Newspaper Page Text
?0OO GO OUT HI WAIST STRIKE ?tfe. of Shirt Inspires ^kers from 800 Shops ?i Wage Fight, *OWN WITH BOaSSESr UC.HS OIRI WORKER ,maB I cad the Marchers on ... \\cnuf arul \re Vnioa?* |"ir>t \rrestrd. ..... " ' c ?"??? ? ?erlle ' ' ,-r:\fd -hop? ' -. rlarnp . ? r ' ? loor ?^f an? re Italian. ? re day ' " ' ' . ? ? and "?.' ' " ?-r-u to ! ? ?-. ?is of -, had been -. ? - .... are. ' ? ? ?? c - The ? - . ?ere to he ' ? ' ? ?a ne ' .?ri of ' *- ' ? :' - -.olHay" ?? ' at theii ? w 'I -Vbriihiim 1 < El Weist Mi ? is proi t to n ?? lards ' 'al banded dot t the ff titrai ? : ? -, '*? Mr '..-cued. ' ng trouble. ? . ? - ' ? ? ?? ' 4 rork? I ' I Bai ? K i . ttkwelr-. Workers Strike in Neu Yoill Simps ? r - * . ' V ? ' ' "If ? . ? ' i env ? ?. - a ? - kers are: , " Pie? Mein, ? ? ? the ? ?hop chairman, wa-re of 16 ? ?h S; ?i ?r ' ??' nu ? 00 Garnu-nt Workers Will ri' -* Koston Strike Call I'm Paar,.* Wf. ' two em"'- I wau-t and . ing i duBtrlea ,n ?hi? fity votre mad? a a mee? f to-nlghi Lead ? ? .? ? i : ? amber eroold i. dpi nd tu Ihe itrike rail ' demandi foi l b? b! of a .. prob .?u!.i whir .il.?i (hoirneedle* within ? , - . he it-' ploj. ?? i. ir demand - fei * . - ? | ? a ... an it H- - It a a eek fo? thoae ? re t9 or more, ' ' . ..)-. !? r, \ ? ' rertime work, re Ke i?H> mi-i . ?reek, without labor iftt ? irday . i nd I i 01 ? ? ? LOW AND WHITMAN TO DINE Ba Ma? or of New York Will He ?,or?t of ?.oiernor in *ilhan>. I ... l rb ;> Set h I .'?, r\ Mayoi of S??.? Vor., and aeveral o?JHeia?a'*wn? ?-?m : durn-jf hi.? adminiatratioB ???ll '?? k. i?---a ,,?- Governor Whitman at the ? Mansion nt a dianei to-mor ron e? 1 ?, Mr In? has been entertained an b) his one l me Mir. Iniatrati-, r 1 ? -ed from offlr? 1. i> ? ? r ? . ? ?V h it man wai \ 1 - ? | 1 ? ? Cor tl end M jror Lo?'? 1 a.-?' aiiiviser. TAMMANY NOW BANS NON-PARTISAN JUDGES So Asserts Senator Wagner? Mullan"*. Appointment (ontirmed - ? Ktafl .crrr*. v V; i rf T.? Tr'., ? | Albany, Keh 0. .Senator Hubert | er, Pen-01-rat.c lender in 'he S?n .'??rer! to-day that Tammany Hall nould nomii me ?trai(j;ht-o!it Democrat! fall ai d would ' pari !?ate in the making- of non? par' ??n nomination?-? It la not un '.hfit Senator V ag-ner will he one of TamTiBnj'? candidates for the Su 1 onrt, and hia declaration to-day Upon a? et rathedrfi, BO \tt a? the p.8!i? of the "orf-an?:ation" ?re . .;.o - . )r( cf Tammany's r'nr? - IrVagnei we made when the -? of George V, Mellan t" tn. ?irt i.inie before the Se ate -? - Mr, Mullan 1" Maj or ? ??-.. r laa parti ei natoi the did not pur] nomination of Mr ' 1. rted thai the appointment ii ade *' Judicial 1 ;TTipo??.ib!e Re 1 en? rely on the G ? the majority "I want to express thi- regret Governor did no- ta e political phi * i. ? la*-* campaign, ?t itude for . ? of a 1 ??? idiciary rity party of Iv 1 - - " .? ?s n Repub'.ca*- and te He .a ? -? ? : ?ppoil ?<?'! to the. ? ? ? I ? .-? ed 1? I'emucra* HUGHES BARS USE OF NAME l ?H'lDiieU fn.n- |.at? 1 a: Pa-"?. . '?' and S. Brown A1 ?*? *.. formel poitmaater at Staunton. "I inclose you a eopy of t1 t \ one of rr. y he aa a to me. a explain? ??. ??:?.: ! have oih<: ... character. You will tea i ? me as i, ? ? the organisa S . ? ? a ? - hairmi - ??. agaii Postmaster ? .pport you 8*. Presiden . ail i reive eomn.- I afterward. Objecte to Vttitude "1 i ? ? of oppoati ^' ?? ? ? the vie f thouai ? do I ... ... against m? the sup] at we rritinf ?-. .-.: the earliest situa? tion that hai recent!) lev? -, ?:.>i ?it the m ? ' i there ha beei ..-i you an;. - " t: i coi ?-?. ates! . tation and ? for you." r of .*?'. .'.?? I esed in tne ettcr, was s fol lo v *'I 6m it little late gettinj I am going ? ? ?? national '' ii ,r. themsi ..??* ' . ?.; ? n N t .? eir fls ? - ? ? Hughes. "Thi . ' I had of ?I was : . rned I trough the papers tl at W ti hi, announced i~ is with ? lacy for the Pres? ad t'j be placed a. ?'?? York delegation tu one of " * delegat? ? . re was ,om? 11 . ! i; il illed me un I* s ta ? get in touch with I'.. E. Cabell. I at? I ai ? d me up a fid ? h d ek had adi to get in touch ?? ith ii.e at ' eai po - ? ind tl t he wai t. d me l I es. "Mr. ? ab? ' me tl ? ows; The ! ? f Just e Hugh? . ? ? i ? ? u ? a* togethf fur .?!r M tcheock, who, ,?-. as 1 aup r, al ' ? - ' ' . ? rauif-ei. !,, n'..(-e hin ? ' : cha rgi of tl e Hughe Th? ?trn-- ? not to an ausa . be Hugl. - 01 Rooaei elt, end ? arrangei enl Hitcl ock, *?' -?? maater G. ??? iirman national com? \ nee of Hilles, and will be in full cl .'i;.- of thi ? .ti! the i . :.*?i! In amber eli etion. I'reditl? S*A4*-??p of ? oun?r>. "Thii combii Ht on will . ..log ed i he 'ac'. i, .. over phone, the? f thi laeured They I full well, that the par oni who aaaume to ipeak i?r the organisation here ar. dead against either Hughei or Ro. ' la- '"r recog? itl? ii under tn?* next administra lid do well to p'Jt ? b:.irk mark through, the riH-n - on an indon I am lorrv you did * ol have ? ? ? facti in possession before your meetinr Su* Hughes, H *l d.. not think your delegate a feel bound by these instruction!. 1 ? ee ?es snap judgment was takes on you Certainly your delegate will be in poi tion to htlp us at Huchanan to elect j WIDER DEAD LINE AIM OF TRAINMEN Eight-Hour Day Will I \ ?end Wage Earning Years, Say Union Heads. SCORNS PEACE AT ANY PRICE Reply to Statement of Roads As sorts Men Are Not Pledged lo Accept Arbitration. I leveland, Feb. a Th-, ?*,ni 0r.,. t) ?tateme) ? 01 -he itapendii K 1 eerej between railroads of tha eoontr and -hr;r train erewa over working Hour? ?a,, ?. -,\ here to-ni?*ht. l! gned b] U S Stone ?irHTiH ? hicf ' Kiiffinerr of ihr Hrotherhood of teSM motive Engineers; W. S. Carter, |ir?*? iden? of the Brotherhood of Loeomotii ?* Firemen Hn.i Engineei . 1. I. Shep pan), acting president of the Order of Rail?... Conductora, and w G I ee, president of tha Brotherhood ef R 1 rosd 1 rainmen. Theaa orgs claim to represen? appi simal ?? ?''", <">o'i employes on 628 line? of railroad tatement, headed "\\ hy tl Eight Hour Daj ?" is n reply to s , mmt issned Kebruary 1 by the 1 live committee of the AssOciatlOB of Western Railways, The Brotherhoo . Btstemenl layi : ??'ihr eight hoar d*v nosema ; ha??ri wholly '.?pon thr ??..??? CC oi ? i uorkdhv oi re? 101 al r hours lbal a I permit the mc.i further ta separat! .' the detad line between uork an,i ? .. Ile ta I road 1 say in effect that men who have put in 1? few year? 1 rosd s? have worked then 1 ou" hnd v.:U BO? he accepted if they ? ? 1 T positions, If men arc work? d , out in a few year? under : ? ? vice condition?, th? d? extend wage-earning yem.? ;s ful Overload "for rnifit." "Overt me la road service ?a due ?1 mo??, wholly to the practice .,? 1 mad?, overloading trn-:"? ?o thai the. j cannot nak? tl 1 ir mileage withii 1 ? ? rail roada .? re d? thej do ii"- d? I und ? ? ? - ? ? ? ?? ? 1 . ? service at the aaci ic? a I a beah si future earning al ? . I ps itra for il." Kate-? of pay in the Eastern territory : arc i-uoted to illustrate ? ig? , tlons. "The paj of train Bervicl ployei : ger is base.l 1 miles or ? rs oi le?-?,-' 1 the ?tatement continue? "In th? s H ghei le egstc rrois I either Rovercome, Hsckman or W H Goods ? It is a mos? ,! fortunate thing that j r me? g ? . gal es for Ful? der for deles large 1 car tell yon with absolut" lemp, Martin at : ...... 1 othing ta do v. ?th party sffail n? ?? . cj r ? tral The?* Usckliassd. Of coursa, I ' tl a e? ?! :ri-? ma rid? eael dosrn to gel on 'he Hughes hand ,,- but they will 1 be 1 eeded, "I am g:- I K you tl ' formation . end I wsnl ysu to "-r;-.. Mr. Hitchcock. Hi? addr Room ?5, I itietl Street, ?Ves Vor?. Let m? ... 00 when yon (??f Hitchcock's answer. If I had known two a ' - ??'to I could have I nicet ? r.- ., -. ?., elected ir os .- egatei Unfortunately I did nol k:ow i.;.,i our people itayed awaj ' the meeting, I will, hot evei l both coi 1 ? n and Roan ? ">1 r. slemp'? Vie?**. In g .. a geners . n tat? ? ' ? ? iational < entii ... [ believe I ia pf 1 equenee, 1 deplore 1 he . ?> . ? . ade n 01 .. n ?! l un other ? Soutl ? to secure ' : . . . dal a ?: I llarlv eeurc them bj 'he prot* .? o* po patroi age I ei ? . . , i.? - icceed l pubhai b of \ irginia and the So capabl g th? with" il tereferenca, a my j , "I hope 1 I I may 1 f the Soul delegat? to Cl ? ago unpledged 1 1 form ilal nominating a n.ui a 1 e R? nee most n . to th? needs oi tha am e af this though? the r latice H-kH-hc? ii . o || THOUGHT a*"VUR Company hns suc *-' credcd because we think. It wBs thought ?hat pro? duced belter wnys to ciam Inr and Insure titles. Thought ihn? selected our murtRatio* and put them at the head of Ihr invcstmrnl market. Thou?4ht that worked out ?he plan* o? our bunking de? partment that have brought 10 II $34,000.000 in deposit*. Thought ?hut tenches the wisdom of adding each year to our guarantee fund and last year added $562,000. TiTlE GUARANTEE AND TRUST C? Capital . . $ 5,000,000 Surplus* ?il-Fimed*. 1 1,000,000 I 76 ?'.va,, N v. | 7r? Remter St BkJyn .IS?? I h? on St.. Jamaica r, ? territor) Ih? bn n ?rill receive the munifieenl aum o( $2.67 for regular : freigl ? ? maintain h care of 1 Iher end i ran The 100-i rhal repr? santa i n? mean ? thai ni i'? , ? pi ral i" must laj i,??,i\ ? '' ''? >?.- ai?? dead ? | back "i retui ned back with a train. The coi ? pproxi? ma tel* ? ? than th? l i ' ind Westen "That thei so much ju I ? ??> o. Iroad thai the eight-houi i impossible I .. ... , t th?. ? '? ' ? ?? ., ?'.? Western territoi j .m eli ven mil? 1 an hour basis. i .-m and two in the Westen leiritori j pay overtime oi ? an houi basis. Eight of 1 Ih? t? rn and ,? railroad '?'? I ? territorj . ? ? i ily on-? In the In;!- I State f wl -'? than . ?. i. houi m,!' Not Baaed mi "Peak" Esrnliasja. . ? rnent den" pr? "nt demand ii I "n 'pear ? , g of l rays, due to the pi ? er thai ids in th? reivers had nol i !i no? be cr?dite,l to tl ? ? , h hat ?? foi l ? . rd that freight bul , : ? ? ? ored ? .. . ? Wha ' ' ? time U n"' a par? of the ? i : ? they tat? which add s il road or? pledged to ? . Th.- si Mr Hitchcock ras working e Hug ried ii'.tle convicl parts of politi . "I can'- prove it ii ' ? 'h h l IV? ?? t ' i ?.'. Ih? last ? ??? seel | ? ? , ii working ouly for Essi ? II. Hitch , ock. I do - ir.ii i bat ;?? ??? .!?,?? ' the delegates to I m, hut that egate man) state - ? ho ai s fr e him. and whom i. foi trading ? Cabell Denies Truth of Allen's Statements Rie ? Feb. 9 Royial E, t thai one word of ? ? ,i ? 11? ?j s Brown v. ? il Frank !? Hitcl . ? ? rer the teli ? ? "Il i? true," added Mr, i abell, I, in coi Ii? ans in Virgin a, won d like to >?? ' . ? ? il . i ominati I for Pr? , h? , ger . ??I i sv< er the tela? til? idd? d "? ? menl i ?,-r.- have made in hia ? "'a hitter ' sunton, Va . Feb I 8 Bros ne lett? ? . ? Presi ? til st was s ? ? ' i lustice Hushes. He one? to Mr. Hitchcock arid i , once the ti nar ? he prn p< ?tea ? lustice Hughes r u bH is U ?d T 6 d a THEODORE ROOSEVELT on preparedness FEAR GOD and TAKE YOUR OWN PART 77??5 Book, at This Timerhy This+M?ni is an Event' The most notable, the most arresting, absolutely the most important book Roosevelt has ever written. Hi* writes as a statesman, taking the long view, the world view, of what the United States should stand for internationally. Whatever you think of preparedness, you need this book ; Itsfacts, its illuminations, its vital honesty, its splendid spirit. Preparedness has become a question that must be faced, and Koosevelt has spoken a word that is truly ??rc-at on the subject of the times. You cannot understand all that you should without it. If you come to it with prejudice, the book will surprise you; it will reach your heart, for It will appeal to the aggressive Americanism in you ? the Americanism of Washington and of Lincoln. 8n>. 414pp. Set SI.50 1h, OAKLEY I TES t**?? m.-uiv big en*. r? r* D^__?._ novels havo ?been ?. r. Benson written m the punt lew jests 'hat it ?a ?pi''.i>anttore.'eivf', from no di-t inguialM i an .luthor, ?utury lail in a Small villa,-" / "hurmmB; place is Oakln -on-.-??a, but ir.i>re rharn-iinn Htill in the lug-souleii woman who is the her. no of the l>.>"k pi '.ire jacket lahno ^--t $1 35 Tu iIVIMORTAL GYMNASTS Marie Cher The ?.tiper'.i*!%?? ippeal '?i bhmH medieval .??tones lies in tin- tale of BKxiera life w;." all of th<* allure .-t a thirt??*. th oeotury t in eolor bv 1'. T< nnv? aonJeaae. I2ma Net $1 "5 GOSSAMER G. A. Birmingham A great finan isjrstem ?.?h h ?????'??*'?"? cwt or? the ?tire ? irth like :i spider*! ?jreb. ni"! the p U life of a banter o? iaternatiooal fame who is at |he head of it fumiah the theme of th? lrie*h humorist's let? ti rel \\ th fu 1 - ? bt lacket by B. ?Corj KUrert. 12m?. Net $1 25 GEO R G E H. D 0 R ANCOMPAN Y Ne w York K^A-aA' OSBORNE FORBIDS CHANGE OF VENUE Will Fight the Perjury Charges in Westchester, He Tells Lawyers. TO Rl rr\j WOULD BE INSULT TO FRIENDS Makei Plans for I \-( firivicts' Meeting in Carnegie Hall Monday Night. rhomsB M Osborne Instructed George Battle end Hui tu gt< u Mer chant |. terda- not ??> make an) mo ?ion fut a change m venue on -no per J?ry ?? ? t hin rhe tri . et d? rebruary 21 n Whit? Plains, and unless I) tricl V lorn?) ain a poatponi r no reaaoi . ? ihould I ? In', \? h le Mr, Weeks and others Inter ? ited ? the ea e ha a h? - ?? of the opinioi that a venue would he made, Mr Osborne'.-? dee - ? made public in a letter to 'he ? ? rdaj. ? im? .1 - no irpr ??? to th? ar with hi p< I-i. m the tari hi ? attitud? has be? ? ? h was l" gun ' '?'. "In Westchestei ('i i ty," writ? < I -...i... "?? ? have found a* ? ef pri ? ? ., ? | ng as blj h.- d? ?Ired or ex| ? I have also foui d there di v- t< d and ? ? , I feel that i : ould be east ing r? ''?? fi i upon tl e... supportera and fri? nd if n ? i - a?ked. MI realize i gth of ? p| ? ibhorrenl ?' up against as, but I ? I that n any COUntj in the ? ?. ; ? .... ? p. be eve that 1 rai h? s ter Count s ici ?N of t hat count) .: . " i " it merel; a ti iggle *n i.pi-p untaml hed , ,i do to i rathe i t.. i ? ? Harrison, the ion of a ' ? II '!.. r . ?i to fre? ng Sil ? ' -.? h ich has made l t pi ?n for man) ? to West? ter ( I but I ? , ? ? ? I \ , r k. "1 do not ? ? ? - ? elf? ' . ind brutal stl 1 . bir to d< are not re| ? ? pi ople. "It is mj i thai spplii stioi foi i ?? g< of should 1 Mr. I ive to re?t a to N' ' peak at tl e eetins ? ? arrang? d for < srneg le Hall Monday night \ t I ????ske* who hs le sei .,-r. . ? ? i -- I . The ' ? charge ?.n night ?' ont? of ? he PHsob ' ouneil, 805 Madison Av? ments, M wai snn? that no ticV Vil b. tl ' ' a,' HITCHCOCK DECLARES ALLEN'S STORY WRONG Says He Knows of No Organized Effort to Name Hughes. ??'I he from Va., ' relat? , - ation." Prai - H 1! tel Mr : (hat i len oi , Hugh? were ? ' ' Mr. Hit? " ? ? b .' th? Hui LjaiaW-** " ??''??"*,<w ; KRANICH ^BACH Jubilee Player /"\UR 50th Anniversary X^J masrrrpiece. An artistic triumph for dis?-rirr.inating music lovers ? not a mere mechanical piano. The only Player with the wonderful ; "Tri ? Mrlodrme," and the "Violyn" system of stringing. Hear the thrilling beauty ot its J tone and reah *e its supremacy. Price ?700 C-r.kT-. aail Pa.rienta .?^ O? ? I' a. >? lionmh .ime _ KRANICH de BACH/ . / , 11*, 8. 2 I'd S'rrat IL f a KL?? .6W.,?d.St??i V^ - ^.L. * ? ??."???.???^??rmmmmannm - a?tiB? AEROPLANE MERGER TO AID COAST DEFENCE (.iirtiss and Murgess Companies. Joined, Will Huild Stations. ?nnooaeemen? wmi made in?? nipht Aeroplane and Motor < . rnpany thai II had acquired the ?er ? ' '.'?' >tai lina Burgeea, of -h Rurgess C.ompnnj, Marbleaead, Mais. The ("urtli rill take over the of th? Bui go ompai |. b will continue under ? pr? itfon Mr ?i -hi ici rapan). i ' ? Bui ff? pli ? . or ,? Marblel ? ;i I a Nor! \ ? ?'. ? .'?.u ? defei ?*??. '-vith i ?? of alrera I ?liable for call. *11 j b J ' h ? i . ? ? it Newport News for i v ti? tat on The Great ection is protected by the ? 'ir ihment m Buffalo, end ? ; * . -, led to foi ai .i ''..lar organ tation ti Diego ? as.-???? GERM KILLS SCIENTIST I, Ore.. Feb 1 The d. stfa of Di Johi Faw? ??'* ? rom a.V? I on In? curred white experlmen? aj to Hi l s ?i -? raecina -v?? aaaosaesd here ??o-day. I?r Pawest? was arsrkiaaj to obtain a vaccine for what i*i known es Hod diaen.e, and bstSBSa InfsStsaJ through a ?n'.'i'i abrsaisa ": h : ? Ungar Hi ; la.' riiarh* Mr?. Paweett, v. ho ara I from another c?u?e, ii.eri ia?* Thursday land aras buried yeatorday Th? Paw? ?????- formerly Hired 111 M ? nneap'ili?. EX-CONVICTS SEEK POLICE "A ant rrotertion al VNelfare League Alumni Meeting. Former pickpockets, cOflftdl I a i.fa? blowera and murderer?, whfl Dp the membership of the Mutual ?V? fare Iiaaaiia have forgottsn 'ne ..uv if the underworld and desire te be pro, ? ted from the b*w gansrstloH "' pickpocket- and gel rieh ?au ick-men a ? they nre compelled to I ?houider? with the world. Daniel Howard and f'h.iip Friedman, member? el ?? ?? league Callad upon Ii,put;, Polies Commissioner Frank Lord la?t nij?ht an<: sski thai i 5,.I mofl ?hey cxro'i't. to 'ake ? . -? ? their meeting; at Carnegie Hall an the '?.enitijr of Februar;, M be grvan po ? protection, They said 'hat artille they und"r*too,| the r ? '? 7? *i t. - - Oon ? didn't, think wall of the |i san tad him to b? there to , i them. BRYAN'S BROTHER STANDS BY WILSON And Commoner Will Campaign for Him. Too. ... w:.?ratir, ? . r- . TtUtm - | i Ii -?!?:. *...ii. rob ? >lajr.>r < I ??ri?-? W. Brjraa. Demoeretic can r n maile touch I ? Htionai HfT^ ? and the aa Democratic aid to .-r? ,* werfci accomf If art lent "" the D.?cratit f?oagreai nor in a ' . . f th?. ranomiaation aa In tioa 'if Presiden? ?Vil ion." M iros himself -faina? and a tarp program mei caleslated to ptomot : - ta of 'He m?:- - at the expeni nd pr peril Ab thi toli l ro her | ?'.?: .?.'.?? '?. I ? will ... The. ea-Sei tai w:li ira for i -her'? ^r-h-r G$< JUST as stirring on Columbia Records as it r.rr was on thr -treet or stage -and "foil ht-ar it at home in all its vigor, in al! its force and dramatic strength ? Hand music en Columbia Records is vivid, rich reality thrilling in marches that quicken the blood ? noble and stately in the overtures of tbe world's master--comp Only ?m actual ban?] performance can equal the power, the martial r?rc, the surg? ing strength and sparkling brilliance o? these Columbia Records : A,S82'L'NDERAPEACEFULSKY. . . , Prince'sianal i NEW COLONIAL MARCH Hal! Prince'i "had. AaS??ii UP THE STREET, Mai Rol i. Morsa 1 Bai d BAY .STATE COMMANDF.RY. M^ixh. I A1736 . - IbRIDK. ELECT MARCH. Co I YOUNG GUARD MARCH. Prince'a Ba Xt'ter vou hear these band records, you'll always ask tor COLUMBIA RECORDS! There's a Columbia dealer near you who'll gladly play them over to you. - ?mho A- <?????? tab \- Records go on salt the 20th of ever) m ? r. h-f^> \ Columbia Grafonoli. 110 Price $1 10 - COLUMBIA GRAFONOLAS and DOUBLE-DISC CORDS FOR SALE BY un n.v in h ?lKi fEi. T -..-?? ? ' " ... ' ? H -..-. ? - ? !'?! Tari , ? . a ? ? - I , .' . I - ! "a ?Ml - i ? ! A'* . a. -' it III BT. TO 4.1? BT.I H? ' Bl . ?' ? -? _ ? ? 4 ?a ' . . . I H VI . ? ? ? : -? 4 - ? ' i . let A . W IM Bf .. . , .. ; ?. - . Lu ! ? a ? k Co., I IBRD IT, T.t ??nrH. ?fi.nii i?- ? -' -"' IIS Thir-1 A??. I .la. - . ?' - A?' \ll.l\l Mill -1 a ?' ? - . U .? '?...?. W ? * ? .. A" i Shop ' - - a l'ait? ? 4<54 Bl a'??' _ ____ i -' :.??? si 411. BT. a T.? 91TH ? - __??__ ? . 4?? a a !.. ? 1.411'V I '.-. ??? . i III _ I? ?. .?a ... a ' : ??.? i. m i t I A\ . . . ? ' ? ?a I ? run A?? ? '..-??? PiW At* a -? ?a? . UK - ' - l '.'4 4 I M l'a? . ?' ? ? ? ?.? ? >' i an Rat. : - - i | . ? ? HU.4-f.Kl.YN ? '? 4 i -? > 4.0 1' . ??_ 1 '. I . a' l*h ????. ? ? I flti ?Mb a.? - 4 ? 1. ? In* a???" '?I A?* ? ? A" ?? A?? .1 -.*.?.. a " 4. ii i) Kintt i.? I? ?i ?. - ? U tmn~ a . J Su,??o?.?L .? BtMltMa A??. MKIXiKI *t N f nnt . M. ! | At* P ?, I ? m, ? - ? i . " . ? i,. ". ? ? -. . . ?.: \ ., ? i< |,|> it.a ' K* ? A A If It ?a, , ... - . 4 A?? - ??? 4 ? ? A !'a -?? A llr-l . 4 - ? |, ?. ' ?'???. .?,.*?. a I ! M.Nhl M ? - a ; a An I ? . - ' ? ? . " A t ? r*. .. ? ' ? ? t M? . i? Cm.. . * 1 111** ... A.? tusantes x n ? ...... ? \?-?rll St?, a ? . > Ill ?????.:? ?? H ? ? L ' ' J--??7 A??. M*"*.*. III!? . it I : ! I 'a : .!.. .?. ? ? ? ? Kl v. hi:-!*. - - If? luka" ' _BBJBB_ ? ? i t . A ' - ? ?' ? * /..- ? '? ? . Mil Wlk y i, . ?*? . ? ?? ' ? a". f? ?, ?- ? I a v I > l ' - ? ? i ' A ... . I 1 V. til T 411 row ?*. 1. * ? a? ? -., A I ?I ' ? ? ? - - ! ?