Newspaper Page Text
SAYS NAVY NEEDS BIG SUBMARINES Hear Admiral Grant Would Abandon Present Type of Small Boat. (.1 RMAN (RAFT FAR SUPERIOR t .ipt.-in McKean Tolls of Real ud Riipid Progress in Preparedness. i ''nr Houae lued ? na?/. ? ? e army. 1 fore ?he enu ?,f il.?- a ? Admiral l.ra: - - erica? ? - ? - u tors ? | ? ? : ,-rnian bor.' -. *?? ? : ? j ? ?? ? ?:..-. ya i ? ? ? ? . . ? . p on? ?If -. ? ? ? ? ? ? i ? .. tie ? ? ' ? V. , I . . I ON VI ? \\ T< > I) U an.. -.. Fifth Avenue Auction Rooms ? Rare Chinese Porcelains & Potteries ??' u ? u i i. - ""? ,?'??? ?, -I I,' .,,. I|.; | MR. KANO OSHIMA ? New Vorl. and 1 ?,??,.,, Jassrn ? Aiitirnt BucMhiati? Figurut la Bronze and Iron, CHINESE RUGS ?? ! ? ?,pr, Im? r.? . ' ? ? Nnilfl s i *Uki?, >>?-r.l ?.,i.i .. . ... Old Japanoe Color Prints and Stencil-? ? : an.I ? / ? lH.Ni.'i A. HAi. IWIAN', ? RE.MOVA1. NOTICE. - ? . ???rs lap I'.KIM? ?III I I I, l-.tru?ry III I r?__ BATTLKSHir FUND BOOTH AT TWO 1.XPOSITIO? Mari?irir> Battleahlg ' aai ?ttaii are nut? ??pen .?t hol h MuH?' Square (.arden nnd the Grand i ?' l'aliir. M the latter the PUI ana-Paclflc Medial Wtunere' Eipeu Itera Oponed on Saluril.-i? ?*? it h special hnolh. Buitabl) decoratl ?her,? , Inlilren ni.i? df"l? Ihr ittraea Into glaae |ara ?nil srrti their namee and addwaaea la ?I reglatei M the Home lxpo-ll ion .ir Household Show, now being held ? the !?? 'den, Marjorie'a booth ?? i be in the centre Of Ihe mai fliinr Ml dieaeo depoeited in tl ginn* \*r ??ill he turned o?cr to Ma lorn?. Battleahtp Fund bj the nui agenaent, MAINE'S WARNIN LOST.SAYSPRIES Unprepared Then ai Now. Father Chidwick Chaplain, Reminds. "We v. ere unpre] . ? ? In hia atudy in 81 i Februai I vana harb? r. On? i Charles D, ! I en thirl -.en, whom 1 ? ? ?? srsary i l ? ? ' ? ? ..n we are i aid, "b ? ? and li ? "Then ? ? g ? ? CHALLENGES BRYAN TO DEBATE DEFENCE i?\ l. Metcalfe Asks f<>r Join Contests in Nebraska. Hoi ? ?Villiai . pr? a f the i a*ith t h ? SOCIALISTS ACT FOR PEAC1 Swedes < Veut rale for la mediate tctioa, Leadei t>ays. the oil ? ? SCHWAB AGAIN SEEKS PENNSYLVANIA STEEL Merger with Bethlehem \\ ill Be ( losed ihis Week, Stree- rhinks, ? ? ? 'Capt.' Marjories Movies Speeding to New York I .?il! Inn?-.I ft..m rue a I inteiTtiptad, with i ? ' awe for tha na v .1 tala t." long life and och * ? -, hen there ?rara ni hand "Yea, Indeed," aald ?ht? Mct.ll on*. rtaika you will ae i theae worda of er.rt'Uisg?* ' I .rie Hnd her little BBJ hoar Off from the battle ? lip 1 . ? and ?sitad the ol her aighl ? of the expoait atherlng In s record They hud their ! .?ii "'tsI leath. ?? 11 ko ? ' ti*, a ??'imp naatar . ilj it?,t iii.iiu'i ? for 'i ' v. m ;i -rood i hin?, a . long? ? ?? hila the band was playing. Then they ten candj ma rhere the in tune to Spanish Wnr Veteran?. Help. ?t 1 ead e stain ?? rnts fur Murjorif until th< '? i f ? ; i ? . || p-. ." : ..- i anj ???ar l ? ?sary, bul ? ( I n : t ?? 11 ill creation, well, ? ? report ' a.' ? I ng up ? ? ? I ! 111. ?. ! .' rcroi.: ? ? I'M.v., Eats Prui, - for Battleship. . fine?* i. "In .- \V." \ ft iter ? ? \ ir-.ina Helen . * \ 1:on. 1 an: | II ui ' - "1 . ? ? pie of ? . . ,? , ? . .. thins tei . .menean 1 fin, jr., ? ... goinrj ?marica out . who ora in -?fence, aritl ettet ?aeroplane ?-- Battleahli "It ? i t the i ? ? dredi I ..m ? , Il K " \. V. - - ' ?? v/Hl.u; TO SEE MARJOKIE IN THE MOVING PICTUSES i m RSDAY. Rurland Theatre, Praapfcl \?r h??? and 164th Street, I ha Broni Royal Pie-ate, 1". >\ illn-j-.hh? Street, Brwokl? n. K .?-,,?-> rheal re. I n inR-tnfi Street, opposite Hanover l*la? e. Brooklyn. 1 RIDA. he, rh, at re, Brooklyn. * '* rhealre, Seventh ,*n.l Orange ??t r,-t-i -., Newark. RATl RDA1 hr.-n.? | heatre, l'rt...kl? n i.i? I heal ri-, Newark. 1 Ittle Bijoa I heafrr. 11 fark Row, New Vori 81 NDAY. .Ihambra I heal re, Kni, kerb* k,.r .venue and Hale?) >ir???. linmkl>n. Century Theatre, Robluaoa -?t r<. t .nut Nostrand ?ven le, Brookli... MARIORC'S BATTLESHIP. -, l,, the I ?lit ?r <>i The l rlbme. Dear Sir: I r? ;?'l in \niir paper ever? nioinine ft lot aboui pi. 'psreil RetM. Mj grandpa ""I **reo.-grandpa aere soldiers It I ?.i? . boj I would h.. ? aoldler, too. Bo? I am not. ??> i wan? le do ?hat I can to help Mama givea ase .' dime even ?>?, i, for hi Iplag her. I am aend* Inga m,n (his week's ?I'm"' to help build a battleship lor I ?<? le ham. I knot* ;i lui ,it oi her i.kI- oho nould ??i? i- ? heil ri rand m-ouej il ?roa ?"lili! -ici ?' fond, i ?"" thir? teen ?'.it- old and ??" i<> Public Se boo I 9, Brooklyn, Tours iml>, M .RJORIK Si I (?Kill I am true blue ?nur i. :i n. .mil I ?ant to ?oi' I in -le Bam prepared lo lira all rreatloa HI,'- John I'aul JiOir- ?I'd. I-. s.?-I'lease ..ill the battl? ?hip \m. r "il? letlrl ?as piiiilrH rfima? snrl have Pawed '":" ''" rrifcnn? .,, e.< , n c i ? III her P ?pel across ,?i,? ha?, .?printed IM im.r h la apea ?-In, lall i ?flics 111- ., ?n't ill. ri.?!'...^ I. ? - lei I lira?. Ma? iorif ' - I rifcun? la lak? , ir? si hi ? land ns.HI il e??w? hie enough i,i b? ild si III ?.i ? .?in- kind ..( .. ?kip ???II,' si ?h* ii irij.t .1 ,!,n Paal lens**. ike rribnn? i innol aadertak? la mt?f intu , . , || - liinH. I,III It ?,l| ,,,,,.? i list , f ?!,,r-. iin,l f-i-r? >,nr ?ho sends a ilii"' SI ?? ??llar i,r - millian dollars ?? I h? I ribun? r? ?? '!"? lead ?ill '" ri?s ? sal Us bearia? ih? letend "I I,-arries." Hut ?ill !"? }"u< leesl?! lor ,i patrlotii rfrril. ? ; i II. Mnl II I i ? > ? - ' : I - H ? - ? - '. ?? \x - I ' ? ? 1 , A i i a t la T. - . ? 4 I ' 1 II | H I ' - ' - ? ? ? " I ' ?' ? ? ? ? ? t. |- ? ? ?? r ' -? ': ? - ? ?? II ? I a - ' II i - ' ?? . , s . ? ? II D ? ?? ? ? II Dai - 4 * DEMANDS DANIELS RESIGN HIS POST - ?Stanwood Menken Say.s Secretary Has Shown No Titness for Place. SCIENTIFIC HEAD FOR NAVY NEEDED ?Security I ea?tie President De? clares (iarrison Plan Not Sufficient. i ttaburgh, Pena., Feb. t ?. .'?emsnd for the reeignation of Seerotnn of the Navy Daniela ???? roiead by S. Stan . Hanken, prei ?denl 4,f tl.e National ; sgue, bel re the Engineera' ii p, nia here ??I ; r come to the i Mr Menken, "thai Mi. l.iuiiri i.. owi no lltne ? !.nl inue in it "1 aay 1 I ica ? a ?? the preaenl . t*. v. :th r,o politic ' but prepared i f . no creed 1 I * i ?a are mual :?-. i ? ? e to ash it* the ???--. . how th< belief in Mr. ? ng i.m- whether four r ,,.- Mi. w ilion mean ? four - ..if .,:' *?' - j'h ? the graveat i ant t? while i ng Mr. ; lalitiee and , d feel im control or the upbuilding of our na\y ami itfl p-r ??II,a, rr;r - plicabla nnly ta? to hun, hip fr le,-a'i?e | either coi ;?1era tion i ' v ? ?'"*'? people. "\\ ? want i u ent for our ? ? ? in der the d ii ? ? eoun n a-iy one'.? a | on. It. ia aimply mp ?' : ?-. ted. Mi ??I-.. ? talk i should do. Yet in ?his I ' ? have done ' the a life of ? ? p| en . on of full I : ? . ?t accorn t ? ? ? of the Navy has not under nn as no? ? .. President ii"r ha i I the In* * ?lira* ? istrial ? - ? , be? e t h e f ? ? ? i ire r? the coi . n thai ? ? ?., ' a CURRY'S INNOCENT MEN CUILTY, SAYS SWANN Described Robbery in Detail, He Asserts. Replying t?i Priest. I.- ? by th< Rev. . . ? I I : ,--. i for ro ... : ? by . threat I .m them ? were con ? ' : ; . ? .. - the confea lona of ; * ? ???: committ? sa M a. t Al iran? "In ? 1 it get the l ? ? the ? uartel . ' larre. . Perkina ry of ? ? " ? ?AMERICANS AID FRENCH (?Ire Hoea-ttal Trail of Thirteen < ,ir? it, ?.o?erameat. ?. ? I . v - ipelle rs theas? led to va AERO SEARCHLIGHT PLAYS ON WAR PLANTS Mysterious ? ran Makes Early Morning Inspection in Jersey. I N. Fab. Id a . and 1 preceded the morning and t thai lunt- i ? i rly half an hour the plane. !.. . . . |. ? \ A k ? . ft SU. CHANGES ASKED LN RESERVE ACT Board's Repoli Urfccs Law to Open Foreign Field to Banks. EXPORT BUSINESS MUST BE FOSTERED I irsi Year of System (ailed a Success Six Amendments Vp lo Congress. H . ?rigtoi , D. C Pe I. amendmenta to ?' - Federal Reaerve ac? were recommended to Congreaa to-day ?n the report of thi? Federal Reaerre Board for the lira? full jrear of opera tion of the new 1- , ? "A year's experience In the operation ? Fci..ral Reaerve *v '." aya Mo? ri port, "ha:? confirmed the board " il ind conviction that the act ha? iieen one of the mo i? benefl of legislation ever adopt. I by 1 ogre ? Xot only ha re '" otal prin l,., n i':.?: il ?!. but in ' ?, i detaila the working of the i ure ha? b? :nl." The amendment Permit ; al oi al bai ka to lib ? i ? ? , - in i zed f ? ? ?.?.al purpo ie of do nr a bi - In In Permit, with al of the ? . . ? ? to I nierai Reserve banks either ere al paper ? ,. led that the g,i|il M da? , ted all < ount a i psri of I rrve the ba ? ? acci ptai to the dome tic t ra.l" ? -.| by ? ing doeume I i i I commi 'l?"0 of . ? - , i thp my or county in , i -..,?. Permit a,!'-enci ; to member ember hank? or a| rposit or pledge ? :uJs. ?. . i , r p - v. it lu- of iti place ? , ? anothei t an not Mireri Foreign loan? ? set 1 . opera' ? . to -. in a, -. it il ?uni:'..on ;,:..?? ee ... a . A ? ? ? ind ti - f ii the I Ste neluaion, support? ' -,il ad? . ? ' ? Id or exported, oi ? ?? ? ? which auch u.timat?... ? nt," doc.? ? ace or ? , ? have giren i ? salea ? ire mercial nature, ' ily with th" ? . f the maturil mitatioi Irawi . ? g* ? 11 their op? I .?; Re? ? ?,.'. ision for i-ol ... ? . nor to meniher bank >lu-?t Aid Export Financing. ' ,? n of the reserve ., ' is, i ce v. i r h t h i' ? the ? ? ' 1 ? -? ?! problems In? ternal tutes, ? ? ? ; . tending ? reel which ., inten al bips as ai ? g u , ? deal ? . il Resei , -. "Th.. . export ? ? ? . ? ? ? ' ,n tilia proo.s of finsiiriiiff what. le gitimately and properly doeoleoa upon. $111.22 Hrst Year Deficit of Local Reserve Bank ,hr. .-,. , ,1,1 mor? "f the Federal Re rr-.,? Hank of New Vork, made public >. iterday, ihowed thai thle ii ititutlon r.,r the I i il renr ? ?( I? i enlatan? i I ad a ,i i., ?l of -?l n ' ' i ie income waa .,.?nar /.-.I .,- follows: Mill-' die? ed, membere', *'?'*? 11. aeeeptoneee pur . ' vr,-.ii ,i. " . itmenl in eil -' .,, rani . lltlJaW ? " dry pi iflta, *i->. ?? . ; , ? . ? OVI r in? one ? ..:!:.'. |l 1 I. ! :.,,,,,. ten ie? ? ?it length ao? only , of tl baub 'he remark tary conditiona thnl ; i "Ped in the interim, covering practically the . ,,:' the war. Total gold held on Decembi r 81 laal I waa *:*-..111.':??<?, an incroaee of 1182,? ovei i he an aunt I eld ?t the ..... Op?'4 ,- During 'iie j" rio? i i by 'be ? aba ,' $110,000,000 in gold ? a . ed by member bu ka by dire? i one, outaida "f Cleai ng ii" i e Regarding I rderal I ? ? by the hank, the ! . y i,m reaulted In ??tr'-ni" ? i gold poeil ? ? . ? aber boni ! ederal Reaerve bonks - they nt any futur?- time MOh I rr,|i'v ?n r.r,l?-r to withdraw gold tor domeal . n ;... | . it ha?- been uh}e. potentially ?* leoat, to retard th? ? Federa sent a .arn-r . nhich m?.'!. -,i hark ri'-erves . . . luperabui u KITCHIN FEARS NO PLOT TO OUST HIM Democratic House I eacler and Bailey Speak Strongly Against ".Militarism.'* r I a ?ton, Feb. 14. As the entogo the H< ? kdminiatra and navy prr,,.??- - - to-day, two strong itatementa ti, m Leader Kitchin and iVarrei '?'? ?? ? -, . ? ? >enera . ''-. ?, Repre ? itivi .- I i i changed their mir.,.1? in favor of the ? atior ..,| stick to , neor , hie. Repi tal Kite . ? ? . of 51 r. K ? about , . be ;, ? ? .- .; the dwindling minor? ? ? ? : ? delegation. Mr. Kitch ipent ri m his seal House to-day and th in the ? ,, ? as mi '.. r. - ?'? o the Houae all day to-day an,I not h single m< .. ? ? 'ich a in,, I wa? on> of ' nental arm? ! arr ,. ? ??? ?? the na' al pro ? ? I pro? gramme, i SAYS U. S. NEEDS ENGINEERS < .ipiam Roblne Telia lu-teme Meeting ? orpa I- Far Too Small. i . ? , : iid I a| I homa? M. the < of Engine? I night, at th? to I w g ing !? , . ninth i ? , "The Unit? ; - . I about 94. i ? ? a Aral ?"'" men we muat ha\e ? i men, ai I get that 8 these ; non i ture was al ? sting ? ? Annex for Apthorp Hotel. J ? ? ? ? ? ? ago. ? ? ? g leaai toa ten ARMY AND NAVY ORDERS; MOVEMENTS 0E WARSHIPS ... I % ? ? ? / I . .. I SI?'. I .? I . ' ?? ? ' * ? - ? . ? V ? a - ' - I '. i N - ? . - ? ? - - . ? ' I . ? 1 4 ? - a ' I ? . ' I I ? ' ? v , - ?? 1. . ' ? *.?? 1 ? I I .-?~ . 4_. . . . It .- . ... Il H. MO ' ? ' \ . ? ? a > ? ... 4 M ' . -.-1 an ? .- . < . . ? . . .... I . a . | . , a ' . . ' ? "m l*h::.g Ruants a " . - ? < - . :? ? ???* . . . ?*-:"? | . < I ... WAY MORTGAGE^ ! COLONY CLUB Cour* (iran?s Perir,?ss?0n ?Payment To Be Made w:th Income Bonds. INVESTORS PURCHASE BRONX APARTMENTS Two Bought at Junction ,,\ Beck and Tiffany Sts. An? other in Bnxik Ave. ' tero*aj i s| at 1 ???I* Avenu.' 'or %4 ?' I . r, .-a, ? ? 1 ' c aff s nortfugi - ' * ?-? bu ;.' . The tot . . ? - 1*. ?0 ? ? jgaj, , ? s an - ' : r - r ***. I - - . tarry; M i ? ? ushman, I ras * , .a " 01 in, i .,-? Pu liti The ? ? I ?. . ? ' " -a I II ... urea are ea ? ? . a '? - ' former * I ? ' a ? . II ?? B< Com? *?r.y to',i ' '?'. 1345 B i ? i gara ?-? i story t. ? ; ? ar.y hi? thm ITS. ??" .?'.-?? out corner I ? . ured i ? ? . ??i. fc Me! ?' *? I .,'-?.-? *?. pt.y r, containing it 1 , ? front! . : a , ? How: CLARKMOXT AV Hie BakyN Ruai : ' a a. . - feet ?out - ?umn- ? ?U\ ERSIDI ?' are ; ? ' tata I ? R . ... . a? - - ? Buy? Mountain Lskei Kosst 0. l B Mountain - Or jCumanttartti ; cuit ; I TO-NIGHT \lt - up ? 1 at LESLIE H ALI. Ib.,'.,. . p - l u OLR GUBT iriAlfMS:- | ? MRS. ROSE PASTOR ? ? STOKES " n * "" ,s'"] ' ' I * MRS.NI.CLAIRE EINNEY, | ? ? i and ? * OUR FOUNDER-LEADER, % " on ( hild I .*!>*>? ? ? ? ?|,l?,:.*,.l I ... ? \ .... - It" ? I . _ We invite you as our gue?. | L We .t HlMWIFAKt I H ANS, nut aeoney ? 8 ???>/<> ???-??-" I,, I I I I OR Bl -INK-- I'1 ?-l'""1" THF HAVEMEYER BUILDING 26 CORt?-ANDI ^IKr'tM | ? - SEVERAL DESIRABLE S?ttB AND SMALL OrTlC? ^ w i< ii *-< ?**? la REAI ?SSTATI HOK.tll.H ?>l ???Ml?" *V . '-*' ?! ' ' I ,.-?,. 1-1 ?*?" ' M I ? ' ' ^ _ - i ni ?mi pnori '" ? .AFI*RXISHKI?AP.RTMTS.'W-4NTn! ?