Newspaper Page Text
sLpu hsixaSSSth the number of parent.?, who are rnisinp their ' "I'ei4- Kii'-'.or." write*- Jes-mi? A. ('..rhett, '*1 am yes - and am u the gradoatiug elaai of P s ? v 1 wau ramina>gii*g ?iroiagh soana of my ., pot m 1 had written ?huit ei*.rlit month* j? , ling il '?' ! HI, ? I le'ieve you would enjoy it." Indeed we did; and if you don't mind we an otheri enjoy it. 1 NCLE SAIL By Jrssir a. ? .1KB1--TI ood ol?) chap. ?jf w, ".; l.nees. or tip his rap Mat ? acroaa tin* aeaa When ti; y're ha*, ah wai and .v.-'ie a?- busy us ing, we can do u . p or tWO. .;? .: ? the? I | hips by the pair. *.. i- just waHing his chance pe to The Star Spangled banner a ? \? vemonts*" to "Paul Rovore'a Ride" ?ami fron '"Hardly a man ?a row alive" . ? "Kvery Middlesex ?sillage and farm" : of "if the British march," How the British reu ; I?.- . ; two ill a. ? to 1er the potlfl more iverage h : . ?. a. ING ?. VZETTEER. . .i ?! i '.' aney .?*'.' Hannibal. . ?; .-n* 't do b< *ant fra..etteer. "A \MBA. I ? i much Inch Hoi A. C. S. that the Starling Be Coffee '?'':? Hecf Mew i? I ?'rear Divide. * - r I iled Valeska Su rat 1 is at the I.asky ; ? io, in California, ready for h.r In motion pict ? ekyl Ml ? Mor-jan will leave ? . '.a , or. I- eb ?-.aiin until the ei ' March. in charge of the interment of alien enemies'" '.'.vorite newf-paper . E. I. A S an??: ? pore." \n f?fHse Anthology, TI'F STAnPTICIAN. : to. mt to be p*?**?tci8e i.'.her thing! which nuVht interest ? '* u iiepel and Ross? think of two plus two. Ardo:'.. i 'tie memories of April da Ofgraei ard the thi'. lisp of a stream, ?irith P a- . bound ? ? ? * the immi " ? e importai.t to me th';- n in the ?provine? : approachi ? ? n my nerves. I rasp, I worker, HIE. .**.'?? w York Press hea I IARJOR1I -'i RRET1 TO THE CONNING TOWER _/ '?1??? V** -*-y? V?, Aa *. e ?I ! *t , ' ^ \ CkAc\ .* ? "U <V\ ?- *( ?- "-?-'* VO ( <AA?-l 1?^ ^K ~ ' -' ? I TV -. l_ jCtrS?^ *USt*<*L*A ?5^v-a-vC ?j*tASl* A>0 i'lXL, r+* t* ? ; t/tju. cU ? Aex SA r>U Ve\ yn^y <C< '*? -?*--*>? ?-^* h*]r ' ?o A r\ttu , t ruj- JL 'r:ti 3 *\li(t ( ty-) rifo-i,'^ Jam* $> '? - ' let oi say that your ktter made hip fund. As to yon! use of "like" wrong even though many writori -?"-p. aar-pkt} it. ? - to the fund, we tried to make a little joke 'hinp; like thi : There is no dime like the pre ? . tout p.'.itic-. but we know whir W? yon and t R reit Our t. ? ei I ?-"nt*! . grandchild She isn't born yet, but if she tanoold b? ? : larjorie SUwrctt. We hop? you will ha e bat? eabip, F. P. A. DANCE GIVEN FOR MISS POTTER ?Most of ?Season's Debu tantos ?Attend Affair at Old BrevOOsi House. MRS. ORME WILSON TO GIVE MUSICAL St. Valentine's Skating Carnival at BiltlQorc (iartlens Ol Saturday. Bi ,. i i Ho,.'.-. ?in lower I 10, wii? t'ne scene last Biffai of an Informal dance driven by lira. w I an Idaini Delsae aad Henry (i. honor of Misa Ethel J. H. i ? Inelodad moat of , on and the man, ? | .. ?? pr? . ? abo i1 ib th Howard, ? i anna Lincoln, M Isa h dith Wi .1 ,. ?idee, v Blair, i i Mist Madeleine I Ml?:!. Rathai Gra I kl ice Da? Kahn, ? Helen . Sevi - ... given laal ? ? . .... ' ? wire Mr. ..i ,1 Mrs. J ?nd Mi \- . D -. . di inu Mrs. : i, : and Robert \\. ; i Mr?. Herbert l? Satterlae gave .. .... sixth 81 ?? ? ? er for 1 t? I] East Th : Moi weel Ka ' ? |orie '?. i i . h. ' ... . Mme. ? ,. will ' Mr. and tot* n .,!: Satui ? ? .. '.' irgaret Helen | . ? ? ? |] as a ju ? ? '? rtain . to be g ren at the fcul ? a I i b rviary ' of the ..'.,? The fll"Bl of r seri?. of dance? ..-. ized by Miss Flor? aa waa given ballroom of the ii ' M L Rutherford, of Tu to 1 toy. ? ?? ' Sewell Ttjppan I .- ?"ill be n this after-1 ? - .? chantry of St ?inch. Th? bride will l ? K? n s il t.. ? ? man. I 7 Wesl ? lerew-j a ? ' enth musical morning ? ! ? eh ell Hills, X. J um. rVatei I ? ? ? ? 1 ! \:ifl ?!<? days ? rave from the es Island) anil, G< tham. g art ? a! for ' b? ,? ? ? ? ! ere s II be ? ? BOG AIDS RED CROSS i.crinan l'aider Givtta "Mite'' Kuxe? from Prise Ship kppaua. Va., ? '.'. Lieul ? ? ? ' : ,, - - "in ?? " ind ab ; ron . . I orpl , ported v. tun ? ? ? !:? r( said, I ? 1 ". ? i - " l,Ol ? ( GRANADOS TO RECITE Spanish Conapoaer to Give I'rowramm? ot Mi? o??n Works. I ? ra "< ? i , . ' ? i ? ? ? . .- . . Ii ? " . ? ... : " ' RI I \ I -COI (?I It. ' ? ? . ? ? . ? Lillian V ? ; <? iv. L. Gold? : I' "THE COHAN REVUE 1916" AT THE ASTOB THEATRE. Lila Rhode? iin?l Richard Carle in "the niusici.l crazy quill patch?',I togetll ? r an<l tlm-aded wrth words and iniisii- hv Georsje M. Cohan." CARUSO AND ALDA IN MANON LESCAUT Tenor at His Best and Prima Donna and Amato Sini* in Admirable Form. I'd ? '?' on 1 ? ? ? . i?l;;iin Ins; niuiit lit 11 ' ?' politan, and 01 Enrico Caruso id I ran? ?'.,... Ml the soi h? 'Mum.!:" of ?? e hss somewhat tha earn? orld of tho beau) ? ? Italian rival, "i el the m? "Manon Lescaut" is heard tha deeper grows the impr? that ? ia th? n as? apontsnaoua of the opcrn? of G Puccini, and conse? quently the opera which after all may outlast It COntsina almont nil of the melody which the ma? irei composer worked out wuh ra< in "Boh?me" and in "Butterfly,*- and f? vitality of spirit "Butterfly" al least doep BO? pos leas i?" '? ? orchestration Is a? times a little : tha rudeness of youth? ful strength. Mr. Caruso van !n benntlful vole?, which means ti.i* tha rea? of living Bed latt night like choir ?ingers. All of the i/olden ton? war *e lina'.?, tha divinely ? the psaaion, the *a-ho?. ? ? . .. n-, at hi-? boat, Hla laps acht be an? other ?tory, for Des Crieos was a boy, ?i somewhat of a i a orld Mma Al la's Manoi ' ibla "n tl a i a pretl I gra ? I sut ii ' and he sang last flight with ... If r Bai eg noli unleashed a frightful rol?me of tr ne fro Staats-Zeitung Issues Stock. At a -1 ?? al i ? ? ' ag of tha ? h<- ??\...? Corker ,? tung held estai No. 182 y*. lock from I and to ?' 000 of ? ... stock aa prefei red ibla in ten e?iual annual in?tal PARLOW-HUTCHESON RECITAI \ iolini?! ami Pissial Give Freed rrograminc at .?.??.li.-.n Hall. Kathleen ; Hutch? ion gave a joint recital a? Aeolian Hal ? terdsy afternoon, offering a pro? gramme of French eompoail I'o the j .- the Introduetioa and the i o of Saint? Sai n - '?! ?? Pari ? ? th? ?rarmtli of toi and truth ol "? ? ng 1 audiei ? ? - ? i n a * a in I1 , ?? r. stingl* doi " \ - i im i M .?oik v.-?.? warmlj n i Krn?'st Butcheson's faultless hut fr;,- ,? ,4-* serve : '?? m nd fferent In the re? a by D? "La .-?on ?e dans Gra "Minstrels" and "Mouvement," Faur?'a "Komance ?uns Paroles." Bu? 1 th?' emrited pl<a ? thai uni-x ? aeteo,si dI thafli tan that ha d: played in AIKul " ?I" Q ]'. rpetuo," edited by M ..'! him -!?? Insistant applaaaa of tha I'.rne , aadiencs. Mi. Hutcheson plavrd the Cessr ! Franck und Saint Saina ....natas with Miaa I'arlow, and Hairy M. Gilbert ac . eompaniad her when ?he ?rave the other Baint-8atoa number. GERMAN THEATRE "Schneider W ilihel" l.i?en for Fir?t Tim?? in Thi? Cosatry. "Schneider Wil . . . ., ur??, I,y Uni ? r. wa? played for ti..- :,i ; time in tin? coun? try ??. tne In lag F '?? laat night It asa i ."? H ? ??? | r,- '. and tha ??? ting of Beim ' i i rate Meyer pleased tha audience : In particular. This play, which (?ohIs in humorous ; fashion with a t? loi who : employea t., servi a priaon lentanee for him, i the 1 rown Pi inca and 1 France, st bia r?-.)::'' ' Luds ig Kopi. Rugen Keller, ihr.s i Sri Mai tl ey, r Ifl Ei a.-' .Ludwig 1 webar, Mai a Kieraehner, Ernst Ho nagel, Bann B i ' nter? , kireher and GubI COSTUME [NSPIRED BY RED HAIR. ?Sketd* by Katl :.!??? for Baroitesi ''? "entlia!. said to bave ? ? liamini? ti-eofoa in New Y'-rK. wh * will ?1" ? fire di i ?? si I ? l'.all <?f the <;?"!< si th.- -tstor to-motrron night The . ..-tiitfi? ar.- ?carlet and orange, with a '"?dice "f iridei i.' 1 -iker. j NEWS OF PLAYS AND PLAYERS Dolly Sisters at the Palace? Madeline Howard with "Just a Woman." The Doll] Si itera, auiated by Com !>.. er -I? in Schw?rt.*!, hunband of na I at the Pal ? ek. Madelin. IL.ward. who played "Experience" la?*, year, ?a :'ii ,, Htm ii no one would dream of : Rose Winter in . Daniel Reni?e has been entra ge d by l he Earth," which tt - repertory n.-x Tut .-.I . wilffe Vit ; lay the r?.. R urine in "Th,. K.r.e. of No where," m '.?:::?-:, Leu Tellegen, th-* band, will shortly ap? pear. Ma- ? ? ? ? ; gene, aill be aa?-- nee W il ter dar e, Jr." i 11 reduc .?? ..?nee? ? * . -fur everi?.i/a The Id Ol night -p. Liberty Thea tre .- JO. BISHOP MUNDELEIN TAKES CHICAGO SEE Former Brooklyn Priest Installed in $50.000.000 Diocese. - ago, Ft b ' ? '? -? Ret ?.?.r- installed ai ?archbishop of Chi? : ' ' -.. Provint a of 111; ! ?? H ? I < 'itbl? Tin- Most Rev. John Booxano,I Apoal o v. i ? ? . ? on, of ". nid? d bj 'he Ri ? .ri ? E McDonnell, lyn, by whom Arcb ordained. Archbishop Mund. ? ? ?I in I iy from Brooklya, and : church eort? .?d him this morning to the cathedral an -"ii ?'hi-. eago ' Atldi? ? the / D< legat? ? .1 I.y 'he injr ef the papal l.ulU proclaiming the Archbishop Mundelein, who ii forty? ? r?el i riest tver intm tant arch He wai fmrn in ! BrC - ? hia prelim ...i in V. ii hi ? tan I -ollege, o . rrad mi*-- : i ' 890, and wai ord-u lected .. - . ? . t the A i: h ... b< lag the only h .mor. ?i ;y worth I : man *'tth olic con:.. . ? uple. w h \r a < win?, ?in TO-DAY. ? ? ? . . ? , 1 1 a-'' ??- ,' ' 1 ? ! ... I . A ! - I i . 4 ' '? .- . ? ?i - II .. ?. ? i ? ? >? i > ' Sea ', ? 11 . ? l |. , . ..... i ? ? ' ? . ...?!???? ? 1 . ? .?? I. I 13 | ?i i ? : . ? a '??'..? . . ' ' " I a . - ? ??!.-.- I I . . tl !'. ? - - .- lin?, I I1 ? . a a ? U ? -? ' ? . ' I ... - - - ? ? ? - ? ? I. ! - ! - .- ' a I . - I - ? I I'd* Vi . i_l Hr-aH? ??--.?'-? COHAN'S REVUE AGAIN A WINNER A Gcorgesque Potpourri That He Alone Could Have Written. COHAN AND COLLIER SOMEWHAT MISSED A Cohan Crowd Yells and Cheers and Stamps as George Puts Over Still Another. "T'ne Cohan Revue i '?'." by ("???orge M. ?'ohan. Pradsced by Cohan & Bsrria a* the A??or Th^.-itr?. i ok i ?,-r War .. . J ,V ' ? I ?[.??In J ??.. ?a . ? ? 81 ... . lla.-r II il Ho ? .........iaaira ?' ' Mr?, A? " ?? Iran B. J. ( an ? ? . Major : i ? l I I ? t i:-. ? |.| I, ? . J. ' I . 1 ,..? " l.aii I'au? ? > iwrVi. l-li Ja?i-.r . ?. " ?. .... :. ? : ? Daasal antta Klawi Qe? ' ?' if '.a-,-. ?? Take frSBB the ?tout man who smiled, giggied, laughed, roared . ?inally Rot up out of' hia test aad , . i at the Aatsr Theatre last night George II. t'ohan ha? put over an? other one! The stout man was not alone in his opinion, either. There were aay Bumber of other stout men who ?hared it, and a large propel of the thin men wan ... ?. happy I me araa had by all thin and medium. It -.-.a? one of Broad way'a nights, and Broadway arsa ben* on enjoying it. Remarked a man who ?.ad believed the managerial announee a-id srrived a', b o'clock sharp: "I hud to go without breakfast, to get lUt I mad" Along in tha BB ly hours of the morn? ing, when all good morning papers had orga ' ohan muy have come out on the ItagS a- 1 mad?? that lit 'he par titude. A? 'he and I ? hour whs 10:45 o'clock the Cohanitea loud? ly demanded him. George failing them, they turned to th?- right hand ?-tage box and cheered Pu und Ma What red ?' to thi-m? ('?'oriole had hit as happy. Having thua reported the riotous re ceptio work of the . I he Tribune of? fering that "Hello, Broad? way!" ? popuisCC craved, Cohan set out frankly to duplicate it and a . ling I ahoaa a 1916 revua, he hat given ear> i "The Co an Ri ii essen? tial!'. Broad ray apart 1 il tic??, itnl il lo.-s not always trouhle to again. It has its fun I and >p*i . Bit I han. It furnishes Ita own eritique by strength and weakn? - a- I? goea along. Peril lupply of qui] I 11 but the tir>t-n:(*ht aUi i *and ben? for? ?.?.??i I for more. Futui? ted 1 Lyi toy, will sus . ?en though ? ?' alwaj i know srhal I igbing at. . ; j ed with a hodge-podge plot froi . r mora ?how bubble? gsyly along ind from sonK to long Fii i? and last It Is s i how for IS con n that admit that they . A i Cohan Revu? 1916," and that It will jump , - d o? erwl t .. the theatrical cer? i care that the music .? or,mi .? ? . will care that * tai asms, After all, a at on hy a Liliputiaa tha or.,' i .- , and il mu?t be mi eaaj i,id'.- ? believe that Richard er repla?a William Collier. In maaic aad personnel the new show il f. r or te "Helio, Broadway." Jn bi d ou?r ka I? la |sat a? good. inger won the artistia honor? of the i i Lata Ditrichstein imita ion tha' was a" ? ? ? \ -he lunch b I Paurel, ?kipping from *cene to seal a a . t h ;i. ? ' . ? to th? join hii ? meal, Wia the Dit r ch itain intonation ? f : , hieved .'n h,* daacing . ? the .-. 1er tha n ?ma af M.?s Juin.-.. She distinf 'g an of Emily ? ?..?ir,.. Elizabeth Murray probably will give tter i-'-ri, : n ince a hen she b? . ' ? ? i . \ ; ?'.ule . pal) it wsa san is. aware of th:? - ? as 1 i of her eleve rne 1 ta hei. ? irle . - i ? il . I ? : i the father in - . . on to ? gli of ? i C?a i, at ? ? ..l Boy ilar georgi ? . Al d then w? re ol . , ? ? ? rig ? for Irvln poom: | ? ?. Th.' ola ' nay i rtanate to 1 a i ohan n coming to il ??very ? . it it ihosld be tl that th? ?us G? rga ;, . Ben ta in a ' ' ava ? ' matters. Capt Peter Cornwall Dead Capta P? tar < an sail, si the aaae* doo Bra petrel true? No. 2, wl injure 1 roaadaj arhea hia truck t? ng mto a I car at I Be all ? . i ? ? ? , i ? rnwa ? ; 11. ? ? of the patrol for I . ' ? .cars. BANKERS TO HOLD BALL \ew Jeriey A??n? da? ion To Be ?i??l??ted by Member? uf New "fork A ?san talion. The New ' .?tion, assisted by meaban af n?** '-'* ? York 3ta?e Hanker?' A "old a banker.?' ball I ? br i.irr I". a' the Hotel McAlpin. The prweoeda are to be added t<. the fur d raiaed b-? . af the N'.-w Jersey ? men's Clubs ?,,..- ,>, iet ...?I . rhe patrons an ?. . ? - ? . I II 'I ? a ? a ? ' ... a ??-,'??.! ?4-a .- ? I ? ? : ? ? it- a III? W If li ? . " ?ft . 1 , ? . ' . ? .1 ? ; ?? . 1 . Mr ii.J lin. 4 II EUGENE L ELLISON DEAD Presiden? of the In-turanre fompan;. r>f North \miTnan \U? ban ent*. Bagene L Elltaoa, preaide tha ? ..' I ,a '- ' ktlaa? ? - red to have Mr I born in T> ? . i a clerk in mercantile ind : trenera! elerk ef *h? Enterprtae ? and a mag phia Clearing Hou ? .? . ? ? rhtei MRS. BELINDA K. stOBBINS. ? Sehnda E. Robb: her h?. . 'a ' ened by the tragic I . a *. I 1 ' ' ' - I known as "Go who Ot tion. including I -e Hr/ru . . son, John Clinton Robbini it, of I Mrs. Am ? *? ? DR. EU?.\R l). ? DONI i \. Dr Edgsi D. Co. for 'V.rty eight years a practising phyi i i ." 1C'*< Hederi 1 Dr. Cool iated from \ lie New I ber of th? Hoard of Education at on?? t.m.i a' ? ? ban h. . w ?'.? and thro - ? .' New Brigrhton Mr Gajrloni, of .i ley, 0 " ( ?PTAIN < RARLE8 it' - - tain Charl - eap? I tain of the Hal fron aboard the : i of I which ha? ? ? -it- y year? ni i i from ?'reriTi . ir "ker. the -day. ? aa .-il-', ?.'ver lUpa?* ' j fhirty?aia iny army. < OLONEL ?WILLI \M II. Ki i I ' I Hoi serv?'.j.- aal- ' t in Id ill lda*)l . Bad B ..."1 - ? . ? III! i? Avery.Geor.reL. m P. ? - . ' A VERY iday, Februa re L. ? te at ? IM u lay, II a* ' ten BEAU! ? J-, J a- - frown Bea d lata ' BERRY r" . ! lei It, at the home of her . Mrs, ' Barloa T. Raahaaoro, Mad -or N J . on F-bruary B*. 1*11 low of Hiram B. Bern*. ?k, N, "i , ,ary 11. at 1:15 p. m. COONLEY Edgar P M l?. h Fork, law .?i. EBSTEIN ? - '.r-iarj-S, f-i . - Mi Fred H. E. ? ? -? 4 ineral I telfie - lyn, Thun nary ....... IB, atro ? . ).?'??- . ..?? '? i HL'DS? >N At Baraa ta, 1 . ?-m Tuea I p -.?. I will -, Frank? ? -? Ky. K r ? 1 I, Lieut 1 at , ? . in. SHEEHAN On U | * uary ?' ? - of fu ? of the la Lgnee 1 . !ii year of hi 4 ' -Id at - ? . 1J, at I 1- Ml I I III I i in w? !? fini nti - - VALENTINES A lnr?e dl plai in ?Hir t-jarrial .-?aril ttKHB mi tiv BBtSMad f. mr. Brm ' ?. ?. k 681 FIFTH AVENUE ?r?j| 4'- . ?