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PRINCE DEFENDS GREEK POLICY aj^er ol King < onstan fellsWh) Counto Is Neutral. iTHENS NOT PLEDGED 10 KEEP 01 r OF WAR ?, | Unwilling in ("crt.iin I itei nfllct. ? ? ? ? - - ? j> .iri.i. - ? ' . s 1 irai ? ... ? ? * .11 to f < hamber ? T0IIJ I STRATE! ? ..; Hw l-Hfl ? ? ? ?.-tue r"''*'?*?1 Ufe, b< ??-. for a i aeanej it ?er of Deputies \ ? . Vei . ? ??,! the I K . \ ? ? ' : . .- ?? ' retu ITALIANLIHEB IN-U?AR? Bal San .vanl Ha? lloen Mea? and Eipecta t?ans S-son. \ ftai battling 'ci ? avj er to spend ' ? ?, . ... 1 r i i ike irany of the ?' -. .. ai I no cum I ? ? i mounting i i 'PLANES KILL 15 IN RAVENNA RA? A u sir i ans Injure Worn and Children - Damagi Basilica. \. . >, raid *-c?terday oxer Ra ? ? gl b? ring * ??? na of i In Northea '? '? v . Rome s .... ? ?' Apolhna-e at : "Ai ncial ? atioi . war? (.orein,. I ron hit 1 I - NURSES OF FRANCE GIVE LIFE IN WA! Cannon!? and Disease Kill 22 One Society til).000 Women 1 quip 1.500 Hospitals. Moi a . ' g : Is - ? ? ? ? ? . ? ? I ..- .1 rr chest 1 ? ? . ? - tbla ! ty. ? .,r,,o.. . '? 1 ? . ; en . , ..| ,i I-, . ' ' V. ' ? ? ? ? ? ? I ? ? GERMANY SEEKS ARMY OF 900,000 POLES Kaiser Making Strenuous Efforts ?o Have (.utonofli) ?ccepted. ? . ? ? . r' '? Bl Po .... \ m I he Ru ! H in.,,?,,usai. GERMANS STORM CHAMPAGNE LINE Berlin (hums Capture of 700 Yards of I reaches ?nul 200 Men. FIVE ATTACKS FAIL, PARIS ANNOUNCES Heu \ I ightlng Spreads to British at the Mohcn zollent lifiiimht i . - ? ? lerable ob? oundl the tirhtin_ on I I ' French and German ?c t only i to ita ? Islam ? ? ? In ? h h tn th of Saint? Marle-a-P an ?? I ' lie ?'?. v ? id at tha 0 | near Hill 140 d ' rata a ! trei ... ? . i . equenl ? I day ?????? marked ierie attacha, ext ,,. ?-. Neuville and I i e first attack wa without result, ?o the weal ?f Hill 14". In tha afternoon, after ? violent bombardment of oai ? liona ? i? -?? - ? ior different I , ? ? aj| | .? ? ? . . r cur I , ? ?-..-.,. In the cours? of l ? au ?ir ?Irtich tu the ?reel of Hill wa ei onto! tei . i . ? ?vom "A G ? . ? ? ? ? l rea? l. ?dmil Re? er*.r. ... ? ? ? ? ? ? . ai n j?iid i "in " . ? ? ? ? ....- i . . ? i ... ? mine ? I ? bul ? ? ? German* \nnoun. ? Gain ? ' ... I ' ?'?II * ' ? ' ' ? ? ' * > . " ,' ? I ? e, a < i ?? t ?t n tl ? ?? irs. ? the railwi ? ?14? 4.1* ' ' ' ' . ... ? 1 tl.t* ' ' I ' th a i Ho? tz* AUSTRIAN THRUST WINS UPPER ISONZO TRENCHES I dm ?I Reverse in l-ax hrt'.ik Surprise. ba ? ... i ? watt - . * - ? ? , '. . ? a tl a ? ? artil tab wii rt| ? heeii ZEEBBTJGGE A OI.RMAN S.ont \ e.aels in Nnrtli ?mi Hell" lli??e 1 rf| I bs)| I'.ol I l . b. IS i ; ? out reaaela North ?' ? a ;?'>- beli? red to ! ??? 0Q| of ..!?.,. I 1 m? ? i aome ? es el tvl i.' thai poi I i ,. ,? been I ?. i . I ei SihhM ?,i t rnan a an hi] ha*, c | active in thi N? 1 ? ' m w.r lifl .-.- am o ?? eels thi I referred to wen v. huh failed t.> n li rn to pot ? GERMANS MASS IN TUR1 Rod? of luent. tl?e I lii,n?.;iii,l I Psxara Into l:?i?ii huk. Balgsrl (.and?n, V <?!, 1.1 rhere ha? lo large Influx of Gen Turkey, accor I |>ntoh to "Tin- I . . About twent Ret arrived la I week at Rn ? -.-at in. an.i pro?, ? ded to ? ? ..!' \':i, n.i :,i dei stood, w ill i ont nue theit i ney to Turkey. BRITISH STIRRE BY STAND AT Kl Townshend Hailed a**. Great General for Ctes plion Victory. . stand wl General i i lus comparai body of I ??h troops at K el-/ ' tamia, ^hera ' ' they have been I v a 1: army of Turk?, has raised Gen in the ' ... i hai . ? -, h e i i ? have bee . ? ? , com? he retn toi and ' . :. ? ? I ' ? g I : i ?! i . ? Bril ? ? ? RUMANIA STOPS WHEAT GOING TO GERMAN. Balkan Kingdom Show - i ri nil ship lor Allies i,i \". I ? delayed ? ? ? ? a. . ? ? ., ' ma Rumania < i ? t met 400,000 toi i ,,-,- ,. I ! ' STRANGE SUBMARINES 0FE FLORIDA COAST Sighted h\ t reu ol ( ristobal \\a\ Ho German Craft. ki. .? ? . b; i ibmarin? ' . ? ? giving Sail? ? ? I I ? ? ' BERLIN, ONT., CITIZENS SEEK TO RENAME IT Desce-tflanl of th< ? ounder N'.ikes Motion. I. ?. , by a I ? bytown ; 1 ? ... ? ? ? DANIELS PLANS JOKE TO EUROPE Shortage in Tungsten Metal Makes Armor Plate Impossible. ALLIES CONTROL WORLD'S SUPPLY Germany I aid Up Huge Supplies I'cfore the War Was Declared. i:? GORDON BRUCE. I ? idon, r lb 13 It m s physical i tha i"nit<*?l .'fates to nut thr na\?l piiirrrainm*' advo . rotais Daniela nti'l bis a?l .' ? ;? inira nf Kurop' ??ii na? val o\|iart , engineers sml steel manu To thtm all .?re il ioi ? af tl ?? proposed pir?* thing more than a joke. I 'he :? ?? theii reason a for making 10 However complet ' ? muy be, ?Il of them revolve : o ?-? ird ' olfran ' By ?ray of n, ?1 may he .aid th;it wolf ram Is shori for arelframite, tha baa? Tungsten natal, In le for th? mana beat triad? m" armor plate uml nava i ins, a? ??ell a? the ? s n.etal I ? orked. ?.'"ram, caused by tin* war. has left tha Unitad Btstaa hif-h ?nil dry, so to ?peak. ArcorHInjr "ormation, tha entire metal a-niUh!? to ? ? n .l.i be but I hat would be re e buil litajt of t.he *r?sReli . . ng about More that, t'ist. tlie price ,if wolf ii??n to puch a fig II .. a y f o i tati a?r| aa 1 mi di ' ' ? . lit,! - rinall) I ? ulated. ? profesa to know the hi. Anierirsn naval i ? as? *. .-* K"V . ? - ? ; ? .- :,..? ? it] Id ion i all lie '..' ? . ? a ; en mm, ? ? ? I j ?. '? - 1 h a ?? e ' .'M. ? .1 tl ?. on l|TN l?verai ?a far ? l a e ant icipated them nanti In ? r 1 ?a appeal i d i resulta * leal ing il to the . ? ?.. ..i : i : ..?? n concl ioni ? lia! Rested il . the Ui ted .--t?te? i-W ??:. the ? In that ? a tabla ring i ?? Lput of th. o? i i enlightening ? iv? been ?? ? ? ' a the) ive been i light, an I .i ah:?*. Here .. ? i| , ..? .. inti ' rodu ' ?i ? that . . . it ? I .- ... re, wolfram I. n West* ?ui \y and Kra/i!. but in ? ' - K U table sud ? .-?i by the Allies, ?? ? ?.? ' I eutn cou | * ? i i. rii ind th? . .i 'rarteil ...r ther of 'he Allied ?mem ! ?II,. .. ? '- the be in the iieipii-l ? fOSl A-viiii irig that llie American ? ? I ' ? grade af am 101 plate, contain! I n-- cent of tungsten met the ?uppiv would he Inadequate to ah? n"l degree, ?,,, ardil i? ta i ? ? . naval authorities ,n Europe, \n indication ,,f what the nhorta financially may be gath? from the present prices, To?day tan ?'rn ?tan,!? in the United State? ' .. ton, an,| I am told "'*' m in ii operations >?, the Northwest are al ?tandetill, for the reason thai I "lips" for dred**-ts, mane from tun , aten, cannot he abtained. In Knglai 1 the price is t'.'On . The pre,(ir?mer,t of the Unit? ( Stste? I? freely disCUS id in ..'eel el en il., ? h ,.i of the eommi i-- true 1 -I" i. .' prateiM to knov i will retail it a? it i? BBSken. l?oul, laaa the authorities at '?'? i ?. ? he ahli? tr. :,..?.;irn:.- the wheat from tl . naff "I he American Navy I'epartment hi been asleep,** a pu.rimer,- ?.. told me "Th?y had i?n opportunity ?ecure the OUtpUi of certain UOUtl ! mine? a .?-hor- time ago. and le' ' pa i ?iinplv liecau^e thev ., S ij l ?ve le ? ?? pur? baas of I in ,, iten to th? coi pan ?es s hi? l, build their ih ipa, I price then ras mich Inaer, toe ??The .;f..p| trust ha? the governmei at it? tterej and can decide wheth? or t;,it th,- Cnite.l State ?Kail ha\ , a navy. f understand that -orne i the iteel esncerna have n lot of ?am ' dium ateel oa hand wh anviou?, to unload arid inter ! | ; til?? preeent situstion to force l , i : r... al into o ing rana >u m< pinte, v ' || itC Iiev.' VfMrl I." ??;.... statement arhich has been mad repeated . ai..1 a h;, h com fmi source, regarded as entirelj i? that th?? naval people al v. ton ure greatly worried over thi tot und have no idea a ,,,? ' i .1 ? \. ??.-.. "How doe ',, ' her t.ny depo?it? ""' From three mn ** 10 have the b lin? ??' ;. eai - I hn. e ; ad -h e expia al II thii the w:ir Germai : tungateu (irodui ? ..r the i Pi etl ..''? al! oi the wolfram mine 1 ?va? shipped fo Gerr.-.any, .? the tiini*jten was manufacture*! an ?te,] to armami nl ? : -h manufacturera, a? well a i those in America, obtaii 11 of material i from the Gei re ? , wh ?? ere adept ? al produ? Ing h . tungaten. Therefore, it i? p.. nted oui ? Germany -vas carrying on he '????.???..o pr?parai "??' tor ? ? grea ami hei ft rat thought would he t, ?ma?-, . ?lock of tu tig:?ten which woul< be ample for h? use, howevei Ion] ? ? -? There : nothing I ?? , :'ran, the Gei rr.i - .-,,re.| up I , need, but that ted i II : ful German gum an un remi Tungsten aleo Ii need in ( facture andesea , i menl and ; ipparatus, as v ell et .... ndusti ? ? t?, a very limited e*t?:.' . . and the aw placed al about 1,500 I Bo i.'..? h fui wh?t Europea e-e kU ? ,,? ro'.i and a*l e nava authoi eat anawei How a TEUTONS REPULSED ON DVINSK ROAD Crossfire Defeats Attenpl to Surround Garbounovka. Im? portant Strategic Centre. London. .eh. i :i A Reutei ! from Petrograd says .- to thi '.? .... Ilarbounovka, l ? a l.ernia: Btta ?. .. ; '..'?* ' . ? lefeni ? of ' > ? - ? e. ure. j, Gai boun ivka . e, t i uad to !>??. "In the Riga ? 1?re ? i . -i V. ? . ., \'e ?M . lOUth ? ? ? R "Near Jacobstadt ti,? Germa proach "'.r tien? hes wesl Lie troopa puahed back. "On the Dvini grenad? ? si attempt to eurrou '? th? l?ge of Garboui v . . ? .... , i,,. - the I ? ? To day'? i -a, - ' ; ?? ? ; . ,, ad? ? oi ti,? > ? , were -.1 SERBS TRUST TO ALLIES Kefujee Deputies Thank Poincarc? Saj France \. ill Wn, Par i ?". Pre lenl l'< ? y i Sei I ian Depul i rho arrived re? ? rom \ ice, ?? ?. . desp te the ?'r ?? uatio Serbia find? lor Prance and hi al ? Keep your teeth 41s you would have them keep you ? healthy and whole. Three times a day use Dr.Lyon's PERFECT Tooth Powder Preparad bv m Doctor of Dental Sargorv Send .'c st?rnp today for a g?D?rous trial p?cka*{a to W. l.von & Sot?. Inc.. 514 W. 27th St.. N. Y. City \0; Per MONTH ON PLEDGE I f? OF PERSONAL PROPERTY PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETY OK NEW YORK. MKUNV 1 ourtli.idt Av ?or. 143th ?*. I'.i.i.i-K. i 1*4 Smith St., ?o?. Livingston at i ihj i A?, ?.or Uebetoitt SI Pi ? . Av., cor. R?ockawa> Av. HLK CENT CHARGI ? UN N M X*.?l XI1AN. i Avenue, cor. 2':h Street. cor. Rivingtoii St ItOi St, cor. Essex St. ?1 ?.?. bet 48!h 0. ?? >th Sts Lei igton A> , cor i 24th St. Or. I v' . COr. St : St ,1'ct. Ucxlngton N 3d Avs 1 / i : ;' ... i I IIAi<ajl U U", *\*<% L( ?ANS Kl.PAll' WirillN '& I '.'.' ? .*.. K : RI XSX DATE RUSSIANS SHELL ERZERUM FORTS Explosion Observed After Bombardment?Moun tain Passes Forced. TURKS REPORT aSUCCKSaSATKORNA I .ne m y I led at Night, Abandon? ing Dead, Says Porte. After Day-Long light I ??i.ii'Hi, Y?\>. . fgnM ' *?y ir ? ? roopi In th? Caueai I ii announced to night from Petrograd, 'i he forts of Eraervm h?- ? as;?? i b. an ; horibarile.j, pa .. a ., moat inaccessible ? ? ? re been forced, and 70" ? .' offleera, made pi . ? ? ""III -I a - through de. i atur? some! i ? ? ' . legi cero, Fahret i cun , t.i make progxeaa,"1 aays th?- o1 ? ment "They took ii',/...? a .,-..' . iurkish rpcritlar^ prisoner an?. 'ir?-u seven ??un?, and, m addition, mil ? i tt I? *? \ % olei on ?va? ol? in on? . ' Tuik a positioi Mr I >Utl ??!? - ' ? i I I the to? K after an( ? "In I of llama of I? ? ? . bad " A Turk, -.'n Oil . itSI I I that the enemy on the dosopotai? .. ' ' lire?! ! . ?... lit a* -. ' ?? ' . ''?iei.'a. follows: "Ml \ ? I rinsr colunir*. proceeding im th.- direetion of sheik Said destroyed teleirrupl- Inn of the enemy in borhood. and bj n pelted a host ?? i tor eei ? "N'eai 7 K ? ? ting. ? ? ? K a ? ? -? ?- ?-? ?'a- compelled to flee ? tiban- I .: id? i quantity of arms. munition* and bei SCORNS AUSTRIAN TALEo ? ?lint ( adorna Declares Hadan Kulle lins ?ire Neier Pala? *a>. ?I. t. i*;.,!.t' . . ! ? *,. ., I. ,1 ? and for ail he .!:-.!?. of Austris snd ol : he Hgfl ? ?" - -a mander. ? ;?.?. on '-? ? othei hand, i ? . tei al - . FORD WILL FIGHT DEFENCE In I a?- \i*??;,a|.cr Xd?ei'i?nn ' ol? uniiiai to l'ri ?eut \ ie?*> 11? i ?j ?, i-'?-b. 13, Hem . I ..i ; .ui- er?.? f, ogs ? ils ???.111 til ..i nig .. Ford campaign . . ii ich, he dec I? - ? ? . ering the cam pa ig ? n"?ii'le of ?? EVEN m the city une may appreciate tne beautiful effect of ice-encrustcd trees or limbs hanging low RC neath their white I? a<\ of snow. Go to Central Park the morning alter the Itorm; even when the streets arc deep in snow, all bus routes are cleared by the Tfth | oAoenue Bus '"^"?"?^^^^^^^^^^^^^?^^^^^^ FRENCH FEAR GERMANS HAVE SUNK CRUISER But H* ar a (jerman Qunboul Ma?, lu-en Sunk b> Belgians. Pari -, r eb 13. I .-? ? ? | * i t was ??1 , . " " fears foi the fate of I whit is 1 ? g ? ?i r c ! from the eruisei - frr?im, a lubmsr ? ship." The 1'harr.e conditions carried a crea* of .17 ?va? r, 17 fast Ions', M '?? et hea-r a di?pU' ?. ? h ? i ? rreta 1 v..\r.\ .- ? ? v as laid dos A dispa ? r von YVissman hs \ - of the men on ; ? e CHINESE TROOPS REVOLT I 01 it the l '? . ? K You buy tea, potatoes ind cloth by the pound, bushel and yard. Why not buy toilet paper on *?'?nie definite i|iian titv measure? The size of a roll i? misleading, because toilet paper can be wound loosely to make it look big " It'a the Counted Sheet a that Count" Sccfiissuc loilet Paper has 1000 sheets to the roll. That's \our quantity guar? antee. It ?8 sott, white and absorbent that's ; our qual? ity -uaranree. 1<\ a roll. Saill-Tiaaii.- - ' *? th ... ? ? - I i \al st() I r PAPI-K < <) 30 ( hurrh Sir??? ?a?,,?/ <ll> a?>rB?ri ? ",?.. Vori, -or/,?a,.? /*,.*!. "^W Here's the Way to ^ Health, Wealth, and Wisdom TWO NEW H-'OKS OP in i i- NSI PRAC i I? a; i i Y WHICH SHOW YOU HOW oLIVE.8AVBaad PROSPER How To Live ?taStBW cet b. and a'rt.'.i ,. cl'.aVa,? I,?a ?, a la. H?r?a? Board al li I la I. ... .? *r II. INI, T<S?.'<t ? ?a,ran. Pr->l?..*<- .' ??Miaal Umeem, Y.i- i,.,.??.,'; ... UKggi LTUAJ ri?,?., MD. Phil s o; ia virtuell} the nst on ? (?ffu \?. ?enrrs! BSndbooh ol he?,th. I the most m<> ,er,i and depend ita ? ese ?pshle en have i, ,.'? n-? ? hooic <>- i popular u?elulnc?i, < ? eria| a,.. b. lubjec t? a? Mow ?-? A .? . ( old? v. hat It Maaaas ?? K.t Has? ? ? h.t to tot and Ho?, to Fat I ? ?,?! lo <.?t Fal What l-> Lai lo Gal 1 kJS lirai.e? in ?r,? Mom? ?lutdoor Ij.inf and Strep,?r ' i*r\> nr??ii4,"' ??d Farrcia* l!ow ?t? ture Conatipatiun Will? nur Ttrit* Y.itean -t .... he '..01* of ftlrahel Tebaeca 'la'-.mni ol the Ar.r-,.. P.loo-1 Pr.ajur? . u.?n ? What ,r 1. and W bar* it 1. 1 ih? ? - ? ? ? " -, .- an 1 ??-,-- irtl I |J . i 4 .-.-;,- . > sises lie N.ui fork Tier,** aa? . Il ."loaa. , ?I'-Xl, r. ..???.-.?.-. ? ? >?? ? " J Lan. Una, ci.ia ?: M bat. ?. Na I II tl ! Book of Thrift ?"?o? aid How t? Sa?, aa? Waal T? ['? With Your a,i?|> Bt r. D. MacGRI (?OR. I ? .,-' ,.i ,'? V',1 pre? .? ? (rated pages ii .% to rhe ambitious Beiafa? imposiia of ?Jm ?,. ^?? eapei en? ? ?? tl .und? in 'he ?-. ! p-ei-i,- . 1 ...|r ??aide t.? the t itore nicceea si tkoac who re?d ir and heetl it. AmoagJ nuny ,?? ? ;rw volume ih.,?? how roimc mi*, m - ?......, e* na? ?.? e 1 a? 1 iacoiae? by aaarm a- ? - 1 a- ?a ' . , 1 ? ? I ,n? ra-a? HOW MOUSI WIVK.S. ?v.n ne .maI al lew sacs n?a, mv? ia Uaeii kouaciioid -, HOW PARENTS ?-?a? 'earS ?dr?*. ? j-, - ? mtt 'leir eds , j. .,n aa laf a?, n't-.r puipoae HOW All. AMBITIOUS ?our,? paraona mj. ,. rr . ..-. lor t.iemaelve? or a 4 n ? ? neaa HOW l'HF. HOUSEHOLDER id.. a. ? m? HOW THF: INVF.5TUR star ,,.<d o,'i.lla and pion-a- , ri - a monar HOW CAPITAL AND ?.REDIT aa? ho ,- r'l.ii h,.a nraa a-c.r McCture* Maga.inn a... Tv? a a i- ? ' ?n/k i adrir? r ? aio'ma'on oa ,a?j?|i"B-?t f.C fk . The Banker a ?' g 11 -. - - ?- Yo-k >a?a Its SSeaas a . < .? ? ,| mak? ? ' ' I -aaorablf add 10 iadlTldoal an 1 BSliSBSl ?' !ar? ' IjSSS Ita? ? let. M..a j...... ??. Il M Ist) a. Mad || I*. tr ah. eooKSToacs oa tmi ruausucas FUNK * WACNALLS COMPANY, 3$4-3$0 Fomrth ?4i York