Newspaper Page Text
IRISH GET READY TO TOSS J. BULL Big National Anti-British Pow Wow lo Bo Held Here March 4 ami 5. FREEDOM AFTER WAR ERIN'S CHIEF DEMAND to Help Patriots Escape Militar) Servie? Will Iho Be hi v ' -,' and th" Doaoeaaa i ?Toraat.s and all of 1 ' ? i fum ? England have \ ? - March I ? loore, I ??'?-?' -' tat of II latlddy. and, lr SB sll narts ,,n", ? -, rice to ? n ire ' ? -.. a* Ire ' ? ? ? ? - and th? " .orne of 0 II on ? a ? ? -how ! ' ? ? ' k" "51!" British misi ? -.- Moore's circulai i.y-no;,::cement purpo?e? Of ? tin** .. . . ,?,;? ? n this, ? Wei ,?. of JacbsoB and ma) - Hnd could not la bei - ?? e T 1_?.? I the remnai I '? bei and from s< I . ? ? cap * ? ?erica America. ,ur ? th' longest ray? L r. MHos sst to a o? i . ? I t?mate ? aroBl I hoi pla. a , ? . rcular. ., ?.? tii lie- Alhe?.' it eei, "in ? acy In ' ? ? iragi l "i ' ' '?' . cabe , ' .. ha\e BI d cant. i il con? City oi fork.** ? ? fl ,.win': Dr . . ' . ! -, ... , ? |! \ ' ? ' ' ' ' ' ' ' "i 1'iiN S \1.KS TO-DAY, 2 P. M. A' ' ' Fifth Avt. Auction Rooms . ? t Unrestricted Public Sale COSTUMES JEWELRY WEAPONS And Other Artille? Worn b] MR.&LMRS. E.H.SQTHERN i h -, SHAKI SPEARIAN ? - ? " . $5,622,854 NET EARNED BY ELECTRIC BOAT CO. Subsidiary R.?ports $25,000,000 Unflaithed Basisess. alea aarnini B i? mpan. ? ?? ii ..*?. ? ma "war '. . .. . raven a - . - - - ' I ?!.'.' 1.1 .1.'in,N, leaving a aurplus ? j ??. 1 . ' ' OUthl . ? 'lira!? 1 by .: 1914, which war? ?-- 11.10 On ' ? Bobmarine Hont a |< I - | - ? i of mannt ing auhma- in. boat! Ul ? ,? ? ? 11,000, 111 to which for el g j ?,- u orhing on lai go ord? tne ? ompany. Th? will i ? ? I ? '<? ??"?? n un! i aftei ???ar. ? - ? e? a? if i? teem be r ? owed tota aaaeta anil Habilites current b--- I s cai .-? I .:?'?. amoun ? ' ihe ? >l to tl ?? a? nual * a reetor ? e Boat ? ' ? T. R. NOTE BOOMS AMERICA'S FUND f ml inn. .1 from pogl 1 am tiio ? mail boi " ??...'??. frurri ?n lie knOV ? .-te : "My Dear Little Miai Mmjorie. At - day v mother of Had tin ? i ' l con honor of a ill me api? id for la? i il - '??rierira will rid hope to read about ?.?mr ? . futui ul on, hut - name in print, ;rk." .^?vnn are frier. : I ? ' tril ' The . rown tu $' . i ?. I n p . .. I.IWll? ! ...... M l . . . . i A ?? ! I M?/j..r1? ? ! ? ? i .- . ? ?? - : l . ' ? ? "????j lUia'i ailllamt .- ? ?-?*?> .' 1 . '?M r 11- r, .? I? .-.?!? ', - ? in ?ul . '? I ' ... . . ? ........... 1 ' ? Pi THE WEATHER REPORT On?t IJeenrd and I'tirrtast for I.aal I ??eut? -four Hoar?. . - ? . ? i i ? , ?rrr,. i ? .????, i ? - .- ' ? ? . i ? , . : ? - I 1 ? r . ? ? - ? . ? ? r - - ne? ., ? . - , ii?-. . , ? ! 'A - - a ? , . , ! Wind, for Wadnnda? and Ttiurida?. N 41 era!? Ml ?? r ? ? ? tror?o??ti lor Spa.'lal Loal.ti?. ... - ? ? ... I ' ' .. . ... ;. I 4 ' . I " ?ai ? u?. It?. I .'???. ' F ? > ? ' LtKtl Oflil?! BiKuf.' ' *.?'..*. 1 a. ? . ' 4 ? . . !l !' ... . .. ? . ?> ' ? Ill , t. . J ? natamtam Headin,. ?? ' Lor?? fore-??' ?a?-daj AUTHOR HE SUED ASSAILS BISHOP Cunliffe-Owen Recites Al? leged Travels of Prince de Berghea. FILES AN ANSWER IN LIBEL ACTION Adheres to Statements in letter <>f Warning Sent to Penn s>lvania Prelate. l l inliffe-l 'wen. nil vritea Bi der I rarloui pen namea, yeat?it lay, 'hroiurn It, i * Steven?, filed hi? the Buproma Court to the Milt . ?' ' "art"! libe Rodolphe Francois Ghislain de l.orri ;? ! Bergl es St. V | ordei ? ? Lai das Bei Regionary Bishop of Scotland of tb? , | : Roman ' 'atl : W sat? rn Orthodoa i Chureh. 1 of the eleigyman ? a letter which Mr. Cunlltre Owen wrot.- to Biahop Philip M. Rh ? lander, of Peni srhieh 'he slander ? strongly agali ? | en; countenance srhal le the soi disan? 'Prince de Berghes.1 " Mr. Cunliffe-Owen reiterates in his be bad said and In justifica? tion (r:\x I the ?.?.?tor-, of the I which the piai-ititT claim? relationship m d tell Of 1 il alleged ?tendinn m the Rii.l ?...-ne of hi? personal set?. ml Ifa Owen al*? claim? privilege . -? ? ' ; ? "The plaintiff," cayg Mr. Cunliffe grot? i Bi England and ar? rived ' I ? \men can linar N'en York in 01 about the ? ei 1912. His passag? \ as tahai In the ateeraga *? n ey ? o .'hud -, a clergyman in England ? ; ? fl unpaid ? eh ha I ? in bj arioua pernon? | and other ii de!' i those who srd and l"dg In humble ? ' ?> arrival in tue I nited tod tha brought I the of the irland ? I clerg) ? ordei ited to the Am ean Church I!-- ... ? time asserted in ?ub -tm e? ? of a communie?! ? ed?n ? ? ? "M or? :- aft? ? I i ?>r ri il In the ? ' , . . ? a town . I , ? ? s ... . ".i?? i he | ' '' ? hold aritho i sdnosB foi in?a if his ' .Mi ? ays I (ie 1.andas Beighl I el ,ii Re? ?*??" then ? monasterj n V?*? I Pari N i , and ? , Hoi el, In ? the Episcoi -, h -oui I ? ? id nient-? about him, "wh ? I 1 |< -. ? - ?. ,..-. placea " ? rince I gaged occupai lona and hn i man] I 'He ol tue i Mr. I on liffe-< ' ... and under Lord i. ? e Roer Wai ' * ? tain a hi?. Tos? Bull Gave Him Kills. lal? ; I eb ? roaaed by a I I'.Vt'l - l ai m a' Bai jr's H ill, dl? uii> from in uries, One el 'he animal's ? ro igh hii fore ? ternoon, when the al la? ? FIRE RECORD a \\,- i i ?? - ? at Co. | - port a? : 1 ' Ith i Fllni - - a . allsbl. < a ? anatas : *: .. X . '. ? it. A ! ... -, :i SI a I ? I. ? ' . ? ? : . ? . ' ' i 1 ? ? . ? ?? I P; ?f ? . ' ' '? * . : ?. ? bui ARMY AND NAVY ORDERS; MOVEMENTS OF WARSHIPS ? '? -a* ' ? aa ?a. 1 ?" ?" ? Irtl ? ? iGi : ? . I ' v. a ' ' ' ' ' ' ? 'a ' ? ? ' ' - I ' ? ? ; .... ? ?a? I U. f a - I a : run ? ? t ? a * ?' ' It . |. . l' \K! |V ! ? Il a ? 1. ? .. 1 r? ?? I ? ? . -rtl . i laT-Kf Mil ) '.h!?'S . ??- ? c?-l ' I 1 ? ? .- - ? .. - : -, - . a a ? - , ? ? ? - ? ? ? ? -.- u ?v. fl ?... ? i . . I MYRU ? . a .-?--.. MOVI 'all. 1 * ? .' ? . 4 ,, ii M ' ill. -.?.lu D r ? ? i Dirat ?'<? : ???:?.,., : ? ? tu 1 ? !' I COPPER, AT 27 CENTS, MAKES HIGH RECO New Mav Delivery Price Topi One Cent on Odd lots. The prie? of copa? - Jumped y?*? ?luv to the ? ? " high record of "i C , ,. | for Mai delivery, while k.i,k the prei alitai laura qaeted lb? big prod?cela, a? h'ifh a? U a mm? reported BB add Iota for inun at?- shipment Owing to the e\ri1rd market in I ilun um ie nriie? line iieen bid BI record ievela, reflecting the sherl raetal abroad, sema produi ,in?e to gaetatleaa t land and France ontinue to heavily, hut a lar*, part of the coi being eurroatly ordered la for ?Ion til ,i,i,?umption. MID VALE" MERGER TERMS DUE TO-DA Corey Kxpected to Make CU Plans of Taking Over Cam hrla Company. \o official announcement wa? m yeaterdoj of the tei-m? an waten Mid-rale Steel and Ordnance I'ompi ?? to tabs over the l amhria Bl ? ompany. It was intimated that ?<i statement miarht be l??ued from ortires of Prealdant William K. I "17 day, A roper? ??III persisted that IT?.oOO.iioi' new ?took, which will pr ably he offered - Hidrate ?tockhold to rai?.. f in I fo pH\ for the i'amb ? ? i rata af |I1 a -hare. I lie offei a ! -i1".'. " par. 1 others "'ho will Bad Terina, it waa aai e? i ?? ? commission of "'a per ce the it ?'.'liions mentloi prominently in connection with the i derwriting were tl < Sationel City B? anil the i,um ant;. I ru?t Company. i lese to the Midvale compa ''.' apiniOB was expressed that the i tire new ?'<irk issue would be taken the shareholders. There was a further dlsplav of wei tie?? in Midvale on the curb mark I I,? ?tock declined to ("?^,, enmpar with a cleaing aaetattoa of about TO on Monday and n hiefh price of 7fl for 'hat day. An attempt was made establish a market tor the "nghtr the new stock about 15,000 eaangl r. . , .. ; ,ng was at 7V t ? ,. the Ion o'a aid the last qi ? 8. r gtoi , Fob k I he comhm tioi of tin Midrale Steel Hnd Ordnan ? ompany and the Cambria BtOOl Col real igated IS a m?ti of roui ? <>, poeaesai? ? ? . depart it th? t,?-o cot ? , . , ,. ,',-,,-; different Im . ; i- -' proves Be, i." action ? - expected. , - . ...i . ? i ted > ' amhinatii I scaaeanna Steel Coi I town Shoe? and I i! Company and the < amhria campan deocription of that propos? ? ;, rgi - 'omi ed them I h? tren .t a lo?- in day to anderatai stion hail ta ? i ? Into existai CARRANZA TROOPS. STARVING, REBE1 Refuse to Pursue Villa for Eigtl Cents a Day Bandits Sur? round C.hihualiu.i ? ? Maeiapft to t e lar ., - F.! Pea Feb. * Carranz ara m Chihuahua Cltj t* .- riant two pe.-io? in CaiTaUSO "*u: ? -nal ?o eii/ht rent? i An,encan money, are threatening roeol " to co in iuir*ui of Villa sud hi? bendita froth Chihuahua City to da say .-. n Chihuahua are inu lieei. hefor and ? andred foi , ? . get to tin- bot in I'hihuahu are leas I rong and are alowl Out of th< they i food and dot . ! each Me ? I can aoldi? ' .. ? I u ? th Villa bandits ai II around ? hua, to-daj ' ?if -rali ?a^. and I could ? ? lia with mor? ? ?'.. repoi te? . ... of Chihuehn i C . OB that point. T ml? nailer hard - ? iwii ,- i. cirelc aroum ? ? . Mel rh? aril .'.1 fi ora Maden '? . -. has declarei .: bordei ani told .' an El Paao d Soothe est? i ? 1 ? trail f inter? ention hi thi i i, ted Statea can be produced in n< v. aal ingtoi i eb, I Die United State? baa i ' '?ha foi the extradl ? on af Hippolito Vill Villa'. brother, to answer an ?ndietm? Texas, charging compliciti in rut-inn ' l'a'. I . I ?? eember in an hemp i ? eeal al ('am, , ..-I, American ter i.tory to attack Villa forces in Mexico V'?a na? been arreated la Heveae. CURB TO ARBITRATE STATE BOND DISPUTES Committee Named to Adjust Short and LOfjg Accounts. en'.;, -tivc repje" I I il holding recta In the af * i at cent bond? sold by 'he . on Janaary 2" met , terda the ct?ts? af Hei i Ich i I .s? ? plan ? settle th? I und long account? Dl e. le 'i? the bondi - ? lu ??? re re-.,.,; bl - 'i-.ional Hat.k -,, ?,-rlv ate ?nter? ' ? ? al was sie offered yea ? ? ? n the h oad ? 107H '?' meeting >?.?? : , ???? .. prie? ? twoefl tho?e who had gh? th? ind tho-c who sold ?h?rt. T;.e -i .?a? smpoweiod *o arbitrate all disputes that may arise. i ta of: t Ueoigs W (lodges, of Remiel Hodges ft ? che unan; Howsrd ?V He, I,.-, of Harris, r'orl.e? <t* ? o ; H i ester, Of X. W. Ha!?e,, 4 Co ; K ? ? ..rmaclc, af s 1 - ' ? Market A ? 1 re s 1 t h e 8 ta te 4s ma mum ol imum ot > ate pu re ha sen ine , .,, ? - "ii the .. Bonk Killed By His Own Wagon. '.'? M lam H,,?e, : fty-thi ? ? -? of ? Street, W? -? ' Heboken, ? Raekensa.;b I'lank nom. '. .... ay, so tool ? ? | beneath th. ??? I 27 "SLAYERS END OWN LIVES IN 19I? Seven Others of ( ity's 24<r Murderers Killed by Police. ARRESTS INCREASE, WOODS REPORTS Greater Activity Against Traffic Offenders and More Convie? tions for Crime in Year. I vi enty ?even of th? 24**> perpetra!or? ol" murder? In New York durin,; ItH saved ?h? ?fate thousands of dollar-? m trml expeaeea by committing ?u clde, according to n report imb.i tenlay by I'oiire Commlasioaor Ui.iiil. tu Ma>or Mltehel The ?tata ?us alBO *4fi;iri*ii the ?ruuhle of trying BOVOn other mui ilerem who wore ?. Hod by pollc? 'run in attempting to BBCafO. 1 h. | made lo? arrest? in tho L'4?*? homicide C*???, hat fifty-six ?liiyer* are still nt jjir-r?.. The report due? not .?ho?* the en tags of aonvietioni <>n the honu i*iii?? arre?la made. The in, ceHied a**tl ? ? - . ? ? aflc r?gulai i"r ; sobili. ?in m the number >.t - nrrl convie lone, Tho report shoa mi inereaae la the hrre-?. In rases. 1916 showing ?!;i,???.'??, u?. bj 28.1 ."I in It,] i faa total numb? i i I lelonies reported **m 4J,n:U, which ?how? that 18,40?1 felons escaped arrest. In th.* iHf.n.M miademeaaora com mitted, th? police arrested 10?V-2? of the offenders) H.tJDH children under six? teen yeara of age ran ?fowl of the law and were arrested for varloui offences, and ft0.t"7if eommlttod minor orTenct?.?, fur whlih they were taken to court on summons. I nfurtunute enough to be /?itnessej of varmu? crime?, III per? lons were detained by the police. High Ke?*ord of Conviction*. "Doling 1UI5 161.llM persoini were noun-ted, or 78.;?? per cent of those ? cn?e? w^r-* ' ' the Com missioner ?t?te,. "Thii is the high?-?' : of eonvicttons ever oh?hlt?ed by thi? d"par?n,er?? In l'..|t the DO! ? u.'. . I.M, in 1911 :' IBM .-' 87 and ... 1912 II I report ?!.ow? th<*re were :ii '? rei il ?ol ?'- m 1915 th.-m in the ing yeai il ? ; a- irei ; a I 1915, si acaii it 16? : 1911. But 'h* wieldera of I , I four more rie um? 'h?* 'u 1914, thut year only i .ni? ?*.?, it -J.l ?; 1 ?! 5. The .-??ra nf blackjacks and other hlunt in strunn" ? I 58 pel . an in ? ?... i,'.er laat \*-At ni ?, ?p..I '.' BOI -. .1.?' I Out of 1,912 p ' ' ' 1,912 were ar i.???.I. ami i'.H?J of the 8.482 simple; aasaalt elTenfiera fell Ii la tig hind? of; 1 Ii? police. The Commiaalonei dates ?ha? 11,02?! iirglarloa ? re reported, but ?he pa? I ce Hirenteii ..nly 8,117 effondere If. grand lareeaiei In 11,158 caeos reporter 4.851 pel loni were taken lato i aai o ' i brought the ar.. ?? tl ?? departmei araa ?hi?' t.. re tore j ? ...i,t"l 91 In itolen iir.ip.rty to ???rirns Careleoa person taved ?J-i '. : ' i ?". I. that much of los* property having baea found l'y tas] police ?.Id ?.??.en by Police. Persona ivere aided by ?ha iii-pnr* ment during the year h? falla I .?? ?lula Kan air If. I * 1?14 li.fur?! ii ? 4 I ' ? SSI ? II 1 rl.a.l , ? '.< IM? a Mil ? ' i- H 413 ? ritm I IM -i 181 ! Mia a' . , i i ? m.?? m.ifi i?m m 1 ... i.r-iHia:? it.l''-. ....... 'alallia.1 ? .-, .? . I. O ? I - a | . 11- a* .' liie missing peraona recortl ????: Ma'? I arn?'? 1 .', ? ? mlaalt, .1 i?Ov I I14 4 la? lied a i ?? .- - ? -.?-I I.IM ?* a_| I -.!* a ?I ???! a ???' .4 i2j 'The department record aa nhown in Commlasioner tVooda'i repart," In? or I- ' litad of ti i Del Bureau, ?aid laal night, "I believe Ii due to tii? exceden) work th?* aai? farmed r,i"'i ar,. doing, I ha proa? tern of branch dete tiv? l. .*-' au the acl ?!'., ..; 'he apeeial ?4-raada, particu? larly the Nareotte, fumbling. Safe and Loft, 'White Slave' an I Plakpatkot, aa ?. .t tri the high elu?a st.itf-t lilBi'i tained by the iti ipectoi-a, "Gangs have Ih'hii practically elimi natod, the sea?gninaj of detoctivoa to . th ?raten them having curtailed their activities rhere ha- been, also, ?. noticeable lack of batik tne. -enger and ? id.nary hoJd-UBB, i'.t'd alSB of burg A? the Jeereaaaa ara du..- in a great pur i" the inereaaed efflciPicy ut' the bi formed men and t h?- ea?pera? ?.mi between the plainclatboo ami uni? formed divisions.*1 POLICE DEPARTMENT. Tr??,f?r?. i ?. an [S s ta\ Utr'rlk .;,' ??? lITfl I p m t*V, l> t)? Il ?? ? ? 194th l T L.'?ia?. Util, la i.?i i :.) ?*?.= la't poM t? V Colera? ? , te Brlilf? J If *.?.,-?? 4;1 u? hrll,?. fr-.n bl :. I ? t., h mal l .f,i??i. *-/ .4 Halle, B I. Mulfti J 1 OTtr.r.o- Ml ... lu .'a- . . \v B Belle. I I ?-. ?r, g u nifin mi ? aa: r-,'?,, i? t m. '.. '.a ?'-?.. I? .1 <Vla-?-i-,. i i Rahlll. l| r H ' ?.I-.,?- T H *?)-.,!; (t R, S ? a |T I II I 1 4 I ! l ? ? . , 'a-. ? ? i .- f. P rtueml t *? l> Ma .1. i'.r?. Il-rr- ? .'? M.''! ?w Kliin.i?. Johr? ? ?Il H y Na,'.?r ..--a, *.,'?, i p II-,;,? 1 ...|?r Ptlrehll?! IV.!?.r' F'?:,,,n ! p iln?. J F him. t, J I .r. Bl ? i'-.i.i' r r i.- , ? 4 llii-a?f, ? ? ? ? - a lui-mrs* *.. - . , l ar.? M ! ? ar ri I !n ?.Mlllmi t.. .', '. . i - I; Bwfrt. a V. M . - 4 ? i ?i - ... M .1??? I a u y. pi : t. p *.f*-- ? a --i * , . ! i *? ? ?r! t "i lu? a ? l Dar: ?rrt U'I^'.a' a 10 M *?'.!' il I [| . ? ? ' -.' Ud sr?B '??? 4 i ? *?? ?? ?'? 4 p - . M. ' 1 i ??a M ? ,fl r lu :'.'.'? Il i !l'ia-t'- lurll ? . .- , ' ?ft. I 4. I full pi, whll? ?n tic? rasaii Prlmr V v I - ? m. ta, te . - H?ll??nl Itci ?,i?o?n?lr,n f !?-? , ? Vupan-ltal ?ithaut pay -l'rl '?. , --i?.' . i lian f?' , ? .la '??'< ?41 " '? a ?;?? I a ->1 ? ? .? . Am?n<?i?nf *; moth ... Il . a u . a. -ni .f?-i I*. u ? I , .. ? | i |. ' ! I'' . ?'- i in Rtiv?f?tlon ??. toqcl M Putfrteh ?. s 0 a ?' . I" ? j II l_a ? '??-. ? 1 :. - Shipping Information and Marine News of the World ? MINIMI UK ILMaiNAI i Vntte? Bui ? ' a-- m ? ? ? - a ',? M -, ? I II ? L ir. t 1? l:l',/i .\ \ . . < I mmmM' ? ? 1 1 W IKKJ.ESS RCP0R1 i ? IM OMING BTEAMKRfl. . ? l'Ai 1 B rdi am Jan a I. ? . . it .. Ban - ? ' ' ???-an al. ? I ? I tat I? ? . ran : l na I la ? m aarl'.i? ? ? i . 1 ?? ? . ? ' ,?, i. I I la . ; :... ! i : . A . - ' Hmiel ? Maru I , a . '?? - ? ?? I ?? . 4 I II ? ? H I -? la .1 n hull Mart? i-. ? ?? : . I uiri?.r nui;! Aiiv li '??. i ?KeramatJ-'rl . - ?ii, ar 11 ' ' ' ! . 'a ., ... ?. ? ? ? .- H??r? ? ... l'on, hi-o ?I ... tat - Jin ? i (H n.iil.M. SI l?AMERS. ru pat. Mal i I de Ja. r .. Bi li la i a n la i . i la Han -lia.. ? ' ? ^^_^_^^^_^ i . i ?4 - ?' ? I . - a a ? II, ? . I r. ; I er.. M ... ?I a '. ' Mia a . ? a : la- ? : la I. lai a'' ?? _ In i ana, a. :. ?a Ma'.i a - Harpas--* '?? raltst ? i mu ?T b**-bjm ?ar ii ... ?i j). t ?., - -. ' 15 o . I TKAVSI'ACII H" Bfjtll 3. . ?, a ?a 'a a^^L^_^^^_ -?? <??, fr. ?a . p t.?-Manos I li - ? 7.-a ami ix ? "a :. ele . ?a- ? *a I? ' -. |t I a >.a Bl Pre . ?a- ? \f?n t>b 11 lapa i? ? ? . ? r - Ma/ i. John ameson ?Mfc * ^ *?'?"? ": [Whiskey ?heWhiskey of Quality. et? ?va iloae at II N v ? ?lanii? 1 \u -. l .b II ? . ? : . i . ~. i , PS ' .,. I ., I .. Il ? - ' '? H anal *? , , . Mar . ?>aai I ? l, ? ?? , . ? e. ' , 4 ' ? la ? ai ? a : ... .e, rit? H i.l i : Hi i II. ? . ' I II ?. : l . > .-, ?? I Victoria . i.?i '? ? .-. M ? l ,-.,,? *| V i lutta ? virtiii i na.-'ur at ' ? i . , ? n.- ?? ; ? ? ? il-, . . . ? ">.!?. I A ' 1 . ? s.? V?rk * i'. a ! r si 1 v ni ' ? :? i Sa ? i'--,-i ki ?. . '? H, , 0. . . ? ? ? , " -, ' i . a r ai I . ' > a m a i. * i ; a . ?.. -, .. ? ?la -r ?? ?<? i ? i. m ? ". j Perni ? "' Ha: I '..??. llar at ?AIM I' f.'rl. ?..!?-? ? ,.??- (?a i 1 - ,. I ? a. | .1 ? la p , Il ' nfiill ?la. na II?'a (?a ".m'iro pi - B ?- I ? .c .? I?: ,'..- . ,a, Ile! ? r-.? adelplii?. ?ama ,.'.,,. Sort I [an lira. Tewi.ania ? -. I| ' . . | lia ' I ??? \ ' - Norfolk ai. : ? ? - . ? .?-.? iKn B?t :?? i M ? ' a ? a OalfMtO . ? - llar e ' > A : ??<... i ? Jan , . 10 11 av ru -l KAM IKS AT FOREIGN P0BT8. AHUM r :? i>n?r lee II r,.- ??<? i *. r N ? l I ? ? ... . N".? ?. . Hull. I ? lor? ' . . ... I. .. ,. C V. for B ..i? la Mr Ne* 1 ;* ' a ? ? . ? ml i '', foi Vladlioatok; ?unja ? Hii , I ??? a- ! Saw 'a M HI II !'?? (fr 'in Bi'ltli Hem ?fort i- i Haanlaste Coati Hr n.? . la i ? . . ? - ' ?? ? -. a CWi \rt T^r'a ?1? . ??JteW I . I ., N, ? Ver. /?. ? , ?? - \ ri Punta I ? ? | :?' : ? ?t?l, I ? . ' . k* .a 11. i I! , 1 S??. ,..r ' 4 -, . ' . I . Bl U.ra.illa. r?b : \ . ?:.*-.. , - K- ? ?e a ?? ? ?e Turk PaVta ''.'.?-ra'-.i Teh ? J Jota? ?.--r? .-..-?.? \r. V,r ? . Nawpe-r*, Vjwi foe, II .1 a , I-uar,* Va; ? lia r. ?VI um Sam fett 'n bet I I i INSTltt < TION in-iM s?, s? Hum h ALL BUSINESS SUBJECTS JUIR SCHOOL ? '?'.' ' ?? in*. ! -i ra-as A.? rand :*r? ax ?kkeepinj, .Mj?rtkand SecreiansJ and St?notype Department!. ._tj . Par t .->., ?a?? a^V.^XV'?*)^^ , * ' ?-?V "?lei ?? * Its? ii, ..i an? x.nen* *..???. DiJ ,-lTT''? ?'???'??? ?<??* aatu ?? IlV.-ii I *., aeer SB n, a..d huok-'eegr.i a, ? ' ?' -ear?, p fui ?r?a c?ia.J? ia:h iNO. GSAND CENTBAL PALACE. LM. A?. A lain St -l'?r'..| H .l , BlllUria tu. e: Hkttlr.a f';??n 11 A M aem MMi l| v V, .lej.ior ml r?< 11(1111. MIKM UBS. Amerl.iiu anil P*e??lca I nar-lirr?' Igen,-? ? .- i pli? i rofeeeora, T-aaeBesre, Tatar?, ?,.,.,' r,. .-? :?? Collada, e uo.,.a aal l'a mil Im ?u > ? Mrs M J YOLNU gl'LTON, 23 I'niort ??quar-a. COAL MEN REFUSE WAGE INCREASES Tell Employes That Pros? perity Wave Has Not Yet Reached Them. WILL DENY OTHER CLAIMS AS WHOLE But Sub-Committees Will Con? sider Kach Demand in Turn and Seek Compromise. Mobile, Ala., Keb 8. Operators from the central compet?!ive bit'iml nous coal Balda, embracing "?"?'.-.tern Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana and Uli fioi?, told the mine workers. In join* wage conf?rence, to dny ?hat coal mine owaera are not ahariag m pre?e> * : " iporitj and could not grant an In crease In aragea or accede to other demande, The aparatara offered to r?*iiew the ???age scales now m effect in the four itatei rhei tl ay i ?pire on March .11 Ihr mina ??? orker-i, in presenting the eie-en formulated at ?he Indianapolis conventlog of the union. Biserted that the bituminous mining industrj was in an i iceptionally pro? . condition iiri'J that the coal aburern, for this reason, were ju-' led in fi?.k'!;g fui a wngf increase and for the bettermeat of worlrJM conditions .lohn F' White, international pre??. der,' of tilo United Mine Worker?, pre ??eiittd ? i?e demands of the men after the election of Hugh Shirkle, an oper ator from Terre IfaTite, Ind , as ??-a,i man, and William (ireen, representing tne miner,, as secretary. Those wi.o spo?.e for the operators were P. H t'enna, of Terre Raute; C. F.. Maurer, of Cleveland, and W. R* Field, of i'ittsbiJrgh. They said that the coal bu? ne?? as a ?. out Westen ronno^^iTVSrm ana ?rid Illinois wM K?,. *' ??< "?'?-? - r, , .;,"?'?* rabead "? ' i operator?, ?? ..... ,?, ?_'Ml ta? li 9* ?. '. P*T'. peritj . ? - ?.".'?? centra: ? ? , ..*?"*_, last - 4 ?l Thf . _^^^^^^ ha f0ri " JJttat, and the del made | ?ka "ri a- \y operatora mn.'.'? . " v. -"??*' ?? ?? ! saC1' S'Ul-r ? ' ' " fe ""' ' ? .-'*? ".' ' '? 'r-m'l. until I p. H ?*'e CANDIDATE FOR 0 S SESA." J ii Krellnirh!j?.en \nnonnrea jo. farm fo leraer Voter? Tr*' ! ?"'"' - rfeaaal Frelingli i . -?'' A?rietlti?L_ '"' ? t'aUsMatt. " ?" h'lie*'"- ;?radr.,? ! '? ?-ei 0* . .' of ?rr ? ?,.... ' LIFE IN CELL FOB MOTHli Unman ?.?. ho ll'oia nerl T?0 Chtla.? in Reoervolr .-eilten? ?d. * Mn. Sr?i Krau?e, of Mltford ?rbe :.??.-. -' II ?.-?- - , ?aNatk the i . ^'ipirnwC,,,. ? ? tweed ha ? I :'e i m r : ? It we red at the t:ai cf. % a- naaae, hot aha nts mport? ! t? ??? -. .?t thai ??? ? ' sa i irmal. II ?? . J m ^^t???W^^^G?nero*. ]-^rn?"rtl.intipi il Jaassam**^^^ NEW YORK BORDEAUX Sm?*??'^^ SAlI.r.V.i.S ir.\ ?PH li *LA 10URAINL.KE?. 12 ?CHICAGO MAR. 4 i ?I^AGNE.FEB. 19 tROCHAMBiEAU MAR. II 4 t-LAFAYK'ITK .FEB. 261 ?LA TOUrUINE MAR. 18 ?il ?Tala ?' re? Bfteam " ? - - I lier M iTtrr? Warn "*? J" w '4Ul m *"' '' '?" .' ""'* "?''"'"* Q ____^^^^^^^^H_mBaaaa^BB^aBaaaaB^^HBMi^^Bi^^^mi^mmaBBBBBBBaaB-i NO WINTER HERE The pict-ireaque ?cene? and won? derful climate of loverly, tropiral Porto Rir? are only %% days from New Voik. Co now 16-Da*- Cruit* $QA 50 ???** All E?peT,*e* ?a7"T? up !r*r*mer ?,.uj hot*' ail the wajr ?r-?.-? New York lo sad araraiii the i eland, at prlerip?l porta? art rerorr. 10,000 Ion ileslxys . ??.LrXafcUy ??a|??l4Vp?>d for f.-op.??' ? ei-'U? Seiiiaa? tienrtj ?1 ru -?.? inader *SM Aaiejrie.n Ha? Wnf for il!-e*Ta?va" b-arrkJa-'. PORTO RICO LINE Crania? D?pt., 11 Broadway, New Yeaela CUNARD .*.J?Ut. ! ,I(J IMP EUROPE via LIVERPOOL *< improiiij.Mond.l'-b. 14. 10A.M. . , . ., ?i ?1 .NIA ?AT . ;< tfl A. M ?l'Ai II i (RM ? ??A' M ??.]? ? 1 i a M ? En H ? ? Qlaas Util Ml TIIK WOHI II Till H* I? I ill | Il pr-tla of tna verte COMPANY'S OTFICI 21-24 STATl ST Kj V. DCH ft" I IMF i nw ;: ? ""i Movraota nt II U Lint. ?tri i r BKI.fl. ?? i p m l-'ii ??? :td uho ? i ?a? a.) a vg*?C2UEL? ?? |.niH M II I l IRAI AS I III j ?51 ? |A | ' II : . MAIIA? Allin MAU. : ??jperui.- Ar.',v..m.xl?i.x a or I'uaciJ?!? Bl SB I'.M.i.BTT 4 ?"' <'?* ?AT?. y e 511? I' ?. Wail S *, BD A Til ?aa th? K*e>t < naec ot l\ /A A. I U Koinb Amarli-a ?la Bui* a* > Saiiii.i? ??er, i Tee .?e?k? LLOYD BRAXILC1R0. I ,* Mel. St.. N V City "IHK rCHI.IC BK l-*laaU?UBB." BOSTON $2.65 PROVIDENCE gai, $1.60 COLONIAL LINE <n i-IHK B-gATBBOOMB, Si.o.? V. .?-? ?!??? ?lid t>ui..laa>e Ht I p 11. (rom Tier IS, N H fo.'t \\ ?.?? Houston at I'lioi,?. aprn.p -S4SI. ?n i-IHK ST.411 KOOMM. ?1 in). Hull? in, In,Una -iimlii, .*? :?>0 |> m ram P IS. B B Tivie :*W Beekrra , ? T' -e' M-?a.. -in 44. , \mtmn \ V I pti.eiii Tl ket uff ?? I? ?. and 2 id 8t BUSINESS CARDS. 'AI.I.'ll. , AIirtaT , U:ANI>0 <0 '.-a - eal air ?lean,, l.anj ?- on Boot .5 - 1.1 tie*. Ifttti ?I ??'1. A B?aA***DI V* I.lIi.HAl'U 1 ? l'KWBl "*1 1. S I!tTK*U? ?0? ' ' *e*e* ?' ft 10 f I ?irn H : ? Hi *tr?|-U> ..'? Ilr-.a '.??. , lUlUBU HA? M? i BMl M.u roan cabiet cLGAN'txa wokks 1.4- lexrmaat M 4' M krn > IN l Bf?iH WOVEN PII"'! Hl.U '??.HI'l'S -?:'.' ,i ? ?j i??: tea b . ? ? ? \?-.- ??;. -?? _UK1.P WANTED. Male BOT, I 'rU*i i.errr?. d" ? I I - ?--? loart -'.?..c? fo? ?4?a;, atxat, ??lar? I" le) . ? ' h ...leof. ? x- , . : '.na-.:-. I'.?.'. .. a ? ? DOMESTIC MU ATloxa wamkh Male. i II l-I I. <;?-".-. M ?:'- *-?' "? ? '" ? , rtfara na a ?-.? , >' ' ??? "????> ?? i , .? <". MU'I.' KB ?.* .' r-Al.V, '< ' .- ' * ? - ' ? a; .a I ' ??' - a> ? - -?C. - -.'.-a- - ' -a f.r?r . .... -malta? !.. .',? ?: era , . '..-? 1 w .' ?. JAI A >r.?U ? ? e, r. t a : ?II ?ai a .11 a- Ma.iU , 1, ' . I' xj }: i ? ?r-iii.erla J?u. Bf Va. T?male. B A .K ,-.. i Irler, fre' ? ." ' ?"? ' a. e: . \e?". ? ? r?- ? I' .? -., Sill A A ? il lMU, UMAtf '?'? AlTRF-i- , ... Fu ?"? ? A< e ' '-*?' I 1 .1 . ?-<?.!., BimiKK? I ??? ii ? , . . . . ? ? ? t? '?! ' e.- . ." . ' ? !.,.. a- HSjB'Ml I""*. ? ? t eximia?. . iiAVim-.HMAii' lipa i - rtaolab strla, le?', rete.-ei,-?? It] T on. I . i? . A,a.:,, ;,x gU{ :t>h a', r.ata ?15 ? Go To r. BERMUDA NATURE'S FAIRYLAND I .I It!;. ? S HlettaMi ,'". anl If S. S. "Evangelire \ . . ? ' -? ? . t Is?' S. S. '*Btrm."" ? ? i?T Wla I J' ? est indiCa< a ' ? ?.f ' -, ? la ? i . -. 4 ? - i ?a-. * ? t???, FALL RIVER LINE TO BOSTON $3.00 Sfi? I >?:??! f t*Mm *. *?.<??? Leaden (Keewlefel iiu?, BP B Pier 48, tX I osai Bw? i m Pier || . k g| ? ? ? ? Ne?? Hi??. ?I Uttt Itf I? I'l?r II ? B. -.. -.. , ".:y, liW t I P M 'Irlajgepiiit I Ine. watM <t?>? or.'.y fSB .' ? M i fur Tl. ft. 1 1 -? . . I '?' mmaWf* UMMOXttXX_. GALEN HALL BY THE SEA MOTtl. 4ND a?l??T0BI?Sl ATI? A >H? CITY. N. ??. -if ' a*r\ ic ?-rf?n tMltlB With tr? ? ' V ?*??' ' ?* I | tot **?'? '?? '?'' M?""*^ m AT?-ft" CI" ? B7""U~"B?-B. -? ?"TuTd' K,?' *t*Oi<'? R?>-. .-'?.* ' * V1"-'-' ?*- .?"' WraG?AMAM? Jf mrW?. /rem Or?W t_*? (?a. 1er reeuoe S1-**^? S ? aril ?a-1 l!l '?**,'*'T?r_?i. ^t-xt-4 tat laa*??*. Bedo.-ae mn fa? Wlal?? I*??-?!- ? P?r?, BreairfV.?. 8. T iTItf IfiWGItvill MOtT^^** ALAUAC * at * Laurel- in- Hie- f** HOTEL ARLINGTON. a ? n ???KM. .HI ??I**'*"1* ? T _.,, ....... loi M? ?*?"' *'