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" -,*? * *. 1TF I\Tetu^|0r?i fSSf? ' > ?? '^mmmm. ai Sribtme WKATTTKR I ,nr ?inH I I"I''?*' ?" >SS| Pair and ararme? to morrow. Fir*H to Last the Truth: News-Editorials-Advertisements \\W \. ?mo I.< tiltil I'll? Ilia- I tlllllll,- ?a,, tj MONDAY. FEBRUARY 11, 191?. i ?a v i ' i i * v 'i' i" ?***-" \otacut, noon***? Sattmf ear, I I > l'a I la-N I ?,?| ||.laa-n II-???!.-?-- I??, lanla German Plots in South and Central America Alarm Senate CAPITAL SURE HUGHES WILL RUN IF ASKED Leaders < onv?nccd He Will Nol Decline Nomination. \01 EXPI CT1 i) TOU AVI Bl NCH Republicans ' He Will Hake N<* I fforl In Be Named. ? ? To a i p. Hi ' ? ? would ' ' ' ?Mr. * ? ' ? ? - ? ? ? ? ' ? ' ' "4irl I ripplrd. ? i ? ! ' ' ? ' -?'?. .: . - U. S. CENSUS COUNTS 101,208.315 PERS I ".pec 1 mu Million July \\ esl i eads Growth. - - w, '. N rr nan ? PRESIDENT BACK IN CAPITAL TO-E '?',.i\ flower steams Up Poto in a Driving storm. ? - i ? ? r.o-1 . ? i--! invita i .1 man te 1 POOR. SHE FIGHTS TO AVOID $40.01 Miss Kitching. on MoralGroun Refust's to Accept Anj "1 Rich L:nclc's I egacj ai;:r ? . ? -. ? - ? ? ? "111' V I good hu ' - I ? i ' ? ? ? ? " ? ? ? ? -I mai 000 i ? ' . ' ' ? ' \ Il I II. 1.1 ?' ' HIS 0UART OF BLOOD SAVES BABY NEPHEW Uncle and ?.naemic Infanl \i?' Doing Well ? ? i ? 4 tin pital I lim?. DEFENDS CITY'! SUBWAY DEAL! Prendergasl Assert Thompson Commit? tee Should Call Him. REGRETS SHONTS DID NOT TESTIF Truth Should Be Know About S2.000.000 Slush Fund Charge. ? h ha? ? pi ? ? ? ? iindei dual suint.. I h l'onlrolli . ? * i ? ' "A c ! ? i . ' ' Mr. fund ol I . ! I . ' ' ? ? Nu ? Itj Mont) in ' I < t"ii rail. ' ? D ? ' ' ' ' .?? ' .1 ' ' ? ' I ' ' ' ' "l'l ' ? ' ' ' ' ' ' and 3 I to 1 . ?It. I'm ml* rgaat'i Ktatran? at, : ' ' - \ ; ' ? I \ . - | . IHM. .1 .?II |..l|.<- ' . -.1.1**111 ' MaARJORIE'S BATTLESHIP. I i? ? In* I.till ir nt The I riltiiitr. Ili ir sj, : | r> ,ul in > nur pup er r> t-r? morning ? lot ?boat prepan-d n---. M? grandpa "."I fttoi-stnttepo ?? ere ?iililii r- If 1 Wat a I ???.ni.I In- 11 ?iililii-r, tun. Iiiit I an, nul. --ti I ??mit lu ili> i? liat I ran In help Mama i?i?r? ?ir- a fiiaaa etert week inr helping her. I am send? ing ?mi <ln- week's ? la help build a battleship t.*r I mir- Sun. I la.tin? i li.I ni n|l|rr kid* who ??nnlil give tlicir errand money if ?.in ??iiiilil start a IuihI. I am Ihlr t.-i-n tears old bmI m ?o l'uhlit School '.'. Brooklyn. "inur* trul?. ?i ?RJOR1K HTERRETT. 1 .-m inn- blue \mrri?*an, and I iranl in mm I nele Kaai prepared to in!, ill rreation like John Paul Jnlll- (III. r. ?<.?Please rail the baUlcaMp \iiiii n a. (??nr. lin- Liter nai mimad Himi-? anil li'illiira h.iia flu a? ?-rt llltti Ilia irlhlini* i.fliir i??.... mil. < I : ?ir r papar? arroa? ill? i.imtir h. ?;? r?printriH lha? latter and l! a hmr a?, ?d in upon Msrjori* hai *-krd I lie rrsVnM i" .ilk? rar. ??( hrr lunri uiilil H fro?? hig i?'tnii;-li I.? liuilrl ? hitltlr-Inp nr ?I lr??t - in? lainH ?if a -hip worth? of the Irattitiom "f Jaba l'aul lunfa. The Irihunr i.iniiii! iiniirrtaka f.i rntrr into r<>r r?-pondrni'r ithnut tha? fund, but it ?ill print ? liai ,,i , ontrihutor?. and firt? una ?ho ?and? ? rlima or a fallal m a million dollar? to I ha Triaban, tat ?lit- fund ??ill **eia??s * h ,i!.ni bearing tha Irgend "I . S. S. ?mrriri " lh?t will ha- ?nur rrrript for a |i..tri,ili, rlrt-d. TAKES FOR TEXT MARJORIE'S DIME Rev. 1. A. Harvev Says Battleship Fund Proves Spirit of 76 Yet Lives. I .__ ? ..., ?? p p ilpj . h eon lettera and a pit? i led Marjoria'i ?veie ? t* ? ? i the ? which la be the . Idreri of the ' ?? -th hattle n the of eeing Marjorle la , ? . ... -, ? .lien of th? ? aiajn. tira m . .1 liy the work of ... ?jrowi . '? 100, mostly . many them b? '? ? ... ,- ? larjorie'a ; I.eoi. <if the Fourth I'm . ? of B.* :' i-, 'ii I. ? i . i rit ol 7''. " Mr. Hai of tha Unitarian latea aad ? \".iT'i-a." h* ?mill. "But," he continued, "lei . and ? ipeciall) t?t the ehil our only desire, like that of ifrtie?? ? them. . . ? a who I . . ? . 10 ? it' .ir.,1 to children and expressed in little Mar Am ?Tifa al to i Il I nun a Ma? nr ? ? ? - . ' Floos? t'a li ad aiul, I "I>??. i e Mi Ri.ait want to end ittl. ? aeh one of ? a child I lllciti-a 1" I. hi ii!. mala - I **l i -Mar . o ? groa up tu be . \?. -il marry * ? ood Amer: . : l I I" II.I.IAM RIDDLE." -. the . .min.m il mi nags ti. i iilninn I I BASES SOUGHT NEAR PANAMA Treaties Are Rushed Through to Check? mate Designs. TO PUSH PLANS AFTER WARS END Paraguay and Chili's Armies, German-Trained, to Aid in Schemes. . Washington, heb. 13. A Sea Henning, "The l ago l ine's" W :i hingt? n coi e poi .-??ii?l? the following dispatch I ? ? aordinai : evela dI the plana of Germany to h foothold in se? eral republi? - W i tern Hemi iphere and in th< I la isli West Indie:. in de?an ??? i Monroe I loci ri?e, ai ?? i'- the '?? ? : nu, of th?? (!ommittee on Koreijj latiom of tii,. I i ited Sta i Ti.,. eommittee : - carefully guard ? from publication be ? auae of fear <,f the efT? cl il i ;i > upon public opinioi . S ? pressed were Senaton with th?* ad? visability ?if suppressing the infor? mation thai the motion to debate the Nicaraguan treaty m the open Sen? ate, which would ha? ? losure of the Gei man plai loarr-,.1 I,y ;?:. overwhelmi . In deference to tin. iai . p-.-at?,i!.?-. the proposed Colombian ami Ha) tian I real ? - were d< ited i th?- Senate ?"'?.?i d Ki.tfnt ?if (.erman Programme. The -lor'.nient?- in Ihe po the ,oTiirr,i(t"r purporl to p*i*i e Thnt (iermany sought to < liah a sphere ?,*' influence m Nica ragua by purcha e of 1 rrceank canal route and th? to establish na*, al bi That Gern i thold in Colombia bj n?'tr?,ii.1 - tion of an inter-oc? and the purcha.f p of a . ? 11,a' Germany ga mount influei i ly by organi il m?-- out a l?milar p i hili. Thai I !ei ; i foothold m Hayti through co of the custon - and th< i .,?.,. ..- Mole St. Nichola ? That i,- , ... i trola the island of St. Thon i lea ?? - ". D tablished th.. ;, ; i ? strategic rain?-, particularly be i' i: ,-,, and the Ps i i al, The committee has al ??? ? thouph the Europeai i L-jitod the prosecul ion of I 1 Germany ii tends to resume the i to participate in the affa the Western Hemisphere a 11 a, e ihall be ? Be auae of thi presei al i he M< I '?? Ihe German operations are of importance to the I h-iited - ri ,n Challeage to laaeri? .< ? roe Doeti quest . ?' 1 nited ' .'? ? easary, and ith ai publica to * Pai S ? ? .- Un ?? i S ? ' ?. ? Those ??? ho eon. ? ? at of , . ,? Bi ? . On the other ha tend I ? i ? nntinn',1 on p.ik? ? relama I l.ditor Writer iimincivr ? i-ni.i 'a? rii | .1 at i i ice?is ?o . .i Francis If. Hirst cono I * p ? . : : : on tin an? . . a ? . ,i witb ? clicks from the . . ?The ?ribtmr Virst to Last the troth: \e" s?i ditorints- \d* er t ?sentents ___ BRITISH STEAMER TORPEDOED WITHOUT WARNING i umhin. I eh, /.?.-- I '"ai* British steamship Sprlngwell, ?> S9J ru/fa ums-, has been -?/?-/rA In the Mediterranean while on her w.i, front I tuition tu Calcutta, t tteuter dispatch from Malta nays she was torpedoed without warning. I in- otHcers ami i rew, numbering %e\enty?three, were picked op nod landed ?" Matte. Sixteen nun from the Sorwegien ship Mahansa, tank by a rOnc m .1 torpedo in the \orth See on Thursday, bare been fended at It?rtlepool. near Newcastle The expleeJon shattered the a?er put ... the ship mid she foundered in two min?tes. I he m? scaped in a boat, being picked up later /*.. .mother \ot i. eglan ship. IIom'/s reports that the liritisii steamsklp Cedarweed, ; ? i tons i/ni??, bas been sunk, iwo menthern ot her eren ? \ere saved. The Cedarwttod was built in 1907. _ GUARDSMEN WA 2 DAYS IN SNC Freezing and Lame Pur Imaginary Foe Throuj Westchester Hills. : 1 ? I 1 ? ' . ( ? .? ? ? ? Rich. S. A. V ? ? i I ? ? ? .not - "Brol I? ? ? ? ? ? ? h of it < ,.i,i,i.I ?.,, pear? : < ?lama l GRAHAME-WHITE BADLY WOUNDED IN FRAN? \v iai'ir Recent I) \\ on ?i l ?eu tenant's Commission. . i i - ? , ? HEARS BULGARIA WOULD QUIT WAP Correspondent at Athen* Says Allies Have Been Ap proached for Terms. " ? ? . ? e beginnii . ber, ,,r ha?: .iin?p? Drai" of the it I '? I ? ,? ?rai ?-. .?.,11 ol Greet i Kaiser, lowerer 1,8,1 [hop: , -,inline thai e would i ? .- ? ? ttack hau ? to I ? ? ? i littl? co m Noi 'like | ? . Step ?drantaeeoas to Balgaria ? ? ? ? ? : mental ? thai nd the VI1 pensai ? ? ? . ? l ? l ? ? elf un - ? Kerdinand on ?l salon i?> Uermanj*. . ? . ?, i \ ? ? ? ,i i?*h a ? '? I . ? GERMAN MINISTER THREATENS RUMANIA Begins Press Campaign Demand in:1 Nation's Intentions. i. . - . . . | by the Ka . or ? ? .now i m medial U-BOAT ORDER BARES ARABIC PLEDGE FLAWS Germans Hid Plan to Attack Unarmed Liners. U. S. TO AWAIT AUSTRIAN NOTE Wilson lakes Up (ase To? day?May Submit, It to Cabinet. ! Ir, | . ' Berlin ? ? ubmarine policy "??ill n-it nul? lify the | . ? make clear in its memorandu aid here, that any dis tin : ' ' a ' March l if tahey carry arman? any kind. The* question | f Count in the Arabic case, thi I . ? The ?Germai ?tnba ? i ? warahi] > and Arabic '? ? ply onl) t'. ? ? that the rul ?? ( augun ?????h i ?will ? - a? b clarii ft the / ? ? Arabic promi lo covei armed sh . ? h i ,?o, in .?i i Memorand i ? ' homo ? memoi ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? - i ? \ and the ...' ?a? tata l' .. i aa a ' Pledge H"l I ?'?? i? ? On. ii ? ? ?4 . ' ' heilig ? ever, that the ng killed ? - sa? ? en, rath, r U ' - ' ? .'.| he ' ' I ' ' ' ? \? P ?