Newspaper Page Text
?merican League Quick to Arrange Its Dates BALL WAKES HIS BOW AT A BIG LEAGUE MEETING - Owner of St. Louis Browns Paid $647,000 for His "Chair.*1 y.x 111 ARMS f - i ? that ? ne, in ;, ? ? thai - ? and pur ? ? 1 ? ? I ' ? ' ? '? ' " ' ' ' ' ?' " ' piHIBITION GAMES OF THE SUPERBAS ? ? ? ' . . Ajinl 9 ? ' ?' ? T?&Jporili?hi SGrvntJand?ice thought* On a Cold Morning ? ser ?.s a elen-f**** fAtiig, V'?i-/i (Ata?er (Ann ?i *f*e*A 0/ too/?; Yei i ? r ?i | ', doggorU ra tor't ? It'.s- thicker thon a ttvo-ineh t Speaking of Money? \ League bai |ue t Da eme baael rulad the Held of * lay; that proof ?if tin.? eould be Series, where the championship was ? i five 01. r $100 " ' i ? ? bee a n< ? further, In but 12 has ih^ championship gone? to the1 .?rve'n-gamc limit, , ,, tutu! <?f th.rty might havi be played had hippodromlng bean in m .Irr, only twenty ? aaad ?rinne In these five lerlea the ehamplanahip has beerii decided in an average ol fiva games, one more <nr?n the Iowas? pea bla limit the ten unplayed game? over $600,000 has been turned back to the publie. \ , , llf million ? have held ny mi t the i . ? ? ? intlement Mack's Luck. ? i ? kern] t Fat put lued l ,? Mack. lly had the distinction of lining money on a club that won four In fiva years. That i.s ?.omethir.,' ' .. ?. It ll elf. But Connie's World Serial fortuna ha.?- been even harder. The club owner? hardly begin to abara - Werld Series until lour gunies have been played. ? .o all told has been in fiva (hatnpior?h?p Sel time pot in but fie ?? games, ? . . ?? bent the e ubi 4 to l .n 1910; the I, In 1913; and the Bi light ? . When they begin to break against you at erarle ivalai ither m comparison. laving emerged with his acalp, . that he i.? V lb? ra -? IB only t ,teu.' in this country in the near future will be ta "' .1 year. ? ..? v bo sells golf (.up! ? sells tennis supplies is a ; al tennis playe; oughs or onion peed is a professional farmer. Even Harder Than ? -..n,e basis any ore who IC o\er ? ter may be lied prof? saional ball pi 1 rig to ha\r n hi, r lient, belie. 1 To a Point of Order. \\ iliiam . of L.ikewood, and the Nation??' League desir? er. , Kien ., : ? . -rue umpire, and there n down something over $5,000 a year foi I -sionul ball player, or h profe .nal player of any sort. to get ai ? Sport ? ?, Mr. Kl? , he a professional? ;.ou ever umpire in the Nat Of Course, of Coin-* Of course, if Moran should happ? n to knock out I itnpion, Tom Jon? lard camp will have nothing ; him in poor ? f red Merkle am .1 have been g since the firal ?? way to crush the n Golf Women Want Vote on Big Tourney Dates Trenches Being Dug at Bay? side for a New Eighteen Hole Course. Ii.? FRED HAWTHORN'] n ?If As . A ? of the, hitherto, i ron i - down ?<?? ? ' ? ? . ? Metr?poli ? grumbling an.I i: ?*, ?ii the air. ? ? ;:ap OUt H cularly th a*;d It may mean much. The New Y i rk elul title ? ' ? i " will recalcitrant ? matter w. ? . mue'? ere the met? o] iliop out. Add anot her I ? rday I thrown p. Long 1 i of th? new club, to be known as the ? ? will be within driving of the < ?akland : be a Ml I - ? ' ? ' ' of the golfers. POLY PREP BOYS SWIM LIKE FISH, WINNING EASILY Defeat Manual learn in Dual Meet in Brooklyn, Altor Hot Finishes. - team of Polj Pr. p. ?i pei formed in ? reditable *n in defci ? i mminjr, meet I ' . u ; t,, 19, w,tb the Poli boys piling ??i*h ths aid "f four ? ." ? ? Two "f the Polj i Prep onlj gain? i asi iimes ??i re f''i orded in .! of the ? . ? i sging i". ? i ? i - ?: i ? align? ' ornelius . Prep re] and Sara i Ifaaoal Training, aftei a bitt-ei ;.? . . light, ? .- finishing ? The schoolboy judge? named Rod? ler ii i ??I To th?* prosoBl it had won by ;? *iuick touch, after n ?? . , print In the fu Cantor second and Redmoi 'h.- lottoi I ? i. h? ?I the fini?h i ; m mo? ??. i m. ?. anota, r ii ? . -, ? - ? ? feel is length of the Harry Hinch, r? ? in? he . be ? ??? ? ring on would m r of . ? I ? taking irther effor? -,?. hen half a L< eming ' ear old Poly - a rd swim ' 2-5 second nd, an?! I ' '?'. .? ?? Manual I mining. ter won for iurm, a ? Il h,I re yardi ? ? ? 1n this ' lining wi ? t? nui ? .. M ?t. ? alfil- ?'un h M ' ? - ? ' MISS ROSENTHAL WINS ON PALM BEACH LINKS 17. Ilia ntury ? ? Lillian B. Hyd 1913, l'or ! lien r;. t tOBl. ' ri witr which wen ' roi ? '^n wil I be played * With : I Grumbach, c.-nturv, l up ? ? ? ".ury, S. . ' .-ntha ' ill ? .! Felbei ? onneri .. 7ra. I.. i ?? -i Bin Mem: " Ethel Cami . I N. Y. U. Gymnasts Meet Na?-> e New Yorl ' . he ?' lot M(ua i '? , Laub, o oficial American League Baseball ScheduL As Adopted for the Playing Season of 1916 *-?._~ - a !"?? Kice _ ? i ? ' ' ... Hawthorne ? ., /? a ? rvicL>eenan ^^TsBBbI BBBB^^B^^I^BBa^HF^ ^?^?^?^?^?^?H ^?^?^^^?^^1 ^B^MsbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbMI ''" * i ' ii i i a^verve ass July 11 ^^^^^^^^^^^BSBBBSa^^^H h^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^H ^^^^^^^H ssbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI-v SBBSa^^^^^H ^^^^ ?g*SJ*BSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSJ Aam. Arm. I ^^^^ ONeale Rroun Broun In The * Trihune ? iriDune *Bj"***B/g4*^^^^^l *aj"Bj--sf>^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^" Shipping In/ormation and Marine News of the World MINIATI'RK ALMANAC. Mr I nli?.| Hi.I?, i .?,( , , .., 1 111 ?,. g** rV , i ... . .Ill .a > III?.II U4lt.ll. 4 ?I I* ?I II i . , i : II. II i.a'. . .. 1.1 DM ?IMIN?. N. .'.AMUR!. m Dai ?... | ?? I? .f.... .1 ?1 I an If ?,'?'? H liai la? Jai, :?. i aimiTMiu . .Kl,?.- . . . r?t. u ??a?,aM?ra . K. t, 1 ? H .. . II,.? i ' ??-??? -. tua* ?bll Um?? . j?? Il i,4 ra*taa '? ?? ? l . l ?.. -, I I ? . . jan 1? ha* ??.?:?. , lai, If Mm ??- ??? i ?b i ', " ?a, . H .. ... ,,,, | ,., || ' 1 , I... 1 te*, '* . * i.. i -'. la II?, i l tU? a ? ' ? . Ii , ; San ?uni * sai ?i.". ' ? ? ? I . I ? . ? I I?. ' ... a l'.t, 1? ? . a ? ? , t a . | un .' ' ?? ? ? ?i r* h ' -\ * ? ? ? i ras ?i Ua?. ? ? ? 1 1 ? . , | I ?'? 1 , i. ? ras h r mill ?H'K.?UM. HTKAMRI ro DAT - ?a ? ' ? FI l 1 ?ant? Il . 1 0 a lu ; ? . t-?n ni??"., n mu ?ni ,t -ia-, i m li..a a l'ara a * ' - ? ' ?'.i II ni in M.Uli?.a, J?m?- . <. no an l'ara ? M ui l ; ni) ni i I??? ? '? Il ?m 11 tw in ! V**?r1. A-f: Uni . I '<?) *m Drdutii ....... I la? 4>- .,-, *?'.--?. ?.. '? , lin |,r; ... ! an., i 1. \ a ? ?,, l,al/il, ? rRANSPA. H IC MAILS. . ? ' . ?? I " :i> * Uli ? 1,1* a I ? 19 ?.a ?-.'t ?i ? , r nil lab 21 | 1 i* . .? ?' . a. Ne? ? . ? leb 24 ' Ml ?* le* V . 'a - ? I T.. a ?, H i- i - Malial l'?li g ?-. f'rinrl. i.) - , , l| ?lar . Hawaii i IJ1 hlaiida '???/?? I ?uatralM .< a ? ?l . -ni?. , i ? I .. B Cl . tr . ..a a ?'* *f,lll?l . I ? .. ? Rnt t?3'l? I ' ' ?PMI I' ? 11.1 ?' ' - Hull Ja I !J 'i ?-?' - .'. ?il l ? : ? ??--'. I , ??? 1 '? ? III ? .. lai. .1 li I'?tl 1 T ?? a: , ... * Fab 1 ? ? i i. i - | ? ? - i a Hilf I i . m : o i ?? i . . Rar at I a n ? . ? ht i liai). llar ?t 1. * Ha* ri - . , . ? ' . 1 . - ?? ? ? . I , a u . - I K . ' a ? - yuar ?t 0 3? ?l?i ?anilla > - * ' - , . | .... Dir i ? i ' a . I ? - ' I I ' ? ' ? ?: ? ' ?i-' - i . , i a ... ? It III run ... -, .. ?.... * ? ? . , ? ? ?? - . ?' ... ? . - . 1 . a ? IK, i. 1.1, ? ~i i ?Ml RS \ i ? ?il'i.n.N PORTS. MOU i , , Vet? 1 ? i Ii Keb II- ' . ? I '? ' . . - for Vladl i ?? ? ? . ) . - '..).?? BPS BUSINESS CARDS. ; . ?I:; ?'?? M -.m-.? ... . . ! ' . ? , I 1 < ?I & lUUM'l .? mi i.niii?! H * . . i: I. I 154 i Al'l'i T i ' AMMl WOBKS ' um. I en I ?."?i in i> ? aurrr? Se? I f.-f . l-.allar . 1 - 1 4 PI Ml K NOTICES. II Bl I? *-?O I I? I ". 1'ifiK, '.' HKU? I BE?3 I I \ I AM i V a ' ' illable for tha co ' aplii ?a- ordinal . i ral ? . NOTH M that ? public has I : ? ???-'?. i ? ? ? '.e?.U'. . l-'eti I ,. .?I ? I i I. ? ?? II III I, M'l I* I. n r or k . . \ petltloi lia- '.K ????? rlth thla ? im?nt of formal i a en t-ia: a public tiear'.na ou aid by I Boe of the i ! " ' .. .' ' - ? ? '.. . i a .... m, I I.A - |. i I ? New \,rl. , mint? ? 1 ? ' - ?nt t ??HI? - | t 111* \? Ii l.l ?*?? :.:sira uf Hi? County ?f I W.,l.| i-,,,. (J, ,,,,. M,r ' I ? I-at?.,- , \.w T,.rli 1 ?"? ?i,?, i ?rr?4i-i,? foi Han ?or* ?Il.lli 11 '? ?? I " ', ' ? i . laut, i, Va?, Ylf. , 'ii Bin . , i> h. i, Sam i ' '' ' a 11.11 (lit txmt ' "??"??'- i- i Hi laaa m I ara ?-?? rserl ir.rla I ' ... . a,-,-,,., .s?? ten , i . " i ? . ?? -. ?..v. -, .?, i. Ion, I'.,i i? Kslkouri iBri Ham \?rk r?b i* A'ii? i Um i, s,? \,?k .' ?ab IT .?,1,1a:,. a. :? ? i ?,. . , ,r-, , Ham 1 '.rk . larlaa*r-i.a. PatMatD liaael r?h l| Nfan.l.'irta. N-w Y, rl. fr !*?. !, r.. ? ,.,rl?iji [Dutch), Kern V,?rli for it..- la THE WEATHER REPORT Official Records and Toreras!? for Ihe I.?Ht Twenly-four Hour?. I ?>' ' igha i I ? v- ?? as k k ? saw lt?> ragt,in ,f Um i.rr.t l.?|, - rr ? iihin \, , ? ??? . ??. , BSS iae.iilra.1 -....:?. ,.-.? um stassasl ?i.-rue? t'i ?i l*r? .,f ? ? ,. -, ? -, i ? ?: 1 ?. a, . Um N?? tilsssa ..??. read aaov fiurri?? r,??r -Lile li. utt?r rSStaat fair ?rarjiar prvtal .?i ? k- ..-.? ar? that tl* ??athi-r ?1.1 '* ..??rra.l 'ri Um r??i,,.. at C- '?.-??1 I ?k?. ?? '? II Um ?T.lildl? ?''1 *-??*? ?nitai ! ?eat-? , i ', - . -, ? , .a Ill, itmifml Kl?, r .1 ' . ir.l.y . ' ,.? MBMWhal ?i..I Sa' Id -r M'-.|?.||.| .| lal ? .. ' . , . coli] -r?ti.,r lay part of rteei i It iturrli ?. ? . , . -. .i?in ' ... ikca ? r.rr???ta far ???clal LorallM??.?Ca?t'rn Nr* V.r., MSB ".inland, Ne- Vorl. [SSSWS P?nn?yl?anla. Naw l?r?*y, ' ' Maryland ami th? Olitrlrt of Columbia, ovarn.t to-day ?nd ta atorrom; 4o?,*MI (older tomorrow. \. ,i I? S i .. . ? . ii ' ? '?'- -?'' 4 ea1-?!- a M: , itjn ' ? I !.??? "I and T.-ia?, fa'.r . ? ? ? : local OWelal Ractx-d. Itea fc.'>-l:.f atm tal r*? ? | f, m 'I.' i?.'?' ? I. at ? r? ? '"?' BBS" tes t-, mote fee I ? lase tMSBSr-feeu seen, ' ^>? palfaaal aUB ll? "rr'-r-nillng .la'.n laat >??r ? ? a r? . ' P m ... *? ?'* in e * s p ?. I M t ? ?? : ? ? I *. ? .. p m . . . .: I -, I raraaaa tt ,i??r-?-? (si . n e m . ' . , ? m ? , ??rr.? in ;?? ' loar**. .??Mir? ? < ?lae? rr? ?. anrasa ' - ajnaa Barometer Readlni? . .i ? f, ,, .-??..? a. i . ? Humldliy. - a [Il *4 S Li al Forer??? ? - V. Y. A. C. INVITES SWEDES TO COMPETE An i, Itation to the i I rack tbia country eras ?v.Hileil to Sven I.h'mann, s?cr?tai A \ of s ????', 1 r 11 by th,? Kaw "fork Atl el ? ? ib ? ? U rday. If ?be , ? i| ? th? " Itation they tests of I be Mercury Foot organisation during their stay in thi? The letter folio? - : "The N'es? York Athletic flub d?? nie,rr? the fact thai there ?rill he no .'.?.n. lad held l ear, and fael that if it were ? range ii terna tional traca um! Held competitions be? tween your country and the different .?.?trier, ?n the I nited States I? won i not only bi? a very good thins- for bul i er i port ? in general. "To ' "v York A eordially extends to your hon ? ?. ? bring ?i team af athlete try, In " ' ., team of athl, t< the Metropolitan Aaaoclation, which as lociat ?on in? id? I i tatei Jersey the mee? I o be held under I ?? susp ? ?thlet ' ib." HELD HOLDS FIRST PLACE AT SKATING The II'?,?,??,!'on ? ? - in the form of n ,. mpel ' , ?? bel ? ? t n prof? -?lona; ill at? i all comri -, the ,;. >. ? . The re?u?t, uhicli wa? ohtained by ? by the audienec and counted I,;, t r s committee ; i testers, ?a? in th -.s order thur A. Held, of Kern York. The othi-r ntest r Walter W Bi ewer, of Ne i lerald Haw . ? New York; Profe I wr '.H.I Heins, nf Toronto, ;ti,,l Adolph Wind spei ger, of Nan H 11 ea MERGER OF LEAGUES WILL BE EASTERN ton, F? '. t of pro? fessional baseball dubs which is to ? . ? gland League and territory formerly occupied bv th-:.* ? . ii ? ten me ' voted to maints cague al until November I, 1921 SIMMONS M,. , ?". i ': ? ?Tl I. . n ' ? lui A. a ? , .' .-< * - H - i - ? ... Ii ? ? ipan). Ir . , ....... , l.ihn H . - 'if . ..rniUnu in ? '. ? . ak ' ' - Im, rai ? III fur th? re ? HA' ''?. N i ? ,,marry and . iiani* nr- plaintiff Th? ; Hi U . ?? - 11 I ' 11 ?I I'll -. ' \. . ' I || r ?tr? i - PBOP08ALS. BIDt Mill >e ? ? I o ' IX 1 ? Centra . ti, .1 A M . "o rhuraelay, i-?-bru?.-y .? i?;- fee ???.'... ? ist, for Itainsj ?????h 1,1-1, A 111??' i.i) a ;? ? ??,.? i..?..M?w eur.i.-i al t;.- rial...,, aqewdei ? T:.c portion of ihe I an ml t? bs Uaad ;- aboete : I r . ? :,,n? T ,? - tad In th? li Mi r ... ? , R - ttener Cetetat] l .;. 1 - . : : ' t , ; ? f ?? aera ?H?. M -.S Prra.l. nr. H ?:,u ICH, > Water S'> y. OICORUE rEATHEBBTONK, .*-. .:'?r> Under the Tropic Moon Down here the nights are balmy. The air is soft with lh?- perfume of flowers and the spicy scents of the tropics. Visit this Island of Enchantment ? Porto Rico, Gem of the ?Caribbean. 16-Day Cruise, $94.50 and up Including AH tipem*?-* The *i??>,?.- i. T-?it hotel, from '4e-w Yotl, i?o and arnund F oft?. K?. o an?J i?t iru. ..opp.raaQ a' principal i?.?te (-o.n?o?? able f-aorny ac.mruTtoda'ion* on lO.fJ?fJ Ion ?fe.tner.. (?)? inp the Ametiaan H*| A >aai.n( ?veiy : aiuriia? al nooDa ??ni? lot i!!u*t,*led booklet*. Criiitmg Department PORTO /RICO LINE 11 Broadway Now York ] Compagnie Gen?rale Transatla-rt'r?***? P08TAL : NEW YORK i ERVH E. ? BORDEAUX I BaUUNOS _*i i.itV H.? I ?ESPAGNE .f-LB. 22 ?CHICAGO . H-AFAYETO.FEB. 26 ?LATCH RUM .ftOCHAMBEAU ...MAR. 4 tLAFAYETTE . 'a MAR I! MAR. IH M\R .25 CUNARD iHlsfisd 1MB EUROPE via LIVERPOOL Orduna.Sat.. Feb. 19,10A.M. ?ti - ivie .- it lin ta, n A v. ?'"Al.iKi H'.'.IA . BAT., MAR 4.10 A.M. ?CAMER?,-, 1 v II NEW YORK-LONDON PANNONI ?T., MAR II Ken M? TiiK te?ii(i h reu M ? ' ? , COMPANY'S OFFICE ? Zl?24 ?-T?TE ST. N. V. FALL RIVER LINE TO BOSTON $3.00 nr? lv. Her i e. N H ft F.,ton St. it l:ee P H .'?' ?I New I mi,tun ? Nun? lili) Line. ?tr. It. Ver sa, N u . f.. Unaston ?? ?,?,? days ?.iiiy. p m . i'it re, b. h. ft ,,. .:?. . P M New ?arrea Une, str. i Pier IB, I R. ? ?> irta? ? ? ?lri(lgr>r>ort l.lnr. str lv, Piar ... .. ?. . . I ,\ -i . i . . I, I I : - i .--1 . l I ? ' _I "lilt, I*? III l? m II l \?l ii BOSTON $2.65 PROVIDENCE S1.60 COLONIAL LINE ?>l l-IIX. *>l \ I i.|{?ieiM?i. ?I.on. Week . ?-. . f M. fr,,-,i p .... ,i ?k BUM. * W?rc?,ter. I2.SS; e'royld'nc- dlr.t. }| ;<? n I ell i-illl. M V I I.KnIlM? -I.II,i., m. lud Ina Sunala) . 3 |00 p ?.,. I il? m. t k. i , ? u , N ? -- i. ? lad 3M 81 BRAZIL iiiailo?. LLOYO BRA'iLFiHD. i ; sr.r. st. N. V. City. -Il \ M-ll 11' II? Kll?. lu \Ni PORT. ?iiln , il Vsenta nil lin??. !<?? m.,n,l A Wl.if, ..nil, <??.'??-, .'.ill \i V \ TO THE TROPICS "fort i ebrUalf ? 26 "Great White Fleet" "PASTORES" foi .complete : ?- i? ? ? .*. ?/?sit ing Havana, Panama and the Canal Zone, Boia* del Toro, Por? Limon, San Joie, Cartazo, el. . In. Ius1?r $230 ? - . . . The lie?, 4l|i|i.irt'l,lll.? ..f that - . It? der!? a THOS. COOK & SON ^BERMUDA NATURE'S FAIRYLAND Knunil I rip 4111 ?i?inn-r, ?.. an I I SC ?r i- '? . 0. hvangelini* r. 1 1 .?a* S. S. "Bermudian ' .*-? West Indies ? ? ? Du.b, l. t, C* I ?'-.-? ?. * . 1 ? 1 1 I ? RED "D" LINE 1 ? . ?. a ?l.?ll? ' 4 ? ?ITx.i.N ? ? * * -if J'.h'i \V. I l - . I ' ' ? i f tl.tat ' In T, , I. B.J ' ? \. w '? ' ? .iKi. j nowi'v ? ? ? gra. ?? ? , II Dr. Kotiert I l'Nlll-l ' a ? ' ' ' ' I ? npany - " I the Hall of . ? . ? irroci ' ' ?lay ? IM MNI--S , || ,N) K> 1 IVR ' ra. a ?loi irnu . . , a__ ? ,,tmt,*****m*m?m'imm*mmm?mama , a?????---.??^*-^ SI RRQC VTK-V Noll? KS. ? Y \\i~\ ' ' - ? tara, a ' ? ' . f Ma ? Mew T . I . . I.I iHARLK? ? - i I eue h of Ma . ?York M Klkii?. VI ! S* M?l !' I - ? ? . ? ? , I - ? - ? -.'?? un.: ? ? HOLT I ??~PI ? - . ? ? ' ? I IT, ? ' ?.N PI l P ? ... I. l? , transa * arc i aarar, .v.. tan, in ?ha r : ! .la/ ? ? ? ? ? | ? llo-. I % : Boi ' ' . .? 1 orla ' i'- i' ?-. ">)? I' ? . . ? , ? . . ?. y il. se a t'I'.jr 1 ,rk. uO . ta :-, f uaol-ar, |. \\ il. 1- DAVI . . KHU : .-. ra CltAlll . ' . . ? . > ? -?? ........ a ; or AN ? p . ? a County ef New Yol a txtr-' ? ? ? ? ? .,' '? ". eh?- aanie with ,?il lui? 1 ?. ritrr ? ?le f transacting txet-a. ?t - ^ li ? av.! ?. || Wl -i The i K, Of N'a? i . o - ?. ta? ber, ? i. ? ' _' e . ? _ \l ? TieiN > \i i ?. H? ? :; 4 H ?1 ? . .' ? . a .?