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.-^usNtr.,. / **.?i h??** *4 Ion do; Rara Avis Just as in ancient Greece the blonde was the highest type of beauty,? So whatever is Rare with a ?people is sure to become their ideal. The Cross article owes much to its singularity. Desk Pa d--Calf?kin leather, in color?, fitted with i ombination pen and pencil, ei.gagement pad, indicating ??erk-day?, aid writing blotter pad Sue: 15". x 9 *<, I inche* $3.25 For Women- V\a?hable tapeikin glove?, in tsn or Old Ivory ?hade, ?il-hutton length, adjustable ?trap at wrist.$2.75 Same ?tvle a? above in white doe skin. . . $2.00 aad $2.75 Eiigli?hcape?kin glove? for men and women, fron? $1.50 ?o $2.50 French kid glove? for women, from $1.50i.. $2.50 Toilet tase ?at left) lor women. Moro? to leather, in colois, moreen lining, white ivory-celluloid tit tings, hair hrush, tomb, button hook, nail I,le to,?th nowder hold? er, soap box. ?alve jar, and tooth ?nd nail bru?h tontainer, handle at top. 7 V* ?91; a 1 ?. inthe? fold? ed flat, complete $8.50 Toilet Case?(at right i lor men. Tan pigskin ra?e, folding de?ign. fitted with: nail scissor?, lile. > omb, ? cap bos, liquid bottle, military hru?h, tooth brush and guard: 7 x 5'.a 2 ?a. indie? closed. $9.00 Suit Ca?e i at Ml | Of l,|nfk ?.p. smelted du?k cloth, flowered cre? tonne lining, pocket in cove?, tie tape? to inuif clothing, Sturdy b???wood ho? Irariir, li,?iid-?ewn leather binding, lot k and key f,,?ten ing. Sise?; \H, 10Ol 22in? h $6.00 24 or 26 inch $g 50 Painting initials, e?!? a fu,m 50c Down Pillow ? at light l Soft leather .over with pillow ?r??ii i? ? ide, handle at top: Hi 1 . x 13 i? -"**?'?. $6.25 Msil Orders Will Retri?e Prompt Attention NtX?i^^AA. World's Greatest Leather Store? New York 404 fifth Ave Roston 1 45 ?iemorit Si London 253 Broadway ?9 Regent St. Dealers I lirougliout the World ORPHANS AND PIGS ATE FROM I PAN Children forced to ?sit on Backless Benches and Use fingers for ?Spoons. - CONDITIONS REVEALED AT CHARITIES INQUIRY Kingsbury Threatens i?> Hold Up Payments at Institution ? Car? inn tot 3.000 Waifs ?? aajrlum horror? that ? are ?un .? t? into ? ? ;? . - ? ? ?!. century. Surprise flittr.l acros? tha fa?eea o? ?he man and woaicn. aaost al tham < ?per.enfed aw ial ? attciidanre ? .?ion vfftfrrlHv a? Commlaaionei it? ?old of eonditioni In mod?..-*-. '.ov York. Mayor Mitchel catnt? ? ?.?^??tHTicp la?.* In the afternoon ti thai he. too, vat? ???on?? ncidenta at? children ?". flip i<anio boa t in.'tituticn and oM ia ? ; way in at sn othei. Pi'.ver, t.:. ? and ????? ?o thr v. . ' John ".i Bi r the l IL.hi.l o? i Mr. King ? ?e-I to ?top pa) ' - ' ' ? ? . a | PrOl ? ia ?? ? porary ? . ? ? . . ?. ega with h flu? ry of . x ? i. ,-??..!\ nferred ? ? ?'? Infirmary, ?it Amity villa, Long Island. Hi* aaid thai this In? on, aftei receiving pay from old pcopl? tare ??! th.-ni. turned C< ntrollei ai publli Doharl -? ?? ond D< ; ? ??; obj? .-*?*.i. The i : ro? i the letW r -? ??? Mr. Pol ? lo the Re? 5 i] ? ? ?pril 17, 1914. i ollected tron, ? Ity, roa , . ? ?. ,-? rntion? u< - ?;? ? I i . pa ?I 11(10 ami . lUtrancs pol . who Ravp 1200 i . ? ? ay i I th< ?? Keller, a ho paid $&0, but g 1 ?? ork . it the n ( r Kingsbury told ? t?te board ?? with I ? tiea. After he had pre ges against Rand . ' r dren, I met Di Devin the "??"? ??? , ?. toi . iiry a ould ? charg. Threat t? .stop ra?mrnis. ['pon Commiaaioner K -r I - ???*-? gatora had critieiai t for human hi era demanded! ?\\ ? ? ? w . ? t t he < go ? . ??. i I t i ? ' hold ?ip a ta to institu? comp g ". "iir deman Mr. Hohen ? ecord ? ring for 3,000 ? ildren, ? ? ?. i ? ? ? i ? t would ?ho armorif*? to r. King ' out his to ton paymei I ? i ; out .. ral ? wanted do:..- to Mr. Kii gabur], and that the Coi ? ha !. nil through the nv< ? ? Mayor recalled, ai ong othei . who wai? kep? o fut n..- sftei irard. ? man] att? I ' . ? ??aid tha ? l.ii.i and Aft ma; Pre ! tha state hoard, bad *? ed political ? i fui- to stop the in? ' ! I . ia-* summi "I am ab?.olutr ? r sfled -t^ith the doac by Mr. Kingsbury and Mi i Pi.In-? . they have | dorn*. This inve * b< h ?i?.o.I thing foi of the i. ? ... ? ? ? ?. ???... lowed Dp Its investiga? properly. ? re ha ?per super? i> ion." i ? ,. ' ;- , \? Mitchel reposed In him, Commi? i. . -om with an incl ? : ? a aeroas. He na . "I will never forre) ? : .'7 * h In ma ;u . picture t ' . ?? cropped. ? h ? ? . pre? m a big bowl ate." ? ? - - SAFFORD APPEAL PUZZLE UNSOLVED Master l;nable to Learn Who Interlined Papers. "A h ' rations < ame ta he in ' Rae Judge the Fed? "I a ?. tha -i .1 fter it had b< nee of the clerk of tl eourl l ? | they ported MacParlane :???? he added: "I call attention, er, to thi 4.11171. ? ?pp. and the Disti ? I idmita that be I ? ere not th? II ?al -11 i tha ?? ? d from . . t ? ,.i. ? . and - spte a certain n ntei neal a. | 1 ? itcu Mate? Alton.- I THFa ONLY SAFE KIND The C.uarantccd Mort-Ja-Je la ?ho highest development of mort? gage Investment. It Is the only safe hind for the inexperienced. The C.u.iraiitced Kirs? Mortfla?*-,? Cert ilk ate rcpresenls ?he latest improvement in this security. It U available for all investors, even for thoac who wish to place so small an amount as $200 where It will be absolutely safe and will yield 4' -.'-.,, exempt from personal taxation In ?his State. fia investor has ever lost a dollar PojlD-^RJ?A?E (?U/WNT*-*- <$ Capital a Surplus, $10.0(H).(MM) 176 B'way,N. Y. 175 Remscn St.,B'Uy-? .?,?.> Fulton St. Jamaica. I POLICE CLUBBER SENT TO PRISON Patrolman Moran Gets Term for Assaulting Tribune Reporter. . ? ??'? i ? i day ??? ? . ? 4 ? ' I ; of O ? Row i .' I Ba ? x Ion:," - ? ,.f ,Io seph II. Choi Hi r1 ? ? i ? York Times" new the defoi ? ? ? ? form? - - "I ha I "A* Polio? 1 er Woods i . . ? ? your mi provoked and ... for thr? ? : ? i resisting ] - I i that HANGSlilMSELF; LEAVES WORD FOR NICE GIRLS William Willoct*. Writes Notes Before Ending Life in Factory. : odj of V> ' ,. . rx nud ?lian u ? llerkimer Street, Brooktyi He left ted that What h e wi 1 go ? tta? ? . ? ? \\ i i busini ' telephoni op? ratoi [ the Gra " m Miss O*-- ade Bai lamlaoi and Mis A m .-lia ! who, W.lloek < xplaii t nice to me in n perfect]' v. ay." The of Mr. and Mr?. Henry Brans, ??:' 1016 Beverly Roa I, Pli tl ? srtnn '? ? ie, Brooklyn He wa ? Break? Hydroaeroplane Record. Di, . i rdir.g 1 ?Vnh'.ir S. ' , \ .1 BRUEREOUTIYIAYl AS CHAMBERLAIN Accepts an Administrative Oftice in American Metal Company, Limited. REGARDED BY MAYOR AS ABLEST ADVISER Employing Concern Has Vast British, Frenen and Oernian Mining Interests. Hei : ?. Hruere. City < 'hamb< araeteriaed h>- Mayor Mitchel ss the ? ?' ?hie man in the city administra ? i . annoaneed yesterday hi? deeiaion Ign from public aarviei aa May On er ai,out that dat..? Mr. Braera, ??ho before hii appointment u? Cham? berlain, or. January 1. 1914, became ef - director of the Bureau of ' ini?inal r???earr!:, ?rill enter tho em? of the American Metal Company, I'd, a* an executive officer. Hia sal ? || i -re,i the 112,000 ? year that 11 e r 111 paya l in i he announcement of Mr. Bruere'i resignation eauaed little surprise to illotrera <>f affaira In the eity ad ?lation. Tha Chamberlain had ra? lly Mated that his office should he hia department margad th? Controller*! all i : ' teen month.? of Mayor nistration Chi barlaln ... an expert in matten a. eity rnment, sraa hia fire? adviaer, Re . however, others have l"-' i con? iltcd more freely by Mayor M That then -*h? any frietion was denied i ? both. "Mr. Bruen is ?rouir* te take s vary 'the Majer He dared. "It :i? anoth? ? iahen a secri? . hen ti i eompen : ? .. . ?? - nail) . af course, I uni very ? , ty admiii.'Ma ld I ' ? Bruei ? ' "is" i" the citj in making th? anna . i ant o? ? from public lifa Mr. Bruen sa d : : tO ?in II] f, ; ? fol ,.? ted te be ? . . ; ? ? tpa 1 hut. ? ? probabilil I at i? I .: ? to accept ? never maki , ? - ? hr?? to be ree time a .II b? at the tha an Ltd., Mr. Bi aril ? ? ?- ? v i ? ? i rep is ??' ted .mericai Fr< Bril t f o i 1 l Ltd., of Lon ? ? el, of Fai irth in Hei - hecn Iden I ? ? ? men? sin? ? ' ? I ! -, , ., . had rnal II : ? ? ? . - th Mr, - si fort wa the Boro ig ? ' hatte (.O-, ?' , - * IR-Ht Qlted in the removal Iron office of liarough I \ AJtearn. ' EMERSON WILL FORCE FIGHT ON LIQUOR Revenue l?i < ?ty frnin Saloon laves \u Deterrent. ? ? ? ork'a moa? ?? rature had itirred an ?>n the ; -*roui ' ? r ^^^^?^^^a^^^ VICTROLA XI s100 WITH RECORDS OF YOUR SELECTION AMOUNTING TO $10 isa 1 Total Value $110, on payment of a .small deposit. Balance in convenient monthly payments. KNA YVarerooms. 5th Av. at 39th St. Complete Stock of Victor Records from 60c Up Victrolas from $15 to 5500 terferlng with th? Ibsssm of the el I th rived froaa llcen ?ad i alooaa ai I mora tiian II feeli raeaoneible fof I intet fei ? nt* with ? ha t>u ilnaa ? al i I dertakera, whu-ii la slao lieen i l." ??, I. i.tiiini- iloner Kmeraoa. "??agitation agalnal mtoviratitig qUOIS i? a Irgiiimate activity sf th Hapartmcnt. rae ??-xt of thr pamphle 1 m the peapoeed era ada r? eonaan I tlvel} and adontMeully aound. Pra availabl? Uaa of alcohol dlaalniah? human raaietanea t<> aiaeaao, to fatiga both niantal ?fid physical,sad laertaa? . ndsati ?il aecldonte, it al?o sontrll ? tjtai t" poverty, ?vhieh in all Ola-**??? hi proved a condttchrs factor In epniomi. of dread diaoassa, notably t ?,t? ?r-* ? ? losls." MRS SHONTS SUED ON NOT \?. Ululer Seek? to Iteioier ?".".,000 fr.n ?? ife ni Inlerbnirougl, Head. ii? i.i.n I?. siinntt. arife of The*? i ?lore I*. Shoal . pr?*aldant of the latai borongfc, waa anod m ?ho Bnprem Court festarday l>y William Bat .4 .??.',,iKio m !.. dataid July IB, 1912, am rabia in three avsntt?a. Tbs not? ??a ? in tin? Barytas and Chemical Sal. Company. I' Anally ranchad Robei ' Hit* . who niHde it part of collateral fo th. payment "f two other note.?. N. Y. SCHOOLS FAIL, SAY LEGISLATORS Investigation of the Education Hoard Demanded Resolutions (all (iraduates Untutored. ,. a a*r i . ., mat of ?; ? ? i ? . ? ;.,>. l.b. it. In resolutions in ti duced tu-night hy Senator .laiir?; A Hamilton and Aaaemblyman M. Maid win Pertlg, af New York, inve tigation of the administration of the ! ? Jfi City Hua.'.I o( Education i? coll.-1 for. Theac ??i/e shortcoming* and failures agalnal thr hoaid. and ?rat.- that graduates of ti i ? ty ??.l m?- "wofully unprepared the ?.. aloman! lion"; I ' loaandi ot pup part .???? inatroetion baenuM of lar* \ o?' ace liona, and that th? achoola' fa si Inadequal v i mblj man Henry E. II. Bren el sin ,; of th Aaaembly Privileges ' hi.'I Electiona Committee, which wni I attacked bj Aaeemblyman il?. . bateau -e m" alleged extra .? ? ????odufed a hill to nigl ..'. in ti;?- future the Pi il get and Electlona .'?mi! ilttoa i ??? in Albany. Tiie A?-?" ? ?? ?? this year ha conaideii and to nigh I reportad that I itn i i?. ii Demo, i at, ??.?. ?d to the aeat of the 19th Uanhal tan D onteated bj Jam?*? Walk, a Progressive and Repub I i can. ASK P. S. BOARD TO HOLD UP LEASE Real Estate Men In Protest Urtfc That New Quarters Be Wonted from City. COMMISSION MAY MOVE TO EQUITABLE Proposed Offices in Wall Street Section Will Cost $110.000 a Year. . .-? , i to Chali ma . Uai ?? Rea E t?te BohpI ?,"??? ? tha Publie Service ? 'o m m I ? ? ng into any !eu.?.e for, ? i until e< rtain i .-??-''?! ,oti?i mad. , en < anfull) i eommi lion ha ? decided to sign a '???? year leaaej [uan feet of i pace in the ?uital Building and 18,000 aquan 1 ? Investing Building, y . i, ital , 1110,1. : . ask? ? . ? . ?' the hyaf>i to ? . onfei ? nee TI i npnaenta ient to con- ' ay. ; ? id. the board i? nl lirman .??'?.ran-'. i , r II,. srard *? a i <1 leal ? ? ? ? . end the ? ommi: ? ? it it had practically ed to do ? t waa the I t had bi n abli to ge In i1 I? *!? : ?'?? !'. el . tata Hoard . to make -ure ? I property avail- ' thl<' neet the i>-quire menta before enterinf into any pro-1 rase I he board po nted out the ? ?gists! r,, con olidate the two tin I ipaee, ? ' iving an op? tional cancellal any n??u- ' ?.?? ted the i hra PI three specific- building? I owned by the eity, ai ',,'? ertetion i idirif- to houae tha eomraiiih Om%tm N?)w in Three Itiiildln-f?. i ?-. Publia Barrica Commiaalon a . , 17,000 Kjuan foot a the Tribune Building s"(| e .?mo ml of ? [,." e ," the >< oolwo Build ng and the Rmigrai ? Induetr il. ? Building, in I amb? 'I he Keai i ?'*te Board sugg? ted ? nae of tin Hallenbecli Bu ding, srhi ,,-? ?< quired b) the < ity a h part foi , ?. ceunty ? ourthou ? ? ,? iee af tha Mau Vor? Life Ann Building, Which th<* city punhaaod and civic era? ..nil now propeee ? te sell ?? ,i pointed au? tha? the Hallenl i Bu ng is tei th a , . ino,000 luan space, i? near the Municipal Buildil and <",..d be put in condition t?> me th.- requirements of the commission .4 ?,,ii,pai ,'? ' v mail coal ? ?.i ? onei llayward ? i h- thai i ? gge itioni i ad t> v tl tute H..h, .. h id i ol ? ? ti ? ? ? r the aeareh ? new quart? ', r ?i.i lenbeca Buil t* bul:' for a ma i bu Id ? srould eoat 1300,000 I ,, mod? I il or < *Vce put pe m -. Me though! ? ' ould be ren? e | ??ttXg? h*" 'i,' . for ".h.,'i. .'.a . . II. innex Ri. rupied by city depurtmenta, !.. ? , would have to move out. and ps ? rhcre if the eommiaaion too HARBOR BILL READY FOR HOUSE TO-DA. Interest in S40.000.000 Measure (entres Around Deepening Last River Channel. v .. ?? ngton i -: 14 Di tail.. ,,?' the . . appropriation mpleted i Ittee, i ap? for the i . pro ;??,?? to ,;.-?.p-.,. i ??' ? R annel in New Harbor, became Known t., The meaaun aggregating 140,0. will be bnughl up al .? committee meetini; to-inorro". for nport to the Houae, with the New York project the pending queetion, l* carries nor aah appropriationa for every section, but alao numeroua authoriza? tion! for pnliminai x- exam i sun > -. al other plaea i. ?? ng .?te ion e af the principal ? ?? II: ?Tor. New Verb Harbor, ing channel, 140,000; Hud 1430, Broi - . | 150,000 ? . h ( New l . ;, |N< :. ? | Port ( he,?ar, $27,.?"00; Qm__? ? Red Hook channel, ll.^'?JV* Harbor ?lin.fior,. 0amam0 j, J' fcj?.f% ' " '. uthorua?i.,n ^^?"?"?"?"?"?"?"?"?"?"?"?"?"?"?"?"H ?I?, .? iv*?wr,Muon ?.r .?'if.?*),, . ??" Pa 1 '? ??riprt.prii.ion? R, ? '*' tr end of (0 Amtiro.a < along ? ro?*- i ?ario. ? " dren. I.aka-, . h ' ?? * i ? ? ? ? urn. Dope Pedler Caugi | fa | ? . : ' . ?. ? > I Hi ii :i uge ' * . ? ct*. Lazy Livers Come from Lazy Living sometimes from food follte I that t<ix the overworked .-digestive organs. Get back to Nature by eatirg Shredded Wheat. It puts you on your feet whfn everything else faila. It sup? plies the muscular energy .and mental alertni ss -natput you in fine fettle for the day's work. Delicious for breakfast with miik or cream, or for luncheon with fruits. Madeat Niagara Falls, N. Y. OSCB'O CL^-?'T? ?SfiSl t9 GTSS fll R-HB'(S3 fl-SB O $119,000,000 Annually Is Paid Out In Wages to an army of 150,000 employees of the New York Central Lines. The buying power of these employees con? tributes in a large part to the prosperity of the country served by the New York Central Lines But affecting such prosperity in even a greater measure than this vast disbursement for wages, together with other great sums for taxes and supplies, is the maintenance of the high stand? ard of transportation sen ice necessary to such growing communities as these lines serve. That standard can be maintained only when there isa proper relation between earnings and expenses, in the correct solution of this problem the public and the railroads have a mutual interest? the prosperity o? both is at stake.