Newspaper Page Text
CITY'S EXTRA SUBWAY COST IS $10,000,00' The Thompson Committc Learns Tola! of Fee. Charged as ( onstruction SEEKS TO PROVE MORGAN'S SWA Member?, ol I stimatc Boud li flue need rh rOUgh shunts. Is Intimation on ll rita*' ?ho ? ? able i II ? I ? , i*orable 1 ? , ? .] Other Developiaeiil? I . Th.? ?;i Mor . Co. I | i ' . oda. ' ? ? hhall i Mr. ! - - i -.ihl ap I i ? Sa>i? I'llw?maal Waa m I rroi ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Hi 2? !"? ? CAVANACH'S BO WEST Z3R0 -?l FAIMOUkS trip r un ? ? - ? Withdre? $10,000,000 Bond* ? ? ? I th? ' ' "Id? I ? D.Hrft Sa) \? li i v ted foi ? * "i . ? Rev? . ?-1A ? "1 ? ? .? ? ? - I REISENWEBER'S ? ! 58TH S I KM I I oi I MBUS i IK? i E I I.l ???. to COLI Ml'1 - MERRY MOMENTS" : 10 in ? LOSING H U?"ii>( S I AKAKI- I i.OK?.Mil 3 1.IKI S Featuring DORALDINA in ?Spanish Dam EXCEPTIONAL TABUE D'HOTE DINNER $1.00 OLD FASHIONED BEEFSTEAK DINNER $1.25 EVERY POR riON ? OG4CED i" ORDER 6 ro 10 P M Ra".iuat?. "V?vate Dinneri al AH In..?? No Adi. \M v i il U u I. KXPKHT K \ti. hu? nn/i's ?? ; . lie II,; pod han pion. ? HOUSE HITS AT FAKE (YDS, Draatir Rill H iblirit) I r .1 ?ni - , ? ,n. ; ? - ? d ? ? ? : GIRL, 12, CUTS FIGURES ON ICE TO WIN PRIZE M.i\ Judels Triumphs in Fancy si?.iiini4 at Hippodrome. ? ?. the ? terdaj teei It a. ?..Held an.I - ? ' ? ? i ? ? ! ! ' ? ? ? - ? OFP HONORS NEW YORKER William \ Redding ' ln,?rn Traatee '?I Ihe ln-lil iilnm. ? ? . .. R jYo/v //?an <? Restaurant ?A Bmadwty'/ns?tu??n Dinner cd New York's Premier Restaurant l ), -f. <- | s marks su? N .-? rleliglil fui plias? ' ipolitHti lit'? ! hat its un .??nil.*,1 popularity for i I bul natural. : lallv popular for ,S ? /?/?<? r. 1 lancing on main II rlork. 7 5 ? I?.in ??? : ' a * , I " - . ,.'.4>-. .?-;.' ""^x;\ M a .. .?. . . .V a ?-ST. i/# V at a < ?' VT_1 a ' at :. Um BROAD'?-,,"' AT FORTY-NINTH STREET 300 WAR PUPILS FORCED TO QUIT Stuyvesaiit High School Principal Slops Drills in Armory. WANTED CONTROL OF TRAINING CORPS students Declare They Will Re? organize Under N'eu Name Summer Camp Planned. | rtie plan* ol up?,m then ? irninf to be loldi? i ;. ha? i '"? i n ? . '. ? ncipal of ? I ould have a ? n ? Reg ? . .-.??! ?', r, nort to Captain ?Mb? . ! their train.n| I come the ban of I ed by a-hat th? rdoR ? thai ? be? their wi ? ? the name lining Corpa a elect ' "h *'iH ? i ? ? ? thai .. ??. " s.,rr? Plana Were Spoiled. -Tl., ." ;. .1 ' .. i e b? ? ? thai they m? [ am ? ?? It-?. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?' ? ' :' ? Rich ' tha I ?o ntead of beini Ml immon. GAS STOVES FUMES KILL RESTING COUPLE Aj-ed Wife lakes Nap Alter Put? ling Pie t(? Hak? \ .-.,.? Into thi gai ., . . ,| M r ? i ; . ? ? ard, Vit -? Hob ? ... ? baked arm ? bed Mr. ? Columbia and Yorkville. ? , ? ',.,, el lolumbia ? ? ? I I Han (Batzoood if ///'-????:' r.*f?L a ?a?,.,m HIGHER TAX RATE PROMISED IN 1916 Richmond only Borough t<> Show Decrease. Tarn ?rill be !i;?..i?"' Ihla year. Ae tanti for the I Inane? Department i. ?, r.i .. tted ''i Cont ? Prender-rast tentative fl-pirei on the 1910 in i-A'r arhieh showed Ini rea ? i foi bII borot*#*hi except Riehmond. , ' ompared m Ith the * ?s rate ? for 191 ?, ? i ., ?,...,. ? ? i i-iir, aill probablj be ? * Manhattai 1.04 : : - I he Bronx, 2 10, againal I 94; Brooklyn, ' 08, ? . ??'. Queena, .' h,', ?,,,?, t 1.96, rii',,,,|, '-' 11, igaii ? I '. \ ? i g to the ('on troller, ?nal ral. ich a III be the basil for -, I ?? Board "( g the tax rate, a .i the flfurei made pnbli? Manl itta rati leapite the fae? thai ? ? al property ? ? . ? mated laa? fall, ia leaa thai inticipaled ai.<-n 'he budget ? h pa ed rhe rat? ,-, ,j ,i pi In a tat ..,,... . ... If ?i ?.? -,,i the direct ?tat? I ??;,!.' ? rate would bo appro ? ? ???,.,. i ? '.' - ' ? ... ..ill show ii ? I?-? r. i, ?.except in Brooklyn, where the ? ? "The tentative ana? ed valua ??,*,,? I last y? u or n al 1)00 " Playo and Players of the Film World R. A. V Ii, although i ed a "g r?* da Bara langle ? cd that '';,'?? ? II 'I came ' ' -, : ? ? then ; ... ? ? i : ?, W ' , r ? ? | I 01 I ?-." a stag? K \ Sol E. II. ? ? . appear? . ? .i be? ? filmed >?;. Pallas, . r'arnum in th? role of t actoi ? time i n ? ? . ? ' ? K, lly & Leon fa ? . ? ? Ba ? ? imou * German a,-tor. G. M. A K Mol Mintei too , tages of ed? >? un. Ilr... for Bluebii I., and ' ? ? ?? N t entirt Peatt i ? . ? ? When "You're The Picture of Health" - i - ? -, a al ? I he Photograph*? In Tima." ' . MANHATTAN*?14 ? ? , lorf >. I x > ?la | ' - s ? -' Il Mil I M ta H l .H. H. RKOW . , y , liniii K i > v , MlUllh ? ? Cvil This Coupon ??.,-, >? I li-l.-i..?, ?Iftrr; 6 5-1.50 SYMPHONY S ? r I r t ? .? f X ? ? \ ,, , la vi ?i 11 i; i? ??m**?? h i ,,,,,!,,,,, r \ I ? 14 I t. ? t * ? Il .4 I I . s i,,m?a- \f| . \|?r, li , ..NI? M'I'l \ll \ N. I 11 ITII Uli. !l I s | n \ PADEREWSKI I l.ira.l 4. ?ft Mir. I, -I OM1 nil I M'I'l ?,'( \\i | m KREISLER CASALS -. ? ? ? m 11 ? . . -.?i ..... REGINALD SWEET I V llll ?lull s | ii M |\s>, \ ?|| s|, i .,.,, ?. II.ill I Ills ?! | | i; Minx ,i Frieda Hempel I ?,,., ,.l ? III . * " I Hall. ?Intul ?fl lu. II. Ml S, OSCAR SEAGLE I. Mil I f x I \ I III I \ V II \f I I ? III? ?I.,. ,| Yolanda Mero ?4QS ?M l.i I* REIMERS 14 t? ? I It piano ; JAMES HA L E PPiSi tai T"? ?t*! MQS ?FT i ? ? - ?so**,?. RECITAL PAUL s|,r,,.,i si.,,i,i,i rale?* Ifcl* meek " ? ? ? M ni I \*? Il M I I it M..11 I hi ? RECITAL j ?'.- " ... \?..||.,? II ill 1 i. .--. f ?I I r . i; ..I ? I 4.I.K1 HI HI :.,.??? . ? METROPOLITAN ?^5? s. ? . Thur? Sla|irl?? I . p_Ul ? 41.1a ; I - Rfal-nol?. |i - . . ? . ? , . . - i ? Rorl? f.?4u?r. 4 y in r. .la. !' . j- .-? ? n Tut*? ' *. " PARSIFAL ? ? ? BILTMORE , l!lli -, ? ?Kill MM. ?II s|| \|| Hill I I 111 I I ?Hilf I I . .'. s XI II. ? CAVALIER! aaa MURATORE SEGUR?LA HOLTHOIR ssa_, GALLI ? * , ? . P l JOMSXf.JS 1 I .. \ xi.iii ?s m * i ? i i.i? i hi 1L_J1L__1__ MATINEE DAILY . $?31 HIP-HIP HOORAY , . SKATING CONTESTS ? . SUNDAY, SOU.SA PI . a UACE IIltUililtULI "DAPHNE ?..? PIRATE' I delivered bu r????l? ?o ha? Parlona 'he* m. i i,, h 11 district '"i a alad I ? r ? ook u?ri| in farting a*umdropB t? the iifino?. H ,. Gai roda '? an I.',an, da . nt II. M. Van Loan, of I'nivrrsal. ha' her flra? photograph taken yeaterda Mi?. Van Loan li row day i DEFENCE OR TRIBUTE'' St/tl I'alriolir lilm Shown at the Park 'I h<??lre. "Defence 01 I i pietun ??? ? ponaoi ..'?.,? . ,i "?-??:, r film, " ;? tS first i,nbh<: ihowina* at the Part l*heal . ? rot ? ira of all . being, to quote the cap! fritf, tei it to drive, to implore, foi historv rei>es" It? ? ' r ?r ? ? , ... ,-?arr??(l an and * ? popu . ? I in fit: or rx< pr<M>ar? ? ? ? ' .? ? , r.. Georg? '. ii 1er Albert Moi ti. i B. N re? tired), and Hud '' i The piel , i ai produei d by irvice ? TO ARMS, ANNAPOUs r | ZEPPELIN S COHINC Ki'tit Islander Qsajf ^ . Wh,-n He Saw Dark qE* ? **-*-"P" ? ! IT,, ,. , ,', rae, -.Tf . . ?-? ther i.?'? ?:,:.-.... '"???? ?-. . ' ? ' -. ? ' -' II - ? ? r ? ? .. A Sale of Hart Schaffner & Man Fine Winter Overcoat! $32.50 Formerly ?$50. $45, $40 Here is tin- biggest ?'.mi 111? --?t tii Overcoat opportunity you have ??? <?\er ;i Wall ich sigtiaturt . Ami that s saying soniethii _ These Coats are superbh tailo th. richest imported fabrics the kind tha fast disappearing from tin market next Winter, because of tl e woolens ? a.rcity, Some are tin- famous Knglisli Meltons from .Inlin Brook' the finest overcoat elotli made. All are *-iik Im? ii mad? ?**. uiih Hart Schaffner &? Marx know Im?*.. Colors Black. Oxford and Blue. Wallach Bros, i iar, (or KMh S I Are.. ? ?m trn? ret? fjA* ,'S'Tri?.-(.??'i,a?.'.i.'3 2IEGFELD laall-J.irraAj vim YORK**. LEADIX. niiirm? imi ?in ??1? EMPIRE '?'..- NEW AMSTERDAM ' Maude Adams ???f ELSIE FERGtSON LYCEUM \- ; ; ? MARGARET SCHULE? ETHEL BARRYMORE :." "OLR MR? M-CMtS?iF> LIBERTY . '? ' ! . ? ILLI* D01UI1 loai ? ' S?a?DERSON 8RI*N CAWTHOBN ? SYBIL V COHAN'S l . ' ? OTIS SKINNER "Cock o' the Walk" aii! ASTOK ' . - ? 'm*?&m i ' ? . : ?. , . > ? ? < GAIETY MRS. HSKt Erstwhile Susan CRITERION ) . -Allen Hackei. .. ? . ?. 11 ? ? - LONGACRE HUDSON The Cinderella Man M*i*.k.-ir.:wwa CANDLER T-.I THE BOOMERANG ?$**.?,.?. ??& rULiuii f...... -, ro-MOB'ta Niaat ? i i?? ? ?? THE'MELODY OF YOUTH ELT1NGE ' .'". (yH;f.i;i?lV/il:-iTN:*l gaby des lys REPUBLIC KffiaTjOH?a Bf.n'iiii?w-g^.ii.W??--? ,', ... 3 ,r T-. .'Karl l lo.? PLAYHOUSE ! TO-NIGHT GRACE GEORGE THE EARTH 4STH ST..'" : : * " '. * JUST A WOMAN the; fear market MAXINE ELLIOTT S ROBERT HILLIARD 'r^'V ' ALONE AT LAST NOW OPEN : ? GRAND CENTRAL PAU? Aiimivsitiii CORT i". "ANY HOUSE I e. S ' IN STANDARD PARK THEATRE "DEFENSE g TRIBUTE PRINCESS ? , ? VERY GOOD ?DDIL GARDEN imm* - THE WEAVERS Loevv'i American Roof THE BLUE PARADISE ft-jfcj i.f.\ii.iw IT M -,T 1 HI a tenm * ? ? HOBSONS CHOICE L.KlL . * POTASH & PERLMUTTER ?? a s a ? ' a s ?? I " ' IN OLD KENTUCKY Punch 4J?dy mmm\W -??*" Irvmi* PI. Theatre ?? i i ' CwaiA ? s> TREASURE ***** '"* .-? i I ?*