Newspaper Page Text
100 Years of Commercial B?inkin? THE City ol N*? Yerl, Capital & Surplus,$5,000,000 Resources, - 70,000,000 Cksrtei Membtt S. Y. C\tttin% Hoatt Membet Federtl Retetvt Btnk ' nited States Depositor 192 Broadvv?. Cor. John St. BRAN'-HlLS Greenwich end Warren St?. Bowery end I.rand St. 345 Grand St. Fifth Avenue and 14th St. Ninth Avenue and 14th St. Fifth Avenue and 20th St. 2 West 33rd Street 1,7th Street and Third Ave. 86th Street at Second Ave. Broadway and 104th Street Lenoi Avenue and 116th St. 125th St. and Les. Ave. Wi Invttt Your Accoun: BARUCH ROTHERS St%9 1 ' 60 BROADWAY, NEW YORK Ilnnklet Sent I n c tin Request ODD LOT STANDARD WE WILL BUY ?J V.F WILL SELL H Ohio Oil | 50 turak* P. L. 25 6 0. Ifitf. I 50 Prairie P. l_ 25 S. 0. Ky. B IB*. O. N*? York 50 VaeuuTi Oil Lr : * S***" *? """??* CARLH.PFOR^EIMER&CO. 4- 4 : - ? i ?'? - , i.ntin tl. n, K??B? * 1 ?far. 4 1,111. a I'fd. Iliihitt, I'frl. I a-.ler,tl lit.1., t? Irtart. lorn. * I'M. v.. State? Powei < uni \ I'M -ti4i*.i.4r,i ,,?? a UeM Cea?, ?t rM. Riray. ? i iK??t < sas. a rr?i. FREDERIC H. HATCH & CO. I'hona Hroail S140. SO Brea?. St.. fMtm Vori,. privai* ? . , a ? a We Will Sell $5,000 Aetna Explosives 6s 1945 H.F. WcCONNELL & CO. ??". 1'ina SI? I r I. ?util .l'.hn N.-?r ?erk. Wm.A.Read&Co. New York Chicago Philadelphia Boifon London ODD LOTS t *-*?*? Mare ?? RteSee Be? . i. r il i? ? ? Writ* I ? iXort iR-1, 2 ? MERRILL. LYNCH & CO. i- ?? iafien V I r M,?\ .OKI? i.i moil ANDR1. ? Mil \\ II ?II I II K A *a?l\ ' ?l??M> \? I I It 1 ? ?II? I IS1 I ... I I A H. ? ?????? *a|., I ? i Co. el I l\ Wi I M Ml I I IXGS I ?I III St?.<,<l?lllp , i.ii.|.,iln ? ? * . * ' ? ? ? ' - - ? ? ?-'a .. 1 . - ? B Al II N IT? - -,. ? '? 'i Ian l?i file ? ? ' ' - ? ? ? el ... _ ? Dit ID1 M? mu i. i - SOUTHERN PACIFiCCOMPANY l?l\ IDEND NO. 38 ?... *na Hollar a at Ina J *? 'i 1 ? ? ? . - ? ? Ni.KK'l K I ?? I -I I i;n K.ill u X? . .. ? 1 . , ? a ? ? *_,. # ?II Kill M II ?I I K I*. I I ? I? ? ? -?. - )4 per ?? - , - . . -/ l. - li J *? AKI ' ..t? \ Irai. ? MARKET NEWS AND COMMENT A Few Weak Issues Under Traders' Pressure in Late Trading. IRREGULAR CHANGES IN DULL SESSION Early Selling for Short Account Brings Out Little Stock? Liquidation Decreas-ts. Then* was less sppearaace al llqul dntion ::, jresterdajr'i stocl ssarket. aad prices generally m a ?le irregular changr.i of email fractions on th,- day. In the saris tradir.R the abort latereet found that aelling brought no important In? crease of offsriBfB, aad in tho after? noon such pressure a? ??a?, exerted ?BBS against particular Issues that ?ernieil disposed to ?? cak. in. Ne??'-? from ' - of negotiations over oa had i'ms nat r ? ? ? | be lo?s half n million shares. Prices, howev? to folio?*-? il.e changing tenor i tmeh n tin:.? oi \?.ir in re farther ?-m frena Sere ii a confereacs te aid In hi i gii : about better observaacs of iateraa? tional !u*.v l-y ?".r. ?it Britain. Tins eras not looked upon litre ii? serleoaly suq; gesting that Bw? '- l?e drawn Into the conflict. As in the case of so many other peaceful power?, Bwe? den It? doing s large bu*?ine?a becau?.-? of the war, as well a?. SBfferiag incon? venience from this source, ana a con .?lderable trade for Rassis passes through Bweden, which that country would be loath to lose. Had it BOt been that the German Bubn lion has grown rather e, the re I announcement ??f the German Ambassador that it i i been ? ? get ' - rae as a I? tnacv ed. It ?? i the belief l ? ? to ice concessioni from Great Britain, Ger ally furnish us aaaar? would acceptable. <? OV.T tl ?" pi Canadian " ? ou Tu held u gain to thi ere ii tl In the * ? ? - - .? ? on the day. Some of t . ? alingi?, ira than -' . .-.t d a few othe?, of th? equip? ment, oil and automobile fi om ; to 3 poin? more. The cupp*? itocki were steady. German exchange g.??e further evi dence of weakn? ' ill l.o indi? cation t?f * which ? ,r marks, ? lower "ii the day. Ster? ling and franc- ? ady. With ? ? nd wi? ? . ... ni' more bullion. I ? ? r. ho the reaerve | tion roae more than 2***i per cent, to 27. In ol . -..-,- >i.(iiii',iirni to it ? to ?on. ?VER..GK <>? TH1 TRIBI **? I - I l-r tl 1 ll-l I I V K ?II - I rl.ruar? I 1. ? ? -irr.I .? S .r I II..OH I .l.r.iiir? HL 11' . ,:*<? ?a.-.l. HR.?. 1 l'i.'i*'i ?It*.- I . I II?" I IS IS I our ?.;.r .in?. . 1"! BBS Hl(h fur .iKininr? .IttJUS I ?ii? fi.r .liiimary . 111.Ml High l??.r*iilirr. I : I, ISS I ..? Kr? . inliar.II". ~.\: f..r Nu?, nil., -r . 1 ?I.4SS I i>? fur \i.?<-ii.l*er.I17.SS1 IliKli f??r ,?? t.ilirr . 188.84? I ..?? fur Ocleaef . ISS I M High fas BeetSosahcr. 11 .'.??is i ??i? f..? Btsaesaltei. IS..S8I IIkIi fi.r ?*n:ii?l . IBS.IS] I in? f..r ?ItlgUBl . IMJM High f??r .lui? . IBS BaM I .,.? r??r .lui?. mi f?l?l High i?-* .i>.4.4- . m> ; 17 I ,i?\ f.n lima ill-. V. II,uli f'?r ?I.i. . Ill IS] I ..,, f... Ma, li'l ItS High ?m? ????. , ISIS i i 11I I ow lull ? ?I ?"I i"-' High, i..n ,?? -n i>ii r.'ti iHi l .n? full -real 1811 IM DBS \\ i l; ?..I ,*i I ill ' i.liii M - i i-i ,.i i \\ ii ? i im.i ; i;i ?i - i i :., i. i, \ i . r.iii.i.i. - i lu?. BS.S : IS S3.1SS ?gO I I 4 I L our ?in,iii* aga 84 BBS un. ..- .t age . . i :, i High .t I in.i <- ? . I m* tat > . **i IBS H Ig h f..i l>? . m'.? i ?- : oi I ..? f..r llr. .nil.. . 'i I : If II . ti I r Si,4. nil., r S" II* . I ..u f.r N.n. nil.ri I i : ,. i. fi.r ,.. t .I.4-I i i.? f.n i?, tohei . :*i HI High lu *?? plember . I . v. f .* >. it.'ii.iit-r. High f??t tugas? . I .,? 1,1 ?il.iial . BS, 1HH H ?ii i..? lui] . SS.SBS I ???? f? r lui? . High ...i tmmm . I *m f i lunr . High f?r May. I ...? fur Mai .4 111 High, full ?...i IBIS . " ' ???) i i ?, ... ISI SB .i ' High, lull ifJ' I'll ?1 ?l.l I 1INI 1811 '.. 4 . NONE. AND ..XCHAXGl.. ? - . : - ' * ? I , ? | ? ? ?' .:? 4| BVS DIP 1 ? - - i ? 4 ? NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE THUB8DAY, lotnl ?..?les of stacba '1 Inn-,'.i ? , a week eg" seed ???J.tUM) a >rar hro. s.i.'id ?nu a year ne.o. ?'u _ i Mild ?. .dams Expr? ? ... 1"" Ma?',,? Gold Mines.. .. M"" Alaska Juneau. IrtOO k\ ? < halmers . MO Allia-Cbalmera pr. 1,400 Am. Beet Bogar.. 6,70 l 7 \tn. B. a ?t- F. etfa.... ion Am. ?an . 1,100 2 ?m, I :?r I Foundry. . . 1,400 \' i ? aal Products ? WO .m. Hide <*. Leatl er.. -'";| km. Hide ft Leather pi ",:l Al i. Ice Si'Cili ities. ... im. Linseed . """ \tn. I ocomotlve . 1,200 I \ei. Sm? Iting . I WM | pr.' BOO \,-i. Smelting pr A.... 100 \t-i Steel Foundry FEBBUABY IT, I. 4 71600. agataas Wedaeeday, ?-MH ' , ron, January I ... date, iMNM ?r.?'?'*? un..tutu,it Kani Open. High Loa I; [nal I Net chge. tl. un', in P. 101 Vi 7 IXm. Sugar pr... .'..... 1(:'' 117', ^^BBB^BBBBsaBBBBBBBBBl^Ba BBBBBBBSBaVsm 10 20 \m. Tel. & IM_ Am Tobacco ... . ?????> Am Woolen ctfs . M0 v Woolen pr rtf?. .. 100 Am. Zinc . 16,800 ?naconda .I St..-"?.'--?'?? Assets Real Co I \ o (Ml. ?; Atchison ? too 200 uno 102 6 7 10 4 : 66*4-1 _ ?I ? on pr!!.". WO 101% I"."? Baldwin Locomotive.... 21,800| 110%! 112 ' Balda in Loeon otive i r Baltimore ?. Ohio.' hem Steel. Brooklyn Rapid Tr.... li!,,? ni ' . Brown Shoe Co pr. Brunswick . I Superior ? .>p. .i i Petroleum, 100 100 I"" 1?00 H6?s 100 !?'? . ? Ca?ada"'Pacific. M? W* l?.t* 2 loo B0| Case, J. I., pr.1 100 ? entrai Leather. 700 I tapeake ? Ohio-! 8.H1" ' Chi. t.t. West.: 100 i ?i Chi., M. ?t- St. P. 7 Chi., M. ? St P. pr_! 200 li 7 ' hi. & Northwest., ? ?.(., R. I. & l'a. ... | C. C. i St. L pr B0 i bino Con. Coper. 1,400 Chile Copper. B0C net? Peabodv.; BOO Col Fuel | Iron.j MOO imp.-Tab.-BM.! lOO1 7 . oneoL Gas.I MMM E Cone. Curt.! 70O1 nt. Can. pr.'?. 400 !? Products.' 1,200 1664 167% h.',7. :,(." !.>?,.. 128*/i.| 128 It IH% pr. 9 10 20 Corn Products Crucible Steel - ?'?*! pr. .. . . Am. Sure'. Delaware & Hudson.. D., L. ? W. Denver ? R O. pr... Distilling Securities. Dome Mine:? e* div.. . ? pr. Chemical pr. .. . ??Electric. ton pr. , drich, B. V. Mining.; 1,100 Gt, Sorthern pr.... ': Gt North, (?re. Bubl genheim Ejpi... ', Gre? ne Copper. 7 a Homestake . Agricul. - - Int. Agricul. pr. i ? ,"..,ii i opper. Intcrborough-l ,'. Intel (?ti. pr. Int. Mer. Int Mer. pr. Harv. of M. ?<.... 2 Inter. Paper pr. 100 Int. Nickel. 12,000 Kansas City South. .. , 400 Kansas City Sou?!., pr. 100 Laekawanna 8tee l. 100 Lee Rubber. 6,100 Valley. Lorillard, P. 100 Ile ft Hash. BOO Mackay Cos. 100 ' Motor . 6,000 lotor 1st pr, .... Maxwell Motor 2d pi ? ! l* I', ?,t. Store;. 100 Mexican Petroleum... , 12,600 n Petroleum pr ' 100 M ?ami Con. * lopper.., 2,400 Mo., Kan. ft Texai pr. BOO ; Pacific. BOO Pacific ctfs... 600 4 I'ower. 100 s Power pr. ,'. I -, ? Cloak . National En, f? Stp.... 200?2234 223H 223"?I 223H1? 1%| .<?'? ' i _^_ -17 -17 ' i - 115 115 ! : 114 -1 I18H 71*. 71*. '? 714 D3*. - '. ? 6O0 120% 120*4 12(1'. ' 1,600 454 4.",'.. 454| 454! ? 100 214 800 47 300 l'P, 21..? ',7 1. : . 22 100 1 1,600 11.. . 20 i 10 10 100 - 1 100 73 200 1134 '.'..o ?p. M'?, 51 61% 107*4 l" '. 1 6 11'-. Il'? IL, - ! , 7:< 7 ' 7:: 1 l.i', 1! :!. 1134 - - 14 _ **? ^mm\^t\^tm\^i\^i\mmmmn\\. ? ? 100 11 11 30 ll.( .-???4 .:? 7 27 - ? . ? : ? 1.1 no . 100 103 1,400 11% 100 n ,, poo 100 |l 100 03 % 900 li,n ?00 Nat. R. R. of M. 1st pr. N'cvs ' ? ' l opper . 61 I61.? V. Y. Air Brake. 1.4 ? ? ntral . 2.200 105 W Y.. N. H. * H. N. *1 .. Ont <V Pe n ? ni.... - | V, ( Northern Pacific. ?o Silver. Il. R. 1!. Peo. Gai A C. Co. C. i St. I. full ' n 1st pr., irgb Coal. i oal pr.... Pitl Steel pr. et d:v.. ? 1 Steel Car. - . er pr. f urinf- pr. . .. Con. i per..... " """ 2 i . - . .I 1.9 Re p. li,,? ft Steel pr . . 10(1 110 d. 100 Rod Island pi .... S1 Loi ? i 2.600 ? ' ' pr.... Ur Line. 200 i 7 ne pi Railway ..., 81 la il way pr.. . .. *.. 0.1 ? ' ... ii"1 7' 1 pr. R T. ? . fie . 8,1 r ... ? ? i i ?r ,,' im 1.. im. pr 200 11 ' i ? ited Fruit ? ? l? 2 III. 1 1-1 11?! 7', ?'?. 7'. 1, ?? 17 17" ? - . im' :?? (?g 1".' : : I I . t. pr.. P. ft F,. .. v P pr.. i ?? 19". (.oods pr.. 10?)' ?ji" I : ? . 11% . 116 ? '. .v Ref. . ? r 1st pr. m ' II 54 100' ??"? Steel pr. 100 H7 . Il'.i 00 M*? ? S ' . | ???,; .,: pr . . B . ? ' i-\!and. ? I.... I| ?'.- 6.K0O rth .I 6 w . - ? rland .I ' ! - IM 1,11 ? < ,\ erland pr 00 104 . ' :'- l< I l"l ? ? ? i? :??.?. 4. 4 I ? 4 i , j . ; I ? | i ,- . v ' *' ? . ? ? 1 - ??4.4 4'- , . s .: l ! -.. ? . 1 4 1 ? - 4- ?' ???? , . ? . . ? a ?? : - . I ?' 4 .14 ? - ? ? . ? I I U. S Treasury Finances. , . i. ? ...... . . ' ? : . . . . . . . . BRIEF WALL STREET NEWS. |>i rir t ..r ? of Hie A'Ii.Mii- COM? LIBS Railroad ? ompai . i l< '*'' ii i Hiot? to the board a meas? ' i,. ? of il.i'.*.Bmltt. I ,i , i.-ii, l m placo al 11'?' late AI? .;ii,?i? r Hamilton \ aggrl rly .ii. Id? ad ef I pet etBl , , |...rn .1? Hared b? 'l"' South Psbb Oil I ompany, payable March II '?? : toekbold. r of n eord, March M Th comparei with *i pr?-?-.Ii bareemeBl ,,r ,t ,.? i .. nt Bad mi ? itra dl?IdeBd ? f - p? ? ? ? at _ A booklet baa been prepared by I.*?- ! marcha -A- Coady, giving fact? about than tlntty loduatrlal and ord nencs eeaspaala i filTiciitl announcement wa? made yes? terday thai stockholders of the Aetna Kxplo : - I ompanj have taken nearly ...i .,,.. cen? of th.- I lo..i h.i" common sto, h te whli h the) were priv? ? ileged to ' i 'I'" Bader th, real Btoekholderi of the General ? hemiral . ompanj ?? elected Nal ""? A. Ilowar?! a dirtc or, ta sB?eceed Gfor_e F. Willett, retired. CURB MARKET TRANSACTIONS Business 0,1 Much Smalkr Scale ?Industrials Fractionally Cha ige* 0.1s Off. Trading in the curb stocks fester ?lay ?? a I ;:? ? -f ! v i educed and ?h ' . - misgular mi 1 !? quo ?? - induitriai t ??. re : the ' fractloaallr changed from the previous day's 1 ?tur figures Midvala Steel at, its low ., full point dn\i.n, but snded with a fractioaal gaia on the da) Aotna Explo ?vea, when Issued, ami 1 Lake Torpedo Moat each inaile ?mali BB Car and Fotintliy. eommon and preferred, ende.j un ehaaged The more important oil storks dl*V* 1 teadeacy apart fro-n Ohio Oil, ??Inch rose 5 point.? on 'he day. Pralris 1'ipe Line lost ?I. ?*-tnn dard Oil of iTJgliforaia, 2, atul Standard . f Ms ? ?'ork, 1. I: erease 1 activ'ty ???ns seen in a few of the mlseallane*)ui oils, though ; r:r?* ehaBfes generally were 1 Coppei i.- : generally iirm Mid vale Steel convertible 6s made a fr.v des 1 .: ? INDI STRIAL& ? . Iy?w. lasat ? ? ? > ? * ' ... ? ? . ? ; - ? a, 1 ?? 1 . : ? ! ? 1 ? a ? 4 a ? 4 :? in in n. 4 : . i'. 11 ? ' . ? 1 is ?? ? ? : 1 \ : 1 , :? ' 4 ? ? ... 4 ? ?* ... II I . 1 , ,. '! 1 1 ? II 1 ? 1 ? ? ? ? , I ! ' '. ? 1" f 1 ? t I1? I?. < . I) i? ? i'? r. >l LNDARD OIL Bl BSIDIARIES. . . i . ' ? . ' - OTHER OIL ST?M KS. . . ' . * ? * . . ... . MINING. ?tAtlanti 1. - 1 . . , , - 4 1 | I S I ? . 4 < ' ; m Ii? 11 in ' , ? 61 ???-.; ? . ?'? .1 IT 1 ? . ' . ' ? * ' t 1 a . ' P. |?, ' I 1- " . " I . ? '? 1 a ? * : * ' . - nrAcnvE yesterday. ' ? ? ?? ? * * ?. .. ? HICAGO -1??? ? g : .-.. i.- . . , - ? : - ?? . ' ' 104 ? '?"a arm v ., , i IDS 4 > ? ? v . . . * 1 MS 11 : ' ?-.?-?. WAR COST FRANCE 9 BILLIONS IN 1915 Exclusively Military Im? penses Made Up $6, 490,000,000. RESERVE HAS GROWN TO $3,700,000,000 LBTgt Advances Made to Bel? gium, Serbia and Greece? Financial Future Serene. By TVES COTOT, t.-Mlnhtti- ?I Pu"lc W0-.1. IMlar "L A|?ic?j Issasalsas *e Meas ase?** III? ?til.? to Ttw Tnt/uriaj I Taris, I'll). 17.?The irovcrnrm-nt heis put forward it?e bud>-et for the second qiartcr of tho yetar one- in exp'anation lias showed the tt.ta! cost ?.I running the country from the be? j-inmntr of the war to the on?, of January, 1916. Tho tota! la .i.tir-, 000,000 franc?, of which excln i'."ly iiilitary expensea comprised 82,450, 000,(100. Interest on the debt was 3,1210, 000,000. Payments to those <i? pend ent on men taken for th?; army amount to 4,Kill,000,000 and the ptf ernment'ii purchase of food for the civil population 180,000,000. Other expense were 3,008,000,000. -Vd vancs to otehr power?, not including Russia, were 702,000,000 francs, of which 502,000,000 went to Belgium, 166,000,000 to .Serbia. 6,000,000 to (.reive and 400,000 to Montenegro. The state of the treasury at th. , : ,? ,,f 1915 ahowcd the advance", of the Bank <>f France to the state have increased only 1,176,000,000 franc-s an?l bonds of the national defence in circulation have increased only 5, 57 1,000,000. This shows how far we are from havin,* used up our re lerves. Meanwhile, from various Fource?., Including the bonds of national de ?i nee and treasury bonds sol?! in England and America ami the $500, 000,000 loan put out in America the. government accumulated a reserve! ,,f 18,500,000,000 francs, which en-i sbled it to keep well ahead of tlio teeming necessity at the beginning if 1915 of ?Irawing heavinly on the Hank of FranA. One aeea from this that the finan-1 citl future of France remains seren*. ; ON THE CONSOLIDATED. .gain the market on the? Consolidate-d Exchange was aocertain In Us trend. ilarl** active, more than 11,000 shares changing han,Is. It went i. ros? to *?-'?. and ? - larine preferred touche 'la ! then ail vanced to 70V.. Studebaker closed at m loa. 66*4, I nited State ? Steel did not to Mexican Petroleum sold la bigfc ?? I07*i. mix KS. t,. ..?'.. ? i. ? - . , ? , ? ? , ? , i ?' \ i .,? I : ? ? . . ? . ? . ? I 4 ? i ? . ? ? . ; ?? - ?. - . ' ? 4 ?? ? ? k 4 ' ? ' . ? ? ? 4 .... : k . ? j ?4 .. 1 ,. r? ?:-.:. : ' , , .. ? j 4 M i . .?I ?, i 4 <?? . 'i, ? ? 4 < k ? . 11 ' a . 7. ' 4 ? ; ' . ? '. I ,...., ' t t ? :?-?? i ? '. . ? ? ? ? ? , . . . ? . ' 4 ? . ' ? k ' ? . list . N II . II ? ? , ? ' II - ? I -, ' . i*, te . ? ? ? Hielt 1 e li ? . - ? . . MINIM.. ... ? , - . r,??^ I h ? ; i : - ? I I ' , i.i. 4 . . ? i Ul ROAD BQI 1PMEN r BONDS, t 'j ? ? ? ? tage basil ? ? ' ?.?? ? ? ? ? : ? ? , . i i ? . < i i ? -, - . i 1 ? ? i .. ? . " ' I . ? . ? ? ? i 4 ? ? I . National Lead Dividend. ' ? ,? I . ?r?i r?' .'? 'i dared a quai terls l pei ? ? . . . ,i g common lay, placing an :, i !.., , g-nce ?IJiQ the rate ?;,- red leed fren 1*4 pei .'i per eenl bas been paid. Besides mak? ing lea.i pat:, >;?.,.,| u. th.- D ipnel ?.nil atber in? ammunition, the eo ? the United ?y, which ha, ? mini i bcr of \?.ir orders. I Executor t-,.,? Chartered 1822 rU!t* Tlio Farmers' Loan and Trust Company Nos. 16, 18, 20 & 22 William Street Branch Office, 475 Fifth Avenue New York. LONDON, 15 Cocknpnr St?, 1 W., 28 OM xtioti 1** | Q PARI3, 41 Bonlevar-. Eanssrosan BERLIN, 66 Uato d-a LV.ia, 5. f, Travelers' Letters of Credit. Exchange, Administrator Guards Our ?s at the disposal o? manufacturer. Foreign an<^ n-crchants, for the transaction Department gfbu3?ness " a11 ^arts oi the "wU r by means ot our acceptances, im? porters are facilitated in their un? dertakings. An invitation is ex? tended to those contemplating the improvement of their ?oreign rela? tions. The Mechanics & Metals National Bank OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 20 NASSAU STREET Deposits (Dec. 31, 1915), $203,000,000 STOCKS IN OTHER CITIES. MOSTON STOCKS. Halt!?. ii in in.? upan. Hl|_ la"?* * 1 I 4 ? 574 17 . 1? . ' 4 4 4 ? ? | i: 7 l a 11 ? 4.'?? A1??nfura . 2 ; ?? a i-neel. . ?? ? 4 ? 3 a! ' ? a% H, ? nnl?I ...... II ? ? ? ; o ' ? ? l... Han. ock ... ? ? ? * . 3 . .-?ka? . 1? . 1. Miel II m . 1% M Mohawk < 1 S V a Idl-lf? ' ' a ;.--?? a Ills MOjlbwar . -* 7S< ?- : ' ?'."*-?? . ola . ??' :.- Pon : L'rask .?..?.:.-. N ? . ...k.- .. "'? ? '?' I a , 10 I It] ? ' ? ? i emitting ? 1,445 L'tah Ai?t ?..h l'un, . IS 10 VI, totto . i ? rim ? . RAII.I.iiAI? it tlMI 4% AH '. ? ? re pl ' a ' ' V, rm ... A ?? -i ?I . ? \ ' ' 4? l, .(., ? * .IOS li?) IOS M - ' i i 'Meada? 4 ?' - - .- I \ 1 I I ' ? ? . T..*-* . " ? '.. " * pl '? ?Otttm ? - , 4 I ? S ???. '-' ... i?, --i'.i.n * i h? cLoaiaa m '. ' ? * ' ; Metal? ? ? ? i ? ? ' . I -, ' 4 ? , m ? ? ? , ? ? : ' ? . ? a ? 4 T? ! ' i '-? ? ' ? '? . 4 - * 3 : ? ' - a : ? ? ? 4 ? 4 : a ? a . II 4 4'. f'l *.'?-; ta i ? 4 : a 4 ?*? '. ? ' 4 ?1 a ' ' . 3 - ? 51 ? ? ? ' i ? ? ?"?i ' ' ' '. ? ? ? i ? . - PHILADELPHIA i : ' ? - ? i ? . i ? I ? ??!." K8? , | l..?. La?'. i . . ? . tSM_ ? a ' I - ? a . - - ^asa tats 4* ? ? ? ? wats ? . i ?- ? ? a 4 ? ? I P?\I.IIM??Ki: STOCKS ? t - I ' I i..,- pa '?_l^^^^^ ? - a * 1?' . . . , ? l.t*??) asnaam?? _I? . a - WO?, 1 ' ? I . ? - I ? < . a I'll i-m RGF STOCKS. . ? i ii i i it ? P? i ,. . -. C in Ta? I AU b- 11" 4 : r? 4 ? 111 ? :? . 'a it ; 1 11? JAPANESE BONDS ACTIVE IN USm French Favorites Quiet?Rubb? Shares Steady?America*! Issues Lower. London, F"h. 17. -The it,.- -*aj Inactive. Th* i '.*.-'. t?te ._;?' .. Baal Prases arei i UM ne ? an,i ether Frei tea, J."i> bonds terer? ? lot? i new war loan ruKeein?i '? T? : ? - ;'?? . ? srhleft erile. The Hank of Km/land told ?10.0C4 : bar g-old ? BaVhri ' ? ". b?*i !??,?? nu'tit i . ?-,i ai, 1.76V? Money loan? cent. ? eat t:. three men? ? psj :???. Gold premium a* Lisbon iui. Pari.?. Fob. IT Pri a. ven nte. en the 1 ir intet 11 s? . ? frai I umhin ? LOSING PRICE ? M k 1 1 ? 1 " . m a st ? Ho. Kan . ? SHORT i ERM N'Osa? . ? " l ore . ? ? ? ' ' ; ? ? . ? ? .. i ?i II BLH i HI IT SEA ::;r ' ' . " - * T "..,** T. , ' , - ht* m ? ?? i IS ft? *imi \aAue J80. 'MS. a HI *