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GUARANTEE Your Money Back If You Want It. ... ? -?Itirl. ffiribtme WEATHER OvsfCSjM to-day and to-morrov modera??-, southwest winds. Firsf to Last? the Truth: News-Editorials-Advertisements VOL. l.\\\ . ...No. 25,296. |e op?ri?he iniee- - lie I illume A.? ll 1 IHIDAV, FEBRUARY IS, 1916 <? * /l\'|; t ? I." V 'I' In New \nrlt ( II? . \ewarl.. Jera>e?7 ? 1er " ^1' 1 I'.i I -4,1.1 ll<.!.okan. I.l.?-?here l.n lene? ??-Boats Must Warn Armed Liners, Berlin Is Told BE?VE ROOT FOR ROOSEVELT partv Leaders Think Ex-Senator \\ ill De? clare for Colonel. SO IM I RPRET HIS N. V. SPEECH *,ay It Is !?u Republican ptetfonn and r.R. Alone ( an Fit It. . -. -. he i X '.'?' ' "?vn, mmfma ' StlOB - BB ?-.: '?' ' ,* ? ' ?.? * 1 BBS -? .- ? ..."' ' iNsevell ? .??' -? ? ? ?;.? ; ? ?i _i : ?el*-*? mW .... *asx ? ? .: 9M Onlj i:.n.-. ? ? ? ? ? ? ' ? -???rr. by ' ? ' ' ' ' ? ' -? "'? ' ' ' ' ' ? 1 ? i : ' ' Ml ' ' ' -, ? hitman "\(,u" for ?ghes; Support Passive ? ? ? many 1 U""" ',,,? | MARJORIES BAI HESHIP. Ta i He i alitor o? i hr 11 iban? l'i .ti >n : I roui i,, ? M ' p.iprr ever) morning .1 lo? about prepared m??. M? (.i ?mili,! .?ml great.grandpa ??ero viili'nrr? lf 1 ?.a~ .1 Im? I ?TOB M lie .1 ?olriier. ton. Hu? 1 am not, -?i? 1 ?nul lo du ?hst 1 can tu help. Mana gierea ma .? dime everj ?reell tor helping hrr. I am ??nil inc von thia week's dim.- in help lnnlii ,1 battleehip f?>r I arle Kam. 1 ken?** a lut nl ollur KiiU ?lin ???mill Ki?r iiii-n errand *> if >i>u niiiilil atari a fin.,I 1 ant Ihir !i'i"l un? ? ? 1 ? I anil (f.t In I'ulili, Srhool 9, R rookie n. *i oiir. Iru'.? M \IMui.n: -I KRRI II. 1*1? i-, rail tit- bat? \m. 1 1 - ? ? fl...?< ri Into i ; ? 1 . Ibnetf ? ? u :lr> I, ik? irprint?,! II.. Mire un.I llar? ha?>r torne? m np.,.i Harm, Mariorts I,- s?krd ih.- rritiaaa in ITI of tart lunrl mill it in.?, hi? ?aaagl I? ImiM .1 Kneel?-?.hu> ,,r ?t Ir? t Sam? Sinti ..'. n .hip worthy of the trillion? i>f John I'lU'l .loar?. 'I h* I rihun. < ann?l unnVrt.ike la inter Into . .?r rr.pnnrlrnre ahoui the fund, but (I ??111 prinf a dai'.r li*t af lontrihutor?. nnrl e?rr? one ?? ho vrnrl? n dime or a dollar or a million Hollar? to The -itsirif. i?r the funH ?ill receive a 1. ittmi hearing ehr legend "l S. S. amarara.*1 That ??ill he ?our le.ripl for . pain.,In- drrd. To-da*.* ?-tor?, ??ill be found on I'?*e?"e 6. BRIDE AND $40,000 AWAIT A JOVIAL MAN Heiress, 46, Willing to Hoar Proposals on Way to New York. 1 ? b. 17. If ? ? ?"or the ?? ne, ? - ? is I i. ? ? ' ? . ? y it. juat has a little ? I'm forty-sii -, ears old, MISS H. MEARS DIES BY UNFINISHED WORK Sculptor's Bod) Taken to Morgue rhough Sister Was Near. ? ? on in :.n?l fell dead in front of a ? . ? ?? ? . Mary ???"?:? ' i - to t . m* no poj:' . of t ? ?: ' I ' "Nel? ? ? culled "The G? ? ia exposition ? 1 , r. W i 11 - MITCHEL SEES KENLON CONQUER DINNER FIRE Flash Bag Blaze Surprises De partaient Engineers at Hotel. \ ., -here th? - on| ... e Da? ll?te] K ? . ? Ma , Coi ? Robert '. riff Al , t Ken although he ? v. ? ? a ?' one of for I i ?tit? ecretai to i BRITISH NAME STEAMER AFTER EDITH CAVELL Former Tropelro Becomes me? morial I?' English Nurse. i dea t h by i orde r relu ? ? I ,i, ?a hi< li . tcrday ? tloik. Iih? ied I ti ow on t t,i Nee*/ Vori SHONTSLAUGI OFF IMMUNil Chuckles in Telli How HeWonOaym with I lattery. $125,000 BONDS SURPRISED ill Interborough Head aS? Work Was Worth Mor ?Bought Stock With I ? Ur- r . ,.f thl w'..i. situation," ?srae Be bridge i'ol characterisation of i, three ore P. Shonts, presi - oroagh, had ?? Ufa t1*? 01 a" ill,* Uaynor hon mi a Sunday in April, 1910. : 1 of this iiu!-.. trod ? '?!i Shonts ??if. on the In- man srli name ? - ? ?? tifal ha.l by th : . ed tho way ? . v , ,,- ? ? ? ?'lai:. ? ? of Mr. Shon -.?. s no down :> ? ml '." .1. P. Morgan ?* :.|o*?;rtl I'll? ! Mayor was tin,? I ? the ? Mr. Shonts, wl ? terday, ? r.ot e? ? 000 boi ? .! been s?rarded tl , Richard I iatifrheil so hctirtily \?hcn tho ?uir-i i made t? lhal eeery o in the room joined In, except Mr. < ? by, the Shunt'? Ha?, Merry Us?. . ? joymeifl 1'" laughed ?.<? I would sign b waiver of immunity, . time ??nil again he laiipheil when humoniui situation was iatrod only timr he -^arm en his t. ?mony vras . sppointmenl to the ? I* hail in'rn intimated thai . ctloi rhey pro? ed the eontrai li.- chech stubi end cancelled check in th . ?? of M r. Colby, ?? ? household m*..i personal expense H [books .-how<?<! the depo il of I inciimf*. It ?? taki of to-day ami ? ? Mr. Shoal ' ::? ? . ked COBCerning 1-, ? ? ? to the late Gardint M. I in? he incurred eertain con iligatioi ? ?.' ri.r' - that ?? OUl |. ? 000 to a pe oui 1 eferred to the last ? ".ooo l und Not Mewtloaed. l?tr tory o? the ... ? . 'ahfit M i rabean I , ? r ?and of th?' late Mayor, a? t??!l*t.. p, ||l 00 91 n il - .il-- eoui ? ? .: ?? borough. Mr. shunt . . ? ?.. ... .: the 115,000 ng "? oui ' ? i trip. Mr. Shonts earns into the commit flanked by DeLaacey Nicol . .... .. lid fi ? .-.i and hi| ouaael lit- played the p . ' ?" ?itiil the erorld ttee thai In- ?'...-i . f from th| woi . ? ? , m ?? Shonts Wa*?,'H Immiiiiii .? ?-? i ii Mr. Shonl ? i a -.? : ion, m making tht- re I the pi this had bren the iii-'oin With all ??it . .. "I an edvieed l*y eoBBBol," replied ? ? .. mile, "that there l am therefore will ing to --r." ? ed bach ? thei began . ng thi v ? ? . : Bted ? ompanles which the "i .. ting |100,000 :. real ? Shonts in BBBwei ta a qu? Itil two yeais ??.-?' I : 175,000." Mr. Shouts explained thai ?vl.m he was 'oeeii ? um I e i as of four small Westeri ?. wl ' brought hi*ii in M0,. ??S that ?lar] ??a? increai d bj -n?- Intel Bonus a Grateful Surpri-e. ? ? -..'..I nf rr. ? . - .i - 91 ? .? . , ? ? .??.?artl. he ?hu?: -11.. . - voted me $126,000 ? it , work 1 did. 1 iras v..-, .1 1121,000 It run n ? me i s -'i- rlss ?? ? ? ry ? ?1: j . m i led broadly ? luiitinuril ??ti i>a|r -, loluiiiu 1 I P. SHONTS ON SPAM). if Interborough i hoto, raphe i yeaterday while testif; Thompsoi ' ommitta CITY LOSES PAT ANDWATERWAG?? .Mayor Warns Jim Not t. Drink in Censored Anti Booze Week. ? I?;; '- "*S ater \? agon ?'? ? ?'i.mnii?iiorier i led til h, ?it'n Depai Irai planned foi ? Part of th programan ealled for the nee literal '. as i iyor conel I ? terday that, in - phlet ? the lattei .- nd aaloona are to be < - literary atta? "l examined I . No. I didn't have the I ?i to where the] arare to he ?.lis tributad," v.u.? all the Mayor i;?rj | ? ? Ight e'ity <'ha Bru? re, who als' ... . r mo o make them I ? In getting ?? , I Bold lan, dir? the Bur? Public ?lei ilealth 1 epai tment, ai i m col? loquial d! atril . .-.. these re . "Pal on the Water Wagon." 1 ??H i! made ttla beer" and "Then It wi t "Pa m why brink V .r,,. "i,.-* on the ? , ? i ? i*?iing ? iry to ( ? ? ? ? ? ?? i? af Icta in the iae, he went i K\ en ? screen in the I Was! ieigton'a Bii ;... th? '?' total Worse yet, the le" through ? ? hite lighl ? tiled off. Ihf pis a ith trau* manne I. RYAN DINNER FOR ?NDERWOO: Financiers Also Guests i Table Two Doors from Gary I ionic. i ?. ? I in I '? cember with <?:.* ? ? dollars, gave e priva '?'.'. i Hilf ??? .ni. ' ? rom \i the House ? ?:. ? ? a 191 fur ? i ?? D? "'."?". : .?? nom ' si ion ft Presi. iiuest A -, : the ? li'.tirrr. the mi ': Ryan's home were n-nii ? .' *ri L V, MeGlone, lecretary to Mi. Ryai III i.i r r.n.i a: \ politici ; e. "it ii purely a social al fuir, nothing unusual." he -aiil la ???li Ryan ha ? limply a-ke.l numb ??* of fri? in. There is sbsolutel i.i ?? er sigi atta, hed to ? "Why, this is jusl eue of a roun* -;;iitl I'ocl ? - \ i Smith, urho wa: I o?nigh< nt Mr. !.. u ' .'ill." Fti. rts to 1 t i ighi ? BO avail. II earned en c.I satbority howe? ?-i, thai ' he hoi --in fall it Os B Ige, ? '? ' v.-. . . ? ? dlnnei. th ? 1 trip from Wa fa '? a!i?l ? .ral weeki ago, i Mr. . |S ?,..""'? i '.-.l well knii??n ". 01 re included in the . Wht-n naked whether politice or the np* machint* PresideBtial camp?*:,. uti foi ill -? . ' dt- tliiincr tar/ Mr?. loi ?? i spiled : ' f such thine* ???? dis? i-ie.l a? sll Liniliniir-d ..n p.,se- :, ??luniti : ' Poland and Peace or the Allies win lb? dec the I ? stand . ledras would block theii profre ? toward nal .. H ? .. .!-. i;i \\\s weekl) e.l iiyt ,ej|, : miktk'r tii<* probable terms ol _-_,,Hi from which I I. It Is a article thai claritiei in important ??i ideale i to di thai ?? ' ' ????? I GUtr Simoun, Glritom? first to last?the I ruth: \e?s?lditorials?idterti<emcnts. MEXICANS KILi 112 american: inthreeyear: Carranza Now (iivin Adequate Protection , Says Lansing. WILSON KEEPS LETTERS SECRE Refuses Senate's Reque. to Make Public All Correspondence. i Surre W i hington, Feb. 17. -Admittir ? he .... event Amei <*-* n civilians in Mexico, twent n. Ilia Ami r ild?ers no the United S i ;,1" of the border, and i I i io . the American side i ? he borde r in the last thr? the Pre ident to-day sent an an iwe to the Se .'?? ? ???ithe n I Senator Fall. < .. All of theae d< atl ..... ? order, for which Snui t?n- Fa te i 'nited States is i sible. The repoi I. which was ii I of a lette ? - that many i ? been killed, i ut i a) i 'hi.? is th ?a record. All of the correspondenc Stats I ?i'p.ii-tm? tit and the Bn zilian Mini-tor in Mexico City, the forre.-ponilenoo with Ami ulsr anil other represstitattvi o conditions In Mexico, -.vero r< ', although asked by the vc lotion, ? t. the ground that it wa "incompatible with public int to make them pul.lie. Wi ,,r, traita are ? i i iplayed the i epoi!. For in itance, *s 1 ? iv the long Ii I of killed an Amer! can was put to death by Huertl I or Federal soldiers, it ia stated tha h?' was "murdered." In all two instances, where an Amer'cai v as killed ? >>? < 'onstitutionali I \ illistaa, the rep rl tates that h was "killed.*1 The old prejudic asjainsi Huerta apparently ia util fei? i,y the administration. Why ( arran/a Wll Ke? ?i(*nized. For the Brat time i? revealed 1i' -fie of the administration in i razing Csrrsnzs. .. .. . ? and . . ;ii \ ilia." , Laanaing, "rep , l indi in varu'i ? ,|l l'i,l a cot,:? ?? On nd, al the , and others in au Dilated with Ge ! hi i'tlv ? , to G? iperioi :.. i K k? 11 and wh? would make aueh raplj .. i hi' deemed propel i a ta be dra* a ??.-? ? in tin- one band, there ai tu be cent ? . ? .i..... u ri lit", ,,n th.- ., ? hand, i central autl eras eerid Car ran i tccord g|? .1 and impartial con omms imment ? arr i ng ;n arbitrate on tha part ia to the abilit) I* anil proper.]. Mr. La toll Iv ent, ???? hich a? tha I Im? , - . lording :o the lierea and' ] I e.iir? Detalla at Deaths. data diaelosed that \ ...? .,. , ?n i,? ? i ! . : i .. i ? a v ? . ? ? \ the last ' ?mir man of the I ... the table Me made tin, \i. tus -..i.; r a ? ? ? intro ?: e nomina ... r ? - I .,1,1 II,,ir,I l,|| |,.14,H I , ,,!||?,? I ?iie\ I I ?IK in \ ?wwniii. ItUI UTA. "- i '. ? I ? U-BOAT AI'OI.Hey 5EMT TO HOLLAND The Hat-e. Feb. 17. (i-rm.inv lia? notified the Dut, li government that the investigation t>f the Artemis incident has established that the Ai'terni?- \?.i? blameless, and that the torpedoing of this \es?el wa'- a blunder by llie commander of the Ger? man torpedo I he *?,ov ernmenl ha?, d?approved hit a? llOB *ri.I taken iiece?*- nv ' !|C?. (?.?ill*,.li? rxprei ?<*?" regret I" l'ie Incident, lender? apologies SB-d oiler? to ?pay an ludemnitv. 1,000 GUNS LOST WITH ERZERUM Strength of Defeated Turk? ish Garrison estimated at 100.000 Men. ? : : . i 8, Estimatei I ram grad place thf number of troop? in tli?? Turkish ???>'? "'i ;?* l.r/.erum. the ? ah Ich h?? beea aa? ? 100,1 00 men. [I 167 gnus in the outer fort-. 171 i:i the eel trtl forts 9Bd . ins. g before the forl ? i h?- a Cob ilthoagh not pture o Ei serum, ist tfa i'.sys before 1 the Rus? ?"h men killed. p. m ograd ?ni respondent of ??The i fall of Ersorum ? mainly to a frontal atte on Monday. nuil on I ? ing ?'? Ibs following - impetuously rushed :.,: -, which . one sad a halt'' ting. Althi ? ' . yed a i ?ralnable part in silencing the forts, all repoj-t? airree that the bombardment i lonii ; ? ,. dafeni i i the me a. tually stormed a? the p l!u?.?ian Hire.? Meiliod. repeats ? produ, i-1 in the i sse of up-ta-d ite thodi which proved luccessful thirty-nu:.* year-? Kars. The r?daction of Erzerum ?e I i IOB, ? ' ? ?' Hh, ' ' . ?? . ??' .'.y nrmy might be ? ? difi cull tael? of inter? g the remnants of the T . sbl retiring . . ? intain plat?, i t to | them an iippm g the o? l he Petrograd correspond? that the de bio* appears t,-. have il i ill-- inns, ??hid? Ta ft,i ? ? rear. B< forts I their cap! i ?. was .? i ed ha? d fight then swept louthvrard like . behind 1 he !'?" " Boj un a . ? ? i the 1 ? ploit known bi ? j rage enduranci ? . . plans - great general. . ba? i- ? ? ?; :].,? mass? a -mili-: : the membi i . diy in a mo? ed 1 ? ?. the i sr? ol trat on JAPANESE CRUISERS BRING $51,460,000 Reach Victoria with (iuld to l'.i\ for Russian Amis. Feb. i ! i and ra, o*i whir': ' . i ii.r the parchass <?' war i for Russia, arrived to-day from Japan " ' gram r? sd here bj .. Jap u WARSHIP TRAINING FOR 2,500 CIVILIANS Daniels Plans .Seagoiag ?Practice for Next Summer. w i- . : ? ? ? to the i ? take se. ? ? ? .'iipul -ory !? i . uluti X in I : be the pre dr-?a i . Kl - .r?;e Jiul Ki ? l ? ?.?ili be given. 1 eivil The l es ? 1*30 NEW orders THROW DOUBT ON PLEDGES U. S. Demands Full Compliance with Law? Asserts Lansing. SAYS ?. S. KNEW OF BERLIN PLAN Capital Believes Germany Will Refuse to Modify Instructions. 7i gae t ? ? | 4 v. aahiiTtsjton, Feb. 17. I .. ? - ? .?lie Germany*! : sa I threat against arme,! msrchs I with the Luaitania propoaala, S tary .Lansing said to-day that .1,-' United Stst en ild i ????? I nothin-*. bort of a full anil complets h?ti ?*'*? meut that warfare in the I would lucted in ace-orrlance with the established principles of in? ternational law. In announcing1 tLat fact ''-?lay Secretary Lanaing let it be kn*y\\ i that the Stste I lepsrtnu ? ? ?? i side i Gennsny's declaration ol tton to sink ?a it February '-'?* a?' simed mer, ?hips of the Entente Allie? to be ii - ? wifh the I pre |y given this ?.: ? ?? the Berlin Foreign Office. The tentative CC-mmuni >?trii?.J to end the I.u.-ifania CSS . still In the psSSSSSisa of - Lsruiiif, will not be formal!. copied until su?-h sawutuieea regard ing the future ave given, alth? ugh 'lie I'timmuniration. in BO far as it re? to the Lusitsnis Itself, - i ceptable. State Department sIRciala ;?-? consider that the Auatro-Hu f*a memoraiiil'im regsrding armed tilt? ? ? in accord with the assurai--. ? given by the- *ro*reniment in the ne? gotiations over the linking si tha Italian steamship Ancona Coi quently final settlement of the cons csse, ones p<Mt***Msd bees i ? I the doubt regarding the cii atancea of the sinking of the Brit i steamship Persia?, protwbiy will '?? withheld until Austria gives similar assurances to those now req w I I from Germany. Wilton \? <ernr?l of Threat. v. I en Pre de nt W an ici a to th? Entas ta stenii aimed ? h:p? ?it" ??ar if a vivendi were aot arrange'!, he i. ermattea tha? Germai prepai I srina ? The 'i * t >r h'? ? ?..?.:?! pots the I end the n this eounti be lllgore ata la a ? ? < ifl? -he Pre ai ?sat, per? ? . igars Inherent ia frees Oei n ?ii attacha on Hime.l reaaela s ithoui. h a raodoa i IvaaaU pro? ne that the Allies would a this gorerameat of .', r. In ?loniiC Pre realiaad that he ras pre . I I i ae rjaie*? , ? man p?*i ? ?1 til* The views of tt were ?i . ? r, the lierniu \ .ite.l tat th* li.-i,?r'meat, l ta? the ( nne.l ? ? inian tlecUra'iOu il pa h? modi I ....... . ..... remaste 1' ?a? under r ii fiirmeil that the I nited state? v t.1 know whether rerieo iy given in the trahie rasea ?till l.rrlin I n-ailliiif lo "e ?eld I ., . ? iiplomatic elrel ? Of ? - I ahipa tir inform the ' . . i. i n iras a Hi ' ? . ? i ?e ? red 1 met ?