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?Yen. ijovi-, ?ribunc Fir?! to l.??t? the Truth: Ne? ??VaditoHsU ? \dvert1?em?nt?. TIM K-.IM*. rrBRI ?Kl >"? ??** xiwTtec ,-.??- * an* e Ms* ^ - - - ? ' ' '" ??? a - a.,., ... . ... .- T-. | ' f V ? 4 ? .... ? -a- ' - ?i mcstl ? ? ' ? fettem aeUX eouMa - '?. I I -!?'?? ? '. - ' . . a - . .... a ? ? ? . -rasai<3*i iu*nea ... ? ? vJJ ? ?? - ? . ? DAIM ON I ?tal ?? . V On? tee ? - - ? SI ST*A. OSM r-.a b ?ir,? |??> ? "?? r ,,^, . . - ? -, aa ?a. - 1 'a-? ? . Ha lou raa psrrbaae merchandise nd?erM?e?*l ,n l'H? I Rl HI M ?-? il H absolute ?rife*?.?for' il dleeatlsfactlM Mamita la ?n* ?n?e thFj IHIMM irunranteea. t" I'm? >?uir mnne\ back upon n |tK**St. So red tap?'. *n<> quib? bling ?'** make Rood nrnmiitl? if the ad ??rtLer ?lue? ii >t. "Too Proud to Fight." srl ? n the Bscre wa? o? lipa of errery Ameri i rj "'I he nation . . he Mains s ? r tl ? ? , rpose and ?: The- Tnb * ? 'A ' sasainat?ons v-e an as -'ami for all ? unc.?aaracteri*ed ? ?? isral. Tha- ''? a i -" "too hnr. now been estai 4. ?? ,, ? hencefoi krn will ??-''-?' ? . - "-. mur ? , ? ; tratioi In si? far ?*?*? he was ' ?? ?etrine than ' * or "T aaafetv arorth defending,and that jiest ?*? al r. ' 'i high? cat fj an aee Mr. Wilson ha "ratten 1 titania. ands to ?n?? Amer:.;.- people. Tt ig for them to accept or rejecl hal ra *-eir narre. Logic or Hypocrisy? As there - no article of i ational is th tnoTi . accspb '".* the Gci ?;.-'-? ? Ivss, then ire p? rplex-1 ? i than the established con ? on that th?- lure ia ? YOU ??? honesl - | ?> e the leading chara Lei f 1 o; that th ' ? ' o-Up nf thf ? them a* ;? disadvantage in thrir deal ? certain "?imple -hat ?an ..y no means compete equal ten with the crooked way h o? ?ral and intellectual hinan. Ho may pro ess to lai lability to acquire a n a naughty world, bul not for a moment do?es he doubl it hia mn-t -hin ? it : ? ? remark the- surco?? he l a? had in imparting this novel coi to certain privileged strangera. Thu? a 1'.. ?rrsspondenl ol "The. New York I; ? ;i verj candid and instructive ptia'; ha*? leen ho ? ompletely hj ? repeatad aa? - . snee of tl thai absei ? ' ... ai d goes in ?roi ?tempting --i make uae Of thi Th?' result ia iur on ? loxical, foi aa the phe nomei ? ;,?, ich m are uni pocriay whet, i.ti ' rder to ae? them In Germany he is obliged to ? tastic hypothesis which invo e that G? tan on* "*? B*ira] thinking. "have no hy ?? logic " And he re astroua menta ' ? . ..?ni awful that ? : ? that .. meaning i ??" ' ih had ?' " ? ? rmans did - ! that their h? bad d?lib?r?t? ly sunk expressed ? while , had rhen the ship ws inten? t-' of ki | aras 1 be e\ i ? ??' wly; had pretended tl h dam s low sinking; if, In '. ' ? I ? (red in any "f ?ing n ? ihibited h <" Beds, a ?Id the t.erman?* ?all them "awfully logicalM or would they r reasonings aa sheer car.t and huml The commun 0 tion of (?ermiui* Is Eng nd h the .bone o? hypocrisy, belief I tense that ? , at? a ?rosrtl iraad qui'f a different conception, f..r in at rnpiiiig to account fur a Kculiar supen-i ority ei tlir* English over ?M Gormani certain rfospects, ai eaaj naanrance wl mudo thom appear "a. if thty ?tor? I? . v. r\ whore." In- 1 ? ill ll nol 1?> d?"CO?t .cunning, nor yoi tu nnj intell-ectual i eminence. Lit rather to flu- abaon. e of m thing "liai:'way .?' crook?-'1 i" them, . '. "the coura?e*T they had to be thai "Hucli nature intended them." Widowb' Pensions. The rribune has reo i\ e-d the follow letter, which indicates an unfortur .?f the actual operation of on? the ?'.ait'- valuable humanitaria nu lires : To the Editor of 1"? Tribune. Sin In reeding in yeaterdayla i*?ue your paper the ?n?l plight of Mix A nth i ?f.? force ' r what doa ?' p? ii?'."'! 'h*.*- na? - Legielature nol long ag i I ki iw other ca?e . .. estltuta wldoa young . forced to go out to ... . of work to help aup] bl {:?.? !" '.ou or your ri'R.lcri ?? n x i o r . Br< ? klyn, Veb. ,. i.>i->. The* widowed mothers' pension law tl effect .lily 1 of In?t year. Mayor Mil?* h?a appointod a Board of Child Welfare administer it, of which William H. M the?.?-, ?a chairman and Charitiw Comtr i-ioner Kingsbury an e\ officio nienili ? ; applicationi for rr, i?. ??? ..? board and j ? i?? mi,- paid from an appropriation I I ? ? ' igib ? ' her a child or childi .... i. f age; she mu ?;.???. ?. : .i ... r husban? ? <? '"? en ? ??-*?11? f ?this ? ? ? j. i nt the time ol ?\pplicatifl the I Health Above Dollars. | ; spit>' of Goa'i 'nor Whit in'a ord. - State Hos] the I'l-.r. Hoys t '.---.,??? : ' ? * ? fotn - - ? th?-* training t h> rite, r '? ' ? i: . ' *.'. hich persist i ;? ishing f? i ward the ? policy . Mew Voi I ? ?ous. ... , ro\ i-i;:.: for the r tkma from tin' wa'e shed ai ituro, the loci tion of any state ii Bti1 iti a .iterada from which public watei 11 i -???? ; i. tice v> every re ?ty, in ,iu.?-tu'e t<> resid? nta of ol ? ;i'?','- of the .tat..- uliose health a;.d llvi may easily l>e endangered, this Ifgislati? should speedily become ln?.v. Equal'. available litea for the state hospital an ? training seh- ? '. can surely be four whore their seu-H1-!- will not possibly see into the drinking water of :t city of 6 000 , be careles--!iPac. Ttyr criminal, nol t?> find sue ?.-H i re ? ?'. e un ?afetj of Ne? York's water BU] Opposition to the change proposed acern me chiefly from Weotchester ?.cnint.*. where there is n fancy that some propert value? will depreciate if the institution planne?; !?? moved. It wtrald be a lamen table condition <?' affaira if the possibl of a feu dollars .-Intuid he permitted 1 outweigh the p ?t in ppidtm ic e disease here from fill i lade . ['fini-! drinking water. Sayings of German Pastors. So many wild and extravagant uttei ..f the ?German clergy havi bee puhlistic-d in the !n?t yenr and a half i ?he t.erriiri! papera that it is liar-: rj t?. turn cl-ewhere for *?-. id,?!..-.? tha the war had turntsd many of their head? The other day. however, "The Spectator of London reproduced a number of e\ " ?i " " m "The Methodist Tin,. way tifying the aosp i been mobi . ? . ? ?? r civi laut ho - ? ?? imohi!; Though these extracts are said to ha?**. chosen and !r. ? ?? :-. ? perinten<ten1 ? W? I Methodist Missions ii Italy it would, pel haps, ;.. ? ? o go to the oi igi ourcea i-'fore drawing concl They are extremely fai tastk Thus, Pro . - aid to ha*-< Iproachod ? great sennon in 'lie Cathedra |at Berlin showing that th? wer? "luvt al ions'1 ai d then fur their i.-.I, thus insuring theii tion. Pa-tor Zoehel, withoul ai y cant about love, justified severity, dc it i? alleged, that "there ought !?? promia. \?u.h hell, n.? mercy for the servants of ."-'atan in ?.th. r words, n for the Knirlinh, the French, the Rus? sians, nor, indeed, for at y nation that hn< ? to the devil." Pastoi Philippi likeui?--? i? ?aid to have imr ? ? upon ? Berlin congregation th? a-, burning and destroying "the ? ' ' la ;r d allie of Sat in,** ist si ? ? klmighty ca ised His S I ?? ?*i*uci tied fur retlenipti.'fi. so Germany ii tined to crucify humanity f.?r the ra ? salvation of mankind." An y ii *.i the origin "f I emiei araa undertaken some time lago by M. i'orievan, a the Fnench Re ? irch at Geneva, If he is to be trusted, the MeUnidist translator is not He says that the sentence attributed to !'h t r Philipp! ?who, by the way. never li?**ed in Berlii m I la now at the front' should rea. f .- "In ?'hrist, hu v is crucified with Christ; r . - . , ? . ? . r;, " \- . ? ''??-. is una Kientify him. and makes (hat no i-urh pat-tor exists in Germany. Finally,; Professor Sestterg, who hail from i Rui Baltic province, nevar praached in i the Merlin Cathedral, and declaras thai he ?8 unable to recognise the ob-i t'\Hti"iif* al tributad to him. German clergymen have so much t<> an WSl for that it i only jual to acquit the three concerned of tha ab urdltiaa attril? Uted to them, which ha\e been widely ad icrtised and commmted upon. It is obvi? ously the duty of the uperintfttidetit of the Wesleyan Methodial Mission to jai tify his translation?. Economy Versus the Politicians. Tha opposition to Mayor MiteheTs pro? gramme of relief for the city taxpayer: which The Tribune has expected hat* duly developed. Masking itsali as n pisa for "home rule for counties," it i?. actually, an endaavoi to ave for count] politician and county political machines the fat jobsi with fat ?alav?s which nof) c\i<.t in the county ser i-''. created mostly by loinslti Use action on which th?? city authorities had no cheek. The first manifestation of it has come from The Kronx. Similar antagonism may be looked for from Kings. Prom whatever county it comes,j and whatever political party spon-or- it .such opposition i? nothing but an endeavor] to save local lobs and local politician.? / those jobs al th.cpense of the ? ?? city. There ii no reason foi bi atina* a >u1 the bush ? tl ? tter rhe whole thing ?i b n.? ;. : litth patr nage grab, ex] Ii. In 1 h?- ca ?? of The i:r< ? lien w i - ?? ?rou ? erTori to ?,. pla g and ? ctra agai ce which created these jobs and fixed big salaries for them in the bill erecting that county. Unfortunately for th? city, that ,'? foi naught Ir the case of ,. . lative ?huffling of Job? and '(unification*? for jobs, aid their sals o - which has attended each shift of political power in the I -? ;* ' ire has been noth" of a icandal. Tin-- fact thai the??- acts of the Legislature nffc:ted the taxpayers hai mean! nothing to the law makers, who have hee.i primarily politi dans when these matters have i"en un leration. What the legislators of all pane- ?? .: ' ? I.M thai the I a fee ii g ? high ti nancii The i- ?? i? straii ng ? ? ? ?? 'n hold ?! >?'.'> expi ? ??,' - ? The city .*. ? of a careful and w< II com ? k -?* report bj thi I '< mmim i that the public sen ire can be betti ? , heap? * by the 01 -olidation of ? tain county oflaC?** and readjustment redistribution of their functions, I .? for t*-Rt pi.nv-.---r- i- desired. Th.: is^ue here il whether the public .-?' exists for tha pobli? and '^r- taxpa i who 5 ipport it. or *""r tha political ma and the politicians win, hold snug berths at th*? taxpayers' e.xpense. Tha* ? the legislators from this city muf-t meet. They must show ho they stand on it by their course regarding the Mayor's economy policy. Thee civ he no sh-ifflinf?. no evasion, no ha'.'" ? support. Eithei they mus? acl in tha in tere?* of the taxpayer.? OT in thl '? I olaaceholders. The publi? will follow their record csrefully and ?vith keen attention. And if the taxpayers have a errai*, o? sense it will po hard srith any legislator who comes up f< r? ? "iie. next fall if he votes this W againsl any measure which is intended to ?-a\ft money for I e public of this city. We ai a * no?*" ***?? ? greati it ca ? ? ?: af ha'e " Ai ? ? . ? tiefni-o hai ? ? ' - ??? ? cultured, ??'?,. ; savossi logi Shall Reprisals Be Illegal ? rhe Tribune ? af the ??-'lernen' I I mattei given out I ? 'a" a tl ? ? ? I , ? prisai against a i I e.i.nii'iii regarda i illegsl, adaaitt tha? tha attack] upon th? Luaitania ?a- ai ael of retaliation ?1h? iras tic . I R?ble ii --o far a? the lives of neutrals and also ???Mime? aas of neutral 'I his, ?f accepted, eon tutea s pli lg< ? ? e i . -, ?.. Germa r; thi a deliberate acceptai ca of 1 that "reprisals'* are illegal. The measures of tin? Allie? aiv.a.t It Gen commerce on th? I ??? ... ? I arn "reprisals." The bargain by .?.?.. ? ?? ? sst gi ?? ' ' itta i be? ' ' ' made pla I ? bargain a? ? a admin? apeated ild no? i ircumatsnesa. Sens! e Unit? tatet -*hirh ? - onstittttion vaats th? real p?.\?er over ii foreign ralatioaa, -hould ? tak< Botica of this extraordinary br.-. ? ed up to, Brll] brine the Unit? ' ? Inte the war OB the side .... Get mir.y ItAURIl K LEON York, Feb P. ; The Fortunate Dead -1' ' tha dead who cannot hear '.I a lailgh behind a door, Where murderers K?me with efforts bo restore \ ? atiqn'i he ,?: ; > y Ignoble fear Held up to barter, that s beast may c?a H?S hands of bl? Jguilt. Honor that afore la-ndaui . ballenfe. Non ? Unatained th?- flag the brave and freo held dear. Th- your.f* republic, brave. Itroog-limhed and keen Over her humblest citisen could she?i ??' ' ?" I' Uet? :.. No* her people lean On broken reeds, where u/sal ? ? once Threat? ? ? . , ,,: .... But laughed at: Ah! How fortuna'? the <*?<*- A. C, O. I NOW. AND THEN ? Vacillation and Instability Through Mr. Wilson's Career. I'o ihi Editor of i ha Tribune. Pir: ?/our BBoraing*a editorial itrlkee th? keynote in the character of Preaidoat Wii-nm. ??a,, word? fini I..- uaed to thoroughly d< Bfniha him ?. a., uncertaia and inBineere In a previous letter I pointed oat to you hoa he shifted from position to position an othei Iquestions of legi letlon and boa dl aatron I i? lirrU advice given emphatic*?!!;, nn I with ?the apparent f ? ? ? ?? of cotivictnn, bad M been followed, would have been. Follow hi .*Are?i en .'.ll public eueatlona, Including those enacted into leglalatlen, and you ?ill ?etc tbi fa. mo ' alanainglj You may remember thHt I called attention to the it,,-* thai moat of ua were given but one chance just one opportunity ami if we a?. ?*? 111 wrong v r lost mu. Tha ?am? applies tn the .'.'i. mander un the field of battli U'liHt sort of a leader la il that I rai muai i, (?cover the thought and epinlon of others before he can give his own, or ?he, wheo he has Riven hi?, own, ihiftl nhout so ni? to not simply agree with the opinion of th? others, well founded and careful!) reaaoaed out, but, aa it wrra, gooa t "one better" just to exceed'.' Suppose Mr. Rooae*ralt ihould now come . elth, ay, thia propoaltlon, and lei ua imagine u-< il g word about aa followa: ??;. bai i >en said that our navy i lid i... atronger tl an ll at of an ? tl ? nation Well ?rid, a- fnr r. ii goea But t nom ?a er and that of si .that m < . ! -. rd navy of Gres Britain ? itemeut I mort the 1 . ' .ed th< ' mast? ? ' ? .,-,.. a thinker, between < e great Nea Vorh, Pah. *.. 19 t Huns In Other Days. To tha Edit, r of l"h< rribune i a. h appi ' f The Trib? e?a alloi plimont you and to thank y? art r editoi "Bel , gium " - ? " ?ppee I F? ary '-'. i* ? the ' ture of Bur ei.lee, aa , , th? |ht of moral rig! - uanaaa, ? i -., | .- iap the fee ? tal It ?-..'?. ? * I ag) ear in E? ;-. ? ? ta it v ? an ago. '? ... all" 11 rom i KX1 turb l ? , a ????' f 1*1, .... ..--,. ? . ? ? ? l il il to * ..?.?? ? ill,ii ... -, ? ? ' a ' . ' ?'??*??? I ' . ... *Mii?>ri| ? , - ? ' .... . . ? , , . - 4 111 a - - ? ,,J of lit :...-'? ?? ,- , ef ?? ' i ... . . I ? ... ...... , -, . ' ' ? " ? . . ? > ? * a r t i ? .- ? a . . - , ' - ' - ' ? ? - - (| ' I . | these *?'..n;s ** e think in ? ? the last eighteen montha l ? <? fate of Belgium ?' ?torninn ? -. ?, orgottei MAN.- \\ fl LIAM MILLER ? r dge Mai I i ?, 191(1 Firm Words and Weak Deeds. ?? ! ? "he Tribune - ? Le- ?ne thank j ou foi ?lend ?i rial of yeaterda ! . ? i cannot believe that '.he prca! America be fooled by I ehange-1 : Mr. Wilaoi od / ? .1? 1 ?? ? ? ..? y i-,.* uaed i.rni WOI ds." I: ? Bold be recall i - words ?fter and mildei ? ' ?m? I by I old ifanie of I. poiitic?" Mr. Wilaon is playing the '.errna** American i ot ?*-. bel *-? ? a- tha same time he .::?-.* o*' the regular American H? ).*?? lea? both What this country needs i * <?* 1er with a firm ei d decided policy, and a man ii r;.' od. i " Rooai ? t l tnd f can as the America eople - leodore Itoose- tit, shou triet ac ?I know tina* Mr, I mi ild h? lo eeed of a dlM?rawal to? day fi perlai German Government, ho n? - ng of a Luaitanl. ARTHUR t. IAYBAI I '. ?rk, Feh 5, 191*. Legal or Illeg*nl. - Edit ? >.f T:r Tribune. A nternatlonal law baa come to be ? ie dcatroetien of tha Luaitanla a? irre,j va? either a legal or an ll'.eiral .-? ? If i. legal " * Gei r wai l ad and eanno? be ..-:?i to ?a "strid aecountabil Ity" im- aii indemnity or tytherwiae. If the Illegal, then German} can h? ?o held. We told thai ?ler-nuriy baa axproaaed tu pay a ty for the 1 ?? ,afi live? ?eat But whj should ??er mari\ pay v.-hti: -he la 1 the right to kill? If ih. .. d not have auch right, why ihould she nol be required *o admit in actual word- ?he Illegal act foi Which ?-he il willing to pay" Does Genaeny r? think that we ar? so a people that if given ?? f.houaend dol?an wa ?hall no longer e,ueation her right to do wrongful th il g- i orr.e what may, *hi? beat thought of thin country is that Ger? many should he I.?:.! to a "?trie** accountabil? ity" for her '.?legal actr. E C .TO HNS OS ii*- an, Ff ' tote. "Conclusive Fact." the Editor i.f 1 f ? Tribune. "Now and [her." your editorial I, conclusiva fact. Let u? forget Mr. Wilson ar.d other miner ?vorrlea, down even to ? - A leader i? bound to he developed irch -i Meanwhile there i? much that : rtant and eoBBtraetive for u? to think le befor?. we ar- ready to be led. .Nev. York. Feb. I, IBM R. A Referendum on the Philippines. I Editor Of The Tribune. Sir: Why not refer the Philippines quei ta the people" It seem.? to me that a ? tion that eiTeeta the wh a people aheuld _*g to the people. Have th?m vote on it ie..pie in office r. ??? In Washington ? t have all the say about * Me one lue ef I PI tatas, and it looks 1 I r | ? iy the eaaator*a property without tha n.aster'?. .knowing JOHN' S. JT.'1'GE. | M'.lford, Conn., Fab 4. m?. THE ONLY WAV Now Is id- lime ti? [naure the P?eacc ol -This C ountry by Brinr* Ready to 1 nforce II - National Service Abaolutely N**re?sary?A Plea for Political and Military Prepar-dness ?ibune Sir; ' a a t t h r i ... 'ratifying one who h ird ? ga of s< the wr wants to expresa 1 : thank." fa ' Returning mer fr i short . Germai ai d England, foui e ?.:?. si! with d 'r< ri I t nerirrre und wld I. diversifla r foregathered om ? {??-? ?. ompare i o1 * ai dus o:. r | ? -. ' | who ha? I ? ? < I everything h h un po i tonld h? done !?! make ara | O? *!:- pSBt ?houb he do:., bul tha? I "**'? the *>?? ' es had , I and the opinlo ? ? ?. "-.I 11 ng America there area only on? re* problem confronti-if? the loysl America), ho?.- to arOBM tmsi '? d?nger an, mn'a.e nur nenp'" realise ' ' ? our ??!*"'.;. were I ?? " hsve no friend? u, foreigi lai.d- and I there ? >.-it ont - . ? ' the nation . | i f? awing morning 'lie irriter, while ehatting With Mr. Roher- Mac: told him ol the conversstion and said tha' -Lo-i?/?i foi rnenj year- he hid bee. ar anti?Roosevelt man he had bow become tha moat rabid ol pro-Roo?e\elf:an?, beesiua he believed tha* at, if elceted Pn - lent only mnn In the United Stati ..?" pr ipag " coun al larga to i l?ate i .?..- ; couragingly the difficulties, a? that time, of these hope* being realized, on BCCOBI t of a Certain prejudice thai ex,?ted among the powers that be, thai anj thoughts aloag tha lina the Colonel for President a?em?>d to be doomed to disappointmaat, So you . ?r. readily imagi a th? plesaute your vigsroui and virile editoriala gava tn?. with their total disregard of anything but the country'a need und its be?t .i ???: ? ?? Te anybody v.ho baa lee: -.?-. Prance ano anything bul nlvaraa BSthil | ah ?i 1. hut hare a? did tiof ?eem [lu-- ble thai Americana would accept such a i iK-^' l tbout a great amoiii:- of preliminary education, ??.pe (lally as neither Mr \\ : < olonel Roosevelt, a.? far as the as 8BI softened the nugnestion by pies<?ritn:g what seems to be it? moat important aspect. Universal aar ice ihould not be advocated an th? (""rounds of espediaaey in aecuriag the required number of men. etc., but on the ?oln ground that It is tho only ju?t and ?????itnble m?thod of d?f?nce for a democratic nation and the moat Ideally democratic thing In asiatsnee. In France and In Germany. from highest to loweet, every family has a brother, hu?hand. fatb. ? a i.'ar and dear, at th?- fror.' ?Yhet eould be more democra'ic than this*! War. it' it has to com?, U a stern, problem, and should involve it. the ascriflea demanded no? a ??lected ? ? the bachelor, the enthusiast, the Be'ei : ell, bul tha bur,? jir.ew and brain of 'he er.'ire nation. H?,-? Franc? and Germany at >? "Footer" problema? No! For the all ab-orhifi-* eon esntrstion an tha matter in hand, ao i ?ary in e\er\ sndasvor in life leratood ? - ? . be a platitude. univeraal In these eoantriea, ai la : : at as ?rita 1 U -x singla pa , ? * tingla thought and a ?lngi<? hope, ?t.sts. If universal ?ervic? mean? this, then, if citizenship mean? anything hen-, if our melting po'. :, nal. when our travail come1? our democracy ahould tie so ?raided togsthei by saivaraal icrviei that ditferen? ??reed, color Bad birth heritage should bsvfl dissppssrad, an I th- , lassei bj I tats in thi Mort:. , : . ? | ..." rieaption, ai ai mj af \. ??? leas ? .-? 'rained In arm* to know how to protect them-, ??ekes from the wholesale slau-jhUr that in tiperlsnce Invlt?? in modern warfare. If I this is what ur.iver . ? a ? ' ? ' pal f-evidenl as getting read; fe the Monro? nvolve? f il . ? the r< ? ? army. We ..- ? i ..-./a.- onablv :. order to a?? Beer ?ha' policy hi? arma In i;?rrr.-,- '.i | ?? immer the gentleman ' i ? ! - i: *'A' SO" ?? : trine will tome up. It Bn we are era. Why a Fatherla soni expatria iaka of upholding your policies?" '>'? are. imoi I i*- to whet ? .?" - ii * not a po ?* to face, i . ' ??.-hieb we must be prepare?! to . Our genera thai extent ?<: 4?.u.nriii ean In the iB-ece of a short I i h- !ai del on Our chores, thai i' ?8 not unfair to BSSUme fhaf the ranie numbu could i- Brasil, who would oin forcea ? I faincd m?*i slreadj there. What gi;:e army and navy would be necessary to pe* the out of Bra ad once ' ? ? ... ? qui i '. ? ..-,.. bef i | ami if t!ii- . ? ? ? l."i re b? -.-" on still bi horizon, is it not g of tin? country to pr- i not Colonel Roosevelt i the pn I tim? th" only man who can '..--nice all the peo? ple of t".e T"r::*e.| Sta.ea that the time ha-1 Co*:.? ?o ir. -ure the future pe ice I mm: try by being r?ady to enforce ?-? *-arv" , . < [ ????? Tort I ??!? I. : ?]?*.. He Saw Lincoln Shot. ? ? Editor of The ' Sir: I have at 1 ai . Theatre on I ?- .- \- - . ; ,. tu. ng th? a?vn-' of Abrahai ! ventur?* to ?. ? ? " aga tha- i.o on? su?? tha aaaaeein himaelf was wll ? ? f th? act of shooting not even the < pants if the bos Mr?. Lincoln, Miss 1 or Major Rethbone [I ??.,-. !.. ? ? see ':.?r, ?!-.. '. x jr ,n ?r-, ,,..,.,. ,,, .?,._ u:,, certainly net from th.- .tn-re -.? Way, was en',- ..,] u.Art ... >n ,,, preceding a el a..t-e ..f The entrance i-.t" tie bos b> B< otl . of th?' - . ,,,,.,? ?. i ;?- . i and pallet . ?? lar t?. him, must onde, *: i . ? .. j a*,,:,,-,. of a f to the hack of the President, to he applied and die? lerg. I the pis? ; .ce o; -? ,. around r il the examination wei made a* trie hous . ? treat h ? - -? -?!;.? heard thi a thea he passed by hi? victim ??? i ? ? ? ? - ? ?. preliminary t. ? ? . ? ? ? a ?tag 1 ne boxes wer? .!rur ?: ? I . ?.: d ahile turning t.. jump, at of ? of his ipun i wai thrown ? II reach ?ng the ?-?as?, and it was then thai thf a' tone in his leg m? brokei . ar. idert doubtle?-? served fatefu ?ere with his plan of escape Booth pa-sed, unimpeded by i.ny one I Stace. lilak;: ; ? thf left .?le. and so out to the all. .?her.- hor?e3 awaited hin in ta. I A.-u'ed i. ?he eonfuaion an I oui Btly ?a? the U!. ' P| tially disrobed earried out of th. theatr? I the home acror-- the way, -.?tier?- ha ?ned th neat morning. JOHN Y. CULYBR. New York. Veb S. 191? THE PHILIPPINE ?SCUTTLE ?Public Opinion Should Halt th Senate Plan tl * ? ? ? ? a | . g their frei : a, ? - .* 'eftt I .' ? ? ? aid ' ' > ttai ?-?. . "!' ' ss far its .-r'adly gii e i ard ? ? ? ? penas 1 aa sure ? tea* I atriots left ... ?o pasa tha a I i going to asa wh* ? ? ii ah Philip, -e? *?-?*<? .. ? ' ? ???ion ? ? . | ? rSSBI '? the Senate afr ling an (a ski ,: ? it wa aaal h ? . ?,-??-*?? h luaht ??? I ?St fa* ? ???-" *" " " ' . ' I ? - -" | . I ' ?' \re we going ? ' ??-,?-? i .--a ? . I ?j hen Is?' aa ai a ?urn tl ??? they a . ii ? ? ? b? the anjoy 1 ind . rill ?last** ? Let us hope ths ? ? sot foil ? ? ? I. ' ? : Grammar Plu? Logic ? ? Sii If we f jusl aa log g Ma ? with my critics ? ? I ? - La '?'? ?ade Lei aa forge? I ? ' a rYai -?' and or ly think af - eaasa of ? ' paper ah. Ir. tha" case ??? ,.'' refer to fit eh ** l? "->>.-? _ . "' '**''"'? '?' ? ""f^T?L? aS be), sad ?' *??< "u Tr' ?.me " The lattel I ?huh I?. ' , nan a sell BJ My aola eoa I la that if Tl ? Ta Tribune 'I It is not only a kSessi ?-, grammar, but of logic. Cien R'.la-e. V J Pe? ?? atl*