Newspaper Page Text
GUARANTTF. I ? *? N*i ivr?ett?^|0rli ?Mlwne WFATFTKR l'air arid colder to day: fair M rrof row. . i First to Last ?the Truth: News - Editorials - Advertisements \?*i LXX1 \,i. 2.\288. I? i.|<,llCl.l 1!.IB III! I.SDAY. I' AKY 10, i.?ir?. a v V | ? / 1'VT In Na.? *? orU ?il?. Ne-arl?. tOtOOf ' II? ?a ?>> I a?.| Il..rml4.n Pal ?*.??, l?'i f ?nl? Lansing Asks Clearer Admission of U-Boat Guilt HUGHES BARS USE OF NAME wnin Denies Knowing of Plan to Pul Him in Presidential Race. oit or POLITICS, jUSTW E \SSERTS Politicians Notice That He ?|s to Declare He Wouldn't Accept. . Ba, ... ? en tkinf of - ' ? traes. ?to line Hera, th? . re, Mr. inin licaa - - nee ? a was - - a.? oid? ? Ref..? - ? ? ? ' i hich he had se far he would , n if were ? - Bl I ara a if I ? . , BOtl ?? c ?? h ich ? etloB Bl Bl ' , ...?-., -roars, f\RLES K. HUGHI ? ? ? - ? e been tr lastice Hui n?i 01 ?i lettei . si I ? -r ? i by '* "*' eck, ? tig to ob ? eaji for - Mi ? 8 gi M r. m All? ? rri 'le ' ? -ilican ? Mille?, e elre itep] n?e ? ? rap - I ?Her. . ' of \ . late ". THlled in the I ?N? t, . | ,?ln ? ? U. Hitchcock Iggtl*^^^^^ . " H \ UiUhcocl . feaiBBatS ?.u )yujr g, ?...lumu : MARJORIE'S BATTLESH1I ...... MARJORIE STERR1 l I lo the Kditor of I lie Tribune. Il?'.ir Sir: 1 reatl in ?.our paper e\er\ morning a lot about prepared iv aa. *,|. granilp.? and great-grandp.. ?arre ?.virtiera If I ??a? | |,4>? I would he a ?oldler. ft.o. Itu? I am not, m? 1 ?ant ?o do ?hat I can (o lirlp ^la-inu? gi?e>? me a dime e*.er*. are+lt for helping her. I .in. send? ing m>u ?his week's dime ?o help build h battle-hip lor I nrle Mini. I know a lot of other kid? who would ??nie their errand i-none*. if \nti would ?tart a fund. 1 am thir? teen ?ear*, old and co to Public >t boni 9, Brooklya. Voars ?nil?. M iRJOBlE STERRETT. I am ?rue blue \mcrienn. anil I want ?o see I ncle Sam prepared lo lick all creation like John Paul Jone? did. P. S.?'Pleaae call the battleship ?Wnrrka. *?lrie !hi? letter ?a? punted dlnir? and dollar? hau* floweii into 1 he Tribune office unce3>>ingl> . Other paper? arm*.? the count r\ ha?e reprinted the letter and the d'illar? have flowed in upon them Mariorle ha? a?ked The Tribune to take care of her fund until it grow i, hiR enough te batid fl battlr ah?p. or leaat ?om" kind of a --hip worthy t?f the tradition? of John I'aul .lone?. The Tribune . annot undertake to enter into rorrespond ence about the tund. hut it will a dalli ll?t of lontributor ani' e?ir\ one who semis a dime or h dollar or a million dollar? t.t The Tribune for th?- fund will receive u button hearing- the I, geml "J . S. S. Am?rica." That ?ill he ?our re? <t?lpi fur a patriotic deed. REFUSES $250 BID FOR T. R. LETTER Marjorie Sierre.t Scorns Big Offer for Precious Battleship Note. A wee] .? ? daj a dime .ironp?n o?.!* of >. letter In The .Tribune's ma. '?.ht-, the i alve request ?hat it itaii ? fund to buy a battleship, Thii morir n| ? has r? aehf ? i ".183.30 'Marjorie'.? Bat tl ? ed ar, BmBf -*c time It is a re*! ? ttei all der n" ? a* one, I I - hi.H BCente aie fast cluttenrg the ru.? drav-.r originell i gned to hold Real 16 most at theni are, and loaded to fhe Rill lie aritfc sure *-ire patriotism. Letters writti in pend? by ha tiny that th? -prawl downh M at an alnrm rig that chap there ia one ? i o!n a pac l .. a - ??ranger eallt l home arm ? to er thl i , u keep i". . n grandch 'I'i'en He u\. crested, g e Mai rie a fea - ' - the precious manUBCl . "Nothing doing!" came th? reply in ? ,. i -v. II ... i take $160 $?*'?''' | for it, then?" h-'K?*d he mhii, John A Str?le\, <.f 282 Halse] Street, Brooklyn ?M bave nothing more to saj, pH? IM l as if a lawyer h a.i itraley thereupon di that I * - pper must be get ?old BTi'l departed m th? ?ame ?. itentl) . ge, and Marj..- - al threi . ea of "Mai Battleahip" tha? b< -? I a drawing .h> of children bringing their Mb ??'- bank me a con'ribution for the ? e Inn ran?. ? i ,.?,!, r that all chi i th? battleahip may ha - u ?,ing suitable to .??h'n? !.>r theT g theii dimes t.. I he Tribune dir? ting 1 ire .going to ??? until ' ' ? I . I beat **U. S. 9 .." and a ? ?- ? 'II bo ?a .. uniiuuttl uii pate i, lolunin S AUTO BETRAYS BAFF SLAYERS Chauffeur Wh o Got $90 Confesses?Accuses Convict Gunman. POLICE GROPE MANY MONTHS Murder Broker Killed and Trail to Men Higher Up Dimmed by Death. : I e \>w York ri.i\:ce BMlOS . hiaii found t'ru v, ? ? w ashingti killed by gunmen in ? " r . ? L- of N ?Vi ' ? , a ? ' lies the ?tory of nutre than . I ng, i'ii re ful. ? ng of the i m ' mmt'- slayers, am. chautTeui of the wiir I? ich the killei ht in I A ? ? . ? ? ? to b? i ' Xapanoch Reformatory, where he is ' | B . ons. \\ ho stood beh en prid ? md, m attack on Ba?T; Tho formulated the plot by which the bosinei - mun : ' tor of hi? I ? .'r ?a? strictly a b Ferrara received 19 ? i in Hade i.' 1 ttl? Italy, the po' . ;hr killir.g. The chauffi a plni es not 1 ? (,r, ,''.. ? lenee ehain lea,din*{ to the men hlg to dei i Muli!?-," his prop? i -al month 1 inking W line?,?! Slain Were Gr< a the I v-hich the detective? have followed for more than a j eiir might hots be ing it" end, M is believed that 'he Italian wai ? ssj " beca knew t".. much of the af. District a. ? Headquartei terday after ? eon ? that 1 ? on fe sed Summoned by the |,i.?ire. ?in,i th? ecutor ?pen1 mo'-t of he aft quertt ?i , ?as hi o senl ?'??? areola, While on th? bem-h .Im?.*? Sw?nn sentenced the man I in tha n formator* Krrraia ! ? I * I I Bast I "71 h Street with I fe and Ho is ?mall, olive skinned and in appearance. In idle hou of ihe murdei car I lia in S | for the Market Garag 1041 Street. ? ha in il elf, in which the gunmen fled from :hr body of their quarry, waa discovered in thi? Karate Not uni 1 "ar" nrek <; 1 thi ; discover who drove it on it? mission the afternoon of November 24, I W hen he mad m -i.ed awa\. I? s ?? | Bau gasping on th? the?r were ' ' of thi ? huh the police eould gsin, (?calibn driven into his b..?l> : That the r-it wa? chocolate color, two ?rated and had it? to|i op. M parted behind it a blue eloud of i"i' ning oil 11 ? .her almo ' .. ble. i-augbt a ?? of the figures and wen they ?ere in the 24,000g. Ily Aiigt. all of the cars beani.? ?.?1,11110 aeriea and b? ? th" ni?vV' e in ? the autom il p!ac<-. pro a.irdin,* lb | Run mi ? le? l>? ? linn. ? ? ' On ? 19 lire? ganj ..? ind chan' >n the "murdei Pa pinelli, ' he "Hetty ?.r. ? ? Little Itsl - mui Maren 1912. ?\ Fa. Jone?. a ? s ".,1 Bi anc Detect u and ?\n drew J. Winei ad Brand Detect ? Bureau, both ? ? . ? at w? - n down the ? - nava k- - r ?er? anted ?? i ? - luartera. Working upon ih? Mai' ,- this tune were ? aptaii ?m,l i? ;.. ,-tui i ra, i hey i? ' ? .i an isolated clew. ? ; : \ aluable ?tatei ? ? ?' ? .'. i? ?. . . ? day. | Hep 1 er 1 i ? Fen luntiuufal en lias? ?*. ?"I'xiuo I On Way to Oper, Hear Bullets 5i St'?'dtc Couple in Li mou. Compelled by Police Join Wild Auto Chase ? "'tain ?edate tub., ain woman motored to 'lia thratr? : the oparn last n gl I ret? Some to tell of a br.ef iiut exeitin| m.iute? in which they acted a? p . bed real battle ataoke heard bulleti patter Bround them Jamei Gorman, whoae present Ri . . ,?,??? H oment in (-hniiKing th?' i ? ?f the principals in ?he little th i ? last c He a ai <-i ?? ing Tenth Avenu treel . dr'.eti by Kr.'i 1 rona, Long Island, knocked down and broke I eg. P ti olman .Tann : ogf 1 and ted i.ini into se a ruahed te the ! pitf.1. Th? ? . ared man in m ? a- they reached ?he door, tl ?' ? . motor in tie ?treet and Geliert dil . i of du?t. I wil . of du T and ?i in o mai polieei hospital ; ' rushed enth A fct Fll Street ed the i ... '?. ter that guy. m a hurry!" iheu ? ? 1 of the machine. If there wa ? ? ? ? ? . ' : I of the machi fired a' If Fit theatn \ ? The : .- I gair.i ... ?. I ^ car wit ? | i ? ? ? chin? I weat al inch i.d as threatffi !.. over? urn. a volley i a n d ? ?. ?venue and ?, reet 1 ? '.-?I. Ti .... ? ear an ?ing h enforced .-? 'or th. i.mes. 1 dr...e -.? the ?Vest I ? "1 I I -' ! ." era .? ' to a c< T. R?, FIRST AND LAST, MOOSE MEN PLEDG1 Every Candidate Musi Su Swea Before He ("an Be Approved, loa i as unani fht 1 ? r Yoi .?a ol the ' o al Pro . tl ?i tha? ne delegat. or alternate bi ' ? ? Vor' ni ?-' at CI . a. * ' .. ' ' gate ". alternat? shall ?.? pledge himself before betni approved by this bod)_ $1,000,000 NECKLACE ARRIVES SECRETLY I itt\ Pearls in String. I inest i vet Imported. ?, rcklac? of pearl laid to be | ' , .... min .. . ' ' . " . ?? . Dre eei ( i . ? In spite of the secrecy ?* ? eli at? ? ?.'? ace on a French 1 two weeks ago an?! its the api raiser's . It be rare t, mo?t * G? v duplicate ? i ? - , - n the ? ' ' ' ' WILSON HALTS SCUTTLE BIL Sees the Need of Ne Provisions for the Philippines. WILL CONSULT PARTY LEADER Business Men Want i Know Mow Islands Will Be Ruled. ? ? -r--- ? eBssssa Washington, Heb. i?. Convinced tha neeoeeity of <-harn*es in 'he Ph It pine? bill, partic.ilaily in providi .ume form of governraenl for th?1 i and?, aft?'r ihe American as1 ara g ' wlthdra i, I'--'* !? il v*- I ?n sill c* auk tli,. -reel a th several lea.1er? fit both Senat? ai I Kouae. in the meantime, nothing will be do . Houi ' ? ?"? litt? - "n Insul VT., t to wl ich ' ha bill wa It i? not pi m old any hear,--. , any gra :? acted ia gi ? a raes a .1 ol ?. but 'he Hon ? v. ish to ' ?a until the Preside ? ? - | |e ap his mind u? ... Pr? .1-, ' V. ilse "special to .. .?i n whether the lasdi Senate arould onpo?e insei h II of a plan of government te l ? - indi ?nd enforei American Hi g id dos . ? i. draft tjreat length a plan g the short ran .- ? ifter thi , chaoa Differ a? In PoWOf , irk a of \\ , .. ? m for indepi m from : tontenc tha? broad eno pro .- of a Philij .' of for the govi ramer ? ryera. who c? ? the Pi . ? ? Philippin luthoi I bo an assui 1 tha inl!. ?ii'ie ?s h feeling among legislator i ? ci ? the bil will eau i ?? ich infavorable eommen al! i. ? ? rj as to American math Casting thi idrift withou n foi isfeguarding t h .-. rite i thought, but V fail to | eins o powi ? are laid doa i i ted tat? - regarded ? r bj the eag 11 ... ' s to get rid of the il Isnds a ? b of thi mate li . modi (Beult for friendi ? ? ?? Iment to hold and for th?' | ey ar? bi nd ? ? rffort to t - radical n *h<> measure. It i tustion which ha- brought abou? the vl te H i ferenecs, ?i i it ii I "t.. ?! ? h si the a i ?nklei '?ill h? n .,..? hed ? il Basiseas *'en "Aant Certaist) Letten actica i the islai i - ? agsinat ths < Hea > '?"ean buainess hou ea resti tern alarmed by tha t know a ? - .-.- r the 1 - . all of I say thai ?hill prefi he . ? ? ? by it ' stoa, th? rotjld ither ha?? almost any I : of a pro* I in the Clarl Imei rging member? ? ... i ? ? | j Contrasts A ? - il views all?and then a un . riking ? f the ?Gods in * r I contrasting high light*?, is the con kith :. ??-.'.??- t t ?rid is full ol i number of I I I I ting ? ? ? . ? ? of re? in .?.1 . oui - .1 alei to-day t? ; ?Xht? hululai* (Tribun?? FirtX lo lout the truth. MoWS I.Jitorml* ? Adcertisemcnt* - 1 ? GERMANY TO UNLEASH U-BOATS, PREDICTS BRITISH OFFICIAL i Il y Cable to The tribune.) London. Leb. ?.?4 high yo\ ernment official told I he Tribune to-day that there ??/?*> only one reason ?hy tiermany made such a stund against the use of the ? nrd "illegality" in the I us'ttaniif settlement. "It Is pr:nticall\ certain.' he said, "that tiermany is preparing tor the immediate resumption of the submarine campaign on a hig scale: consequently, it docs not want to he hampered by any considerations of legality. "Once it Is admitted that It Is *aj accordance u ith Inter national /a.? to sink passenger ships at sight, tiermany ?ill he able to work unlettered." _,_ SWISS DIVIDED IN ARMY CRISIS Nation threatened with a Dreyfus (ase Over Two Officers' Arrest. ll? GORDON COBDOX.8MITH. [B ia- ta . ,:.,,. I', i, .'. tiirca-' i ",: bj S grsi B Many people retard the situation a?. the most ! ' ?? - Republic ror faced. i- beeotn a like tha Drej ,? esas, when the Re ?.in majority began !?> ? i : all the high commai - m y. Just aa the Dre conflict bel ? Frai th? anti-republican reaction to a head, so the "affairea dea coloi ha? precipitated a to ?hake the republic to tions. r wo Swiaa arm} ( olonel von vVstl and ? olonel K.. - ?? 1 d i n i? hij-h rank on the Genera taff are ac laed of ? . ' ' . reports on French 1 ' uups to tha Gorman military attach?? ai. Ilcir.c. Partisana of th ? ? I - ..1 a do? ing thni b 'lie army i.: ?nu moi a hoi head? d I militarist! are n .- ... further their po; I? r ?uch circu or ?ui I runs I r k Of -, ? SCO ,dar OB Bl being the 1 ? GERMANY TO REFUSE PEACE CONFERENCE Fearing British Influence, Will Discuss lerms Separately. imaterdai ria 1 9 The "Koelni ehe Volh . . . ,. Germany ? eacl ual em t.- ri tali the g-roi .k.uilii lin the upper hand. 2 GERMAN PLANES RAID KENTISH COAST Ta/O ?*.<?men and Child Injured as Bombs I all Near School. ...I . 1 .-' " i ?. ., ' ,, I ? ,. ? ?a-;, approached o Kenl dropped '" en bomb Ram md Broadstai.- Thre? of th.? , dam ? f one hous? u remain?,I over th? esta an? - ? at ses \ , , . . . the 1 I two lundred erd ? ? ? ? ildren ?e. ' liutid-. ' . rand 4 ' " Il , ? re 11 ai and a SMUTS TO SUCCEED GEN. SMITH-DORRIEN I \ Boer I rader to Direct last ?.frica Campaign. ! 01.' ? -.. florae? Don ien has I th i ? ? 'or,-? opera) .? t Afi to ill '- ^ ? Genet Chris Mininster of I a ' I'efe. . ? - '?'I? ' ' " ' " ' ' ' ' I ' I . ' P ' ' rrattng ifriea He wa . | ? in official ? 1 I in I ?.bin. BELGIANS REJECT KAISER'S OFFEF Impossible. Replies KiiH Albert, Buoyed by Curzon and Haig. i. - London, Keb. 'j. 1-. ? ? ce tha ?ar a scon .1 * ' ? ? aht ever; day. Hiere ia no l ? "c pinch h. It ean be tat? ic ai.d flat B< Ig im which Kin, Mbert ned t" accept, after i con fere ?-.o?' with Lord Curzon and Si ? nu ??.ere ?en? at hi* ipecie in frorr fhc Allied governn \ le from a proaaiea te rest? k.nia.-.; ,.", Oei many offered to return King A ? . ?ntwerp ?.mi Oatei d a ? ?atu ? ? - ?lb? Great Brits . ?? W more mt-n would I" 8 cut tiu'i : ' adl anf?ge to G 'mail;.. i\ ? rVlbalt, B| IOO I be "a ? i - iu red of the continued till? .: tha!. a sep :l)|r?. Mercier Refuses to Aid Germ?n Peace Move Rob ? . Pa Tho Monsignoi .. ??, H. ? ? to K rig ?lbei * Whetti i ? ? papei. hai It ? ?? ? prom r?-a.:> 0 Bl gium for tl ?? . ., v ? g ? and comn ? - ? I? thr ; re of traffic. To then m Belgium ?a laid t?i hu.?- i ? a prompt 11 I f.i u?e hi? influence in ' I ' f .?i peace hava been in - ein, it i ? ardi?al kfercier ? ; ? - ;, H< rkini n accor ' . . 1. Pi .? Bl I ? ... . ? FILIPINO REPUBLICANS CONDEMN WILSON RULE i-nlitics Injected Intu Island AI fairs. Says 1 .invention. ? ? ?min ? ? prt-s ' :' . .. ... V . - i " . . ... rnment ? - KAISERS SON OSCAR QUITS BATTLE LINE Heart Ueak. but VVotiads Not Serifius. Is deriiian keport. ?i tardara a laOnd? , Fel I tha* I ? r*#, ar ' r and Emi gra ' i?. . - , ? burn IB .--? WANTS BEEIN TO RECOGNIZE ITS LIABILITY Merely to "Assume" Is Not Enough, He Declares. SAY GERMANY WILL ACCEDE Teutons Call Case rinded ?Secretary May With? draw Demand. ? ? ?'? vVfuhii ft ,9 Grtattr Hi ??cultie-- -tanil in the aray of i a? ? ?.. rma-iy than ?a- a* ? poaed Although offi ial ;'re COn?dent, both at the BtAte He pertinent and the emba*****y, that an ? will I)?- reached iHthotit libbling*, it lecame V ? man; .-.-?? uktd ther "con?*? ?- hich. i--, may eau c hat lo . "Tha '?? Bl irovernm**! t a ?*," 1? '" the draft pre?-erte.l bat g last Pi '.day i iked that it be alter, d > I or Mai ? ? Beta v ho lia.t* thai r.'p.tiati..,*? ?. ;h!? may pw ? ;? ? It i go ii i ?< ng ? ?-?.?.. . ? that "a . a-ajtreenient had |K)S?-fb!<?" hy ih?? ami.. ?-ailor-. orandum, iSeerwtairy Lan ?tag ha? In " r ? ..- ' ??? .u -I , eque I be g it. Wanted No Further tdaalaaaae lie ??,?-. - ithe harm lira** an-, ? , | rera ?I ??? 1 , ivewal - ? ? ?I y ?n ? jeei ran ha hung "This g mail taiaod fer m ? ? neat ?he I . inia IB note . ? lu 'i .-. ?' Bl I ? ?aba8" 8 "er Of ? ri trr ? In Waal ? ? . ' . be we rag, " ' ?he tania a a.I s? ?filed, the 'rims of ? ? ? preva ? -? atieaeat ' ?. ., eing, It i of all n. lievt?. . aaa .? ?? r I g ' ?iifli . |lra?r i'lra ? ? a ".; .i'ntia' | . si '?'? treble dia ?d itra ras i ; -? n rl ? appor ? B ' ' ? l'ni ted >**ates ? - naada a ? ? ?; IrH ii ..-? ??'? 'he ' be fea bat < R?" aeterf would - awal" as a !?? M ?4J ration ?.-, ? ' ? ' ? al Brlta ha b. ? ?rT g A itra I'reai Hn* ? .... - gl ? ? h?? a i ?saran ?a .. Pr?ta* t , t - a l aclarad tha' 1 ii ? * .* -i Gar ?? reward for her ?-ompl? anca w Laai ?a a rtasaade la h ?a