Newspaper Page Text
MORE BAY STATE WEN OUT FOR T. R. Four Republican I eaders Say Hie> Will Work with Gardner Group. FR1I NDS URGE M( ALL 10 FIGH1 IN OPLN state Race l- Between Weeks and Roosevelt, Declare Senator's Backers. I here smate ? : iblican ; ? ? . i be un - i ? I ?' Now 4 n W. j ? . a ? I , I ' Republican Clubs Wove to Break Solid South ? '-,1 to ? v? i rlj ? ? ? of the , i omi rag . .- ? ,?- re RATTLESNAKE BILL ENDS L37TH TERM IN JAIL .waiting Serpent Seas..n Opon in?. Will Write Autobiography. ? r extraor? ? ? i - ? Chauffeurs' Outfits Sp ecial $43.50 Oierx oat, Suit and ( up to Match - ? ' ?'".?? d duiiMf; the : value in Motoi ? liauffi ? ?.i be bought, a a I Norfolk rrouscrs \ i ta - J i plete 54.1 50, IW1 rcoal . $25 00 ? ; I $16.50 $200 wit h two i ; $23.50 ll $57 50. $75.00 a I $125.00 ' ! rVatc ;-..,.? ?$20 and $22 d on Request ?ifyxili ?P^&tknVtA ? BROADWAY AT 49th ST. 1 i l? t n ? i n i - : i ? : ; ! ? ., j ? ? i, :, i, i.,,..?,:.. r ? : ? ; ;. j 11 ; j 11 j ? M M11 ? ? * n. i n 11 j n f < i J H11 c u ? 1111 ;i i ) i n ; i n 111 ( i i U i ? ? ) 11 f ? U i U n ? j i n : >. I Tiffany & Co. Pearl Necklaces or au. S i zi ; s thirti ???\- :?>r panhandl: .... g cloae to the ?cane ol ra omablj ?a l i agaii -?i ...?? an HRain. "!S*e been cruel] p. r ecuted hcunded," Hill romplaina, '1 ?? it - oui ei ( a ti .4 - ' ? It ? "About th. ' ' tend rei ' --t?\. l? thr I life." PASTOR TELLS WOMEN TO WEAR TROUSE1 Heal! i and Comfoii la Mat \ttirc. He Sa>s. . .. ? ? .'. . r rh 19 Wl ' >!*? ?v - I: Dr. Jan K. No re i \ l ? ??An. I?r Not.". ??, in a turdi .- ? * i ? -1 '. ? red mon ntal i tara, and th mat) * **v like trou- ? "When God .'- i '?? is ?i-c . ie, and if a!i ?? ora ne attir? ? ra ii me inta n climbing th ? WHITMAN OPPOSES RAZING SING SINC Plans to Have $400,000 Apprt propriated for Neu Cell Block. ? ? . :.? ? ' ? nrr-"* with 1 te Pi sion ?n its recommandation tl ? lion Sini e rata f been agreed -?. : ' : ? ? ? , I bing .-liuuitl be uaad . ? - ? Seek mai - ? ? had b? ? - tei ? (,' . i ! ' ?.*' 'n "I am ard? r th? . but t hat v. il not ob\ iat? I g Sing ai fir-.'o:.. The ? ? ucted, I rt- ..' th. I ?. - . . farden Willii t'neie ? a 'arm colony, eon? .??!!* eoloi . .. . Bei ib . Mo ?. aid ear be done bj Henry M agi Finance i I lativf ? ii h??< '?'.. ? ? g Sing, i introduced ?? I I i :?? i. i ? ? *?:t?nt ?if a ? on mi - -??ii I o il;a?? ..i ?aiit* priaon improve ? >ugh tha failure of * ? an] e' j.iau for . : ? v trig n n n;. population the ?*??? e laat ? ? pen? about ? t 114-10 nr. ?.,???,? rr -on proj? ? iitea, worth tha ow for it. In I!.': ? . ? pent $217.000 at Baal nta a net pr u:;. whi? h wai .? ? ! II Hai ???.i a , laiijp 11 a.? t ol land in thai ? - "-...?**. archi? ll? mon. '-.- n* loi Beekman. ItI'ADOO AMAZES N. Y. DEMOCRATS Secretary Wants lo Bar Oftice Holders from St. Louis Convention. ... r -, Waahingtoi , D. C, 1 eb 13. X doe ,r -.? laid down b; et the Trcaeurj M< -d.n ? letter mada pub ' e to-nigl ' ? " ? O'?or aid, Secre ,ary , I and hll coming delegate to the " ?i ||i M? A . . ? becom? a ?.of New Vori'. four" dclcc.,', ?n that Hhonoi eharacl ? ' ;-' cHetributad among the men who have stood i;, the trenches and have fougbl of the par? i v ii,i have ed of i liona." -,,.:,. i ? h gislatora e.r prr??fd amaieraent w iration hy the Secretarj ? ,,-t that a' tl '? i: Senator O'l a despite rk for Mr. Wilson Mr. Fil gerald waa then n prom nent mei the Houae, and deluded ofBci ? " ? ome lurprlaa ai the logic ol Mr. ate? Adoo't ' ! that the office < iyi nothing, ? mom ? ? i particular ? gate to the Ke| nvei ? ..r, bul a ? aln ;!ur to by .Mr. McAdoo by him loui - ? i t very a if the ? of his col? - ,dea?, I thai ? u , nd to I? : A? fa ' | . ? ? . ? ? . ... Foil? ... f thi eer? ? " \ lo. I?> Mr ' he ?? I Platt, ,-: Bata ?a, K. V : ? ., I I have ? , t- del ? ional convention at Si Lo "I thank you h< I 'e.-. thHt l ougl i and to my S'ew _'oi ?. ? ? ...t I would, imatani - idan d t a the p? gat? at-large, or ?a a ? -? : ?? ? Democra i . ention, ? I have a by the pari ? ? , ? I in the tren and lia?, a fought party and v. ? ,, ,,,,?, ,? ,.,- i e. ? po ? . PEACE CONFIRENCE CALLED li?-lrrjtr? from Ml (?ninlie? to Mak? raft'a I ? jRiie I'ermanenl. W a"i Jay Schieff? ..... . ate, to fa tVaah? U i > Vork State brai :, .,4: , , ? temporal ?? co in?. . pointed hy him are l 'r. John H. 1 \ . VV'ilcox, l , k Rande! I way, I olumb .: J. M. ?> K. liar ling, G? .1.1'. : \V 11 - leens; Charl? ?? . Rich? I; ?, K. Beal, Urani ? ? George V*. ? 1 \\ Mott. I lawego; Waiter H. J I, -, ', ? Shattuc. 1 nent ? ,, assai Du tel eaa; Richa .... 1 K.mrr E. Brown, Rr? 1 - Rockls .-., '?' \ ' 1 . ior S P. Oi r Business Schools' Value Studied. 1 . . . of America, and ir actual romn ? ? . ., ii - '' Eng . ling 1 posed of Howard < '? . '?: ' . ? ?? Louii Schaefer. A < landei ? ii tnd Lionc 9 Auto Plough's Gas Tank Fxplodrs Ubai pahn, 1 . Ralph v.. R-00?'.. n, drivei . BS \ I and ej . \utu | . . ? . Hospital I BRACKETT HUNTS WHITMAN'S SCALP Kx-Scnator Declares Gov? ernor's Renomination Would Wreck Party. BELIEVED BACKED BY UPSTATE MKN Several Republicans Thought to Have Joined t?? Put Whit. man Out of Office. . , -'?IT forra*-).? 1?; t ??* !*!,? l'rtliti:.* I Albany, V. V., !?"?->?. I'l. pprluriiifr al Governor Wbitjnan'i ranominatlon will lend opeti revolt in the Bo? publican party, n ienator Edgor T. Brackatt in a itatemenl t.t-night h.iinclictl what i? believed to he a ???i ? ftn?nt, barkfil by influential Kejnib . to prerent tha Governor from! 11 ading tha i:> p iblican Mel ? I ? thia Matt? next f'all. The ex-Senafor. af I e ? Itime Repul ???arriors, declared I ? ?rnoi "\ ' * - adminiatration ?????!? wrecking th?*; T*rpabl!i-an party and ? drai tloi *??.'? takei ? ?? l i drive the part;, on ? ? ? "1 think that Governoi Wh tn : ' ? r? ? :: will lead to ai lu ?h,- Republican party,"* Mr. Bi <? ? ?ri,i "Hi? administration hai led to deplorable situation. I never expect? (.. ] ,x #? I,, ?i f 'lin I ii'.e ? ? . iliei administration VU respectable m rom parlaan ta It, "Now i? the time for action If GoV ernor Whitman i? ro|,tinui?d in ofTn-, f<?r two year? mora the Republic?! |n-,rt v in this ?tat? will lie in Horr "'rait? If something i?n't don?, rlfh now the partv will L, wrecked " Ex Senator Hrarkett ?aid ha hiu heard of m'ich appoaltton In the rai I and nie of the Republican party a*ra i I thr rorioniinution of Governor Whit man. "Thr only ptraana who would feel nt all diaturbed over the failure of '?"??? ernnr W hitman to secure a renomma l',,n," the ex Senator said, "would he a l'i w job holders. The rank and file of the Kepubliran party would In- (.'lud of If? "This is the year to thrash it out W? will he In bettor ?hape if wo Hiinn? our Imiataka now aad deal hone?tiy with the lit nation, m?tend of tryinaj to put it off two yarn langer. We ere mir?, to win in the nation tht? year, and whatever I happent In tin? ?tate, so far us the !Governai ii concerned, will in no wsy affect the outcome of the Preaidential sil uation." like? Hro? n or Hlnman. Mr Bracket? .nid he had no particu? lar candidate for Governor vVhiti place Senator Brawn and ex?Senatoi Harvey I' Iluiman would make e?.rei lenr eandidatae, I',?- added. "Senator Brawn la a Harne? man and latOI II nman I? an anti -Bai ? man," he remarked. "So you chu tak-' > choice " Ar the recent I'epublicen election f,,r -.1rs to Tue-wla?. 's ro, , ? ? ? County ex-Senator Hinman cas defeated Exeiee Commissionei the Whitman Iead?'i of the While Mr. Rrackftt a?-erted that ha expressing bin own ?. iew-t only, th? . : id thai he was one of the ten Repub lu im? who ? i"'1 ii ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ont rol 1er Trnvi? n-l .'tur f?ir an Inveet i ? . ? nditurea ol ? al o MI c?a hi? tat. man? ?ignil . cant. t\moi k i ho ?? a io< iatad ??? ; m the demand for tha Investigate were Herbert Paraona, Otto T Bannar? 1 Henry I. Stimaon and Alrxantl<*r White, * 'mu man t.f "i- Rep?blica Btste Committee, In a l<*tf?*-r made i . ?In- yesterday Mi Bracket! ipaclflcal demanded to a net I ha ea I of tl "booae" ? onaumad on tha ?. hitman ir t?i tha Panama Pa? I Ition. < ontroller Travla boa aakad tha i Igi ?l of the pal.'Ion to confer with hin nt in? aflea m .\4?-.v "fork to-aaorro? im? ? irai .i''* i re that ?avara! ot ti i ?ignara have informed tha Controllei thai it ay muat declino hl ? invitai loi A m * i n la,- theee ara Mr Brackett, wh. m? v ha il pe. ci lly intereatad il knowing \he aisel amoui t of thi "ho. ao bill, and aleo tha eo t af th? trip-, which he taya moaabora of th? Controller'! party ha?ra taken ni tha ?*? pan ??? of tin* ?".at". Other? In Combination. D?pite Mr. Brackett'i i -arti?-. that be i*? Bpeaking for hiniMolf only m hia f??'i??*k .m tha adminiatrati? ??? iiovernor R hitman, 11 n i>? here that he la only . ol laverai up ?? Republican! wh?i have ?oined to prevent tha Goi ? ? ominatioi ?rum the ? titen? ol Mi Bra letter, il wa i apprr? t I t he ai ? : ?? had theii ax. fur Controller Tra i itt? 1 the hatchel with the G ? ? . '. itter'i ?.n friend Up to a abort t ime ago the C the l ..', the "oiit?i." Mr. Bracketl a ? that 1 ??i i being i . . ??? . ' ??' 1 get .1 tll4*|T?. He declared thai "il the Governor ? ans mai. al all" hi ? . ? public. Thei ?? ?? i ? id curiof-it? I er? I ? . ? effect of the ex?$ ? Republican convention en i i. 'filara i-i HO 'Ian vin (T ? n movement ???1.1?' the Governor h?? developed beneath the aurfaeo. v" ?r-r it v?, 1!] rrop anl n tha convention remaina to ha eeea*. in??,?? wat?- reporta 'onight ?h??. Governor Whitaaaa ar.'l the atota chairman batl r**a?'in*<1 'ha parting ? '7a waya onee mor.? an?l th?' the ? : i openly '? light tht Gov? m the convention (.?.??rrtior Whitaaaa rottirnod from Ctica late tin? evening. H" rtf to mak?. any lornmi'nt on ?ha mi'tif or tha deaaaada of ei Braekett WILSON TO HEAR WAR POST PLEAS Delegations Ready to Urge Candidates for Vacant Portfolio. v. .1-:. ngton, P. C, Feb. 1 Pi ilc!.* WiUon'? returi to Waah 1 gton to? morrow from hij week t-nrl cm tl ? *>f.*-.flower ??? Il n -irk I - beg 1 ? of h el ??' conferei .-< in < ongreai aver the ??.' of a new Secretary 0' tVai f!on?l defence plana ai??l othei pei l"r?i?Ut ion. Amtmir ftioRf 1 Vra. haa app ntmenta to-mon ow ?ir?> ? ?? ? tigreaaional delegations a vacant net ?"-ti oth"r? ?*ho want to .. men for the A??.?tant Secretan ? The Prr-nirler,*.'? think 'Va' the ^???????__ Our _ GUARANTEED M0RTG?6Fj e>ierve your CONFIDENCE lit. prosperity i. ?urnmj* to ?hit countr?? LL,'*" h certain to la.or.blw'!?"h ??;;<"??-v..ue,, nNev;o^ LAWYERS M0RT6?QE CO mr.has. M ?ulro ?J^* Ripltal,Surplu\& pr $9.000 Aq* ?v ", .-..rygj_ ' f,-r?dn. ? ', ?bb^b^b^L^H Snow-Sho? ? | p-, ' ? ? ? e Final Wonder of the Phonotfrapk hiIIIII?bWMMbMMMbMMb^^ Ii Ii ni ??Wii i> y.. <J "ANewDe??at IhMusicFor??u IIF.N" some Boreal ma mu--ic from h.?7? \ iolin, i a greater joy even than )<>ur own, for you aro?only a tener. Would you thrill to t! music strains as he do< s, and feel a rapture? something* at least, approach? ing his own? Put a record of his into the Vocalion, marvelous newest phonograph ??'hi h i , to play yourself, if y< ?u ?vish. Pre the ???? I Gradu?la device and give yourself up to tl I'nder your pressure com? harmoi i responds to every shade of *y< Now it softeiis to a sigh of l uty. ' writ ? Ils till tlu* contras! thrills v. ith ?- ? of life. With one record * of the violinist, and another a flu ' .i singer?and so on through all the joyi of music-beaut ? Vou are getting a pleasure never atl phonographic art "till the Vocalion came." . i arc hearing these ?raves of stvetling tone* undlllled, unmufiled; for new inventions in sow : : and buund preservation have ?limin?t? d , II tone clouding, all metallic qualitii -. Tl . - ? to vital, rounded tone-development- i ? ? ' the phonograph, even while you are experie indescribable music-joy by seemin,; : o | ' ? i ?nstrumenl itself. < if course, ? ou need not play the \ from it. It will play of itself each n as the record stands, if you prefi r il It will, howe.i r, voice rii her, sw< have ever phon? _? t] illy been j i S'o! 'liiis devii e which allov. s ? b?ngle re? '?ni as often, and lo wh ? ? - - you wish, i?> but an ad ? ; privilege, which the Voi alion only can . In Invitation Sever ?...;. you a| i i mil vou peraonally have hi you toc?me to A . I p fM AEOLIAN Kfl VO?G"?L??T? ??? VOCALION i -\\. 'V ^ !/hbnoa?v/j/t\>r ClaJau r ?--,,? w | > ? .? ?*??'? 1 .. -. ? - < - - ? < Moderate M l-'/,?v !/hm 7Se% The Aeolian Company AEOLIAN HALL M .NHATTAN Bl :o -.1 \\. ;.? ill ld%\H 4p5p* *na?uB?? -.?.,,? " N /..NI