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immmvsx wmrnxwrnMi E9yotia\n DEITIES Tlic Utmost in Cigarettes Plain end or Cork tip t copie of cutiure, refintmini and tdiuaUon inwiriakiu prefer l~)fities to any enter cicurfttl '"?I taya 1 ?a?- " -? ?e 25 ' IY.Y i.B'B*r Is a? A. aCV i fore, a ai - ? . Prei it <-a\orr I of distrust the I.ennsTi | I ' - ? ? . He ha ? - . but h? band, h< ? ' rr quai M?k*lit Be I ailed I nncutrsV. ? t prove . ? 1 . ? ' ? ? . ? t hrxr. ll act, '? .... "-arded to ba .> men? . . ,.randi ?. a I 1 ? I ? ry cruisers, i Chi g ful i ? ? . ? -. ? s M sunk and 1 , I ? I i i . I Americar.-? to , . 1 , rdei ? lion thai att? > . Europ? It is pointed ? e danger ? r? taring > ? ; the new pro. wen I . I hn?.i; i.trti ?aatrlaa Note. ? ? a?. ? aftei March I ate De . Gern an] Bol i . i,e broughi Secrel hed de ?' . .?? ma eon? . ? believe '.hat th ? - - ? ' Department f>fl>ia|, UTe. ?e g thai "ut the of all ?h i. ? ' r] ? ? ? m e mo WAR POST MAY GO TO AN OUTSIDE] President May do Beyond Oft rial ( ircles in Naming Sei retary, Sa\s Report. : ' d> ? ? \\ ilaon hi of War, it ? .1 Pi ? can vas a i n g tha qua * ?*arh ?ta ' ? ' . ? I * t',i niin oui ? ? ? ? ter Harrison, forme form? Sec: ? v I ?i ' ? ? I ted. 1 \ . itter ? ? not b? ? . .. :.d?. FIRE TRAPS FAMILY: MOTHER AND SON DIf \ ather of Woman Seriousl" Riirned: firemen Rescue Others ? ? en th a" Idol] right ? electi . apar* !th ad. " . his da-, . . -ind a ? ? ? ? ? ? ra*. ? ' till trying ? ? lown a ? Joseph Johi ' TRa-UaV HITS FUNERAL PARTY \\ re? k? 'Baa anil leaf? <?*"l l'art of l ndertaker'a Eai ? llackensack. N. J., I ? ' . ? t ? au 1 the ? Park R dge( at Union Hill, and wai travelling ' - -.i r did ? ? wrecked, ami K part oI lili S I () l< I. FOR M E N ..r.w.iv ,-?t Ninth Street, New ^ ork This Morning? 1,200 High-grade Shirts at $1.65 1,200 Shirta of $2 ami $2.50 gradea Shirts of im : they partake ??! the i haractei ?if ?lint-. in.ide t-> ordei Woven madraa ?'f substantial texture, in patterna ol I me with Russian <<u<ls. plain and pleated bosom?*; stiff ' tiffs \ rare offering. ?Motoring Furs Reduced I ur . ?ata, m luding blended i luskral ?? Krimmer, muerai gills, marmot, wool pony, Manchurian ?In?;, Russian ?ah, show savings ol $7 50 to $45, according tO >T..'l?*". lur robes show savings ol $45 to $150, according t<> grade I u;r I Fancy Overcoats Now ?$16.50 un 1" ' ' to $30 gi ides, by Wanamakei re koi ing '! them were in ?".i regular stocks al those price?, tins \\ Ii? n you ' onsidei how much more overcoat rost n< gt season, you may see the wisdom of inventing in on-* NOW. We are closing them out onl) because it is our ? ?n tO do We Ilk?** new st<*< k? Burlington An ?4? ?lohn \\ anamaker LANSING CRYPTIC ON TEUTON PLOT Says Documents Are Con? fidential? Even it Be lore Senate. ( OMMITTEE \< HON DIMM) BY STONE I oreigll Relation-, ( liairm.iii De? clares Kaiser's Plans Were K ti ? > \n n tu Ml - -. . i ? .? M i - German* 'ad ? tl i the Weal ? . . n of the ? thai ?n the i 1 upon ' ' ? ? . I rsguay, Chili ! ami th- West 1 , ? . ? ? ? | ? ! he had sup] I ? ?ai'intT ittee of Foreig ? * ' ? Gen iii plans to Iran ? I had sent th? enti en? he eni| niat.eallv replied. Several Senators ad? I to-day that th? ? ? , ?? ? . adj in ? f the hi ? connu from M erning 1 ? - - ? offered $9,0 10,000 for th? ? ?State*, will paj f the ] ral fled, anil thai l through ha fru? . leases To l?e Ineeetlgated. ? fort! ?pis in ? ite to tht ? . th? I by G ' these lea ' ? . ? ? ? - n I the Pi cloae to 1 ? t the I'nit? ii ? - nf the Foreign Reli I ? n !!.!:. ' ' ' ??ii,n. Denies German Plol - i ? an? .- ' btain the .... , . . .... " ? . . tht ? to have < serosa I I11U-." : ' ' I '.. ? ' a .* . treat at they ? I no? ? ? it ROOT REFUSES TO BE DELEGATE AT LARGE 4 ruit In ned ftnm iLtje I ' ' ? . the \ rxplained to them the ? ? the Control ? ? .? into 1 . . ? Will laeeatigate lair Jaunt. ? E : 1 .... : ? ii -.-ad * peral ? . - , a formal - . tut .. ? li* ? - ? ? ' l.'.ii.; to ?(pen ? ear eat ion. Whl . a- * ? II ?id. a atat. ii '?? . .-.;:..-. ted fi| . a- : it a or -"'??>., ? ? . - - ? . t to the ? - -. i SUFFRAGISTS (JET BOX AT HFFURUCAN afEETIKQ \\ (.mm ??ill a?t s teAcO m P?rH ..flair, n.-iilf-lil. I h.- llepii.ilir.iii s|nlr 1 ?muni.1er l?n? .?Hf'tlrd a lu<\ tu Ihr I ?m-rr-NHi-ial I **l?"n ?<? I,"" laraegte iisii meeting ?n<l ?Ml si? le? ?i? .... apants ?-nfli. i?'"i Maas "" tin- program???- l<> pr?-?-nl tlirlr i .???* i..r I t-ieral *> ""? Prjped ?ilh Ike union color? ami |he ii<" hsnner. Ihr 1 ?in-frrsslon.-il 1 , I, n 1..,-. ???M Sa ?ne <>l the mo?l ?i?,. ia< alai I hlnga m the hall it arlll be <?? ? apled hx Mr?. Itohrri ?vllra, Mra, < all la raaalilaa, Mm I rala I DelaieM. Mr?. Msr. n M Marks and Mrs. < '? Kstfca. | a smit ind have no fear of an. ? here." , ommit te? will : "Id _ ' ? i ,, i-, to da*, al ' ? R< , |h II r- , ? ? ,?, ? hairman . presiding 1'"- gavel ?Ml MP t .r.-, - Senator Hont a ? - ? rman, an I he Senator ?Vnds ? | .-, permanent ? rrow, and is ex|.ted to ?? ;. . national Adi ? i nnd a **a?tform adopted. ? ? oe- '" Th'' - . ? il cam| HUGHES SENTIMENT GROWING RAPIDLY Republicans I ind IHtnj Sup? porters im Justice Upstate. ta g the Re* of the noi of Jual ? ' ai l',c*' ? Chining in strength *? ' Tli given jr? lerda; 1 ? tial leaden froi ? t thi .-, | th? '' ? '?' ' ? ?: morning ti I a oil in?oi mi d Republ the na at Jual c? I accept thi tion foi I'rcsid lered tu him bv ??i igo ? ? on. I* , ? egard? ? that th? removal of donbl 11 I of Jusl . cause aenl natio .'.? ? and the! eral as me the ( esterda : ? the A ired 1 . . , ? ? - I ? ? n. ? e b . because he . ?? t,i ho a \? iiitier to gat the Barnes 1 ??? at the I ? , ? ? ? ..?:,,! ? ha ? ' : ? ? in fill the 1 McCall Doubts Wisdom of Roosevelt ?Mo. ement .. ?. ? ' ? ? ? eithi : ? . ? ? ? o be? ive advised th? ery much if,; . ? ? ? ime 1 ds of mine ! should ? - :.'-. of quest . ? i not,ve? " accept the nom-: Pi ? ? , ? ii ? ? , ? a ? of the principal af I >n Gor? en of ? ; , ampaigna, may keep in both ramp?. WIDOW AND CHILDREN ARF FOUND STARVING Woman l nconscious in I ?rclt-ss House When Help < nines. ? liv? g ?hit? a ? the ( - ' ?ould ? - tUe feel -tag | thai I the mal ? . ? ? Ind bring i them 1 Senator B<\vlan P 0 fand id ire - fork Cii ? - ? -esr? ? ? ? WILSON WILLING TO SERVE AGAIN Ohio Law Forces Him to Make Kormal Announce? ment of Candidacy. WILL NOT ENTER INTO A CONTEST lint Any Candidate f??r Demo eratie Delegate May l,g;e the President's Name v ngton. 1 eb I? Pn I ii mal to ' i thl 'i?'- ??f t .? name as a I'm tial candidat the ? V ? ? .inn time he ,|> clared tin i ? Ml? -?nr to entei i eon I ?'"? renom i of the P plana of hi ? !*.! ? o ht ?ng ? . ampaign ben i* i | f? ? ' : Dgl '? - IS I ? ? I? *,' Hildi-branl te of Ohio, v. ho had wril ? that I candidat? for del? ite to l tions r i and that i i i. . lat? re? rveral quirementa i <( been placed ..ti pr lllot . and h i? ? I , . ? sk, n :* for vrm ted thai ? ? that thera i pop ulai "la ?sing ( ' ? -.'" I'll ......,, ?,l I I ? .. . i called t at? : ? ? i , . r ,t. * .. ?, ? .. '' i i ? i ,:i I'.'l I, v ith regard to I have ?? . *?? ba " ? "Ii .. let tei . . ? i wa ? ? Pi ? . ' * ? ? the statut? 1 I hi ny na a Pr? i delegate ta , ? . Demo. ?? i s.?sembl< . ? - ? ? *.. ,:. ?. . : ... tor tha ? ... Demo. : ?i a letter I ? to A. Mitch? ! ? .. I ; i, bel Mr. U : : n mad? *>. FORMER CONVICTS PRAISE OSBORNE ? frimi IMS' I 1 . g .. ? . ? ?' ? ? ? i. for .4 !.. itt? i a pr. the Osborn? ? ? . .i t h ere t g Ja le, oui'?' . ?-.lUf-e he "looked line . ? c not anlj conceal? : The onl *?-e would meet you w< be in the subway or enter.!:?? your i he Hutual Welfare I mged i i1 Ko?i?h Prank Hi- Induiti*;. Pali told 1 tartine. ? ?? had be. i ? . ? ? for stealing . . ? . "I .: itealing /her?* i got OUt 1 i!: : ?? i ? rent to 1 i?, fotra I : ? I I tunic home if. is for me ? ? s "?' ? ' ? I ? ? , . It ?Sing friend. He Bui titul ' ? ? rt, ana we tf Si ng, i . ? ? red a - . Meredith Nicholson has written a mighty enter? taining story about an Indianapo? lis banker with a love of un ?1er world adventures- ??. Secrel .Servie?' man who disliked amateur Interference, a counterfeiter, a rich old lady drugged by her serrante, and a tableful <?i consienta] spirits ;ii the Unlveralty i.lub? for lilis a ;-ok's issue of Collier's TUT. NATION* I. WPirl.r 11 ... .. ?- irteii . i ? de? lari .- I ...... ? ? . in. "At I ? |i :'* ...... t thi error II lweul , ise ol rank. 1 . .. ? and Irarned to *? i At t*.vi Ive I w ? the II , ..??? Kim ira I iting ? ????? body I we i ? , . :?' ever thei Ml. Happ> He'a "Straight, ' '? ? r I >-., r - '? my t ' ?eked to be I? : Bo ?i a bres lay, Do ? ink ? "B t then can ?*. ;?n,i ? i .' - ? Isboi The : pri on g ? go _? ? "I ! : .-? ?. a ? . . . an happj to you ! am ? "TI ? I made." sa ? ? . | treat . ? | "Pn ; n I had na dea of itraiffht. lutua (Velfai I : . ? . .? . . ? I eained ? nt??' in I'rot?tor?.. . ? i ., ! |? Connecticut ni.d New ? a 'I did not to steal i I : .? For it 1 . ?. ? . ? ?, o u r ? , \ " , - I I g kind - and so I go a I r ??. the ? us if you ' i area - I ? ; ' ? ? ? ' who l<-a\c pr ? .- - , ? . "If y ou - ? orce his bad I wall, 'lie must Ii' e as 1 -ai G ? . ? .... - i;,*te \|.,i ,.| Support. 1 il e d ? h a I on the I? - .- ? I ii ? -. ; DOI ? - ? old _- as 1 ? n fes sed thai irt of 1 . . EMGAmE&< Platimtmsnut^l 6 JO FIFTH AVFl JtwSers ?_ DIAMOND JEWELRY The Gattle collection is notable for artistry in settings and quality in gems. ( ). posilx St, Vairii . ? < at ht dial ..^vwto?ttra ?* ?fio? attMM ?? ?a fiUkXtemuAl* ***emotiva, 7?^outhernll)ear and (oriW?f Jpr?ig at home III TIN'a SUITS m tleA '" *''* *n'' STO0? ?J.--n??'/. PORTS COAT? ?a rare ae?a teilarea ?n-: "-".Hpr SWEATERS m aew treavea aa*i ? ? ?? [r.NNI-* DRESSES ol I ??liionihle watli Mali ? ? ; i:\IIIIV. < ? ir-p. Ml :- aad CAPES ol ftaalaag ? ad I ' -? [? i( p|. i i 11\ 11 ,,i . loth, ?ill. ?no asuran ?TRAVELING SUITS ta aadiealw )pt*?t rr DEMI-COSTtlMF-S while and rolored. "1 R(?S DU JOLR and tXWNS HABIUEE i '????? Pa ? PORI H WtAP? ?nd WRAP FOR FORMAL OR DAN I'-'. DRI ?" *- ? ! ' ' ' ? .,i?o Snmh (yJlillinmj l-rom every Parisian Modiste of n - : . ...r, of original designs by OUI <)*.n skilled artists knox -mm U.TC ^2feii# HATS m&sSk .SSgSrj ?KNOX: Ai ?.- ?CVa-A. Spring Styles Ready on Wednesday February loth A HAT FOR EVERY OCCASION Formal and Intormal Lap . ' " * Su.I Ca-o Bag. Hal E ?. v Crop] C.? ?a | . * ? . I t -.a.-. .O""' l ')| BrC.'a l '*. ? ? ? change and t, for under the "officer*! no i alvaj to tl .?tone; if he d >i not report ? oner he would bo reported h I a grouch." lie ? from .-?mi: | ? , ?i , he. i| i proba a ..hence . . : e lef? ! ? : that il . . ... , ... re League I taV wai ? ? ? ? . ? rere ?'? - I - ..Kins II b'ti ? I ? ce Caere. Help to Secure Preparedness! The National Security League, Inc., i luetiflf" nation-wide campaign to arouse the Am? ri .an people** knowledge of our unprepared condition and Ihm notion bv (.'m i lire*??? ?. Join the League ?and thus show your support for our efforts^ Wc ask your help. \\V arc support d i ntirely ?)lunl.-ir\ contributions :hiiI membership ;' The more you help us, the more vve can do. >- H. N THIS BLANK AND SEND ? '?' h' MKADQUARTKKS VOW The National Security League, ?DC. : de to be enrolled as a m? I League, Inc the class v have . : . lose herewith I ? ,. .Life ? ' IIP ? tinf (ycii . . .nnual I ( }'.?? ? x a I iddre Addr? Make check payable lo The Natfea.el Sacai-itj Uar? ln' REMEMBER-Mremg. Hotel Alter, ip ?.. Weda?*fd*y. Maas Meeting Carnegie Hall, 8 p. n,.. Tuesday. February ' ? . ? ? i . ... ***** . ?