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TOPICS OF DAY 0 WALL STREET Trader. ?Covering Shorts, ?ves ?Market .1 Briel Spell of Activity. URANIA DEBATE Dearies the street ir^gii?nrtyw,tll0erB,lu,yH*lta Speculative Programm? C I ion : Sharply. anon, th.* ' . ' ' ? ? ? ? ' ? , hsv? Broker*. ? - i | ?I ? a- | ' ," ' ? . ?' I ? Mtr_? ? l?-4. ? ? a Bus to ? s ' ? ? ? : ? ' ' Watt ' ' -?>.?;?? - ? ? ' ' : ' 1 ' ? ' S.? "' ' ?W ii'f ' - 1 - ? ? Liv-?>.:m.-.*iii, ru-, i?. ? ;. s BOND SALES ON THE STOCK EXCHANGE HU R8DAY, I EBRUARY 17, -til I'm.line, in bo? i <"> lha N<? Vori Btoch i ?< haaga rhsradaj aaaosated ? ? u ,.',,. ? ? i week age , m ?I,.!.- Mis....;..M???. nunin-t $N,tS?,fN In ?IS. i.?i\ i KNMi \r BONM > . i? ? ? .lijjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj M III I. ? '. ' \ ^^^^^^m i 4 '?a ^^^^^ ??? ?II I ' I > *s ' ? ? . . I. Ml Mil l'Ai. BONDS. ? * _*B^*-BJ BB^^H BBB^^^^H ? IS| -, . ' .?. ? f.,.ni IT***BJ_ ?. al A - <? ? r . RA1LM ?. am. MISCEL1 tNEOUS. \VtJm9%\iimi ? * ? M ? *ffffffffffH_ i. -BSSSSSSSSSSSSS ? ? ? X . ! il * t* aa a r. ? .. 101'? . ? ? _ 1. ^e^e^em . ? i ? ? **aM i ... S3'., ? - .-?i e ' ? ? ?st l ? v .. . ? ,?, ? I . GO. ERXMI ' I I??" . l-i ill ill INACTIVE STI ? ? * ? .' 1 ' ' * ' DAILY IMPORTS W!> EXPORTS - CANADIAN WAR TAX Dome Mines ?"firnpany Will Pc Litt Is AR, Pit I Irr.t. . f tin* ? ? ? ?ill hi* | I re, no? ' ' ' ' ? ' - - a m PUBLIC UTILITY NOTES General "*??????? .nul Earnings <?? \ .irions Corpoi ill rating ? ? MiU.iuim'c I If. i ami Light . i I .?' ? Coi ? ' ? ? ? a ' ' ' ' ? I 1 elephoni i I Penas* l?:,n?a. ? ? ? ? - . ? ? TRADE UP $100,000,000 WITH SOUTH AMERICA City Hank dives ?otitl, l.xport .nul Import, ?t |467,000,000. U ? i with rica in th? r year ? ' . r -,. i, r .rdlag t,i t?rela the I trade d I ' ?tailed |14l, ? . Hill t,. 1)00,000 in 1913, the for ? ? | Import i 1914 I ' 000,1. i el 00,000, i"ii and na were |iS, . ? ? ,. i . i? ,1 .,? i ; i ? 10,611. a Kam ? The ? ports, Binon cl ". 1 Brasil, \..-,,. ? per and Iron . ! cum i 1916 ? ' et, ral ? . iccord? . . on. COTTON BREAKS UNDER LIQUIDATION Heavj Near Moni h Pressure Hits Market Later Rallies Olve Steady Close. ? ? i .-!?;? , I. i . : : ? ?' I ir-i . ? th.'ir th th ap] - . ilartn I 11.55 1 ' ? ? ? ' ? ' ? ? ? ? ' .. ncially ? - : ! 11 II ' ' ? ? ' ? 1 ? ? ' ? ' I 11 ? ' ' . : t - I ' ? MINERS IN DEADLOCK VOTE A RECESS Pennsylvania Operators Won't Agree to Neu Wage scale. Mobile, A ? ? ? -rr? npon a - le her-*. ? ? ' . \ ? I I ? PRODUCE AND GRAIN PRICES Wheat Declines on De? creasing Export Demand ?Corn Is lower. GENERAL M .km I l;i PORT. ?in ? ; Mew York, I I ' ? . i ?'ii. n t . rnas i ? .-? ? ? ?i day. ? . ami t a ?Mill .- ? ,01 a ? ' ' ' I I. ?O?.'- - COE1N l ..?? in Um ... and . -i i to ? ? th.. m ? ?JAI I ? . ? r. I. i. : i r y dipped White, I ' I irk. Ml .? .OKI? PBII Eft, ' i' ' . : . . . ' i i HM IGO PBII ' ' M ' ?? ? . ? COFFEE ? i ? ? ? ' ? ? \ - * N - i OTTON'SEED Oil ? ? ' ? ? .- ? mCTAU . - . ? ' ' ... ? hi tin . at ?1-1 f. ? ? ? . ? ? . . ? II . V * I m i ?' '. ... | ? .?? ri Davi* ?. ii ' I ? ? ? . ? ? ' M'.M?, \ ? ? ' ' I .<! ? : ? - | < - ? ? Mint..- ? ?an. | - - ' ? ?>:. riCHOKI ' 1 |f - ?a", t . - ? . ? ? ? ? " ' - ! ! Midvale Steel and Ordnance Co. Twenty-Year 5% Convertible Sinking Fund Gold Bonds Dated March 1, 1S16 Due ?March 1, 1936 Iiiti?r?-?f [?ayah'-? Mar- h I and S.-p'.-rnber 1 Authorized $50,000,000 To he isssred in an ?mniirt proportionate to the stock of tha ? ,iml r, i Steel Company acquirad < onr-r-ihle prior to maturity into capital stock of the. Company at the rata of tan ?.luire? of stock (par value $80.00 for each $1.1)00 of honrls. If cnll-*d for ra drmprion, honda are convert il?',* until within ?0 days of redeem pt ion date Cumulative SI nie Ing Fund of $500,000 per annum to arrjuire hond?iaf not Vxieadtng 105** I lie hrst payment to the sinking fund will be duo May 1, 1917 Kedhsaasablela p^r' at enr tune at 10*% mxl inter?*?! frr the ?in?: .?i- f-tn-l? or as a whole after M Hl ?i i. 111), on any m?rra-vt tint'", aa SO ilay?,' ?lul'li?ihed notw? Ap*filia Mtaori ?111 be made to hoods .in 'h- New York .-?tork Fxchaeif-? (iuararety Tr?uert Company of New York, Te-uatas? V. i? hnvr recr.e-rd a letter fron Mr Willi-im F*. Corey, Pi-r?-ide-nt of the Mie? -fsle Steel ,-erarf Ordnane-** ( ' om pan y, fated FcbftlSl*J 1''. 1919, a ropy of which will hr t" trrtisii'-J on rrrjin-nt. Some*, ot' tli/- salient feature* of the letter ar- ????njuinriird as follows I be*M bondi -ire tfir d**r***t*t <..)|i{*-*Uon*i ire! the* only eil-rtinr*; faded debt of tli?* '??'Ivrvle Steel rend Ordnance ( onipany. The ureieritiirr will provide t?nt while .-my of these hond-r are orjt ?'-inc?ni-, thi* Midn-J?* Steel and Ordnsiiee Company wid not pledge or pl.t'-?** .-my nii'i-t.-ag-* upon any of its property ,*xcr*pt pfUCMN ? ?Mtgsges. 'Ilr Ixrne?*: are lie hr BcXUlCeJ by .-ell ?he r-i**;.tal ?fork of th*- Carobri. Strrl ( rjmpany ai*(j*!irr?] or to I??- -s?*'*'iir?"id by the Cetnpanj. 'I he re i?, to be an initi.-tl | if toes of the Csmbt e Steel Co?*> p.-.ny, rastiag more then $25^000,000, which ??e to lv* acqoired with proes**sda of the ?i'.<- .?t' Mideale Steel ami Ordaaaee Company itoek. Stech as acrenirrd und pledged ci'irmt. ierre ns ? ' lib of an? issue of bonds and will, therefore, it ?11 tintes represent an investment by 'he Company in Csartbris Strrl Conpany stock of i ? than ' KJ in excess of the proci-rei?. of any bonds r*-f*tstandii c The Company on December 01, 1918, exclaaire of C?mbele, hail a workir'-? capital of (18 . ?*????. ?rl lie the Cambria S( ' Company bal anee iheet of December .TJ, 1915, ait-owed a work?n<r espitaJ of |l ?fiOi Mr. Corey rstimat.-- that the ea**nins*a an?! Income of the Mids-ale Steel and Onlnnnee i and ?ta i plicsble to the Used charges upon these bonds, foi the rest ending December II, 1910, wfl he over nine tfanea the in- rt t *--******iiremetit on the total snthoirtaed issue, and ?Her si'icn f?mes the inte.-'-st and sin!.?i ; fond requirement. All lcjml ?Mai's pe-rtalniree to this i^n^ wi'l be passed apon and the leiyalifr nf the laesjsj erlll be red bj- Mes rs. Stetson, J nnio-ra 6? HaaaeU-, of Ne*e fork? far tha Hanker?, and ,,y Musai I Cbadbowne Utd Shi.res I i-any. Subscriptions for bund'-, when, 89 ind If issued -.rid d?lit errd fo ti?-, win he rider**igned .it 99 .... books will open o - 18, 1916, and elose .1 p. m., Pebrnary SI, 1919, or earlier, at rnr option. '?'.-? reserre the right to reject mbacriptiona in whole or in part. We do not -roan re , reseated bereta, bul they are taken rr?.m - ?bleb ere believe to b G.aranty ?rost Company Lee. Hi?ginscn S Co. The National City Bank of New Ycrk of New York 1 ' ' ? ? - - 14p: Il - ? ? '. . -. . i HAI LOTS, ' ?SH. H ? ? - ? '? '. BOTHOl ? i: PRODI - ? a ? i 01 ?VTRY PRODI? E M ?RK1 I le i ii if. i ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? - . ??.?'.h. n-1 HA? ?mi ?JTBAW. ? i OVO ?NO MEAL, ? ? I kiln II ' ' ' ? ? ' ? ' '. I ' I ' I - D IOCS Firm; ' 10 lb, I, ea ; ? ? ill. ?...o PEO. i>i"* ; ? * I Turk : LIV1 HARKET. ' m ? , ?I \ I -?. !' - ' ? ?ND . wiH ? ? ? ? r ? Bank of England Return. ? Bank of Fran? ?* Return. ROCK ISLAND ROAD MAY GET $750,000 Receiver Asks Court to Ap* prove Rticl Group Settle? ment. to i ? i! bv tin? i Iroatl In full st'ttl<*m?-'i,t fOf olifn.-. - '.?' ?;. Ma ? ' during 1 ?Vail ? :i?* of nun m from ?? . ? ? . .- i > i' I i ? ? ? ? ? ? nls of the Ti ieo I ? .' ' ? STRONG MAKES STUDY OF ALLIED FINANCE Presidenl of federal Reserve Bank Sees Banken Abroad. k ? ' ? the iirm !',..* h?* -.'ill i.turning to ., ? ? Mr is . ig hers i ? -? Su's for $7.000. Gfts 12 Ont?. . ? I - tan B ?hi. B indi Bold . ? - ? ? ? ? ? ? . - s