Newspaper Page Text
raf?^s **"** its ?T--^ Condut?r?! I v Samuel Hopkins Adama. Tin? da-ii'ttlifrl ha? entereil the ir, nnrl ataffe ol ae??i,e to Tribune rearlen. Prima: i'v it ? ??? intended i?ie.<?lv l<? ?eparale the aliee ? . m the ?o?t? -and hang a bell on the t .'a But BOW it gOS8 he?, ml n?-rr ?tlenti.ii alion. It emWra? ?r-S a human nature ?tatty ..{ bot* ?beep r-?l goat?. Y.m ?re invited ? ???tit l,.r eve-v leltrr printed in thi? department describ? tag ripeneme? ploasant or ranpleaaant -svtth ?dvertner? el nierrhanrbae. SSCSpt?B*? Onlj ??tent ni'ili, nie?, 1 he Iiibune v .1 <- d $2.00, payable in any merchandise <i any rribuns adv?r liter. lor the most important letter r?, h monlli a specie] pris? of $50.00. paya a ai srly, will be award.d. N?me printed or wthhelo. >? ? ! ut mast be ?tgned or WS will not know wbars to asad t! Addreas: 1 he Ad-Visor. lh? - '., . i i ? - ? ? ? ? . ? '1 | ? ' ? ? 1 . ? li . ? ' V I ? ".. ; ? '? ? i ? i ? - ': "Just a On J ? ? ? i. On to The ? ? peculiar is ] The 1 ? What "Il pi ? - ? I ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? I ' - * ? ? - ICE CARNIVAL ?FOB BELOIAH8 Relief Fand Securea SI, Nichola? Rlnh inr r.i-nttii mi Februai? ' ?n ice ca? ' ? i '? - * ? i 1 ? ... - ' ' i .. "? ? I. Victor ? liar and Mrs. i THOUGHT Lit ' - ; A MINI'. ? Terrified ? rea Made Ik it? R< .<?'? \\ In i, llol! -Ii.ill? rs Maat, 1 .' I tin' ' ? MEDICAL GANTLET WAITS CITY GUESTS it'itlt. Head .nui Bodj <?t Ippll cants al l odging House I horoughl? Sounded. 1 i ? ? ? ? - , ? ? ? it th . dpfi ? p?riment s ii ? ? ? ? - I ? NEWSBOY WINS IX COURT ? mi Be Bai : ed i. did S, Hing l"ap< i - Near I ? ? ! ? i ' ' ' ' ? K ? : i. m Opens. - ? *? ? i Culott?t'* l?.?. ? l/t et, near Kourlii Avenu*-. ORPHANS HAPPY IN MENACED HOME Jewish Waifs Ignorant <>t Crisis in State's Neiiisal t?) Give Fund. HEADS DECRY ATTACK ON SUPERINTENDENT Republic's l eaders .ind Teachers Join m Uli Pr Bernstein ?n < ailing Criticism Personal. on the . r? ? had lefl mane : . . . ' ' ' 'i'-riPir run ? hanfl) half ? ? I ? D * (J -i.i |iy *: ? B ? Imme ?.. h? ?: it i ? ? ? in un \ . ore of \ ? . l hink? ?tla? - Peraonal . - ? ... ' ? ? ? m i.i i lieh 1 - ? ? ?"I i . . ? ? ? ? ? ? .-? ' I ? ?in! ' ' ? ? 1 ? ? ? ' ' - v. Anti-Saloonists i ? ? ? ? ? ? ? EHOHEEH divorces ACTRESS I. S ll.iii.l?, ol Int. ?rlinri.iia.'h. ?'"' * .galas? n mi,. liarde-a Member? I . . || . . ., |i-pied a de , ,.,. ol dit.? in fa 01 ol I i ]? .,, ,, fine? r of th< h terboroua i Rap d Tran II ? ompany, gainst I ? Ba l< f Ha girl, known on tl s tage ? H--'''. Randolph. Hau? k' fatl i i s ????alltij ? . i merchant Ba ' more ??' Hau? I I al ,, a mi mbi i ol a well to ?lo ' famil) of that cit I h " ? *?' llauck's ' eond divorce suiL I..., i ,l-, ard . long a ? It? r and brotnei , ? i, i Kdward wa nai ? ,, poi denl Detect ? test ed tn?-j Ilaurl ' nt? r a ta .. ,,, ,,t the U ir.i-r (larden, . ?? ? pla) Il g, and tb< aith 1 PUBLICITY AIDS CREDITOR i. M Baiter'a Baal ?eeoan? Hereetet), Mi? Paya Jadgment. \ ?? I been ? . coll? cl .i ludgn ? ' ?,. orge M Baater, ? i a ? ? ?mericai De rhei of h duties. . . Ko ?," - ' . to tii the Ai ? .yin of t ? judgmei ? ilarrii ? v a Supreme Court ? ? ? ppl? ' ? J pro ' ? the Ha more ? : 000. ! ? ' then U the I OVERSTIJDY CAUSES SUICIDE lairl Prc-paring I" Be Vaa Slashes I broa! r adi to a ? ? of th? . ? ? ? Plays and Players of the Film World i] . . terday, as D. W. i ? ... Cali Rum? ? ? ? Mirror I i , ; ? !.. B< ?- ~ , re A. Smith I B< : ? I .little '.,.??. i ? Collier ? ? >u Uei liril li . ? ? ? . N T Presbyterians' Convention. tato c? on Wi the 1 rch ? <? RECTOR'S America's Leading Restaurant Rector*! at Noon Rector's ?n the Lvening I . lunrliron hour ?i a ? "?? '""- "'""_' 6 '" '?' I*, rii.d .*t pl< ! tor - rv? - . Spei i ii Dinner -1 so i" r cover. 10 to 2.SU Karh i our?, ?sad (.urprise: the nervio i.i p. rl itself; the mus * d enter i |,x ment an b| ??? il ng ?03 : ' -I ' . . , "Make tonight your Rector nicht.'* BROADW.4Y--48TH ST. STRIKERS STORM HALL; USE CLUBS Belligerent Waist makers, Aii^ry at Settlement, Routed by Police. MIDI I Y AND I. R. I. GET LABOR CENSURE John Mitchell Seeks Universal Union of Workers Sutfar Crews Win Wage I Ight. ? rep entatioi for 1 hem in th? ? . . ' '!...-. ' ... * club ; nd I'l"" ? >f policem? i" ? -??'l them .' ? is plann? ? ^e.*-?p !?? ? . ' ? ? : ment ? e Solom. P ?nd Dre L'nion. ? h the \\> h.ttl intend. f at ? t for 1 ... < ifli.- tls of the . . . ;, - ' ? time ? ? .. .? ? ire of , Hed ? "Hedley, the I h ai been (retting no .' ?mericati 1 ? ofl g their t then ? I o? i. Jai ? work H ? i . ? ? ? | ?I he SYMPHONY ?... ii-li .. f Saw lot1, \. ?I I I It H \ ?IK. IX II . .null*, ti \ i . irir| If li ;, I I - Hi.r,lu. ?Il . ?I in I, I nil Mil \i: ? S. f. ?? I I II <<K< II! ?I II *? PADEREWSKI I lMir.,1.,. Ml ? Ii 'i ?ISM Mil I Mil M( \St I ui KREISLER CASALS its a i METROPOLITAN '?Vus? :? -i-, t 1 . a 1 ? ' Lucia i t . ?-.?aatrl-il . . ' i t -. Cermrn. i . ? ? ? lt!.?ir,q ?'?? * ? ? ??m? ?.?? ?. 1 Horli fiodun*. I- - ? . i: r . maaim ? BRONX OPERA HOUSE TO-NIGHT! TO-NIGHT! i ?,. ?. EVA TANCUAY THE GIRL WHO SMILES mm I ?\ .TRAVELTALKS k .-. >l Miw IA I S ;it s M i aftNIGll HALL OUUTH ) Mitiisns? Mar! 1 AMERICA r?'"vV.\ COURSE TICKETS vv .^ NOW I t( I ? .ru it i I* >> mphoa ? -. ? ? ??* | v .? ? nit, Haler, i J i lor. RUSSIAN LINA CAVA LIE RI LUCIEN MURA TORE ?. ? .11 L. |?..- I. ill I. r, ,,,, \f;.., ,,. l( Frieda Hempel .nr .ml \ |;,.. ' 11 IN MALI T . a ?? , .3 K?:r,v, WYNNE PYLE I . ?I ? I Friskin PIANO ", james' RECITAL , - "??"""" ".ill '" I.r???? \fler?..i?. Yolanda Mero ?, ? ? ? *. M m I \V || ,I.| I?, M,.m h ?:!*] WHISTLLR I * i . ?? ... ., ? ? rone orgai Inb'.r, t.ik.,,.' ?n every teorkmar m the trade ?'"I backed bj ample n ,: i ! nd itself ? . ?A it I, Mr . ,|,,iil ' ' i . ? . employe) I equitabli ?. \ ? , ',,r,, for la bo i during the daj by t ?' : !.. I ? ? ... , . ? '? bun . ,,,. ? ? . ? ? materia ? their ...i' ? ons, \ po s s i b I < ' ' - ? U ,? ? ?d? Hot? I and Restaurant ? ? to b? re .-,i! led " .' It th? a sect II ., take | tome i ime * ? ? r.lPcL drops PATHEli^ Nia. M.ram. ftmetm**. Rrwr>(< ?<-??..n in llu?r, ,?? |?JT ? ? ? Spruce Up at Small Cost ."*>*? vrr.? I hundred attractive 12 ? to 1^0 Suiting? - still left in our ,-r--,it Semi -.nnual Remn variety of fabrics in man] ?veavea and r.? Made to Order. SI8 Broadway C& 9th St. Arnhntt . i \i , . ? ? i . i /. , . Spring matt I ? . ? ? iuua SAnnraaoa Brian cawtm iRN ? SYBIL c?? COHANS OTIS SKINNER !'- ? - 4, Cock o* the Walk CRITERION -MR ?? a, ? > * r ?va?, r - IDEAL va. ? Alien Hackett in SHAKf ?PI At"- - MACBf T ?us? ?lit?, nn-'l ?"? . nithai and b??ut? NEWAMSTERDAI MM . ol.k '?, II UlIM, I ill X I HI - I Ml ?1 EMPIRE ?. - ? ? ? " ' Maude Adams ? LYCEUM u ! ETHEL BARRYMORE 'OUR VPS M'CH fc?-'.' ? LIBERTY ? 3 BIG CAPACITY WEEK EVER. ? ? ?-?? - ?. fHf ,,, . -- ?k ?aMrica's Foi ? \ctj??i im FERGUSON a? |S ?. 1.1 MARGARET CHILLER ??, AFT|-t 'r?F Pi ? Wed frt COI Tl01 IVI a I GAIETY MRS. I ISKE .rstwhil.? Susan LONGACRE. . mwrsTt x HUDSON The Cinderella Man candle* BELASCO ?. ???? . ?-VTRA ?i";s;i '"V -, iV? Minnie THE BOOMERANG S?a?xss^ phi Tni. *? ,^t i? '" T ??*? ?i rULIUr. H ?,.,,, ? DNESOAY At I THE MELODY OF YOUTH ELTINGL REPUBLIC ismDjaB? ?f..ll;.r.?:i'lV/J:lk,M:l gaby demy.s \ . -al I iini S\ I I..i;l? ? i - Races?l ... Ilirili ? , ?'?voIim'.'.i-* PARK THEATRE imbi or ii ??', i" i **?SJ MATINEE DAILY $1.01 HIP-HIP HOORAY SKATING CONTESTS ? ? ? PLAYHOUSE TO-MORROW NIGHT GRACE GEORGE THE EARTH 48TH ST. r JUST A WOMAN THE FEAR MARKET ?MAXINE ELLIOTT'S ?ROBERT HILLIARD NOW OPEN GRAND CENTRAL ?*^: CURT "AMY HOUSE .. . ? STANDARD BURTON HOLME; To-day CA*IF0""1 ii i ? i. i PRINlESS VERY GOOD LUUIL THE BLUE PARADISE ? ? K A i INKA ALONE AT LAST H?BSON S CHOICE L?RK POTASH & PERLMUTTER GARDEN HEATRE FRAN?AIS YVONNI GARRICI THE WEAVE? PiickftJili >._*.??* ?>? * KEASLRL I i . ? Oa P \! \< ? Lo<-v,'i Amrriian Rool ?i >N' : 9 ?MANHATTAN ; TO -NIGH ti _ IN OLD KENTUCKY S J