Newspaper Page Text
BELIEVES BRYCE ON SATISFY U.S. ambassador Bo Sent to Eftd Blockade Issue. ?S.TAN1A RESULT TO ADD TO FRICTION Utr* aajttei , Americans Ha\r Not For 1912 and \ iolation of v.? Rights . ?* Britiah tba 1 States isl ? hC bloc'a ? rersist .... -uestion find. thi lattoi ? i ? human .... ? ?-?.??tM"? ev* -., f.. eritteal and ? -.,; kaattt? ' "' Amer.rar , tiaarl Britta)1 * i *>*r, as wer _i.Bseee.Bi - ? ?? b??ed, la . .. - riCata nation ! .,,? Om ]ai thi T'nited .,, ,.-.,? ? ? regarded , .-.- ' power j ?? i?i; '*?* not, and both | -??es gov? | the .-.atural : ? ?.? im- j poliey. thai t the a umanitj in .... ;, .,.?. rge i mtilo marin?' .:' il" - Maesa ?"rt mai the sub? Birtai as i ' "ear." "?i-, taha . of t'i.H ?--???. ? <"??' tl.,s* -- aBy? "The son ding ?f pe?is i nvoy to ? a ' ? rt ?ay* in conclu problem of ? . g ? - | OORS TO BRAVE SHELLS Imrh iroupe ??iiil I'rtKlure Plaj at Iront Within diin?' Sound. ? of irv t 'he linea for the-' '?"? ni ? ..lei. fror ? amma is large! I vr.fc-?c* I recite rre. ol '"' Open. -ars* Ulli I f roi . - ? - i rovide 1 int o: ? ? ? ? of 'on o: ? . DOMINION POLICE GET TIP OF A PLOT TtrtaJof "Thermic I us?* Material" in Parliament I ire. a ' ' ' . '' ' ? ? r\ ?'?. ? li ?truc ng wa? . ithori ha I thi !>? 1 ; ound weigl ?' s *' ? ? ?. ? ? ' 11 ' ? ? ? ' ' ? re ' , ' - ?*, EASE LAYER IANO \li id. hi of n ?.'?ni ???uni) ?n?i ? player nitlnii that wonderful 1 -' with ? slight pedal H,,,, con ? It -? no ?5 ?? 11 P*"" month buys ooc We 1.... is" : ' r_. '" ?'"" ' *? *9*n from .-si:-, ,,,, U? I -ooklel aim PEASE ? PIANO CO. ? t,42,d St-nr- BVa>. N- Y fTft*-* Avf * Brooklyn 2 """y St, Newark, N. J. SWEDES ASK REPRISAL AGAINST GERMANY Deniaad Retaliation for Kan ??n Dyes. -? . account of the I rt price of of srk FBIKCH AVIATION HEAD OUT Rene ncanaid. attached a? In, ipable, Ke?iKii? Oltlir. . Fee I Rena Beanard, Und? r i ' Stiit.' fcr Aviation and itica, baa ?? gned. an hostility toward SI ?*0 1' li'.?. 1'; . -.i' campaign ?i-ri in il ? i ? i t.\? ? . -?i.iih charged that he ??? In , to have I ii ? ,? ? hambi t of Deputies i>n January l" <?n the so i I? i ' but Premier Bi and . ,t< postponement, which -ass agreed I thai the niat ??? wai trivial an,! the? M Heenard ? ould he nb ,' *,. -. ,\> 'lint tbe of the a ou ' ? ? groundlea FRENCH F?RE ROUTS GERMAN INFANTRY Allies' Batteries Rake Marching lemon?? Near the Aisne and the \vrc. f the Aera the Fn -.col ? g ? War Office announcement thin evening. : North of ? ? Msne Arc of French bal tortea catted heavy damapr to the enemy works and north of?Bon7?eu Bac swept German troops in transit. At Le? ( ouitOI I hausses the French fired three camouflete. shattering Ger? man Tvore..? and exploded a mine at La IM'e ?; In the Vo?ge?. French artillery bom? barded enemy rantotiment?, at Storr vihr, northnreat of Muenster, and II.r: ?? bach, s< nth of Altkirch Ir. the after . long rat.i.-? Gorman gun dropped hells o? Belforl und it? enviions. Germany armj headquarters an nounced *to?da*? a lively artillery activ tha south ? . River ??ommc During the i ghl of Febiueiy 8-7 n small German trench BOOtion area I 11 A Trench att-ack dellveied yeiterdn\ i> f tcrnoo h the Alhe? hid pro pared | artillery fire, v Dui ,c * a evening n counter igain j ' A Gei ... French earn** at :-. h i;imp between l'openiighe and Dixmude, After frequent fights with \ i ei ' a- as, which ascend ? the camp?, the '?ornian ?quad ron returned w'thnut lo??. Her:.:, } eh S hy wireic*.?. to Say* N V . Selenitic reviewa of -he Franco-Itnt'?h offensive movements on the weetern fron? are bein? pub in the Ifensive movema : in bj fi rmnl announcementa ry," the Oversea i ? lays " according to Anglo? ? ? .?-papers, the a-re??' offensive . started li November In the i| . ? ad the airlva ? Mntish m m ? <-laroi that Germai '; had asked fur peace. "The ? ?- rig ti rea offei -'-. 10, 1916 . and topa Ni ? British los? ?2.*-' : in munition than :n tl I In Hpr.1, 1916, the oratorical preparation feir the French run. The 'Figaro' said on April 14: 'Victor* i? no mors r. (?r ,-i probability, 1 SI ' itude.' "Hefore ti.e Vie gin nine of the Fre ich ... however, the Germana began advancing at Yprea, oi April 23, and Dunajec, o? Ma i 9, si I the direction of Lihau. The vanee sgai ??? snteral I : that the French los* : the Engll 0 men. I failure as du? to bad ? announce aolemnlj . 'A v.c . unce for the spring of 1916 ' " ?-?. HOUSE LEAVES PARIS v. i Nun? Repieoentative Ends Mlaalen I here and Goes tf> I ngland. 1 M House, ? ?. who oncluded his conversations her. govern It ? u' left tl morning for BERLIN RELIEVED AT SETTLEMENT ? inlliinert From p?S? I tement of P ' ? . : ? '? ' ? ? inng thai idem Wilson it rality u ? ..' I.i.'i- with ' in ..t Hr I ?SCI t? that - rf "ha-* ? ? ?trug' ' ni. him to forra a fei a ? idgment regard , a i her meant si : owing tai? fa] la spoken to the ton? doubted!] ??n? i ot impartial " Helle?..* Per-setd nt Sim ere. Referring to th? Preaident'i ? irlea trodoeed ne new nto international i? latioi lad adhered ?? rnel n docu -, ? ? I? lit has thi? ' 'T'i have ? . .nd. little fi toward m a "m allies. Wh< i hi prai?e?' bimsel? aa the a ward an >.f law, t may tie true, ace ndlng t th?- mer, that he called upon both I?? | ? ?'.,< n ,-, gniaed prin ciples of intei lions bul thai he did tl '"? he ?oui ? .... , r. "A- the be) . ? ,nl of ? ational la upon ? at ? ? ghta of neutra Il Pr?t ? ?- ' ' >'.ad fo I? i ed this t have ? - . re? the war. Cons? ? nne warfare la irpened fona RUSSIA RESUMES DRIVE IN GALICIA Austrian Advanced Infan try at Tarnopol Fierce? ly Attacked. vantage points takf:n and lost Oermaas Airain Make "Diver sioa" by Transferring Tf?OO0J from BnkowlM to Dvinsk. agnin on the ?if-irressive la Galleta, ne eordlng to to-day's statement by Aui tro Hungarian Army llead.-i arters. transmitted hero. In or* attack or, ?.,. Auatro-Hungarian advance Infantry position northweai of Tarnopol th. mi temporal h ,.-..,,,, ,? ,,, , !t ring the point :.*? . .. ?"?.i;..?.-..*. "Favored b?j el rer aosther, there I was vigoroui artlllcr) act i vit) along the entire north. ..?i f:,,r,* reaterday. Northweai of latnopol the Ru??:?'. j !?*' Mifht repeatedly attached ore ofI <?'.!!- advanced infantry vantage point?. ?hey temporarily sueeeeMd in. ? trating, hut ?'. . hieh tl - ???? ??* ?'.?'?-'?teil aftei hori ? g the ni" Uermai troops t? ward H".i the compan ? cence ?'i tlie Austro-Germ?n fore.? on virto ? ? whol? of i .-i ? froi ? '. stall nlia-or* its beliei ?? ''.a* will ; ? t for the present ?ail tie BXlstlng situation m Bukowina and the northern sector, und l.? again r1, paring a great display of strength on the western front. Pursii!!..; the ?unie tactic? which I they have employed since th? begin ninp of the war on the Bukowina front, \ the Germant H-rain are rapidly trni.? -, ferring troops from Bukowina to the i of Diinah, with the result rr corded in thi oflleial communications. - N'o importance li attached by Rus-, fan military office?*! to thi? late?? German "dlvoralon," b^cau^e 11 llevad the* -he Germana would he un-j develop a lueeeeeful campaign1 against Dvinah without ?hi corporation of the Baltic fir-:. Russia's Munition Crisis Now a Thing of the Past Pari - I "Ruaaia'i munition no? a thina BIT, Russia'. War, m en Inten law m ith Lu Saud? acial correspond. ? ' "1 ? J? irnal" i:. Ruaala, "It is an un il t memory, hut. fortunately, only "With regard to the troop?," ?he min ? ?? . spirit < lei thanhs to the lystem of mo!. asset whleh was put into farce a fa*a month? ago ?md to the doubling of imber >f rrapplj denoto. At the tli ? pel B anei ? re ing recruiti arce enougn able us to keep all the ui itl r full ntreiig'1? without ha ? 1 half-trained men to the front * Is of great Importance, fur it ha. ? ? observed thnt the morale of the ? - i? apt to deteriorate who ? If company, which orig Bally ha I ' 100 men, reduced -o a few RUSSIAN SHIPS SHELL ANATOLIAN POSITIONS Co?t Batteries Under Attack Defended by Submarine. Le ion, I eb. 8. The Ruaaiai Office tati "On 'he l? Sea our Bhlj - Buceasa fully bombarded the Turkish posit ii the coaat region, On the Anatolian r torpeo I at i "furl ' ry und ?.ver. bIbo - d by n Turkish submarinf. hut d no damage. A s.juadron of hydro-aeroplanes attacked wjth bomb? a big steamer anchored at Sun? guldaia "On the Caucaaui fronl engage ii'a an tage." RRITISH STEAMER BUNK Sailor llrown- hb Argo. Formerly NltMirhcn. (ine** Dowa. ! m don, F? b B. The Britial ? *r m rr Argo hai ina Oi <? member of the crew '??? aa lost The Arc", formerly the Moorhf and ?rai owned by th? : " team Na*. i*.'?'11"' ? ompany. I ngland'a reckless , rfare." Booa So I aaaa Belli. i l'r? lidenl glement i.. ?: rough vesseli b? ing atta? I the war aone, the paper exprei . the ? ,? ? (.. lid '? Bl ps have been ?i !.:. h I .- I . dai ger. German-Amei is, it believea thai ? i an coneel e tl at tv o ona, a Inch have a the laand ng Bl piare '.''.ti. va. i. no ? an i in the futare, ?. |, oven i*" to war, over thia ..''.. r Referring to Presld? ' n's re?'r. and forb? srance . ,..-? theii ? throui the aai th? "1 ran ? eltuni ? taie a concilia . torj s] iril although it ? ' thai i it is no ??.,i i man)," < ?es thi t'-?p?*r, . of patience anil . ? ?? and treatment of equality with our enemies, is evidently orne t.. an dB lersta-i.ling, and as the* vital intereeta of America are really not involve,i In reaching a 'here should be itacle to reaching an KAISER'S /l.l'.'U.IN.s now NUMBER ?so. Berate, Switzerland, Feb. 6. i ?ajnt) /rppelun arr now m ?li?** (irrm.iu aervioa, ?iri oraaasj to r?*f><?rt?? Irocai l-iirdnchsii ?leu. \stieic t'nr /rjiprlin viirk? .ire Incaled. On?* of the Litest type that i?, liriMiip i trial trip thi?. werk is the LZ-95, which is be lirvrd t* hr the ninrtv-fiftli m t ht- ?rricj ?nice ihr l)f?*in mug <?f the war, fifteen hav III-* been lost. I he newest model is longer tli.m previous ones arid u of fnhlike ihapc and tinted gray. The gondol.i? .ire of plated Heel. Lach lina six machine guns in it? quick* fire batter*? and apparatua for throwing homl-s and ,i new aerial ?orpedn. which is ah?nit to he put in HIC. 2 MORE ZEPPELINS LOST, IS REPORT Say One Rammed Iree and Air? man Bagged Another Thigh Dutch Battery Winged L-19. Amsterdam. Feh. th The "Echo Rplg?." publisher, a report that twn Zep? pelins have been lost near Aph, in Balnealt, The Saat air?hip collided v.ith a tree top while returning from a raid <>n ' Pans on Januar;, .1" Ii." secoad WOO] hn Ighi down by a 1'iench airman within a few mil? ama place. The Hague, Fob * Whethei the ?ierman Zeppelin L-19, believed to ha e ?been lost In 'ii'- Nor'h Sea, was br?ught down by the Dutch better** on the i?I-. mid of Ameian?! s Bnceitatn, iiceord Ing to official reporta The Zeppelin, the reporta ?t?te, weal fiiat sighted near PeMen, on the North Rolland roi?; it wa? coming from .i ai d enterad the 1 le Urn it. Continuing witl three-mile limit a a lowed the eoas! Lin? tl alanda Teael, Vila land, Terschs ling und Amelatid. It waa, arcoi'ii. . I ,'ii repeatedly by eoaal batteries und warehipa The oat ten on tin? Island of Amelan?! appar? ently bit the Zeppelin. The effect 1? uncertain, awing to tn? fog, bat the ? in Immediately afterward vea i shed seaward The Dutch newspopera express faction at the effective mail tenane? I'itch neutrality, keeaua? laat H'j-.umn Holland pi oti sted ? Uermai Zeppelin movem? I ?ver Dutch terri? tory and, all regret and pi an ? I discontli frequent rej tl lion -d a? intentional have oceun. d GERMANS HOLD APPAM CAN STAY IN PORT Bernstorff Present? Formal Com mnnicatioti to Lansing Waahlngtai a, Peb I G con tend? that the Btril ah it A brouirht to Hamptoi Roeda by a Ger? man prise ctew, i? entitled nndei th?* terma of exlating treaties to remain in? definit? ly; and in i t .m i aunt ? Ambassador, to-da; presented to Sec tina ituniea? :i i., half ? ri |g-n United Sti i I as the - to her Bril not b 0 ? To :ept 1 Ge entioi would meat I i .Id he ? ed ? ' i em until ? parti). illied cru ? ? . - : V'r Capi phi be annoui : WAR GIVES FRENCH HEALTH Iraaj Leal a Man Pet Thousand Lesea finiii Diaeaae Leal Year than in I Sit. Peril, Feb. 8 Lift ilthier for Frei ??.pi ? s ar than i i bai eckt dur? ing peace time?, according I oil ? Measles, scarlatina, i amps, dij i a and i srebi o-spins i ngil ng 191. than 1916 Tl I . ? 7 11 per thousand m< en last ? ? 1.1 l j phol K'ere somewhat ? prevalent, lively, -4 4 and i* pel " men, as comps red ? - und 11. re ? ? ? . in i'.'ii. The i mortality 1 , ? ear "? .i? . 12 foi eael \xy\ i. ,,\- ng to mprov? ,i me the treatment Peck Aeqmtted o? N H. Chart;?. ? ? i rg? pei r. r-oi al it jii ? ? s le agaii let ea Railroad, ??? s a? ? I i.ry bofena Judge I Bioi ? i ,. intj Courl lasl night l'< ek waa chief clerk foi I O'Neill, a lawyer and the Jrepara ;. . ? tee ol afames Fletcher, i Xew Hav? i, i ler-tiic ah ?PaBanaaaaaaaaaM Cleanses the teeth thoroughly?dis- jSt solves quickly purifies the breath? | Dr.Lyons L ?a PERFECT H ?i Dental Cream | I A Standard Ethical Dtntifhct I ? Send 2c atamp today tor a generous trial package <>f eithtr I ^gS Ui Lyon'a Heile, t Dtr.ial Cream oi Tooth Powder. I ?" ? \\ Lyon fcSons, Inc., S14 W. 27th St., N fotrkCitj I v -"?3? 8 ?. S. NAVY TO All JEWISH RELIEF Collier to Carry ?Supplie? to War .Sufferers in floly Land. SliRBIA CALLING FOR PROVISIONS Save Wemnant?? of Nation from Starvation, Is New Appeal to American?-. t i.- i nttod States Xa? y probably trill aid ?ho Jewish Relief Committee in dis? tributing the relief ?lippue?; bought with the receipts 0f Wilson !>ny, i* I salrl In Washington last night. Official? of the Navy Department said tha' p"r mission >-n?i boon given for the co.'.ier Sterling, sailing from Norfolk nexl aeet with luppliea :'??? Americao *??*?' \fessol.? m the Mediterranean, to add to 1 <?r cnria'n gif'? for war sutfereri in the Holy Land. It is now planner! that these gifte shall consi?t of medicines and 00,000 pounds of Matzoth. Since the hold of the Sterling l? not overcrowded, :* ia ax pec ted thai room .-an be found t''r lh< r>', arg In ?ha? ras... Secre? ta? I'm ?e ad) agieed uiat the ''oliu-r ?hail transport it. Serbia also is calling for provisioni Threati-nud with destruction from thi plagU" of malignant typhus, an.l saved by the efforts of American rursos ati.1 : I, .she has now found hersalf too grea-ly weakened to reals'? her triple enemv. If America will rescue her once more, the nation will resume her campaign against the Invader?, accord? ing to an appeal by the friends of Serbia in Italy, brought, to New York hy Mr and Mrs. (torham Phillips Ste a!?:.?. nf Home. They jo'n tho Serbian Kelief fomnut'ee m thie city In their ?Horte. The remnant? of ?he nation, the hp peal '?y?, are dying of hunger nr.d cold in the mountain!. "A British mis-nvi is doing what It can to bring help to the?e the victim? Of German ambit,on ' r ! Bulgarian revenge. Bat Amort? ran?, fortunately exempt from the im? monea calla upon tha resources ?ar even the riches! belligerenl nation*, have " ,i. theii powoi to .aiive thouoan lives by prompt financia! .. lista ana will thus acquire not only tha gratitude oi a warm h.artfi people,but the merit of having saved the remnant of what was once and again will one tlsy be - the Serbian nation." For th?, Italian Red C'roai and the far .ules of reserviit! who have been called to the colors, a week of bonel perlormance, hai beer, arranged BJ tha Ira.iaii Belief Committee, of which the iin.ini Ambaaaador is honorary pr?s At it It will begin next Monday at Grand Opera House, whan the Italia tranaformist, Aldo, a Bopalai Italy, who Is tourlag th. a .rid ? interest ?f the "Croee Roasa Italiano," will appeal. Ti i ?.-, md of tha ser'"? ? r atlnee. for th? Britleb-Aaaerieaa Relief Fund| waa given yaat? i l? at l i. Coaturj .Ian. I Beecher, Mai ia l "... Dlllman, ? a Longfellow, Pedro ? ? i rdoba Mary iVolaton, c '??? ne: IVeldon, .' it- Mxon. Sybil Zane. Maurice and Flor? ence Unit.mi. Ralph Morgan and Vivian l' nail rare the talent of the matinee The piograiim?-! were sold by youn.* women known In society, and the orig? inal of the cover, by Charles liana (libson, was ?old at auction for l**0. Phi? contributions announced yester-, d'iy aero: For the Secuurs National. ST?-.', niakli.** a total of XXlttMO, of wi'cii there were fion eontnbatieasI from the Misaee Dorothy and Murjorle Cbonay, Mrs. Mary 1?. Cheney, W. A. Bnrnhaai and John MeaTesBeg, jr.*. Fa fayctfe Fund, $.''.M*?, totalling $ 11 it.O.'i-, ,'tr.d tho American Jewish Relief Com? mittee, a total of $2.?01,?7H. - ?? BRITISH LIQUOR MEN BAN RUN; DRINK TEA Retailers Meet to Fix Prices and Tail to Sample Goods. in? Ctt>:? to Th? r-t* ire : London, Feb. *.. Doe? Great Britain feel tho war" Here is the answer. On Monday afternoon a meeting of the Borough of Hamps'ead Licensed Victuallers and Hear Sellers' Protec? tion Society WM held at the Flask Tavern. Flaik Walk. Aft?*** prices had been agr?ad upon tea win, served. U-B0AfmACjrfs~TW0 ALLIED WARSHIPS King Ferdinand and Aids Pay Visit to Kaiser. London. Feb. 8. An Austrian subma? rine attacked two Allied vessels off I' on Sunday, but if? torpedoes went wide of the mark, according to an ofM.ia! annanncemaat laauod in l'an?, to-day. Four Austrian tot, i. a* wen alao forced !" take refuge ? im b) an Kl,*- -, n u tor A Renter dispatch iron Sofle stale? King Ferdinand, Premier Radoi invoff ntir! Geaeral Jecolf, commander in-chief of the Bulgarian forces, left on Monday night for German head quar*.?r- to "rlall Fmperor William, and afterward Archduke Fredrick, com- , niiindei -in-chief of the Austrian armiei. (Jeneral JccofT will then return to Bulgaria. King Ferdinand plans to ex? tend his trip to Coburg. During hn absence the Bulgarian Minister will exercise the powers of a regency. BURNING LINER SEEKS PORT Texas Cotton Freighter, wlih ?"170,000 fargo Afire, Make? for Kirkwall. London. Feb. - With her cargo of cotton on fire, the Swedish steam-hip Texas is making for the port of Kirk wall, Scotland. New Orleans, Feb. B. The ?teamer Texa-i is owned hy the Swedtah-Ameri? can-Mexican Line, of (iothenburg, ac ri.rding to local ager.' . The vessel i leared fn m this port for ?Christiania and Gothenburg on January ; 19 w.'h a miseellaneoas cargo valued at f4Tii,(i0i., including four thousand b.iies of Cotton, worth litM.aKW f ???YOUR PIANO"?' I gPI?VER PLWO i A .Jill nt r.t,? ,'.,., C I ? aeareatee i ? m a an. &> ?L ^?J^'-w^^iti-J11-,^4 W*U &? aOO.'V-i ?; 5 h Ave. it 33t AMERICANS FLEE MEXICANPLAGUES 14,000 Natives Typhus Vic? tims in Capital?Small? pox Sweeping Coast. LACK OF SANITATION TIGHTENS PESTS' GRIP Peons. Unquarantined, Spread Diseases Broadcast?Widow of Fever's Prey Returns. Terr.,r? of pestilence and famine ara replacing the danger? of civil strife tr* Mexico, according to Americans return? ing yrnterday from the land of revolu? tions on the Wanl liner K?peran7.a. ?l?xico City alone contained H.0P0 ?yphua e??ej at the end of .lanunrv, ?hey naid, and ???< claiming 200 v,e tima a week. A rigid c<-n?ori.hip by the Carraaea gaveiaaaen? ha? peaveaited storie? of the frightful condition? from reaehlag the United states. Smallpox i? raging alone; the coast, the Americans reported, and natives are dying by the ?core in Tampico and \ era ClUS, while local health official? fecm po '.'i.e. to check the d;?ea?M. Arthur -I. Kdrkland. a mining en? gineer and ?'in ef R<*ar Admiral Kirk land, war, a recent victim of the typhu? plague in Mexico i~ity. Hi? widow r? turned on the Klperar.ia. She hume sway to the Waldorf-Astoria, bu friends told how she hsd nursed he huaband during ms Illness. She ?per days and night? at his bedside end col lapsed when he succumbed to the feve' Nearly ail of the returning Amsri cans ?sid tha' fear of the unchocke typhus snd ?mallpox epidemics hs. driven them from 'he eountry "The situation is almoit hop' ? one of the n iug? e? ?aid. "There i? B4 such thing as ssnttation in M-*xic; City, except in the foreign -jasrter The new Health Board ?een.? nowerle??; snd moit of the relief and rescue wore la in the hand? of foreigner?. Peajn? Spread Plague?. "Or. John D. Davis, the only Amari can on the visiting staff of the M?x'.n Cltr Hospital, is doing a wonderful work for the ?ufferlng ci'.y Bit csn. paign i? hindered, however, by lack o cooperation by the r.sMv? au'horrie? There is no strict o, jarantlna and peon aro allowed to travel free\y. ?preadir,. the fever en they go. "In Tampico, which i? fill of p??o and lower grade foreign workm ?mallpox is on th? increase. Think? er? nut so bad in \ < ra Crux, thank? I measures in trod by engineeci from this eonntrj the American occupation. Bmeltsx saaea ?r? raehed le an leeleted pem\ BOUM m ?oon a.? reported, and ? officers fumigate all infected hou?e? " Railroad travel In Mexico i? still fraught with many difficult??, aceori in g to several engineers trho latetr took a trip through the int"rio Armorcri tan were attached to ese' end of the train, they ?a d. snd n, ea?;onal ?hot? from ?niper?, added r to t:,o trip. '?.??? of the Ameri-an? predicted tl-.v Caifunaa WOold nut bo able to ho: ! I Country in check, and believed th?- ?-, power would eventually fall *o t.?nera "breg?n. Cream of Tartar which is derired from grapea, ha? no substitute for making a baking powder of the highest ?rniality. That ia the reason it in used in Royal Baking Powder, which con? tinues to maintain its preeminence for making the finest and moat wholesome food. BAKING POWDER Made from Cream oi Tartar Absolutely Pure So A lam No Phosphate F ' , &SUt?a-'*?.*__|krV,-._?-.^?., ..-?_a__i.._aaa? /*?** ? . ' ?? , * -I StW"!* i f ? ? ? ? -?"gr* -^*3>r;T,"f* '?*"i *"""* ? -. ai., rt..? lat.atba?liV''* ?1 r I ' Sea Yarns Into Hampton Roads the other day, aboard the Appam, came captains of several ships captured by the mysterious new German raiders. In next Sunday's Tribune they spin yarns of their experiences. You will want to read their stories -they present the humorous side of an amazing exploit, one of the high lights of adventure that we get now and then despite the close-drawn veil of censorship that shrouds all military operations. Speak to your newsdealer to-day if you want to be 3 of receiving your copy on Sunday. It's the safest way. sure Wl\s Suniiag Sftftamp Fi-sf to Last?the Truth: News- Editorials Advertisements kt__?J ? , ' .,_i,?V Ms** ?yr ? "~?".".'P'*?' ' ?r -; **.-?_?..* t a-_?>_, _?**? * '''Aad&i \! t ??