Newspaper Page Text
HOSPITAL STOOP A RECEIVING TOW Cellar Also Abode of Dei ?il Washington Heights \\ ?tness Testifies. .LAWYER SAYS GERMS WEREFI UNOTOWINI Military Drill! for Children Institutions Carried Too lar, Dotiert) Avers. ? topi e ? cha- 'v it v inproTcd, t? -, - ha au i laid 1 . ? tl abi ? . i ? -i . ? ? ' ,'.'?-?? u ? '. . rally t at the hospital. ' n damp n ?? >" M r. I sea Ms. r wer?, a la '"?aid ' i ' ? ' fa i , ? ? anded V ? pant; ? ? ?ir ch ' " salid Mr "Vim ining i? becomii ? - - lawy? ?'A hj ,11 ?' mil . Ii I?r. R. 1 -. at Hasting r ? ? , the ] ? .-'?n ai '.illy ir .??...,.? than Is big -OLD MAC HANDS IN POLICE BADG? ?after Fort) Years' Service ii Brooklyn, He Retires to Revel uith virandchildren. ?ip to the denk a -? 1 ? . , youn re thai f< ity yeai ? .-? ? iitit, ai. ? ' I? . ' ? ' I ked the nain ' ? I h Headquai tara ? r? ? ? ? : i I ? ' ' ''.! ' ' ?"? - ' . re mm ? ' ? ?? . apta ? - ? ? , ? ' ? I MRS. PANKHURST LAUDS ADOPTED WAR BABIES Pii ti i - Plea for Europe's Bat tic Sufferers. ? ? her 1 ; ? childn i ? ? ' rning hi c?.roe-fit. li?U. ' SCHMIDT TO DIE NF.XT WEEK' G amerase Daalsa Priest's lviinon for H 1 nnmuilal ii"i i" . . Albany, i , b, % Man- Schmidt, the . ooBTieted ol the murder o? Anna the eleeti le rhair . ,? aezt week. A petition for a ? ? of hi? i-mtence sraa da? ,,,,11, .' ??? day rkaaaidl wsa twice triad foi the mur . .ii\ I? ???,! A .. ? i ir,I. on tin ground ol newlv discovered evidence, arai denied ?'? ii- ,1 an a"peBl wa? In the application Schmidt ad ? I el ammed insanitj re defence . ? | Ar -.. : he had preaoated it ?scaping punishment, ? ' on the chargi of manslaughter ord? n ? ? our? of Ap ui hi id the judgment of convie ? ... . - " SUFFRAGE WINS COMMITTEE lour to Ihrer ><>te for Viitlmnx Kr pnrt Without Rec?immrnila1inn. "?Va ... V House J ??! ., ... if 4 tl - full Housi . "with? ' the e -\. thon? - ? ? tutional I ment foi ? eromuB sut i :he committee n tic past, the sub-con lbs motion without recommandation, . \ c 1 - i. Oklahoma, and Kin ? - Carlin, ?. G \ hale*", Si.i.' ' ? ?'ere _ U. S. FLAG SAVES LIVES IN SYRIA Hundreds of Families Protect? ed from Kurds .at Mission. Only -he fr-r.r Inspirad by the Ameri? I esn flap it. the he .rt? of the ? I ,. ? acrit'.g Chriat i and Ai mania Bared - ,.? of k 'it' ''" > g to 1 Weal en, who Syria. Mr. 11 :? ' ? . ? ? , ? . rican Com? for Arm? Fifth Aven mon : aeitiea 'in 1": and Ir. '.???' n le ... -On Jan i with Mi " ? ?i to rob and murder. In thi the ? . - ere ? ore 1,500 kill? d. ?ii , ;i sister ol my w I fe a ei i a rovi: K bai ! , irned. reel the lar) I in tha I at 1 :i army. I eft r wife and ? 1er the : Di il P Pack I ? ? P ibyterian . and Dr W A Shedd, si I'rmi, ? . -f?- the lafea i a ? turnln?* mc I to Urmi, % !*k wan the power of tl Ami rican rtnif ? . ? ? . ' rais? g ten .?..>." HOTEL ASTOR, CABIN FOR CAMP FIRE CLUB Buffalo Bill and Cherokee I'rin cess Amo*.-* ,r)00 Guests, ? skidded backs ? St nig Motel , - i ball? beca giant of the . t a Ch? Pi of tl ? ? the land. Ri plum pu.) ed two pioneei memberi |< . ' Yorker? the | v. ?? i ? - ? ' by Walter i . drama. i and a. r' ?? . pai : ? ? : ' ikl Mori , l \\ , Pratt, pr? 1 Car . .i Gen ? AD MEN SEE WILSON; WOULD AID DEFENCE ?fter Free Nation-Wide Cam? pair-n for Preparedness. Pol * .? - W to-da* b] a of tha A W rid s said it sto ' t the campaign, ? ? ? ? I magazines advi . . ? .'?1 a mem ? ? ller 1 . 8. Froi ea, ? ? ? ' ertis . i Bl this pl??' llsh a world court J P.E. CLERGY FEAR ROCKEFELLER AD) (ii?t Offered to F.piscopal Hospital In China Op? posed as Control Plan. - FOl'iYDATION ASKS APPOINTIVE RIOHTS l.ndoumenl Proposition Is I aid Aside by Mission Board for I urther Study Hie Episcopal Hoard al Ml the < ? dy "f the ' Protestan? Episcopal < hunt, during the I Interreg-num between meetinfa of the I? till unsetl ? of it; 1 memt ? rasai? al i ' ri ?vrr the Panama Co ,, delay? d n ts pro ..,?. al 881 1 ' arts Ave? nu? bj a aes BBBoyanee. 'lhe trouble ssa eso h bj the Roche f? I? i l oundatios. In Shanghai, China, 'he Episcopal ? horch maintain irgesl . Orient, -?n"?' n sa Si ? . ,i ? ? . ? ' I kef aller Fon i! bi ing on med ihool in CI I ad to ? ? this porp? airead] establ ihed : stitutions, g the" reservation, however that itioa be given lhe ni?ht to ; maki - its. , ralaed the ?'<.rn.. r :. down:. < ild be for 'he ani and ti." hoap tal. bs? ??? a?; taere ; not in them a menso of ? Ion? of con : stitutions? The prop? ' In:.1 before the [Usions by Bishop Gravea, of ghat, and the Ran Dr. 1". I Hawkea, president of St. John's Uni They thought 'iia.' acceptance offer ? ' rfera a ith BB of the s-OUld unify the ? hriatian spirit In i ? ' criticism ** ic effered bj I Dr. Alexander Mann, of Trimt> I hutch. H be ma , "thei e .i COI natitu ? Right Rei C. K ii ?? ? There itring ?a may " lhe Ke\. Knie-- M ? hurch, N? ?? - said "hat i..? did . y with ration. ? - d en ? P? pper, idllB, . . ' . ' ! pare i ?? . datioi Boatd of Mi their i'-ri'p- on wool ol I rfera trlth "uur own eoi trol of ? ? The Panan a < .?nie. bu? ? ara de B dil ? ?OB \i.. de rtion ment of fui ? I year. n ai ted to amount, al though last B cit. Il ?urne ? icthod tai n i ng I 'ax. by le to uffoi'il lUld pay the h:i?he.?t | B iho] aa left, to the executive COmm HALL ROOM, BANE OF WORKING GIRLS Consumers' League and V. W. C A. Wanl Socialized Apart? ment Mouse. a hundred alone in New York had rooms, have been ' few M|i Packard, a ? . ... an orp: ? . ? i. nditiona omen and i "Lack of a pul ?r, immoral ? linesi all tend to make life in a fur anbearab ? P .. ? ? f the ' Hoard i f I lion. ? She. hi r girls, ws rgai - '?hi,l room, ironi furnished room : bi k again. 'I di which I I a::d ? . ? f a ha ... sting and , ? . . ed i m ? . - were ove; ? ai anl . ? i eau ?? ? . ? ." aboi ? tha homes the mind? !.. ? - ' ' ..'"' e of ? k and u I a ' ??hen ? ? . th.- prli Brd. ? - social -? . b? th.? erirla them ? a ?: . sol ? h ? i- _? room and - ras, and h ;afe? bore the i : g-et then- meal? i FIRE RECORD a ., -, a ? ? - ? ? I ? ** . A I . ? 1 ? ? ' , - . I ? ' - ?. ? a ? , . ?-rt--* Pu t i ? ... a ? 'a ,. ., .' '..-.- - . ??a ?'?.-?, " J NICKEL PLATE DIVIDEND Massai itpre?? Itaaaaa Kate?Initial ? tipper l'aimenl. |i,,,,i,,r. ,.f tha "?'??v. Tort, ?'hit-ae?1 A SI Lottl ? Railroad <te?lai?.? a dlvl dend yeeterdaj "f?> p<-r eeatoa the that pref?rre,l Stock BSjl ?f 'he 1.>.n earn lag I'hi? i? Ike Ural'inent la aharehelden ilnee March, ltI4. Tfca ?,?,.,.. Tort Ceatral awaa flJMJSXX i I t; ,. ??, uni. oui tending steel or the dh nl?ii.l ??a* declared l !? ni.uii <>f th? Expr?s?. t . ? m i ?:* r, v v.?-. I*aereaaed ?/ester-day from a i ?,, u t'. prr cent baaia i>i th? der laratioB af a ?joarterlj ii?\ ulnwl of Itt pe? i ? Directors ef ?he < ?rr?-? He Pateo <'<>p , ? . ; ?.-, declared an initial ?viur terl] >li? idend of II a i hare. On? hundred iharea af tin- stock ef thi old M id vale ."-feel Company sold at .--?rr.lay fur ISM ?. TO MARRY DAUGHTER OF BOYHOOD CHUM Friends' Reunion Will Be Ole brated with Wedding Party. v. II an R Bi inkerheff and Charlea T Careaban were boyhijod chama here thirty yean ?to But BtrtokarholTa marriage an.l Carnahan'a dectaion '? nr?. We?t to aeei his fortune separated them Aftei a brief correapoodence tlit-y lo-tt light of each at! Bl A fea weeki tarro Carnahan returned having made hie fortune, anil .K i? i> hie realdenee at ? raaford. \. .1. there aas a Japona reunion i?n.l h big lurpi >? I <?"- Caiaahai 'n tha? discover?/ thai Brinkerhoff had a h-*au tit'ul daught? i Mai le, * went] oi a real old. While ''??? two chums were renewing their old ai-ijuniiitatice Cantaban oppoi 'unitie to be? ? i iainte.1 . ' lit was that . .... .-.,, lued peati rday foi I h n.i.rr Brinkerhoff aid Car M Bi inkei hoff baa been a-* employe in th. national office of the i ? . i. Mi i,-- Chri tlan A?-oclation. DINERS HEAR SONGS 3.875 MILES AWAY Mendelssohn Club's Chorus Reaches Pacific and Another Is Returned. "T?a tat nor west nor north nor When ? * ? . BBged men i-tand ta mouth " A? I ? kes, toast an thu.? misquoted I tl ? ?" den ennh ei f the Mendel lohn Glee Club, at I '? i I latoi la 1" * one thouaand m? i their ear plccei and a- nmed ?-lightly i imilei B a bock ? Loa An) the u-is\s? ami .. inee: "Yea, ti-iii, I it et ? I wen For the Aral t ime i large numb ro ? in, Irene. ?? big audien? ? from when th? ..? 10 ? ?. i " and the ii, Loa Am cles, rel with "I'liiala!" Even the bea? of Pa ? Nee V.ii ?. . , .. lasa had a ir? l an Frai Bay, just foi I of the Mendelssohn golden jubilee, Not only Lo, Angeles, bul everj place along the teleph beginning with Pitta going on to Chitmgo, pro?'?'. .)?!.t from there to t.mah-t mid then *i> Den -: tu San Kraiu!-in, trail?! aso to Los \ ? ?? : Mea "fork roll i lemonstre? 11 .. Tel? I .-.- i ? n.nirrtit ?he ? . Nt v. York Frederick A. 8? pi n ? ? l all ?a" ' ' a? i. ai i Job i Hedgei ami Howard S Bo of the Mendeli lohn I the Rockies, while letor . f the Mendelssohn i'luh. congratulated J B P r the Ellis Club, on g of cru?. Harvey W. Ilmdermyer und Reed Miller W!l at tl ? nd of the Una. SHORT SKIRTS FAIL TO SHOCK BALTIMORE Better, Unless Wearer Is Bow* Lefged, Is One Opinion. ? Mien - .-?I Baltimore. Fab B Society woman af more, in diacuaalng to-day Mr* ..i ? ? mtielaa. ot the ?. !?? briefneaa ..f womoa'a red '.hat they were not ; ithy e thet with Mrs reporters' aaaoel itioa on this vita! ?i ' "1 don'l think It a bit monk while to ?t.- laid ?fri Rol .?i | Get ? '..?il u?r>.e.l bei opinion o'. 'he pre ???.:, f al ?* "Next seaaoa ?<? h?n the fashions chu?ar well .... !? wearing long ikirta ap*?in." Alexander Preaton, o;i 'he other thinki the "abortar skirts aie butter nnleaa ??? woman ?a bow-legged." "it's only tha people who nro s?greme niervative," I ? laid, il - ? elothei " beeau i thej look beat h i " p ?opli o I g to hi r fasl is." "Pen --.! e?rt my .-Vir? abed Mis. Frances I Redwood "I .Ion'*, tonmder the ?klrt? aa ha?i a? some of the evening ' think they are pretty and I don'? think the; an- more mod Virginia Solon Would Bar All Short Skirts by Law .. "-en ?. Iiurine debate of -' ? bill In th? House of D'legat | ft \| Myers, dele ???? " declared thai it amlati ca tha downfall ol more young men than anv oth. My? rs o" imendment, i ? ' imala ihall bi .nwealtB of ' ' ?' - rround, or vuth a I ed ce or waist whii ? osa m ? . i three - . i i - amendment wai defeated, bu . ?. POLICE DEPARTMENT ?.??If?! -a ,., . ? * . . a . ? A,pj. --.--? -, ? ' ? - - * .-. | * I ." - ! ? - i' ?a ' * 1 ? . .... -, . .' i - , 1 ? ? . i " h arI?. A 11 ? T-??|l?r, tii,,aaant, 4 r i, ft* I* a - ?, l'?*4t It* ltlt_ kUU -J What Is the Gary Plan t Ih ALICE BARROWS FERNANDEZ 0 Tribune readers will find in this department a claar and authoritative account of the Wirt school system, proposed for this city. Questions of parent* and teachers will be gladly answered. 7 he de? partment will appear on Mondays and Thursdays. WHAT THE WHIT PLAN DOES. It tahaa children off the str-wts and kir-ep? them wholesa?m?*iy buey at work, ?tad? and play for six or ????n hours a day. It give? eil children Jrat-t rae ranch academic work as the tredlllcmal eehonl, but by lengthening the ?.Jiool day It fire? t?m? for practical ?hop work, science*, dra***?ng, music, audi? torium and pla> for all , hUdr-an. WHAT THE WIRT PLAN MKANS To every parenb?A chance te gi?e hi? child the e-iir-tched education?.! opportun i tie-, imually reaerved for lhe children of the favored few. To tear her?. ?Ha more hours of tenchInu. more >ona-?nlal "orL. To the community?Mutf-w cltl bet'arr erhools for 1**?* coet. Traditional School Autocratic?Gary Plan Democratic? Gives Each Child Individual Attention?Appre? ciates "When a Feller Needs a Friend." In a recent communication to The Tribune on the i.ary plan, a ?* who Hia-rii? himself "An American" protests that.: Three ??'clock i? ?|iille time for children to he at home. I think parent? have .vine riafl.t- to ntan.ii*e their own children and err?nge their rar rastlos Raspsasiailit) reata with the parsata and esaasl be ii-iiipcd h? an> ol her nut \. No OUtalde authority can ?H?lale to parent? Im?? the? ?hall BaSSSM ?h'-ir familie*. I hi? 1,.ir? ?(?iff BIB) du lnr some, hut hand- <df \merican home?. W ( rien?! osr .hlldren la the puhlic m houl fi?e ?lav?, a week from 1* a. m. until ! p. m.; the re?t ol the lime that} are I" he at hume and no ?>?tem shall hme .in-thing tu SS) Time enough for them to buy and ?ell ??hen hi houl dsyfl are over and the? muat fee? the hu?inea? *?orl?l. TRADITIONAL SCHOOL AUTOCRATIC. Apparently the most difficult thini/ for the average person to undc-r ?tand alioiit the Wirt plan is that It is literally true that andar ?his plan parent.? muy huve any kind of school that they want for th?'ir children. A* a matter of fact, it is only under the Wirt plan that jia rents do have "th" i rij-rht to manage their own children and arrange their recreations and other" Under the traditional school system "an outside authority (the school) did dictate to parents how they should manage their famiiie.-i." The school told the parents that they miiMt .send their children 'o srhool at 0 o'clock. ! neither het'ore nur after; that they could not have them again until 3 ?o'clock except for one hour at. luncheon, and that at I o'clock they must 'take th?'ir children whether tiny ?ranted to or not, ?if send th? libraries already overcrowded, with line.? of children a block long ?salting to ft-t in. or t'i playgrounds overflowing with a surplus of children. (,ar\ I'lan Live? Tarent? An> hind of School They Want. Phe Wirt schools, Of) 'he contrary, are organizad In the lielief that the public Bchool has no right to he iq autocratic. Why should al dr?'n he forcad to come to school ai '?' 1 er before nor after? parents would liles? to have their children in school by 8:80 in the m ? We know many in New York City who in uld be glad I i have their children taken care of at an earlier hour in the morning. "An American" is evi? dently not one of them, bu? under the Gary plan ?hen- would be no i aces ??? ? r Bending his child to school until 9 o'elock. There ara also parante, many arorking men and women, who would h? glad to have their children under the supervision of the ichool until ?? evei I "r ?> o'clock- in the afternoon. My Invi I *al ns have brought me in ronttsct ?vitli hui I luch pundit- who are die [.nan e their chlldrei must I.n the atreeta In the at'te arl ile they are away at work, other fathers and mot! ? ild prefer to have their children leave school as curly as J::',0 p, in.. BO that they could tak" private music lessons off some other outside activity. Or, there at**- s til who would fin?l i* more convenient to keep their children home for such activity?? for the lirst hour after lunch or heiore lunch. There is absolutely no reason why all these parents should i si be MtUfled under the Gary plan. "Hut that is ab.?ur?l." we aie told. "It is ?i,i?- to give every child an individual prog?*amme thai ? Pisfjrssaaaaa PeealMsii Why ia it impossible? We give ?uch individual schedule? to girls in colleges and In high schools. Why should the children who need it moat, those who are in the most formative penod of life, be ? what we i*r-e ourselves when we arc old enough I V would not submit for an nstan? to such infl? xibility and such an ii system as that to which we submit young, growing rhildn school. We v.ould not tolerate for ? day ???? bj eo. way at only certain hour- of the da) and the eleva) s thei permitted to use electric light or -"as st only bated hou Why should are subject children to a system?wh< se infl ty al them much mou , than infl? dl in net mi could possibly affect ns adults? To deprive a child of an opp eighty minutes of outdoor exercise in case h? needs it for h health is h ;erious matter. To slowly kill the instinct for good Workmai ?hi* m Kian<ce or sosna mechanical line, or a grift in music or draaring , because of the mere lack of opportunity for a child to expr?s-, that inft in workshop or studio or science laboratory, is squally serious. It is only tolerated because apparently we adults so sour, forget the eager aspira tions of our ?>\vn youth and the tragedy of not having given them the chant.I expression. II ii neith r desirable nor i i ? bend all children in the same direction under a uniform system, HOW IT is DONE But how can we s*tva flexibility without eonfuaion and writhou? dspriv? ?ng hfldren af stiiBcient time for* the three uv.' [t ia p rfi tlj easy 1 arrange thp matter provided aaeh parent ii satisfied to hu\c the kind of School he ,,'i. ? is child, but at the |ame time |fl willing t?) let other I ire? *i have the kind of ich "1 tiny want for their children. For example, a friend of mine tells me ,; si n school ai ! Ir- thai case I icy I igins with the rtoup of children who stud] arithmi c and E i m - 30 to 9:50 ["hen --oes downstairs t?, a shop and then to a science laboratory, and at 11:10 true?, home to luncheon. At 12:05 sin- goes to the elsssrtMms airain, where she has reading and geography and history until '?-.'10. Then she i o'. - downstairs to the auditorium, where she stay.?. Until 'I, when ?she goes out io the playground and then home at 3:40. Now, If Lucy's mother do? want hei to play around school, there is no reason why she should not go home at 3 o'clock, ai our corresponden? wishes. Hut there are rna*n\ parents who ?rould like to have their children stay for the play period, and there is no rsasoi why those parei ta, as wall as Lucy'.?, should nut have wha* they want "r if l.ucy's mother feels that a muaic lesson is more profitable for h.r child than an auditorium period, there ii ! rea on whj Lucy should not leave at l?.'JU p. m. In any ease, Lucy would still have had more minute? of aca<: work than under the old system, arid also forty minutes a day for work and Scienee, and forty minutes for work in the shop something that would not be poasibl? under the old svst? Gar) Plea Lets Beys He Iteal Roys. Mow, take th? ease of our correspondent, who wants hi? boy or girl to begin school al 9 and stop a'. 8. There ia no aeon why his child should not eome to school ut B and join the other set of children who are in the auditorium ut that time. Such a child would naturally end his school day al ;?:40, but if hi.s purent wishes him to leave at ;l there , ?ason win he hould not do BO. In thai case he could stay in academic work from 0:10 to 12:05, a:.d have more of it In the afternoon, miaaing play and auditorium and shop or science. If a pannt wishes thai kind ? f a pro? gramme for bis boy,,,{ course he can have it, although per-, ?tally it strikes us a? a drea-dful imposition on the poor, squirming youngster to keep him in school seut?. all tha; time. If : a ?? ,1 noy he will wai I to be n about and making things and experimenting with things, ami th. plan makes it possible for him to be a real boy. The Gary pian ai .?t. ? "When a Felle-- Need ? Friend." f . . . " . ? I ?al. 1 - ai?r?ry Auf,-.*??-'. * . '- 4 . i-.- ;-. .. 10 ? . - ' i . ? .. i . ? . f ' i ? . i i ?.?-.-?? I . Pai \| , , - Ok ? ,.rJ "i a ,-...-. ? i ? ? a- ?? 4???~.__ _*l ... j . .. U : ?.-; .? .; _? p m ! - . r - i > a ' - . ... ? ? 4 ? . 4 ,1 l . - ? ' ; ? ? - - A,Mlnta* S-Mi-I*l P?tr*l?tni 1*11114 ? !" M r? Art! --' ? - ? t -, '???. ?? iiai.t 4 Il . ? . . ??. A 'a' M ?- >'a?v If? r eiiati cl M.. ...'.??.?. I>b. ta BUILDER BUYS IN WEST BRONX Plans Apartments for Big Plot Purchased in Val? entine Avenue. MANY DWELLING AND FLAT HOUSES SOLD Sales Yesterday Indicate a De? mand for Those Kind of Prop? erties in .Manhattan. ?l.i-.'. tl. A.r? annou t?te market yesterday. With few liona tin--"* were Bg nn?l . ? ? ttai ' Broii' : P wer. ? '. . ' .. . , Tl ?? Hi<.*.< fun - ? thei ? Peel ? ? ? 4. ~fi ? ? , by Kati I i ? i Michael 1 ... Di er of Fifth ?a-- end letl i eporte :. old b? M rj an 1. Kennelly In yesterday's Tribal a ; .. leyar. . ? '. How: ??.'[i ST I eb ft S ? : -- Annie A. Peel to B B. th.' ? S?J Weal ? dwelling "n lo' ? - ? ombu. n?. The I m by Mi K V1.' ! ? [ ST.--H Arn I. . ? tl \\ I - ' I, . 11 I l a-, l.-TH ST. Th : I ? ' ' ' ' Han I . ii . ? ' ' ' span and J ? ? I '. ? ? ? ROG \ : ' I ? ? ' ? ' '' ' ' Business Spat e ow Last and West Sides Rented If. ft L. ii - -. Inc., ha i , it h a? thi . W . ? I I ; . ? for a \ I . : ' : I of spa je I . r ai ' ? - ' ?iklrt " irei ?' Proti i ' ' ? ' ' Pi . raft ? i M nthai Company ?.? M. (Catcher A Bro I i t ??. William ? .i ' : - -? 10 Fifi ? .i it? to I ? '? . the aton ? .? '.'. ? i ? a a '' ' ? ' at, k Ce 29 V" i| ?.'..? I. H to tha - . a ?tat..'! W,: ? dea ( o?ipany. ?"ASE IN BUSIEST ^ MMIh tatag Erects m metatlten lea*** "trl i ' v Pe? .? ? /' ? i ?**'' "* ?*> - - ? ? ? ' - ' t la r a, . ? ? ? "the d nULDIHO 01 BR00KLY5 Mnune I-. Be I * rtad on ( i,ne*? i^ \? . Hold lr?im Plan?. i a thrae m_> ? As nom ?' i I?. BJ S ? ?- asaat ba? ibajai *' "?_ . . -? B I * 4 rta ?t. ,.: ' asa m " :v.i4i ? ? r ma i -. i i ' ? Um ' pi-rtt". '??r/ ipar. ? nient houses ea?* !.. Sllm ?- aUaaj a u ta r?.?*}?? i I Sub I -.'isiaCtiou. r?!: ? i leeeed f?r i-, ? ? ? ? . ? . . ? la. *?- ? ? 1 ?4 nd. I ri i - ? . | | im o- ? ?l?-?let, L?|| '.!?*? i. -? -?a ? Seid. ? ? a.14.1 II!**" ' ? ' ? "?Ma ?tLANCt> ? - ? ' ' , a?***'**** <<PJNY.CITV V.'** C0UN,lN 50 l?y??i$Ort AVENUE ,i, t ... ' NOTICII i. <????'??? lamaMBaaaa . I.V81 RI ? l"?V m v? i? km nomssnan* LANGUAGES,:::? ,?< ?????? ?"<??*-**'' ? ,< l*?<* mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmuW^^ r- "*? ,,-, ;;\,., *...: PH?*? "j?* i ul i ..i mu i' il . , . V**rc LANGUAGES m -im-- *-"?.* ^ |?I?,aaaat tass?* ?J_J ' f inJ Sleaelyps ?*???? .?. H_ ? , ^ i DBANO CEBTIUI. MLI ' ? " s, ...i..? -???""?'?'..,. *,,,-,., . .I""'.* V .'? - T^ ' "'? * ~*^ Rgftl esivti:. _-^ m u JEMBtl ,,,l MH1. ?ST^" i r, .. ? " - Maa SC