Newspaper Page Text
C?ROTANS TAKE VfflY TRENCHES ?a rest Half -Mile Line from Prend? ?n Artois. Ber? lin Assorts. KAISER SENDING 600.000 10 WEST Bu, London Thinks AtUctp htt \crch Defensive, lo I ore st.iii Mi'i'** i ?. . my, cm ? ' ? .-.-,. it is , tended to ' ' i - ?? rward ? ' -mined of and Kel ? - . ... * ? ' ? ? e ma ? The a ' ? ' It ' ' ' - .' I ' ' til en IIill iftei ? u ? ? r I sal Parliamentary Inquiry in } rench Army Zone ? ? ? ? B ? I ?"?' ope ut ' ' HAYTIAN TREATY GOES TO SENATE "imiitct Reports Articles \.i ?Ott Is f a kin on Niiar aunan Convention. i - ? ? ? ? ? ? of a l'i ! ' ? ? ' CLEMENCEAU TO HEAD UNION Vifrtniirr f Inrf el Mlieti Inter Par llamearte r? i?tni? Paris. F? Cl. res mittee ?''i ?\rtnj bi d Fo?eigi I to da] ?? :, . ? i ? i lent ol tht . Franco I liit.-r Farllamei I Ea?Pn ? ? " ? "\ ,-;?,! i ?lit- \ tin ? old It *?? mo? t ?ng a? Bordeaux on 1 ? ' the Brll lei? ga ? the work s - ?real Brll ?hi- v. ST U-BOAT CAUSES LIBEL ACTION ?Ir.e ?af Niriiaian'a ?re?? Sue?. Hen? inn killinr, <>t Stihinarine Men. ? i 150,000 damagea for alleged t.' v...- growa out of the sinking of ?nan Mil>n\,r ii ,- by a lint iah ntifl ' . . i ? Vori at the \- . ? lian were real ?' the G. after th? tak? ? I . . i lian ??..- i ? i t'ullai itorj that earlj m a ng IbbI Augual i i (kmer can he German ?ubmarine, Jus? Ihen the Be ?' 'I lu* I'a.'f'.l"'?. ?Ill?, ?: , rew British mplaina : hat on .lam- . ? publish? .to Amei ?can mule ? he 1 ' ? ' ? AUSTRIAN FORCE NEARS DURAZZO Occupies Heights North? west of Town?Serbs Still Retire. 1 |v P. The following .- ? . ' -i Mar. . to-day: \ ; tro-Hungarian Llbania ? - ' ? ? ? ? ? -. ast. ? the enemy , ? ? . I fig in th? "Ii. . - \ ? . Hungai armed Alba and that the ? ? many, 1? .. gal he st "? ; ? \ ? tier occupy- ! . which we ? ' I ' I and oui ? ?:. 100 prisoi riant ..' sr < ? ???and f.f Corfu ? ' ? and ? ? ? . ? twenl mile? that imp ' ?' A : ... i the north ol _ -. . ? - FERDINAND VISITS GERMANS King Mel ai Headquarters h> II -irifiinnii Mollweg and \<>n .Ian*..??. a ? IS ? ? ? i ? ? . ? a C man Fo ? id. TEUTONS PUSH NEARER DVINSK Reach Dvina, Only Seven Miles from City, Pet? rograd Admits. RUSSIANS ?RTA1N LINES WILL HOLD Say Hindenburg Failed When Situation Was More Favorable. ?ondon, Fab 9. Seven- fighting i? again developing on the Dvinak front. I lary duel? having be? n Slice? di'il in a COntlnUOUa bomb?n d ment of n;ri :?r ?-, t <? n - it y on 1ml ii Bid? . ? | ',? ii Pel rograd dispatch The Germans have taken tha ?sitia? ??v? and attacked the rallara) statin bank of Iba I if 1 This is pi etra ? . bu" Ho' ?? - ? ia tl Stn.r i .,-?,,., -,, ? v m till oecupj ing i bai ? isil '"?. . and lueeeedi d in reach - ing 1 uaini heavjr artil? lery, which they bow bava liad I Regai .. ? .. ,? is which ?rere ? n liindei burg's ? the groll . . . .; M itau, v? l.lttl ther? lach? ii as to the para , , . again?! ? Si .tai y men bava bean ron-: ? il lare of von II Indi n ir| leal afTorl Dirlnsk that even undei eoi ditiona moat favorable ?o the Germana the Dvinak-Riga linei ?. ? able Tlir nl ?tateniet? i? - , ? branca an Dvinsi ronnnei tseli to ? ? Russii ittacks, i ? ?. east of ? .! ? ured on 1 lir ' ' the Baranoi ich; l -,..- hoi lehl H GFRMANS PUNISH PACIFIST Impria? a : M ear-Old V? omaa fur l>. niiii.ii in?; Bundaj Killing. . Reus , a ' i ,,'niifn'.. . ?, f Seventl I o preach? ii ne nituitb rt r< ? ?her- ? ition. She is a? ? The - ... advocated, n peech . 1 ? court accepted il ' ,i ? ? . . ? entall) ? . ? ONE GERMAN SONG ROUTS APPAM CREW Refugees Noturn When Ihe> Find It Is Swedish I ill Chorus a Ditty of Love. ??\i,'. | , togethei ? : il.. ' ' ( myst? - ' ? roared a , ? ? I b but a fes ind en th? \: asm ' ?? ? ? - morn ; for home. 1 , farewell i ? ? ?ached New Vori i I ; rTair id loi eh? "Bu s dl? rendei ed by Cl i ' . if? ? ? rom the \ < "V to ? . ' . ? . to lui walk? ? ? ?so i ? ,. irn thai "Sai nded German, doi aid. : bada ? ' ind told ' ? i . i ? ARMY AND NAVY ORDERS; MOVEMENTS OF WARSHIPS -, - ? I I. la, . Mi ii? ?'? \ . .. ? ' . ? ?. i HI. K- i .a- ?' '? ? ! I I.-' H Mil II |,i : * y M . I ('4M*! I a ' .? <?* ?, ' ' \ A a . a a : . , ? j ? - \ llt.l I/ 1MI.M.4 l I : . Ala i It HIN i ? . a- I! 4 ? ? ? H ? > i i I'll* i v i ? , a . ? ? a ? I ' - I . i ' ? , .!'-?? ? .1 . ; ,,.-..-... 4 . \\ ?! i . il t hull im; . al Ml ? tlllpl.-l..!,*/ !? 1 i. . M lia - ?v-r t I . ,, Ii II IUII I i ?' , ?!...?' 1 i ? ? ? ?' I i ? - Mm EMF.ST** ? I ii ..... i - 0'l A - ?. . ? , !.. ' a ? . ' ' 4 I . .. 1 ^AIN TO HARBOR HERMANS! l?egiimiii i,,?? t? Gaisea i" Gsard Ka .leruii I Bgit i> pi Pai .I ab '?' 1 be Bpai BI 1.' 1 - 11 : : 1,000 ' , ? man 1 olonii ? ? . X'. Ill-,, '!' '??" . I.aran b) th? British paras!) I '" llavas . patch from Cadiz. I he Germ ?ill In brought v, rhe Rritlsl t? am? 1 Catalu?a 1? taking mi boaiil s ? food foi ? LINCOLN BRAVES BRITISH CORDON London Official! Arc Ready to Pounce on Alleged Spy. I 1 a ? 1 L.Ion, 1 . b '.? It i authentically I ?ported thai Ig ebitacl Lii coin, ?a Member of lhe British Partis '?? rman py, 1 - on ti"' ray to l uropc lie ii expei ted to reach ? In-- clt) soon. No one a irpt laad b) this tun ol affairs, h- Lincoln's intimates here be lu ?id iliiii h 1 ranit) was certain to; perassdc bim to attempt t" gsin fr??h notoi let) in Europe 1 ha ?1 rli al ol l.incoli . wl ,. rseaped from th? "1 ork Butboril I? s h le ai ted hen 01 II charge of forgery, would be hailed with joy b] ?>? it would obi ?at' Thus ho would ?. - treason, ?at?h ?>i ? 1 swift and bo? uncertsin oat? oma, Tha authoi itiea are eon 1 anno? escape 1 he Britl 1 coi don. His wi fa Is .-.nul tn be on tii" ?? ray to Geil CABBAGF. HIDES COPPER l x- n inn?, Posad 1 ader Vcgctsblea ? assigned to Gsnaasj. London, I ? ' d 1 .h to ?? : ' ? i'i Hair Helsinborg papei give pron ? he discov? 1 1 ? 1 . ? lies tbeia a. pper bidden Iwa ' bbagi ? I'd to Germa copp? a le for j nugfjlan SAY CANADA PLOT HAS BOSTON BASE Officiais'Believed to Plan Indictments on Dicto? graph Records. i , '?, 9 |i sal b) : ?ral 1 . I cob 1 1 this eil ,. . . : ? ? ? ght. ? will h ei. r ? ,ii.!l f men said to b? . ' ? Dictai ? containing 1 ? of the ?1 ? , , ! I ' ' , ? ? be .1 ?,iii,1er i..-i . 1 bai pre si ? ?\. District A a B Port ? ? a? taken ..' lea M 01 I them ? that i ottcn mi I ? Parliament al Otta George W a.- Bot ton, ? to-night 1 nol he ii , (n rman plol . ? u boston as a baa? foi lh? pur| - ? ? ? 4. ? ' ' STOCKHOLM, FREED, REACHES GOTHENBURG British lake I our More Steam ers Into Kirkvvall. Th? ? ? ockholm ai rived ? ? was takei its K wali la ? . i erpool i ? ? ? ' ? i .' I . ' isserted ? ? ..I Par! of go i . . ,? by the Brit loi be? n made ?nut* n pravii idon, Peb rhe fol ? - ?all: ? i ?ri? g with a cargo of j ' Fork I .. 'inn, Hair moi ? . There's a bet? ter way of buying toilet paper than at so much a roll or so many rolls lor a quarter. "It'? the Counted Sheet! that Count" ScoflTssue loiiet Paper ha* 10GO sheets to the roll ? printed on the label. That means definite measure value. ScotTistua is soft, white, absorbent. 10c a roll. Sani-Tissue, trea'ed with Ctaadian balsam lleai ing 2500 iheeti in c-utoa of 3 rolls, 25c SCOTT PAPI'.R CO. 3D r hunh-iraai Mi Be 11 et oblo, a ????? *i.a.. './,,.. /ou..a CALL BLOCKADE TEUTON BLESSING Austrian Writers Say It Forced ?Early Economic Mobilization. COPPER SUPPLY NO LONGER A PROBLEM CottOfl and Food Questions Also Solved Trade (iains in the Balkans. \ -t in a. .inn. i. Economic eond m Aoatria-Hungary, Germanj, Hul is'iuia and Turkey art- di crilx latisfactor) in aeveral reviews ?f the appearing in th? Auatrlan pr?s All writers agree ii prof? the ali ees ation of import . .1 , i.. ?, i -..; Britain1 - atl itude ,,: trabend) i i been i blessing in entrai Powers, though annoying ?' ? l' to import from oversea markets what formerly ? une from abroad, Au I ?a H n gary and Germany, the writers point eut, mobilised economical!) soon after the out break of the wai I) ,- pf the most dl q lieting prob that of nietal? for military I'm pu . . itab coppei nickel, rhousandi of tena aere ua? ia th? "met il < .'.'.i!'.. . ..?,. ? going oil, but, with th* - af Serbia, aim tha opening of th? road to Turkey, copper and tin are not bo laagor an tha liai af werriaa ? opper la produced in considerable ???es in Serbia, Bulgaria and Turkiak Aaia Minor, the latter BOB ?i. ? ; r.nlucing tin. < hemiral? and ether sub.atance? needed for the maaufactura of explo . ,-. i , . fi beefl really *-carce. socially true ef cotton, one of the principal ingrediente m tri ? which che . i won, ? n? futrojren of th? tii for in?I an a? Anatolia ,i.i become normal. 11 ?? food queation, aleo, t thought and sttent \'o i .. :? ... II : ;?? ? ition and "price ting -. and a "handling mmoditii ral an I ? ... ? rith beavj Hi ? ?-? and unpns loan, writ? made with litl .*>. The fad that llttla Of the the ? entrai i ? t o f i ? - . . ? : ' : . ? 1 ? r p daily ni?ee ?n unre?tricfed, or part! ?? ? ricted, import would in nowi.? i ' been counteracted bj export, "\ ilh nt ar!-,- 12,000,0 ?'I in?n und? arm?. I,timan a ml Ausf ro-Hunjra rial ..' d ? ?.* heps ?'? their f'>r..||?ri purchasers in n nx-mur. Igh to maintain the btilanc ??f export .'un! impur' f normal time, In porti. then fore, it la ?aid. wool have t au-.'.I detrimental financia dram? Aa ana of the writers ?ay?: 'Ting lend did il? a j?r?a? favor in CUtt?B| iii?" our svenaes ?>f trade." Full] M BOT coal of the wer have remained m the two countries 'I In? money ha? been ?pint for war ma tt-iiai turned aut in tha home plant? m,.l moat <>f it 'nan boon paid out it Bragas. Rich and poor alike have sub scribed to the loam. The navine? banl riptions and participation o! Working people show tha' ti.e ami loans soap mor? or leaa the ??un money in circulation. The surest barometer of leakage i? the eonversior of commercial leceritl ?, it is assert .??I. and till*., while increaalag a little tl each lUCCeeeivs loan, ha? nev?r tlieles* been alight Warna la Germaay and Austria-Hun p.'iry fiave gone up two und three fold Thia is due in the main to the fact that labor i-, ?caree, and living, on an BVeragO, T."> per cent more expen?ive On the o'her hand, the employment at skilled labor of atetillad mea and women baa made production m.?r. costly in many eaaee. One of th? re Of ? . Il 'ha?, as the let of the arorking classes i.;.- been improvedi the thy iiave seen iheir incomes da*in die. War? Bfl ?? Ihrfje scale, ?ay or.? o!' the aritera, have always been great ? iBtiC leveller-', because the i|e marids made upon all ere of the ?arm character. Society retrac?e il iteps toward the primeval <tate in which the defend ef the tribe leaaened personal tative and privilei/e, a law which to day ij lending icores of would-be i.'' food 'ufTs and the Ilka inn? tha Germen and Austra-Hungari an penitentiai ??-. Much, comfort i? derived from I fue! thai 'he debida of Serbia ha< made the foodatulfi of Itumiima, th. i'- (ana and th? Ottoman Kmpir? ac ? ?? lr '? expected that the e^ ?o ..hose countries, which ? ? < .-iitrn! Towei- are fully able to meet, ??-'It pay for 'he food and other sup? plies bought there. Kconomic loaa will ?in the centre!-! the new conditions will favor certain Industriel which have lain almost idle, and will thus contribute to the ability to carry o-i the war. HOUSE, IN LONDON, WILL CALL ON GREY Wilson's Representative Refuses to See Visitor*?. T ? TrUnr ? 1 London, Feb f'. Nen?eommunicativc is a mild term for the attitude of Colonel Mm ; ?? lince tin arrival here :',.? to aight. He went ' Rit! immediately, and a! once repaired i here ha loeked himself ther with all the imp. he I ? takinff home to Pre Wilson. All iffort f repr?sentativ? \? ??- ? mmunieate with ? HAU Wer? tilt ?*' -'eiy block? d by Mr i'arver. h ii secretary, The courteoui note, wer? ?..??-'.. u-'?. few minut?e' * m?, .."?! wen- !??? with a notation on the bottom: "Call to-morrow a' four-thirty. ? arver." All "'" which 1 who remembered that the ? -i good I ?atener, a* I? ast. ?ti ;ht it could i ot be tear ?r A"ih lador Page v ad ppl : ? Mr. Hou e will cotifei 1 BERMUDA GETS NONEWSOFROON Fight Between British and German Cruisers Un? confirmed. DETAILED STORY REACHES NEW YORK News Alleged to Have Arrived in Code -Secret Messages Barred. Say British. Hamilton, Bermuda, Feb. f.?If s bat?!? h?? taken [dac* BOSOFSSS tke British armored crxn-^er Drake and tl*?? lierman crui?er K'ion off Kermuda nothing \s known here of the oecur renee. Xumeiou?. inquiries have failed to continu the n-r,i,r- thai b? Drat at'arked and capturm! tha Room The a ?? isels have not reuehed this port, and, SO far as (SB b learned. B ? i been reei ?? ed l Eta ton to mdirat.. that tha Drake h?? - ? ; to any atl ar Bermuda port Washington Fab y rhe B it ih Baa? to-day received advices from British aient? ia Maw York that a ma.i living on StStOB i ? .ind. whose nam ? was not transmitted, had rece private dispatch from Bermuda, ?aym* the British eruiaer Drake had tsken tha German eruiaer Roso and "'r,i ??'?rinai) mai I ?. repor vas circulated n New York ? -?? r i., ? aftei that ' ne (?ermat armored ?miser Boon bud been capt ureii l'OO mir? BOrth of Bermuda b, the I'rake, an armored cniiasi at I ! British BSVi S'ews of th-* alleged cap' <;re, embellished with (-lowing detail-' of u three-mile running light, came. 11 ia said, in a private code me-gag* cabled h Bermuda. At the British Consalstc h?re no con? firmation of the ?tory could be obtained, and the embaaey m Washington *w alno ?aid to be la ' of at" fa;r. it was p? latea ant, however, that government resjnlatlsaa make ?t lapse? ??ib 1 e to send ,-able messages in any Cod? from Berma.m The reports wer? genera!!;, diacredite i Isaarsaee Men Skeptiral. Ramon of th" Rnon'? capture, irh '?? naturally CSUaing some stir :r. mm n ? ? ? ? w-r? aevertheli - Tl ???? i- wag n ' of 'he h trher ,n? I I - ? a< ?non a y ex ?iirma.i raider? OB tha h:??h seas. Ihr. Bermuda sh Ch was aid tha- the Drak? i I a ? tv\u me: Bei m . been es tured s? ! ? ? ' by tel? . ? ' ? . ? I Brush them with COLGATE'S Rt_aOi1 DCNTftL CRO.W A Dentists' Dentifrice rol ? ira ?je ment? could be t>o ispl reported. Fate of (tn??a in It-oubt. .vfanne underwriter? reccved no ad vi'?? Tester?!??, to alter their benef Bl liner ?in?--.,, had be<*n i'ap"jr?d. A report posted a*, the Mari . -? aid that he hu! ai lived a? the ?ai?. Verd? I?laii.' Januaiv M, inditcating 'hat she ?j ? .' point a*-.d ! ? pool Ofleiall at the local office? of 'he i'aciiic Navigation Company, own? ers af the miaaiag ship, expresse,; belief that the vessel had been ei'.ner raptured or sunk. The Olieaa wa*> on the I??? 1?/ atf it from Liverpool to l'?r; ack. via the Strait of Magellan, i-h? pu* in at many ports. In the ofl largar at ?ri'P lines operating between New "? orla and I i ? rpo? 1 ofl ; . i the i i wer" ,n immediate la: ger. .--r..' men generally, however, teemed concerned 'han thev have been ?-.?'.- of the La GERMA>TcONSTRUCTS ARTIFICIAL HAND Surgeons Plan Devices to Aid ? the War Maimed. B?r!in, Feb. 9 'via London i. At tna convention of" the German OrthOBOdla ? I BOB - ''.-..!??, nans inventions of methods for re? pairing the wait,, cf wir have beer, ? I or disci:*- ? | i'r. Ferdinand .-a.icrbruch, profesor of surgery a* Zurich L'nlvei ?hewed '.he delerat-'.-i an art.ricial hand ? to graap akje. ta ?>f all forms and .o lift we ghta up *o twenty? \ ? entirely novel feature i i that ft a I the fingere -ir.- CB ' I b] muscular BCtl*M i r en i i . f?r itch work hy t?*o i peral i ? . E3SIANS WIN FIGHT WITH RUSSIAN TROOPS Disorderly Retn-at Follows a Bru?-h with Tribesmen. I'crlm, Feb. . Conn reporta g; ven !. '. I y ?h- ? ". ' 11 Pen a have met wi?h a leven d. feat . and ? ? - Persian I t-> ! o f Bej They all la ' When you merchants buy silks and laces and dress goods, you meas? ure them. When you buy shoes you count them. When you buy coffee and tea and sugar you weigh them. Buy your advertising space the same way. Dont do it blindly. The Audit Bureau of Circulations has made it possible for you to know, from an unbiased and expert sourca, JUST HOW MUCH and WHAT KIND OF CIRCULATION tha worth while newspapers of America, have. This newspaper's circulation books, rec? ords and receipts?every scrap of paper nertaining to its circulation ? are audited by the trained accountanta of the A. B. C.t and you advertiser! can have copies of their audits any time. Wa want every advertiser to KNOW what our circulation is. We have nothing to hide, nothing that we're not proud of. DON'T BUY YOUR ADVERTISING SPACE BLINDLY. recto Sork $???B?m> Zrihnnt Member Audit Bureau of Circulation!