Newspaper Page Text
BAFF KING PIN FOUND AT LAST ??Inner ( ircle's" Murder paymaster Under Watch prosecution Elated. sAMESOI STEI Rl RS N0\\ \RE \SSURED SvanOet! I p W Pei Cenl of Washingl Market Wen \\. ; .* Invoh ? i ? a ' ' ? -- I ' ' ' ' ? ' I 1 rill. ? .? .. ? - ' i - ? ? - ? ? ? ? ' ? ? ? ? JVlflOB WEE1 AT COLUMBIA l?..n.r- In?, I'mni .mil M'llrli. 1 ??i?l? 1 ?M the Tri'i-rsninir TtlH'lr , -. the 1 . ? ' . ? ,???.?'?.?. \iim>r ? n?? and while then ?? the pla* rluni 1 wiili blue ?. .. ,i : lines ? loud ap I ... .- -CHIl! I ? i glee ? ? . Pr o? . ? ? ? ? ? le ai ? ? ? ?' ; Mr ? ? . ; ? ? t - I Mrlntosh, V. , ,1, . .1. H I ? I Burghard, v luith and GOULDS FIGHT OVER $9? ; ONE SUES OTHERS WIFE ?eorge J. Says Mrs Howard H.?? Owed Him fnr Six Years. uld has ow? | in or? execu ? ? - ? ? ? lid be ? SHAMED. SHE SAYS, BY MRS. BURNETT ? nntinned tr<n? \nx*.e 1 I t.-^r^?e^l i take fare . :' ? : her. . .-? ? i : owi But poor "i did. srith ? 11 were .- . ... ? ? ? ? : i - ? ? ? I ed nil 'a ? ? elf. 1 ? ?a WILSON GETS VALENTINE ?-ufTragiats Mao Bend Mearte '? Mem? here <>l i bngn si :? ? " \V ? ? rril!. cold blasts ol Februar) and the 1 , storms ol March make !l\ . Limousine? and Brttugham* ?' ! mx iliatc D< ?i Whiting Motor Company 1S02 Broadway, New York City f^ Va-" '?'*' "?I I* Mart'? *i.t-"'-l*ll' r~a, ?at, ( i ?itr 1 \\r New irk **? ROOSEVELT SOBS, STILL LOVES WIFF Colonel's Cousin? sixty. Breaks Down .Testifying in Annulment Suit. ADMITS HE'S AN \ss. DI SPITE HIS II FORTS l ccentrlc and 1 ??'> \ident ?? I <i\ t\. Urs, 'loose, pit Sa) * Objects t?> I lamination i j- in the Miii? I .. . . ?? ?'???.. ? d." ' -, ! . || " ? ' ' ' "I fil Ville, I ? ; ? "I tl ' lien ? ? "I was 1 it |o? er, bu tig ... brea?. ? i?? be, ' ? . ? Oh. it ? 1914. ? ' ? ? ? ? !. U . "Mat ? - ? pthei ? ? ? -. ?. ? Verdict lor Roben ?"., ' s . ' ' . .- ? HU i Hl i M m i'?i??'.i:\ ri i. in of T. K.. ? t of . rzzx LYMAN GONE, MONEY RS INTO OFFICE $15,000 Ri ' eived in I ?mit Days from '"\ Indler's Clients. loi al 01 al ? ? bankrupt I. | ?, |. | ? ?. ? ? Hi- com ?, reiver, ??. ho ? .1 .. ? rloctoi of hiKh ',.-? Street a' ' I ted I ester ? pel ? h ?he - ? ? jted ??il ii ? They I ...11 I R. 1 I luff, \ a ? ta, II ? I ichanf, Hank, ? Miss Alie? i ter of I'r. ? AMERICA UNPREPARED' Defer ?? Soeirlj film Shoim f..r I ir?t I i me .it Biltmoro. Reial film of I efeneea, ? . , ? ? ?. - H pi - ? * lii recen . : r.urie? ? ,-!.i.i!!, Dr. : : i G IG C? ' lliimmond, ! omkina, .... Or. Anca I ' THE AEOLIAN CO. l ? ;t*nV*Wt?. I - - ? H ??? ? a? y 1 iv. i " ?? makers?men of highest mu- .. ?? sical taste and talent, and arti sansoi great genius as well. " k i ? Every Lu;1.!;!y of modern tience, and the manufacturing I methods ol today, h ve aided i them in making the Weber toi ? ic finest piano tone in the world. / A popular new i I ol the \ /cber is the ! ill grand 0 - '?'? a live-foot Grand I ; ' ; - ? . , proportions and v o I tone v.i ? '? ?? PKTPF S7nn ? - , I - ? - sell m th th \V PRICE. ?700 r/l ?? ? - > . '.?I ?. ?j IN ICY $2 ROOM, SPURNS $40,000 Miss Says Her In? heritance Is Just I.ike Any Other Poison. SPENDS whom; day RESISTING APPEA.LS I ?ves on $.100 a Year, hut It's a Moral Issue, She Declares. Intboic?/. two-d room at 2? Hank Street, arhere she eat? I er ona Irani a ?i i I ! ? | ? on a board, Misi Edith Kitehing last I evening retreated her detertminatii f?i toiirh ?i rrnt sf th.? |40,000 left liT I hy her unrln, 1 *.- . | Brooklyn. "If 'v?i) pnli?-fni"n held ma ?-.hile a I third pnt d? real eaatoi \ oil, the .lu-'. i ley extot-irii from ?? ? ?? ? r people, then 1 i niiRht tiikp ti,f poisoned ? t. -? - l 1 *-?nultl anv oth? r ; lid, bar farts bright w?h th-* f.?rvor of ism. "I ?? ro'a tli.? Hiirn ItOI I ai,v ?o fluv ?lis?. I shnuM (i-v. r srf**pt Iba nitinry " .(.a. S'l'l' ?I All day long parsons had boon trying to shake thr ?mall, tlrtrrrn:n<*?l woman from a et*?n?l ?hat th?*y regard?'.! a? fooliahly quixotic, in vi?* of tba fad llutt an ii'1'1 a year and la ine yeara old. Tbomaa H Bob <.f in?.. Orange, manager of a building ami sanitary Inspection com at .'.i. Maidei I ai ?-. had arg i"'l ??i?h Miss Kiffhinp, thonifh m tba eaaa of her refaaal th.? money may revert ?rife, aa 'he next of kin. Law had hail tht ir friendi h?.i ? ? i ? Mi her, eharitiea > ad ba? ought bar. Novar once arai . . from her point of view, though 01 . .'"?? admitted th;,! sha ?h- strong I-, moved. [*hal aii. when th?* trongoal aruu ? ?'f hII cama pulling anil pti?hing ? ? ?rdly Into the room, In the darkness. A cripple, both '?'?"? ? v gone, alid on h?s one roller *.. Mi-- Kitching*s f.*r*t. ?vhpre !??. crouched, aa ha pleaded with her '.?r an Indus!rial lenool for th? Uve . and cripplea of New Vork. l'eniits ? ripple's Appeal. "I a'"'t askiti' for myself." h?* I fixing ' i- wistful eyes upon th?? briirht blue ones of the woman who n a ftn*?fi(i legacy. "But, pap. rm iorr) -, pal -." ... ilu you know hot?* it is W?1 went "n ?ho man, who la'er said ? a i larlea Zimmerman, of Ilu ". ? -' Port) ?* ghth Street "if we ell i:'1'" oi peneila on the ?-'re-**, Ihey call ?I charity. Ii we ice' an act in vaudeville they ta t'i n pathy stuff ' * gotta go oui on 'he streeti to make a I i vin', gettin' stepped on by *h<* crowds, us hatin' them because they 1 gol lega, and they hatin' us l>? i . we't." '?lia- Ritehing leaned down an.? patted the cripple's shoulder, lilently, i "I ?' there ws ! ?.-h el .? hrrr ?> r eould be laugh? ta d ? ?, m i . l,r laid. "Are y? ? . t?te?" g ut. r r u t.* ? ,| Mil Kitchii | "Thal posribl? !.. - . . . ? ? m r-,- luence inters its better I u on? ? ? how the i .?? would it, bul ? Of 'he "III gotten g them over to ? l.nlircl?. a Mural I??ue. f.respecting person . . ** all that I ade. '"Prani Ri| ? ? . I ? II. w? lu eau e ii Is, s ,.?? l then ? irital He left l women h? ?' ? ?'. gela, s of Brooklyn, was a foi ? She tie, < i long | ? ? ra:d ? wal 1 a es a b< . for M ? i . . , r , r ?MeJ a day Th? one pi bit of furuitura *?? . ? v. ?> n itl ore ce? h .nstotle, R ? -? au, Paara*. and for a one to jude*** lia tal , t-n'?? ?rhat 1 know |?nd I I -, nimi'l *,i ps?? I eye I ''<r a rt*h H? , ?? ' . -, ? ? . i : ? SITE FOR BOYS' CLUB EXTENSION PURCHASED Ten Days' Campaign I und Sup plies Annex <>n Avcnin? A. \ te for ai r ? v ? . x ? . ? . . ' ? th<?y vrre void Ul '? - - ' <- ' ' ??d. The 01 | 1 I - : . .' , a hier, lome, and of v? hich ! ?. rd S ' On the -1 to 285 put H< - - Horace S, Ely I rokei With Our Orders Running Near to A_ Sets a Day Our slock of the new "Handy Volume" issue of The Encyclopaedia Britannica will quickly be exhausted. Therefore we give NOTICE To Intending Buyers: \\ hen we arranged to offer the new Eleventh edition of J lu* Encyclopaedia Britannica in <i "I landy Volume" issue of <tn amazing reduction in the price, we ?naturally anticipated an enormous -?ale. We contracted with the publishers that when we -.t.trted our advertising early m January, they ashould have completed and ready, >0,000 gets, printed on the same ^** ol India paper .is the hiaher-pri?. ed C ?un? bridle University issue \\r believed that thin enormous order of )0,000 sets?<? t?)t,i! ?>t 1,450,000 volumes?would suffice t??r the year of 1916. \\ e began our advertising m the newspaper?! of die countrv on January 10-14. -The orders, which began at the rate of 40 or )0 a day, quickly rose to nearly 700 per day, and by the time this notice can be printed will probably lie 1,000 per day. We therefore advise you that very soon probably every set will be sold which the publishers can now deliver to us, and that in a short time further orders will have to go upon a waiting list. We strongly advise anyone who does not wish to wait a long time for his set to send his order at once. Even if you do no! wish to have the set delivered until next December, as <? C hristmat" gift, we suggest that in order to make sure or getting thr* books just when you want them, you send us the dollar now ??n that a set can be reserved for you. If you wish to p<?v cash in full when delivery is made, we will give you the full ?ash discount at that time. If you wish to buy th?* books on the monthlv SEARS. ROEBUCK AND CO., CHICAGO SOLE DISTRIBUTORS N. B. ? '"Handy \ ???urne*?'* m different bindings <ire on view and orders may be left at Gimbel Brothers. Broadway at 33rd St Charles Scribner's Sons, .97 Fifth Ave. Henry Malkan's, 42 Broadway If you cannot go thfr?*. tend one dollar, >>r Mnd this coupon payment plan, you will have nothing further to ? until the set is delivered you. We agree tu *?'*nd the complete work, the entire ll* volumes, containing every one of the 30.000 pagi <?t (he high-priced Cambridge University issue (un (hanged by so much ?i*? ?i ringle line) for a first pay tnenl of one The balance in small monthly payments, <?t the rate of ten cents <? day. We put behind every order our absolute this is the complete, authorized. un??brid?^ed Eleventh edition of The Encyclopaedia Britannica which ?Oat mot.* than a million and a halt dollars for its editorial preparation alone. And we further guarantee that any sub? scriber who is not completely satisfied with his purchase when he receives the volumes, may send them back to us, at our expense, and we will return the dollar he has paid. In other words, we take all the risk and you take none. This f/uarantcx hau back of ii the reputation of our v//o 000 000-a tjx ar b isii It you have not ?? regular order form, simply send your address with a single dollar and we will reserve a set for you until you <<ui notify ui what style '?t binding you desire. l? you do not wish to lie dis appointed or meet with i long delay, write us toda) To Who Can Wait: Pl?ease put .m your order when you desire deliver) and we will try to ship your ord.-r ?is near to that d.,fe ,i- possible. It will bf a favor to us if you do not ask to?, e.'.rlv rJelivery. Packing <i thousand sets of a I1) volume encyclopaedia <? ?day in such fashion as to have them come to you m absolutely perfect condition is not .m easj job Hut your order should be placed at the earliest possible moment. SEARS. ROEBUCK AND CO Chit?! o Pieaie ?end me your booklet with full in? formation ahout th.? "Handy Volume" inn? of the new Encyclopaedia Br.tann.? a. ??.mi i pag?-?. liitic?ing?, pine?, terma, eta. N? Poit Offne . sfr-et and No ft'