Newspaper Page Text
The Conning Tower ro |A*afi i<i i i; S nl ill it M\ ?.k IMH lin DR1 N ? le '.' R ? " Steiretl h. Ethel, Eleanor ami Balle u NV ? N'. b I ha.i tla?- time to Write ? villanelle! M 1 had the time to writ?' B?HM poetry to yon. ? girls IM ??? ei written to. ? :. with her dims toward preparadnos*, ranting the battleship called "Amem-a." ' ? George Aile's lather wan. Mr. Ad< d, Ind (Pop. 700), and over the room appeared the sign "The National I day, by the way. George Ade was bora, laj or possibly a hundred the readizatioa ol how large a figura \ ai >?< ' as, aay, Booth Tarkington ?W \ a man capable o1" ?'Dor Ilr-r.e" end "Umk ritten more of the ??aine sort--even longer and ' ,. ? re doesn't write ?orno of them HOW. ;t"kf? IX Tl ' DAYS 01 PAN-GERMANISM ? ? ,- ta sec the German ballet!" aple syrup." run." ? ? the romantic gentlemen who do the -repare-dnesa. They always?even in the .tl ? 'ho sarrl.-? o? time. Mo\ie .Motifs. .Ml Y Ki:t\. ? - ? .-? e queen? ? i f-a.aries colossal; t. the ?screens - that, a fossil. ? loyness, and their imilea ? ? than curranl aptiva to the wiles Of : tty Kelly. ? ' of tunes; I her p aises vainly; < '? a year <?' June? and ungainly. fTail a thinjr . Swinburne or a Shelley ? - the charms to sing Dotty Kelly. little match ?-f pra*!????'. i willy-nilly: ? i lays and silly. edith they arc the a ? ? ' relli, ? happens that thi I Dotty Kelly. Ot as Malapropos Mottoes. I ? ot surh a these: gi in a hojp-r.i operatii ?, i red from fast-colored vilnt? to ? 'tter-bo\. ? ri ai . . I want to ?n-e I'ncle Sam lick i.'rfa* From Mar? ? hears BO mni y ol ! er compa* <tr, you might sir. ? \iul So Ih.v Were Married ' ? "si . - ittends but lepot . - g train roi rinds ,ii Ta . - aunt, Mr.. < ora B. iredj and . ? ton 1 : If VI . ? ? dm ion I ear, the Ri publican ?ewapapi to have no difficulty proving what, the administra? ' * fl -- arm; and if, as is likely, 19 ? cratic palladia should Point with JOUNCING GAZETTEER rai la Patrick Hi' . - in Billericu, Wi : 'o see a in Ilatavia,? ? he had pone away ' .adelphla. pet '. a? d pin atine How could l.e 1 ? El Paaol re he readied the place, ? on to Havre de Gi ? ing knotty,? ? ". ? -andotta, and a gii : > ? ndely? but very holmondely. ? ; letk cychael. Tab. its heini* made to annihilate it, the Monday night and yeah .. month. *HY RE? ING PI ??' E l>KI.Ki?.\ 11 9 LONG FOB EUROPE. ? ? ? p tho war, did you'.'" ill fl|*htinf* in Europi u didn't do any real good. Did j raps on 1 r?j ha IN ;ar II." ?ed that | 'iid be always quar? Europa?" ... g on tha i ?rda In Norway?" . was jus? n d advert ?*< ? *r> Europa, anywayl" (?1 Il.IVKI'. i good navy ? I ea-?coast defence! sh -* litioi IS ther of these cost.? much . the mow and what we get in in}- Mi \y ndds to our ar in the future, but i.? very ma imerce wil ? n the meantime. Moi ey ? ? amo/g our own people, and . ' ' peopl? I'he work accomplished, rit > a "P. nal Memoirs o? U. S. Grani .m- -tgo, F. P. A. THE 3 DANCES END FOR SEASON Many Dinners Precede Concluding Even! in Plaza Ballroom. MRS. W. K.VANDERBILT HOSTESS AT DINNIM Entertains for Daughter ?ti Home \.i?.s Isabelle I oulse Amy to Marry, the Three Dai ? - - ? ? led bj a i ei -e? in room. Among the hostesse, were Mr?. Ira Bai rowa, lira, Will am I owe i' ???? Mi Frederic Mull, Mrs H Thiera ai d Mi Robert A i ?ni?.? Ifter dinner 'here ??? the larga ballroom. ? .ii. iu adili ' v. . \\. McA pin, Mi- William H \ " , Mr? Charles U Romeyn, Mi Morgan. Mr.. 1 ' M r? < 'hartes ? l rank M ia \\ ?H u'n Cur1 - Den orest, Mrs, ton 1 i, M Mberl il i. . I ' t 1 I ilward H, W. liai I ' Hei I i. i M Philip H Mrs. J. Allen Mrs. .lohn Baldwin -.r. Mr? a*. .ar??> it night at h? ???'?'i 1 ' f. 'm hrr da .. ? ? ? | a tlatice, for whicl . esti ? ' ? . \t ?bout 1 o'clock pper wai lerved. I he guesl Mrs. St'.ih'* Duncan pav< ? dinnei ince in.-? nigh! at her , ? Bet. Her guests, most imbered ahout - Mrs. Rurkf Roche wai another H I .^he had guei home, 1! Seve ? D, Dw ighl ? Mis? I .?;?...- ?[ ha ? il . i? ?uppei Misa Beati I Ott Pan nit.I to J. I, thl ' Mercur and I rj V... music, f danc . Mr. a* Dur ? e-sized poi Mr ? . re Mr. ? Mi ? ?lpii '? ? Mrs. F Don *. >f the Tu? \ oi i, *.*? .'ii Mrs, Ste ? ? ? : ' ' rail The ? ? th ' ? ? J 11 ?n ' Mrs. Charlea liana Gibson wi ?. 12 ?" ? An. ?'-.'. Isley Ti I. V i takei place . it at Sben ? ar bal 1 ' \\ ENGAGEMEN. H,-,. ? en ack "?? J . r eb. B. Ann - i ? ? -!' ' ? " -i hete, ? ary t.. Judge G j ? WBA1 IS GOING ON 1<> l>\. ?. * ? ? . ? ? ? ? ? ? ' - \~i ' ' h ?a! ? - . -.- ' ??? a '. . ? . ? I Ia*>iUi|1 I ? ? . a .1 V. : i; > II 4 I . ' . Vi l\? ?*? ? a\ ,1- ' ? ' - ? ? a, I . It I a . ? . ?.,' . - ' ' MISS AMY TO BE EASIER BRIDE. l?auirhi<*r of Mi, ami Mrs. Krnet-t J. H. imy ?a to be -?narri'il to Hubert McDonnell. KNEBELS PLAY' ENESCO OCT1 Oive Felloi Rumanian's C? position I irst Production in New York. ! 1,.' Kncisrl Quartet a*. lt| eon laat nlght composit on nea t.. Neu Torh, ? ? Position by a f< ... I '. tel in <' major I violai and two violoncello?. .al" M r. Enei ? happily himsel' ? the modern I ha re in' e?ted ! him, i lurn. His ? ? ' p mus of fa Itis ? d .0 be one of v.or'<? produced. ? halls daring the l f. m ses .... the 1 Il . h r appea irr agi un'H.y. \\ . - i- power. '? - . . . Especie ere the 'ci ' of reit -?'p.! rl effect I ? overpowei ? ? tat th? rhyl iulinira! r iplen? ? ... ? ?BSill were F..?war ! and Elia Brei .i m, viol ' opening i Kochel \'n. 121 I, t! ' K neisel and h ii three aas ' Beethovi l ?UNIOP PROM ENDS YALE SOCIAL WEE1 Nation's Society Among 1,50 Couples at University Dance. ! Feb. S Fully 1 f.r coup ?-, i number on recor dance lal Junior Prommad which closed 1 I ?' ?oclnl week t. It " prom? largest nui held b ? To night hich will ever ht- hel ent Ai raory, which wil ear 1 : .n th i ? march wai led by Spence Miss Ann ? Harry VI !.?? i ? of th prom." ade comn ?' Maud ??i. '?:' ll'irr. iburg rhe ? part ; , - h Mil I ilia! , Kr ? ? .. '.? Trow f i'fiicer Park, 111., with Mil " ' rai-?. N'fw ? S'ewesstle: Kenneth O'Brien, New York Miss fleet Mem 1 . Brooklyn, with Mi? *?' Mar\ I '. .New York. ? ? ? ? were . ? rocker II, .1. ero.- ? Franc Pi 11 ? ONE OF EACH TWO HAS AUTO J'awncr ? I ,Tt-ili? - Hold a v. orl.l Rl.urd ? - ?' other an BU ? : - I t per i ? b au< ?' na for every ten | ... bob Kb,' ? - rec? torad '? si has two yean M i I B ?u'os in the I'.lalO, _ NEWS OF PLAYS AND PLAYERS "Our Mrs. McChesney" to Leave the Lyceum on February 26. Ethel Bsrryniore will exhibit "Our Mrs. Mc< ?? Boston und Thl ??K-.. during 'he spring months, and will ran?n, Ui Sett York '? September in a new comedy by William Sumeraet Maugham. Thla. at Bny rate. '. of th? In*. ?,'. . a- ? ??,. hav ing to du with hei ar-:?tli* future. An ei,uslh en.i I t of B month ... two agi. ?h : would take the Fcrber-Hobart niav to London ia tl ?? i- arould be I ir vefiiie f,,i ? -?n year?. At all event?. ,'(>ur Mr?. Mo sea ?il end i. at the* run at the ?'-. The theatre'a ? atl rHi-1 la yet to ??? at ?1 ia i,reate?? Nation," William El? ? ? wnr piar, arlll i i**a Ita premiara rhes ?. ry '.; l Mar? ket"* arlll continu? si the theatre Best road. Tha Wli ?? - Gardai "pe: tit will take i lace on rtiursda it week la? t? . of Wednesday. Tha? hava amnle time in which to an ? .-? I rush hour subway re I ta ia 1 ereby ' . ? ed that I a* th. '?? Op? ..4" . Blaneh? list"; Marie l?oro. "I' ploi aej ?' u M ??" ??To 1!, Hold*; Pannie Wind. ? the D? fenci ". Jol n Barn mora, I ii Who Foui d liims? If," and ? \ idn >." ?hat Sir Herbert 1<( ? rbohm '. ? ? [been ? ? ?fork s< Bson, it is ely not oc neu trality. ' ?? ' Ight'a \<e- ? of "Tho W? ??i ? .? ? lea Theal *? I ??? ob tnd istrial Relation i Ad i be nade by Frederic C Howe, Amo? Pincho! and Misa Helen ??urot. V ietoi Herber', the drearinn.ii-ht com pose?, will launch a "Victor Herbert ' at the Palace Theatre next It will cor 1st of twentj his most popular airs, sung bj " ? ?i- and othera "In Old Kentucky" will be next i nt the, Intermittent Manhattan Opera Houaa. At h late hour la?t night Arthur Rammerateifl hud not arranged for a box at the Pa after? ? ?, ilia pi n Twenty-eight feature? ar?- announced fei B? Il i be :i u ! I I . : tmerlra and t Fr? . I ' ? ? 'la-it a rVoma i awed on tha LI? K ? ? at one of tl a I - lecting pa l A ei mm ?tea sentina; the Na? ? of Pre?.<miiker?, at tended I ?? ' Listen!" ts wi ' ' ' . ? a ? . ., rill roi e wai ; - ?? ? - V'essells ? '? liem J ... ? itaa-in| ? ir tor -, 22nd Engineers to Dame. fj . Son-ei mi ned i ?(fleers' A? loeiat *' ? aer ? -.-? nth an il recent ? banda ? Anniversary at Children's Home. Borne I . ' - has ' to attend the eelebral ... ' -' ? bj Dr. H. II. H ectoi Rus? . ?? of Horn? lisi ? ana a II toda part ? gramme uf retita t.ous, ahoraaes and tableeus. ?ASSAILS QUACKS AS "MONSTERS" Ex Governor Hodges .Speaks Plainly Before Medical Congress. EAKE CANCER CURES I ? ALSO DENOUNCED Providence Delegate Declares Politics the Bane of Public Health Work. ChicagOi Feb. I Partner Governor George ?l. Hodge?, of Kanaaa, spake lift.- 'o (uy hefore the Congress on Medical Education, b? a guest of the r migres ? An attach on "fake" cancer ears coi corns and "?.Back*1 doctor? eras tho keynote of Mr. Hadgaa'a talk. I SCieneeless monsters fattening on the: ! !ii,.|,p?i .? ? Ticken vietin ? ??' ..*? he eharscta ' such persons. M r. HiMige lauded the Initl i Steps taken hy rouiify, ?itute atid na? tional medical organisations toward the I hetterinen* of medical iciencc Bfl I he saw a new era of medicine in a com Iaarativelj few year? beeauae of I : efforts. H..-*- ??i mace, formerlj admitted to be one of the most backward states a? ?regards medical legialation, hm taken in lor.g atop toward eorrecting i there, was told to the congresi to-day bj Profeasoc lro?. It H tary ?>f the Tenneeaee Board of , Preliminary Examination. One >.-ar ago, ?.aid Profeeeor Hudson, almost any one could appear before the Board of Examiners for the medical cx , animation, regardless of previous edu? cation. "V the Instance ef the Tennessee Medical Soc i Legislature,1 ? Professor Hudson, ' lair pring pro- ! :'or an examining board of ai-adt'tnic men, a body composed of in- ' tructei s and men, which board examinea ?II applicants in r.-la ' tion to their education only, and if the Paila m thii tesl be Is I from taking th.. medical ??? alth organi i, I).-- Charlea V ?hapin, <om sr of Health of Providence, 1 ?aid the 'wo great difficulties in pro tall ? copie wer? "polities in the Health an Inefficient e\ ; he former, i. ?'? aa the ? m ft be lat ter, so thai the rea -..rk In this country." He ad?ocal ? board of hi\ or seven. year, with nu axeeative power lodged In a hosen by fh"? hoard, the hour.! ' ' ever, to pn tary m ? road powers in r lirectlon, l>r. Francia C MeCrudden. of the Medical School of Tu?-1 ? i I? ?t, as lerted that inatruction In therape In Amei ean medical aollegei Ii ineom? ; ste an ! nemeient He luggeated that the gap betWMH pharmacology and 'clinical medicine ought to be h ridged ? I ? efforts for more accurate and system - ? stl oda > f r?glai births und deaths were praised by It. J Id Kerr, assistant surgeon general of the United Btatea Public Health Bei Pr. Kerr mentioned a number of itat? ' which he ?aid hare amended their 11 ?'? - in thia it?pect for the butter. rated lecture on vital itatii 'tic? by 1" Creasy I. Wilbur, special Bureau, before a >< the Federation of - Boat on H? 11 *h.? conference pro . BCl i-r- ' he qu< ition, it wa j will be i featu ' ? _ CLUB HOUSEWIVES PROVE THEIR SKILL Dresses. Apple Pies and Sam? plers Feminist Thrillers at Colony Kxhibit. Planked on one hand by the apple pie mad.? by Mr?. ?"?*:lham K. Vander i bile. Jr., and o:, the other hv a real - chair executed by Mr-? Ste? phen II. ?.lit?., a lift!.-? ermine trimmed cloak of French blue reigned as the tra of tereat at the opening nf the tloa at the Colony Pari Avenue ? terday afternoon. four Id owner, bnowi bow that God ng She || Roosevelt, ther, leat a .lime on Mot '- ' ?-?': . at? nal on that r wai .. .- ' i id ga . Int tit. my u n - b? r own re 1 ? roll jr mine reati .' that it takei more than fan - promi? sed, 1 . . . ititeni a great-i mother? could I ngue 1 ? iterer'i wlndoi ? . work, f the rent to" r that tl of I ' nota the '. ?' Amo | t pretentious < ua, .i i I . ? ? . ' : ? -. ? eanor .-. ? ? hunt. A " ? ture c . i no tu ' iBoa. Mr->. * only iprea . - : ' - Garj . ; -made lace. had ?rt:i of "I1 chair? ? Literal u : '?" . Mr?. Pay no iweti ill i' ?u-- Ad? mission :s i>j invitation only, through FARRAR IN OPERA MONDAY ?Mil Make Itrappearanr? at Mrtropol itan in "T<*sca." Geialdine Farrai ?rill make her re? entry at 'h-? Metropolitas "per? H' ase Hoi ' ? ing in "To ...... ??....., I, Ai I ' " ? .. Bada, K> ?clr - , Bra ?...u Misa Flirrer ?111 aing In "Cenaea" en Than* day "?? rig, an tl eaa? arlll include md Braalau, and , Amu*,,. Roth ar. Leonhardt and Bada. Mr will conduct both operas. Another festere ef box? wees at th?? opera aril' be the evening performance r*f "RI sli gold" "ii Frida-*. There be a lion after the .ene I I ? l li will include Mme?. Kur?, Rappold, Ober, Bparkee, He snd R nd s, raba? I . I ?ori I a, Hi .'. -. Ott, H' . and ?ilthouae, Mr. Bodansky conducting. 111 .?? . ? .... ran . ? tha week a r.? foil? "Lucia di Lammermoor," on Wednes? day evening; "Siegfried, on Thursday i i. . . . i ? ? rt 8 tiding, 1st, will plai ? ? coneert Miss Erma Zarska and hannea Sembach will sinir. The orche? tra will be ander the direction of An? ton HoiT, "Parsifal" will be auag 0:1 Washington's Birthday, beginning at l o'clock. "DIVOR?ONS" IN FRENCH Lillian Grease %eha?tvaa Beseeoes in Grace i.enr(*e R?le. Sardou'a "Divor?ons," which is be? ing played this week at the Th??tre lis, in Forty-fourth Street, is one il productions, pi the hi -?._?. at ad m rabie lit! ...-,? ion i. : areer of Mile. Lillian tireuse, ai ? ? pnrt i c Mia Grace George, .?e curea her elf? -anietv ad as a rule only by h :tn . i ex Hei individually notable ' ? ' . . .? :?'? ? i;ct ?n n ;,,i- ? -tar r?!.. i I play tha the husband. M. to have every line, ? of Mil? Grouse's pat? re? roper ?.mphasi?, and if I I th? ipparent value of . .? BO tO trinke iin*|miliar - tl of the ict-a-'i ciafl M. Benedict was always m ?fie pirt'.r... in turn anetuously hu fou : phical and ?". is? il>?'rla Buthorits? va. FAR EAST ART BRINGS $96,696 Statue of Buddha Gees for $1.100 at *i Sale. A full length ?tatue ot Huddha m alabaatai brought the top price, $l,lon. turoon Beeaion ? I I Amercan Art '?(tileries of 'he V,. ib of Ur:enta. ar*. Otto Bernet, as agent, was the purchaaer. Tha figure i? of Indian teenth oi four teenth eentuiy. Fur a Carved wood ?tatue of e reatad a ith black lac? Ided H. J. Foratei gave 1625. . - ? in the forehead is of mrk oi> ?tal. caned The f.gure la . I ISga pa' ' t'fie same buyer gave 'li? foi two Imperial dolls 1760. Otto Bernet (rave $l3i' for four im? perial dolls m ? palace 1721). The palac? ?? iry \?ood. Mr?. Rodman vYanaiaaker ?rave $3,,o for a standing rtguie of the Crown Prince . at the age of three : ? ?? Emparai "i omet, ur, I a as born A. !> Foi lg ... arve.? of a Kua yin a Ith a headdress Bud ? eresi aid to? :' the 18,244 60, At the closinar session in the evening I J is paid by Hiss R H. Lorana, a? .-. "Saga and it? Korai per' r ?r i - fold aereen, date l5'?n, raes in tha i Graj ter, of noaton, paid lagl for a pail fold 1774 rae ama Okiyo. Mr?, w. II < rocker gave 1464 foi a sixfold - : and 6841 for i ited to Teas Mit* ? il of the se-mion was 118,155, a : f I ? ? ? ?? re aale 19 LIBRARY FUND PARED IN ECONOMY CAMPAIGN Upkeep and Purchases Curbed, Institutions Revise Rules. In tho ?tTort to economize, the ! ' appropriation f ?I the upkeep and purchase of new book? - f rtj branch hbrari.?? of the city. Tl a central '.ibrarj on Fifth Ave? inported by the Astor, TH tpn and S, Is no? affected, but tac --im in? been changed to mak ' irm with the change? forced ?? weh librai aa Six fletioi ai : non-fiction book? may be drawn at the same t.tne, though only mm of them ean be a popular and new book. These may be renewed any num bei ' f times up to .?ix, and in addition iBga libretto nay be tuken for a week Special cards al achei ? to take ... kl have been withdraw, n [t . ? the lr'','h " ere M per -'lit of i far lower av ...... li. o. ?a ?Ils ... : Mrs. Humphry Frederick r-x I.i? on ih? '?ar i- the mu?.t i irk. .?ar boor.? that are are translations i mania iceently, ac ?biaiisa, of M-ribbling and ?thai com i aa on I mar- . Ml -??' \NN V M- Vall.l.UM*?. v. . . M .'? ' i Mr?. Han 8 Moore, ?rife of former i ? ?.- A i a r ims, ol Lake MRS. J\'i. i. BA?SFORD CORNELL Mr- Cor? , i ..veil in ? -? ? Mrs ?IAS C ? - lent ef the Ton? is Light i?' i Huguenot fsmilj EUGENE 1. KLI.ISON. ? i a - Eegoi " i. Elli I the Inauranc? phiiy of N'oi '* ries, wa? atricken nth aa it hia dei* to-dav i ph) -.c?an soald ar .. i ? ....... BOO prominent i.i -i thi? ? .?rs. ROI ML V DAVIS. . . Feb. E - Roy?! A. . , - manj -eara l alder af tha New ?'ker cham p.onahip, di? i a* H;s home in ., event] ?eight >esr? old. _ LINCOLN COM KKY. Philsdelpl a, Feb. R Lincoln God . ? remineat flnaariei ar, 1 for? ? a director of the Penneylvenia | Railroad, d ed to day after aa illneaa ef two years. He was eixty-six years old. MAJOR EBSTEIN DIES OF APOPLEXY Receiver of Taxes Fought ?n Civil War and In? dian Campaigns. Major Frederick H. F Kbstein. Re? ceiver of Taxen and re* red from th? 1 Biteel -fates Army, died from apo I ..xv yaataraaj -.* - - home, infj-2 Pa t Ic Btafeet, Brooklyn lr, j?ood heal'fi be left hi? office in the Municipal tcraeea, he was itricaai tntif ytst? relay morning, and died ?oon after ? phys.cian arnved. Major Ebatalfl ?uTercd from a ?trokei ? March, 191*. and was taken to the Hudeoi .,;. where for a?r? erai month?! hia ! !?? a lag :n the bal? ai PS. He waa barn in Hre?Iau, Or many. April ?\. 1 ?? 4." He was gradu? ated from B mil tary a.-a'It-my at keepala at seventeen. ??nd iervetl darlag reai ' the Ci?rU Wee. Ha came out of the strugg!?* t? ??h the cemm. isioi ? leeoi tenai L Ha ? ? ?? ? . ,- saigas the Apa r.rc?? . .* ffer ?ward1 ..? ! General Mil. Howard ? lartern aeter , ? ? - gallantry in th? Or?? a I Montana. He eras government at-e-.t for th?? Apaches in Arisoi > the War Dc itfaira mar f ftnrt on the Pacific i oast and iii A .?-na H. .it., i ?? -,. ., h th? San - tingo campaign ir. "98 and tonight %-. lu?n H tea Ii fantry. Ha army ?? -re rank of Major after | -*>, ? e ?, . ( onscientiixis Pohlir -.triant. i!h I,ow'? ad-mii itffat?aB Ma - ?a? fir?- De*] ity Police Coi ? r, ?; charga ,??? Braakl ? Dar? lag his earcer he he'.d several portant p iblie ofl ??? - H a *,- l?ar . ];, a ?, ? ? k -_._ Count] sa? r ? ' I'rendergast. he was conn. I i burean of tea estate appra ? la the Finance Department, serve I ? Murnet Re-venae, and lutterly was Rceeiv? r of 1 which ofri... he in rae s dad Da Id E. Austen. ""Her Prcndcrgast said of hit i yes-er "Major '.hneir. ??? one of Ike BMSS consci.?!.*?' ?..- publlt servaats l ?-a'... ever known H.s military training was Basel which he put to'the u*.e of the city ;n all th?. del ; aitant aflea if., sarn? ? ? peraonallty the reaped of a' ciates and subordinates In the tiepart ment of Finance. He was lovni bv thaae who. like myself, knew ?Y:-, best ** MVKRIFI1. GOOD M-CLIVE On Saturday, Fes. ruary 6, 191?, In Bl ?'atharines. On? tario. Canada, Bd th M?r?. daughter of Mr. .. ,*. Mr- John M.-?'live, to W . ' ."- Palton ?in? New York City, son of Mr. and Ml V. E. ?iood, of \V'c?twood. N.i.i.r? of Bmestajaaa aai <.ei??fi? ?. .? BO S' i ninpanteil I.? full inmr anil a.tdiraa, niFn. Aven George T. Berry. Alice Catlin. . -tac .?" me R. Lleimel, Siataa ' ? n, Fred R. E Edgar, l- :.ta L V J Roh:n?.or?., Mary I. AVERT Tuesdav. Februarv ?, 191?*?. rga L Avery, of 43 ?"Feat Mth at. New York Cita*, aged gj y ar?. He? .?.tra'. la'er BERRY Sadden!?/, at the heme of bar r. Mr>. aCberiea T Rushmnre, N I., on F. hruary H Lfll Alice, artdaw o? H ram I IWrv. i <er.ices at Warwick. N". Y., on Friday, Februars? 11, at 1:15 , CATLIN MILITARY ORPER 01 I OTAL LEGION ?'ommandery ?-t?te of Si ? Totti Companion Brevet Major *-*. Cattle. *'. B v., January 19. Funeral Thursday ruary i!, at S p. ?. ??.- ?? ? hurch, Joralemon und Hick? ??? , Brooklyn, N V Compaatona will at H y or'ttT i ' Paymaster General EDWIN ?-?TFW AIT, F B. N retired', ?' 1er. Brevet I. ? itanant ?"oloncl WIM.MM S. COGSWELL, V S V. Recorder. CORNELL A? her home, 12 Tow? Place, Tanken, Monday, February 7, 1916. Mr?. Jane !.. f'ornel! I / of Thoma? C Cornell. Funeral fi ? Bt Mary's Church, Voakora, Wl day morning at 11 o'clock. DEIMEL- Simon, beloved hasba-i-J of olive Delmel. luddealy at ge? o-? February ! Funeral service will bo held at the Campbell RaHal < ? ' Ji! v.. --..-, ffedaaa February '.*, at IS o'i lock, r EBSTEIN Suddenly, on Fehruarv *. *.??*. year, Major I* red H. 1 Ebatetn. V S, A ret reell Funeral from hi? la I " Pac I Brooklj n. Fabraary 10, I p ni. [ntarment private. Mil [TART ORDER OF IHK LOYAT. LEGION Commaadery state of New York lorn pan ..i-i Major Fred enck II F Fh-tein die,I February S Fanerai Tburad Febi irj lu, 5 p 5 Paell ?*.. Brooklya r(,m ? ' ' ?"end. By order of ! .? '.ai-ter FPU IN' BTEW AR i retired), .'ommander. ? ' oloael v, ILLIAM S. COGSWELL, v. S V , h^acat?V i EDGAR* At her re?; '. ? ? , N'ewpor*. R. I " laj morning, February 7, Ellaa I. torn a.f (Villiam Kdgar the late l ; rderie w. lar nelaader. it. ?he ?Soth year of her a?-e Fanerai 'r. m Trin ? ? jrr1., '.'? '.?ir*. R I , \, ..tjnes? it 11 a re ; meted that ?' . ra be tent. On ?today, Febrnaty I, I l'r ? ' bt ? the I ?am FiU-Siraon . ter of the ' ' ??-? and J . .?? I':er; oi ? '.'. ir/a:. ROBINSON Mary Leemla Roblaaaa v of Thoma- I) Rov BBOB ? ."? ' ? - iOth K?r ar.. W, ? ? ..''err.oon at I Intern ? ai ver.ience ..' ? I **.eri. . gafl i f.Kii.*?. tin. iM.i.iu \?4 ?? .fvirrr.BT. :. . 1 ly Truua?*?. la), i ?if MM - B ' ? ? ' II CUI J. ! --? N I Dui??o??s VALENTINES \ large display la i ir I] erial '?aril tOOtS n 'b.i aa,-iiUH ioor. Brinf Iks I 'u/i/re-i 881 Fifth Avenue