Newspaper Page Text
ays BRANDEIS BETRAYED PUBLIC tfS S?" .\iilei1 Railroads. CAOS BELIEFS BAR TO SUPREME COURT - lM?l coannissioner Chanics uwyef Broke Profes aional Ethics. - - ?. on m -, east ? "*'?*?-? ? i ? ? ? - ?' the ?' ' ' ' Ill? r ? ' .v ? C ' ' I - raie ,v ,| . i., >h?i Mi Bl .?? r' 01 wro c li hit poaitlon s? t? 'he edoejaec] el railroad revenue. Th? ?ther proposition related te a matte of profeeatenal ethlea. I have ahewi you ?ha? Mr Brandete was employe. bi the Interatate Commerce Coaaaale * on rt-i'h apeeiflc Inatroetlona no" t? advocate any particular theor*. h? t? the dlspeeltlon of ?he case. lie *,?-?? ?.?lac.i If he -?-.s aTHng to take th? burden of set*!,g that the t"*rr sidi of ?hr eaae ?a?" developed, end toll ?ha* the railroad aide would t*e ade quetely cared toi 1 have tried U ihow that Mr. Brandete bad e\pressn . .-???*,?. a- , ' , .ienre i-i the Brea enta! f the rete case by a counael "1 ha? * ra 'hat Mr. Brandeil ro ly manner i thi case with ai Vi .. the < ritical time, Mr warn! | to o? 11 el, after i?!1 ??rjpinient had beer ? " ., .' of the publlt ? ? ? relj to the railroads, Had I known thai auch was to be his posi ?"-.1 u? of his m' have beei taken rot eel in i ? . i heard Biand. bad . ? ,- v Brand? who ere rate ?use, and a ho ?? ai ???> . . ? lidei that pra ill j fatal ? the j Our work wa - - to Kepretaent Other Side. . ? K? . 8 Struct i 01 '"Mr. ? from ; i Inter ? as ? .." ? that Mr. Brand m. ,- ? t ild that there wa mia? lettei atei etter it wai thai Mr Bl take the burden of the i - ? ? co missicr that the i ?*d ? ? ' .. atio! Mi ne that Mr ? - on that the revenues lie argued that Mr. Brandeia, having reach? i the conclusion have retired froi . ? from that phase of the . BSSOi .ate i ounsel of ' .-.i?, o. I ator Chill ? . red ' ni ? ????re not op] charge ch Mr ? ...I? I : ? : Ben :ce? performed -s impeneatioi Mr, attl? ship] - I that 1 ? ere takei care of n ? ? , . - c? e?amin?d the 'e Aeolian Coi ^ant NEW YORK ?PrtT ??XT T4?? ? BROOKLYN 2QWEST *pe"*>ST. J^?LXJLiPiN nlKLtL H FLAT?USH AYR ?' I a. ? ? ?<? ?p-.i_ [sa- ^P-^'Y ? :. ?|U I ara ' ?1 ^ Mi^?% Is There Music IN Y(HR Home? . HE i? cl that you have a piano does not mean necessarily that >?>u have music ui I.' nie.l housandsupon thousands of pianoi bland from one month's end t?> an??t 1 kt, silent j;ath< ;iil dust ujxm their keys, giving not a whil ??I pleasure to tl t- households in which thi y have a '?. Do nol be satisfied with a silent piano?with an instru i play. i mola is a perfect piano in appearance, in tone, in action. Il e * e who play by hand even better, perhaps, than the piano you And you can |>l.iv i' also The Pianola player a< tibn tArs cm re ?>i the : music?strike? the notes. Y<<ii direcl it, by means o? its ' aprr-ssion i ontrols. 1 .very ? hord, every delii ate tone in melody ?ment is made to ?sound exa< tly ?i- you v ill it. ei player instrument can give you such perfeci musical ?n, however. The PiaiaoU is the first ami basically the mo perfe lyer-pianos. It lia-- many essential features not f?>un?J in ?retrain? il Aeolian make. Pianola is made in these models only The Steinway, I If VVheelock, The Stuyvesant, The Stroud and famous Weber. h $550. Any model may be purchased upon most liberal terms. I'or example : _ y ti d ".a - .-' ? \ ?" .1 First Payment of $15 Secures Immediate Delivery oj PIANOLA i i - | heuer /? xn <?' ' /??' '. er-piano, of other ? ? a ?rdless of name or ? ? \ DM-, OF HAFFS Al.1.1-1, I'D MURDERERS. Giuseppe Areola, whom Frank Feriurn, nota undei arrest, rharge ?rith helping .-lay chicken merchant. ?? ? pas el it the ? Ich Mr. Thorr.e n ?>. ? . ? ? re.-.' lenrinp? to allow th. ? ai "i al '? ? ?? ? iggardly." Senat - ?' .. ?. that Mr. Brandiei ?? n peaking of I'm pe? or i per cent, ;?a 'i..- ea ? . ahich wai designed care for non-re provementi un.i lean years. Mr, Thon t ?'.I ths: Mr. Bran leii had i mi I ?': h this I1?* or 2 pe? cen? wai g with 8 or .'.vt pei cent to care divide- . ng a total r? ?" '. '-i cent Mi e o rupied the stand ht of the ib committee, at< ??? riifh'. Tu ? heai ? ' L'nited Shoe tl rhich Jr. Brei de ?el AUTO BETRAYS BAFF SLAYER I -ii'ir. .?.1 from page I latia-e for several days preceding h ? ferma! arr?-' ""Then confronted wi'h the evldi ? held bj the p ?lice aga nit I i broka duwn ar.i' eonf? ed He ? ing the e n on th? -is-, of th i mm d? i oX HUT. lie n-,.? ?.. ?I up Areola a man. r...* ? .-i ) carried than ? ? " ? v <? ? IVashingtoi Ma sa 1 ..i ?? wn ihr- . , e went te ,. ? ? .i quarrel over th? ? m Fu ? ? Murk'* I , larteri rday afl ? inufactui era' nu rrewed inte m I a pS ? ? I ' e ci ' ' Arc . ' of the irdet ? . . :? *? f the ? lOtgU II ' ?? - He wai ludg. ra? ster was re? moved "? ? . ? ? ? Baff, 1 of Baff sal? hai '? ig re? ? itei ; dsred, to have been, ii ? ne. Ho ? ', et ? . s bnsini .: ; ' I . the Vt'esl irket It wee he a ho i . ??" to .' TEIPER INDICTED FOR MATRICIDE Son in the Orchard Park Tragedy Will Be Tried In April Term. SISTER GAINING STRENGTH SLOWLY Has Made One Reference to the Crime Detective Waits at Her Redside. Buffalo, F?ii ? lohn Edward Teiper will be tri??! before n jury at ?he April term o' the Supreme Courl for th? alleged murdei of hla mother, Mr, Ar-*?? m 'ieip.-! i;n'';. prosecution ? efenc. .ir'"*d, after the rel - ?i ' - li ? i the grand .1 y to day a ; ???.. m? i [eide, to ul-.irh ' ?? plead not g thai It was de s i rabie te await tie possible re cuver*, of Grec. ' l >? per, Aside from the ?tnirieii ?.he '. the enlj surviving ayewitneai of the Oi hard I'ark ?rng ed) I .- hop? thai the young woman iltimatf va || recover ?.-re.? stronger r itnio!i(r ' he pi" . ' ?"?.'linfi* h?i Her periods ef returning con t< ? ?a. ere longer and she ?p peared to be gaining .'tren-rth hourly. !? ?i ii repor ed, however, that a tb . . pt ?:. the bad sa.'i BOthing ? ?? rould be eonatfUed *-. a refer? i ? i murders. The r?> .-,re ?f '. 1er ,: ? itterane? ?bo * the erima bai not been lii :*he lie.; iei er b thai but ha* not men ? tioned the i an ? of murdered brother, Frederick * "eipar. Teiper'a lawyers iiar? mnd? no far? th. r effort te ?ecure the girl's removal from the hospital, where a detective is eoi ?*.bntly 4?t her bednrie. I' became evident, however, that any effort to use Bl evidence a?:atn?t John Fdwurd Tel .-r anything "He ?!.*??? htaTe ?aid up to mi aill h? vigereualf fought ? *. r the - come* le trial One ?' -.; t.. ? .? Tell ei fatntl. an interview, ii t at Teiper had ne< r-._r.t ? ind at any i , ? . ? ? 1 arai ? ? ght the murd? ?. ? I her eh fractured la t- r rid ?et i l ret .-re.', hi the .? eontaii twe eounta and both ed te Te pi" T* e . af any ? ? f? renca to Frederick ? Tfipar, thl -.ic'tm of the t*-itged.v, turned out to b. ?*..:????-. - t Attente) We? ' ?y ( Dudli -. ? t will g ?? hitn a ?.?i ? . (,?? jr.- te fall '^a ? i i. ... ? ipi.rii i :.. fact wee ret K' ed b Ti .i * . a strei made fore Justice Laouis "H the prosecutor ..ii a charge of Justice Marcus held, however there law to C nip'-l the Im ?? rii i \i'.r. .', o add charge nr' '.! :?.<;? Itai 71*. i ?/ a? report ?rr-?-n COU It C I iftel . ??el -.?H- etifti to hi i reipei ' . .4 ?'? I ailei Kt\ ?. ?- ? - , rj jury A mied I ? ?'? he ail to await t franklin Simon a Go. I iiil? Avenue Tletfs Cloihm? Shop KtmTtmmiaam ???**????-??*?? ?a. aas? sasaasaatasasassWaWMasMs^^ ?4Jtmibib?iwbbb**bbb?i'/ 8 West .-.8th St.?Store Floor TO-DAY Our Regular Stock of Clothing At Greatly Reduced Prices Men's Winter Overcoats Size* ?:.: h> // Cheat | C A A Heretofore IO,UU $24.50and$27.50 \ variety of single breasted modela ol th?- new winter mate nah (including the warmth without weight fabrics) in the newest colorings and patterns? Men's Silk Lined Suits .;.; lo .?'? j hfst 21 ftii Heretofore ???vv $30.00 1 wo, thiee or tour button models, made in our own shop of Imported or Domestic fabril s; models that are ne"ith<*r extreme nor ultra conservative. Newest fabrics, includ? ing Invisible Overplaids and Stripes Full silk lined, including vest bat k Men's Silk Lined Overcoats New Winter Models?H to 46 Chest Fitted, Semi-Fitted, Chesterfield and Carmoor Coats ^C A A Heretofore mmtOeVVJ $30.00and$40.00 I land tailored silk lined Overcoats of Oxford or Black Vicuna; velvet collar. "Carmoor" London made Overcoats of the newest English Fabrics, including Invisible Overplaids .tnd 1 leather mixtures in the new color?n-*?* ^ oke and sleeves i ilk lined. - "*? -.' * James McCreery & Co. ?14th Street St h Avenue "McCREERY SILKS" Famous Over Half a Oiitiiry The Finest Silks the World Prot-Iuces The larqest variety and hest values ever offered in NATURAL ECRU SHANTUNG PONGEE SILK 48c to 3.50 per yard On Sale Thursday, February 10th [lea. y White Shantung Pongee, 12 indios wide, value 2..*?*>. yd. 1.65 Black Taffeta Silk. ?35 inchea vvide.Special, y?l. 1.25 _ WILLCOX GIVES SCHOOL POLICIES First Object Will Be to Win Cooperation with Kstimate Board. ' . "Villiam .',. Will,ox. the raw pre?; denl of 'i-.e linai i of Education, ntue.i e Statement 1rs: n ght etting for'h the policies he would pursue, or hoped ? tai punae, in educational matter?. Foremost, he dec?an d, his objoct would 1 ? ' ? promote eenl lence ???"??I cortpera ii?-.\??en the Board of Education ? ? i 'h? Board "f Est ? "The e-nharr.. ling i -?' n in which ...-?.. :? "sj'illcox, Mii primai ? fs :r.? to command the eonftdei Board of ' i r.-i.t.^:-?.' . i : Boole " Presiden! "?"* lieos -.?.i he ?a? no* ? nmni: Gai -'d hi? own thai ?orne form of .1 ?'.' le IBS :oii ?*..?? d? ' in the schools Hi leclared the I reta ' ; His tement in part four*? i- ' ":!o.,r I i,f i ? ' ble to t. ? tai ijrei for the |m ind foi . -. : arge the duty of ap . Board of I lae ta own dgment ii ling I ow m ich il 8 statutory 'u\. " i i?.. Board ' E ite, icaus. ?' Bos l. I . catioi , esta - - ? t? ? ? (Tort t? ecur ?gard ing the j ? ichoola es s ip., and Its for 1916 i ? i'n-eil upon i than up'.", th?. i ?? : ? ? Education. ... is, this np'ir? rial ent to . tivities rolving, however, m ? .-?...? ???- ? ?-. ministra ? ? 1 mor?. i,ar> Plata. me of these res .i ind t - - a : , , ... ' ? Ho.-1. lucai ' ... ? . ? !? i...: . ..?. ? . tid? gartei i?r- ?i. regular ??? "I'l. I ii ? .. r ... ..?n j,.. "In th:? comptes .?.-i difficult situ ??? ..i ? i. :?> tlndi ? ault i *?*.e for the ? . ? ? ? , ? . ?. . ? ? I by the ble for the *i ,. ? G plan ! ? ' i ' the riculum '. ?? i Minor for ??une-. Control. ?? ? ',' *.'?'? -1 ? | tlia*. he did no* eek to ? itional no. .- ? if th? Board i I . emphasized tl e fa? ? i that the city aul ' to gain a elo er i ontrol of the ; ? i ? |, and iha' b ' ??' ould be n - ??.| ?n the Ldgi lature to i - thai " irpe ? ? Mayor declined to discua fei of the Board o i i ?vil ? i ? the eoi ? -" ganiz? itie ind i. ? at? him ?i . ? l " Itbraha I ar.d R?v. ?? ' to Bra lid wer. .. ? Brad ? peated to the ? terday. REPUBLICAN VICTORY FORESEEN BY BARNES Tells Albany Cnrnmittee Any Nominee Is Sure Winner. r . I-' ?:-:?? of Th? - - . - a mai ' ?? the 1 ition foi b the i hicago convention be el? Barne ? i morning, et 1 I he lilbai Count ': -/publican Committee I ? Barnes rtentione. no name but ? -> ? should he return? ,:i ?hi? ? - thoiaV ? . ? , .,, v' ' '?? ha? great eontrovi in the ? ? tl ?.. ' It 1 es it haa won, and -' but t ha ilweys * ? ? * a- whom that ? ??-? ble, at ?'hi as a : a-? will be - ted, .? Ind I aej ad ? ? man who iid ?ill be elected. I. ii impoBi ble '? ???' tha convention could nuke a ran '.iU: . DANIELS OPPOSES BILL Anilou? to Keep Operstori Off Ns Oil Heserve Land?. Washington, Feb. 9. Secretary Dl [els, 'lefore the Senate Lands Comrr te.- to-day, opposed any law to pen . oil operetora ta romain nu ? ? aa ail res-re land? in ?'aliforr.ia. said that if the Walsh bill for l"?s of ?.il iu:.(is po'sed 'he navy would forced withir. twenty years to buy fron private rirm? at prevailing hi prleea. He reeomnendad holding tin who hsd developed tho Isndl ta *-h strict ?e?ja! right? Protection of the navy's oil ?upp he aikiiii, ?(.'ild in.ure th- United Btai the .-reatc?t possible advar.-a?re 0* I eneniie?. Senator Phelan ??id h? had ejcp, I advieea that the available ail ?up; ' woi.ll r.ot last for more than twen< five year?, anil ?ugceated that the na m":'-.' bo? to continue building burners. The equity of ?hose who h Inveated money and labor, rather th th< r t..>Kal rich-?, should be cons ared, he u gi i MEXICO ATTACKS SMELTING RIGHT State Government Cancels Cm cessions and State Depart, ment Protests. ??? . ? ington, Fob. 9. A ileeren imi, ,,o--?rr,or of Ai?ua-*ca.i<?ntes ca g various concessions held American smr.ltir.1?* concerna and ot? 'i that "-tat.' ''.a? i n h protest from the "art:!"1' ? - the lexicon i!" | I The .K-cri-e. designed te ?'..?e and national tever.ui , ft-.*"-, thai the cones - ? . i;j. ted rmer "dictatorial governmen ?rera *a ? ame caaes lad be, aeenred b-.- bribery. The State penar .ment'.-, position II that -he BCl at* I the itate goi rnmi * arbitran ?? trains* I ? -t-rms of the cor,'!,.. I , il Bj the terms of the (J'ecree own?: of properties under leh ? tO file at .'enientM ("hov i iluc before Februat ? to a fini of 10 per cei ??: the ral ' I : ropertjr. ? ? prat iously made to Csi la r garding other jecre,? of its? ? I .-i i a:, -'.?ereii i r.,1 casca bj t?.?- declaration th* thoul h thai * . ? soul ken 1 ation The ni ? reara ovi the : line from ? es, "?ri! tlan, Mes., m i "..h . report lerson ? froi Casas (? an les d< ? Villa ' ? I ? number of ..omen ciiar^-e with bei i, as s a? reporte ? El Paso rea., Feb. S, Francisco Vil land '..and have been driven Canyon de el N rest* , i 'nihuahui a-cord na to olHc a. reports roeei dav ral Gai ira, eo amendai al .1 .fcr-:- The report? -ta'ej ?;. 1 ?.i? moving -eastward to.? ?rd Laguna s -r.- i ol ?nal Samuel ?Osa slei - ? ? mmand. ? ? . . itated tha are itioned goal ' i A alona a if the M i Centra Laguna l aera alea, SUFFRAGE fE/\~ LOSES ITS STAR Miss Margaret Wilson. Hi. Un* able to Act as Hostess. I' i-ame icir being tea. ?rith *h? igar and cream or lemon ieft <> , re*'ay aftemooi a' the headq t >e Woman Suffrage p;?" ; Avenue, **.h?re Uiaa Margare! '?'? w_- 'o have been one of the "'There she :? rot," women were wh ?penng important!) to ?he ? ? s ? Fourth irrival Mesnwhi i M -? Margare? ?*? Ii s-ai ?n Wi ting herself to ? the tem| ? . ;.? ii g I votes for ?Fom? I- was. of course, ratr.?r a I cbol' moment wh le the .?'.?-?-.h rasll M : ? ha* they ached ? a f their hooteesei Then the) i < roei at Mra. Wii I ihn Mia.i, Mrs. .John W. Alexsnder and Mr? !./??-? I., Winthrop sera there to aretcome them, ? ? al Uiaa Jui... La I' ? i ren'a Bureau I the De part men i ? ?' Labor *? Washington, ? ? i of tha aftsraoon i...-. er of laying *iat no ?? ir. Amer; a held a position of ?* " r>.?r' than ?he real ii ? ? Importan ie of tha la ? in po1 ?ties un? you r? i Bt a *?.-?.,.. and fsr reaching thing the eare of little ebil . : Miss I.athrop. PIMPLE MAY BE HIS~DEATH Fugitive Sla.ier, l?i?gui?e.l. Ketra>-?d by Hi? Peculiar Nose. \ pis a the end ?sa lad to the capture eai - lay of bub Rossri ef fVilllamsburg, arha ha? v" ? ight v igual II ? proda is atoro s? I Bu - \ ? ? e. he slabbed to death Vlneent l.oretti, a pe?i.?r, ef 181 Boerum Street T.ore"i hsd ? '* h ? ??si val by ?< .- i a ?i es ? Ib "'rout of Rossri's itore ?'?,.r o-e hilling Rosar ?' ? trrd? I couldn't cone? il - ; ? nose. JOHN C. SHEEH?N DIES AT HIS DESK Former Tammany Leader and Ex-Police Commis? sioner Stricken. John C. Sheehan. forr-.(*r !ead?r of Tammany Mali and Police 1 aaaaala lioaer before the ronaolidiaiior., died luddenlj a- *? - deaa ii i ? nftVe, ?.v? Broadway, yesterday. BoOfl a ?er arnv inj; at his office Mr BheebU com? plained of feel lac ill, ana requested his el? .-*, John Meaoe, to cell a phyaielan. Re f?U forward ai bla desk and died 1 ? fere Dr Bldwell, of the Hudson Btreet Hospital, arrived. For the ?aal twelve years Mr Shoe? han had pi , ? H re with . . Hi ? ? ne up to yeaterdey, . * day a* 1. Dr. Bid I died froi aaae. Hia brother, "a bib Sheehan, ?*.??? the 1 ? ? its for 1911, when th? laCgislature 1 ted on ?he for ?, with the election ef J.< ? ? \. 0'Gc-r rr.hi . Despite h ? : a.;.*--;.'p ef ratal ! Hall, Mr. ? ter ? breiii? ? ,-n I Crokei la ? ? -. .- .. n the Wig ' luddi ' '4a !?a.l"r an i te ?. a dllng of ? for ? 1 any in I ... resigned regal) t ? igh of mer pe r, rae l 1 Tammenj aas e h ?ted ft ion .? political eirelei .?: the time. When th? l'a?.*' - 1 ? - ..' ? gun i Z* .... a r f: lilr. Mr, She. h osen He I ... gaiiizati and recovi la-;-?;: I thai the Tammai ? * ??*. ?as elect. the Bryan impaign of 189 which failed n ie ducted .' ' ther sue campaign of 1897. Ii er I thai I 'A a, . Mi. '-;- Hia I eehan, i'nmr to the ' ' ( ' O r r.. . ? . R f tet H > ' ? ?lio ? ty Cork After lege, - ? ted ou sa a 1 erato it gava lew He held vari oua 1 BufTi / --? - - ipi ? . iee - ? Board A t fommii that ? IStb Aaaai ? dich be .ived. to a powerful place cl*. ef rammany Hall ?- rap 1 In l-i.ti be formed a la ' ..-. ? !i?X' lH " e -, ? : Grs 1 ' I h I n t* All aa at the . ? lieh 1 Mayer Bichloride Wash Kills Nurse Mi ? '"> Horor, thlrti -two -, 1 of < I Me?ei, of 1 Ifth rhloride 1 I 1 itf'.er a baby : coughed in iterda t the h lu?h ?Bg I! '?? "ra Meyer, who ?ai a ? a' ' ' Aat-V >T?a?4V*_ THERE IS A Knox Hat FOR EVERY OCCASION 1 horn ta I or Informal C*p?. ?j'.ov? Muaarri o?', Cat's Beajai Hal Bases, Ri-iine; Crop-, ? *? -, I mo-..?? * I *mj, 11V kasap al "?..-?.o. f 1 liMivweaas. 4)2 Fiflli ??venue il W. Street Itil Rro<idv?a?\, .siPaf?i Builcliai .-H 11 . T-n-?-: