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Otto Eisenlohr & Bros., inc. I I, a - , ?, , ,, , $3.000.000 Cumulative Preferred Stock ?sale a m able ?t the ? ption >.i the Company ?t $11 B pne abare plus accrued dividende '* \??et? and Dnidemls I' nil v pun? and iion-aaaeasnblr ,'.ii txriitpt in Prnn>\iitinia x I ... PIULA ' ' ? ( apitalitation i i f -. ied I Jan. 2?. 191 " /'.'.,?,' ? II, Btteinetet ' ' ? base been engaged ?n the manufactura of kis*,?? ??>i ?u, 1 he? are the thud la ; manufacturara in the United St,?!-?? ?a 1918 reached tlie total of 181,000,000 cigar?. Over 90 o? ml. ?:.- . Ins 'Cinco' tive-cent cigai. , is the largSSt'Selling ftVO-CCnl ??R?? in the United St?te?. It ha? Attained . -I e through consistent maintenance of quality. The net ?nie? of the business ?n es? h of flip past live yoai.? were in entes? '>f the Mx months period July 1 to December 31, 1915, the nrl ?alp? ex c : " . esponding period ol ?n> previous year. l.trmnns and Asset Position , is reported by Messrs. Mnrwick, Mitchell, Peat A Co, an ?... ol two and one-hall time? the dividend require Preferred Stock; the average annual earnings lor the three year period I ?s of three and one-quarter times the dividend require? , terred Mock. Company will commence buainsaa with no indsbtsdnsss and its total net k, -??*!-vs ill and trade-mark?, will he at least $4,000,000; thnt is to ??v. ,, eaa of the Preferred st"ik issu<-. I he net quick .is?eu alono will l>e ,i, ?o that ex- 0 ol Preferred Mock will be ? overed at the outset by a | I? ?:'l and trade-marks, of over $133 pel ?hare, and ? net ? ' : 5115 per s This advertisement appears as a matter of record only, as 1 the stock acquired by the undersigned has been sold. Chandler & Co., inc. Hallgarten & Co. HIA. 5 Naaaan Street BOSTON NI W YORK Young Business Men j telligent h r.dling of their f bar. by this company and I advice and service ren ;.. of prcat benefit in il undertake ? ?-? $6j?,ooo,oo^ 1 Metropolitan Trust Company ? he City of New Vork \ Pre Jen ; I 19 Wall Street ^J I ?ARD o? ? MIX|\(, MININ1". ' . . r.iiM? ? ? . , i i -i \a!. i i;l n ? 0MPAXI1 ? , r E Well He Si ' I'lym ' ? REALTY SALES AUCTION Properties ? O Be Disposed Ol l Inder the Hammer This Week. ? -? ? * ?t ? ?. ?t ? . - .i - ? ? ? . ? ? ? ? . > . ? t ? ? . I . ' ? ? ? i ? ?i . nu . ? ?OTH SI .? t ' I ? . IN - 11 ? ? .a. a. - ? 1 cm HRt a? - I Fear of Invasion Steels Teutons, Says Hirst Finance?. ( rumble, ?Discontent Growa and wai Deb1 Soon May ( )vi't\vlif'lin ?Treasury? "Block lir-,i(] Blockade" Denounced. Lond rancis W. 1 . led ??ni, rh< \ ... ated I'ri tative to , . ?., ? ?A.*! ui..i lous expen i i one ? ? '? e i ion i? ?'.'i ? - ..' bat * n j.r be Forl n "f i.rni-t -an . ing '?:' -ni .11- flf ' : ?.. .i '.. Mr. .. :. i of a . ? " . snd hia I? hai th? pis . ? rd th< mean i rhsi .... ? ?a blanket every) i ? out rc?,-;*!.; 'i the, tad block ? ? . , i like tu I Hirst .?, no! ? te to any large extent a pop .. the ei !? i? * .?>! ?,. ? that > ?m enemy i i ? ? i Removes \re.l for (?old ?:?n*iri ? i lor. : ? ' 11 I '1 I M . i (HRIainpilin M ? " .... ? t ? .. ? . I f ST. 4 . . - ? 1 ; i ling Plans. i ? ? ! ??. . ? * * ? *. IS AV. ? . i ' . ?V I I i Alterations. I he !' i *. ? va ? ? ? i >. a . . ? "t I " AID '?VORKING BOYS Institut ion x\iii I'n.'c?! II.,,n -i l ,*ti- until I.? il. ' ? iparl ? ?? eei ? ? ? home., '? ' I char- ' ? ?ne l: ? -. '*? I * . ? - DOWNS ROB HER OF WEDDING i.i, * - ' - 10 Tauen- i Hei m ' - ? ? ' ? ? - ' i I .r.-,' I.,...i ,1 ,,. I rad? linn,unan II r?1 aid: Great th a ? ? ? . : Wellingtoi . ? ', ai mj in ! I al '?'. Bu? I don't I 1,000 I ? i !y .'. Bril ? ? tweei ? - is, , i.n!> ?46,000,000, . ? ?? ,. .n ?,, Great B tail , 0 10,000. I ? k I an ? al .rgoes for Smaller Arm?. . . . rhia is cl? those i t n r/ expert ? H'.' exhaust on and atl I ? pro able i Godfrey Co ... ? . I "Mean! ' i ?? . ? ? ie befo BUSINESS PLEA FOR PHILIPPINES United st,u.-s Should Keep Isl? ands f"i Investment and I'r velopment, s?i\-. I orrest. -?it ? i to forl M on f '? " feil I ? ? r?pita both I i CORNELL SUFFERS HEAVY FIRE LOSS I lames Destroy Morse Hall, s ;at of Chemistrj \\ ork. ? ? ? mated ai ? - a ? ? ... ? . |? Bulldog Attacks Two M ? ? i THE LONDON CITY AND MIDLAND DANK LIMITED. i -1 Mil ISHI D Its* Subscribed Capital. $114,739,020.00 Paid-up Capital, $23,903,962.50 Reserve Fund, $20,000,000 mu?., mi;? Sis KDWAKDH HOLDKS, Bart, Chairman and Managinj D i U II I I \M (?It Ml \M lilt \Dsll \U, I -?i ., Deput. ' DALE. U ? . - la , , .11* I Tl'-' ' K ? ? HEAD OFFICE: 5, THREADNEEDI.E STREET. LONDON. EC " M ? DDERfl - *: . v . i ii . i? LIABILITIES AND ASSETS, 31st December, 1915. To Capital Paid up. via.:-? By Cash in band (including Gold Coin $35,000.000) $12.50 per Share on 1,912, an(l Cash a* Ban?- of England $154.40?*->.003.':.' ii-i ci,.,- ?f ?f-n nri \.^,u ?u oa-i oa.-? 4UI ' Money at Cal' and at Short Notice and Stock inarcs ot each $23,903, 102..?O .. ?". . . -,-,. -,ois a r.xchan?e Loan? *" .?rojiantA > ' ke:.ervc Fund 20,000,000.00 ",:? ,.??,, ,. War Leans, at cost ?of which $7.450 0') l,,v"":i,i ,:-'vahle on lodged for Public and other A February. 1916 1.801.,ol.16 other British Government Secuntie-. - Balance of and : Stocks Guaranteed by the British Govern a ,,..?.. mtnt. India Stock?-, Indian Railway Guar A?*?"?' "j8'? anteed Stocks and Debentures 2.405.201.41 B Ii Railway Debenture and Pre.ere.".a.e $46,273,712.45 Sticks. British Corporation Stocks 11,479.93 Curra I Depo il and other Colonial and Foreign Government S* Accounts S73t.753.S10.l2 and Bonds 4.81 . Sundry Investments .... - rptance on account oi ? Bills of Exchange 49J07.728.-I Customer! 4x788,007.95 "$44 " Advances on Current Accounts ?Loans on Security and other Accounts " Liabilities of Customers for Acceptances as per ?.ontra. I --".007.9.1 '? Bank Premises, at Head Office and Branches 13,802,323.9 H8..0.815.230.52 M 1 OVER 1,000 BRANCHES THROUGHOUT ENGLAND AND WALES Sumeroun Agent* all oier the World. THE FOREIGN BRANCH OFFICES? ? ? - ?' ? |ti Mill?. I ' a THE SHIPPING DEPARTMENT. irti . . EXECUTORS AND TRUSTEES. 4 ? BOSTON AND MAINE RAILROAD Boston, Ma- .. i : I, 1916. To the Noteholders of the Boston and Maine Railroad: Vou are a ? tend your notes to June 2, 1916, under the following '? i .NY HOLDER OF NOTES MAY EXTEND THE TIME OF PA. MENT OF THE AMOUNT IX E THEREON TO JUNE 2, 1916. WITH INTEREST DISCOUNTED AT THE RATE OF 6?*; PER ANNU A plan i t consolidation has been formulated which ha i I theappr of the Fitchburg Railroad Company, of the Boston and Lowell R road Corporation, and of this Company. The Board of Directora of th I pany lias recommended to the favora o thi - ?ckholdei nents for consolidation with, or purchas all of the tinea leased to or operated by the Boston and Main?' Railroa I the ? ' tal tern i ? pproved. "i our ?security will not be in any waj diminished by thin n.* moi tgag? can be placed upon the property without securing your notes, and enable us to continue our efforts toward a sound reorganization under t'a condi i ' [Ter must be construed as condit ?onal u] on Ml Direct t later 29, L916, declaring the plai Noteholders are requested to advise the Old Colony Trust Company, 17 Court Street, Boston, Massachusetts, before 2 p. m., Thursday, February 24, 1916, of their acceptance of the plan for extension, statini? the number.-*, including prefixes, denominations and dates of issue of the notes they hold. Noteholders will subsequently be asked to present their notes for extension. order Board of Directors, -I. Ii. HI - : /' - ?? -.'. TO HONOR SUFFRAGE I.KADEE Mre, .1. II w atkins W >ll ?.,-?? I un, hea In- Vr- ? ..M i?,| MrB. ?Vhitehouse. ? Cat ? ? ( ? ? ? IV. II ; ... it . ? - ? ? ? ' METZ (HITS FOR SCHOOLS Presents Reproductions of Patriot,? laililel- hi I eoni. \ ? ? , ? ? Subway Trench Wrecks Auto. - ? ? . of ? ly at ara? i ? I T?! I Kl I OR IM SINKS* PI RPIISI - THE HAVEMEYER BUILDING 26 < ORTI XMx S rREI I SEVERAL Dr-SIRABI ? SI ITES AND SMAI.l OH l( E*? Vt I? III N? S N If.. I . I, .e. REAI EST ? i l I .IV?. 1-1 \S|l > < ?H M Kl mor? K I \ CH?RCH60EB8 AID RESCUERS ? Help Police Cleai Burning* B?an Patrolman e ta'oaaeta. Ga , ? arl ? . I I He , "1