Newspaper Page Text
Conducted by Samuel Hopkins Adams. Thia department hai entered the ?et ond liage ci ?ervice to lribune reader* Primarily it wa? intended merely to ?eparate the ?heep of ?dverti?ing from the goat? -and hang a bell on the goat*. But now it goe? beyond mere identification. It embrace? a human nature study of both ?heep and goal?. You are invited to assist For every letter printed in thi? department describ? ing experience??plea*anl or unplea?ant with advertise** of n.erchand,?e, excepting onl> patent medicine?. The lribune will ?end $2.00, payable in any merchandi?e of any lribune ad?er i*?er. For ?be moat important letter earl? month a ?pecial priie 0*! $50.00, payable ?imilarU, will be awarded. Name printed or withheld- a? you prefer, but mini be ?iR.ied or we will not know ??here to ?end the prize order. Addre??: The Ad-Vi?or, The lribune, New York. "I note in a recent i'siie of ihr American an advertlsemenl of a a., . . . . ,,-? . . 1 ? ah all our papen te reject sil ?" whatever kind sad all advertialng of anj rae ? .,' prepara? s s con1 cohol or opiates m nabit?fornning -, by William R. Hes <iootl fir Mr. Hearst! 11?* hs taken ?,o ! ? . ? y mi adv? ' ? ' which, ufiirctl from his chari ? -? Whiskey. ! ' ' I I t Mr. H . . Po (. Health, in his * ? ' s critically inquir; I betwe? '-'. Heai ' editorial utter? ami the presence of Duffy's Malt Whiskey in the advertising column.--', may have stimulated the editorial perceptive] ? In any case, one exemplar of arrant ?quackery, at least, i ordered out ef the Henr?t papers. I? it too much to hope that Mr. Hearst will road tleo-por into hi?> column?-, ami wi.l decide eventually to evict the remainder ?hat tenantry of fraud which made hi i newspapers a reproach to <i ?ournalisn.? r;k i can . su unusual boo?, for a New York stars. ? ? from ?!?: \> - ? e three n began to a* r?r it. 1 though? at ?be tims that they ] paid littl? How ? 1 these ?spots o . . a - ? tut to make anoth* ? with it was due I ? ? ' iterial sad , ...i! for oat my ? over tu ?be stock and repla? >y I ba\i- I stei ol lames McCreery ??nee STEPHEN YATES. -ral months that coat had been silently mis? ecaH" ? ' the defective article ? customer; il ??a- also farsighted, self ?protective merchant! i . -. arned to abhor I - - ? -"ein from I lreb." . iea.l iin?l I, ?boosts, a!! tl ? Ho irtmen? I i and my lurk t? attsfl - .-' ? is slipping ?? my chimi ? pped in to ask if it ?? as 'to - . . Kot a "hen i I t." 1 he exchange wai ma? ? ;inil tbu ?ner. reai ? ? tt : U.iam H. BOSCHEN. had f-ome sad experi? "narrowest New a whole neighborhood. A*- s matter of fact, llaas others le. The La M I Shop ?belongs, as Mr! Boschen ? ith th,* sheep, not the On receipt of his letter. The Tribu* ? .?ration "tried out" the store ?m a tesl r..-e. I; came through th ' tage of 100 for fair ? - entitled to the same credil as If .,? emporium, no more and no from Th?* Philade . Public Ledger, .lanu ... ? "THF. HONEST Cl ? AL the "MONEY BA< K" "VERITAS." Roti the heading of ?he rig practi? ed by "V. ? ?tas." 'I h ? can to principles editorially, for it carril pies ? in srtising a? w ill p to .-.-ii tu it- readers, through the i it it.-- paid print, "rottei whether in the form of medical quackery, fina I lise. If i.- clean. ng to tl '? full money? ?mit. \ ? ? Warn Yet I s m wh? I was? ? nd: I would ta) ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? This ia ;, continued si ipter two is Written l>y a lady In erning an experiei e ?r? ;? Chicago -tore. rent ? of wi ? ?? -?e? I'.,;' I enter? I ? ' ? ' ' ' . . have i , i ? ? ire of ?V - who but would procure M i1 -eqi,-.., ? ,n ?*"?"K m v,ew of the fact that 1 - "b ist s nelesed circular g it to your attention E 1 !! The f??rm lett? ? "follow up" for the ben? third I i. he case and if 1 ' THE BECK SHOE COMP/ 1? case v ? ? , pl?n ?? ' ? .. . ?te?.' NEW BUILDING I AW "PLANNED Eatlaaate Board und Balldlag Mea I l*S*e Kill ? nn-iill.liilliikt Inspi, I inn?. Members af the Mi,nul of Ea? ?ate, IM i i.i .r re ,,? real estate inte i and other organi ations interested In building inspections conferred in the Mayor's office jreaterda The| agreed on n bailding Inspection t>ill ta be In iiiniiu'l'd ?n the i ? at tb i i he bill woald eliminate the stat. Laboi Department from building in spections within Ihe eitj and transfer ?t- powers over upervision of construe to the Building Superintenden? i and enforcing safet- requireme Kir? Depai tmenl \ board al ? ? pow? Industi ial < omra on, also pro i. tmenl Hou ?? Departra? not affecte d b) I I '"? plan i . i ,l be required to file onl) one department, tin ??,-s Departme nt, and onlj one d? ? n l,nil,Iiiik dm AVON BARD GRILLED BY ROUND TABLERS "Well, Who Wrote rhem?M Hiej Ask, After Hearing Shake speare It.mou ?.ct. i Lenox A , i ;,, I lir- Ib.?'. repotat mercilessly from memory of William Shake peaia. As if that wore not cniiijcli for one even itiir, it wa? announ,', I I at 1' sneis i.illy the ?iHrk horse in any ikespei vroto the play? n ., M r. Des '?' i ? nformed ! dience thnt the man whom n credulous \ orld ii editing with **P and Juliet," ...... even write hi? own name, I i . g but . .. > ear or so in Lond? i bad ??. ' according lo I Racoi ? bus) nobleman, for he not onl) . \. 111 - lam Shakespeai e, bul lowe, m addition I o ? : ' ? he "I a? ...,,.i ? It' ai .lei he at Mi eaux said, bj ? ? the tl and poems . 1.1 nee ' ? nighc iti I .' Lon . POLYMURIF.L DOOMED, MONTCLALR HEARS Teachers College Professor Sa>s All Da}' Dress is I allure. Hont lair, I ( Pel ? : ugly 01 I . ites, ? feminine dl*e llllce bridge ? ? i iioi,i. and riijrht, . lufa o ' Uppei 1 ... ? "The I ?? ?-. elonn '1 he ??'* of dre - Fal? arose froi according '?? I ? i owi individual The i ind I ? - hould be ceording to l n be ? i ,i woman mus? be i adapt . ? ulual ? Plays and Players of the Film World Che first i pictui ndust b? held Square Garden Ma !?'?. undei of .1. M, ? and if. ? IS v. ill be ? ell the mo' ? tribut I nd. . ? il ' ' inhi resent ? ? ' . I il ? ? ' Delega! ? ? - -? ? l. ? I er refue ? ' ' ? ? ? . ? . . Reid was tl ? on ?? the launch through . ?? ?ni -i ? of II. ntzau" .? Queen Fis Henry A King B .lice Bra 1 ,,' n . ?? pieture n the ' | Iole V '?' I SAYS QUACKS KILL 200.000EACHYEAR Dr. Leiser, of Health De? partment, Blames Ads That Boom Cures. EDUCATION ONLY CAN STOP EVIL, HE SAYS Praises Irihune's I i^-lit 01 Pal onl Medicines I ederal Act Is Called (?ood. but Inadequate. "There ii ne? ? peten? mediel i the market worth tha aeerdef te blew r to kingdom eome," was the opening sentence In n lecture on qoaeh ne triiin? bejp Pi n. M. Leiaer, of th? Health Di pai Iment'i Burean af Public '. omen's i ' ?? ? ontinued Dr. 1 i,, ,,,,. ? . i , ? i aere ., of worthli - "We are all indebted to Samuel Hop .dami for hie work, li I bj education, education muI mera educa? lion that we i-iin he ml af patent I : cines, '?The Federal pure f.iod and drug BC? ? does good, bu? it I Inadeeuate. it doe ? no? preven? fraudulent aevei nor the use ol po 01 It anh re ? thiit thi'\ be named on th?- label ? ., t., thi gem ral "Orangelne, Bromo-Seltaer nid oth nilid, which depres s ? | ? hear? i ' forming. I hundred ,1'm-i, certificates is caused bj i ..,-. tan i I .1 po toning t rom such !,? ad ?? ?? Head? ache Cure, whosi claim be 'Speedy, < ertain and lie?. "Then eome consumption i ire Here ekes as Hill's < .onsumn Cur? I literal -, made orse doctoi : Duffy's ?I i I '?'? hich is i otten ?? hiehej sa i IS*S i. anil our old 1 ? ? for Cougl "\\ an er*B Sat I? ohol, : ? ' ' iiii'ol'..,. I ? .? po lible foi B re, al ?..- more I . ? : sham, , ompound, V'ii .,1 and ? that wondei ful nerve tonic, A rep . e m. 11e t? I . ? tog the only one I ioned whirl, voiii . more nor I? KINGS, SEEK PEACE! VERNON HAS SAILED Not a I var in (.astle's lye as He I eaves His Beloved Broad bVay for the I rout ? ran t eft the be e of B \ Ventor ?ay to Joint the 1 If the I ii worrying ?.. rniHti shell trai celebrated Castle Wall i gn of ii man) trui Whin it WS ' it 1 ' . : ' ? ? ? S ? ? ? e? ? ? ?. i rid ! . ' Mi ? ? . | . . . ? out We it, I ever, at < .,'. **oodby, and .??,1 an? . a ict ' ? Mrs. Castle, i te irture, ? . I ? ? could worry I hi. separat? int task "IBENE CASI ! S-Illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllliu Cavanagh S ! Restaurant ! I 258-260 WEST 23rd ST. FAMOUS FOR Sea Food .Specialties Delicious Steaks and Chops = All the Season's Delicacies = iE Courtesir? to Ladies Unattended = H Newly Knlarged Banquet Rooms I = Music Litahlialird 40 Years 5 ?fdlllllllllllllllllllltlllllllllllllllllllltlllllllllllllllllllllllllllrl CucfouVs 14th Street, near Fourth Avenu win: says on.i. wom PRIA HI iMboI I h *".? Craell Priai 11* il.i? 11, ? pai stion ? ? ??? Pi \ ? t rocke i I... .. ... ., '. h .1 the ?-?"ill , i.,mi of 'h- pi In? ' s ? paral ? ? ,ii come to trial to d ?) In the I , ,, me ? our? I partiel to t mit, m* luding Miss . roBi ? Gourai t? ter .boa-iii' i <?' '''i" prlBi i ii . ..m ? \ ? ?, ?day read i to pn.I r allegi ? niel trei ? the in?,' ? ? who ii 1 .r fan il'i.inn. I'm ? I , |. He alleges thai .* i of I f? ? ? titled hu in ? DOC LYMAN'S AID LANDS IN CEL Surety Co. Withdraws I linnet Bond Swindler's Wife Didn't Know Mis Business. int I ? ' I ? ? ? i. i I I ? ? ? ? ? .1 II. l'.i i..m. !:r'n under which L 1 man i it inv, to latest < * " ' ooo - Shi I nf h? u had ? " ?!" Iim-.I under ma ? ??i. bul . ? .!? ? ? ni Ellen ' ...;..I "? oi ', ? "I i-ir in i ii.I my b?l -, replied A ible lined ? ? ?? l . ? Sli ? trunV ' ? ?vho ? ? I FIREBUG FOILED AGAIN .??i ihini \ti?*inin >4-t? | i; ?h?. Car? . ? - on I Ire in l .llllilll? I carpet ' ? - RAILROADS FIGHT FOR WATER LINES Lehigtl, Long Island and Vermont Plead Panama Act Exemption. A.SSI.PT AT HEARING SHIPS HELP SERVICE Coal Ro..d Obtains ?Temporary Injunction Against ?Com* merco Commission. Three ? ?*..!???h?!? we,e act day in campaigns by ??birb thej ? '. in. ? 11 ,.-: ? rates teamshipi llt|ii,-r ' I ?? fir?.*. I -a : ??, t *. < nf ?be P ? ? Html .?.??! The lachigh Valley Hi? . ? . ? . . ... ? ? *on C. I-I* I | -i ? I other i ? ? 11 ..?i* r? mots ["""' "' tl ' coun? i try to ? thst the bulb of rail freight pro by I perating A heaii'iR- will be held or, Marrli 17 ??i determine whether the temporary injuncfioii allowed ?he I.ehigh ??ill be ? ? mpanj '- of ? - ; i.p OUI .? nt ex pen I 120,000 ... ?! 125,000 " the lal ? on. rhe coi ? ? ? ? . hip busias ? ror? ite Coi ? I ong I?laiul ? ? -t *?i con ntrel . n.e. II. I. I' thi. M? Increasing i l ths fre . t go l ' and i ? hand? n imported w iter 'PEANUTS'' ROBINSON HELD accused ??! Smuggling Opiam from England. ' ? '? i the Urduna, aftei being deported by ? ? iln a? ? When ;u raigned before I immis .?.l all . n ade . L?-3!f the AltracHonr of ^ TW* m f s m Lafi-a?Wl ^'fAr*ieric?5?i.eadiri**,l?.erlaui-anr "% \ '? \ *****/ ' <?'/?'?'' ? r ?S.?, 49T"JT. BROAPWAY 7 m AVE. T ?i H ? ? ? ??, ? - ,, ,)*l? Mt, V? I,? ?4*. , . '?'/.?',. s . i" -...?\,1 SYMPHONY ?? .? . * 4- t ? .if N - ? UtL HUM?. It \ Ml.ti-t II I .ii.'.i, *?r I IK' I .. ?I ? t l*M I It I \ t I' i r i r i i i il .1 i I . - iiiu.i.a .ri., M . ?, I, I ii?,... leri ??kam i with <?ii. ii? -.i r. \ PAOEREWSKI ? ' * ., i ? .'.- m. .h - ? *a, i. raarj IS R !? ?P '^ 3 ??%i ? - ? ? ? i ? i ? ? ' I li;- I I- is I \ll"i ?KAM l UNA SAVnUEB! LUCIER MUKATORE N ..I : I .'" ? Bui? kglmes Sun. Eve., 8:3(1, & Mon. Mat. at 3. BC1H CANDLER its *.*i \ i \, ii If pop, PRICI - EXPOSITION 50-75-I.OO-I.50 REGINALD SWEET , i ru M..II - . . ??- in K ? ?H *?K '??"?? "'" VIOLIN RECITAL -^-'?B'OURSTIN fGABR?LUW?TSCH ??HIS? I Sa lMf?lHI M"S ?F[ fi.| .a ?T I SONCaK.,?,I RE*MERS -in. i.ii ?inii.-iii ratea thl* >??? k <.,.i? , ? . ?. .i*l NOW OPEN ,\fed il Winning Exhibit snd I ratures from the JO. /ON I. San I rancist'o I. s pos it ion G?LAND CENTRAL PALACE Admission.50 ( ents ?i x : ,. >? mpliouj ??.., lei ? M | AH I 111? I JOIN I ll'l'l 111 ?si | LIRA CAVALiERI LUCIEN MUBATGRE C.i,-n.?l, Hall II 1 '_ G i .-: i - i K \ s-K? , <>\m < i i*i? \, .1 - un ?II. '* " i* il < ir*.. (I* II ill. JULIA GULP BEETHOVEN WAGNER LISZT i\ JRAVcLTALr-s ?_ ?=? SUNDAY v.'? rARNEl.K MAIL .,?'1.' I ''"? 11 oUU 1 M } \??.?l MIN V ?l.r. . AMERICA ??;?,?;,\1v : ?? COURSE TICKETS a:\>,;? NOW II..11 I n. ?ft I rb IK al I. SPIERINC IH'II? Ii I * II ?I T? .,. ?..-.. OSCAR SEAGLE HART SCHAFFNER & MARX SUITS AND OVERCOATS GO AT ROCK BOTTOM PRICES Final Clearance Figures Announced by Wallach Bros. Breaking Every Previous Record for Big Values Prices Truly Remarkable in Viewof Presen? Scarcity of Dyestuffs and Woolens for Next Winter. ReductionsoflO to40 . Hi re is a news item of the great? si ?mporla\istt|( every man "I"' i-rarits to save money on hisd ? Wallach Bros, ire holding a Final Clcanmrj g ,,f their fin?' Winter Suits and Overcoats, !? |,;iv, in ?n lirotitfhl iiiil'1 dov n f'> rock bottaotn wonderful assortmenl of Harl Schaffner ?? 31 ( 'lothiiig now mark? <\ a SI5 $19.50 S25 BUi i,.,u for this year and next. Voull m tint! fi..tins like this Jtf anywihere near the* tikrures THEN \y()?some of the World's Finest Overcoats (including the fi i Brooke Ellglish M S32.5? Wallach Bros, Broad? ij. I***!?"*** Cbai ,...,\. ( ,-r 29th ?JH, '.'Is u, |( i.-ith. ' i ,-..., MU IIHIK? M \I>IN?. Mil "TIKI.? *?"*" ?l<?l-?l.?_^ EMPIRE . ira? NEW AMSTERDAM / ? a MAT WA-.- S.,TG". ? P '???i Maude Adams ?M. klsie ferguson LyrE(j:v, ., MARGARET SCHILLil ETHEL BARRYMORL W?M"-W-LJmM -OUR MRS MrCHESSiY i LIBERTY l JULIA DONALD '^VL^N J SAN(Un?0N BRIAN _rA*TH0f*N e v ?3 ? "? D GAIETY x i MRS. HSKE 1 5 ?i . Dalit ? - tram >mh I v *; p V abane ?? ? P.-aSiyhrul? Uta I ,*-Ln. > Irvtviliili ?Mi ' ?"??'?COHAN'S -V!-*1 OTIS SKIMMER Cock o' Ihe Walk" FULTON .A REAL OVER-NIGHT HIT!! mm^^^^? , jTlE MELODY of YOUTH I??EN HAME1.| l is ??'*" ' ?PtAPt s seen*' | r ' '-' '?*???? "' " v I, - ?n? LAUCHTCR.-YOl WILLEN- HUDSON , . JOY EVFRY MOMENT Of IT Erstwhile Susjj CRITERION MAlINf ES ?I?AT ?El* TUB l"' a ..IS PLI't: 1*1 PATH,-, ASO Bf.?." -?' VIOLA aa ja?(|, ASTOR .III The Cinderella Man A * a ? . ,_l^J pAWl\.Ei. JLONCACRE ? ?raQ^KCH^ ' pirfa-i*?U-l-!?H!tAjiMU H MRIS K^ : mf^r5?jinion-vj DtLAJiLU i -i - , Lit ?E mmm mmtm IXTRA MATIN, | NCX1 ? SOAY ELTINGE ' ?':.' GLOB h ? . ? I'/.IIJ.IillL' GABY DF.SL?S ir.llrJ-JililrJilM I MATINI E DAILY. RI ! SEATS U HU HIP HOORAY I ^,11 - V II ?Mf-|t | II ?| ! I - . SKA I !,SC, CONTESTS SUNDAY SOUSA ? ?-- ? ? : Af j .ira? . V 11 "*,?,.??? (HIMSELF) im.t XINIA UACLEZOVA . CMBIA ?? NtW I- ? VORKI MS PLAYHOUSE ? ? t, ? GRACE GEORGE THE EARTH ! ' ' MAJOR BARBARA 4?! H ST. JUST A WOMAN THE FEAR MARKET MAXINE ELLIOTT'S KObtRl H1LLI?RD SHILifH?! ? ALONE AT LAST m -f*\\ * _gEaaaaBaBi I,?, UNCH ASTEN CO WOMAN PRINCES!* VERY GOOD EDDIE ra- S I ?IT.. ST I a? I? ? ?I a - CUMEDY. Il- ? . ? LYKiL BHifla. POTASH &PERLM?TTE? Hv*_M?Mi!*?li? "?N OLD KENTUCKY METROPOLITAS": To-Olal- - ? ? Ma IIS ? 8-4-1, G*?***-, it , - ? ? ?,??* ?? ,..???? Ihm aaanaifd ? * PARSlFiJ ?j Thiir?. o?attarl*<?????? f-**^ rtiun. .4 ? ? ' ? . ? PARK THEATRE DEFENSE:^TRlBUTF S I TO C?RT L ?ANY HOUSE tLowiiAnnfi' STANDARD I ,? rasi-L ? ? HEATRE FRANC-US YVONNE 6ARRICK PALACE GARDEN _M WEAVE? Bi-Yiaj.^-i^-li-S., ClaJ " ? ' Loew's Am-rican Root s ? * Funcii&J?i? - '- ? maSjm ^^TREASURt^: IRVING PL THEATRE ???? "U" *'U 'a .La- *?_?? Strand* a ,: .-?I C?^?^Ti4 ,, It, l?""? ***?^ _??*? ,,-**