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ANARCHIST HELD IN CHICAGO PLOT Third Degree tor ( hum of Chef o? Archbishop's Banquet. ?SOUP HAD 3.7 OR. 01 ARSENIC TO PINT Arrested Man's Rooms Searched and Mlej-ed On-promising 1 elter I ound. r>b i ? hat t a p1* ? o-?* bandit r, * -1 -' tha banatiet in l-.onor of Archbi?hop Thurs? day I | Been r?rt of a ra ? trroup ted to ?.ay by of of the 1 ? rean of InTestigatton. that asent? ' . . ??; .lean - tha ?t ??-em rea aa eon'd i Qua ? >d bv ?? Health ? the fact ?red at the banquet probably i aale, an ??-. ? ? been rlaced ir. Sam - !l?a.-h ?a- ??? The a t oxida af - - ? ana e, ?a'Q ? drag I ?.. ?.r.i.n?. I? Kulal Dose. minimum rsenic, . I i . ? I : molt I . ? ? - i ve bu mobile. ?*\ lerearx-ul? kei>t .-e.ret. V th? ? -. that ? ?? i I ; ? -id in i i ? - . found , ?I var. < ? ? found m All esaioi ?-.-a?- ad- , n in the - . ? e ? talked whole i , - ni fi m dm?. ? eeti*rca ' ? ? o, a ., p, who r, admit!*',: Ion tWO 1 era and ?-rest Ha a | | I'" | - ; , r?y of tta Alla? ? Legno. i? a an d pape i ?t the I a indica I that for th? el ompany, ?aller Forte wi . bur ? search i I? ?? ? ? I u r ? ?rare g ? lore a how. -? talked a w | DEFENDS CITY'S SUBWAY DEALS 1 '?? m pa-?-> ? I eubway ? a-H I ? so tnat ' - ^horr i i v to co into . - ? . r r? \ ? . ? place b? "It i that the re - ? ? - i ? - ? ?' e reniai -'"i*'" t?-'?irT*-?' Small ?,trl Talk?. I Ule 1 ... ?e 1 egnn, ?r?en >.tn,? ? ''1 ocently with tha d?te un ii nc\??tpappr mei She lid that il i \ ,.k., . ver both there ?i?i Sunday dinner, and that they talked t.'Crther at o-r and of the table low ?i-.ii*e. Thev tit'.ke.l in Frei I ? he did i ol hi ?* ? ha? thcv ? ai. Af:er dinner, 1 om?e declared, ? i-, ther, "to ti? to tha movie itre." ? ? ? nci*. Hiph light? in Crones'e a :t - few day- JUSl prior to hi? dll ? appearance Stan I i a foll?n : .;?,. Feb. ?'? ? roi ei appear? at home during dm i er ?tul later R'-e? out arith Allegrini. ? . ?' ?1rs. Ma> Zeigeniui. where ? 'na? a room a up '" 'i'0 'oom, accord . | i ? llri Zeigenfui, ??ho is known a? Mrs. .Howard, ??-il re main there for about \ . . ? m leave?. Wednesday, 1 ? h. 9. fr?re? B^^'*'?r, Hi >;? ? to ??oik at the ? , . ..... ? r- ? OUp which i?< to tu* ?-ervfil at the ? tr?- foil? ? He leave? a? r-:l". 0 clc-ek in the even? ing, according to employee. Since then he ha? not been lecojrtuzed. On the Pay of the Crime. ? iiav. l eb, i". Jalea ? !.e...i . . I.egr.o m the morning and ask - ?? ? used to .ere He told that ?'rones let. it December "be can?? U wa? too cold." and thi chef Mka Mrs. Legna genfos house ani man is there. and find' * ha? i. reeding ? .- She reporta thia I . - 'lie soup U ?iii tiii' gut ??? me poisoned. .. : nothing ? e - temoon th< he kitchen i ?ic- . believed to he that of ?he n that Crones is ill and l-'tiday "!(-;ht Hurry . - . ?. ering laboratory. ?-? ROCKEFELLER CHURCH TO CONSIDER REMOVAL One Location Good as Another. Says Fifth Avenue Pa-ior. .:i * ? ?? . . Icefell. ? . . .?able lom. ?? | Street, ?a- p pas tor, Dr. Corre;', if. "Toe fkin, in mon in commemoratinu o the ser >- ? irch Dr. Wo? contemplate ? ? ictioi e wai ? i ? -,..?- ? ? .? New York bettei I a . er, and tha* one location on Manhattan I >' . . ? . . . - Avi nue c1 * toit?- the it | I \\ | r MUNSTERBERG, TOO, GOES IN FOR MOVIES Psychologist's films to Show Us if We 1 it Our Jobs. !??'.. ? Boaton, Ma ? Pay i "movie.?" bv Professor Huge M berg, tha Harvard psj t, ??ho Km allied 1 elf with a leaiim, pany for a acre? al in weekly in? - ' The professai will not ??? 'nr the t his i .?me will appe : of the ideas presented The ? ?-ne? Will be e: ?? * ! a practical and humorous iriir.:-. problem? of ?< ideas will be or? il way that i tand. By mea these ?piherr? will ? '?? how . hold. He ha? made . of the and 1 of which hi ? parti-.! dir? of puttitiR "punch'' into n ? ? humbl'i callings, ? . that of the streetcar rond'. chie? ? Ims. History Talk for Suffragists. ? - v ? ? ii h i' Relmonl pr? detit, will h?-i'd a me* I ? ? Forty re? Henry Jag on "The Economic Interpretation of ' he public is in'. ?inn account of | Rapid Transit Company in ?He nature of bii'iu.-ie? an-l nlt-cr -.* h COI only have ????,?. natructioi ? real . * vu have tr' [ *?-? 1 he tn!.,l amount charged i.? |327,405, represen? c ai I that company prior to the ? | of 'he contra. ? Nothing More (-an He < hargrd. ' S'othing more of thli character cai b? charged under the contract, hecau e me in ?-hiri the - ? t a . ai m or a an appes on of tha P ? . were well ai ??'??? er pro? ? m , | . ?? hat i til be char] - ? ?ire ? enu appra' ? ? atter to t a f | 106 eon i I eering i ??? ence every tern of wl *h 1 checked ever by the Public Ser Comi ?? - ? ?.- ? applical. i to 1 va'. and ii.?.?lental expi - (Beers, together with th ? ? espens? r to t ' h-honts thi ? | I r- , | ? . ? "hi the . -. ? I ? 11 I ? }-',-.i'.,j'|j, . * . 1,439 GIRLS LOST HERE LAST YEAR Number That Disappear from Homes Steadily Increasing. BUREAU TRACES 1,224 OF THE MISSING I i ? Oemiine Cases ol W liite [ Slavery. Police Declare Many Runaways Due to Parents. Lei i tha ' a Violinitt, left tha home of n in Manhattan, expecting te retara to ? er. She did not a.Tear ai ex) cay hor mother telepl ? returned home that night Sh< . . . ? )(| next we? ta | ? ,,. lo ? by their , r-t>( v cornea of them. Whj ? ? ,\ . bureau of the unidei - ?re r? ? the lail .., u i*. ?? women had bei ? number Increaaei i :. the 6!ow;h of :' won ,i m rra . .???!' g aromen and rir I ,,,??;, ear. The?; ? If ! that in one jreai 1,71)0 . ?" Sear ?i n no ' ? -, -? could ?? I ound. I au?e of Ma?) RUUawaj ? ? ? . ? ? .. ... .. ? ?. . ? .... ? ? i ? ? ? ? i ? ? ? of frei ? ? ? ? no ma--.-: how n ? ? ? ? ? ? ? by another f-irl wl ?, irding to the i gone ? home a:.,l ?.-.a? the ? ? ? ? ? school, or they fail in or arc Of the ? ? ? Woman l?ele?-ii?e \id?j. ? n ?..-..?', - to look ',.! eue of ,? oman from the ha ,. : 111 1 r r ? ireau of 1 . tr??r<w!. Ill ? ? *.'. I ? ? I >? <:? td, i the lieuten? g an end to th? - i . ? |hat tal - .. en and worn? . found g thai ? ' lb thrown i the i .-?"'?- g I g charged ? That "I." "?odd? to I'd? share. "Th?. itoriea : I - ? borough would be en I the revenues ? ? i rge s u po t both subway? and el? ? ? . ? lh" i. intfrf?- *? the I ext? ?,, ? - i ? . ,.? . , - garding . ? - , rtunate imprest . ?' . i i t.por ? ge regarding ging of this a ? ? ? ? rectlj j nabla may lutlea m aerate! ana ? , tha mieaing Bul all tha work of tl?*- depart men I , no? grewaome. Many ranaway gjrla .,,.- ,, turned to their parmi.? a raw they have been reported l0 ?, otb? n ha' ? bai n pal In good hornea when their own have nr-uri , . , .,? to bo unworthy, ?n,l many ., romance of ? ?? utl ful - lopement lead under the chap? ronaga of the i,, tha marriage Ueen a bureau, at ( Ity H.'ll LYMAN HUNT NARROWS; CAPTURE DUE SOON Swindler Helped (ierman Spies, One Accuser Says. Repoi? rec< ed laal nigh) fiom ra? . . lea men of the D o?..1.1 i ? '? ? . !:<{ from h peel i', toil e D >pai ? ? enl indicate that ,: II of Dr. .1. (.rant I.y dler, la only if hour?. il,. to hav.? bean in ?Va ih? on Thursday laal and lubae ade an <"**, , ? - . I rig ?0 gel acro?* * throng , ? ' ? ? ? tnd men who I trail dr night ,- from Mew Vor* that ha the licl on <,f tha ' ?? of Loa Angelea, who in and wh? ? ! ? ? , . .. - ? Mr ? ? ' i. ,' | paiture of a Briti CHICAGO PROMISED UNCENSORED BALLET Provided (initials permit Rus? sian I roupe to Give li : ' go it? . ? t be [Chicago ? . what \ -' ? n on o ? t b? ' at? ? THIEVES TKST POLICE SLEEP Prj \\ a ? Into Store in Shadoa of Rta i ion?I a o Suapei t ? ? aughl. i ? ? tore ,.' A. I Bedford ?. parly , HVh? ?? . ? I ? ? ? ? 1 N'a Fight Proposed Garbage Plant. ? -h an,! nj . i *. VILLA MENACES 500 AMERICANS Colonists in Western Chihuahua Arm ior Defence. I . I -jr*r^ t. T*i? T: li Paso, 'i ea . Fob 18. Fiva hundred ?ni? n ?Vi tern Chihuahua, threatened arith an attach \ I ii. have, v?ith thi t Cm tiiii-a ofliriHl-t, armed themselves tur tli-rence. The colon? ita ref i ted to le iva ? r,*ri .! out of h o i,. A- i riean conaul ?, and * prei ed conlidenea In the abilitj oi l i Carransa govennnea? to protect them. B/hen ?hev asked for strongei Iroop protection their app-'a! waa denied, ?s a!! available CaiTanU troop? ?vei? be ed in the campaign around and . - i tahaa ' "?? The i r,i ? . ! if thev might an pi ?te. * .?in. ? ' ? rml i g it was saiii, with ? ? ?.. : thai the? their gun? 01 ly againat enemies ment. I? | the lory of that been ? y the i; fac ? ? rer ?he .. e Grandes and the American colonies. Gen. r ?... nand.r in I : ? ,i ? i al th i '? enough men ? ake 1 ?Ivarao O breg?n i? return rthern Mei ? - ? illy ta e command of the j ent and t< att? end the i I ? rid hie His coi ? . ? red that he was bei ? ? t of the sctivii I, feared t ? GERMAN PLOTS ALARM SENATE , inneil fi um Bag. I would . e part i i .".? ? i ? ? ? . ? ... v ? ? . I ! ! ? ;< ; ? I ? ? ? ? placed on I ? 1 ? ? mi ? Germany ii ' only a few m ? - I . ? ? rmi It is i ed re stioi * . * the Dl ?land : a' the b<* The i .-., eata . prenant I al . ?? rout,? al Hud noulJ quite natu 8, Altmatt & (??. ?Announce nient The -Silk Department h us ready selection the Spring assortments o? BLACK DRESS SILKS , ac.ftg e ;:.?"????? ? ea. e ow ? ? ii - B Ing ??.*:? e ? ' e ? ' -? ?c ave bi e ured express?; . No Si .::- v..-.c - ve:. r~c -.'..C". I" I ? - ? ; _. - .r. ... , . increase ? ?? cost o fl . -? fi B. . stem ? -.';?" antic: ' ? ,mar o adv. . ? Ices. Fiftl? Atrfiurf - ?aMinrn Atunw 34?.? atth 35.rj; ??rtttB Ditto fork I feet nmnder- Urn, l-memf Memeime, OTedjuUmm, mmd SartmraUf I Modern Auction IN TKN I.E3SONS By Graco G. Montgomery Th?- eonpletely ur>*">da*e *o llionir 'aai \u< tmn. ft-ving r*-<"**nt iittcrratii-; ?n?.n*>-'-? in t\*r j?an-?* wlnrh h?v beret mide BBCeeaary hv h- '',**v-?ar?rvn cet the infot" n-.tor?? apiri? and 'h' ?rqt;n,,non of ?h<* new biddiaa Tjiiir?. ?ii? id'il trratrm-nt bf 'he %trne- ? deer, bn<*(, ?nd ?uihori'ative. -S1.2S net CHARLES SCRIBNT.R'S SONS ... ? ? !'.,? n i ' ' . ? to prove that the I lei ? ? nil a In thi? connect ? i ed tha? . to pu. ., ? . ; ??? .,? i " i ' ? i ?..-e. :.,,-? ng of the pi ipo-..!. indicai ed to I "? n < ? ?? 1 look v. i; h favoi ipon the a? i .:.?!.<?;,:, power, a the \ '.. . ,.*T??r->il !.i-.'l Germa g of the fei ? fluence a? Copei that Denma i - . ' >?? the h Ocean!, ? .? ., rou and : at al ... ? ., ling for ?'??'?. ? ,? nego? ade propoaala to the ? rt| of ?? jy and \ an aoven , ? ?.vi? le pro? ; ?? out e con aummation of tr.r negotiation? with .... . ,, . a, real . i the reaent | erni rlth - an ? at the itifi? by the Sen - I -. con ? g the tint n:.i:> . . ? i in Co? - rar ried o the Hamburg officia . - near "Til. Ilam ? ' \ ?? eatabl hing the 1 mbia the .?y from the lin f ... ? . ? ? Ba] ?. i went over the route ? Pani ? ? .. ? .'.,1 be ted al ? , than could the i I .,nal. "Il edge the San ivigable t rep enouf ' ' | v. a? ? ? 0 he it pe ? Pacil irked I4>*tpmx? gsnsafj * m* s, ? f. aa*v?M mm oae Vi?kJwt MADAM FR?D?RIC ^ormtrltj t>fJuon'?oru> Qostamtri? Courts oF&uropt ( ( ^ P^ ,?g? , * ..... ??. ? notO Associated uOtA tins est* ablislxment, nV// hold reception in Oiw Studio Salon f/ih floor 2 to S?al. t?resentuuj lier otOn Original creations, together i Uth m? ans importa t ion s lie! tha German ; wei t ahot isJinnig conces-ion? to eel i Col? in terril Th?v buill ?i powerf Andrai laland,which wa ? i ? < ... Panama The < a'.: "A. D. S." A G? h powerful station wai -'?*ab!.?h?'d a < artagena and wai 'n charge of s. Gei man hi?. Aual ;-ian. " When repi eaenta of the .-rr men? wen? to the Cartagena ? era informed tha? ? ???.ed and thai g handled The I ?? ? ?,>?;man eruiaera, I ? being kept infoi merchant i Tower?- tent reprea? tativ? pat? the - - tat ion ?? I - ? ? and to nan raider? i tl.- k"' tting ?a* ? ., . ted to then? ... tercepti i the ? "Official repreaentatiom ?*ere ?.. t... , i ???l to the diamantling of tl itai I- afterward waa defin tel) detei - Allied Poweri that A - ladro) rai ??sembled ofl I ..?- - [alan 1; I i ig , Rear Admiral ' raddock. \ -, ik'i.m which wa? aent froa n Sei tembei. 1911. "?? ered bj ? -o a repr,'-? the A r. In the itch were inatructiom t< I ?en c<.: German) planned to esta tro! in Ha;. I ? ? mer of 1914. Be of th? i ? i Ha ? an -*ov , rnmei l to pay eerta man .... rar' ic ; Bl the control ranuc to pp, cure the pa The ! ted State il formed lier:;..-. I al iart rou i ?'?a- ?? must r.-i-t ij--- , ? and "would underatai I ,...?? \. be mom? l i ?med to portend ? -, ? . ' ? I ? ' ' ' ' . I '-. - ? e I I ? ? ? ? - * aii-Pn: ' ? ? ' ? ' ' ' Popularity! Think of a railroad whose time table is in every mans pocket every day in the year IT IS THE Jersey (entrai New Jersey Central ON WHICH Your Watch Is Your Time Table AS FAST TRAINS LEAVE EVER? HOUR ON THE HOUR FOR Philadelphia Leave Liberty St from 7 A.M. to 10 P.M. v.. .?8.15 A.M. and hourly from 9 A.M. to 11 P.M. Sunda Midnight train daily; .Sleepers ready 10 P. M- (Lean V. 23d St. 10 minutes of the hour for all trains.) S l| dining car tervice at dining hours. ? : * - :J r ; g! s'A M Hard Coal No Smoke No Tunnels