rnfiiu-? Fellowea. H ith her is Arthur Held, <>f ihe Ice Palace, Berlin. / FAIRY BOMB TALE THWARTED POLIC 'Tuas a liuri'lar Hunt, Won Explains Again, and Thieves \\ er? w trned. Poliei ' uni ssioner Arthur Woi a ' lued I in .'egurd to the ? - > plot, r ?? -'?? teal ?i d bund . ? . n the Ii ? - i ,- . ? I a at few (?a; ? . . i) Police Heparfn-e . ... order to trj to cati uir.? burgla who, i .r Informatic eti ; 1 I ' - ? " ?' Bt ?-or ' ted that tl r attention t" the ? ? '.'nr. "For some rea i ? i ? ? ?or, of a bomb p| 'A | i many persoi g 1 re made ?ervo ?i o ri '?'? hen i tale a as <i nied al Poliei Headquarter ? ? it? ? Poliei Depar ? ? - ? pi .- ? ? purpo . ., ? . ? o .?? ? i hi re wi ? 'When th ii ii d?ni? I ' ? ? ? n di i .. ii bu die ? ?' ! ..-? ? ' - ' ..? dinar) . -i. apprehend '?? . ? th. burglai ? " ; ? . ,. -, "n b ? . and dangerou pract ? ? ? , Bl n th: cor.n? ? ' thwarted ? ? Bl) " TRAINS MENACED BY MUD SLIDES A.alanchcs in Cascade Monti tains Follow Sturm 200 \re Marooned. Sea" , Feb. I Ai aver 1 d hers to da] i ? ? '? ?ii? ahl? to hcv : ' ... - \ . mud ? . ? ? . ? . " ? ? ., aid t ? \- ked th? Milwaukee I Bl Pa i ??,.?'.. - on the intaina, but ti are r . i Northern 1 . - hopeful of ? : - - e kille ghl as 1 : '?'?.. ? ? ,. ' ' . . . ? ... .. : I'OI . ? . . ' .. ? - ? Ro lenl H i*-far!. Sea Nor? Kei ? Ohio, and "A oodi li disi - '.. - bllCaSns. CALLS R. R. LOBBY NATION'S BIGGEST Representative Ninon Condemns Methods of Fighting Postal Payments ( hanges. Washington, Feb I The charpethat to "I ? ?i - h g *o prevent th.. I the -pace for 'he W4'igi ? syatem in the i a, ?.? ? . man Moon of the Posl eaent ing dice a roprlal bil U? ?' 'ne I 14 11 ? - .. . ? .? rail - Mr. Moon told the House I . the right ill Toada now nie !? ,? " ? 0 carrying i I that "??!..',"?x> would I ?? owed then bj Ii-. pn ?pace plai The; no1 only an In ??? ? ?? ;?.?.!. d, but ??? ?. ??ii si tei by a*. \nierl l this > ?? ? ? House of Repre? ? ? ? .? although concuired *n -, nee ? '..n. there n such a props . .. . in.'*-..a :-. bave . arried on .<?? ire T hen has t.een a falsii ? tion of every fa." that ii materii !l." Pock Island Notes Extended. j 7,500,000 ? per eei I I a f tl ' Rock 1 and ?^ Pi lie Railway ? i th* a* ? B -? t be ? ? ? 1' i ? ? " r. ,* ? . i?? , ,?? the i ..'? . ? ? PERFECT ROOKIE GIVES POLICE TIPS J. A. Cronin, Two Weeks in Training School, a Marvel of Wisdom. MIS COP MUST HAVE BRIDGE WHIST MINI) Remember Everything," His Motto When Not Chasing Crooks He'd Advise Young. There i? one rookie in the Police Training School whom the proud fac? ulty woiilij elect to Phi Ue'a Kappa out of hand if that learned society took cognisance of police scholarship. i! John A. Cronin, and he ha? been m the school only two weeke, yet when a paper of hia waa corrected ' was found that In an ex amination calling ?"[ a statement of good cop? on post should ',ii-<-rve he made 100 per cent. In . . . that, in the opinion of hitfh officers, he stated hin answers in such a way that they are the model ''.?r thi ' ? : feet po ..?'?man According t" Cronin, a live police? man should note the way shopkeeper.? arrange their ?forks, so that any dis? arrangement by thievea would be ap? parent; and, in the sume outlook for thieves, the position of safes, cash '??rs aid all o'her such equipment should be kept in a policeman's, mind, ?o that h?- can note any i ispicioui Here, in hia ??'?'ords, are a ;"*>?*' places a policeman should watch: "Liquor stori -, because they are gen erally the headquartera x.i thieves, ind loafers, and a patrol ii can, by observing every one i?.i ing m and out, hi ? : ?? . ? e luire.,ii with valua? ble Information if occasion require! "Junluhops, because they will ac ? ' . ? ' .'-'?:.! ? . ? -hough thej '?an see from 'hi- condition of 'he that the- itolon. The*, ara i ol k. owed to b .;? 11 on minora, servants and apprentices, but tliev ? ,,r, boj ? anil i oung men. "Second-hand deaieri rhess nU.-es nr?. " ? sai ? category a? junkahopa, ??.??, the exception that they do nol rui'tii!. I' :? a ell to ob of tins kind, so as to note peo tel with bundles, r ,<se of a per ffei ale a bundle of clothing more value than he himaelf eould hon alYoi 1 ??! v car. "Pool parlors. A? ' ? ?? - - are breed ng placea foi young criminal-, Il i- well to observe who ireq lent ? and nol. the Itnoa n ci iminal - are issociating ?rith. It migiit be po? and warn some young boy- to avoid the company they have , i- be "Disguised pel - As il ag the lav. 'or a perSOB to ?pneiir on a . .. ? .? .ous r would politely ?xu% ?huwn tha' ?rere on their wat to a querade and goit,?: in the right d ? : rould excuee mjlelf. Hut if explanation ?????i? irregular I would proper po I? ?> action. "Parsons carrying bundle?. A' a" stolen property mus- be removed after a ii;" e, it is well t beei srriei one A? nigh? 1 ? ?. ? ] i--?"??? K ?. ? s'i-r?. If tha ? con k'in. "The v..'? of people on your their ??? at ind placea < bua ? A i : '.'dren playing <n fi'.?* M ?r, n? tha appi - inseen dni., ? "??Id. Infirm and lick peoj ? n ? ??> he i eady 'o give them . re.I ??M ? ??. t nigh I I, carrying a baby, for fear ? And. Anally, after other a-ivre 01 ' how - - ? ? ? a atete of o!;?s. ??i Ibsen i- t ii.' ' cea 11 . i. ?ors of ? . nprn place? AN'S ability to shorten the minutes between milestones marks the progress of civilization. WESTERN UNION Day Letters and Night Letters eliminate the mile9 and put extra hours in every business day. Fall particular* at any Wtttarn Union Offict. THE WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH CO. I ty Per MONTH ON PLEDGE y? OF PERSONAL PROPERTY PROVIbENT LOAN bOCH-.iV OF M.W VORK ?i t'.n in Uf. Avci.uc. cor. 25th Street. Ige St, cor. Rivingto-i St. . th V, . h-t ?8th |ten Av., COt 1241 COr. Clinton St ?. :2?M , bet Lei s k 3d Airs. Mill? NX. (.ourtlaudt Av., cor. 148th St. IIIl.HIKl \ !? t ? Livinyiton St ,?4 cor. I'.-revuiic St. Pitkin Av.. cur. Kockawa) Av. HARGI ? UN 1. IAN REPAID WITHIN ! WO W\ ? KS FROM DATb. r ? h of hijsine?? in the morning an.I alaos In the aveniitf 7?i*"i. if torn, fa-' you are n.'t acejuaiati I -rith opens u* one morning ar.'l act? y or a ?.?range face r? aoen working around ii tide nf'er h.rirs, eipOCil ' tlier are two o' them, an.l that ;ir.' both strange, you have reasonable r to be BUspielooi ai i tak? ? rape! police ar.ion." DECLARES BRYAN PUBLIC NUISANCE Clark Howell Adds That Nebras kan Can't Prevent Wilson's Renom ?nation. ? ? Loi Fob - ""?'? 11 lam J Bryan Brill I Th ' Demoei i I orse afTiiir. a Bryan aill not be in the ru la a public nuisance II? ?? ' ' r up all the trouble he can be now an.i the June convention in St Lou:?. However. Mr. llryan's In? ?- will not prevent the renomlna tion of Wilson." With these '.? < lar?. Rowall, ed '?'!?? \* ? tUtion" nn'l oldest member Ii ?' servlee of tii?- Democratic National .'ommittee, laed to .lav t.?of Mr. Bryan tak ins . '- pari In 'b* ratie Nati i itlon. M r. F'.r.'. - .1 gen hv other sn ;? sub-com ??.?? of the national committee ?ho were in St I viaa..- preliminary irra' .- the eon?entior I* is a] pa t that t ?? " i artll leave nothing, sn far ai lie < .-. what? ever plans Mr Bryan ma;, have for causing a disturban.-* at the conven? tion. "What la th? attitude of the South toward the Prealdent'i preparedneei prijgranima'"' Mr. Howell waa asked. "I he South la arith "I" Prealdent ab lolutely," the editor uns.vered. "I think every member of the fjeorgin lit'letration, both <longrvaomcn and Sen n'ors, will vote for the President's plan. Th.- Demoerata ol the >outh reai :r.> 'hat they have an able and worthy leader in Prei lent Wilson, and they arc g?ln?r to stand by him." Th.- ????..-. lid not any candidate for t?mporary chairman of tl:? convention, ta F Me ? ? ' ?? nal mal eommlttae, saving ?hiit ?he chairman aould be| ? ?/ here in April. GUARANTEED MORTGAGES I deserve your ?* CONFIDENCE - 2nd. Because NewYorkCity Real Estate he? been throif-h a pro? longed period of liquidation, and mor<g ge loans en present values are on a safer basis than ever belore. LAWYERS MORTGAGE CO. RICHARD M. HURO, Pretl-tent Capital,Surplus A Pr $9.000,000 MATT M GRATH WINS FIGHT TO BE SERGEANT Policeman Who Shot Man in His Home Restored to Rank. Pa'ro'.ma Mel - B? lete, who lea? August won ???:?? fight for reinstatement, iras reatered yaeterdey to th* rnr'-t of aerajea Ju?t',:e Ford. The |aat rr Bold that the aetion of Commlaaioner Woods in com? pelling Mr'ira'h -o work a? a patrol? man a*, the salary of that rank "no'r-iy inted to a r? tion In ranh artth? otit right or warrant of law." ?in Chrietmas Eva, ItlO, MeO shot a man arho i B hia home. He .va? tried and acquitted by a CommlssloBor Ci rl McGrath toob and loot A fi ter I ommls sioi sr Waldo rein atete I hi ? .. ng the Contr? t faaa to po*** McGr. -.. the meantime, McGrath, a , bout ray. took an examina* on foi prom and (jot on the sllg a list for ? He had iied BB appeal from the ver? dict i:-, the *b suit, bat ra mained in his posit ? Before a deci? sion denying ? ? ,. . il eras rendered, Wa'.do promoted McGrath I Bf sergeant Mci'rath, unable to ??' hi? salary, '. ?ft ?? a department aad f*"t a lob as a scia amen, Inder a law pa?-?ed last yar. Mc Grath'? i-?.se wi? n-openeri hv order ef Mayor Hitchol After the has . ('rath reinstated by Commissioner vVooda lea? '? guet I be l >i slonor aaaigned McGrath s man. MeGrath thea ?;. ..* I tha action before Justice Ford A pet rol i aa'i annual ?alary li 11,400 and a iei*geea.',< 11,760 ___}gat_ ..?TYLE L *-37i l'Arc- lietroftlittn Addmift: N EW YORK, 129 West 42nd St. BROOKLYN, u Flatbush Ave. NEWARK, Griffith Piano Co. 005 Broad Street Richer Tone and a Wonderful New Privilege IE Aeolian-Vocalion Isa new and improved phonograph. The ad? vantages it offers over the older types of phonographs are so important and pronounced as to make the Vocalion virtually a new musical instrument. Richer tone it has ? a tone which sounds the deep basses clearly, the trebles richly, singa the middle registers with all their distinctive beauty. And through the revolutionary tone 1 ontrol device ?the Gradu?la?theVo, a?* lion grants the priceless privilege of self < jcpression in music. This great, new phonograph enables you literally to ?iff with the voices of the world's great? vocalists; to play with tin* talent and skill of the most gifted musicians. ?tteAEOLIAN' VOCALION Prices arc from $35 to $2000 < onventional m<xkU, without Gr?uiuola, $35 to 575. With <?!aduola, $100 to $350. An mod'!.-, $375 to $2000. Catalog! on r?"?ju<*?*i. Moderair Monthly Payments The AEOLIAN COMPANY' " .. f tksPian Ltrtf '. M '.nu'.iitur Musical Instro ??. ? ?'- -. .