Newspaper Page Text
GERMANS SEIZE HALF-WILE LINE IN CHAMPAGNE Tike 400 Yards in Alsace xls0?Battle Spreads t0 whole Front. ,7 MR FIGHTS IN ASINGL1 DAY ?y Checked, Is French Clnlin Macks Smothered by I ?re Curtains - igaged ? , I another I * ? .-d Naval !* - - - rcii to surround 1 under -h. .-- mr Reaumed In Alsace. ? but the ? c ? a: rest ; - ? f ? ?? front. I : ? VI, ?? Diet-over TODAY. What truc ci^aretta-; comfort mar-anal ji .^mJtmJ(ymak&-taam> (Sat A Sensible Cigarette roa 15? TURKISH ClQSJtBTTBS J attacks made BOUth a! St. Mane no repul? "Northwe l of Tahure wa arroati rom the French bj a ?tormlng atia , ? . it, n ? mo , i ? ? i ?i? inn "Hand grenade I the en of Maison? ,!,? i h a m pagne ha? come a stand -?.?-. St. Die. i ? '?.. .1 \ ? mine ex\ o Ion :? po ? S ? ii \ i , , ? . -, Krem ., i ron? ah.- I 100 j ?'? ' kOllllt.' ? ' t? .> ma? ?i I three mil ,T?>. "i?ur aeroplane squadron I ante aril militai ? . . ? , :?! , on 11 ? , ?. , ? . . ? meal I? isued by the ] i War 1 b e north of Solaaoni ln?t e\ei ? ? r>r h spirited bon bardm nt, ? il ."arm el ouch fa road I the rle*. of th< \ ' ' waa itoppe ? - hy our curtain ?? <1 nfl "In Champagne there ?? re eery h - ? ? i ? ? in the regions ? ar:,l \:.\ ar;n, but th ttack. "In 1'ppr * "? to the eaat of Ser roi?, a \ ic ??? ? bardmi t we out b; th< ? ? ???. '.he a . 11 rinche* ? retaken froi fie night wi i evaeui we re i red MILAN RMDED: BOMBS KILL SIX ?\ustrian Aeroplanes Pcnetrati Seven.) Miles Rrliind Burder line. 1 ! \ Reuter diapat? I at- kille? ' injured by bombr- droppei neroplan<? 1 ? I rvei ? -. ?pauh says took part in the mid, *?.hich was mai' h' 9 a. m Ait' Rirchaf'k' puns api a heavy fm ..a M,-r,,plane' .- bomb?. TV? material di Hi I m unities . mi Milan i? in Northern Italy, ?outh ol ? ? eat of 1 roplane i a an^ ? ? . I,?' V ? la*,. which Milai irches ? GERMANS' CRUELTY DISGUSTS TURKS Teutons Inferior. Mahometan Says, and Woe to Them! ? ? k ? ? -, re alike, We ai mans the eh , toree? ? ?hi- fad br.<\ < ture l? au ... ? ? N'ew Armei 'a." n He ca Pol He contii ? the Germai lern religion, ur.,i Gel i OU 8 t ? n every ca? lied us with i norop:.- ? hut. ? ? th ei r A ? I I ? ? Korai ? ua to i i . ? \\ ? > '' over arrl ! - ? n German] ? '(?pea: la I] h, Allah! deatroy th?? giaours. ? . , . ? lie re? ch il . en, 1 ? ' ? oty t?, 'ho Mo-!. ? BLtj ESTATE FOB ?SALE. Ml! I I 11-I ? REAl ES. Ml' I OR SALE ?111 II K-l " $3,400 on Easy Terms ? \i> kir-i MOSTOAOa OF IMM .OTTS TMW New Ensrlislhi Villa .l',.r:? ?... }?? i.i. ? *kt a, ??& ?- Pad 'fa*, $34.66 Monthly Pent Imttrttt, 1 axe), Inuir oi.c r. and if flier Rate ??*!;..,, f\\ I ?a ni ?? rraarrt* an?? ? toll.? 44 III ''r*P ma? Inl?'!-. . I.? ma*] " ' t - 1 mjmmS II? *r- ' t. fu- i- < ? '?? '.'.. fj i " '""nrmallil- ami Ap|H?l,i???en? lo >re.lliMi?e from ^'t' 1 Cortlandl. RAYMOND F. B.AJW.ES, 170 Broadway. CZAR CAPTURES ERZERUM FORT Large Quantity of Muni lions Taken in Cau? casian Stronghold. SITUATION AT JU>T STILL UNCHANGED Athens Hoars lurks Haw Rushed Heavy Reinforcements to Mesopotamia. I : t The eapi ire of e i ? ? of Era? run . ; ie I nkiih ' lueaaue, is ?n nounced by Petrograd te night 1 he ? it? i " \ ?"'<:? an ? ? eauaed tl ?* before 1 artillery in one ? ? iptured 'hr ? ? ? raptui r?l i ; ?un?. ? ami ; murfil Th? , toil??- of lioneral !.??.- r-. hend f?,r two mont!, - lurks, in atil .. | I ment iaaued I Ivieei hav?< been : . | ? . , ommander of ? nd 1 i .?.. .. ? e hose i \ , i., ? ? mer report th? ?? ind Genen pcrta the flight over Hut of an aero? plane, which ?hopped two bomb.? \?.th Prom Athens i' is rrnnrted that Turklah forces m formidable numbers ?i a b< . ,potamis. 1 i ,,,.i led from the Dardanelles are a! theil ???*;, thither, an,l small re a o left 1 rom i \ ? ? ? ? Irai N -. it the fi an issu the '? n Office: "In ' " ' eighborbood of A,Ici. Bi I ( ntreniheil ir> ops were a ta? ? K i ingeofBritisl guns. Pur.: , , r ?? - our cam? t he tu eei ? ? , ? On Hi . i eta e? . era and B the latt? r ??.,? driven ? . i,; ]??,-, mber 16 - 1 persed a Hosmai " On Dec? ? Ausi I ham ? ? ? etary for 1 . II . ? . dei ied tl . on the I \ em Ai abi i BULGARS ONLY 16 MILES FROM AVLONA Italian?? llireatened by Capture of Albanian [own of Fieri. : \ . that Bulgarian ive oi town of ^ lona. 1 '?, ' ? that, rom Kv ti i, \ . ? ? ? theast of / (I I 'i rana, ? ? nor? ? . , i hal i . ?.' .or.a, ! bj Italian ' ? \ ? ? . lary 1 I - ? .? .? ? . ? i.i .nu. bu? i V Berlin, in .. ? i . \ \ ? King Ferdi ?ia> am? ??,! th? re Me ? ? lose] ell np . i a1 I ? . ... \ ? .lbania BRITAIN CALLS ALL SINGLE MEN TO ARMS I Kcmptions ami Wish to Reach B< i??, (iicis ( ause Haste. ? * rsts i 1 the rii thi i ? A fur . ire anx? ? . .. ? ? ? a in the 4V ''?i ?-Jt*e..7*:/ir?*f SEES AMERICAN FLAG IN CHANGED COLORS Ebenerer Hill Pears siioitage ?if Dyes Will Cause It. I"- " - I - ? ? !? | ?a . '* i him ton, D. C, Feb. 14. "I.? it ne for the "imei i. ?i i ? " .;? |u tnial ? , 1 onneel ?cut, to day in irtling uni!!, th, dy? ? if, Mr. Hill a prot? a tariff on dye? I .1 ? . Investors ? f fui material for American ? ? ? ind other product ?.? i I Mr. Hill. ? hange It*| I.. . la , ,- . ' ? ? id beei rved ? ... coloi i. ?il in ? ? "lia of a ? g, this ? great nal h I? mg the i i eon r pri? , , transport? d rai ship from ?? an ocean which i " i ha ad to be free to non-. I r." a FOWNES GLOVE MEN JAILED BY BRITAIN Eldest of Three Who iratk-d with l n'.n?. I Ined $2,1500. ? in, 1 I-I.?1 their earlier del i i guilty 1 . ? . '? ? i- ? Fowl ? in Old ni the glove firm of F? ; .'. ? e they had ad thi'ir K'l'li ?: I 1 ??ftiii : ""i'?.. . based ?d pi here and mitted I | pracl ? th. trade carried on , ? ? forl ? BRITISH SEEK ARMY OF WOMEN FOR FARMS Want 4,000,000 and Plan Pop?. lar Recruiting -Campaign. - 14 i* l he shall be en? itle.i \n ? , ?. form. . *. ? is? ? . min "'? th? ? ? BRITISH TO VOTE NT.-V LOAN . n-.lii nf ll.US.SSS.SSI Will l<<* Intro dared To-alay. expect. ....... . - -.. VISCOUNT KILLED AT FRONT Marajaia at r?;.iii Heara l ?at Bdeat Son, John, Died in hex lea (ai A ? ? . t? Horm Sees British Miniitt . M. I. \ pel ? 'ill in ' ' ahme' ? WINE WRECKS THE ARETHUSA All but Ten of Crew of Famous British Cruiser Saved. BORE PROUD SCARS 01 MANY BATTLES e - I rench Cruiser's Loss Off Syrian Coast Confirmed b\ Survivor. Le ...... Fen 14 rha Bi itiah i rui lirethuaa itrucb a mine to-day n;T thr ra*t rn.i?t of England, according to tatei enl - and by the Britieh f'fti , il Pre?-? Bureau. Il i-? faarod, the itatement srhi?, the veeael ?ill be a ',,.>,! wreck. About to11 men were los? in the ?inking of the i-rui '?' rha tail af the alBeial il ataman! i ? ??il.? h .n Arethu *. < am - modoie Reginald ? . Tyrwhitt, baa] flrurk a nun" off the ea?t coast. It i? fear"'! ?-hi* will liTonie a total : About ten men were lo?t." The ei aonneement brings widenprea I ? . was one of thr ivy and ! , . Are ? > , it. ,.r>?,? x: i' i, ?i-ai from many encounters am! -.? believed ? i.n .!? i ore na ? ' eel ?om 01 ? ? war than ., i.ip. u ithin three il.?j itfirr leavin ? I ? I ., I built the Are al fight ti the Kor! ? ea and had 1 af I cb Anally ai ttled the ? ?- ?; the German eruiser Blueeher. Of bei paait in the Helj-olMtH i,ght, the, offi? ..l account ai the time stated: "The A i ethui a, leading the line of ? }e t roye re, wa I l attacked by two ?.? and ?hurply engaged > i- minute ? ii* ?, ral gc 8,000 yard i, with the re all thai she ' ? ? i .,.-,' and ,'n i wli ;? ? . .??' ? i German cni one of which ??a ? Irethu , >?'k",? two and ii empan) luadn the German ??? . ,'unter the Ai *? h usa' i . .i abe il ?.?? .-r en a Hrit squad .. hei ? , ' a gh1 ... - 110 ? - ? beam and had i Id feet. The veaael a,. ? i". Ii .-? CI tham in 19.3?*14. , . m ? ? ,'.a ? i?. Died with ; .. - fore and afl ai d ii 4-inch pun? on the broadl de, She al?o va? I equipped with four 21-inch torpe<in tubei Par . Feb. 14. Re| irta ? of tin i ? - , ... EDO! '?? ,1 ',? hav? been I . ? the S ere confirmed 1 Accord ng ? o Information received al tl,e French Ministry of Marina ? raf1 bearing one live sailor and the bodies ? , fourteen of mi anions has *> coast , ? aid the Amir;,! i 1 , ry v He dec?an d I ? ? ? On official tatemen! ? i ?' Marine ? ? id been re , r. i, ; cruiser An Irai i ai according ? ,i i, ?;????:, an u I? giun-., a subms - "a Fre? ai hip." FLEET STILLS TURK GUNS III-s. k Sea \ ensels Sink Eight Suppl? < mil?Sei/?- Sailing Ship. P< 'iii-r:,,!. I- >'li 14.?A a? licit cerning the recent aeti' ? i the 1 an Mack ?? \v. raday, l?verai icceeafully with Turk? , oaat oattei Vitien, be and Soronieit ng four i . red k th a crew ? .? ? I . . rere supporting ? r, I. . wooden bridge ? e CZAR DEMANDS WAR CARGO LIBELLED HERE rotatives of the Ru ro? ? . Newark. I. - 2,000 u T N T, i. .? ? . .i., go of a I h ., ?. V? - Ba ? ? - ? ngo e 1'nited Stotea autl ? .,i-r? why -? i ? ? -. i gh te rage i leliv? '.'??e | ? t. . "... . Dui ' I I* ? ' the W. J , - . . ? .? u I al i To the Public: II it hin a fen xiays l m ai maie an annonnci - meni ol interest to all those whose heart, go out tu the ?rumen and ? hilaren o? war-ridden Europe. MAR) FULLER* MAKV III 11 K. i>t the Unix ersal /''? ture ' HOLD AMERICAN TWO MONTH! Il,ilt?lt llefsin Many In,,?., en? < ??i/en? ?"fTaahlattaa. I'r.ifeat?. I ' '.'I'-'i. Feb. 11 Harry I! Ba ..i w?. Orleans, detained by the Bi I authoi ities for two n a I ifter ha ? "?? '" ? " taki a 11. a lin. ? ' < i.'lfni, la ? i.. ? ?: ,?:..,.. .i through m i i'?'i * repreaantatloni ? .'..- 0. -?lit. Backer*! pai aart waa regular, ami his releaaa was demanded b? the I n ?? ? -, government .-".ne time ?zo. Th? foimali'ii were slm? I con pletod when ? ? Brltisl ? ? ?? erre I hii London, an?! the whol? q . had to 11 reapened. Mo reasons have Im en -.- foi Backer*! detention, aal thriiufii thi Stati Depart? ? compen . a?'tin from the Briti Hnfi?ii re.j ??,;.. lused much vex sf'oiin delay for a number el innocent Americana detained bj the B I authorltiea. The United States Em ls??y ha? Aaallf IUC.i. tj ea'tib lishmg that s ralid |i?.*> port .< the 01 ly ? 'idenco neeei tai i Itizen ?:iip. JAMMING WIRELESS SAVED THE GOEBEN New Book Tells Mow 1 rtiiser. with the Rrcslau. Escaped ISritisii Meet. i.? Londoni Feb. ' '. \ offi. al h ia ? tory of tiit* ??!? enturea of I at..] the Brealan i one of < ? a hour in Germany. It ii quita clear that the author p-a? had aeeaaa to the logbook of the Goeben and hs? I in formal o? I ro?a V. A.i Souehon regard ng the fa ?light ? i he writer d il 1914. A ft ? ? ,t'. 1 I ;.. ii... ? ? .- ? that England the writ ?'. the crew b< A) midday A .?' n I lued an oraer that I ind the f.i ? lau were to put to a. a [or the A: i .a' 11-, bul were latei to reer around ai -I teer foi < 'up.- Mm i Soon after leaving the harboi .?n i.r.K l:.?h er'ji.-T of ?he Weymouth cla leged tu he the <? oucester, appeared on (he horiton. Thi .? i '???;??' emitti , gnalt* m three Kr,,'-|P'*- "''?d the wirel, see I v. the me?sii(;r u- follows: "Goeben making for \ ?{ i.i i.'.'!??, k in the evi ?rijt r ? . ... ., ? i Mak. A watching Bi " I ? it befoi making for the east th? ? MJaai the rel? l .- i ... ,??,- op?rai I gen a ? . During all tha lay ?..-? trait! of ? ?i ranto. rh? Rr . *.i uii rierstaiiti a word or 1 the *? rman i broke !,-h. BRITISH TO FORTIFY GERMAN SAMOA ISLE Apniinia l?> Be Made Practically Impregnable. |?sge I ago, San oa, I i ?o San Kran?. Feb. Hi. Apolima, thi Samoan lalands, ii to ba fortified by ? ? ,! ' ?h adminia ipying Gen ? Apoli ma lies h ? large islands of I polu and Savai de thi :?' is a narrt ? ? ? ? ?ut I ike i -? ? ' trees. ? i a ? 11 moved to ' "pol .. BRITISH DEMAND TIGHTER SEA NET Big London Meeting Calls lor ?More Effective Use of .Sea Power. WILSON CONFERS ON DUTCH RMBARGOKS Van Dyke Brings Figures to Sup? port United States Protest to Allies. London, Feb. 14. A large.?- attended meeting to '-.r^* Oe government to , eitabliah a mora? effectual blockade I againal the Central Powora was he! i In London thla afternoon. Rsion Do? ' vonport, ehairman of the por* author? ; ity of London, pre?,He,! Tiip iltttion: . . ? o' I grave alai 'enormous quan*,*-,- of commodities reaching the enemy through the North Baa, calls upon hi? majeat- ? govern? t to g iur navy freedom to ? If? i .?<> oui ea :?????? er ii Tho reeolul t rai adopted amid ?'??-: spee bee by Lord Devonport, Thomai '? baon Bowles rging a i re ?tringent Lord eclared thai enor mous quantities ,if commoditiee worn Ing the enemy ami that the ren? trai? were "havini? the time ei th?*.r The blockading of the enemy, dared, mu?? be abeolutely effec .. Mr. Bowler, said the eeuntr? d? .?? G enl Britoln should nei her seo power in accordance with th? ?.i of nationa, bul effectively, and, ' in order to ea IBi . . ....-ro-i? Baron Bereaford aen? * lattei ?n" : "Ever difficult' n * - it by vea ?hrouffh ?n- I ? f foi si ? Publie agitation s ill pro?.h> n ,,a ft- ? ' an ? ?? ? ,,? our cea power to ? ?.!? vxar. if ?*e hud made all I entei ng German) contraband, the wa? I br over.1* a Reuter dispatch fron* The Hag; iaya 1 \ in mail th e D i ? rla, i from ? . Februoi 2 "'or A- r,. -. hoi '.' en detained a? Palmoutl Van Dyke Tells Wilson of British Trade Hold-Ups fVaehington, l-eh. 14. Interference \ -an trade an<i ma te Allies lise In-dav at e t Wil? Hei van Dyke, I ? Mil itei -?? 1 be Hague. ! f? n ?? ? brought by Pr. van P>ke. is to he used' e I nited States in framii | l ? to (?rea? Britain on coi ' rabai Pr mil Dyke mid emborgoee ag have been i Netherlands on practicailv i r,.band arri eonditiona ? Pr. van Dyke took the poaition tha* v in ti ade a itb Eui ope a u? ?' . In spite of wav. It i? under, "ood that v? ..<? Qreal Britain that goods of - rontraban'l and a o.ii'litional ton ., .;,? ... are India* their way to era. A formal raporl ?'?? the remoral o. from the *?<*am<*r i .>?*. rdam 1 '.?* "n"'1fl to th* *"'*'? t by p ? I'??"?"? "*'?"' "-?f" bom. i> . . SCOTCH THIRST COMES HIOK War ? i..s,n, lii-afilli-rlea and London I'riie May Ga to ?*2.5?J. B, l a"- "i UM T? ? l.oi.dor.. Fe'.. 14. .Scotch and rode may ?oo*. Iahe '.heir place with ehem rsg".' s' s luxury, a* the government :? abou* *..* '??e a do/en of the co'ir. ?!?'? targes? '.?r?- I. r ~ar pur ,vir Th"n*ia^ l?e*?ar .?ays that If ir laat rr ;?*h '.Ot.gfT i-cotath Wl' m?1 | ??' .*'.me t.nris ha*rf km bor.d. The | irnment'i :i sug gestad, Bsaj * doable motive of drinking ar.J increaiing La L/"Ra4NICH F^BACH Jubilee Player OUR 50th .Anniversary masterpiece. An artistic triumph for ?discriminating music lovers ? not a mere :.iechani?-a! piano. The on!/ flayer ?nth t:ir wonderful "Tri - Melodeme," and the "Viol?/n" system of stringing. Mear the thn?ing beauty of its tone and realce its supremacy. Price ?S700 C -??- i*M Pa.-maivt Ou r ,-..., 1 ihn, in Fiiti?nas ^_? KRANICH 6c BACH/2 ^ >4*lE. >?fd Strtet U- ?j. ' .* ?V. ia,:hStr?tft; VW m Tires The Grip in the Knobs The knobs on the 'Nobby' Tread "bite" the road-surface like a file on meta!. The traction is so intense that if is next to impossible for the tread to slip or skid. It is the angle, height, thickness, tough? ness and resiliency of the knobs that rpakc 'Nobby' Treads the surest of ?anti-skid tires - the Aristocrats of the Road. While "Nobby' Tread vdes have increased phenomenally, adjustments (on the basis of rive thousand miles) have gone down to an almost unwritably small fraction of the total sales. UnUB? SiatesT?re Company ?Nobby' 'Cha..!.' -Uaco' ?Royal Cord' Tlain' "INDIVIDUALIZED TIRES"