Newspaper Page Text
. mm m m wies ffiisThwiBn E9ypt?Aii DEITIES The Utmost in Cigarettes Turn end or Cork tip lippU Of (itiiutr, tifi*ttnui:f ti/u/ | ??i cctuLcitici ?tsosrs'aoiy pr?ter t)?it?j to a*tu ornar ucaVft? L \*y\ ?j; i ;"???> c.?'?"*-?'',." ??> t.'? lioWai. _)|t| ?._-'?. |TB'fflTB3f_B?| he ?ame c?as? I i*..*: . : the c as passei i 7 he State D? re ful I ? *?ar by Great Bi s foi It was n?lm:1 tod that tl rharging t ? ' he aasui s waea I *> Bri? -h - - I -ubro*- n? i. Th? ? -? t to ? ercni ? ? He -\inrd to l : -nient WOUlf . ? ' a nier ? ' ? t?te P. . ' ? ? was sufaTBvstt'd that if a merchant ship ? -ubmar.i:?'. flee?, is bombardeo ' ""led in defending ? elf. In German quarter? the ell ..'?on is ? pt for ??hat la regai g i t o be ? ? ? that he was In accord ??*ith her -, the (rreatest uncoru ? ? "nan? 1 nconcirncd mi Outcome. "Why should ' worry?" a ? I'nit. to conclude 'he contri '. ? ? nfproachcs. Gel surely not ' ? I ' ? ? ? the "0: ? - : i harry few week?'' Somel the i ' Adml lie, OB the other . ii o on Germe ? nt to we t, ????. until the I.usitania ra?e ? hnH d? ' i m? S I ? jp the have ? itside t law anil the ground would j >:iy, u set the ? ? erce Thinks German-America! Breach Would Spell Rui 1 . 'a ' ? ? , ? I '?- it'latioi ' ?vho 1? believe-. | ' i a? f tl Allie?. We s> '?. t.?ik .- . . . liai i' ' ' ? ' ? ' .? . !. Sh. 11 fs ? r. Sh? will taki away s \ .. and Australia, and it ??ill tak. ? ? vthing lik, ,.r.' ACQUITTED OF MURDER. HE KILLS OLD RECLUSE Slayer Keats Victim's Nephew and Cuts Own Throat. . lawood, N'. J.. I eb. 17. a ho was ace of an BK'-d woman a! l , ? . | ', r ? roseeutor who will face him. beat s and i t when he ?? as ? of farmei -. rm of John . 'i wa?, not forthci ? rush? toi - -kull. ot a Bepnew, Juhn Boston, jr., und mads s i r man re? ? tain beat ? vcrcly ? ? bal ly will ton attracted ? tain e He tli ii throui h the ft, Ids, but the i. ? roat. Ai ? Hospital I e ??<! ? CALLS ALLEGHENIES FIRST DEFENCE LIN Kaasai Representative Sees ! Need fur Preparedness. I I 1MB Hi" Trllaiii. Hur?.u | W ton, Feb. 17, <>n.. of I irprielng questions heard ?I \alloua Naval Committee he ? .t g to d ??, bj Re pre ei ti? ?? John i. ' ? .. o Democi trom Km, ia, who m I: pi ? member of the a loi it) partj During the testimony ? Imiral Albert V l Irant, tonn I) iuti 11 upted ? Ith: ' i -? t,,tpedo destroyer ?i boat tl pedo? It ni?,, came to light te da] that Re reaental re i onnell) had Jiads a wi t ,i atatement tha? additional defene were v bee ,,'i le "the p?'"i living on the Atlantic Coaat could i : ire be hind the lile ghenie . and the lie ing on the Pa? It i eould retire i hmd the Rockies." RHYME, COUNT OR SLEEP TODA1 Police 1 leutenants Ready to Tc Wits of ah Comen by Psychopathic Twist?.. New forkei re i rhymsters, who ? I in? backwai ? . t to train will l"' safi r if t tucked in beda ? en up the j , r 552 police : itrolmen ti,i-? mon rj ? ' payes ? . art They are arms that *.\ i? 1 prov the average man u hope! | grade morons if given half an oppoi to try them on a nts ii the r?tie?t. If 1 - ,,:" abnoi II be mad? . i, out which in r?alit?- hold th? hidden secret to their mental statua. '] he eyed v.,,him-. into a station und annovr burglar ia i-i he ' usa pi '? I be gri" ted bj tl lieutenant and aakedi "What n the ditTerenco bit\.n a By bi.,| a but "What ought on? do when on? ? train?" is s question that -.??II l,e aaked of any nan su ? ' being In an ixcited state of mind. The man tnu?tt not answer, "llanc oiit in the corner saloon and be l : *? i ? ; > until the next one cornea,** if he lental teat Dr. Louii E. Biaeh, official p?; " ti,,. Police Depai - me ", hs the it were the ha of th? polio." I.. u ? ? nn concern?- ,- one' ntal poa - II. haa recon n a? ? ot but all ? ? force make uae of th? in the .????? ? ? tr..- form ?It ' ' ordinary hospital and laboratory Rhyming ?<uch words ' "mill*" and "spring," by what they do rather ? : ? ? . 1 glane are among I tha? will lie i red at. ? ? ? ? a policeman to day had tl drop m a week ?a .11 invariably be com? I i o count backwai I to 1 3 ROOT PLEDGES DISTURB LEADERS Barnes's Hand .Seen In Snap Announcement In? volving 3 of lii? Four. WHITMAN REMAINS F IRAI FOR ?HUGHES I \ Senator's Candidacy a I'roh lem Tanner Will Oo Un? hampered, Me Declares. T!,.* lineerity of a plrdj;e of three i out of fonr delegatoB-al larga, deslg? ? ..?? ! by tlie Republican State (Jobvob? ,'..r "tool as .? i' i candidate, eras ejaestione : terday by local and natioBal R? pub? lican li lei i be repoitf'i staad of the three members of the "Hig Pour." overnor Whitman, in ioned from the staadpolat nf any to Mr, ROO? | t art .?-?illy all ' lard" Rep il int him but qui ' m the point of ? icw ?i ? to 1 i avail bill! a eandi ? runn Some of the leaders, who ?ue mure or '. im roller methods of the organisation, ??? posed to ?>*e in the map announcement of a majority pledged delegal large, the adroit hand of William Barnea, folloiHag up his success at the convention with aa impromptu tiofl of bis troublesome adver Colonel Hoosevelt, and a quick jab i<t Goveinor Whitman. The ed over the lonft-rence of SenatorWadswoTth, State Chairman er, m whl? decided to ' come out or El ihu Root. .. Governor man yesterday, from Albany, that while r nith the n re gard to :. " ? " tor u .-"resides ? ial i?.. ? v had leoju. I : by letter, bu' * no ron?on why he should wlthdfaw I ? a owed pr?f? of Supreme ?'?mrt .' Hufrhet. apparei t least oae of the "Big Four" tu assert h ? 1 . rinrtti Ta*" r. : ? n the of ."-'eniitor Wadswor? ? I am eon ? ? ? . . the Chicago convention un| li national leadei I not I ? . i'i' . ? ? ? ild not hi ? i to take 1 nt for 1 ? it. Barnes Fighting to End. Mr. Bai ' id the circle up the SHONTS LAUGHS IMMUNITY AWAY ? onttmed from paie 1 . -he qualiileatl .1 He said I ? ? r award. "I underf.and that It ?n. ???'ho..*. r solicits? ??!? ? as," repli. ! Mr : hoati "I ores ? meeting room. The reasofl givea ???? ?4 mattet very personal to me whs lag up. That ??a? June .", \ 1. a min?tes after i left ths 100m I ??h-, called bink , tors I*ud ?i- ? "Wa?n't that bon ?'I ????.? ? -..-!". ? bought af g . much as S2">0,000.N BCk for 1126,1 "I .- . ... ? kerage i?. ' . n partial ? "lud -,. -i 1 sve '? * ? count concern 7" "I am not a ?peculator in I ha-, i- .'.. u.; *? (???posited (heck *??i?h Hroker?. Tas teal ??a? thai ll ?I'll to iaai ??? 111 h i" wa? in not until Mr. Bhonts ? ? ?he smeun? ren for it ni sachant hi? bl Mr. Bl ' and siaistei ited. Why ?a? n treasurer's ehe. chsnir.-il for the Interborougl Mr. Colby ' If it en Mr. Shont?. I really ? t'? check I 19 ." v ?. ... . wl v -he rheck ceiv. ? :'>h a ? ? ' .'uickly "Wh* didn't * :t in your 'I ii Yorl The ' ? I dont kno?? It'l The brokers on J ? <?( $11 1,000. An ? ? ? '.- con ..-.- by looking n1 ' ? ? ? Dida'1 km.? ? it? Wa?. t.. Pay. ' k was r? i , ... I - Mr. bhonts -??id he did t.ot kr. the time he received th? check that i-ompun: unt, which ? r by the ?"Wasn't it ?-aid at ? ' ? "I d-.' ird R. Ko ?nth, won t the i . ipany. 11? ? atand on h lential i Mr. Colby broug ? , Roge ' ' ? went i n he took Mr Ro ? ? I va? leaving," *a:d ?*. .! '? Ought : that he ask? ? ? ?triplo I <i ... ? ad ar ? ' tioti." Pul I2S.SN in Hank. ? about th .-. an hat whfn he gi ened a bank i with the Farmers' Loan and Tru? \- ! tha Miles Dae ? ... ? id in ' ? it He ? - bei ; reason for tl ? ' Utiollr ' h tremendous -v. bj Mi "1 tl ?? I so !',, i that l ?i receive any of "I dig not!" exclaimed the aritneaa, ? hearty that the crowd ? Inti iced ? ? re Mr. Rog-i . ?<* the n allowed I ? . ? mralaaioa allowed gi to eonatruc at.y dlecuosioa with any r< rea of the city with ... isked Mr. Talked ? <tK "Wha.'a Hi* Name." ng to .. t? ? gl aase We had many dl ! until 1 and 2 and ?> orning." i your itatei i ? . ., the 'in". ' ' ? "That ia true Oui le eounsel were ? . ? !' rancis ? ? o aaked we pa? a ' ,. had as eed to supi I ? tel m be i : p ' wonld make I after all th-? weary ? ? tions." "What did Mirabeau I- Towns do for - ' in,, he received?" ??* don't i-? ow Bu? be did work (or it." "The voucher bear? your O. H it ia split in two Somi ord..' i ? -?? "Yas '? time. But I . foi gotten." "Do aleo < ? I" ?I 7...Of) Payment to (,rnut. Her, , payment for a HI up the paym? n? of .*i7 " I ird ?' Gro il Ah. Shonts explaine II sd hin? becau ? ? y o? nd wanted to know ? bliga ? 'i wanted t? ret throui : contract, and you h red ev. i be of u.?e to you?" "We h red men who could five us , informa?.on." l-e Ho for tl Is |17?600 '" "He told ns his ?mpii ? ? ! this to*1" ? a .]-" ? mes." ? eetedly Mr. Did Mira ' "Ve ? ? witnesa. "Tel! ;. -'.i went ?" "1 t; ? ! could catch the May i : ?.cum ! r.implcd lira?? wilh (.aynor. "Tell ua all al I I " 'A . ; ??. hen ??, c- ?' then Ma] or eattle. I? I] nl, I trunk. 1 I I tl tti Mayoi on hi ? laa n for three or f,.'ir ? ralking : do?n. He never in\;Vri me into v ? roa paid Towns $;,.,, "Ye? ' ' a ? ,, ? that Towns is a per? sonal friend of Mayor Gaynor?" ? he bn ?,? w .th him. I don't if it was before or a -er ti .. tri] to Si Jame ? ' ??Why ,. -i -ron -..a, Mi i > ? . you '.'" "I wanted him to ?how me the I 11, i never been t., 81 .1?,. ? ? ? ,. . i ? . ? , what did Mr. low::? do for ?? ?.. n't remembe r. I will look it up and tell v" i didn* *. James with m? Bat?] .ou ; Ispokl ?; -..'?' m _ j ' When y? ? "I told tl . had i c ? ? . ; thai ' ' . ? ? ? of iub ? i time ble in? form ? "I ? ? ng foi ; .... ? ? ? dy ar.d this ??'at ? ill inin i.i .ii.....'. .... in. '1 her, ich an ? g ?. ope n ? ? ? i I told ''iiiii if . down ' d open ir books." ".' ha1 d ! Mi l "He g while I walked t h t- i? i -. ? .ii. .'in! Books lur Mayor, Mr had pra Hs . ' ?. r'.'.r o u gh ? ? ? ? - t of 1 ? ? A memorai .It s ? ? A cupy of It '??'(' .'. ? h In this m? ? ? . . ? when the . ? rbtn bad i ? ? trump |g h in* ? ? .' built thl ? i ild ha? Here ?*!. .-. "Mr. led 1 4-f.ll t?*e tufinel urni.-r the I ? tunnel that wai a hule ? . [ i m'led lum also contain? ? " _ ? o ?? ? te twelve mill ens a year <m the ye. red in I lum: "I said t? thai - ; sloped B ?. oui : ? ? ?,???. Forgetting the 1 otiK'h . li? belp it ??oulu hiip the ell | Into them, I se ble, sgeinst tl ? i.linal i of 1 oosevelt, did not :'" ,. .1 ?.adera, who are more coa ? '?? ? ?""" ''',?? .,?.??? of tl,.. I', ? '?'? nyt re?a? It. a I.I.rmtnod "!"';' ,? '. ?,,,.r Um news af the coalition o te . ?Big i-ir" m Uoeeae ,,, . ,., ?t-ntd to sled Reeeevelt dala ... Hlignment of three of the "WS -.??,,.?? in Sew Vi.rk wi i credited In nuartera as ?? quick mov.i we ountera? the Maaaachuaetta am.ncement. i" r-,ct I ; ? nal equal . the ?oalty of Barnea toi H ??? avait, n the ??? heme. ?.;, the othei hand, the Immediate Root boom waa token aeriou ily to tse ? .t . countrj ,,??. u,,. found to be In favor of the . , Buid be the preference ,,f a great many of the leadera who ? oua to easier the ilgnal honor , .., M ?,?, 0f the bilges? and mo.l toteanaen the par | IIU,I produced. Nothing but eommenda t,on ejbr Mr. Root and hi pi nualiftcatlons for President was heard, ??u, hia availabil ty si d ?. R ' ..i, nationally was frankly tu,u, .t i ! ' ' I oral Republican leaders were more irpri "i at the ?,.-ted , .? ? ? three me mbers "f the n't. A prominent m? n bar el tne Republican County Committee -Hid: ??The three delegates at large hud no rich? to e ?me out for Senator Root or anvil,,,.? "'?"? i" ?u ' ;'? f?n: has bee n undei itood to ii the Nea '. <.ik Stau delegation Chicago uninatructed. It may re n the repudiation <-f the dele rlcl dele? gate w hitman Porcea Roatlve. eif ? ' ... ? ?'? .!???? ; ? ? ? The Barm putting all the d< I? gatea, botn - p. . i,, ir" and dlstrii : ' ? ?? .... ,r. advi expected that the Whitman fon i , hit back In tha pr i arias next \,,,;l. and attempt to bring J , s to the front ..-?bars of the Barnea erowd t-ald yastorday thai they I id r i? apprehen ion as to what the ian a apportera mlgh? <1" at thee primaries, The intimation was that un , . for dele-gateo ware fa . Drt|ble to B I thei eould no? expect much help I i Republican or* ganisal . , ... George W. Perkina, chairman of ? " ? ? tte . terdaj.tommenl on I ? onvention, and par ?;., alignment of the three !: ??It |i i.,,' my kettle oi nah, I am no a i;,,r ublican, It was " New York K? tion, with the usual n our recent . of prlnei* le i at Chicago. BELIEVE ROOT FOR ROOSEVELT e onliinii-il friini piiae I Icely that the ? ' . , . ur'" in getting behind Mr. R? ' ? ? Vork " ? aakt-ef. ? ' ? ? . ' part) ? ? her he will I opinion ? -??en. JYVCall Heads Bay Slate Ticke. Against Colonel nor Samuel W. M meed and Senatoi Hei ? ? .-or W. at April 25 foi the four t? ? Convention. fed, h? "We hav? rge to the Re? ? : v tha ? ? .., ? ? ?'.', any < I ten under ?o any p.ii? ,-v i a? been re leased a-iit < If th" !:? publicans of the C? i ilth see commission us to ra| them, we .'hull endeavor to the be I , - i ty to s? eonv? ? i at tha tin ? I ublican ron ti "We stand i it unpledged, ? ?,,,?, ? plan ' ? and in the belief that it would ? AEOLIAN HALL "AB ? ? ' "*-? unity nan L ittiti It is on the basis of greater business possibilities that so many leading con? cerns have taken of? fices in Aeolian Hall. The prestige the ad? dress carries, the in? creased efficiency due to pleasant working conditions, the con? venience and accessi? bility ? make Aeolian Hall a location of most auspicious commercial op? portunity, v ELLEN & JEFFERY Ateattf - At..-. ta H ? 7 r.'f, M 01 Sales Manager Wanted For man.ifn. turnia; and engi? neering organisation. Poiition offers substantial salary ?"*? ??" , eptional opportunity to man of suitable qualifications. Sales af sperienc?? with industrial prod ii. t i-nential. Man in thirties preferred. State details and salary desired. "Immediate, Box HO, Tribune office. POLICE END BOY'S ALGERIAN PLANS Mike Emulated Ragged Dick Until Irate Aunt Ap? pealed to Authorities. Ragged Dick loag ilaee rseascd pol-1 ighing ihoes, and when Mr. Alger last beard from bim ?va? in the ivay of Bg a m ilefactor of great wealth. il sred Tom's biography closed at ?ut ??-here he eeaaod being piel m ami began to be wealthy aad |e, and T'irk tt,?- M;.'? h Boy , left hi" ealllng and ii prob- . . Ii ading citisen II ? : te side ters. Far - and the L'hildrei ... ta Hora 1 and Oliver optician struggles. For t*o months, twelvo-yt Mike BTB9 a hungry bat .'-ays self supporting member of society. Mis? fortune h? .1 fallen baavtly upon hi? family. Hie father. Matteo, lay in * New Vorll ll'i'fjital, coughing his life sway. His sister, Nina, wa? at the Catholic Prote.-f.orv at O ran g,'burg, W. V. His mo1 an [tall in grave Among other ? laaters was thn t that Hike and the aunt to whom he isted " -'i his father Could not get along II father still held a t??ti room Ah' I East Forl Street, aad sal tl ere to live, presenting a ? s ii rtj face t?. the pmsp?*ct of ti'hting the city for a living. This wa< ths plan of campaign bs followed for1 ???..i moi ?' ? i,.-?.... the r ?lie? entere ' ' in the rT!'r . and a visit to his ?* ' t In the loon, and selling papers in the .? " cent? was Mike's living tweaty-four hours. Thirty opuleace und three meal? a day. . id of two. These he cooked on a ? In One room of h'S suite. e and the h gh eo it of liv? ing ci eessfully a? ? he boy. But wl rato au I. ? oendence, appeal Hik? eee iad to lu* a ind 1 ''came ed little I'.iiian. '? ? ? * Iren's Society building : ... his I usin?es i Chin m-, Fadden bccj i ? wasn'1 much to live on," ? hi- admitted. "But I rnatle out, all eras s stove, nr.'i <" i gft * I wood a ? ' i|iper ?m II ?!.:*ig, mostly bolofiey. Dei nils yer up best." - of the Children's ant when the lad wa.? - "It ' ?','' he said, "an appalling e? f affairs la evable that ild ? been 1 Charities with? out any lte| 1 een taken to ih him sril I ? leities ol . W thi De] ? ? ?.--, ? , ? yes t Mike's .-use ha 1 one.? been ? tigated. "He was unmanageble," m official ? ,|. "We i her the ? ? ? ? ? '? .. nei ded a stronger hand ' inn hers to cr.trol him." rhe ' bildren's Society, into whose , the boy wm committed by Judgj ? . i II tigal ig hie ease ?i for ?he future "I'd | eburg ??It' ter," he ventured sfa TIMM it.?? t tm $c (in. ?J_r jav? so? ?a, MC y,flh Avrnurl)-* *>j- ... ?.,., t-L ( ..iitinuf! tO tJoM oui- Io<J.iy ?iirl faMfiesa ?thtiatt ofl? inier CTpparei at absurdly loti prices $03 to $93 VELVET DRESSES AND DAM E I ?ROCKS U| $93 to $143 AFTERNOON AND KIX.T.I'TION (mss-W $130 to 1295 EVENING WRAPS $73. $93. $123. $143 11X1,1..-, iril rd UVrjr,, ?V J' ? ' ?c '?3?J $43 to $143 ?COATS-$25 to .$65 a new ri.M?" ? ? "?vtOTaW ? Pri?es und teleeti?tst nets redneed /<? minimum ?hut the feo remaining vaUset ore greoteti of the *eaton. txn f?.M.Ci?^?l-tTT & ?t* ?L?av ?Me '?--? fttM i^iflltJVt'rtutr,-??*** *6~ ?-?*'? sLSX*-y Jx\ ?"' ?-J ' <;?'".<! ?or QMuJ/icrrv % <7<r RYi\N DINNER FOR UNDERWOOD ? . ntlniif.l ironi page I the disru??ion will be only casual. I'-iderstanil that this BOCial arTair a onference.*1 rVhat :? the mala reason 'or the din? ner?" be wa Baked. ' S-Tiy, ?imply tin?. Mr. Ryan wa I aonii' ol hi- tuend- here to ni.-et bis ?'ri.rn Virgil) a .Mr. MeGlone refuaed to announe .,[' the Virginia frfenda ?-? ? can h "r with the host. He tl he wan not positive, that 1 Governor Ellison and Re i Klo nl were included In the irroap. Amonf- thoas ':? I old, presid? . : I '?? charle? R. Alexander, director Equitable Life Aaeuraaca Bo? Jame.? S. Alexander, president of the National Hank of Commer?a. James B li.'ki\ chairman of the tobacco i on pany. ? b C. Dula, president of the Lie gett A V ; any. Henry I lay Prick, director ? the S'a . 3te ? '? ' orporation. ban . lie m, president of the American Smelting and Ret nine ' paner, Alexander J. Himp.ull, chairman ? ?? tj Trust Compai Francis L. Hine, president of the First National Hank and viee-pre Piret Security Company City 'if New York. Fail ndstreet, preeident of the * "' n lidat? : Coa Compa ? chairman of the N, ? York Doeh ' puny. Percival B, Hill, president of the .v Con ?.jir.y. v. ill lam C Pot? president of t'a.? Guaranty Tras? Company. Daniel <>. Rei I, of the Reck Islai I party and director in numerous bank : it. railioad. iasaraaae ai 1 other eoj. '.'?nt of ?i B ?toe ! John D. Ryan, i ; las fss ?ir.y. '. at ef da ? i .-? B> leibor ' *np?r.y. \ .?:? retina P t "tat t; ??? Society aal iay, mm Sj ta sad t;. in Nat Prai ? ?n. Pranl ' Thei "? !*??:?*???. il. A ?supreme Court Jua -tor, Mo: I I - ? ? -- .???'-?' : ? r . . . The Finest Taste | and Greatest Strength j MURRAY HILL COFFEE ' ..i coffees 1 resh ? ? eJ 01 PIT IIP TO ORDER Flavor Tight Pikkife. Five Pouted?, $1.80 Delia-rid ? . ? Tori' Universal Tread The Outstanding Feature of This New Tire Is Its Extra Added Tread The extra added tread is a real advantage at all seasons, but of particular advantage in winter, when snow and slush and mud and hard ruts wear away ordinary tires so rapidly. In addition to its extra added tread and consequently remarkable durability, the new Michelin Universal is an exceptionally effective non-skid, affording the utmost pro? tection to the user. This is the new tire every one is talking about and tin price is reasonable for a high qualitii casing. FOR SALE BY ALL DEALERS MICHELIN TIRE COMPANY?B WAY AT 57TH ST. PHONE CIRCLE 441