Newspaper Page Text
Fritz Mai-sel Says He Is Proud to Weai\ the U?W of Wild Bill Donovan Gold Dust Twins Do a Little Act Again Boston Saun Performs Just a Shade Better than ( alifomia Sam. GALLERY BOYS BEG IN VAIN FOR ACTION Smail Crowd S es Boni and Exodus Begins Before Tenth Pound St.irt*-. U. ?? ?|',,l l !! \\ : ., and ? ? .- i.. ? at npht. ? ? .*? perform " ? For ?on Ss did ??* nant i * . ? ? :i left to * - ' I ol ? fortj lb? L-nn to . s ?larlci ' ? gallery ? i New York . ' ? ;e ap , ? ? ? ?? :*h tl.e k thi? j ? ?? r part . ' I ' p WSJ ? ingly .. it*. -'"? i ; ? n the ? snguid McKay. ? ? ? It Andre floored ? ftive An.?re hail all I ? ta bo srltn * ms to Andre's ling Andre was v He lotike-' ? ' ce, Jimmy ral earfnls, * earns tinder ?? ?if Mr. tlei He old trade last night ed the Boer into the \ ? o mu- ? ? ? nn-human punch. He has ? ?? hind ? crowd ral'" The -riding . i i the pro? ?ti'trr .lack Reed had cut aim- Stanley's face to in ? bad ??* y at ? en ?hi? to i-uve his Oft"?"!;. -(?,!. ? I fans ar? their cs I - ? ? small. ? Gard ? :'. ! buy made a?, to where ? ' Mndl . appointed ? ?' ? ? of the orca Ihe mich- ?.lull in the air sug festS men s overcoats in winter weights. Revised pikes suggest reason for buying non- l>oth for now and next Hinter. where does the wear come? s where our "Shirr" col? lars are pure linen; 25c each. 1?! i Rfl J'l i r C03IPAXY Bl fdway at : ith ?St. - rrtMthSt. Four Broadw,.y Corners" Fifth At? stWairen at 41st St. Be It Ever So Humble, Says Fritz .monta*; t!m?.e ?? h?> * il nea-od th? Deasi ;ui-\\ S-Sal - < arter - W hile ?.ill pool l'un''.?-t ? c?enla? ??nt, Frilr M.ti-,l. ol tin* Yaaka. Whoa rrita- heard ?he ?erribif r! nit,?*- alla.hcd In John Franklin Baker's parchaos he decide,! ?<> re pur? imm?diat?!? It? lind Just ?ha? hi- status *aaa, I rit/ had n.? rlirer?, lo gl?e o?er llu? ropOli ?hat he ?.at? to he traded to the W hite Bos for Joe J.irk?,?n. "I he Yank-?," he said, "arc good enough for me." \\ hi n asketl ??ha? position he e* pccted to he ?iwed in ?his ne\? sea ?on, >1ai-el replied substantially BS follows: "I txpeei ?o lea?e ?o??n to-night, but ??ill meet ? ou a week from Mon? ti.?\ on ili. . .ml apodal paaslag through BaltlaM-ro. Vet, I think we'll ha?e quite a ball club this ? car.'' BAT IS MIGHTIER THAN THE MIDIRON Ball Players Win Big Golf Pool [ \hibition. In the i- I .* '.f pool nt least ? ' ? M . I'pon . f John '.'.': '.!?'- pi moran an.l ninkiiiir nitehcrs, , ut i.''. ?-?'I Gardl ? ? ? nt young ? In an lS-hole medal play round Don .' utpoinl .1 '- .'.r*. r ,.r..l White by th?' cour-.t of 70 m 7.-. Thll was followed by an l^hole match play ? ? n the two ball players ben; ip and ! to pie? .T.r Wood were to?? a ? ? Smilinc Bill i-i ons of the cariest "olf ? i? ? . r mann u! itl ' the si . " : ;. ? i'. ' I ? ' ' te had only ? . ? -, ? . two < ??ere j,\?amp,-d in flit ' r . . rtiui Wood hni' - ?? than eight 2s, enough to I I fa Vardon ar.i a D, I >ro ? .-? ther. \'. ivsn SBBouBee ?hat if Mr. 1. ' ing un an . y Will he quite ? meei any other t?1" in the world, Ds Oro sad ShoemakeT ? rod. Columbia Coach Starts Battery Men to Work 1 ??iikley, tif the .'o.ur - bla ba ? ? torday from his winter residence it Ilion, N. Y., and forthwith called out th? tery candidates. l?ec<. only fourteen men. eigr.'. pitch ers am atchers, appeared, ai more formal call i? left open until to? day. A few minutes' practice was held in the baseball cage in the gymnasium. It tossing the sphere back and ' for the purpose ol loosening ui? winter-bound ?houlder muscles. Georg?! Eddie Shea, right-hander , .'nu Heck, the southpaw, -if la?' ? on hand, ai also won ? I.ano. tir?.t catcher, ii 11 < i A Mo it promi ling >f uro C C I.i? Tour and '?? ' ? - - II, each t.f . freshman hall. Splinters and Cinders. . Many athletic enthui SSts who at? '. the farewell dinner to Ernie the Swedi ih coach, are proudly exhibitinta' ,t memento of the occasion. The remembrance II a piece of cloth, an in? th, eut fn>m ? overcoat of the genial Hjertberg. had to fall back on a foreign to protect him while aboard the Oscai I! Horace Mann .School will hoi 1 St next Monday *.'.?? 22 ! R? gimen? Armory. f\i i ntry list of 460 boj - has bo? n ropr. ,- thirty-three the 1'ast. I Ki.r ! ham. C. < . N. V-, ?'olumbiu ami Man will star! teami in the medley race of one and s quart er n ? -. obtain admission ets by applying at their school. S'ewarV athletic faai are booming . held there John I O'Hara i ail man of the n charge. K patl :ck, who wa?? the fll I ? S half-mile un?i?'i 1 :~>1. n W on the ?. lei path ? -. r be t quailed f?>r con-:-' ?. one ?ear \ A coach romped S ?? .r.iii-r in twenty i the watches registering better than l \ railroaa journey of el ? lid not proven* K ? froni attending the Hjertberg larew? '. ! I ? Fordham Tren. Five Wins. Iham Piep ? team ? ? ? ? ?. : rom Ml i . ; v Academy at 11 re o 1 ? ? j ? ? ? l ordham Prep ? i ? -, foi the boms ? I i:? the knot of s f.-ur-in- hand ?T bow j?, r.? e?j . 2 fot .^'.!..!!..-., Usa Kelly?Silenlly?It Can! Be Donc By BRIGGS ??OOD N??-.HT. I'* QOirsity o\J^R lo *] Jack DOVC? S - IM*? -*j ? LOT Of Ot-0 *' ??j 'i.ts-7 ? ? ? ? . ..' . ["ft.-?/-V '? .?i. -*?*-.-..**-**;??? '/?*/?< --?. 9AM I kXGFORD IN HJERTBERG SAILS ON THE OSCAR II Half a Hundred Friends Wave Farewell tu Athletic Trainer. With half a I undred friends a i ? I, Ernie Hjert bei g, the e the Swedish truck and r i ?? ? ? ! team, ?? tclav after noon ?m board the Oscar II. The athletic trail i profuse m his tor the kindly mann he had been treated ?I ? gangplank iras being 11,), Hjertberg ei -hat he t . . ? ' ? ' .1 i in a few is with his team of ; athl? ? . on board the (isonr II were William Spengl? r, of the, Jahn Malo ? I Rita's t ?,-!,... . liia, at-..I J ihn Karpinski, of the Clc .i box? rnf,ri?e thu team ol box? I 'u a s part m -i s< of 1 imai | ? I by newspaper. Fast Union live Defeats (he Quintet of Williams e ?? bj ?i ? J... Tin' ' .'1 the lor.-.l team led . ? v, . I in the poii came I National Guard learns Play Hockey To-night Th<- ilicy of th?- N'u ird i ' r a ekey is con? when ?rimei \ ? meel Appl? en? a1 the rie as c Mar? I othei ? ? ?? Greek-American A. C. Gets Wrestling Tourney The metropolitan wrestling e-ham -? ere award? rht to the Gi .-Amerii athletic Cltib, the dates 'April 13, 11 an.) 1 *>. '1 he cham* ..:',! inclu.le match? ea, from the 105 1_rrestl to the heavyweight Newark's $1,000,000 Automobile Show. First Regiment Armory, Paaoes \?? ?mi ,i?? sj Il \ M le n r M February 19th to 26th Take Cars from ] I.KM.VI. MOOD. Heard at the Sign Of the Cauliflower _By W. O. M'GEEHAN - Te--, i, Rickard I d pat .m the Bew Moran : -rht H? '?' mr'"v y( ?,..,.; would take , - Garden ,,:' ? .- Forty Thieves fore, to the d. lMmc 'Arrj Pi Uok, who was sai I holding out for a hunk of i '? ? i thai Mr. Pollok, in collaboration with Jaek I'urley. had planned to hold a ?? restlm?. match show night, have been lal impresslo that M? irs. Polio ? srs of ? grai got the notion thai i Richard in s coraer and frisk him for bis il ?? b? "re giv ing up the dato. Bui not so, ann? Mr. Richard 'Andsome 'Arry I arrived al the Waldorf yeaterday boar ing the dat, 01 s si platter and handed ?I ovei to Riel ir I ?? ? s of i.-. Anyhow, that's ti:<* impression that the spendthrift i. u t. || learn that e\on in these grasping days the piril of self-sac? ? il es still Bourishi i. On the other band, it is sad to feol th.?? ons so young s -1 :. Pollok i t.?-come aflliet, As aooi SldavitS are pro? duced pi '??- .? ? ?.lity of Pol Ink -uni Corley the Society for the Pre? vention of Cruelty ? Tes l.;.-k;ir.l will . ?! I hi mi ??.!" r- of the oi 1er ? keptieal Rid ..:.:-. worn now Ii health of Jos - Willard. ? t-olii gets better pretty Richard will !,!'?' ahoard the Twenl give Jess ths ones over. Nol that * much of a doctor, lut ho wants to look m-er that pals and d its has , regarding Ml Wi!lard's ailment. The I ? - . i h -, natura '?'? . ? . .. . tak, ? my o .- , that il hl] inbecoming 'nur. ehami ? tie. I *.. ? v. . i i I.' ... josl three dayi before the fight ???? th Mi I arl ? Id out. an.I things looked pretty blue ' .'. : .. .?. si s pro moting ths bout. But -unit* one who ? bout to conn- olf tried a - trategy. He went to Willard ard demSflded an ?.mptoms. "Where srs you lick "" he tie*nan?!t ! ? il on hi? bread features in ;? plied. "It ter." "Isn't ti...- ' mused the dip-* ifferiag ?he little ??? -i is. Hs th? ? d >? illard eag eriy. "Well, if thai -? "f ' like one of ? r, Jess will have to be ma? I remain m bod while Tes Rickard is ?.cnttering the content? of the big pouch. ***eem? to us that there is an smazing smoual gnoi ?rice aroun.1. I estcrday a lady whom in gar led si a person of * demanded the lig ?' ths title which appears ? column. "Why, it meaas cauliflower ear." ??? : ? ? "Yo'i know what a ..." .- the repl' . iliflowi r a DOl U| ??ur that ? ?atni it appear in any .. ? ?i t IS 1? ?or ear ??en Kill Broad, who ha-, never I posed as a literary man, knowi what a' The Fight Log. TO-NIGHT. Van,l".illt A. C?Jo? Brjill.y vi. Hippy Hi honr?. ?sa Pol? A. C ?Chnrll? Shank, IS. Youn? N lekrv. Eari Sen fort A. C ?Hujhay Roildan ?,. i.lfnn. C- Silla Nark ?,. Carry Pn>l?n. S ATI It DAY. ... P. C.? Dutch Branut ??. Kid Taylor. fSlfSBl A. C ? Aiirt Andar?an ??. Willie Statan l?land Club?li-orja Lynch y?. K. 0. Clfmonl A. C?Charrplon AI McC?y ?I. Italian jj? Baas. QsilSlBSfS A. C ? Mlka Smith ?,. Jo? MsNTj :-. II ?? ha.? ! ?i, ,,' re ?? .! I. that i?, boul i I e lily whites and the i- nents of the art .>f the Marquis m Queen iberrj. < !.air? man Frederick \". ? r i ?. ?? t?..? Boxing Commission .lui a Patrick Henry f?,r the Langford ?fcVey-Jeenette eom ? in, but the two upstate eeinn ? rere obdurate. The only way that the < olored Heavyweights' i ran make pork chop none*" in tnia vicinity ;.? to keep the little old league going. At that it might have been perfectly safe f,,r tin' eommision to sanction the : boul - I bei s are not many .if tin lily whites who want to ?s'i> up ni a,n?- Mistab Sam Laengford. And there are ?ery fee* who can. to staiul Bgains? that straight left of Sam ? ***s. Th.. ? , ommission baa a mw for the g.neral uplift ?:.,l rellnemenl of the game. The?e will noon be promulgate*!, ami . 11 look fonrard t., ? higher pugi li'in that will make the shade of the Marquis at Queensberry feel that he ha. not labored la . mmission w:!l ponder i fea over the problem of Benny Leonard had in hi.? glove . ? :, h? m? i i'Brien at ?j ra Edward Patterson, who manages laj ' al ? -eras a hoi ??r a biick. Whir. . lioner Pra? ps! ite he will examine the there is an) - Shamus the eon bicner will And that it was ;. of bi ?ckdusl ! be forced to believe that Benny ?? ed bis i mi h a ith a chunk of n asonry. Colonel John Reisler, known tonco rially ai John the Barber, waa found inniving at the aaeapa I I I J? BBOn, who was tO fought Sam McVey at th>? Har \ C. laat tree? I? -.ems that the : broke from thi ? . ist a : to the Harlem < Hub. aft? r him, but John? son ?ii'l an Eliza over the lea of the hi.rli" snd wa seei ir.i Cos < ob, < ?mu., through a dl srd. defenee of Colonel Reisler, ban mself, -.x.xs roosl eloquent He ended with the pathetic i-uestion, "Why ,ioi-s everybody pick on poor .Iiihri. who Baver shaved a guy the grain n. his life'.'" The courtro.,rr-. resounded with cheers a?e the verdict of "not guilty" waa brought in. B] the Bray, < Bienal I'.*>t?ler presents the gold belt thia evening to th?? most .: la.l on the eanl. Charley Leon? ard, r enny, the r!.?;i.g young lightweight, w-;l! tiickle Kay 1: \ S'ack a'.I Carey I'hi'lun will re? sume a little argument they ha,l some ? An. - tine , Young Ts ? ? ? ? - Dutch Bi ?? Il to-night .. .. Ath? letic Club Ife ing Payl r, ?? ha from ? 1er another mon aber, ha? <i.-.-;l ,i that boxing la more ? Brandt aha ia a Hollander, saya that b bawl - ? ? , : agaia :?ft?-r to-night The boys are I really ?juarrclsorae. BOXERS GO DOWN LIKE TENPINS Three Knockouts Mark Bouts In Amateur Tour? ney at N. Y. A. C. Boxen fell like tenpins in the pre? liminary rounds of the amateur toi r nament which bogan at the Sow Y?.rk ?thletie < ? ' Of the thir? teen bouts ?hat were held three i< lilted kl Its, while the referee stopped mas of the other.? before ? producer? could come. only bout that went the uled three rounds was between Fred? Hamilton, of the Union Settle ?. ai d Joe .lanuz:, an una' performer Hamilton was the winner, afti i -m extra round. A total of one hundred entries was received for the f<mr classes, and ??h in ng time came all but thirty-aix were on hand. Ten of the?, were barred from competing by being over? ? eight, lorn? - Su ran, unattached, recorded - nockont when he di ipo ??? Jume?. Gutti - attached, in the :t ? round of the 130-pound elass. When Guttman ???a.? reeling !"-? | around ths rlns ths referee Pete K?/bb, representing the Morningside Athletic ?'lub. fig | the second short bout, when h Edward ?' Gallagher, from the Union Settlement, to tne floor in the r< und. William Logeman npheld ths honors Club when he kaocked out Prank Powers in the second round of the IN pound das?. Logeman proved loo experience ! a performer for Bis rival. Hamilton and Janussi furaiahed a thrilling battle that had the Winged Pool men applauding heartily. Hamil? ton forced matters in the first and see? sad rouods, bis clover footwork and jabbing earning him a slight margin. However, the rugged Jaaussl kepi his opponent on the jump in the third round with hard punches, and at the end the judges ?IilagrOCO. An extra round was ordered, and by assuming the aggressive from ths start Hamilton received the decision. Lou il Sea i? Ii. competing unat tached, violat%d the Queensbery rulei bout with Philip Murray, of the Young Mri ' Christ [an Aasoc was disqualified by tbe referee, il.a eass will be taken up by the r??.: istration commutes or' the Metr?poli \ lociation. lummary follow-: THBEE lim *.i?s i SUOaS RATED ,::?.!-? I - In thtnl ? ? . ?I H. A . .;? '.'!'' . ' I ? n Barf *M Ban I .? ?? A ,' . i. '??*?.?! ii i, a r ???? i ? ? ? . . i:..? it u.? Iraq-Mil a ? M - ... V M i A , itf f?*?tr I l. S mdall. uitattael ' I H "? ?:.!-..t ,l?f.-a',| Jur J?:r ? a , j.. ..., I - llttlU -la. '? ' ? . - -' i . ' ? t ?' A. ? A ? ? .. ? l'aarl H -? i ? ? ? ? 50UCY TO A?D WISCONSIN ELEVEN Cambridge, Mass., Feb. 17.- Ernes*. W, Souey, end on th.? Harvard football '."am of lui paar, said to-night that he had agr??- : to SSSist Dr. Paul Withing ton, a former Harvard athlete, in coMhiag the slevea at the University : WiseOBSlfl BSXt fall. ??? sddi d th i* I 0 a/reement Would be signed until ? fter th.- close of the eouege vi r. ? understood that R. .->. ?" Kin-,? I John Pot., r-;. both crimson hack playei ? ? lost season, will ?? coaching cor\ s, Cubs Sell an Infielder. Chicago, Pob 17. Harry Frit;.. ,.n 1er, was sold to the Syracuse el ib i.f ths ?eW York State League to-iiiy by th ?"hicago National League club Manager Tinker booked an exhibition .'ttmij with Syracuse for June 11. Grant Has a Hard Tussk With Bassford in Singles mm._ Former Indoor Champion Is Twice Within One Point of Defeat. ONLY POUR LFFT IN STRUGGLE FOR TITLE Dr. Rosenbaum and A.*M. l.ovi bond Defeat \V. M. Washburn and A. S. Dabney in Doubles. By JAMKS ONKAI.K. There was nothing at all funny in ?he match between w-,:.<? C. Orant ami Abraham Bassford, jr.. in the. national indoor tennis ehampieash p, at the ?th Regiment Amary, yesterday afternoon. (.rant, out to win his lixtb ? tie,played wt'h deadly .seriousness, and Beaaford, out to win his Brat w;'h even more earneatneae. Several rjveatlonaMa de? , lions and other untoward I fippenirig? put more of a strain than ever on the , layers, ami when Grant hul won, ? I, II ?', 8 2, ;/'.er twice having been ? b point of defeat it *j, noticed that the two playera dl 1 not shake hands. Nevertheless, when the two left the dressing room it was "Wylie" and "Bass" who spoke to each Other. "Let's go get a ginger ai-," invited Wylie. "Surest thing you know, "A;, lie," re B , ford. That is the effect of the game. The Id fi lend i ware mortal ai ? i on the ?? lurt When the du it of liad ...'tied again to the armory floor the ease was tattled out of court, an ible readjustment taking place, at A si.rt ,,f on agin, orf agin, otf agin, on agin, Plnaigtn arrangement. Going, going, gone ar.. most i players In the tigl? ly drant, B, Lindley Murray, Alrieb H. Man. jr., and Watson M. WasM.irn are ?eft. There :.'.??? [air? remaining in the ,!',uhli'?i anil six player? in tfi.: con? solation ?ingles. Missing from the doublai teams are Washburn and AI fred 8. Dabney, respectively E doubles champion with R. Norri W end former holder of the same rith Nathaniel W. Mies. The two foil in itraighl seta yesterday before lead) : tying of I?r. William nbaum and Arthur M. Lovibund. cores >i ??-?? ?; 4, B 2. .Man p;.*. out George King, the hockey, acrobatic, sprinting and vaudeville star, to the tuna af 8 -'. B ?''.. Thus the former Yale expert is bracke'tei with Grant to flght it out in the scmi-fina:? of the upper half They will pi?-- to? morrow to determina which one will mee? the winner <?'. the Murray-Wa?h? burn match, also to-morrow The (?rant-Man match would be run I day, except for the ted that '/rant and his partner, (j. Carleton Shater, are scheauled to oppose Rosenbaua and ond this afternoon in fhe only ll of the day. The douhlos t for Tue day, and the singles for either Monday or Tuesday. Bassford, who was expected to make fflg figl t againat tiran-, hail his eeond set ar. I t! re? I? is Grant rhe bad i o? beei i ? I ,?:.,!,'r th.1 Bra and itea the Hartadale player's attack, pulled If together. I.assford Wd et ?. ?) ' I ' -r? aaS ui for? mate remarks from S-?*** lall? -r,,.. ""? ..__.- A_I_ le . . . * * "*?? K fka Agnlri he ,..] " i*], * '-i : a? on pe? favor, ' last of ing iti ? I, - re? ? : ? ? Hass?oril ? ?'? front of th, ri?a quick!; ? ' coming, . . . being of fr ? the ban .... ar.d r ? - - ?aa ? M< ? ." i,r?- ? . I by .-, ?? r'" '. ' ? ?". r,.,.. broke \ service, ? ..- . >i>v nent's ro?tH(ssr ? set Gra ne ver ford a ith deuce i bta ?'?? - , baum in the I.ovihor Could I ' aaaily I ' ...... ? . ? . Each has tag... Dabne . rer set sueh ponants i bette r Lovil ted t me and aj;aiii I_ Mat. ; .?.? , ? man could not m - ? .-i/iz.e.i ? ' r.o weal ? :<:?? I accurate lervins, ? tlon was freely ma t Ml terday'te form, ha - ? ith Grant for the :'' ?le bracket. ?,-??. follow?: ??'.'. pot the " I ? irai . ?. fol ? ? - ? Man jr.. (M ? ? : ? i ? !'. ? ?? U. M'a ? ?e ? ?a ? i . - B. 1 la ? ? ? | Bits of Baseball Chatter Heard on Winter Diamond i Il mes "fa*,?-*" Rowland, t.:' -.?-i? Chingo White Sox, refased to lily a Malsel Is he was SXC4 Sdod lack of leriousness by H Id Bill Dono? van. "Msisel ;-. ? fine little hall player and .?o is Jackson," ?< Rowland, la? conically. Nevertheless, Rowland ne?d? a third ?acker. A first rate throo-cushlBB srt ? roald make the So.x almost a one two certainty. Rowland is sweet on former shortstop of the Los Aageles club in th" Pacific I League. Terry h;* .-?-?? and 'eltie In 189 games. "He is the best looking ?hortstop I ssw out of the majors lost season .??aiil Rowlaad. "I ??ill use him at third at.I keep Weaver a* shortataop. Of If Weaver fits in well at third and I think he will maks the best I baseman in the American League i will shoot Terry in at short. Then Klackburne is a first class utility man in either position. ?>ur nee.i of a third baseman has been greatly SXBggOl a tod." J. C. DUBB, a ( ; ' Btl a?"..r. " II be the principal o'.?:*,er of the Cleveland dun. according to Ban Johaaon m agnate i could not iave ? harles i-om ei a to th? American League E si l offers tu ink,- over his bas, - ??ere refused by banking friends of ***omcrs. "They ?vatitod Somers put ot base? ?aid an American Leaf i thdrity yesterday. "It was the opinion of tht? bankers that SoflSOrs's other business interests needed his attention more than hasehall. In other words, that he could he successful in anything except baseball." Somers was, more or loss, forced to i'eft-r to the wishes of these Clevt hankers. It was he who ma.:? American League financially BOI back in the s?,,rmv days of 1990. ? ?very Americafl League director is in? ! to him. .lohn Gal '??!. SS manager of the Brooklyn Federals, and .Je.-, ex Detroit and st. Le - t, were those at the meeting Who have been ? into the col 1 by the baseball (?anzell left B soft job with the R ter club of the International l ? ig . i,-?) to th?* Pods. He managed thai than two month?. Thofl came Sugdoo, veteran catcher, was attach, to the scouting staff of ths Lou Browns, !-.<?',.!? r Jones bas snnounc. i previously that he will dispens- with ' tcouts this season. Chick Gat.?hi, long a fixture with the h. The Scotch ) AfWk )EwarS W WHITE LABEL mmef'TZZTn Bowium tutor. BttMaid * i'?--. ^??mmXtSmMWm ???????* Mfr? K-paii? ^,..?__o ? SB B bupplla* Man OtOO ,t JF? .'0 Union i>a|ua.?. ""*?*W ?Sa? dub, ? - ' ? .. i twin?*? lbs m ta? ' Harry .-ruth, R Sou"! ' he shows Don? a r, i: lai m? ?er of the Y?"* back?i , irles Piek i r s Mack : i third be? comes *? i*ht Ritt reis. Carry He Cil will not meet in tl \ork. ? ing'.-r I a I ? . e . ii r. spring ? ?*? tfkdkm Feb. t tai lie .-on eck n* .. . Weetetp x, dur. C-J .??cet '??' **>?? p<r^ft motorinthfl1-10 odi-n Molocycle The mai-1'3 that has *? * aeu standar^; motorcyc!-* I ' cirncy. Brooklyn WifW-? Frank P. BtW Ifia Bedford A?? rili *?* .aera''' ? i? mol, l-nt Barga ? Ca?h " " N-w York rantehatam l Y. SPORTING COOJS^ 15 and 17 W.rrea "** ?""'SP